01x23 - The Little Belowski

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x23 - The Little Belowski

Post by bunniefuu »

Crowler: I can't believe jaden

Is going to be duel academy's student representative

At the school duel!

What an embarrassment!

I won't let it take place.

No, no, no, no!

I'll do whatever I must to stop him!

Ha ha ha!

Which brings me here--

To the site of duel academy's most dangerous specimen!


Oh, not you birdbrains!



This is such a fowl predicament!

I've got to fly this coop and quick!

Ah, the secret entrance.


Stay back! I don't want to ruffle any feathers!


You're really egging me on!



Ok, the yolk's over!

You belong in a bucket!



It's just like they say...

You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

And now it's time to break jaden for good.

I mean, after all...

With what is lurking in this containment vault...

He's not going to stand a chance.


You there, belowski?!

It's your old friend dr. Crowler.

There's a young duelist I'd like you to meet.

I know it's been a while,

But I think he deserves a "lesson"

From the academy's best!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation x

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow, yeah! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Jaden: eenie meenie miney moe...

Catch a monster by the toe...

If he stinks, then let him go.

You know, my water dragon would be a fine addition

To your deck for the school duel.

That water dragon's a total washout.

You need something strong like etoile cyber!

How 'bout des koala?!

You can use my power bond if you need!

What I need is some time to think!

There's no need to be rude, jaden.

We're only trying to help.

After all, you've been selected

As the academy's representative at the school duel.

This is huge!

And if you don't win,

It's going to be a huge disappointment.

Aw, come on!

Like there's not enough pressure on me already?!

I know the school's countin' on me!

But all I can duel is my best!

You're absolutely right.

Dueling isn't about trophies,

It's about being the best you can!


And the best...

Needs the power of my water dragon card!

Or power bond!

Or etoile cyber!

Des koala all the way!

All right! That's it! No more!

If I'm ever gonna arrange my deck,

I need to be alone!

Good call! Let's lose these guys!

Yeah, totally!

Jaden! Wait up!

Why are we always running?

I want to help you be alone!

You can't be alone all by yourself!

Funny, no one's ever this helpful when I'm doin' my laundry!


'Sup. Huh? Oh.

No offense, but I was hopin'

To find some peace and quiet.

What're ya' doin' up here?

I'm up here to duel you, jaden!

Who are you?!

Jus' a dude with a deck.

Call me belowski.

You ever notice how clouds look like duel monsters

If you look really close?

Whoa! Hey there, pal...


What is it?

Belowski: nice kuriboh.

I hear they like being scratched behind the wings.

Wait. You can see him?

Of course I can.

And hear 'im, too, though my kuribohese is a lil' rusty.

You gotta be kidding me.

Ya know, unless ya use it every day...

Anyhow, let's duel!

Again with the dueling.

He must think I'm easy pickin's cuz I'm in red.

Red, blue, yellow, who cares?!

Those are just symbols the man uses

To try to propagate social division!

See...it's all a conspiracy

Of the political-industrial complex

To permeate the so-called free market.

Sure! Whatevs! Let's just throw down!

Far out.

Syrus: jaden! There you are!


Jaden: hey! You guys are just in time!

Syrus: just in time for what,

And who's that obelisk over there?


Well... He's gonna be my opponent!

A duel?!

Alexis: a duel?

Crowler: poor jaden. Once belowski uses his "special skills,"

He won't be able to compete in the school duel...

Or anywhere else ever again!

Good thing I pulled my protective armor out of the closet.

Otherwise, I'd end up in the stupor

They're all about to be in!

Ha ha ha!

Get your game on!

Yeah, man, whatever.

All right. First, I'm gonna summon mokey mokey

In defense modey modey.

Mokey mokey.

Mokey mokey.

Goodness me!

That's not a monster, it's a marshmallow.

He's so cute!

Like a great, big, fluffy pillow!

Makes me wanna take a nap!

You know, now that you mention it, me, too.


[Thinking] ha! It's working!

All right, I guess I'll just toss down a couple

And chill now.

My turn then.


And what a turn it'll be!

First I'm summoning...

Elemental hero sparkman in attack mode!

Then I'll play...

The spell card polymerization!

And since elemental heroes avian and burstinatrix

Are already in my hand,

I can fuse them to create...

The elemental hero flame wingman!

Well, bud?! Ya still wanna duel me now?

