Dredd (2012)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Dredd (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

DREDD: America is an irradiated wasteland.

Within it lies a city.

Outside the boundary walls a desert.

A cursed earth.

Inside the walls a cursed city,

stretching from Boston to Washington, D.C.

An unbroken concrete landscape.

800 million people

living in the ruin of the old world

and the mega structures of the new one.

Mega blocks. Mega highways.

Mega City One.

Convulsing. Choking.

Breaking under its own weight.

Citizens in fear of the street.

The g*n. The g*ng.

Only one thing fighting
for order in the chaos,

the men and women of the Hall of Justice.




MALE JUDGE: Responders needed
at a square at 1117.

Code 10-10.

FEMALE JUDGE: Leisure complex.

sh*ts fired.

MALE JUDGE: Out of vehicle, in pursuit.

Request aerial surveillance.

CONTROL: I have a control drone

flagging three perps.

Responders needed
in Sub-Sector 20, Flyover 5.

We have a positive ID on three suspects

wanted on multiple counts.

Any Judges, please respond.

Dredd to Control.
In pursuit of vehicle, Sector 13.

Driving erratic.

Suspects are under the
influence of narcotics.

(DISTORTED VOICE) Got a Judge on our tail.


I said, we got a Judge on our tail!

Take him out or we're dead f*cking meat!



Do you require backup?


(YELLS) Fucker!



I can't get him! Straighten the f*ck out!

CONTROL: Be advised.

We have lost visual.

ZWIRNER: f*ck, he's right on us!

Oh, man, we're dead. We're f*cking dead!

Control. Perps just wiped out an innocent.

I'm taking them down.


DREDD: Bike. Activate crowd control.

Citizens, be calm.

Step back from the crime scene.

Interference carries
an a*t*matic five-year sentence

in the iso-cubes.


ZWIRNER: Hey, f*cking get out of here!




(g*n FIRING)

(g*nf*re CONTINUES)

Control. Paramedics to my GPS.

Multiple wounded and bodies for Resyk.

CONTROL: Copy, Dredd.

All shoppers are reminded

to avoid the level 1 food courts
until further notice.

Alternative refreshments can be found...

ZWIRNER: - Shut the f*ck up.

- Let's talk.
- Talk about what, Judge?

Release the hostage unharmed,

and I guarantee you a sentence of life

in an iso-cube without parole.

Life without parole?

That's the deal you're offering?

Only if you comply.

Your crimes include multiple homicide

and the attempted m*rder of a judge.

If you do not comply,
the sentence is death.

You aren't a very good negotiator, Judge.

You know why?
You got no f*cking leverage!

- Here's the deal.

You let me walk or I blow
her f*cking brains out. Okay?

Negotiation's over.

What are you doing?

Didn't you hear what I said?
I'll k*ll the bitch!

Yeah, I heard you, hotshot.


I said "hotshot."


CONTROL: Control to Dredd. Come in.

- Is your pursuit resolved?
- Affirmative.

Report back to the Hall of Justice.

The Chief Judge wants to see you.

Thank you, Judge.

The level 1 food court

will reopen in 30 minutes.
Thank you for your patience.

CHIEF JUDGE: Cassandra Anderson.

Born in a block 100 meters
from the radiation boundary wall.

At age seven, she lost both parents

to residual-fallout cancer.

As is usual with orphans,

she was given a Judge aptitude test
at age nine.

It classified her as unsuitable,

but she was entered into the Academy

on special instruction.

In the Academy, her record was never
better than borderline.

Her final Academy score

put her three percentile
points below a pass.

So what's she doing in a uniform?

- Rookie Anderson.
- Sir.

How many people are observing you?


What can you tell me
about the person I'm with?

Male. Another Judge.

I can feel anger. And control. But

there's something else.

Something behind the control. Something

- Okay, Anderson.

That Will do.

She's a mutant.

The Judges Council have chosen
to overlook her status.

So you will, too.

She's the most powerful psychic

we've ever come across by a huge margin.

The Judges are losing the w*r for the city.

We believe she could be a major asset.

As I said, her final score
was only three points below a pass.

It's marginal.

It's not marginal. She failed.

The girl's getting one more chance.

