Terminator 2 (1991)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Terminator 2 (1991)

Post by bunniefuu »

Three billion human lives
ended on August 29, 1997.

The survivors of the
nuclear fire...

called the w*r "Judgment Day."

They lived only to
face a new nightmare-

the w*r against the machines.

The computerwhich controlled
the machines, Skynet...

sent two Terminators
back through time.

Their mission: To destroy the
leader of the human resistance.

John Connor, my son.

The first Terminator was programmed
to strike at me in the year 1984...

before John was born.

It failed.

The second was set to
strike atJohn himself...

when he was still a child.

As before, the resistance was
able to send a lone warrior...

a protector for John.

It was just a question of which one
of them would reach him first.

I need your clothes, your
boots and your motorcycle.

You forgot to say please.

Get him off me!

Pull it out!

Take it.

Can't let you take the
man's wheels, son.

Now, get off before
I put you down.

That's it, g*dd*mn it.

R-31 David, Sherman Code 6...

at the Sixth Street Bridge and Santa
Fe on electrical disturbance.

Ten-four, R-31 David.

John, get in there and clean
up that pigsty of yours.

Your foster parents are
kind of dicks, huh?

I swear, I have had it
with that g*dd*mn kid.

He won't even answer me anymore.
- Honey, move.

Would you get off your
butt and help me?

- Todd!
- What?

He hasn't cleaned that
room of his in a month.

Oh, it's an emergency. Hang on.
I'll get right on it.

Come on.

Get your ass inside. Do
what your mother tells you.

She's not my mother, Todd.

This next patient is interesting.

I've been following
the case for years.

A 29-year-old female...

diagnosed as acute
schizo-affective disorder.

The usual indicators: Depression,
anxiety, violent acting out...

delusions of persecution.

The delusional architecture
is fairly unique.

She believes that a machine
called the Terminator...

which looks human, was
sent back through time...

- to k*ll her.
- That's original.

And also that the
father of her child...

was a soldier sent
back to protect her.

He was from the future too.

The year 2029, if I
remember correctly.

And here we are.

Morning, Sarah.

Good morning, Dr. Silberman.
How's the knee?

Fine, Sarah.

She stabbed me in the kneecap...

with my pen a few weeks ago.

Repeated escape attempts.

Let's move on, shall we?

I don't like to see the patients
disrupting their rooms like this.

See she takes her Thorazine.
- Sure. I'll take care of it.

It's time to take
your meds, Connor.

You take it.

Now you knowyou gotta be good.
You're up for review this afternoon.

I'm not taking it, Dougie.

I don't want any trouble.
- Ain't no trouble.

Zap her.

Last call, sugar.

Sweet dreams.

Are you the legal
guardian of John Connor?

That's right, Officer.
What's he done now?

Could I speak with him, please?
- You could if he were here.

He took offon his bike this morning.
He could be anywhere.

Do you have a photograph of John?

Yeah. Hold on.

Gonna tell me what this is about?

I just need to ask
him a few questions.

He's a good-looking boy. Do you
mind if I keep this picture?

No, go on. There was a guy here
this morning looking for him too.

Yeah, a big guy on a bike.

Has that got something
to do with this?

I wouldn't worry about him.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Please insert your
stolen card now.

PIN number.

Hurry up. This is taking too long.

Go, baby.

All right.

PIN number 9003.
- Where'd you learn this stufffrom?

From my mom. My real mom, I mean.

Withdraw 300 bucks.

Come on, baby. Come on!

- Yes!
- Hey, it worked.

All right. Easy money. Come on!

Yes! Piece of cake.

- Is that her?
- Yes.

She's pretty cool, huh?

No, she's a complete psycho.

That's why she's at Pescadero.
It's a mental institute.

She tried to blow up a computer
factory but got shot and arrested.

No shit.

She's a total loser.

Come on. Let's go
spend some money.

Sarah, wake up.


You're dead.

Where's our son, Sarah?

They took him away from me.

- He's the target now.
- I know.

He's all alone. You
have to protect him.

I know.

You tell me how I'm
supposed to do that.

He doesn't even
believe me anymore.

