Matrix Reloaded, The (2003)

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Matrix Reloaded, The (2003)

Post by bunniefuu »

See you tomorrow.

Oh, my God!

I'm in.

We're almost there.

-Sir, are you sure about this?

-I told you, we're going to be all right.

I understand, sir. It's just that I'm scoping

some serious sentinel activity up here.


-Yes, sir?

Given your situation, I can't say

I understand your reasons...

...for volunteering to operate

onboard my ship.

However, if you wish to continue to

do so, I must ask you to do one thing.

What's that, sir?

To trust me.

Yes, sir. I will, sir.

-I mean, I do, sir.

-I hope so.

Repatch the main AC to the hard drives

and stand by to broadcast.

Yes, sir.

Still can't sleep?

You wanna talk?

They're just dreams.

If you're afraid of something...

I just wish...

I wish I knew what I'm supposed to do.

That's all.

I just wish I knew.

She's gonna call. Don't worry.

Here you are.

-Are we ready to go?

-We're already late.

These geotherms confirm

the last transmission of the Osiris.

The machines are digging.

They're boring from the surface

down to Zion.


-They'll avoid the perimeter defense.

How fast are they moving?

Control estimates their descent

at 100 meters an hour.

-How deep are they?

-Almost 2000 meters.

-What about the scans from the Osiris?

-They can't be accurate.

-They may be.

-It's not possible.

That'd mean there are

a quarter-million sentinels.

-That's right.

-That can't be.

Why not?

A sentinel for every man,

woman and child in Zion.

That sounds exactly like

the thinking of a machine to me.

Morpheus, glad you could join us.


My apologies to all.

But as you are undoubtedly aware...'s become difficult to locate

a secure broadcast position.

-Squiddies got our best spots.

-Lines are crawling with them.

And if Niobe's right, in 72 hours

there's gonna be a quarter-million more.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna do what

Commander Lock ordered.

We'll evacuate broadcast level

and return to Zion.

And does the commander have a plan

for stopping 250,000 sentinels?

A strategy is still being formulated.

I'm sure it is.

What do you think

we should do, Morpheus?

-We should proceed as ordered...

-What is it?

I don't know.

...however, I must ask one of you

for help.

Some of you believe as I believe, some

of you do not. Those of you that do...

...know we are nearing

the end of our struggle.

The prophecy will be fulfilled soon.

But before it can be...

...the Oracle must be consulted.

If we return and recharge now...

...we can be back in 36 hours, well

before the machines reach this depth.

Do you understand what you're asking?

I am asking that one ship

remain here in our place... case the Oracle

should attempt to contact us.

Bullshit. You're asking one of us

to disobey a direct order.

That's right, I am. But we well know

that the reason most of us are here... because of our affinity

for disobedience.

What happens when you

get back to Zion...

...and the commander

throws you in the stockade?

He won't.

g*dd*mn it, Morpheus,

you ain't never gonna change.

Shit, I'll do it just to see

what Deadbolt does to you.

You got 36 hours.

I'm looking for Neo.

-Never heard of him.

-I have something for him.

A gift.

You see, he set me free.

Fine, whatever. Now piss off.

-Who was that?

-How did you know someone was here?

He gave you this.

He said you set him free.

Is everything all right, sir?

The meeting is over.

Retreat to your exits.

-Agents are coming.



Hiya, fellas.

-It's him.

-The anomaly.

-Do we proceed?


-He is still...

-Only human.


-That went as expected.


It's happening exactly as before.

Well, not exactly.

-What happened?

-I can't figure it out.

Agents just came out of nowhere.

Then the code got all weird.

Encryption I've never seen.

-Is Neo okay?

-Okay? Shit, you should've seen him.

Where is he now?

He's doing his Superman thing.

Where are you?

This is the Nebuchadnezzar,

requesting access through Gate Three.

Nebuchadnezzar, this is Zion Control.

Maintain present velocity and stand by.

Roger that, Control.

This is Control requesting immediate

stand-down of arms at Gate Three.

We have the Nebuchadnezzar

on approach. Let's open her up.

You are cleared through

Gate Three to Bay Seven.

Roger that, Control.

Door's open, bed's made.

Welcome home.

No place like it.

Roger that, Control. Zion Control,

stand by for Gate Three lockdown.

The Nebuchadnezzar is down.

Bay Seven.


Captain Mifune.

Captain Morpheus.

Are you here to escort me

to the stockade, captain?

-I'm just here to keep the peace.

-Commander Lock demands...

Requests your immediate counsel, sir.



I want the ship ready to go

as soon as possible.

Understood, sir.

-What is it between them?

-Morpheus and Lock?


-Captain Niobe?

She used to be with Morpheus.

Now she's with Lock.

What happened?

Morpheus went to the Oracle.

After that, everything changed.

Yeah, she can do that.


-Oh, no.

-How does he always know?

Doesn't he have anything better to do?

You know what they say

about the life you save.

I didn't save his life.

Hiya, Neo.

-Trinity, Link.


-It's great to have you back.

-Thanks. It's good to be back.

-Can I carry that for you?

-No, I can carry my own bag.


-I'm fine.

-You can carry these.

-Yeah, sure, Link.

Hey, you know, next year

I'm old enough to join a crew, right?

