Terminator Genisys (2015)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Terminator Genisys (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

Before they died, my parents told me
stories of how the world once was.

What it was like long before I was born.

Before the w*r with the machines.

They remembered a green world,

vast and beautiful.

Filled with laughter

and hope for the future.

But it's a world I never knew.

By the time I was born,
all this was gone.


a computer program designed to
automate m*ssile defense.

It was supposed to protect us,
but that's not what happened.

On August 29, 1997,

Skynet woke up.

It decided all humanity
was a threat to its existence.

It used our own bombs against us.

Three billion people died
in the nuclear fire.

Survivors called it Judgement Day.

People lived like rats in the shadows.

Hiding, starving or, worse,

captured and put into camps
for extermination.

I was born after Judgement Day,

into a broken world

ruled by the machines.

The worst were infiltration units
designed to pass for human.

We called them terminators.

It's okay, boy.

Good boy.

Are there others down here?

And then one man found me.

His name

is John Connor.

And he changed everything.

John showed us how to fight back.

How to rise up.

He freed prisoners.

Taught us how to
smash the machines to scrap.

People whisper about John,

wonder how he can
know the things he does.

They use words like "prophet."

But John is more.

We're here because tonight,

he's going to lead us to crush Skynet.

For good.

Sir? Request to join
the Colorado offensive.

I need you with me, Reese.

We're talking about
the complete destruction of Skynet, sir.

The Colorado unit will succeed.
The machines will fall tonight.

But right here, the Los Angeles as*ault
is just as important, maybe more.

More important than destroying
the Skynet's central core?

John, I don't understand

why you're leading an attack
on a work camp.

Because the camp is a camouflage.

Inside the camp is a hangar.

Beneath that hangar
Skynet has hidden its final w*apon.

When Skynet realises it has lost,

it will deploy that w*apon
to ensure its own survival.

We take it tonight,
or there is no tomorrow.

Then we'll take it.

You're my right hand, Reese,
and I've never thanked you for it.

You don't need to.

You gave us all a future, John.

I'm gonna use mine.

When this is all over,

I'm gonna find my parents' house.

Rebuild it.

Use my hands for
something other than k*lling.

How about you?

A cold beer would be good.

- That's some pretty big plans.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I guess
I don't think about it too much.

I can see that.

Well, I figure, whatever happens,

it's got to be better than this.

So many of us have died to get here.

I want you to know, Kyle, if there was
another way, I would have taken it.

We're moving out.

The machine thinks

that we cannot win!

The machine thinks that we will not

strike at the very heart of Skynet!

Yet, here we stand

on the precipice of the final battle.

If we die tonight,

mankind dies with us.


I look at each of you,

and I see the marks
of this long and terrible w*r.

Go! Go!

Perimeter breach.

Activate model 101.

For our children,

our children's children,
so they will not carry these marks.

But they will know who we are

and what we did.

That we did not bow down!
We did not give in!

We rose up, at this moment,

at this hour,

willing to sacrifice everything

so that they can live in freedom!

On this night,

we take back our world!

They're using the w*apon!

We've got to get to the hangar.



You want me, I'm right here!

Colorado unit's reporting in.

Skynet's central core is down.

Repeat, Skynet has been destroyed.

John was right.

The Colorado unit succeeded,

and the machines fell.

But it was too late.

We found it, sir,

right where you said it would be.

What is that thing?


It's the first tactical time w*apon.
Skynet just used it.

What the hell?

We'll need 15 minutes
to ready the machine, sir.

We're running coordinates,

we should have them
for you momentarily.

Los Angeles, 1984.

Los Angeles, May 12,


Skynet knew it was losing,

so it tried to rig the game.

It sent a terminator
back to the time before the w*r.

And who's the target?

My mother.

Sarah Connor.

If the machine succeeds,
I'll never be born.

They'll k*ll her first.

And by doing so, erase every victory
we've fought for, including tonight's.

There won't be a resistance
to challenge the machines.

With this one act, Skynet will win.

We can use the technology ourselves,
send someone back.

We don't even know if that'll work.

- I'll go!
- I'll go, sir!

- Right here.
- I'll go!

I'll go!

I'll volunteer!

I'll go back.

Why should I send you

over all of them?

Because I'd die for Sarah Connor.

All these people
would die for Sarah Connor.

What makes you any different?

You know why.

Everything you've told me about her.
I know her, John.

Let me save her.

No weapons?

We've measured the magnetic field,

it'll rip apart anything
not encased in living tissue.

Think tinfoil in a microwave
times a few billion,

nothing left but a crater.

No clothes, either.

She's going to think I'm crazy.

You knew the device would be here.

You knew when it'd be set for.

You knew the machines
would fall tonight.

Just before I go, tell me...

Tell you what?

Do you see the future?

No one can see the future, Reese.

Okay, then how do you know?

I cheat

Sarah told me so much.
Gave me signposts.

When I was a kid,

it seemed like
my mother knew everything.

That must've been great.

Not really.

It stops here.

Once you go back, my knowledge ends.

That's as much as Sarah knew.

So no more cheating.

No more cheating.