I've lost him.
- You're strong, Sarah.

Stronger than you ever
thought you could be.

On your feet, soldier!

I love you, Sarah. I always will.

I need you.
- I'll always be with you.

Remember the message?

The future is not set.

There is no fate but what
we make for ourselves.

Stay with me.

There's not much time
left in the world, Sarah.

Kyle, don't go!

It's like a giant strobe light...

burning right through my eyes.

Somehow I can still see.

Oh, God.

We know the dream's
the same every night.

Why do I have to...
- Please continue.

Children look like burnt paper.


Not moving.

And then the blast wave hits them.

And they fly apart like leaves.

Dreams of cataclysm, the
end of the world...

are very common.

It's not a dream, you moron.
It's real.

I know the date it happens.
- I'm sure it feels real to you.

On August 29, 1997...

it's gonna feel pretty
f*ckin' real to you too!

Anybody not wearing two-million
sunblock is gonna have a real bad day.

Get it?

God, you think you're
safe and alive.

You're already dead. Everybody!

Him. You. You're dead already.

This whole place,
everything you see is gone!

You're the one living in the
dream, 'cause I know it happens!

It happens!

I feel much better now.


Yes, your attitude has been...

much improved lately.

It's helped me to have a goal...

something to look forward to.

What is that?

Well, you said...

that if I showed improvement
after six months...

you would transfer me to the
minimum security wing...

and I could have visitors.

Well, it's been six months and...

I was looking forward
to seeing my son.

I see.

Let's go back to what you were saying
about those Terminator machines.

Now you think they don't exist?

They don't exist. I know that now.

But you've told me on many occasions
about howyou crushed one...

in a hydraulic press.

If I had, there would
have been some evidence.

They would have found
something at the factory.

I see.

So you don't believe anymore
that the company covered it up?

No. Why would they?

Let's try a new
position right there.

Mr. Dyson?

The materials team is
running another...

- Mr. Dyson.
- Yes?

The materials team is running
another series this afternoon.

You have to sign for the... it.

You have to sign it out.
- Okay. I'll get it.

I know I haven't been here long,
but I was wondering if you know...

Know what?

If you know where "it" came from.

I asked them the same question once.
You know what they told me?

Don't ask.

Good morning, Mr. Dyson.
- How's it going?

Insert key. Left on three.

Two, one, turn.

How are the wife and kids?
- Great. Thanks.

So what do you think, Doctor?

Haven't I shown improvement?

Well, Sarah, here's the problem.

I know how smart you are.

You'rejust telling me
what I want to hear.

I don't think you really believe
what you're telling me today.

If I put you in minimum security,
you'll just try to escape again.

You have to let me see my son.


He's in great danger.
He's naked without me.

If I could make a phone call...

I'm afraid not. Not for a while.

I don't see any choice but to
recommend to the review board...

that you stay here for
another six months.

I'll k*ll you, you son of a bitch!

You son of a bitch!

Ten CCs of sodium
amobarbital, stat!

You don't know what you're doing!
- Get some restraints in here now!

You don't know what you're doing!

Model citizen.

You just missed him. He
was here 15 minutes ago.

He was going to the galleria.
- Yeah.

The galleria?

I'm gonna get some quarters.
I'll be back, all right?

Oh, no!
- Girls, do you knowJohn Connor?

Hey, do you know this guy?

Nah, I don't know him.

- John.
- Not now.

There's this cop scoping for you.
Check it out.

He's right over there.
- Split, man.

- Just go.
- Yeah.

I saw that kid...

You're not supposed to be in here!

Get down.

Mister, are you all right?

You all right?

Come on!


Okay, time-out. Stop the bike.

Time-out. Come on, stop the bike.

Holy shit. Now, don't
take this the wrong way.

You are a Terminator, right?
- Yes.

Cyberdyne Systems, Model 101.

Holy shit.

You're really real.

I mean...

You're like a machine
underneath, right?

But alive outside?

I'm a cybernetic organism.

Living tissue over
metal endoskeleton.

This is intense.

Get a grip, John. Okay.

You're not here to k*ll me.

I figured that part out for myself.
So what's the deal?

