01x07 - Duel and Unusual Punishment

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x07 - Duel and Unusual Punishment

Post by bunniefuu »




What are you doing out here?


I just felt like being alone.

You know, I though

Once your brother enrolled here,

You'd feel like that less...

Not more.

Well, maybe that's because

My brother shouldn't be here.

Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut.

Oh, aren't you kids

Getting a little old to be playing w*r?

Come on, you guys,

How about a nice quiet game of charades?


Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut...

Oh, no!

It's the disciplinary action squad!

They only show when a student's

In serious trouble.

And they're headed towards jaden's!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on


[Knock on door]

Woman: open up!

Open this door right now

Or we'll bust it down!



Is that so?

You and what army?

Woman: the disciplinary action squad army!

Disciplinary action squad?!

You must be jaden.

And that must be syrus.


You're both under campus arrest.


What'd we do?

That will be made more than apparent

At the interrogation.


Jaden and sy: what?!


That's what I suggest.

You trespassed into the abandoned dorm.

An anonymous letter

From one of our faculty members

Confirms it.

You must be punished so an example is set

For all the students.

But what kind example are we setting--

That we are a bunch of hard-hearted tyrants?

I say we arrange something more sporting.


What do you mean by that?

Well, jaden...

Off the top of my head, how about...

You partner up with syrus in a tag-duel!

Win and you're cleared--

Lose and you're expelled.

A tag-duel?

That sounds sweet!

B-but, jaden, he said expelled!


I believe they have accepted the conditions.

Fine, then I'll arrange some opponents--

Oh, now, chancellor!

Don't you fret about that--

I'll take care of

All the particulars for the event!

You wanted to see me, chumley?

Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that...that...

I was at the abandoned dorm, too.

And that...

I should be the one to duel with jaden!

Alexis: no, it should be me.



Listen, they were at the dorm helping me.

Chumley: duh! That's bogus.

Alexis, it was so totally my fault!

I led them to the abandoned dorm

'Cause I wanted to check out its, uh...

Abandoned cafeteria.

Fat chance, chumley.

Please, chancellor--

Just let me be his partner.


Look, I realize the stakes are high...

But the team-up has been set!

Syrus is jaden's partner,

And I'm sure that he'll do fine!



So, did he say yes?

Oh, please tell me that he said yes!

If I'm jaden's partner,

I'll get us both expelled!


I tried, syrus!

I even lied and told the chancellor

I was the one who led you into the dorm.

Ha ha!

Well, you did lead us into its cafeteria.

Hey, why aren't you worried, jaden?

Aren't you afraid

That I'm going to get us kicked out?


I wouldn't want any other partner!

What, are you nuts?

Look, syrus, we're gonna go in there,

Duel our best, and win the match.

Know why?


'Cause you and I are gonna work out

All our kinks right now!

Now, go and grab you deck, buddy,

'Cause we're gonna duel!


All right, you guys.

Remember, this is just practice

For your upcoming tag-team match,

So go easy!


Ha ha!

Of course, I'm not sure

If jaden knows how to go easy.

Alexis: that's probably a good thing.

What do you mean?

It means, I know dr. Crowler,

And he's not going to be matching them up

With any pushovers.

Both syrus and jaden are going to need to be

At their very best,

Because if they're not...

They'll both be expelled.

All right, syrus!

Get your game on, buddy!

And let's have some fun!

Sure, fun.

I guess we might as well squeeze some in

Before we get kicked out of here.

Uh, what was that?

Oh, uh, nothing...

Then let's duel!

Yeah, yeah, let's duel.

Here I come, syrus!


I summon elemental hero avian!

Attack mode!

And I'll also throw down a face-down!

Your go!

All right...

Let's see...

[Thinking] ooh!

My patroid's attack can beat jaden's avian!

Hey, what's that smile about?

You got something?!


Well, um...

Yeah, I think so!

Patroid, attack mode!


