01x17 - Nature of the Draw

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x17 - Nature of the Draw

Post by bunniefuu »

Jaden, wait up!


Not on sandwich day!

Aw, which one?

I don't know.

What are you saying?

This is tough!

Isn't sandwich day just the greatest, sy?!

All these choices!

And not one of 'em labeled!

How's that the greatest?

There're ostrich burgers,

Grilled tongue sandwiches,

Or a half dozen other mystery meals

That aren't exactly tasty!

Yeah, but there's one good one!

Compliments of that magical rooster

That lays the golden eggs!

That's crazy talk, jaden...

Everyone knows roosters can't lay eggs!

Look, the point is that egg-wich is dee-lish!

And well-worth rooting through all those other nasty items to snag!


Well, good luck, it's been five weeks

Since you've been able to draw it...

Here goes!


Grilled tongue...blehk.

I guess you're just in a slump, jaden.

But I'm sure you'll get over it soon.

Alexis: better a bad draw here

Than during a duel.


Oh...so you took the egg-wich

To have lunch with me, huh?

I did no such thing!

I was just practicing my draws!

Suuure you were.

Yeah! I was!

It's true, jaden, she didn't draw the egg-wich.

In fact, during the last five weeks no one has.

Least, no one I know.

Someone must be sneaking in and stealing them.

Stealing them?

Whoa. That thief must be pretty good

To be able to draw it week after week!

It's true, none of the other sandwiches are opened...

Anyway, I'm sorry.

Oh, it's not your fault, ms. Dorothy!

It's this egg-wich thief's fault,

Which is why... We're gonna do somethin' about it!

Hold on, we are?

Yep! We're goin' on sandwich stakeout!

Twenty four, seven!

Great! What?

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jaden: quiet... It's coming...


Here it comes...

Heh heh heh!

This one!

Yep! High card!

Picking cards, drawing cards, amazing!

Why, thank you!

So ya think when this sandwich thief guy comes

He's gonna have anything on him?

For the last time, chumley,

He steals egg sandwiches,

Not grilled cheese.

Wouldja tell him, alexis?

It's true, chum.

Hey, what's lex doin' over there anyhow?

I think her homework...

[Thinking] what I'm doing is waiting for this thief to come.

Who knows, he may have something to do with my missing brother...

And all the others...

Who wants some stakeout snacks?!

Here, dig in!

Grilled cheese?!

Aw...what are those?

My special stuffed pastries-- three kinds!

We have strawberry... Chocolate,

And lemon custard, as well.

Thanks, ms. Dorothy!

What's most like grilled cheese?

Oh, it's right--

Wait! We should draw!

And try to pick what we want!

I want strawberry!

Wait, jaden, so you wanna draw pastries like cards?

That's a good idea...

Go for it, jaden!

Alright! Wish me luck!


On your first try, too, jaden!

Way to go!

It's good to know I still got it!

Ya know, for when we get that egg-wich back!

I can almost taste it already!





It's the egg-wich thief!


He's an animal!




Oh! Huh?

Stop, you thief!

Put the egg-wich down!




Whoa...after him!


Oh, boy... He can really move!

[Thinking] this guy's definitely got something to hide.

There's no way we can let him get away!


Finally, we can stop running...

Oh, no we can't!

We gotta cut him off!

Or we'll never get those egg-wiches back!






Now can we stop?

Who on earth is this guy?

Ms. Dorothy: damon?!


Huh? Huh?


You know him?

Take your time to answer-- I need a break.

Yes, I know him...

And he knows better than stealing!

Huh? Aw-aw!

My, you have changed!

I change.

I change for better!

Not your grammar.

How do you know him, ms. Dorothy?

Where else, from school!

He used to be an obelisk blue.

Jaden: boy, they really had a chill dress code

Back then, huh?

No, he looked different back then...

But then, one day, he just disappeared!

I was so sad-- he was one of my favorites,

Always visiting me at the card shack,

Especially on sandwich days!

