01x13 - Monkey See, Monkey Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x13 - Monkey See, Monkey Duel

Post by bunniefuu »


Code red! I repeat, code red!

Go, go, go! Secure the perimeter!

The specimen can't escape no matter what.




♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Stinking duel academy. You demote me, you laugh at me.

Well, that's it. I've had it.

You won't have me to kick around anymore.

Jaden! It's awful!

Chazz is gone!

And that's awful how?

Well, gee, I don't know.

Because he's your big duel rival?

You're right.

I need my competition!

Hey, ya know, I saw chazz packing his stuff late last night.

Know why? 'Cause he lost to that ra!

Bastion, wasn't it?

And that slifer slacker, too!

Yeah, if you can't beat the ketchup and mustard team,

Good riddance.

What a bunch of jerks!

I'll tell ya, if those were the only friends I had,

I'd probably run away, too.

Jaden? Hmm?

Well, I know chazz has been a pain in the past,

But what if he's in some trouble and needs us to help him?

Good point.

The right thing to do would be to go look for him.

Yeah, so when should we go?

Right now, sy.

After all, it's also a great excuse to sneak outta class!

Ha ha!

All clear!

You know, this school does have regular doors.

Oh, hey, alexis!

Jaden: I bet you're wonderin' what we're doin' out here.

Well, we were just, uh, gettin' an early start on our homework.

Alexis: yeah, right.

You're looking for chazz.

And we're going to come with you.

Really? Since when do you guys ditch class?

Chazz is an obelisk blue.

And we take care of our own!

Jaden: chazz! Chazz!

Sy: come on out.

Jaden: yeah, we're worried about you!

Ya scrub!

That's it.

Chazz, you little toad,

If this is some kind of trick, you'd better hope that we don't find you!

[Echoing] you got that?

Jaden: yeah, thr*aten him. That'll bring him runnin'.

Ya know, I'm sure that there's a good reason chazz ran off.

Yeah! Like, maybe he just snuck out to get me flowers.

My chazzy's so romantic!

Ew. Chazzy?

You like chazz?

Last week, it was bastion.

Who's next, little syrus?

Well, he is cute.


Look there!

Something's moving!

Jaden: I don't see anything.

Mindy: chazzy?

Must be.

All right. Game's over.

We found ya. Come on out!




[All scream]

Not chazz.

Sy: not human, either!

What was that thing?!


Alexis: what now?

He's gone.

[Girl screams]


Jasmine: help!

Jaden: up in those trees!


It's what she always wanted--

Some guy to sweep her off her feet.

Yeah, some guy, not some monkey!

Put me down now!

Over there.


Sy: wait! What's going on?!

What is that thing?!

Who cares? It's got jasmine. We've gotta follow it.

I'm telling you, I'm not your type!

My friends are way cuter!

I'm high maintenance!

Please let me go! Huh?

Please don't let me go!

Don't let me go! Don't let me go...

Aim the tranq, mcfee.

And fire when ready.

Help! Save me!

Someone get this monkey off of me!

Blast! We can't tranq him, or else he'll drop the girl!

Hey, that monkey has a duel disk on!

Sy: you're right!

Help! Save me!

Jaden: it's either that or a really funny-looking banana.

That's no banana!


And that's no regular monkey.

His name's wheeler! He's a trained duelist!

A dueling monkey?


Hmm? Oh, yes. I forgot.

Top secret.

Jaden: wait. If he duels, let me duel him!

Duel him?

Can't you see we have a situation here?

Uh, yeah. That's why I wanna duel him.

Jaden, are you feeling ok?

He's not sick. He's just gone crazy.

Look, I bet if I beat this monkey,

He'll hand over jasmine!

I mean, it's only fair!

So how 'bout it, wheeler?

Ready to get your game on?

That's right, banana-breath!

Put the girl down and let's settle this like men,

Or, uh, higher primates or whatever.

Gotta hand it to him. They are communicating.

I don't get how that monkey understands him.

Maybe all the training he's had has taught wheeler how to speak human.

Or maybe jaden's really a monkey.

Ok, so, I win, jasmine's free.

And if you lose?

If I lose? Wow.

I didn't really think of that.

Ok. If wheeler wins the duel, then we let him go.

Wait. Let him go?

Well, where does that leave me?

Look, he's not gonna win, so don't worry about it, ok, jasmine?

What a weird first date.

Wow. Uh, you really know how to work that thing, don't ya?

I hope this works.

All right, wheeler, let's throw down!

I have a shot!

No! This duel is just the kind of field test

We've been waiting for.


All right. Time to get down to business.

Monkey business!

Ready or not, let's duel!

Computer: duel!

Whoa! It talks?

Please. That would be completely unrealistic.

His helmet reads his mind and talks for him.

Here it goes!


Just the card to grease this monkey!

Go, elemental hero sparkman!

All right, monkey, you saw my moves. Now do yours!

Get it? "Monkey see, monkey do"?

You make puns now and not even good ones?

Computer: my turn! My turn!


Berserk gorilla,

Attack mode!

What's he, family?

Guess now we know who got the good looks.

Computer: berserk gorilla.

Attack, sparkman!

Attack! Attack!



Now, one card facedown.


Monkey see, monkey do better!

Computer: I make monkey out of you, you, you!

Jaden's losing the duel!

Yeah, and he's losing his cool, as well.

But then how could you not?

I mean, he is getting beat by a monkey.

Hey, come on, gimme a break!

The duel just started!

And it's about to heat up!

Watch this!