I've been thinking about it,

and I've made my decision.

Let me guess.

I want to join the Nebuchadnezzar.

Morpheus hasn't filled the other

positions, except for you, Link.

I'm sure he has reasons...

...but the more I think about it,

the more I think it's meant to be.

You know, it's fate.

You're the reason I'm here, Neo.

I told you, you found me.

I didn't find you.

I know, but you got me out.

You saved me.

You saved yourself.


-Commander Lock.

I spoke to the other captains. I wanted to

offer you a chance to explain your actions.

I wasn't aware that my actions

required any explanation.

You were given an order

to return to Zion.

-I did.

-You asked for one ship to remain behind.

I would have stayed,

but I needed to recharge my ship.

So you admit to a direct contravention

of your duty.

We need a presence inside the Matrix

to await contact from the Oracle.

I don't want to hear that shit!

I don't care about oracles

or prophecies or messiahs!

I care about one thing: Stopping that army

from destroying this city.

To do that I need soldiers

to obey my orders.

With all due respect, commander,

there is only one way to save our city.



-g*dd*mn it, Morpheus.

Not everyone believes what you believe.

My beliefs do not require them to.

There's a gathering tonight. Everyone's

talking. A lot of people are scared.

No one remembers the last time

so many ships were docked.

-Something big is happening, isn't it?


We're not allowed to say anything,

so stop asking.

g*dd*mn, it's good to be home.

I'm recommending that you

be removed from duty.

That is, of course,

your prerogative, commander.

If it were up to me, you wouldn't set foot

on a ship for the rest of your life.

Then I am grateful that it is not up to you.

-Councillor Hamann.




Council's asked me to speak tonight

at the temple gathering.

The presence of the fleet and the

persistence of rumors must be addressed.

The people must be told

what is happening.

Of course, councillor.

But might I advise a level of discretion

concerning specific details.

-We do not wish to start a panic.

-Quite right.

A panic is not what anyone wants.

What about you, captain?

What would you advise?

The truth. No one will panic,

because there is nothing to fear.

That army won't reach

the gates of Zion.

-What makes you so sure?

-Consider what we have seen, councillor.

Consider that in the past six months...

...we have freed more minds

than in six years.

This attack is an act of desperation.

I believe very soon the prophecy

will be fulfilled and this w*r will end.

I hope you're right, captain.

I do not believe it to be

a matter of hope, councillor.

It is simply a matter of time.

My stop.

See you soon.

Hopefully not too soon.

Let's go, kid.

These two got things to do.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I am if you're thinking

this elevator is too slow.

-How long do we charge the Neb?

-Twenty-four, maybe 30 hours.

Some people go their entire lives

without hearing news that good.

Neo, please, I have a son,

Jacob, aboard the Gnosis.

-Please, watch over him.

-I'll try.

I have a daughter on the Icarus.

No, wait.

It's all right. They need you.

-I need you.

-I know.

There's time.

Where's my puss...?


-Uncle Link!


Uncle Link!

Oh, my God! You're so huge!

-You should be picking me up!




Okay? All right.

Now, we're gonna have

to work together here, okay?

One, two, three, lift!

Oh, my God!

What are you feeding these two?

Come on, kids. It's time to go.

-Hey, Cas.


-Good to have you home, Link.

-Good to be home.

You be careful with her.

Don't worry about me.

He's the one that's gonna get it.

Out the door! Both of you, march!



I'm gonna get what?

Every ship up there's been home two, even

three times more than the Nebuchadnezzar.

Come on, Zee.

I thought we were past this.

-We'll be when you operate another ship.

-I can't do that.


-You know why.

If Dozer knew how I felt,

he wouldn't have asked you to do this.

Maybe. But it's too late now.

I made a promise,

and some promises can't be unmade.

-It's not fair.

-Nobody said it was gonna be.

You think Cas thinks it's fair

that I'm here and Dozer's not?

I lost two brothers to that ship, Link.

I'm afraid of it.

I'm afraid it's gonna take you too.

It won't.

How can you say that to me?

Because of Morpheus.

Because of what he's told me. He said

that this is it, that it will be over soon.

-Link, Morpheus is crazy.

-No doubt.

But t*nk and Dozer believed him.

And I'll tell you what...

...after being on that ship and seeing Neo

do the things he can do, I gotta say...

...I'm starting to believe him too.

Be careful, Link.

Please be careful.

-They started yet?

-Only Councillor Hamann's opening prayer.

Tonight, let us honor

these men and women.

These are our soldiers, our warriors.

These are our husbands and wives,

our brothers and sisters...

...our children.

Let us remember those

that have been lost...

...and let us give thanks

for those that have been found...

...and who stand here beside us.

Now I would like someone else

to close this prayer...

...someone who hasn't spoken here

in a long time...

...but who I believe has something to say

that we all need to hear.

I give you Morpheus.

Zion! Hear me!

It is true what many of you have heard.

The machines have gathered

an army, and as I speak...

...that army is drawing nearer

to our home.

Believe me when I say we have

a difficult time ahead of us.

But if we are to be prepared for it,

we must first shed our fear of it.

I stand here before you now

truthfully unafraid.


Because I believe something you do not?


I stand here without fear

because I remember.

I remember that I am here not because

of the path that lies before me...