I want you to take her out,
give her one day in the field.


See if she makes the grade.

Sink or swim. Chuck her in the deep end.

It's all the deep end.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Personnel are required

to carry identification at all times.

DREDD: A rookie judge on assessment

is likely to be involved in armed combat.

One in five don't survive the first day.

You may be required to carry out

on-the-spot executions of convicted felons.

Yes, sir.

Incorrect sentencing is an a*t*matic fail.

Disobeying a direct order
from your assessment officer

is an a*t*matic fail.

Losing your primary w*apon or having it
taken from you is an a*t*matic fail.

Yes, sir.

Are you ready, rookie?

I am.

Mandatory vehicle checks...

Your assessment starts now.


We got trouble.

They were selling Sternhammer product
on my level.

I warned them off with a beating
a couple of weeks ago.

Guess it didn't work.

You can't deal with it yourself?

I can deal with it.

The question is whether you
wanna make an example of them.

Skin them. Toss them over the balcony.

Hit them with a little slo-mo first?


- Eat this, fucker!

Hold him down!

Please. Oh, please.


CONTROL: Responders in
the vicinity of Peach Trees.

We have a report of a triple homicide.

The paramedic is on site
and is cordoning off the area.



DREDD: 12 serious crimes
reported every minute.

17,000 per day.

We can respond to around 6%.

Which 6%?

Your show, rookie.
You tell me.

ANDERSON: Peach Trees.
Multiple homicide.

Dredd to Control.
We'll take Peach Trees.

CONTROL: Copy that.




GIRL: Hey, Joey,
show us what you've got.

DREDD: Okay, rookie.

What do you know
about Peach Trees?

ANDERSON: Sir. Peach Trees houses
75,000 registered citizens.

It has the highest
crime rate in Sector 13.

Unemployment rate of 96%.

And more than half the
residential levels here

are classed as slums.



Vagrancy, three weeks, iso-cubes.

But prioritize murders?

Correct. Don't be here when we get back.

Yes. Thanks, Judge.

Please remain behind the security tape.

So why do you wanna be a judge?

Sir. I want to protect and serve the city.

To make a difference.

Make a difference to a block like this?

MAN: It's yours if you want it.

I was born and raised in a block like this

before the Justice Department took me.

I know there are good people inside,

good families just trying to get by.

Yes, I believe I can make a difference.


The mall will be closing today at 10:00.

Plenty of time
to make your purchases.

DREDD: What have you got?

TJ: Three stiffs
in a somewhat f*cked-up condition.

WOMAN: Oh, did you get a picture of that?

You based in Peach Trees?

Med Center, level 25.

- You ID'd them?
- Mostly.

These two are registered to this block.

And him?

I'll have to run his blood
through a DNA profiler.

If I can figure out which blood is his.


What do you make of this, rookie?

I don't know, sir.

It's a cold-burn from a slo-mo inhaler.


Only just hit the grid,
but it's making big waves.

Makes the brain feel as if

time is passing at 1% its normal speed.

Guess it felt like a long way down.

CONTROL: Positive on your IDs.

All showing convictions for
possession of narcotics.

Transmitting data now.

Small-time perps. Junkies.
No known g*ng affiliation.

What's your analysis?

ANDERSON: Drugged. Skinned.
Displayed in public.

I think it's a punishment k*lling.

Someone's trying to send a message.

Yeah. Don't f*ck with the Ma-Ma Clan.

Ma-Ma Clan?

TJ: We have her
on record from her whoring days.

The picture's pretty old

but that's her.
Madeline Madrigal, aka Ma-Ma.

Ex-hooker from the S-9 pleasure district.

Quit working when she got
sliced up by her pimp.

She got her own back.

Block legend says
she feminized the guy with her teeth.

Took over his business interests
and never looked back.

Anyone else, you'd say
it was bullshit, right?

Not with Ma-Ma.
Her trademark is v*olence.


Not so long ago
there were three main gangs

hustling for control of Peach Trees.

The Peyote Kings,
the Red Dragons, the Judged.

Then Ma-Ma arrived.

(g*n FIRES)

MAN 1: What the f*ck?

MAN 2: Let's go!

TJ: Took over the top floor of the block

and started working her way down.

