01x09 - Family Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x09 - Family Business

Post by bunniefuu »


Put your back into it.

I want to reach academy island by daybreak.

Yes, sir.

I won't have my son wasting one more slacking day

At that school.

Chumley's coming home.

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never lookin' too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Generation next!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow ♪

♪ Yeah!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Ahh, this is the life!

Green grass... Some warm sunshine...

My own private--

Syrus: jaaaaaa-den!



Maybe not so private.


You've gotta come quick!

Something terrible's happened!

Traps test.

You flunked, huh?

Actually, I got a "b."

B-but...that's not the reason I came here, jaden.

It's chumley.

His dad just showed up!

Yeah, so what? He raid our fridge?

No, jaden!

He came here to force chumley to drop out!

Drop out?!

No way, not our buddy!

Ohh. Ohh.


No way. That's his dad?

Looks like a bodybuilder, huh?


Though, carrying around chumley as a kid,

You'd kind of have to be.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

If chumley was any good at dueling,

It'd be one thing...

But clearly he's not!

He's wasting his time here.

It's time for him to give up dueling and come back home.

I see your point.

Chumley is a bit, uh...

Heh heh heh!

He's a bit dense!

You can say it.

That's why I want him to come home

And join the family business--

The hot sauce business.

You do like hot sauce?

Oh, yes.

I love it. I can't get enough of it!

Loud and clear!

Here! Free sample!

Oh, no. I really couldn't.

Oh, yes, you could.

Come on, just think of it

As a good-bye gift from me and chumley.

So he's really dropping?!

No, not if we can help it, syrus!

Come on, we gotta go talk some sense into him!



Hey, what are you doing, chumley?

What's it look like?

It looks like you're givin' up.

Like you're takin' everything you've worked for

And throwin' it away.

Like you're abandonin' all your dreams...

All of your dueling goals...

And you don't even care!

Oh. Chumley?

He does care.


I got something in my eye, ok?

Both of them.

Now, just leave me alone, wouldja?!


I mean...

It's not like I'm worth wasting your time on anyhow.

At least, according to my dad, I'm not.

But he doesn't know,

I really could be a champion duelist,

Cuz I have a special power that I haven't told anybody!

Sometimes duel monsters talk to me!


Well, didja tell this to your dad, chumley?

Of course not!

Everything to him is just hot sauce, hot sauce, hot sauce!


Come on!

So there you have it!

Chumley can't be allowed to drop out!

He's got a gift!

Oh, sure!

A gift for eating grilled cheese.

Look, I know chumley. I'm his roommate.

Not to mention his pal.

Yeah, me, too.

Ah, what jaden said.

Look, boys...

I respect you sticking up for your friend here,

But I'm afraid that this is a personal matter.

It's not your business.


That's right. It's family business.

But, sir--

Which is why I propose... A duel!


That's right, father versus son!

If you have this special gift your friends say,

You should beat me easy!

And I'll let you stay at the academy.

But! If you lose...

Then! You come home!

It's a deal!

Good, then let's duel first thing tomorrow morning!

How does that sound, chancellor?

So be it.

Tomorrow morning, it will be decided.

Will chumley stay or go?

Jaden: ha ha ha!

See, guys? What'd I tell you?

It was a piece 'a cake

To convince chumley's dad

To let him stay at the academy!

Jaden, we just convinced him to a duel.

Chumley still has to win if he's going to stay!

Yeah...but, come on,

Chumley's dad doesn't know how to duel!

He's an amateur!

Am I right?


Actually, he's been state duel champion years in a row.

Huh? Huh?

Why do you think he was so insistent

Chumley go to dueling school?

He wanted his son to be like him.

Oh, and wait'll you see his deck!

Ohh! Ohh!

As you all know,

He earns a living off his special hot sauce.

Well, his deck reflects the kick of this sauce.

It can take you out in one turn,

Like a buffalo wing takes you out in one bite.