...but because of the path

that lies behind me.

I remember that for 100 years

we have fought these machines.

I remember that for 100 years

they have sent their armies to destroy us.

And after a century of w*r,

I remember that which matters most:

We are still here!


...let us send a message to that army.

Tonight, let us shake this cave.

Tonight, let us tremble these halls...

...of earth, steel and stone.

Let us be heard from red core

to black sky.

Tonight, let us make them remember:

This is Zion and we are not afraid!

I remember.

I remember you used to dance.

I remember you were pretty good.

There are some things in this world,

Captain Niobe...

...that will never change.


Some things do change.

Excuse me.

-I missed you.

-I can tell.

I was thinking, everyone is here.

Follow me.

Neo, what is it?

What's wrong?

It's okay, you can tell me.


Don't be afraid.

I can't lose you.

You're not gonna lose me.

You feel this?

I'm never letting go.

Good night, Zion.

Sweet dreams.

-You all right?

-I'll make it.

Did you see that agent?

I've never seen anything like that.

It doesn't matter.

All that matters is this.

You first.

-Oh, God.

-"Smith" will suffice.

-Thank you.

-My pleasure.

-Care for some company?

-Councillor Hamann.

I don't want to intrude

if you'd prefer to be alone.

-No, I could probably use some company.


So could I.

It's nice tonight.

Very calm.

It feels like everyone is sleeping

very peacefully.

Not everyone.

I hate sleeping.

I never sleep more than a few hours.

I figure I slept the first 11 years

of my life, now I'm making up for it.

-What about you?

-I just haven't been able to sleep much.

-It's a good sign.

-Of what?

That you are in fact still human.

Have you ever been

to the engineering level?

I love to walk there at night.

It's quite amazing.

-Would you like to see it?


Almost no one comes down here.

Unless, of course, there's a problem.

That's how it is with people. Nobody

cares how it works as long as it works.

I like it down here.

I like to be reminded this city survives

because of these machines.

These machines are keeping us alive while

other machines are coming to k*ll us.

Interesting, isn't it?

The power to give life...

-...and the power to end it.

-We have the same power.

Yeah, I suppose we do, but...

...sometimes I think about those people

still plugged into the Matrix.

And when I look at these machines...

...I can't help thinking that, in a way,

we are plugged into them.

But we control these machines,

they don't control us.

Of course not. How could they?

The idea is pure nonsense...

...but it does make one wonder just...

...what is control?

If we wanted, we could

shut these machines down.

Of course. That's it. You hit it.

That's control, isn't it?

If we wanted,

we could smash them to bits.

Although if we did, we'd have to consider

what would happen to our lights...

...our heat, our air.

So we need machines and they need us.

Is that your point, councillor?

No. No point.

Old men like me don't bother

with making points. There's no point.

Is that why there are no young men

on the Council?

Good point.

Why don't you tell me

what's on your mind, councillor.

There is so much in this world...

...that I do not understand.

See that machine? It has something to do

with recycling our water supply.

I have absolutely no idea how it works.

But I do understand the reason

for it to work.

I have absolutely no idea how you

are able to do some of the things you do.

But I believe there's a reason for that

as well.

I only hope we understand that reason

before it's too late.


-Is he here?

Neo, it's from the Oracle.

It's time to go.

Morpheus said this was how

it was gonna happen.

I don't know. Maybe the prophecy's true,

maybe it's not.

All I know is, that ship needs an operator.

Right now, that operator's me.

I know.


-I want you to wear it.

-You know I don't believe in this stuff.

-But I do.

It's always brought me luck.

-Maybe it'll bring me you.

-I'm coming back.

I promise. No matter what it takes,

I'm coming home.

Just keep it with you. Please.

For me.



-How the hell...?


Is something wrong?

No, I'm fine.

I just wanted to catch you to say...

...good luck.


We'll see you.

Neo! Just in time.

-You're gonna see the Oracle?

-There's no time.

I had to give something to Neo.

A gift from one of the orphans.

He made me swear to get it to you

before you left.

He said you'd understand.


I was just told you cleared

the Nebuchadnezzar for takeoff.

That is correct.

Am I still in charge

of our defense system?

Of course.

I believe I need every ship we have

if we're going to survive this attack.

I understand that, commander.

Then why did you allow

the Nebuchadnezzar to leave?

Because I believe our survival depends

on more than how many ships we have.

Be careful.


-You seek the Oracle.

-Who are you?

I am Seraph. I can take you to her,

but first I must apologize.

Apologize for what?

For this.


The Oracle has many enemies.

I had to be sure.

-Of what?

-That you are the One.

-You could have just asked.

-No. You do not truly know someone...

...until you fight them.

Come. She's waiting.

Where the hell did they go?

These are back doors, aren't they?

Programmer access.

-How do they work?

-A code is hidden in tumblers.

One position opens a lock and another

position opens one of these doors.

Are you a programmer?

Then what are you?

I protect that which matters most.

Well, come on. I ain't gonna bite you.

Come around here

and let me have a look at you.

My goodness, look at you.

You turned out all right, didn't you?

-How do you feel?


I know you're not sleeping.

We'll get to that.

Why don't you come

and have a sit this time.

-Maybe I'll stand.

-Well, suit yourself.

-I felt like sitting.

-I know.