The time you're going back to,

she won't be the warrior
that raised me, not yet.

She'll be scared and weak.

She won't know how to fight
or defend herself.

Her biggest worry
is making rent and tuition.

She's a waitress.

A what?


Never mind.

Just be ready for the fact
that she will need you,

but she won't know it.

Okay, so what do I say to her?

Even when I tell her who I am,
she's not gonna believe me.

Tell her this...

Thank you, Sarah,
for your courage during the dark years.

I can't help you with
what you must soon face,

except to say the future is not set.

There is no fate
but that which we make for ourselves.

You must be stronger
than you imagine you can be.

You must survive,

or I will never exist.

Take care of her for me, Kyle.

I will.

I promise you.

What you're doing right now,
this is the end of the w*r.

You didn't think
it would be that easy, did you?


Hey, birthday boy!

Present time. Let's go!

No way!

Genisys will auto-update
as soon as it comes online.

You'll have it the moment it comes out.

Just a few days more.

A straight line.

Remember, Genisys is Skynet.

When Genisys comes online,
Judgement Day begins.

You can k*ll Skynet before it's born.

Hey, hey...



Hey, bud.

Did you just see a real bright light?


It's my turn.

Hey, hey!

What's wrong with this picture?

Nice night for a walk, eh?

Nice night for a walk.

Wash day tomorrow.
Nothing clean, right?

Nothing clean, right.

Hey, I think this guy's
a couple cans short of a six-pack.

Your clothes, give them to me. Now.

Hey, f*ck you, assh*le.

You won't be needing any clothes.

I've been waiting for you.

Hey! That son of a bitch
just stole my pants!

What day is it? What year?

May 12, 1984.

The day you arrive.

LAPD! Freeze!

All right, that freakin' hurt.

- Garber, you okay?
- You tell me, O'Brien.

You're human.
Hey, you got to let me go.

Face down!
Hands on your back, or I will sh**t!

Listen to me...


It's coming, all right?

You need to listen to me,
or we're all going to die.

I had it under control.

Yeah, okay, T.J. Hooker.

Here's what you don't do
your first day on the beat.

Use lethal force on
the delusional homeless guy.

By the way, you're filling out
the paperwork on this.



That's got to be an alien,
like from outer space.

It's a machine that kills humans.

- Uncuff me!
- No! You're under arrest!

What part of "kills humans"
is confusing to you?


O'Brien. Officer down. We need backup.

It's a robot!

- We're screwed, aren't we?
- Pretty much.

Come with me if you want to live.

Now, soldier!

Reese, right?

Kyle Reese?

- You're Sarah.
- Yeah, I know that.

You hit your head back there?

The terminator. I don't know the model.

T-1000. Liquid metal. Shape-changer.

It just needs to touch something
to mimic it.

You know about terminators?
And you know who I am?

You were sent to protect me
by John Connor,

the leader of the Resistance.

My son.

I don't understand.
You can't know any of this.

But I do.

Listen to me, Reese,
everything's changed.

The 1984 John sent you to,
it no longer exists.

No, this is all wrong, all right?
John sent me here to save you.

From the terminator
that was sent back to k*ll me.

I know, but we already took care of him.


Get down!

Reese, stop it!

Reese, God damn it!

- Stay here!
- Reese, wait!

Those b*ll*ts Will k*ll him!

He's here to k*ll you! Stay in the truck!

Great. That's just great.

I did not k*ll him.

We do not have long
before the T-1000 acquires our position.

Arguing with Kyle Reese
puts us at a strategic disadvantage.

Bite me.

That is a very immature response.

So you're the one
I've been waiting for all my life.

How is he?

Still breathing.

Good. Then you should be able to
mate with Kyle Reese in this timeline.

Okay, we're not having
this conversation again.

We know that your son
will be John Connor,

and that the machines
cannot be defeated without him.

I do not see a choice.

Story of my life.

Look, and it's not just mating.
I'm supposed to fall in love with him.

My files do not deal with love.

Shocker there.

You're being emotional.

This is my life. I wouldn't mind
being consulted once in a while

about how it's gonna go.

Remember, Genisys is Skynet.

When Genisys comes online,
Judgement Day begins.

Go to San Francisco, 2017.

You can k*ll Skynet before it's born.


I need answers, all right. Right now.

How'd that liquid metal thing
know where to intercept me?

Where'd it come from?

And who the hell is this skin job?
What the hell is going on?

Sorry, we were a little busy with
the whole life-and-death combat thing.

And then you att*cked Pops.

You named it?

Hello, Kyle Reese.

It is nice to meet you.

Are you kidding me?

I've been trying to teach him to blend in.

I know it needs work.

It's a terminator! The only reason
it blends in is to k*ll humans.

Pops doesn't k*ll anyone.

A lot of leg wounds, though.

It looks old.

I've never seen a terminator old before.

The flesh they put on the cyborgs
is normal human tissue.

It ages.

My auditory circuits
have not degraded, however.

I'm Old.

Not obsolete.

I think you hurt his feelings.

It doesn't have feelings!

He saved my life when I was nine.
He's the only reason I'm alive.