Oh, how he loved trying to pick a good sandwich!

Ohh! Sardines?! Ohh.


Shame he was so bad at it.

But this guy's always pickin' the good one,

You sure it's the same person?

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Not same person!

I new person now.

I live in the nature!

I hone my skills!

Well, why'd you leave?

When I obelisk, I test good!

But when come to duel,

Damon have some degree of difficulty.

Damon, thinking: alright, time to take down jinzo!

Here goes!

Oh, great! A trap!

This is the worst draw I could have possibly gotten!

I've lost!

My draw ruin me... Each time!

So I decide I must improve!

I do everything I can think of!

Someone! Please!

Make me a better card drawer!

But no answer.

Nothing happen.

Only waves go back and forth.

Back and forth. Always back and forth.

Then...hit me!

Uh, you want me to hit you?

No, it hit me.

Just like I know what come next in wave,

I realize I can know what come next in cards.

Must simply be in tune with nature!

Alexis, thinking: I'm thinking this guy can't help me

Find my brother.

In fact, from the smell of him,

I don't think he can even find a bar of soap...

This why... I live out here.

To train, to learn, to be at one with nature!

To be at one... With the draw!


I get very good.

But still...only one way for I to be sure.

Ultimate test.

I draw egg-wiches.

This is why I take them these past weeks.

Not because I thief!

We understand.

I don't. I mean, don't get me wrong, damon...

I don't think you're a thief anymore, but...

But? But this:

I like those egg-wiches

As much as the next guy, so let's duel!

If I win, then you stop swipin' 'em!

You win, they're all yours!

Hmm. Fine!

But I expert drawer,

There no way you can beat me!

Hey, I'm no slouch!

It's true!

He's the best I know!


Damon: it on!

Now let see how quick you are...

On the draw!

Alright, damon, get your game on!

Both: let's do this!

It's time to throw down...

Here goes!

Sweet! I summon elemental hero avian!

Attack mode!


I'll also throw down a facedown,

And that'll do.

Your draw!

Let's see what you got!

Just as trees sway to and fro,

I know what will come!


Heh heh he. Yes.

The nature has taught me well.

I play card facedown.

Then summon card I drew, drawler!



What's that thing?

Not friendly.

Now for every card in my hand

That I return to deck,

Drawler gain attack and defense point.

And I return four card from hand!

That's all his cards!

Aw, man...that drawler's decked out now!



Drawler... Attack avian!

Stone roll wrecker!

What the--?!

When monster in attack mode get beat

By drawler he no go to graveyard.

He go to bottom of your deck

So you won't be able use for long time!

Now my turn end.

Wow. Nice move.

[Thinking] sweet! Another good draw!

I activate the spell card polymerization!

And fuse elemental hero clayman

And burstinatrix to create rampart blaster!


In defense mode?

Yep...but if I take its attack points...

And split them in half?

I'm allowed to wage a direct attack!

Rampart barrage!



That'll do for me!

[Thinking] he draw good for man who wear shirt

And have haircut, but still,

He no match for the way of nature!

[Thinking] uh-oh.

He's got a weird look in his eye...


I activate trap!

Go, miracle draw!

This how work: before I make my card draw from deck...

I announce what card I think I draw,

And if I right... You take , damage,

I wrong, I take damage!

He's guessing what he's going to draw?

Good luck!

This is one gutsy move!

[Thinking] no joke.

Nearly forty cards in that deck...

And he's going to guess the top one?

You think I won't guess right.

You might...

No might!

The snow no not might melt!

It will melt!

And I will guess right!

Draw will be...card loan!

He's right?!

No way!

This guy's weirding me out.


Now you take , point damage.


Next, I activate card loan.

You regain , points,

And I lose , life points.

But I get to draw one card from deck!

And then I must return card to my deck

At the end of my turn!

All of that just to make a draw?

[Thinking] he must have a good hunch what's there.

Here draw...i like!


I activate drawber!

A spell card!

Now you draw card, and I guess what it is!

