01x01 - The Next King of Games

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x01 - The Next King of Games

Post by bunniefuu »

(Amazon copy)

All right, I got my deck,

I got my gear,

and I got about two minutes

to get to the duel academy entrance exams

before they start!

Oh, well, at least since I'm not a student yet,

they can't throw me in detention hall for being late!

Excuse me! Coming through!

How you doing?!

At your back!





You're a duelist, aren't you?


I'm just going to try out at the academy!

Ha ha.

You don't say...


Ha ha ha.

Hey, hey you're--

why don't you take this...

Something just tells me that it belongs with you.


Wow, for real?!

Good luck.


hey, wait!

Thank you!

I'll make you proud!




What was that?!


Uh-oh! The exam!

I can't be the next king of games

if I'm late to the games!

♪ I'm chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ tough times, hard climbs

♪ we'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ right now

♪ let's go

♪ yu-gi-oh gx

♪ generation next

♪ game on, get your game on

♪ come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ game on, get your game on

♪ we'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ we'll make the grade somehow

♪ yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ game on, get your game on

♪ come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ come on and get your game on

man over p.a.: Once again, all academy applicants

who have already passed their duel entrance exam,

please proceed to registration.

For those who have failed,

better luck next year.

[Thinking] and have fun

at duel monsters community college.



aw, man...

I can barely concentrate

with all these academy kids staring at me...

Judging me...

What I wouldn't give

to already be enrolled in the school like them!

Man over p.a.: Last call for all academy applicants.

If you have not checked in for your exam,

please do so now.

Well, ladies, that's it.

Mark all the no-shows no shows...


All: huh?

I'm no no-show!

You can...

Count jaden yuki as present, thank you!

Well, just so long as i...

Don't lose my grip.


jaden: ha ha!

Wow, look at 'em go!


All right, new guy, multiple choice--

you got two monsters staring you down...

Do you "a," throw in the towel,

"b," beg for mercy,

or "c," run home to mama?

I'll go with "d--" none of the above.

A trap?!

Exactly, you see with ring of destruction

I can destroy any monster

on the field that's in attack mode...

And then we both take damage

equal to that monster's attack points!


clever move, applicant.

Welcome to the academy.

Thank you, oh, wise proctor.

Boy: wow, that guy is pretty good,

don't you think, chazz?

Guess the rumors about him

being some kind of whiz-kid were true, huh, chazz?

Huh? He's a punk!

We went to duel prep school

for the past years,

we're ready for the academy!

These kids don't know what they're gettin' into--

but they'll learn...

The hard way--

the chazz princeton way.

Wow, that last guy really tore it up!

Yeah-- bastion misawa,

they say he got the highest score

on the written exam of all us applicants.


I just barely passed!

Yeah, me, too.

My name's syrus, by the way.

Nice to meet you.

I kind of have a thing where I get test anxiety--

I don't know how I won my match.

So, you're in?!



I'll be in, too,

as soon as I win my duel.

Wait, you haven't dueled yet?


Then you might have a problem.

I think this was supposed to be the last one!


looks like we have a pretty good crop this year.

Yes, indeedy.

I'm sorry to interrupt,

but one last applicant has arrived

to take his exam, mr. Crowler.

Did you just call me "mister"?!

Oh, sorry, I'm new here, missis--

I've a ph.d in dueling,

I've earned the title doctor, thank you!

Now, tell the truant

that he'll just have to come back next year.

Oh, come on, dr. Crowler,

we have time for one more!

Yes, let's give this duelist his shot!

He was just a bit late,

that's all.

Late is rude!

I've no time for slackers!

[Cell phone ring]


And whom may I ask is--

man: it's sheppard.

Ah! Chancellor sheppard!

Just calling to make sure

that everything's running smoothly, crowler.

Wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last year.


when you cut a third of our student applicants

for some ridiculous reason...

What was it, calling you mister or missis--


Just make sure everyone gets a fair shot.


Furry chinned windbag.

[Thinking] doesn't he realize that there are

enough talentless flunkies at this academy?!

But, he's the boss.

And if he wants to give this scrimshanker a duel...


Pardon me, gentlemen, I'll be right back.

But who's going to be the boy's dueling proctor,

and what exam deck shall we use?


Oh, leave that to me.


Jaden: tight duel, bastion!