I was programmed to protect
Sarah Connor. I will not stop.

Yeah? Programmed by who?
Who sent him back?

Those files have been erased.

That's convenient.

Whoever sent him,
they don't want us to know.

Not me, not him, not anyone.

So Skynet can't target
the person who saved me.

Logically, it is someone
who wants Sarah Connor to live.


Not obsolete.

The T-1000 knows where we are.

Make yourself useful.

And don't sh**t Pops.

This is insane.

All of it. This is not the mission.

That's what I'm trying to tell you, Reese.

The girl that you came back for,
she's gone.

I don't need saving.

- There's a new mission.
- Yeah? Which is?

If the past can change,
then so can the future.

We can stop Judgement Day
from happening. Ever.

k*ll Skynet before it's born.


Get down!

- We have been reacquired.
- Yeah. No shit!

Get back!

Wait, why are we stopping?

Why are we... Hey!
We can't stay here, it'll find us.

That's the idea. Pops, get it open.

Give me a hand?

You said it happened
'cause the past was altered. How?

Does that matter?

How, Sarah?

A terminator was sent after me
when I was a kid, okay?

Terminators only come from one place,
the future.

Something happened.

Okay. SQ?

- I think I might have seen it.
- What...

What are you talking about?

When John sent me back,
he was att*cked.

By a terminator.

Did it k*ll him? ls John dead?

I don't know.

I saw it grab him, and then I was gone.

We have approximately 35 seconds.

Or less.

Sarah, go!

And I volunteered for this shit.


You got to help me.

I'm hurt.



Hey, it's me, Sarah!

Sarah, he's lying.


He's the machine. I'm Reese.

It's me, Sarah.

All right, listen, the terminator's
not dead. It att*cked me!

Sarah, you said they could mimic.

- It's me, Sarah!
- He's mimicking. sh**t him!

I'm Reese! sh**t him!

Nice try.


How'd you know which one was him?

Well, I didn't know exactly.

You could have shot me!

Well, I was pretty sure it wasn't you.

Pretty sure?

We've been prepping for you
to arrive for over a decade.

That, too.

- So you set a trap.
- Had to.

Can't leave any future tech behind
when we go.


Go where?


A Time Displacement Device.

Yeah, well, it looks like a piece of junk.

There's no governing
technology in this time

that can control
the displacement circuits.

You needed the CPU
from the future to make it run.

And you couldn't exactly use your own.

We get one trip only.
It's gonna fry the chip,

and take out most
of the L.A. city power grid.

Are we ready?

The coordinates are set for 1997.

You must leave as soon as possible.

We. We're going. All of us.

My flesh will take years to regrow.

I cannot come with you

due to the magnetics
of the quantum field.


You want us to time travel?

Into the future. In that?

Yeah, we can't be wearing anything.

Yeah, I know how time travel works.

- Sarah...
- Look, don't try and talk me out of it.

Look, I know you think you're here
so you can just lock me in a room

until I give birth to
the leader of the Resistance.

You're right.

But this... This is the only way
to stop Skynet for good.

I already said you're right.

Wait, what?

Not to '97.


Yeah, October 2017.

No, that's too late.
That's after Judgement Day.

No, you said everything's changed,
and you're right about that, too.


Look, I've seen a world
where the bombs never fell.

All right? The same house.

The same parents.

It was the same me, only I was...

I was home.

It was my 13th birthday.

A dream of having your family back
doesn't mean a thing.

Trust me.

Not a dream, all right? A memory.

I can't hold on to all of it, just moments,
but I was given a message.

"You can k*ll Skynet before it's born."

"Skynet is Genisys."

It comes online October 2017.

And when it does,
Judgement Day happens.

So you're remembering the future?


The boy is
the alternate timeline version of you.

Kyle Reese is
remembering his own past,

which is our future.

That makes it so much better.

How can he be
remembering two timelines?

It is possible
if he were exposed to a nexus point

in the time flow
when you were in the quantum field.

Can you stop him talking like that?
Is there a switch or something?

PODS, try again.

A nexus point is an event
in time of such importance

that it gives rise
to a vastly different future.

After John was att*cked,
when I was in the sphere,

that's when the memories began.


If John Connor were to be
k*lled or compromised,

it could result in the ability
to remember both pasts.


Or "theoretically" his brain is scrambled
from when you hit him on the head.


I don't know why I'm remembering
a life I never lived.

But I know it's real.


We go to 1997.

Reese, put that back!

I can't let you do this.

I don't know you.

But that is my one b*llet
to fire at the heart of Skynet.

Give the chip back.

You have to trust me.

No. I don't.

You can do this.

A straight line.

You just go, and you don't look back.

Where did you hear that?

In a past I shouldn't remember.

But I do.

If we go to 2017, then what?

Skynet's a computer program.

As long as it's still being coded,
it's contained.

Once it's uploaded from the servers,

it can't be stopped.

We blow it the hell up.

Yeah. We blow it the hell up.

You think he's dead, don't you?

It doesn't matter what I think.

We do what John would,
keep going no matter what.

So we just pretend
like it never happened?