Nine months later,
she had control of everything.

Levels 1 to 200

are hers.

How did she get away with it?

You know how often we get
a judge up in Peach Trees?

Well, you got one now.

The victims are registered
to apartments on level 39.

Likely k*lled over a turf issue,

so perps will be in the vicinity.


Find out where the Clan
operate on this level, and hit it hard.

DREDD: That would be here.





Take it this is
your first time in non-sim combat.

Yes, sir.

Been wondering when you'd remember

you left your helmet behind.

Sir, a helmet can interfere
with my psychic abilities.

Think a b*llet might
interfere with them more.


Are you ready?

Yes, sir.

You don't look ready.

Just adrenaline, sir.



DREDD: Rookie.

Anderson. Judgment.

Crime, possession and use
of controlled substances.

Sentence: two years iso-cubes.

No, don't tell me. Tell Control.

Anderson to Control.


Requesting meat wagon to
Peach Trees, level 39.

We have

four bodies for Resyk
and eight live for the iso-cubes.

Copy that. Meat wagon inbound.

All right. Let's get them cuffed.

Move. Up.


Sir, this one's a g*ng member. He...

Sir, it's him.

Him who?

The man who m*rder*d
the people in the atrium.

You're sure?


Can't execute a perp on 99%.

Save me a lot of paperwork
if you just confess right now.

We'll take him in.

See how he holds up
after a few hours of interrogation.


Oh, shit.

Judges. No, no, no...

Uh, Caleb?
There's a problem on level 39.

CALEB: Judges hit the distribution point
and shot the place up.

Took out a few of the boys.

So what? We're overdue a bust.

It's just the judges showing their faces,

reminding the citizens they exist.

No, Ma. They picked up Kay.


They're taking him in right now.


If Kay talks...

If they're taking him in, he'll talk.

What are we gonna do?

(g*n sh*ts)

CALEB: That one's still breathing.

Control room is secure.

Router's in. You're good to go.

OPERATOR: Sector Control.

Sector Control. This is
Peach Tree's control.

I just wanna check you were notified about

the def-con systems test today.

Copy that.

Peach Trees, we don't have
you down for a def-con test.

Yeah, we must be. If you check the...

I've got nothing.

God f*cking damn it, Sector!

I put in the notification
myself three f*cking times!

We are good to go right now!

I've got my supervisor
breathing down my neck.

Hold fire, Peach Trees.
Let me get on this.

Okay. I put you on the system.

Hall of Justice and all emergency services

are notified to ignore your status.

You can run the test any time you like.

Appreciate that, Sector.

You just saved my ass over here.

You're welcome, Peach Trees.

Sir, he's thinking about
making a move for your g*n.

DREDD: Yeah.

He just changed his mind.


CLAN TECHIE: Then enter the pass key

and you should be inside.

Security protocols accessed.

w*r protocol accessed.

Blast shield initiated.

Warned you. Get up.
You're headed for the cubes.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Stand clear of doors.


All residents remain calm.

All residents remain calm.

All residents remain calm.


What's going on?

AUTOMATED VOICE: Lockdown complete.

You're patched in.

Peach Trees.

This is Ma-Ma.


Somewhere in this block are two judges.

I want them dead.

Until I get what I want,
the block is locked down.

All Clan, every level,
hunt the judges down.

Everyone else, clear the corridors

and stay the f*ck out of our way
until the sh**ting stops.


If I hear of anyone helping the judges,

I will k*ll them and the next
generation of their family.

As for the judges...

We better move.

...sit tight, or run.

Makes no difference. You're mine.


DREDD: Control, we have a situation

developing in Peach Trees.
Do you copy?


Control, do you copy?

My comms are down too.

Shielding must be blocking
our transmissions.

We'll head for the Med Center.


CLAN MEMBER: They're here!

- Call it.
- Sir?

You're on assessment, Rookie. Call it.

Multiple armed targets.
Obstructed line of sight.

- Gas grenades.
- Respirators.

Advise you hold your breath.




I want the North and East
corridor totally covered.

Sal's got the West and the South.

And spread out your hardware.

We're gonna hand these judges
back to Ma-Ma on a plate.