...let's get the obvious stuff

out of the way.

-You're not human, are you?

-It's tough to get more obvious than that.

If I had to guess, I'd say you're

a program from the machine world.

-So is he.

-So far, so good.

But if that's true, that could mean

you're part of this system...

...another kind of control.

-Keep going.

-I suppose the most obvious question is... can I trust you?


It is a pickle, no doubt about it.

Bad news is...

...there's no way you can really know

if I'm here to help you or not.

So it's really up to you. Just have

to make up your own damn mind... either accept what

I'm going to tell you or reject it.


-Do you already know if I'll take it?

-Wouldn't be much of an oracle if I didn't.

But if you already know,

how can I make a choice?

Because you didn't come here to make

the choice. You've already made it.

You're here to try to understand

why you made it.

I thought you'd have figured that out

by now.

-Why are you here?

-Same reason.

I love candy.

But why help us?

We're all here to do

what we're all here to do.

I'm interested in one thing, Neo:

the future.

And believe me, I know, the only way

to get there is together.

-Are there other programs like you?

-Well, not like me, but...

Look. See those birds?

At some point, a program was written

to govern them.

A program was written to watch over the

trees and the wind, the sunrise and sunset.

There are programs running

all over the place.

The ones doing their job, doing what

they were meant to do, are invisible.

You'd never even know they were here.

But the other ones...

Well, you hear about them all the time.

-I've never heard of them.

-Of course you have.

Every time you've heard someone

say they saw a ghost or an angel...

...every story you've ever heard about

vampires, werewolves or aliens... the system assimilating

some program...

...that's doing something

they're not supposed to be doing.

Programs hacking programs.


-They have their reasons...

...but usually a program chooses exile

when it faces deletion.

-And why would a program be deleted?

-Maybe it breaks down.

Maybe a better program is created

to replace it. Happens all the time.

And when it does, a program

can either choose to hide here...

...or return to the source.

-The machine mainframe.


Where you must go.

Where the path of the One ends.

You've seen it... your dreams, haven't you?

A door made of light?

What happens when you go through

the door?

I see Trinity...

...and something happens...

...something bad.

She starts to fall,

and then I wake up.

-Do you see her die?


You have the sight now, Neo.

You are looking at the world

without time.

Then why can't I see

what happens to her?

We can never see past the choices

we don't understand.

Are you saying I have to choose

whether Trinity lives or dies?

No, you've already made the choice.

Now you have to understand it.


I can't do that. I won't.

-Well, you have to.


Because you're the One.

What if I can't?

What happens if I fail?

Then Zion will fall.

Our time is up. Listen to me, Neo.

You can save Zion...

...if you reach the source, but to do that

you need the Keymaker.

The Keymaker?

He disappeared. We didn't

know what happened to him until now.

He's being held prisoner

by a very dangerous program... of the oldest of us.

He is called the Merovingian.

-And he won't let him go willingly.

-What does he want?

What do all men with power want?

More power.

Be there at that exact time...

...and you will have a chance.

We must go.

Seems like every time we meet

I got nothing but bad news.

I'm sorry about that. I surely am.

But for what it's worth...'ve made a believer out of me.

Good luck, kiddo.

Mr. Anderson.

Did you get my package?


-Well, good.


-He's not reading like an agent.

-Surprised to see me?


-Then you're aware of it.

-Of what?

Our connection.

I don't fully understand how it happened.

Perhaps some part of you

imprinted onto me...

...something overwritten or copied.

It is, at this point, irrelevant.

What matters is...

...that whatever happened,

happened for a reason.

And what reason is that?

I k*lled you, Mr. Anderson.

I watched you die.

With a certain satisfaction,

I might add.

And then something happened,

something that I knew was impossible...

...but it happened anyway.

You destroyed me, Mr. Anderson.

Afterward, I knew the rules, I understood

what I was supposed to do...

...but I didn't.

I couldn't. I was compelled to stay...

...compelled to disobey.

And now, here I stand

because of you, Mr. Anderson.

Because of you, I'm no longer an agent

of this system.

Because of you, I've changed.

I'm unplugged.

A new man, so to speak.

Like you, apparently free.


Thank you.

But as you well know,

appearances can be deceiving...

...which brings me back to the reason

why we're here.

We're not here because we're free.

We're here because we are not free.

There's no escaping reason,

no denying purpose.

Because as we both know,

without purpose...

-...we would not exist.

-It is purpose that created us.

-Purpose that connects us.

-Purpose that pulls us.

-That guides us.

-That drives us.

-It is purpose that defines.

-Purpose that binds us.

We are here because of you,

Mr. Anderson.

We're here to take from you

what you tried to take from us:


-What's happening to him?

-Don't know.

Yes, that's it. It'll be over soon.


-Yes, me.

Me, me, me.

Me too.


It is inevitable.

Come on, get out of there.

Are you all right?

-It was Smith.


-Now there's more than one of them?

-A lot more.

-How is that possible?

-I don't know.

Somehow, he's found a way

to copy himself.

-Is that what he was doing to you?

-I don't know what he was doing...

-...but I know what it felt like.


It felt like I was back in that hallway.

It felt like dying.

The machines are tunneling to avoid

our defense system.

But I believe they will intersect

certain pipelines to control them.