Thank you.

From the looks of it,

you might just be

the second best duelist here!

Huh?! Huh?!

Man over p.a.: Jaden yuki,

please report to exam field .

Go time!

Wish me luck, guys!

Hey, wait...


If I'm the second best,

who's first?

Ha! Yours truly!

It's what I'm best at!



He's so sure of himself!

I wonder if he's really that good.

He's going to need to be.

Look who he's dueling.


All right! Test time!

So, son, your name?


Uh, jaden, jaden yuki!

Well, uh, jaden yuki,

I'm dr. Vellian crowler,

department chair of techniques

here at duel academy.

Wow, a department chair.

I had no idea--

from how you were dressed...

I was thinking you were

some kind of weird academy mascot--

like a majorette,

or a cheerleader. Ha ha!

Hey, you know, now that he mentions it--

this kid's got some lip, huh, chazz?


duel vest on!


Hey, that's pretty sweet, teach!

How do I get one of those

cool blue duel blazers?

Oh, a lot of hard work

and extremely high marks.

[Thinking] of course,

you first have to get in to duel academy.

And I intend to make certain

that won't be happening!

Well! I'm ready!

Both: so, let's duel!

Here goes!


I'm gonna summon elemental hero avian

in defense mode!

I'll also throw down a face down.

All right!

Get your game on!

Yes, very good.

Don't tell me what to do.


[thinking] after all,

since I'm using my own personal deck

rather than one of those test ones,

I'll be calling all the sh*ts.

I'll fail that insolent little brat

and send him home in no time!

All right, for this first move,

I think I'll start nice and easy.

I choose to play the spell card


Ok, so what's it do?

What it does is allow me to pay , life points

for the chance to peak at your hand

and toss one of your cards

into the graveyard!


Oh, yes, I remember some of these

from back when I was a naive rookie!

Hmm, now which shall I banish?

Monster reborn, to the graveyard!


next, I'll lay two cards facedown on the field.

And last, but not least,

I'll play heavy storm!

This spell card destroys every other spell

and trap card that's out on the field!




Did you forget that you had

two trap cards out on the field, yourself?!


now, now,

you mustn't speak out of turn, young scholar!


what's happening?

Nothing's happening!

Not yet!


but that's about to change!


uh, could somebody tell me what's going on?

The two trap cards that dr. Crowler had

on the field were called statue of the wicked.

It's a special trap that creates

a vicious token monster when destroyed.

That's why he played heavy storm.


A card that strong

couldn't be in one of the test decks,

crowler must be using his own!

Then this is over--

no applicant could beat the deck

of an expert like dr. Crowler!

Yeah, it's impossible, don't you think, chazz?

Yeah. What do you think, chazz?

I think I'm gonna enjoy watching

crowler mop the floor

with our mouthy little friend down there.

I only wish he treated

all the other second rate duelists

who apply to this academy the same way.

What an elitist snob--

bullying some amateur with his very best cards?

Man: you're too soft, alexis.


I just hope we get to see that legendary

rare monster crowler has had stashed away

in that deck of his.

Ready for your next lesson?

Ha ha!

You bet!

I can't remember the last time

learning was this much fun!


yes, well, I'm quite an excellent teacher,

thank you.

And now, I sacrifice my two wicked tokens...

And summon ancient gear golem!


there it is!

The legendary rare card!

And I'd say we're about to find out

just what makes it so legendary.

Now, now, I hope you're not too scared of

my legendary ancient gear golem!

Aw, no way!

I've always wanted to take one on!


either jaden's brave or he's nuts!


he's staring down that legendary rare monster

like he doesn't have a care in the world.

I guess that youth and inexperience

have their benefits after all.

Huh, alexis?

Come on, give it a rest, zane.

At least the kid's showing some backbone.

There won't be much left of it

to show after this.


golem, attack!

Mechanized melee!


aw, jaden's monster didn't stand a chance!

His defense points were way too low!

This isn't looking good...

And it's about to look a lot worse.

When that ancient gear golem

att*cks a monster in defense mode,

the difference between its attack points

and the defending monster's defense points

gets dealt to the opponent as damage.

But that would mean...

Jaden's life points are gonna take a hit!



don't feel bad,

this is the top dueling school in the country--

some people simply aren't

cut out for...

Boy, I really want to come to this school now.