BIG JOE: Stay f*cking focused.

CLAN MEMBER 1: Judges got it coming!


CLAN MEMBER 2: Judge, come and get me.

We're gonna have to go through them.

Stun grenade.

CLAN MEMBER 3: k*ll that m*therf*cker.

Let's give them the good news.

CLAN MEMBER 1: Man up that corridor, man.

CLAN MEMBER 2: f*ck up the judges.

f*ck them.

Citizens of Peach Trees. This is the law.

CLAN MEMBER 3: Who do you think you are
coming up in here?

Disperse immediately,

or we will use lethal
force to clear the area.

CLAN MEMBER 1: Where's that coming from?

Over there. Access corridor.

DREDD: (OVER PA) You have been warned.

You now have 20 seconds to comply.

It's you doing the complying, Judge.

There's 10 of us, only two of you.

Why don't you step out
from behind that doorway

or we're gonna blow the f*ck out of you.

Ten seconds to comply.

JAPHET: - f*ck you, Judge.
- You got five.

Thanks for the heads-up.





What are you waiting for, rookie?

His crime is attempted m*rder of a Judge.

His sentence is death.

Yes, sir.


Open up.

Open Up!

Negative, Judge.

You know what's going on out here.

We need a place we can defend.

Then you better find someplace else.

This is a medical facility. Neutral ground.

Neutral? You're not neutral.
You're choosing sides.

Peach Trees has been sealed by blast doors

designed to withstand attack.

No one's getting out. No one's coming in.

And you have every clan affiliate
in the block after your blood.

There are no sides. You're already dead.


DREDD: Looks like
the Med Center's closed early today.

Switch w*apon to sil*ncer mode.

Our best bet now is to go covert.

Conserve amm*nit*on.

And don't sh**t unless you're gonna hit.

Sir, what about the prisoner?


Under the circumstances,
he could be a liability.

Also a prime suspect in three homicides.

What do you say, rookie?
Wanna out him loose?

No, sir.

Get up!

Go, go, go, go!

Hold up.



CLAN MEMBER 1: Keep your eyes peeled.

Man, stop telling me what to f*cking do!

I know that new shit...



CATHY: - Who's there?
- Cathy, open the door.


We're not gonna hurt you.



Secure the woman somewhere
she can't raise any alarms.

We can't.

She has a baby. Asleep in the next room.

We can't secure her if we don't know
when she'll be freed.

DREDD: Is there a father?

He's out there. Looking for us.

Say that. What you were just thinking.

How did you...

It's okay. Go ahead.

I'm not raising any alarms.

If the men out there don't know where
you are, you won't be k*lling them.

Go on.

There's a service elevator near here.

The sign says it's broken, but

it works as long as you're hitting
a button above level 75.

I just want you off my level.
Away from my family.

- Cathy, I...
- Don't thank me.

It's not for you.
I just don't wanna see you again.

You won't.

CALEB: This drug shifts like
nothing I've ever seen.

If we play this right,
we could take the whole f*cking city.

The only danger is we expand too fast.

In the last few days, we've added
distribution to three new blocks.

And pretty soon, we're looking at
making inroads into Sectors 9 and 15.

Fifteen is still Red territory.

Ma, you better come quick.

Okay. We got one here,

maybe 11 outside the Med Center.

There's eight in the stairwell
and another five on level 18.

They've downed 30 plus
and haven't even taken a scratch.

Where are they now?

I don't know, but they seem
to be moving their way up the block.

No, wait, wait. I just picked them up.

They're on level 76, West Quadrant.

Do you want me to patch you back
into the PA?

We could get level 60 through 80
converging on them.

No. Can you seal them in there?

Sure. w*r override gives me
total control of the building.


That's not good.

Full lockdown. They're going nowhere.

I tried to do this clean, but they wouldn't
let me. So now we do it messy.

Too late, Judge.

Caleb, come in.


We've got them cornered.

We're taking them down right now.

We'd need oxyacetylene to cut through.

They know where we are.

Why aren't they coming after us?

That's what worries me.

Take him back to the main lobby.

Hold position behind the elevator shaft.

Be a good place to defend.

Where are you going?

If I don't come back, and you get cornered,

you might not wanna get taken alive.