My mission is to protect you.
- Yeah? Who sent you?

You did. Thirty-five
years from now...

you reprogrammed me to be your
protector here in this time.

Oh, this is deep.

So this other guy, he's a
Terminator like you, right?

Not like me. A T-1000,
advanced prototype.

More advanced than you are?

Yes. A mimetic poly-alloy.
- What the hell does that mean?

Liquid metal.
- Where are we going?

We have to get out of the city
immediately and avoid the authorities.

I gotta stop by my house. I
wanna pick up some stuff.

Negative. The T-1000 would definitely
try to reacquire you there.

- You sure?
- I would.

Look, Todd and
Janelle are dicks...

but I gotta warn 'em.

Shit. You got a quarter?

- Hello.
- Janelle, it's me.

- John?
- Is everything all right?

Are you guys okay?
- Sure, honey, everything's okay.

Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

John, it's late. I was
beginning to worry about you.

If you hurry home, we can sit
down and have dinner together.

I'm making beef stew.

Something's wrong.
She's never this nice.

Where are you?

What the hell is the
g*dd*mn dog barking at?

Hey, shut up, you
worthless piece of shit!

The dog's really barking.

You were gonna tell the kid
to get rid of that mutt.

John, it's late. Please
don't make me worry.

Could he already be there?

Are you okay?

I'm right here. I'm fine.
- Are you sure you're all right?

- What's the dog's name?
- Max.

Hey, Janelle. What's
wrong with Wolfie?

I can hear him barking.
Is he okay?

Wolfie's fine, honey.
Wolfie'sjust fine.

Where are you?

Your foster parents are dead.

I need a minute here.

You're telling me that this thing
can imitate anything it touches?

Anything it samples
by physical contact.

Get real.

It could disguise itself
as a pack of cigarettes?

No, only an object of equal size.

Why not just become a b*mb
or something to get me?

It can't form complex machines.

g*ns and expl*sives have
chemicals, moving parts.

It doesn't work that way. But
it can form solid metal shapes.

Like what?
- Knives and stabbing weapons.

These were taken by a video
surveillance camera...

at the West Highland
Police Station in 1984.

He k*lled 17 police
officers that night.

Men with families...


These were taken at
a mall in Reseda...


Miss Connor, we know you
know who this guy is.

I just sat here and told you
that your son is missing...

that the foster parents
have been m*rder*d.

We know this guy's involved.

Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Don't you care?

We're wasting our time. Let's go.

Sorry, guys.

She's grown more disconnected
from reality as time goes on.

I'm afraid she can't help us now.

If she clears at all and can
give us anything, I'll call you.


Douglas, take her
back to her room.

Yes, sir.

Come on, sweetheart. Let's go.

You see...

we spent a lot of time in
Nicaragua and places like that.

For a while there, she was with
this crazy ex-Green Beret guy...

running g*ns.

Then there were some other guys.

She'd shack up with anybody
she could learn from...

so she could teach me how to
be this great military leader.

Then she gets busted.

It's like, "Sorry, kid, your mom's a psycho.
Didn't you know?"

Like everything I've been brought up
to believe is all made-up bullshit.

I hated her for that.

But everything she said was true.

She knew...

and nobody believed her...

not even me.

Listen. We gotta get
her out of there.

Negative. The T-1000's highest
probability for success now...

will be to copy Sarah Connor and wait
for you to make contact with her.

Great. What happens to her?

Typically, the subject being
copied is terminated.

Shit! Why didn't you tell me?
We gotta go right now!

Negative. It's not a
mission priority.

Fuckyou! She's a priority to me!

g*dd*mn it! What's your problem?

This does not help our mission.

Get this psycho off of me! Help!

I'm being kidnapped! Get
this psycho off of me!

Let me go!

Why did you do that?

Because you told me to.


You have to do what I say?

That's one of my
mission parameters.

Prove it. Stand on one foot.


Cool. My own Terminator..

You okay, kid?

Take a hike, bozo.

Let's get outta here, man.

Fuckyou, you little dipshit!


Put your leg down.

Did you call moi a dipshit?
- Just trying to help this punk.

Grab this guy.