These points of intersection

are crucial...

...because I believe they're

vulnerable to counterattack.

Although it has been suggested that

this is the same kind of attack...

...we've defended for years,

I urge the Council to realize the truth.

This is the single greatest threat

we have ever faced...

...and if we do not act accordingly,

we will not survive.

Commander Lock, the Council is well

aware of the seriousness of this attack.

You have our leave to prepare our defense

by any and all means necessary.

-Thank you, Council.


...we ask if there's been word

from the Nebuchadnezzar.

No, councillor. No word. Nothing.

Then we request a ship be dispatched

to ascertain the fate of the One.

I wish that were possible, councillor,

but I do not believe our defense...

-...can suffer the loss of another ship.

-It will, commander, if it must.

It could take one ship days

to find the Nebuchadnezzar.

-Then send two.

-This is insane.

Careful, commander.

Forgive my frustration, councillors.

But I wish I were able to comprehend

the Council's choice in this matter.

Comprehension is not

a requisite of cooperation.

If you are asking me

to order two of my captains...

There's no need for such an order.

The captains are present.

They can answer for themselves.

The Council is calling for two volunteers

to aid the Nebuchadnezzar.

Are there two among you

that would answer such a call?

Captain Soren of the Vigilant

will answer the Council's call.

You understand the situation,

Captain Soren?

-Yes, ma'am.

-Thank you, captain.

Is there another?

-Captain, I think we should volunteer.

-What? You have gone crazy.


-Shut your hole, Bane...

...before I put you in one.

Is there no other?

Be hard for any man to risk his life...

...especially if he doesn't

understand the reason.

Captain Niobe of the Logos

will answer the councillor's call.


-Thank you, Captain Niobe.

Commander Lock, you have your orders.

This Council is hereby adjourned.

-Niobe, what are you doing?

-What I can.


Because some things

never change, Jason...

...and some things do.

What can you see, Neo?

It's strange.

The code is somehow different.



Is that good for us or bad for us?

Well, it looks like every floor

is wired with expl*sives.

Bad for us.

Here we go.

Yes. We are here to speak

with the Merovingian.

Well, of course.

He has been expecting you.

Follow me.

Here he is at last.

Neo, the One himself.


And the legendary Morpheus.

And Trinity, of course.

I have heard so much.

You honor me. Please, sit. Join us.

This is my wife, Persephone.

Something to eat? Drink?

Of course, such things are contrivances,

like so much here.

For the sake of appearances.

-No, thank you.

-Yes, of course. Who has time?

Who has time? But then, if we do not ever

take time, how can we ever have time?

Chteau Haut-Briond, 1959.

Magnificent wine.

I love French wine

like I love the French language.

I have sampled every language. French

is my favorite. Fantastic language...

...especially to curse with.

You see? It's like wiping your ass

with silk. I love it.

You know why we are here.

I am a trafficker of information.

I know everything I can.

The question is,

do you know why you are here?

We are looking for the Keymaker.

Oh, yes, it is true.

The Keymaker, of course.

But this is not a reason,

this is not a why.

The Keymaker himself, his very nature,

is a means, it is not an end.

And so to look for him is to be

looking for a means to do...


-You know the answer to that question.

But do you?

You think you do, but you do not.

You are here

because you were sent here.

You were told to come here,

and then you obeyed.

It is, of course, the way of all things.

You see, there is only one constant... universal. It is the only real truth.


Action, reaction.

-Cause and effect.

-Everything begins with choice.

No. Wrong.

Choice is an illusion created

between those with power...

...and those without.

Look there at that woman.

My God, just look at her...

...affecting everyone around her.

So obvious, so bourgeois, so boring.

But wait.

Watch. You see, I have sent her

a dessert...

...a very special dessert.

I wrote it myself.

It starts so simply...

...each line of the program creating

a new effect, just like...



...a rush, heat. Her heart flutters.

You can see it, Neo, yes?

She does not understand why.

Is it the wine? No.

What is it then? What is the reason?

And soon it does not matter.

Soon the why and the reason are gone...

...and all that matters is the feeling itself.

And this is the nature of the universe.

We struggle against it,

we fight to deny it...

...but it is, of course, pretense.

It is a lie.

Beneath our poised appearance...

...the truth is, we are completely...

...out of control.

Causality. There is no escape from it.

We are forever slaves to it.

Our only hope, our only peace, is

to understand it, to understand the why.

"Why" is what separates us from them... from me.

"Why" is the only real source of power.

Without it, you are powerless.

And this is how you come to me,

without why, without power.

Another link in the chain.

But fear not.

Since I have seen how good you are

at following orders...

...I will tell you what to do next.

Run back and give the fortuneteller

this message:

Her time is almost up.

Now I have some real business to do,

so I will say adieu and goodbye.

-This isn't over.

-Oh, yes, it is.

The Keymaker is mine, and I see no

reason why I should give him up.

-No reason at all.

-Where are you going?

Please, ma chrie, I have told you.

We are all victims of causality.

I drank too much wine,

I must take a piss.

Cause and effect. Au revoir.

Touch me and that hand

will never touch anything again.

Well, that didn't go so well.

Are you certain the Oracle

didn't say anything else?


-Maybe we did something wrong.

Or didn't do something.

No, what happened couldn't have

happened any other way.