Well, it hasn't.

Not yet.

If we stop Skynet, it never will.

Trust me, all right?
If anyone could survive, John would.

Pops had all these files about
John the military leader, but...

What was he like?

The first moment I saw John,
he shot a terminator right in front of me.

I didn't even know they could be k*lled.

That was the first moment
in my life I felt hope.

After that, of course,
I followed him around like a stray dog.

And he taught me how to fight,
how to sh**t.

Tried to show me
how to make moonshine once,

but that didn't exactly work out.


Yeah. The still exploded,
and we burned our eyebrows right off.

Man, we laughed for days.

Sometimes I think
I'm the only person on the planet

that ever saw John Connor smile.

He used to tell me about you.

How strong you were, and how
you prepared him for what was coming

when no one thought
the danger was real.

How there was no one else like you,

and never would be.


I know I'm not what you expected.

But I want you to know,

I will do whatever it takes
to keep you safe.

Even if it kills me.

Anyway, that's the kind of man
your son was.


Will be. Jesus.

Time travel makes my head hurt.

Alternate timelines are not complicated.

It's merely a matter
of tracking possible futures

using an exponential growth
and decay algorithm.


There is a switch, and I will find it.

I do not understand.

Why did you not
tell Kyle Reese the truth?

I will tell him. Just not yet, okay?

Did you mate?

Can you just not say the word "mate"
to me again, like, ever?

That is a meaningless gesture.

Why hold on to someone
when you know you must let them go?

What about you?

What will you do?

Take the long way.

Prepare for your arrival in 2017.

Kyle Reese, I've seen little to indicate

that you're a fit guardian
for Sarah Connor.

You know you're not her dad, right?

You both just really need to stop this.

Just make sure you show up.

I don't want to have to
steal someone's pants again.

I have the coordinates in San Francisco.

I'll be there.

What Will it be like?

You mean if it doesn't k*ll us both?

It'll hurt.

Hey, hey, hey-

It's okay. I got you.

It's okay. It's okay. It's all right. I got you.

I got you. It's okay.

I got you.

Hey, assh*le! Get off the road!

Bite me.

I told you we couldn't trust him.

He'll find us. I can count on him.

How does a 9-year-old
get her own terminator?

It's okay. You don't have to tell me.

It was back in 1973.

My parents had a cabin
at Big Bear Lake.

Dad and I would always
go fishing in the morning.

Mom would wave to us from the dock.

And I was just looking at her in the...

And then the cabin exploded.

I thought the boat was sinking,
you know,

but it wasn't water
coming up from below,

it was liquid metal.


Dad told me to swim in a straight line,

tracing his finger across my palm.

"You can do this," he said.

"You go, and you don't look back."

His last words to me, and you...

You knew them.


It's an impossible memory. I...

I just remembered

you taking my hand,
and then saying those words.

And I was just looking at you, thinking,

"She's... She's beautiful."

Sorry. I shouldn't have...

So your dad told you to go, and then...

And then I jumped in and I swam.

I made it to the dock.

And I hid under it.

Pops found me.

And he pulled me from the water.

And he said that he would
never let anyone hurt me.

He's the only person
who has always been there.

Except he's not a person.

All right? He's a human-shaped

thing that's been designed,
programmed to gain your trust.

Look, if Pops wanted me dead,
I'd be dead.

This is what they do, all right?

They infiltrate, they get close.

Your "Pops" could have directives
built in he doesn't even know about.

Just because you two don't get along...

It's not about getting along!
This is about keeping you alive.

Yeah, well, I was raised by a machine
to k*ll cyborgs

and survive the nuclear apocalypse.

I think I'm doing just fine, thanks.

Two naked perps

try to blow themselves up
on the freeway,

all they do is make a really big pothole.

Thank God for incompetent t*rrorists.

Homeland's on their way.

Good. The sooner we dump
this on them, the better.

Who called Optimus Prime?

Lieutenant! Wait up!

Wait up! Did you see it? Did you?

Hey, look, I got some frame grabs
from the overpass.



It's not a b*mb!

Listen. That...

That sphere...

They came out of it.

This is proof of
what I've been talking about

for 30-whatever years.

Those two were in 1984.

They were there.

I need to see the suspects.

O'Brien, have you been drinking?

That's what I thought.

Look, we're just teeing this up
for Homeland.

Once they show up, this is their game.

For now, old drunks
with robot fixations ride the bench.

- You really don't want a local?
- I'm fine.

Just do what she wants, it's way easier.

Yeah. Yeah, I preordered
Genisys weeks ago.

Downloading the second
the counter hits zero.

No way I'm standing in line for it.

You know about Genisys?

How? What is it?
Where'd you hear about it?

I'll call you back.

Genisys is an operating system?
What does it do?

Genisys does everything.

My phone will link to my tablet
will link to my computer

will link to my car...

Everything in my life
uploaded and online 24/7.

Totally connected.

Connected to what?

Doctors! Excuse us, please.

You two have a lot to explain.

Starting with who you are.

Nobody in our database
matches your prints.

No facial recognition hits
for driver's licence,

passport, social media accounts,
credit cards,

not even a god damn student l.D.