I play the magic of polymerization!

With it, I fuse elemental hero avian

With elemental hero burstinatrix

To summon elemental hero flame wingman!

Now with flame wingman's help, I really will lose my cool!

Go, infernal rage!


[Chattering excitedly]

And I'm not done yet.

Next I'll use flame wingman's super power!

You lose life points

Equal to what your destroyed monster's attack points were!

Now how's your cool?

Awesome. Now wheeler will lose , life points!

Nice, jaden!

Yeah, but not so nice for our furry little friend.

I'm the man!

I mean, not that you could be, but, ya know? Wheeler?

Hello? You callin' it quits already?

So is that it? Does that mean wheeler's finished?

Oh, please. He just made one little mistake,

That's all. But he won't make it again.


Believe me.

It's all part of his training.

You see, back at the lab, if he made a mistake twice,

He'd be harshly punished.

We poked and prodded him that way for years.

No, he won't give up. He'll just get better.

Poked and prodded?

Top secret?

Oh, right. Uh, never mind.

So, monkey, you callin' it quits or what?

Computer: never surrender! Never!

That's the spirit, yeah!

All right, then! Game on!

I summon acrobat monkey!


Next, I play my facedown--

Trap! Trap!

Dna surgery, go!

Jaden: dna surgery?

That changes all the monsters on the field

To whatever type monster that monkey chooses!

I choose beast-type, beast-type!

Now I play wild nature's release!

Wild nature's release?

That spell card will increase the attack points

Of one beast-type or beast-warrior-type monster

On the field by the value of its defense points.

Wow! This monkey is getting better.

Which means for jaden, it's gonna get worse.

Computer: acrobat monkey!

Power up! Power up!



Now, acrobat monkey, attack!

Somersault smash!

Wait a sec. I don't get it.

What just happened? Anyone?

When wild nature's release is used on a monster,

That monster's destroyed at the turn's end.

Computer: your turn! Your turn!

Nice moves, wheeler, but no banana yet!

Now here goes. Draw!

All right!

It's time to show this hostage taking hairball

That it takes more than just opposable thumbs to be a good duelist!

I'm gonna play--huh?


Uh-oh. More monkeys!

Mindy: it's like an entire tribe of them!

Oh, my.

Wait a sec.

That's why you're tryin' to escape, isn't it,

To get back to your family!

Must win! Miss family! Miss family!

[All chattering]

Look, pal. I know you wanna get back with your family,

But I need to get back jasmine.

So unless you let her go, I gotta beat ya,

Which means I gotta summon the elemental hero clayman.

Don't forget! Don't forget!

Dna surgery!

Clayman turns into a beast-type.


Fine with me!

That's not gonna matter when I play this!

Read it and weep! Courageous charge!

Oh, yeah! Here's how it goes down.

I take one of my monsters

With , attack points or less

And pay , life points.

Then if my monster deals damage

To your life points in battle,

You also take damage equal to his defense points.

Pretty sweet, huh?

Now, elemental hero clayman, attack wheeler

With clay clobberer!


And now thanks to courageous charge,

His , defense points are dealt to ya, too!

All right! He won!

Fair's fair.

Time you let jasmine go.

Jasmine! Jasmine!


Jasmine: he reeked of bananas!

Mindy: it's ok. You're safe now.

Thanks for saving me.


What's happens to wheeler now?

He shouldn't have snatched me,

But he still deserves better

Than those needle-poking scientist guys.

All right, you flea-ridden failure, let's go.

Hold it! He doesn't belong with you.

He belongs out here in nature. He belongs with his family.

So that's where we're gonna leave him, got it?

Then he can pick grubs, eat berries, and, ya know, other monkey stuff.


It's all right, wheeler.

We won't let them take you back to the lab!

'Cause if ya do, I'll call the tv stations!

And I'll call the newspapers!

And it's good-bye, top secret!

Enough nonsense. Out of the way!

Stop it!

You think that your threats scare me?

Please. You're just some kid!

Who's going to believe you?

Not only will my lab work continue,

But it will grow larger.

How's that?

Because I'm taking them all!

Your friend won't miss his family.

They'll all be there in cages with him.


Tsk-tsk, pharaoh. Naughty kitty.

Kids: professor banner!

Who are you?

Oh, you know.

Just your average teacher/duelist...


Animal lover, if you gentlemen catch my drift.

Aw, look. It's like a family reunion.

Jasmine: it is.

Hey, let's duel again sometime!

Me, too! That was a super fun match.

Sy: uh, jaden, his talky helmet is gone, ya know?

Mindy: that was a close one.

If the professor wouldn't have shown up,

They would have taken him away for sure!

How'd ya find us, professor?

Like I said, I love animals.

Of course,

It would be hard not to be with a cat who can track as well as pharaoh.

Yeah, but why were you looking for us in the first place?

Well, children, I wanted to tell you that chazz is ok.

That's good news!

Sure is!

Hee hee! Ha ha!

Of course, there is some bad news, as well.


Come with me.

You see, pharaoh tracked him here to the docks.

But when I arrived, he was already leaving on his family's personal yacht.

You haven't heard the last of chazz princeton, duel academy.

No way.

Well, that's a shame.

Yeah, I guess. He did make things interesting.

My chazzy.

Well, I'm sure he'll be back someday.

Sy: me, too.

Jaden: after all, good rivals are hard to find.

Professor: yes, and do you know what is not?

Class. And since you cut out early today,

We have some making up to do.

So let's go.

Aw! Oh, man! Oh!

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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