Get him off of me!

Now who's the dipshit...

you jock douche bag?

Put the g*n down now!

Get outta here!
- Come on. Let's split!

You were gonna k*ll that guy!

Of course. I'm a Terminator.

Listen to me very carefully, okay?

You're not a Terminator
anymore, all right?

You got that?

You just can't go
around k*lling people.


What do you mean, why?
'Cause you can't.

Because you just can't.
Trust me on this.

Look. I'm gonna go get my mom.

I orderyou to help me.

You have a Sarah Connor here?

You're runnin' kind of late.

They've been in there for an hour.

Hold on a second.
I'll buzz you in.

Oh, here come your friends now.

Gwen, you want some coffee?
- No, thanks.

- How 'bout a beer?
- Yeah, right.

Hey, I got a full house.
- That's good, Louis.

Must be my lucky day.

You're right about number 24.

Increase the medication
to 250 milligrams.

- Same kind?
- Mm-


You broke my arm.

There are 215 bones
in the human body.

That's one. Now, don't move.

What are you going to do?

Why do we stop now?

You gotta promise me you're
not gonna k*ll anyone, right?

- Right.
- Swear?


Just put up your hand and say,
"I swear I won't k*ll anyone."

I swear I will not k*ll anyone.

All right. Let's go.

Visiting hours is 10:00 to 4:00...

Monday through Friday.

What are you doing?

You son of a bitch! You shot me!

Crazy bastard!

Don't sh**t me again.
Don't k*ll me.

He'll live.

Son of a bitch!

Let's try to remain calm.

Open it, or he'll be dead
before he hits the floor.

There's no way, Connor.
Let him go.

Open the door.
- It ain't gonna happen.

Take it easy, Sarah.

It won't work. You're no k*ller.
I don't believe you can do it.

You're already dead. Everybody dies.
You know I believe it.

So don't f*ck with me!

Open the door!

Back off!

Get back!

I'll pump him full of this shit.
I swear!

Don't move!

Drop the shit!

Do it!

Get in the office.

On the floor, face down. Not you!

Open the door.

On the floor. Hold it open.
Face the wall!

Get her!

Hurry up! Open the door!
The door's locked!

Let's go! Open it!

- She broke it off.
- Open it!

Let's go around! Come on! Move it!

Mom, wait!

Come back here!

- Help her!
- Wait here.

- Hurry up!
- He'll k*ll us all!

Hold her.

He'll k*ll us all!

Mom, are you okay? Mom!

Come with me if you want to live.

It's okay, Mom. He's here to help.


What the f*ck is it? What
the f*ck is going on?

Get down.

Out of the car!

Right now!


I'm out.

- Come on.
- Here.


Last one!

Hang on.


Here, drive.

He's not back there.
There's nobody behind us.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

Can you see anything?

I see everything.


Come here.

I said I was okay.

John, it was stupid
of you to go there.

You have to be smarter than that.

You were almost k*lled.

What were you thinking?

You cannot riskyourself,
even for me.

Do you understand?
You're too important.

Do you understand?


I had to get you out of that place.
I'm sorry.

I didn't need your help. I
can take care of myself.

What's wrong with your eyes?


So, what's your story?

You okay?


Say, that's a nice bike.

Watch it, lug nuts.

Listen, do you know
what you're doing?

I have detailed files
on human anatomy.

I bet.

Makes you a more
efficient k*ller, right?


Does it hurt when you get shot?

I sense injuries. The data
could be called "pain."

John, help me with the light.

- Will these heal up?
- Yes.

Good. If you can't pass for human,
you're not much good to us.

How long do you live? I mean, last.

A hundred and twentyyears
with my existing power cell.

Can you learn stuff that you
haven't been programmed with...

so you can be...

you know, more human...

and not such a dork all the time?

My CPU is a neural net
processor, a learning computer.

But Skynet presets the switch to
read-only when we're sent out alone.

Doesn't want you to do
too much thinking, huh?


Can we reset the switch?

Rotate the two locking
cylinders counterclockwise.

Do it.

Now open the port cover.

Pull to break the seal.

Good, now remove the
shock-damping assembly.