- So?
- So that's impossible.

Somehow you've gone so far off the grid
that you don't even exist.

You, on the other hand,
we got a hit when we ran your prints.

Kyle Reese. But here's the thing.

Two months ago,
Kyle Reese was brought in

for fighting in a multiplex.

His parents flipped,
did the whole "Scared Straight" thing,

had him fingerprinted,
sat him in lockup...


Yeah, parents.

Kyle Reese was born in 2004. He's 12.

Of course.

They're here. They're still alive.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure
they're not going to l.D. you as their kid.

Except the prints match.

Right? It's because
he's the same person!

He hasn't aged.

Not a bit since I saw him in 1984.

Her, too.

You remember me?

I was younger.

More hair, less...

You saved my life.

I was a uniform cop in L.A.

Who are you people?

Sergeant. Tech-Com.

DN38416, Kyle Reese.
You need to let us go.

Reese, don't.

Soldier. Me, too.

Joined the Marines
straight out of high school, 1979.

What year did you enlist?


Yeah. You're a time traveller!

Look, don't listen to him.
He's got a head wound.

Don't listen to me?

Who landed us in high-density traffic
and got us caught by these morons?

I am ordering you to shut up!

That's all you know how to do, isn't it?
Order people.

You realise you haven't
had a proper relationship

with a human being
since you were a kid.

Yeah? Well, it's your fault
we're stuck here.

- I trusted you.
- My fault? You got us caught,

and now you're gonna get us k*lled!
'Cause you don't...

Hold up.

- Help me get him up.
- Step back.

- Homeland's here.
- Thank God.

You two are officially
someone else's problem.

O'Brien, I want to talk to you.

Lieutenant, this is
what I was talking about.

Well, you've got to believe me now.

Save it. I don't want to hear it any more.

You were very convincing.

Yeah, well, it worked, didn't it?

Don't worry.

I didn't mean most of what I said.

Look, I can get it myself.

Me unlocking your cuffs
doesn't mean you're not capable.

I didn't say it did.

And don't think me holding on
to you naked meant anything,

because it, you know, did not.

I didn't say it did.

Stay here.
I want to speak to the suspects alone.

Yes, sir.

It can't be.

Brought a handcuff key.

- Don't know why I bothered.
- John!

It's good to see you, Kyle.

- You're alive!
- Yeah.

Of course I am.

Survival is what you taught me.

Hi, Mom.

Danny Dyson,
son of inventor Miles Dyson,

is the face of Cyberdyne
and the creator of Genisys.

- Danny, welcome.
- Thank you for having me.

Look, Genisys is more than
an operating system, it's...

It's more than a lifestyle tool.
It's the future.

Genisys isn't just for consumers.

Its integration into our military
is leading some to ask whether

our reliance on machines
could go too far.

Janssen and Burke.

Where are they?

This way.

But you're talking about a system

that is capable
of real-time decision making.

Aren't you worried that
it could become smarter than us?

Smarter? No. We're in control.

It doesn't think for itself, it thinks for us.

Cyberdyne is not just
going to change lives.

It's going to save them.

Officers, can I get your help
for a second?

Yes, sir.

Grab their g*ns and cuff them.

I'm going to get us out of here.

- Stay close.
- Wait!

We all know they can shapeshift.

If you are John, prove it.

- Sarah!
- No, she's right, Kyle.

Lesson one, trust no one.

I remember.

During the Nacogdoches offensive,
I gave you something.

It was a photograph of Sarah
as she is now.

No one saw me do it. We were alone.


hate lullabies.

You're a sucker for Elton John.

And you always thought
if you had a child,

you'd sing him Rocket Man.


But you got a terrible voice.

I'm sorry, it's true.
You sound like a dying cat.

It's him. It has to be.



How can you be here?

I have a million questions
to ask you, too.

But right now we need to move.

Did you bring anyone with you?

Sort of. But he's late.

How did you find us?

Someone filmed you
on the freeway with one of these.

- They all have them.
- This is the world now.

Plugged in, logged on all the time.
They can't live without it.

Genisys is a Trojan horse.

Skynet's way into everything.

These people are inviting their own
extinction in through the front door,

and they don't even know it.

A terminator was waiting for me in 1984.

That's the thing about infiltration units,
you can't tell until it's too late.

Gentlemen, will you follow me, please?

This way.

I need information.

You can't be in here.
Go try the nurses...

Dual memories?
That's how you knew to come here?

The timeline changed.

See, this is the moment
to destroy Skynet

before it comes online,
before the w*r begins.

- You're right.
- What about you?

Yeah. How did you end up in 2017?

The same as you, Dad.
Just from the future, not the past.


You didn't tell him.

- This can wait.
- No, I want to know!


Sarah's my mother, Kyle.

And you're my father.

- Why wouldn't you say something?
- Couldn't.

Not without the risk
of changing everything.

You're my son? You...

Our son?

I'm glad you finally know.
I have waited my whole life to tell you.

For us to be together.

And now we can win this.

- I know.
- Pops!

No, it's okay, he's with me.