Siren smasher!

[Siren wails]

Not so fast!

I got a trap!

Negate attack!

[Tires skidding]

Aw, man!

I should've guessed that your facedown was a trap!


Sy walked right into that one.

[Meow] huh?!


This isn't a good sign.

There's no way they'll stand a chance

In the tag match if syrus plays like this.


Oh, boy.

Don't you think that dirt

Is just the coolest, jaden?

Sy, don't crack up yet.

You just made one mistake, that's all.

Yeah, coming to this school!

No, sy.

You just forgot to use

Patroid's special power is all!

He let's you check out

One of your opponent's facedown cards

Once per turn--

You could have seen my trap.


I know, I'm no good.

I don't belong here...

Whoa, slow down there!

I didn't mean anything like that.


I...i know you didn't, jaden.

I know you were just trying to help,

It's just that-- no, look.

You're right.

I shouldn't butt in.

We're opponents right now!

And from here on out, we ought to act like it!

Game on!

[Thinking] all right...

Syrus is in for a shock!

I summon elemental hero sparkman in attack mode!

And now...

I'll have my sparkman attack patroid!



And now, avian,

Attack sy!

Wing storm strike!



Last, I'll throw down a facedown.

And that's it.

Can I crack up now?

I just got nailed on both of our turns!

I can't win!

Of course you can win, syrus!

You just have to believe in yourself!


Chumley: she's so right!

Don't give up!

I mean, duh, syrus!

That's the first thing they teach you

In freshman dueling class!

I should know!

I had to take it twice!

Yeah, right.

I can't give up the match so soon,

Especially since I'm not just dueling for myself,

But for jaden, as well!


And the best thing I can do for him

Right now would be...

To take him down!

Alexis: come on, sy! You can do this!

Chumley: totally! We believe in you!

You just gotta believe in yourself!



You know, chumley,

You're pretty good with words of encouragement.


Yeah, well, I got all kinds of books

On self-motivation.

For some reason, my dad keeps getting them for me.

Yeah, I wonder why.

Anyway, at least syrus is playing

In the duel now rather than the dirt--

Nice job.

Why, thank you!no problem.

Now, the question is: how will he play?

All right!


[Thinking] I don't have a monster

That can take on jaden right now,

So I'll have to use a different strategy...

I'm throwing down

The spell card pot of greed!


And now I'll use its magical charm...

And then draw two additional cards

From my deck!


Power bond!

[Thinking] judging by syrus' face,

He must've just drawn a sweet card!

Power bond's like polymerization,

But better!

Whatever machine-type fusion monster I summon,

Its attack points are doubled!

But, oh well...

I'm not good enough to play a card this strong,

At least, according to my brother.

Sy, narrating: I'll never forget that day.

It was back in grade school,

And I was dueling this really mean bully.

It was my big chance to stand up to him--

To show him I couldn't be pushed around!


All right, you're going down!


[Thinking] awesome!

Power bond!

The card my brother gave me!

I'll win for sure now!

Quit your stalling, you little pipsqueak.

You know you're gonna lose...

So let's just get it over with.

Yeah, that's what you think,

But you're wrong!

This duel's mine!

Yeah, right!

The only thing that's gonna be yours

Is a severe butt-kicking!



But I'm done being scared

Of all your nasty threats!


Do you hear that?

I'm not afraid of you anymore!

Know why?

'Cause I'm gonna be the one

Who takes you down!

Boy: stop!

Huh?! Whoa! Whoa!

Hey, who said that?!


Syrus: zane?!

This duel never happened.

Got it?

Just take this and walk away.

Nice card.

You got yourself a deal.

What are you doing, zane?

I was about to win this duel

With the card you gave me!

No, syrus.

You weren't.


And I would have never given you that card

Had I known that you would misplay it

Like you were about to.


I was not!

You were.

This was the facedown card

That your opponent had out on the field, syrus.

Spellbinding circle?!