-How do you know?

-We are still alive.

If you want the Keymaker, follow me.

Get out.

I am so sick and tired of his bullshit.

On and on. Pompous prick.

A long time ago, when we first

came here, it was so different.

He was so different.

He was like you.

I'll give you what you want,

but you have to give me something.


-A kiss.

Excuse me?

I want you to kiss me

as if you were kissing her.


-You love her. She loves you.

It's all over you both.

A long time ago,

I knew what that felt like.

I want to remember it.

I want to sample it. That's all.

Just a sample.

-Why don't you sample this instead?


Such emotion over something so small.

It's just a kiss.

Why should we trust you?

If I don't deliver you to the Keymaker,

she can k*ll me.

All right.

But you have to make me believe

I am her.

All right.

Terrible. Forget it.




That's it.

I envy you. But such a thing

is not meant to last.

Come with me.

Not again.

It's all right, boys. They're with me.

These fellas work for my husband.

They do his dirty work.

They're very good, very Ioyal.

Aren't you, boys?

Yes, mistress.

They come from a much older version

of the Matrix.

But like so many back then, they caused

more problems than they solved.

My husband saved them because

they're notoriously difficult to terminate.

How many people keep silver b*ll*ts

in their g*n?

You can either run and tell my husband

what I have done...

...or you can stay there and die.

He's in the ladies' room!


-My name is Neo.

-Yes. I'm the Keymaker.

I've been waiting for you.

My God! My God, Persephone,

how could you do this? You betray me.

-Cause and effect, my love.


There is no cause for this. What cause?

What cause? How about the lipstick

you're still wearing?

Lipstick? Lipstick.

What craziness are you talking about,

woman? There is no lipstick!

She wasn't kissing your face, my love.

Woman, this is nothing.

-It is a game. It is only a game.

-So is this.

Have fun.

All right.

All right.

Let us find out where this goes.

You two, get the Keymaker.

That's a nice trick.

I cannot go back.

I'll handle them.

Handle us? You'll handle us? You know,

your predecessors had much more respect.

Okay, you have some skill.

k*ll him.

You see? He's just a man.

g*dd*mn it, woman,

you will be the end of me.

Mark my words, boy,

and mark them well.

I have survived your predecessors,

and I will survive you.

-Where are you going?

-Another way. Always another way.

Close it, quick!

Could we move along?


Step away from the door.

We owe you for that.

Just like new.

Drop your w*apon.

-Stay with him.

-What about Neo?

He can handle himself.

Get in back.



-Link, where am I?

You won't believe this,

but you're way up in the mountains.


-lt'll take me a while to get an exit.



The twins are after Morpheus and Trinity.

They don't have a way out.

-Where are they?

-Middle of the city, 500 miles due south.


-Get us out of here.

-Won't be easy.

-I know. We're inside the core network.

The only exit I got

near you is the Winslow overpass.

-Off the freeway.

-Yes, sir.

-Fine, we'll make it.

-I should... Oh, shit! Look out behind you!

-Incoming fire.


Hold on!

Oh, no. This is getting real ugly

real fast.

Are you watching this, Link?

Yes, sir. There's an all points on you.

Eight units headed your way.

Any suggestions?

-Turn right.

-Right, now.

Straight here.

You'll hit a connecting tunnel to the 101 .

-Got it.

-You sure about this? The freeway, I mean.

-In 14 years of operating, I've never seen...

-Link, what did I tell you?

Yes, sir. I do, sir. Winslow overpass.

-I'll be ready for you.

-Good man.

You always told me

to stay off the freeway.

-Yes, that's true.

-You said it was su1c1de.

Then let us hope...

...that I was wrong.


-Link, it's Niobe.

We've been sent to bring you in.

-I need to talk to Morpheus.

-Believe me, Niobe, he needs you.

-Where is he?

-Just follow the sirens.

Repeat, they're approaching the...

-We have them now.

-The exile is the primary target.

sh*ts fired.


-We are getting aggravated.

-Yes, we are.


Get him out of here.

Come on!

Crush him.


He's okay. Keep moving.

Let's go.

I need a download

to hot-wire a motorcycle.

No problem.

One crash course on motorcycle...


Cancel that.

You are handy.

Jump on.

She means nothing.

-Find the exile.

-We have them.

One-Adam- 12, please respond.

Get down.


She's good.

You are no longer necessary.

We do only what we're meant to do.

Then you are meant for one more thing:


Go kick his ass.

Neo, if you're out there,

I could use some help.

What is that?

Yes! Yes!

We have confirmation from the Icarus.

First two ships

are in position for counterattack.


Any change?

They hit some iron ore here.

Slowed them down a little.

-How much?

-An hour, maybe.

That would give them

a little over nine hours.

Yes, sir.

There is a building.

Inside this building, there is a level

where no elevator can go...

...and no stair can reach.

This level is filled with doors.

These doors lead to many places.

Hidden places.

But one door is special.

One door leads to the source.

This building is protected

by a very secure system.

-Every alarm triggers the b*mb.

-b*mb? Did he say b*mb?

But like all systems,

it has a weakness.

The system is based on the rules

of a building.

-One system built on another.


-lf one fails, so must the other.

-No electricity, no alarms.

You'd have to take out a city block

to k*ll the power.