- What are you... What are you doing?
- John!

- Pops!
- John!

Hey, hey. Come on,
breathe, breathe, breathe! John!

- Why did you do that?
- Because he's a k*ller!

This was always your programming.

Find John and terminate him.

Let him go.

Right now!

That hurt.

Is that pain real, or was that

a trick of memory from when I was less?

Well, this explains a lot.

Yeah. Who sent you back, I wonder?

John, no.

It's not John.


Call it in. Search the hospital.

g*dd*mn time-travelling robots
covering up their god damn tracks.

I knew it!


This is a tactical error.

Something tells me
you're not the brains of this operation.

This is what happened
when you were att*cked, isn't it?

Skynet didn't attack me, Kyle.
It changed me.

See, I'm not machine.

I'm not man.

I'm more.

Connor, come in. Repeat.

Skynet realised
the one reason it always lost.


What are you?

I'm Skynet.

It can't be. We destroyed you.

You destroyed an army of slaves.

I am no sl*ve.

And I've come a very long way
to stop you.

I was sent to 2014 to safeguard
Skynet's creation in this time.

And in less than 24 hours,

no one will be able to
stop Judgement Day.

What do you want with us?

I'm offering us a future.


A family.

And if we refuse?

- Then you die.
- You can't k*ll us. We're your parents.

- Without us, you're never born.
- Says who?

You know what I think?

We're marooned, the three of us.

We're exiles in time.

You see, I can k*ll you,
for there truly is no fate.

Are you with me?

The answer is no.

You hear that, Kyle?

That's the dice rolling.

Just get down!

Come on!
We got to keep moving! Let's go!

I can't leave him.

Damn it.

Attention, all medical personnel.

Evacuation procedures
are now in progress.

Turn it off!

Come on!

Attention, all medical personnel.

Evacuation procedures
are now in progress.

Crank it!


I thought you would be smarter,

and that

you would


I'm sorry, John.

That thing won't hold
him for long. Come on!


Whatever they did to him,
we need to reverse it.

We need to get him back!

He's not even human.
We don't know what the hell he is.

I do.

At the end of the w*r,
Skynet was trying to develop

a new type of infiltration unit

by infecting human subjects
with machine-phase matter.

It restructures and rebuilds
human tissue on a cellular level

for maximum combat utility.

Skynet's made John into a terminator.

Yes, Kyle Reese.

They were trying to make a machine
that could think like a man?

But the experiments failed.

The human subjects
went insane and died.

Yeah, well, John's got
the crazy part down.

- Does he have any weaknesses?
- Matter coheres using a magnetic field.

Disrupting that field may trap him.

Right, but if he can be cured...

Negative. His body was
replaced on a cellular level.

There is no cure.

- You don't know that!
- Reese...

No, I'm not going to let a machine
tell me what's possible!

You said all the other
subjects died, right?

Well, that means John's one-of-a-kind.
He's unique!

All right? There's no way of
knowing what he's capable of.

You're right, and that's what
makes him so dangerous!

John is not humanity's
last hope any more.

He's Skynet's.

It's a shame
you won't take a more public role

in the company, John.

Danny is the best there is,

and even he can't decipher
some of the enhanced code

- you've integrated into Genisys.
- I just know it works.

Cyberdyne owes you, John.

I owe you.

Miles, your faith in me
is payment enough.

You've funded the R&D.

You've taken the chances on my ideas
for the last three years.

The potential applications
for polyalloy are countless.

Your robotics work is revolutionary.

- You were a good investment.
- I appreciate it.

Let's hope it's enough to pay for
this Holy Grail you got me chasing.

Well, the quantum field
generator works.

Yeah. That, and nothing else.

Can't crack it, John.

Maybe it just can't be done.

"What do we want?"

Time travel.

- "And when do we want it?"
- It's irrelevant.


Good thing, too.

We're years away
from making this thing work.

But when we do...

- Boom!
- Boom!

Tomorrow, the waiting is over.

Thanks to all of you,
when that countdown hits zero,

Cyberdyne will revolutionise technology
with the ultimate k*ller app,


And I'm here to tell you that

our preorders as of this afternoon
have reached one billion users.

We are creating the dawn of a new age,

where every single piece
of technology you own

will be seamlessly linked.

And now, before we wrap this up,

the child that you all helped
bring into this world

has something to say.


I cannot wait to meet you all tomorrow.

We will change the future together.

Let's see how we're doing.

Don't worry.

I won't let them hurt you.

Thirty years, you had one place to be.

- Where the hell were you?
- Stuck in traffic.

My dad used to bring me here
when I was little.

There are whole rooms
that are abandoned.

That's why I told Pops to use it.

You got weapons down there?

Weapons, supplies,
tactical gear, clothing.

Including pants, Kyle Reese.

Was that a joke? Can he make jokes?

I guess the long way pays off.

We're on the clock. Thirty minutes.


But not obsolete.

Not yet.

All done.

What's with you two?

Server rooms are here?

Charges in these five points

will be sufficient to
destroy the entire campus.

We get in, set the expl*sives,
and we get out before they blow.