You can now access the CPU.

- Do you see it?
- Yes.

Hold the CPU by its base tab.


Do you see the pin switch?

No! No!

Out of my way, John.
- Don't k*ll him.

It, John, not him. It.

Okay, it. But we need it.

Listen to me. You listen.

We're better off on our own.

But he's the only proof we have...

of the future and the
w*r and all that.


I don't trust it.

But he's my friend, all right?

You don't know what it's like to
try to k*ll one of these things...

and if something goes wrong this
could be our last chance, so move!

If I'm ever supposed to be
this great military leader...

maybe you should start listening to
my leadership ideas once in a while.

Because if my own mother won't,
how do you expect anyone else to?

All right, play it your way.

Was there a problem?

No problem.

None whatsoever.

Are we learning yet?

We have to get as far away
from the city as possible.

Just head south.

Keep it under 65.

We don't want to be pulled over.
- Affirmative.

You gotta listen to
the way people talk.

You don't say "affirmative"
or some shit like that.

You say, "No problemo."

If someone comes off to you with
an attitude, you say, "Eat me."

And if you want to shine them on,
it's "Hasta la vista, baby."

Yeah, or "Later, d*ck-wad."

If someone gets upset,
you say, "Chill out."

Oryou can do combinations.

Chill out, d*ck-wad.

That's great. See?
You're getting it.

You got any cash?

I got a couple hundred bucks.
I'll give you half.


Get some food.

No sense of humor.

That's another thing. You can
lighten up a bit yourself.

This severe routine
is getting old, okay.

I mean, you're acting
like such a geek.

Smile once in a while.


Yeah, you know, smile. Watch.

Hi. Nice place you got here.
How's business?

Give me a break.

Okay, bad example.

See that guy over there?

That's a smile.

That's good.

Maybe you could practice in
front of a mirror or something.

Want some of my fries?

- Need any help?
- No.

- I got you!
- No, you didn't!

We're not gonna make it, are we?

People, I mean.

It's in your nature
to destroyyourselves.

Yeah. Major drag, huh?

Break it up before I wring
both of your necks.

I need to know how
Skynet gets built.

Who's responsible?

The man most directly responsible
is Miles Bennett Dyson.

Who is that?

He's the director of special projects
at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation.

Why him?

In a few months, he creates a
revolutionary type of microprocessor.

Go on. Then what?

In three years Cyberdyne will
become the largest supplier...

of military computer systems.

All Stealth bombers are upgraded
with Cyberdyne computers...

becoming fully unmanned.

Afterwards they fly with a
perfect operational record.

The Skynet funding bill is passed.

The system goes on-line
on August 4, 1997.

Human decisions are removed
from strategic defense.

Skynet begins to learn
at a geometric rate.

It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.
M. Eastern time, August 29.

In a panic, they try
to pull the plug.

- Skynet fights back.
- Yes.

It launches its missiles
against the targets in Russia.

Why attack Russia? Aren't
they our friends now?

Skynet knows the Russian counterattack
will eliminate its enemies over here.


How much do you know about Dyson?

I have detailed files.

I want to know everything.

What he looks like, where
he lives, everything.


Are you going to work all day?

I'm sorry, baby. But this
thing is just kicking my ass.

Miles, it's Sunday.

You promised to take the
kids to Raging Waters today.

I can't...

I'm on a roll.

Baby, this is going to
blow them all away.

It's a neural net processor.
- I know. You told me.

It's a neural net processor. It
thinks and learns like we do.

It's superconducting
at room temperature.

Other computers arejust pocket
calculators by comparison.

But why is that so g*dd*mn
important, Miles?

I really need to know...

because sometimes I feel
like I'm going crazy here.

Baby, I am this close.

Come here.

Imagine a jet airliner...

with a pilot that never gets
tired, never makes mistakes...

never shows up to
work with a hangover.

Meet the pilot.

Why did we get married, Miles?
Why did we have these children?

You don't need us.

Your heart and your
mind are in here.

But it doesn't love
you like we do.

I'm sorry. Really.

How about spending some time
with your other babies?

Raging Waters!

Wait in the car.

You're prettyjumpy, Connor.