-Not one, 27.

-Twenty-seven blocks?

There is a power station.

It must be destroyed.

-There must be some kind of fail-safe.

-Yes, there is an emergency system.

The core network of the grid

must be accessed.

The emergency system

must be deactivated.

What do you need us for?

Neo could take them out

easier than we could.

-There's no time.


Once the door is unprotected,

the connection will be severed.

But another connection

must first be made.

-How long will that take?

-Exactly 314 seconds.

Just over five minutes.

That is the length and breadth

of the window.

Only the One can open the door...

...and only during that window

can the door be opened.

How do you know all this?

I know because I must know.

It is my purpose.

It's the reason I'm here,

the same reason we're all here.

Neo, I know something's wrong.

You don't have to tell me.

I just want you to know that I'm here.

All must be done as one.

Can't hurt.

If one fails...

...all fail.

At midnight, there is a shift change

in the security of both buildings.

At midnight, we will strike.


-You count sheep at home.

-Why? I get paid to count them here.

Okay, they're inside.

-How much time?

-Twelve minutes.

Oh, shit.

All of our lives, we have fought this w*r.

Tonight, I believe we can end it.

Tonight is not an accident.

There are no accidents.

We have not come here by chance.

I do not believe in chance.

When I see three objectives,

three captains, three ships...

...I do not see coincidence.

I see providence.

I see purpose.

I believe it is our fate to be here.

It is our destiny.

I believe this night holds

for each and every one of us...

...the very meaning of our lives.

I want to ask you to do something,

but I don't know how.

I promise you, if I can, I will.

What if I asked you to stay out of this... matter what... stay out of the Matrix?



All right.

What is it, Niobe?

I can't help it, Morpheus. I can't

help thinking, what if you're wrong?

What if all this, the prophecy,

everything, is bullshit?

Then tomorrow we may all be dead.

But how would that be different

from any other day?

This is a w*r, and we are soldiers.

Death can come for us at any time... any place.

Incoming. Incoming!


Now consider the alternative.

What if I am right?

What if the prophecy is true?

What if tomorrow the w*r could be over?

Isn't that worth fighting for?

Isn't that worth dying for?


-Three minutes.

Almost there.

It is done.

Find the others.

I got Niobe there.

They're out of the station.

-What about Soren?


They're still inside, but...

They're not moving.

That's it, let's go.

Call Neo now.

-I lost them. They're inside the portal.

-What about the grid?

Everything is operational.

The emergency system is rerouting power.


Soon as they open that door,

it's all over.

The hell it is.

What are you...? Trinity!

I will not wait and do nothing.

I will not watch them die.

We're talking less than five minutes.

In five minutes,

I'll tear that building down.

-How much further?

-Here, just here.

I'm sorry, this is a dead end.

It's gotta be the ugliest hack

I have ever done.

That's as close as I can get you.

You better grow wings.


-I'm in.

Keep moving. Sixty-fifth floor.

You look surprised to see me again,

Mr. Anderson.

Well, that's the difference between us.

I have been expecting you.

-What do you want, Smith?

-You haven't figured that out?

Still using all the muscles

except the one that matters.

I want exactly what you want.

I want everything.

Would that include a b*llet

from this g*n?

Go ahead, sh**t.

The best thing about being me,

there's so many me's.

Christ! What the hell happened in here?

Hold it right there, little lady.

If you can't beat us...

Join us.


Still no sight of them.

They only got two minutes left.

One minute.

Come on.

Come on.


k*ll them.

They're in.

I don't believe it.

It was meant to be.

Morpheus, that door will take you home.

You will know which door.

Hurry, Neo.

Trinity, I got some serious activity

headed your way.

Hello, Neo.

-Who are you?

-I am the Architect.

I created the Matrix.

I've been waiting for you.

You have many questions. Though the

process has altered your consciousness... remain irrevocably human.

Ergo, some of my answers you will

understand and some you will not.

Concordantly, while your first question

may be the most pertinent... may or may not realize

it is also the most irrelevant.

Why am I here?

Your life is the sum of a remainder

of an unbalanced equation...

...inherent to the programming

of the Matrix.

You are the eventuality of an anomaly,

which despite my sincerest efforts...

...I've been unable to eliminate

from what is otherwise...

...a harmony of mathematical precision.

While it remains a burden

assiduously avoided... is not unexpected and thus

not beyond a measure of control...

...which has led you, inexorably...

-You haven't answered my question.

-Quite right.


That was quicker than the others.

Others? How many?

What others?

The Matrix is older than you know.

I count from the emergence of one integral

anomaly to the emergence of the next.

In which case, this is the sixth version.

Five before me?

He's lying. Bullshit.

There are only two possible explanations.

There were five before me.

Either no one told me...

-...or no one knows.


As you are undoubtedly gathering,

the anomaly is systemic...

...creating fluctuations in even

the most simplistic equations.

You can't control me!

I'm gonna smash you to bits!

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you!

You can't make me do anything.

You old, white prick!


The problem is choice.

The first Matrix I designed

was naturally perfect, a work of art.

Flawless, sublime.

A triumph equaled only

by its monumental failure.

The inevitability of its doom

is apparent now... a consequence of the imperfection

inherent in every human.