You really know your stuff, teach!


[thinking] can't he take a hint?

He will not be allowed to pass this exam.

And he certainly won't be permitted

to make a mockery of my deck!

[Thinking] just look at him tremble!

He must really be impressed by me!


What was that?!


Oh, it's you!

Something just tells me that it belongs with you.

Jaden: you know...

Something's starting to tell me that, too.



um, all right.

I'll take that as a sign to play you.

Yeah. Definitely.

Ok, I summon winged kuriboh

in defense mode!


and I'll place one card facedown.

Not bad, huh, teach?!


no, not bad,

but you must understand

I'm a master technician!

A kuriboh to me is rather pedestrian...

Even one with wings, you see,

its defense points are still no match

for my ancient gear golem.

It's a text book mistake, don't feel bad.

Now, let's proceed!

With the legendary ancient gear golem!

Attack that kuriboh with mechanized melee!



[thinking] sorry, winged kuriboh...


Check your gear, your life points haven't changed.

My gear's fine--

on the turn winged kuriboh is destroyed,

I take zero damage.


how about that,

a technique the good doctor didn't know.

No one can be expected to know every technique,

alexis, especially one as obscure as that.

Yeah, well that kid sure knew it.

Fine, fine--

I guess your lame little monster saved you there.

Hey, slow down there, teach,

you may have beat him,

but that doesn't give you the right

to call him lame!

Oh, yes, I forget how attached

you new duelists get to your monsters.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, well, you should be,

because by attacking my winged kuriboh,

you set off a trap card--

one of my favorites, too--

hero signal!


and that brings out my second elemental hero...




My turn!

All right, winged kuriboh,

this next one's gonna be for you!

Here goes nothin'!

First off, I'm gonna bring back avian

to my hand with the spell card,

the warrior returning alive!

And now I'm gonna summon him to the field!


oh, ok.

Another amateurish mistake...

But this is good. This is good.

Now, would anyone like to tell me what

our little friend did wrong here--

yeah, actually, I wasn't done yet.

See, I know my two heroes

aren't very powerful by themselves.

But if I can form them together,

it's another story!

And I have just the card to unite them!


Join avian and burstinatrix!

Fusion summon!

There he is!

The elemental hero flame wingman!

I hope your gear golem is ready

for a clash of the titans!

So, teach, what do you think?!

I think you're dueling very well for an amateur.

But, next time, try playing a monster

that has more attack points than what's already out.

All: huh?!

What's he mean?

He means that wingman's attack points

are no match for his golem's , .

Shame, too,

because when the wingman destroys a monster,

that monster's attack points are dealt

as damage to its owner.

Wait, you mean they're deducted

right out of his life points?!

Aw, that would've been a great way

for jaden to turn things around.


If your friend's as good as he says he is,

he might still find a way.

Wow, did we really seem like friends?

All right, young scholar,

I don't mean to rush you,

but I am a busy man!

Are you done yet?

Of course I'm not done yet!

And of course I knew my wingman

had less attack points than your golem!

That's why I have this!





all right, flame wingman,

go show those heroics

and attack that ancient gear golem!


fine with me. Bring him on!

This silly little skyscraper field card

hasn't lowered my golem's attack level by one point!

You know what, teach, you're right!

This skyscraper field hasn't

lowered your golem's attack points,

what it's done is

raise my elemental hero wingman's

by a towering grand total of...

, !



Go, skydive scorcher!



this can't be!

He was my very best card!

Jaden: and 'cause of my wingman's super power...

The attack points of that golem

are dealt straight to your life points!

Sweet, huh?

No way!





that's game!

So, I guess I passed the test, huh, teach?!


There's no way this delinquent could defeat me!



It must be dumb luck.

No way crowler could lose to some flunky.

That kid's got a future here!


Huh? Hmm.

All right!

Yeah, jaden!

[Thinking] nice.

I could use a little competition.

I made the academy!

Wow! I'm in!

I'm in!

Ha ha!

We're both in.

And from here on out...

You and i...

Will be partners!


♪ chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ finding trouble

♪ never looking too hard ♪

♪ well, back at class ♪

♪ they never taught us this ♪

♪ some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ we'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ right now

♪ let's go

♪ yu-gi-oh gx

♪ game on, get your game on ♪

♪ come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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