Hey, bigJohn.

What's up?

He's cool, Enrique. He's with me.

He's... Uncle Bob.

Uncle Bob, this is Enrique.

Uncle Bob, huh?



"Uncle Bob"?

You're pretty famous, all
over the g*dd*mn TV.

Pictures of you, John,
your big friend here.

Cops are going nuts
looking for you.

I just came for my stuff. I
need clothes, food and a truck.

How about the
fillings in my teeth?

Now, Enrique.

You two, you're on weapons detail.

Let's go.

One thing about my mom...

she always plans ahead.


This is my best truck, but
the starter motor's gone.

You got time to change it out?

Yeah. I'm gonna wait till
dark to cross the border.


It's dangerous for you here.
You get out tonight too, okay?


Just drop by anytime and totally
f*ck up my life, all right?

See, I grew up in
places like this...

so I just thought that's
how people lived...

riding around in helicopters...

learning how to blow shit up.

But then when my mom got busted...

I got put into a regular school.

All the other kids
were into Nintendo.

Are you ever afraid?


Not even of dying?


You don't feel any emotion
about it, one way or another?

No. I have to stay functional
until my mission is complete.

Then it doesn't matter.

I have to stay functional too.
"I'm too important."

That's definitelyyou.

Most of the guys my mom hung
around with were geeks...

but there was this one
guy, he was kinda cool.

He taught me engines.

Hold here.

Mom screwed it up, of course.

She'd always tell 'em
aboutJudgment Day...

and me being this world leader.

That'd be all she wrote.

Torque wrench, please.

I wish I could've met my real dad.

You will.

Yeah, I guess.

When I'm, like, 45, I think.

They sent him back
through time to 1984.


He hasn't even been born yet.

It messes with your head.

- The other bolt.
- Here.

Mom and him were only
together for one night.

She still loves him, I guess.

I see her crying sometimes.

She denies it totally, of course, like
she got something stuck in her eye.

Why do you cry?

- You mean people?
- Yeah.

I don't know.

Wejust cry...

you know, when it hurts.

Pain causes it?

No. It's different.

It's when there's nothing wrong
with you, but you hurt anyway.

- You get it?
- No.

All right, my man!

Give me five.

Just put out your hand like this.

All right! Now hit me. Give me five.
Do the same thing.

Okay, that's good. Up high.

Five low.

Too slow.

I'm just kidding. One more time.

Good. Now try it.

Now do me. Give me five.

WatchingJohn with the machine,
it was suddenly so clear.

The Terminatorwould never stop.

It would never leave
him, never hurt him...

never shout at him or get
drunk and hit him...

or be too busy to
spend time with him.

It would always be there...

and it would die to protect him.

Ofall the would-be fathers who
came and went over the years...

this thing, this machine...

was the only one who measured up.

In an insane world...

it was the sanest choice.

Hey, let's try this one.

There we go.

She said go south with
him like you planned.

- She'll meet you tomorrow.
- Mom!

Mom, wait!

"No fate."

No fate but what we make.

My father told her this.

I made him memorize it in the
future as a message to her.

Never mind.

Okay, the whole thing goes...

The future's not set.

There's no fate but what
we make for ourselves.

She intends to change the future.

Yeah, I guess.

Oh, shit!

- Dyson.
- Yeah.

Gotta be. Miles Dyson.

She's gonna blow him away.

Come on! Let's go!

This is tactically dangerous.

Drive faster.

The T-1000 has the
same files that I do.

It knows what I know. It
might anticipate this move.

I don't care. We gotta stop her.

k*lling Dyson might
prevent the w*r.

I don't care! Haven't you
learned anything yet?

Haven't you figured out
whyyou can't k*ll people?

Look, maybe you don't care
if you live or die...

but everybody's not like that.

We have feelings. We hurt.
We're afraid.

You got to learn this stuff. I'm not kidding.
It's important.

Danny, I told you to go
to bed, like your sister.

Just a couple of minutes, Mom!

Danny, your time is up!

Come brush your teeth
and get to bed.


Danny, go! Go!

- Tarissa, run!
- Oh, my God!

Just take Danny and run!