Your call.


MAN: Get away from the door!



MAN: Sit down!

He's right, you know.

About not wanting to be taken alive.

The stuff the Clan would do
to a girl like you...



We had a girl one time,
girl about your age and...

Well, anyway...

I'm just saying,
save the last b*llet for yourself.

Yeah, and I'll save
the second to last one for you.


So you're a mutant?

Most of you poor f*ckers
got three stumpy arms, or no arms.

But I guess you lucked out.
You fit together pretty well.


(SCOFFS) So f*cked up.

Yeah, I heard about your kind.

Kind of hard to believe it's real.

Like what am I thinking about right now?

You're picturing a violent sexual liaison
between the two of us

in a pointless attempt to shock me.

You're good.
But I wasn't trying to shock you.

If I was trying to shock you,

I'd have been thinking about this.

What are you thinking about now, huh?

MAN 1: What the f*ck was that?
MAN 2: Get back inside.

CALEB: Hurry the f*ck up.

Move your f*cking asses.


CLAN MEMBER: Move! Move!


MAN: Back in the house.
Get in the house, now!

(g*ns PRIMING)



MAN: Frank! Frankie! Let's go!




DREDD: (SHOUTS) Get back!

Concentrate the fire.

High ex!




There's no way they survived.

They're not dead till we find them dead.

Or part of them anyway.


Comms are back on.

Control. Do you copy?

CONTROL: Affirmative.

DREDD: 10-24 on my GPS.
Request immediate assistance.

Copy, 10-24. Judges under fire.

Showing your location as Peach Trees,
Sector 13.


Confirm. Be advised,
blast door defenses have been triggered.

Can you hold your current GPS?


If they come for us,
we've got nowhere to go.

Copy that. Backup is on its way.
Just stay alive.

We gotta go back in.

(g*n FIRES)

CALEB: God damn it, man! What the f*ck?

No! No, no!




Your g*ng locks down the whole block.

Massacres an entire quadrant of men,
women and children,

just to take out two Judges.

Sound like overkill to you?


I'll tell you what I think.

I think if we'd ex*cuted you at the bust,

Ma-Ma would have let us walk out of here.

What she doesn't want
is you taken back to the Sector house.

She doesn't want you interrogated.

She's afraid of what you might say.

And that's got me curious.


Spin it!

f*ck you!




If you leave it to me,
he doesn't have to speak.



What are you up to, bitch?

Welcome to the inside of your head.

It's kind of empty in here.

I don't know what kind
of mutant shit this is,

but if my hands weren't cuffed...

You aren't cuffed, if you don't wanna be.


My head. Do what I like?


ANDERSON: Thinking about hurting
me doesn't actually hurt me.

KAY: Yeah. Points to you.

Except there is that thing.

What thing was that?

That I know how to freak you the f*ck out.

See, if you're talking about
my f*cked-up head

versus your f*cked-up head,

your f*cked-up head is gonna lose.

I figured that would shut you up.

Hey. I can play mind games, too.


You f*cking bitch! You sick f*cking bitch!

We haven't even started.

Got it.

Peach Trees is the manufacturing base

for all the Slo-Mo in Mega City One.

Ma-Ma's controlling the production

and distribution across the whole city.



Peach Trees. Can I help you?

MALE JUDGE: We're responding to a report of

Judges under fire from within this block.

Judges under fire?
I'm unaware of any such activity.

We're actually undergoing
a scheduled w*r defense test.

Not any more, you're not.
Open the blast door right now.

Yes, sir. The problem is
we've had a software malfunction

and I've lost control of the system.

We've had a fire on level 76.

MALE JUDGE: You better get control fast.

Or I'm slapping you
with an obstruction of justice charge.

Five years in the cubes, mandatory.

Will do, sir. I'm on it right now.
Thank you.

We have new intel about Ma-Ma,

and we've managed to get
a 10-24 to Control.

Parameters are shifting.

What are the options, Anderson?

Keep moving and attempt to avoid further
detection, or find a place to defend.

Same as before, except now
we know backup's inbound.

You're giving us two options.
Defend or hide.

Yes, sir.

What about we attack.
Head straight for Ma-Ma.

Is that an option?