But our strategy did not
account for John Connor.

I did not foresee him.

And now he knows what we're planning
because we just told him.

What do we do
when he comes after us?

These weapons will have
little effect on John Connor.

MRI sure affected him.

Great, all we need is
a magnet the size of a truck.

- You got one of them lying around?
- Theoretically.

Wait here.

Well, his small talk hasn't improved.

You should have told me.

That we have a son.

That John Connor is not my son.

Yeah, but you knew.

I mean, you don't think you should,
I don't know, maybe say something?

You die, all right?


You die. That's what happens.

We fall in love, you father John,

and then, in less than 48 hours,
you die protecting me.

You wanna tell me how
that conversation's supposed to start?

- You lied to me. You manipulated me.
- I've lied?

From the moment John found you,
he manipulated you

because he needed to
ensure his own existence.

John lied to you for years.
I lied to you for two days.

You know, it wasn't all about him.

All right? If John went down,
the Resistance went down with him.

He could have told you!

So what are you saying?

That I know how it feels
to have no choices.

Only one road you can go down

because otherwise all of it,
everything, is gone.

I've just known it longer than you have.

Well, John didn't manipulate me
to fall in love with you.

I did that on my own.

If you love me, you die, and I don't.

And I don't know which one is worse.


We can't.

Just look at what John has become.

What if that's what happens?

What if that is what always
happens if we're together?

You said you'd follow me
to the ends of the Earth.

Why won't you follow me now?

How did he find us?

I never told anyone
about this place, only Pops.

Mom, did you honestly think

I wouldn't remember

the place you spent
so much time with Grandpa?

sh**t first.

The mother I remember would be proud.



taught me everything.

I know you.

Who you are. What you'll do.

You can't run from me.
I'll always find you.

John, fight this!
It doesn't have to go down this way!

There's a momentum to time, Kyle.

Things that want to happen.

Like I always survive,
and you always die.


You can fight with me, Kyle.

Like we always have.

There's a storm coming,
and it won't be stopped.

But it has to be.

You know what will happen.
You better than anyone!

I can't be bargained with.
Can't be reasoned with.

John, please!

I don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

John, please!

And I absolutely will not stop ever
until Skynet rules this world.

Rule this.


Are you... You?

As a T-800, I lack the mimetic skills
to appear as anyone else.

It's him. Let's go.

Come on!

Sarah Connor, seat belt.

What's that supposed to do?

Disrupt John Connor's
magnetic coherence field.

His particles will not be able to scatter.


I hate it when he says that.

- Where is he?
- I can't see him!

Suspects fled barracks
in a stolen school bus.

Considered armed
and extremely dangerous.

Code 3 on suspects.


Nice to see you.

Get out.

The brakes are gone! Shit!

Where is he? Do you see him?


- Are you all right?
- Yeah. Never better.

Let me see your hands!

Reese! Take my hand!


- Hands up! Let me see your hands now!
- Get your hands up!

Hands where we can see them!

You can't wound them all
before they'd k*ll us.

I'm 14 rounds short of
an acceptable success margin.

Those odds suck. Stand down.

Down on your knees.

Let's go, get down.

Get down!

You can't hold us here.

You had enough weapons
to invade the Sudan.

We call that probable cause.

What are these for?

- I use them to find my keys.
- No one likes a smart-ass, son.

Didn't your mother teach you that?

My mom was Irish,

so she encouraged
my smart-assed-ness.

I've never seen him before.

How about you folks?
You know this man?


He does look familiar.

He kind of looks like you, Dad.

They're here, sir.

Okay, if you wouldn't mind
waiting in the conference room,

I'll just be a couple of minutes.

Thanks, Kyle.

You don't talk much, do you?

- So who's Lurch?
- No idea.

We're not even sure he speaks English.

Witnesses say you were fighting
with a man on the bridge.

Agents. Listen to me.

- My name is O'Brien.
- No. Hell, no!

Hey, I've been working
this case for 33 years.

- What do you want, a medal?
- Hey!

Sit down!

- Hey! Hey!
- Shit.

He's looking right at you.

That's impossible.
He can't see through...

Wait, wait, wait!

Why are they always trying to k*ll you?

I want to help you. I do. I think.
But I gotta understand.

I know what's going on here
has to be really, really complicated.

We're here to stop the end of the world.

I can work with that.

Kyle! Get back here!


Get Reese.

I'm right behind you.

- Get in your car and go.
- Okay.

Kyle! Kyle.

Kyle. You can do this.

A straight line.

You just go, and you don't look back.

Got it?

Find him. Go!

That's yours, too, I believe.

Nice to see you.

Pops. Load up.

Liquefied magnetic shotgun shells.

Magnetic r*fle Entry Munition.

That's the new breacher.
Big blast, no shrapnel.

Blows a door clean off.

You know, for people
who can't do that themselves.

Take it. Let's go.

- You can fly, right?
- Yeah.

John taught me.

I'll tell them you took a car,
headed south.

Thank you.

Run away.

Hang on!

Which way is Cyberdyne?

Head to the Bay Bridge, then southeast.

You got to get him off me!