Oh, Jesus! Miles!


Nobody f*cking move!

Don't hurt my daddy!

On the floor, bitch.

Get down now!

Get out of the way!

Don't hurt him!

Get on the floor now!

Just let the boy go.

Shut up. Shut up.

Shut up!

It's all your fault, m*therf*cker.

- It's all your fault!
- What?

I'm not gonna let you do it.

Shit! We're too late!

Check them.

Look at me, Mom.

Are you hurt?

I almost...

It'll be okay.

We'll figure something out. Okay?

I promise.

You came here to stop me.

Yeah, I did.

I love you, John.

I always have.

I know.

Deep penetration.

No shattered bone.

Hold here. The pressure
should stop the bleeding.

Who are you people?

Show him.

Danny, I want you to come with me right now.
Show me your room.

Oh, my God.

Now listen to me very carefully.

Dyson listened while the
Terminator laid it all down.

Skynet. Judgment Day.

The history of things to come.

It's not every day that you
find out you're responsible...

for three billion deaths.

He took it pretty well.

I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

You'rejudging me...

on things I haven't even done yet.

How were we supposed to know?



How were you supposed to know?

f*cking men like you
built the hydrogen b*mb.

Men like you...

thought it up.

You thinkyou're so creative.

You don't know what it's like
to really create something...

to create a life...

to feel it growing inside you.

All you know how to create
is death and destruction.


We need to be a little more
constructive here. Okay?

We still have to stop this
from happening, don't we?

But I thought...

Aren't we changing things right
now, changing the way it goes?

That's right. There's no way I'm going
to finish the new processor. Not now.

Forget it. I'm out of it.
I'll quit Cyberdyne tomorrow.

That's not good enough.

No one must follow your work.


All right, then we have to destroy
all the stuff at the lab...

the files, the disk drives...

everything here.


I don't care.

The chip.

Do you know about the chip?
- What chip?

It's at Cyberdyne. It's from
the other one like you.

The CPU from the first Terminator.

Son of a bitch! I knew it!

They told us not to ask
where they got it.

Those lying m*therf*ckers.

It's scary stuff.
Radically advanced.

It was smashed.

It didn't work, but it gave us
ideas, took us in new directions.

Things we would've never...

All my work was based on it.

It must be destroyed.

Can you get us in? Past security?

I think so, yeah. When?


The future, always
so clear to me...

had become like a black
highway at night.

We were in uncharted
territory now...

making up history
as we went along.

Carl, right?

Friends from out of town.
I just thought I'd...

take 'em upstairs and
show 'em around.

Mr. Dyson, you know the rules
concerning visitors in the lab.

I need written authorization...

I insist.

Don't even think about it.

It's okay.

It takes two keys, turned
simultaneously, to open the vault.

The other one is in a locker
at the security station.


Gibbons! Come on, man!

You can't leave the
desk like that!

Oh, shit.

My card should access this.

- What is it?
- Damn it.

The silent alarm's been tripped.

It's neutralized all the codes
in the entire building.

Nothing will open anywhere now.

We have to abort.

We go all the way. Okay?

You guys get started on the lab.
I can open this.

I think it's that guy from the mall.
- It is.

It's him and the woman.

Just send everything you
got in the area right now.

I have a personal entry code for the lab.
It may still work.

It's no good.

Let me try mine.

John, fire in the hole!

Wait! You can't go in there. The
fire set off the Halon system.

You have to wait until
the gas clears.

Put this on.

All right, let's get to work.

All units in the vicinity and
all units able to respond...

a 211 in progress, 2144 Kramer
Street, the Cyberdyne building.

Suspect one is white female...

identified as last name
Connor, first name Sarah.

Escaped last night from
Pescadero State Hospital.

Suspect two: White male...

All the disks in my office...

all the disks in that
office over there...

everything behind my desk...

and all the processors on my left.

We'll blow those with the CP4.

Can I...

Excuse me.

Can I borrow that thing?

I worked a lot of
years on this thing.

One-Mary-23, give me
that location again.

2111 Kramer.

Suspects are armed and
considered extremely dangerous.

All right.


Easy money.