[Both gasp]

And, oh, the morning after!

Uhh! Uhh!

So chumley accepted knowin' all a' that?!


You must really wanna stay then, huh?!

Now, come on!

Let's go get your deck ready, chum!

Kumazo: aw, come on!

Ha! Just a little bit more hot sauce.

You can handle it!

You are so very generous.

My pleasure!

And your cat's, from the look of it!

Yes, good thing I'm stocked up on kitty liter.

Oh, speakin' of!

Nature calls!

Jaden: what's with chumley's cards?

They're all koalas.

Chumley: koalas are my favorite, duh!

Now, don't get me wrong, chumley, koala's are cool...

But can you win with them?

Here, try this card out!

I got it a while back but never use it.

Maybe you can!

Wow, sy. Really?

Yeah. If you join it with one of your koalas,

You'll have yourself a deck from down under!


Oh! And I got something for ya, too!

It could really come in handy!



Banner: all right. Chumley, mr. Huffington?

You both know what the stakes are for this match.

If chumley wins,

He gets to stay at school.

However, if he loses the duel, well, then...

He has to go back home.

That's right,

Or my hot sauce won't chap your lips!

Hmm. Chumley?

You sure you're ok with this?

Can you handle going to work for your dad's hot sauce company?

Chapped lips...

I can handle anything right now!

Hmm. Fine.

Then, without further ado,

Let's begin the duel, gentlemen!

All right!


Go time!


Here I come!

[Thinking] totally lishus!


I'll play des koala in attack mode!

In attack mode?

Don't you know if you first placed him in defense mode,

Then flipped him to attack mode later,

Des koala's special ability

Would have caused me points of damage

For every card in my hand?

Duh, of course I knew that!

At least, now I do.

Now's too late!

You should've taken your studies more seriously!

Maybe now you'll learn!


Watch him closely, children.

You may learn something.

Seeing as how he's a state champ,

I don't doubt it.

I just hope it's not the one-turn finisher

He's known for!


Ready, son?


Here I come!


I summon dizzy tiger in attack mode!


A dizzy...tiger?


So...why's he dizzy?

It looks like too much hot sauce.

But that doesn't mean that that beast

Doesn't still have some bite left!

Dizzy tiger attack!

Hot sauce slap!


Oh, that's hot sauce, all right!

Oh, boy.

That stinks!

But his attack sure didn't!

Ha ha ha!

At this rate, we'll be home before dinner,

Which'll be hot sauce, I might add.

I'll tell ya what ya can do with your hot sauce--

Hey, keep your cool there, chumley!

It's nice that he's standing up for himself

In front of his dad, though!



Chum! Fight back!

I know!


Yeah, this might just work...

All right.

I activate the spell card

Koala march!

With it, I can summon a koala monster

Back from my graveyard

As long as it's a level or below!

Hey, look, jaden!

Now chumley has his des koala on the field again!

That's true.

I just hope that he can work it better this time around!

Not it...them.

Koala march's also lets him summon

Another monster from his hand

If it's the same one he brought back from the graveyard,

And if I know chumley...

I summon another des koala!

I sacrifice both of them to summon...

Big koala!

Hmm. Not bad.

No duh, not bad!

Now, big koala, attack dizzy tiger!

Take down from down under!



Dizzy tiger's gonezo!


All right!

That's the way ya do it!

So you wanna fight?

All right. Let's fight.

I call dizzy angel!

He reeks of hot sauce, too!

And from how he can hardly stand up,

I'd say he's had his fair share of it.

[Thinking] whoa...

I'm starting to hear those weird monster voices again.

Now! I activate...

The spell card hot sauce bottle!

And I also activate the spell card

Flipping the table.

Ha ha ha!




Ha ha ha!

What a card!

It destroys everything on my field...

Everything except for itself, that is.

And then the same amount of cards on your field are also destroyed!