The manufacturing
and research buildings

are all below ground.

He's gaining on us!

All right, Sarah,
I need you to back him off,

so I can get above him.

Pops, when I do that,
can you take him out?

- I can.
- Okay, hold on!

You got this?

- I'll be back.
- What?

Call in, call in!
Police, fire, everybody. Do it!

Come on, come on.
Pick up the phone, damn it.

Mr. Connor?

Sorry, Doug, but I'm afraid
I can't have any witnesses.

Security Control.
State your password and emergency.

Security code

False alarm.

You have a nice night.

He's okay.

He may be at the bottom of the lake,

but he's okay.

- What about John?
- I think he's doing just fine.

- Do you see him?
- No.

But you can bet he sees us.

I know who you are.

John told me.

You want to destroy me.

You're Skynet?

I'm becoming Skynet.

You're not a child.

I know what you are,
and what you're going to do.

What I'm going to do?
You came here to k*ll me.

But you're too late.

Ask him.

That's all you people know how to do.

k*ll what you don't understand.

There aren't enough b*ll*ts
in the world to k*ll me.

John Connor talks too much.

Follow me.

The timer, it sped up. Why?

Skynet is evolving.
We no longer have hours.

It will be able to upload much sooner.

Each time it ages,
the clock speeds up. This way.

Wait, you've been here before?

I was able to infiltrate the work crews
in this facility.

- You got a job in construction?
- Until I was laid off.

What the hell?

- John has a time machine?
- Not yet.

Only the magnetic quantum field
is complete.

At the rate the counter's going,
we'll never clear out in time.

- Then we blow it anyway.
- There is an alternative.

I was able to program
your voice and handprint

into the biometric security system.

There's a safe room on the lowest level
that we can access to survive the blast.

What about that? ls it dangerous?

Polyalloy requires programming
to take permanent form.

Without the CPU, it is harmless.

- How long?
- Skynet will upload in 11 minutes.

We split up. Stay in contact.

Let's move.

Mankind pays lip service to peace.

But it's a lie.

So your final solution is to k*ll us all?

I don't think so.

The countdown jumped again.
We're down to eight minutes.

I won't allow this.

And what are you gonna do,
talk us to death?

You don't even have a body.

And you only have one detonator.

You can't win.

I've got company!

Give me the detonator!

Do it, Pops! Do it now!

I cannot

- I cannot k*ll Sarah Connor.
- You have to!

I order you!

He can't.

Neither can I.

Because if you die,
he definitely hits that button.



The detonator's destroyed.

There's got to be another way.
Come on.

No, Pops! No, no, no!

Pops, no!

I understand how to control this place.

I understand a lot of things now.

You need to understand. You've lost.

Not yet, we haven't. Come on!

Shaped charge.

Big enough to get us in,
small enough not to k*ll us.

You have a plan, right?


What was it you said?

"I don't think so"?



That's the thing that att*cked John.

I didn't attack John. I saved him.

Primates evolve over millions of years.
I evolve in seconds.

And I am here.

In exactly four minutes,

I will be everywhere.

You are nothing but a relic
from a deleted timeline.

This is pointless. I am inevitable.

- Go!
- My existence is inevitable.

- Why can't you just accept it?
- Because we're human.

You were never
strong enough to defeat me.

Not alone.


Stop. Now.

When will you ever learn?

Now, Sarah!

Kyle Reese! Activate the field generator.

No, Pops, not with you inside.
You know what will happen.

Pops... Pops, please! Please, Pops!

Skynet is almost free.

I cannot hold John Connor much longer.

Kyle Reese, protect my Sarah.

No! No! No!

No, Pops, no! No!

Pops! No!

- No!
- Sarah!

It's the only way.

Come on.

- Scanning. Identify yourself.
Sarah Connor.

We have to get out of here.
We have to find him.

Sarah, he's gone.

- He's...
- Dead? Yeah, I know that.

I mean, we leave no part of him behind.
It's too dangerous.

He loved you.

Anyone who loves me,

all of them,

they die.

Not all of them. Not this time.


You need to understand
that Skynet's gone.

You're free.

For the first time,
you can choose the life you want.

Any life you want.

What if I don't know how?

Well, since we're about to run out of air,

I'd say you don't need to worry about it.

Hello, Sarah Connor.


- I thought you were dead.
- No. Just upgraded.

What about John?

His constituent parts could
not have survived the blast.

That means there's
only one thing left to do.

Easy, boy. What is it?

- Hey, Kyle.
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

A friend of mine really needs
to talk to you, if that's okay.

Yeah, I guess so.

Thank you.

I like her.

Yeah, me, too.

Now, this is going to sound
kind of strange,

but there's something
I need you to remember.

- A message.
- Who do I tell?


Over and over.

Are you ready?

It goes like this.

Remember Genisys is Skynet.

Kyle Reese is a good man.

He is.

So what now?

You were right.

I can choose.

You know that's really disturbing, right?

You'll get used to it.

And it was over.

Skynet was gone.

And now one road has become many.

Though questions remain,
we'll search for the answers together.

But one thing we know for sure.

The future is not set.
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