I guess correct and all card in your hand

And on field go back to your deck.

Oh, no! That'll leave jaden wide open!

[Thinking] there's no way he can guess right again!

Draw is...defusion!

Ha ha ha! Right again!

That's impossible!

Guess everything goes back to my deck now...

This is gonna hurt...

Drawler! Attack with stone roll...wrecker!



I end my turn.

Alright then... Here's mine...

I'll summon wroughtweiler

In defense mode!

And I think I'll leave it at that.

Not lishus.

With miracle draw still out...

All damon has to do is...

Guess one more card right

And it's goodbye egg-wiches for good!

[Thinking] come on, jaden...

Aw, man...

It over yet?


[Thinking] this it.

Just as I know leaves wilt then grow,

I know I can pick my next draw...

And with wroughtweiler in defense mode,

There is only one card that can help me.

With it, I can destroy monster,

Then destroy jaden!

[Thinking] I must draw shield crush to win.

Must draw shield crush.

Give me shield crush!


Draw will be shield crush!

If he's guessed this card right,

It's all over for jaden!

Oh, no!

All: he's wrong?!


I summon doron in attack mode.

So I guess wrong!

It no matter!

I still beat you!

Just you wait and see!

Drawler att*cks wroughtweiler

With stone roll wrecker!

I play wrought's special ability!

Now, since he was sent to the graveyard,

I'm allowed to put polymerization

And burstinatrix back in my hand!

Fine, but I not done yet!

Now doron att*cks you!

Mad dash dinger!




Is it over now?

I end turn.

And since you only have

Hundred life point remaining,

Soon like the seasons end, I end you!

Okay, that's enough!

All this nature talk,

That terrible fake voice?

Fake voice?

Come on, damon!

You spent one year out in the wilderness...

I mean, it's not like you were raised there as a baby or something!

It's time to get real...

You wrong!

If drawing cards was as predictable

As snow meltin' you'd never guess wrong

And ya just did!

Drawing's about usin' your gut, ya know,

Bein' in tune with yourself!

Even then you'll never guess every draw right!

After all, you're only human, damon.

Even if ya do get around by swingin' on vines.

That's what makes drawin' great!

You never know what you'll get.

But you can always hope!

Like now, I'm hoping for a certain card.

And I've played the way I have...

Cuz my gut told me I'd get it!

And whadaya know!

'Member that first card you destroyed with drawler?

How it went to the bottom of my deck

Instead of to the graveyard?

Well, since you made me shuffle my deck,

Guess who's back on top!

So! Drawler just have to destroy him again!

Don't think so, not this time!

I activate polymerization!

And fuse from my hand burstinatrix and avian

So that I can create the elemental hero flame wingman!



Alright! That drawler won't be destroying anything!

Now, flame wingman, attack drawler

With... Infernal rage!



I still standing!

Yeah, but not for long, cuz now I'm activating

The flame wingman's super power!

And that means that you take damage

Equal to half your destroyed monster's attack points!

And that brings you down...

To zero!

I lose?


That's game!

Way to play, jay!

Good stuff.

I can't believe I lost, i-i don't understand!

I trained out here for a whole year!

Hey, you're speakin' like a human being again.

Oh, i, uh, no get what--

Ohh! Heeeey... It's okay, damon.

You can just be yourself.

Ya mean it?

Cuz I could really use a shower.

And a haircut!

And shirt.

Well, actually, I thought all that vine-swinging

Got me pretty ripped,

So I was thinking that maybe, you know...

Damon, a shirt.


Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.


It's...egg-wich time!


So, has anyone drawn the egg-wich yet?

No, not yet!

Good luck.

Yeah...better luck than I had

With this haircut, at least.

Alexis: I drew it!

The egg-wich! It's mine!

Ha ha ha!

Ohh. Ohh.

Jaden: hey, alexis, I'll trade ya,

I got something... Greenish?

I'll take it. What?

I've been eating tree bark and grubs

For the past year!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the school yard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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