Now you're left defenseless!

That must be his special one-strike attack!

Yeah, and I dunno if I like it.

It totally resets the field.

It's hardly even fair!

That's just like you.

Ya don't like something, so you trash it!

Ha ha ha!

I didn't get to be a hot sauce tycoon by being nice, son!


Hey! Why is angel back?

Wasn't he destroyed by flipping the table?

Ha ha ha! Wishful thinking!

But ya see, dizzy angel has a special ability!

He can't be destroyed by the effect of flipping the table.

What?! Aw, great...

Now this guy's gonna keep weirding me out.

Gets worse!

Cuz when my one hot sauce bottle is destroyed

And sent to the graveyard,

Its special effect activates!

That causes you points of damage!

Ugh! Does it have to stink, too?

But I'm not done yet!

Dizzy angel, go in for your attack!

Hot sauce sizzler!



I just can't win!

[Thinking] don't worry, son.

This will be over soon.

Make your move, why dontcha?

But make sure you think it through, chumley.

Otherwise, you'll be back home bottling hot sauce!

Duh, I know!

[Thinking growl] hey, it's this card.

Here, try this card out!

I got it a while back but never use it.

Maybe you can!

Wow, sy. You mean it?

Yeah. If you join it with one of your koalas,

You'll have yourself a deck from down under!

Well, I guess now's as good a time as any.

First I activate the spell card...

Silent doom!

With it, I'm allowed to summon one monster

Back to the field from the graveyard!

And I choose big koala!

[Thinking] they won't kick me out without a fight!

Next I activate polymerization...

And fuse big koala with the des kangaroo in my hand...

To create the master of oz!

[Thinking] hmm. Like I didn't see that coming.

Jaden: ooh, hey!

And I got somethin' for ya, too!

It could really come in handy!

After all, with , attack points,

It packs a pretty good wallop!

You would really just give me

Such a powerful card, jaden?

Yeah, of course I would!

We're buddies!

And that's what buddies do for each other.

Besides, you belong here with us!



Now go, oz!

Outback attack!

What a shot!


I'm still here!

Yeah?! So bring it!

Aw, man!

Chum almost had him there!

This is close!

Yeah...this one is goin' right down to the wire.


You've fought a good duel, but you've lost.

What are you talking about?

Master of oz has , attack points!

It doesn't matter!

You forget...

With one flip of the table, he'll be gone!

That card doesn't scare me, dad.

You forget, I know its weakness!

Flipping the table has a weakness?

That's right.

Once you use it, you can't summon up a monster!

And that means...

You'll be defenseless, dad!

I'll win! You'll lose! Ha!

Not bad, son.

You've accurately spotted the card's weak spot.

I'm very impressed with you.

But still... It won't change things!

See, with what I have planned,

So what if I'm defenseless?

Two hot sauce bottles!

Wait, if one bottle's destroyed,

He takes points of damage...

So if two are destroyed...

It'll be bad!

I activate flipping the table!



That's two bottles down.

So that means , points of damage to you!


I can't believe it. He lost!

Poor chumley.



Chumley, come on!

You don't really have to go, do you?

Duh. I made a promise, and I'm gonna keep it.

Then this is really it?


You're a good duelist, chumley.

Good luck.

Same to you.


Anyway, I better get going now.

There's a whole lot of hot sauce out there that needs bottling.

And I'm sure you'll bottle it great.

Chumley: hey, professor, where's my dad?

Your father had to go.

Something went wrong with the milds. Huh?

But he wrote you this

And wanted me to give it to you.


"Dear son,

"There's more to school than just your studies.

"And while you may not have made great grades there,

"You've made some great friends.

That's reason enough for you to stay."




I won't let you down!

I won't let any of you down!

From here on out, I'm going to make you proud of me!

My family and my friends!

Kumazo: come on, put your back into it!

There's case of hot sauce in it for you

If we get back before dawn!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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