Oh, shit. Not good.

How we doing?

Primer cord is set.

One more barrel, two more minutes.

How do we set them off?
- Remote control.

Piece of cake.

- We got company.
- Police?

- How many?
- All of'em, I think.

Go. I'll finish here.

Come on.

I'll take care of the police.

Wait! You swore!

Trust me.

You at the window!

Drop yourweapon and place your
hands on top of your head!

Holy shit!

That's a mini-g*n!

- Come on!
- Oh, shit!

Go! Go! Go!


Same time, to the left.

One, two, three, go.

In order to get that out...

We got Skynet by the balls now.

Come on, let's book.

Hold your fire!

- Ready to rock?
- Ready.

Time to go.


Take this. They'll use gas.
- Come on.

Get started on the door.
Miles, hand me the detonator.

Mom! Mom!


She's in the clean room.
There's no way outta there.

Get down!


I don't know how much
longer I can hold this.

Fall back!

Everybody out!

Fall back now! Go! Go! Go!

We got a w*r zone here!

Shut your eyes.

Stay here. I'll be back.

Get down on the floor! Face down!

On the floor now!

Okay, drop him!

Here, hold this.



Get out.


No matter what happens,
stay under these vests.

- You got it?
- Yeah.

All right.

Chopper's coming in!

It's him.


Stay down!

g*dd*mn! You all right?

Come on, Mom, we gotta get out.

Take the shotgun.

Are you hurt?

Holy shit. Come on, Mom. Come on!

- We need your truck.
- Hurry!

- Come on. Hurry.
- Get in.


What the hell...

I'm bleeding bad.
- Keep pressure on it.

Here. This'll work.

He's gaining.

Step on it!

This is the vehicle's top speed.
- I can run faster than this!

Coming up, to the right.

Watch it! Watch it!

- Drive.
- Where are you going?

Take the off-ramp.


Hold on!

Don't stop!

Go straight!

- Look out!
- Duck!

Get the hell outta here!

Get outta here! Let's go! Come on!

Hasta la vista, baby.

We don't have much time.

Let's go.

We gotta get outta here.

Come on! Get up!

Hand me the shotgun.

Put yourweight on me, Mom.


Come on, Mom.

Get up!

This way. Come on.

No! Wait!

Wait. No. No. It's too hot.
Go back.

Go. Run.
- No! We gotta stick together.

John, you've got to go now.

- John!
- Go! Now!

Get up the steps.

Get up.

Come on, Mom. I got you.

Grab the chain. Grab it.

Grab it. Go. Go!

Mom, come on! Mom!

Call toJohn.

I know this hurts.

Call John.

Call toJohn now.




Help me.
- Get out of the way, John.

- John! John!
- sh**t!

Get down!

Get up. Come on.

Holy shit.

I need a vacation.

Is it dead?


Will this melt in there?

Yes. Throw it in.

And the chip.

It's over.

There's one more chip.

And it must be destroyed also.


I cannot self-terminate. You
must lower me into the steel.

I'm sorry, John. I'm sorry.

No, it'll be okay. Stay with us.

It'll be okay.
- I have to go away.

No, don't do it. Please, don't go.

I must go away, John.

No, wait.

You don't have to do this.
- I'm sorry.

No, don't do it! Don't go!

It has to end here.

I orderyou not to go!

I know now whyyou cry.

But it's something I can never do.


August 29, 1997, came and went.

Nothing much happened.
MichaelJackson turned 40.

There was noJudgment Day.

People went to work
as they always do.

Laughed, complained,
watched TV, made love.

I wanted to run through
the street yelling...

to grab them all and say, "Every
day from this day on is a gift."

Use it well."

Instead, I got drunk.

That was 30 years ago.

But the dark future which never
came still exists for me.

And it always will, like
the traces of a dream.

John fights the w*r differently
than it was foretold.

Here, on the b*ttlefield
of the Senate...

his weapons are common sense...

and hope.

Tie me, Grandma. Tie me!

- How's that?
- Thank you, Grandma.

The luxury of hope...

was given to me by the Terminator.

Because if a machine can learn
the value of human life...

maybe we can too.
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