That's right, a very powerful trap card,

And when it's sprung,

The monster that it ensnares

Can neither attack nor change its battle mode.


So, you would have summoned

Your fusion monster with power bond,

And its attack points would have doubled...

But then spellbinding circle

Would have prevented you from attacking with him,

And then you would have been left

Taking a hit to you life points

At the end of your turn

For having used power bond.


You weren't thinking, syrus.

You didn't take into account the facedown card,

And you didn't take into account power bond's

Adverse special effect.

Sure, you may know how to use the card.

But there's more to dueling than simply that.


[Thinking] just holding this card again

Gives me the chills...

And what'd he mean

That knowing how to use it wasn't enough?


[Thinking] syrus sure is struggling with his move...

Hey! You all right there, sy?!



I'm gonna to play this spell card!


And I'll use it to fuse together

The gyroid and steamroid

That I have in my hand to create...

The steam gyroid!

[Toot, toot]

All right, steam gyroid,

It's time to go loco-motive!


Train twister!

[Toot, toot]


[Toot, toot]


All right!


Had enough practice?




What are you talking about,

Have I had enough?!

Sy, you know the old saying!

No pain, no gain.

And with what I have planned...

You stand to gain a lot!

All right, syrus,

You may be one of my best pals...

But now we're rivals!


I got the cards to treat you like one!

Brace yourself!


I activate the spell card polymerization!

Elemental hero sparkman

And elemental hero clayman, unite!

And here he comes!

The elemental hero thunder giant!


That cat's got the right idea.

Oh, please.

It's just another monster, alexis.

No, it's not, chumley.

Thunder giant can destroy one monster

On the turn he's summoned

If that monster's original attack points

Are less than his own.


Guess practice may be getting out early

For syrus, then.



Ok, thunder giant,

Take out steam gyroid!

[Toot, toot]



Oh, man!

That leaves me defenseless!

Yeah, it does.

But I'm not done yet!


I summon you in attack mode!

Now comes the double tap attack!

Thunder giant voltic thunder!



[Both gasp]


Now, burstinatrix, attack!

Flare storm!


And that would be game!

That was a good duel there, syrus!

I don't know about that.

I didn't put up too much of a fight, jaden.

What are you talking about?

Sure, I was able to pull it out at the end,

But you made some sweet moves--

You ought to be proud.


Although, I gotta admit,

I'm curious about something...

What was that one card you drew but didn't play?

You looked so excited...


Power bond?!

Why didn't you use it?!

You'd have doubled steam gyroid's attack points!

You'd have had one tough monster--

You know, on second thought,

For my sake, I'm glad you didn't use it!

You don't understand.

My bro says I'm not good enough to use it.

And I'll probably never be!

And it's clear you'll never be able to win

The tag team duel

If I'm your partner!


Sy, wait!



I guess practice doesn't always make for perfect,

Huh, jaden?

At least, not when it's with syrus, it seems.

I don't get it-- he's such cool guy!

I wish he could just see what I see--

That the only thing holding him back is himself!

I mean, he had this primo card

All set to play...

But he doesn't use it, and why?

'Cause some brother of his said not to!


What is it, alexis?

Am I missing something here?


That "brother of his" goes to this school.

And you've probably heard of him, too.


What are you talking about?


Third year obelisk blue

And number one duelist at the academy?

He's the big man on campus.


And he really is as good as his reputation.


Well, I'll tell you, alexis,

It doesn't sound like he's very good

To his little brother.


I wonder what happened between them...



Don't pry.

Oh, I won't pry!

I'll duel this guy to find out what's up!

Uh, jaden, you're not listening.

Nobody messes with zane!

They do when they're tag-team partner

Is not dueling up to snuff 'cause of him.

Besides, I want to see how I stack up!


[Thinking] well, if he's not going to listen to me...

You go get him, jaden.

All right!

Look out, zane!

I'm coming for you!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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