Well, she's guilty. We're Judges.

With backup inbound, I think we should wait

until the odds have shifted in our favor.

Wrong answer?

You're the psychic.


AMOS: Why didn't you sh**t him?

What do you mean, why didn't I sh**t him?
Why didn't you?

- Okay, we could do it now.
- Do it.

Shit! Shit!

Why did it have to be us who found him?

All right. Come on. Come on.

DREDD: Info terminal.
Let's check the schematics.



Why what?

Well, why should I freeze?

Because otherwise I'll sh**t you.

With the safety on?

It isn't.

How do you want it, kids?
Body bags or juve-cubes?

Makes no difference to me.

AMOS: f*ck!

DREDD: Stun!




You are so f*cked.

CLAN MEMBER 1: Blondie.
CLAN MEMBER 2: Come on!

CLAN MEMBER 3: Come on, you bitch.



CLAN MEMBER 4: Hold her down, man.



Now then, what am I gonna do with you?

You're going to do nothing.

All this trouble is your doing.

When you got busted,
you should have k*lled the Judges

or been k*lled yourself.

But instead you let yourself get taken

like the dumb f*ck you are.


Shut the f*ck up.

I'd k*ll you myself,
but I already lost plenty today.

I can't afford to lose more.

Sooner or later the Justice Department

is gonna come through
the blast doors looking for their judges.

They'll find their bodies all shot up.

One on level 25,

one in the Slo-Mo den.
Just a bust that went wrong.

That means no t*rture.

No raping, no skinning.

Just a bunch of b*ll*ts
to the head and chest.

- Do you understand me?
KAY: - Yes.

Do you f*cking understand me?



He's back.


The other judge has patched himself

into one of the terminals.

I think he's trying to access the PA.

Can't you stop him?

I can shut down the whole system,

but if you let him talk,

I can trace which terminal he's using.

We'll know exactly where he is.



DREDD: Inhabitants of Peach Trees.

This is Judge Dredd.

Let him talk.

In case you people have forgotten,

this block operates under the same rules

as the rest of the city.

Ma-Ma is not the law.

I am the law.

Ma-Ma is a common criminal.

Guilty of m*rder.

Guilty of the manufacture and distribution

of the narcotic known as Slo-Mo.

And as of now, under sentence of death.

Any who obstruct me in carrying out my duty

will be treated as an
accessory to her crimes.

You have been warned.

And as for you, Ma-Ma...

Judgment time.

I got him. He's only 10 levels below us.

South quad balcony. Terminal 5.

MA-MA: m*therf*cker.

Fucker still hasn't gone down.

It's not him.




How the f*ck
are we gonna stop this guy?

Call 911.

Got a 10-24 from this block.

Two judges under fire, requesting urgent
assistance and you're standing outside.

Block's under lockdown.

Malfunction with their defense system.


Open up. Now!

You're relieved.

LEX: So what have we got?

CHAN: Two Judges trigger a turf w*r.

Judges die in pursuit of duty.

LEX: And the perps who k*lled the Judges?

CHAN: Laid out here.

LEX: Sounds right.
TJ: Excuse me.

It's not what's happened.

I've been here from the start.

This k*lling's all about one g*ng.
The Ma-Ma Clan.

And from the sound of g*nf*re,

I'd say at least one of your two judges
is still alive.

Are you prepared to testify to that?


One million credits.

A million?

You have a problem with a Judge.

You know who he is?


I do. One million.


Kaplan, protection detail on client.

Chan, Alvarez, we're flushing him out.

ALVAREZ: You got it.

Where's the other one? The rookie.

We got her here.

LEX: Dead or alive?


Make her dead.

(g*n FIRES)


You, there. Identify yourself.

Chan. Sector 9.

Dredd. Sector 13.

Responding to your 10-24.

Good to see you, Dredd.

Likewise. You alone?

Negative. Three man squad.

Closing on my vector right now.

So relax.

Cavalry's here.



Two of us called in the 10-24.

Wondering why
you didn't ask about the other one.

Lex, move it!



Choke on it, Dredd.

(g*n FIRES)


DREDD: Choke on that.

LEXI Oh, shit!

Bet you thought you were gonna
make your family proud, huh?