Thus, I redesigned it

based on your history... more accurately reflect

the varying grotesqueries of your nature.

However, I was again frustrated

by failure.

I have come to understand

that the answer eluded me...

...because it required a lesser mind.

Or perhaps, a mind less bound

by the parameters of perfection.

Thus, the answer was stumbled upon

by another, an intuitive program...

...initially created to investigate

certain aspects of the human psyche.

If I am the father of the Matrix,

she would undoubtedly be its mother.

-The Oracle.


As I was saying, she stumbled upon a

solution whereby 99 percent of subjects...

...accepted the program, as long as they

were given a choice...

...even if they were only aware

of the choice at a near unconscious level.

While this answer functioned,

it was fundamentally flawed...

...thus creating the otherwise

contradictory systemic anomaly...

...that, if left unchecked,

might thr*aten the system.

Ergo, those that refused the program,

while a minority, if unchecked...

...would constitute

an escalating probability of disaster.

This is about Zion.

You are here because Zion

is about to be destroyed.

Its every living inhabitant terminated,

its entire existence eradicated.


Denial is the most predictable

of all human responses.

But rest assured, this will be

the sixth time we have destroyed it...

...and we have become

exceedingly efficient at it.

The function of the One... now to return to the source, allowing

a dissemination of the code you carry...

...reinserting the prime program.

After which you will be required to select

from the Matrix 23 individuals...

...sixteen female, seven male,

to rebuild Zion.

Failure to comply with this process

will result in a cataclysmic system crash...

...k*lling everyone connected

to the Matrix...

...which, coupled with the

extermination of Zion...

...will result in the extinction

of the entire human race.

You won't let it happen. You can't.

You need human beings to survive.

There are levels of survival

we are prepared to accept.

The relevant issue is

whether or not you are ready... accept the responsibility for the death

of every human being in this world.

It is interesting reading your reactions.

Your five predecessors were, by design,

based on a similar predication...

...a contingent affirmation that was meant

to create a profound attachment... the rest of your species,

facilitating the function of the One.

While the others experience this

in a general way...

...your experience is far more specific...

...vis--vis love.


Apropos, she entered the Matrix

to save your life at the cost of her own.


Which brings us at last to the moment

of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw... ultimately expressed

and the anomaly revealed... both beginning and end.

There are two doors.

The door to your right leads to the source

and the salvation of Zion.

The door to your left leads back to the

Matrix, to her and the end of your species.

As you adequately put,

the problem is choice.

But we already know what

you are going to do, don't we?

Already I can see the chain reaction,

the chemical precursors that signal...

...the onset of an emotion designed

specifically to overwhelm logic and reason.

An emotion that is already blinding you

from the simple and obvious truth:

She is going to die and there is nothing

you can do to stop it.

Hope. It is the quintessential

human delusion, simultaneously...

...the source of your greatest strength

and your greatest weakness.

If I were you, I would hope

that we don't meet again.

We won't.

We got a serious situation, sir.

Oh, no.

-What was that?

-It's moving faster than anything I've seen.

Holy shit, he caught her.

Neo, I had to.

I know.

The b*llet is still inside.


...don't you quit on me now.

I'm sorry.



...I know you can hear me.

I'm not letting go.

I can't.

I love you too damn much.

I can't take this.

I guess this makes us even.

I don't understand it.

Everything was done

as it was supposed to be done.

Once the One reaches the source,

the w*r should be over.

-In 24 hours, it will be.


If we don't do something in 24 hours,

Zion will be destroyed.


-How do you know that?

-I was told it would happen.

-By whom?

It doesn't matter. I believed him.

-That's impossible. The prophecy tells us...

-It was a lie, Morpheus.

The prophecy was a lie.

The One was never meant

to end anything.

It was all another system of control.

I don't believe that.

But you said it yourself.

How can the prophecy be true

if the w*r isn't over?

I'm sorry.

I know it isn't easy to hear, but...

...I swear to you it's the truth.

-What are we gonna do?

-I don't know.

Oh, no!

-What are they doing?

-They're just out of EMP range.

It's a b*mb.

We have to get out of here. Now.

I have dreamed a dream...

...but now that dream

has gone from me.

Here they come.

Let's go, Morpheus.

-We won't make it.

-We have to try.

-Come on!

-Something's different.


I can feel them.


-What happened?

-I don't know.

It's the Hammer.

He's in some kind of coma...

...but his vitals are stable.

What about you?

I'm fine.

You could use some rest.

No, I'm gonna stay with him.

Lock was right.

He guessed that the machines...

...would cut off the mainlines

in and out of Zion.

He thought a counterattack

might surprise them.

It sounded good.

I figured we had a shot...

...until someone screwed it up.

An EMP was triggered before

we got in position.

-Five ships were instantly downed.

-When the machines broke through... wasn't a battle, it was a slaughter.

Was it an accident?

Some sort of malfunction?

-No one knows.

-Someone does.


Once the machines were done with us,

they started digging again.

We made a quick pass

to look for survivors.

You found one?

Only one.

Everything that has a beginning...

...has an end.

I see the end coming.

I see the darkness spreading.

I see death.

Mr. Anderson, welcome back.

We missed you.

It ends tonight.

You are all that stands in his way.

If you cannot stop him tonight, then

I fear that tomorrow may never come.
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