Not much chance of that now.

Now this, I always wanted one of these.
This is...


You were shit out of luck
when you ran into the Ma-Ma clan.

But don't feel too bad.

I seen a lot of Judges in my time,

and you're just not cut out for this.

I mean, if you didn't get k*lled today,

it was gonna be tomorrow.

Or it was gonna be the day after that.


today it is.

You got any last words, bitch?

That's funny.

I was gonna ask you that.




Kay's dead.

Find somewhere to hide.

Where are you going?

I've got the girl cold.
I see her first, I sh**t her.

She sees me first, she hesitates,

then I sh**t her.



(g*n FIRES)


What's the price of a judge these days?


Split four ways.

Three ways now.

LEX: Suits me.

DREDD: Doesn't sound like much.

To betray the law.

Betray the city.

Save that shit for the rookies.

Twenty years I've been on the streets.

You know what Mega City One is, Dredd?

It's a f*cking meat grinder.

People go in one end.

And meat comes out the other.

All we do

is turn the handle.

(g*ns FIRING)

Rapid fire.

Incendiary. Armor piercing.

High ex.

LEX: m*therf*cker.

Two-way split.

Yeah, I'd be breaking a sweat,

if you hadn't just run out of b*ll*ts.

Lower your g*n, rookie. I'm your backup.

Armor piercing.




Are you kidding me?
Did you just say "wait"?

Judge Dredd,

the Judge Dredd

finally gets on the wrong end of a g*n,

and what he says is "wait."

You know what? I expected more of you.

I mean, wait for what?
Wait for me to change my mind?

Wait for another two or
three seconds of life

because you're so f*cking weak

you can't stand to see it end?



Wait for her to sh**t you.

DREDD: Okay.

Basic field dressing.




You look ready.



No, don't sh**t! Please don't sh**t me!

I'm not armed. I'm not armed.
I can help you.


Ma-Ma's in her private quarters,

but it's behind 10 inches of steel.

So you can't get in there
without the keypad combination.

I can give that to you.

I don't need your cooperation

to get the combination from you.

CLAN TECHIE: I'm sorry.



Get out of here.

Mind explaining yourself, rookie?

Abetting a felon is not just a fail offense.
It's a crime.

I already picked up the fail
when I lost my primary w*apon.

I'm not gonna be a Judge,

and I don't need to be
a mind-reader to know it.

He's a victim, not a perp.

And until my assessment is formally over,

I'm still entitled to dispense justice.

And that's what I just
did by letting him go.

Maybe that'll be
the one difference I do make.

The code to Ma-Ma's chambers is 4-9-4-3-6.

Let's finish this.


(g*ns FIRING)

You're a piece of work, Dredd.

But then so am I.

You think I didn't know
I'd get busted some day?

Goes with the territory.

This entire level is rigged
with enough high expl*sives

to take out the top 50 stories.

If they go, the rest go, too.

Like the jewelry?

It's a transmitter synched
to my heart beat.

My heart stops beating,

the building blows. Everyone in it, ash.

You got no way out, Judge.

Put your g*n down.

Do you know
how many people live in this block?

This isn't a negotiation.
The sentence is death.

You can't afford to take the risk.

(g*n FIRES)


We're a kilometer above ground.

What do you figure
the range is on that thing?

Could it get through 100
levels of concrete?

How about 200?

Let's find out.

Citizen Ma-Ma.
Your crimes are multiple homicide

and the manufacture
and distribution of narcotics.

How do you plead?

Defense noted.



PARAMEDIC: Victims first.

Let the perps lay where they lie, huh?

Your assessment's now over.


When I heard you'd called in a 10-24,

I thought I'd better check it out.

Seeing as I forced the rookie on you.

So, what happened in there?

Drug bust.

Look like you been through it.

Perps were uncooperative.

So how did she do?

She a pass or a fail?

PARAMEDIC: Let's take a look, huh?

She's a pass.

I knew she would be.

WOMAN: No time to waste. Let's move.

Tell them to go to the back

and we will take the front entrance.

DREDD: Mega City One.

800 million people

living in the ruin of the old world

and the mega structures of the new one.

Only one thing
fighting for order in the chaos,

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