Ha ha ha! Totally, man!

Those monsters look righteous!


That's not the reaction I was hoping for...

[Kuriboh squeaks]

Yeah...good point, kuriboh!

An attack oughta knock some sense into him!

Go, sparkman!

Spark shockwave!

Your attack will not stand, man!

I got a trap card!

It's called human wave tactics.

Wrap your mind around this:

At the end of each turn,

I can summon a monster that's the same level

As the one that's been destroyed.

They have to be level two or below,

But it's about the balance, man!

The yin and the yang!

Whatever that means!

All I know is that my sparkman's attack's still happenin'!

And now, with mokey mokey outta the way,

Flame wingman can attack you directly!



And now I'll call it a turn, belowski.

Oh, that was very un-chill, dude!

But...now I can summon happy lover

Thanks to human wave tactics.

And since happy lover likes to share the love,

I'll bring back his bud mokey mokey

In attack modey modey.

Mokey mokey.

Mokey mokey!



He has such a calming presence.

Mokey mokey makes everything so chill.

I feel fuzzy and warm.



That's just the beginning, man.

Next, I play mokey mokey smackdown.

Then I think I'll attack your sparkman

With my happy lover.

What for?!

Sparkman's got way higher voltage than your lover.

I know, but it's all good.

Go, gushy burst!

Mokey! Mokey!


Mokey mokey mokey!


Alexis: oh, wow! Look at mokey mokey go!

I could just watch him for days!

Yeah, he's the best.


He sure is!

Cuz since your sparkman just destroyed a fairy-type monster,

My mokey mokey smackdown spell card activates,

And that raises mokey mokey's attack points to ,!

Far out, huh?! Power to the mokey mokey!

No way!

Brilliant move!

That mokey mokey is just something else!

Still warm and fuzzy!


Mokey mokey mokey!

All: you go, mokey mokey!

Bastion: yes, and we're going

Right there with you!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, come on!

Just who're ya' rootin' for?!

You have to ask?!

Mokey mokey!


Belowski: now where was i?

Huh? Oh, yeah.

I was about to have my mokey mokey

Attack your flame wingman.



Don't worry!

The mokey mokey wave is full a' good vibrations!

Well, not good for your wingman, though...



Mokey mokey!

Mokey mokey!

What's with you guys?!

Belowski: they're feelin' the moke!


The moke's all about harmony, man!

And there's more where that came from.

I'm playing mystik wok!

And just like a sizzlin' plate of kung pao tofu,

Mystik wok refills my energy!

A balance, dude!

I only get life points

Equal to the monster's attack points I sacrifice.

So I'll sacrifice mokey mokey.


So that's grand in points!

And 'cause happy lover's gone,

Human wave tactics restores balance in my universe!

I just gotta choose which balance...

And I'm thinking haniwa's just my type of zen!



What next?!

Bastion: hey, jaden!


You gotta chill out, man!


You're surrounded by this negative energy, dude.

You can't bring that to a duel!


Sing our mantra, man!


All: mokey mokey!


[Crowler chuckling]

I love it when a plan comes together!

They're all under his spell!

And soon jaden will be, as well!

Wake up!

Belowski: ha ha ha!

What'd ya' do to my friends?!

Freed their minds, man!

Mokey mokey!

Okey dokey, mokey mokey!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Whee!


I see you've met one of my favorite students-- belowski!

I just love him!

Well, when I'm safe from his powers.

Uh, his what?

Crowler: his powers.

You see, belowski is a very special duelist.

He was left on the academy's doorstep as a baby...

And quickly became a master duelist.

As a mere child, he rose through the ranks of the academy.

It was then strange things began to occur.

Oh, ya mean the way he talks?

Big whup!

No! I mean how mokey mokey comes alive when he duels with him.

Comes alive?

Powers and all!

Powers that lull everyone around him into a lazy daze,

Like your friends!

And soon...like you!

No wonder!

Mokey mokey!


Belowski: it's cool, man.

It's not like they're in any kinda danger

Or anything!

Mokey mokey just makes 'em feel nice and cozy.


It once made all the school's students feel that way,

And that is why we had to move belowski.


And build him a new home--

A titanium-encased holographic chamber deep underground.

You mean a jail!

Crowler: jail's such an ugly word.

We prefer mandatory restraint habitat.

It was actually quite nice inside,

Like an island paradise!

Sure it was...

And just like an island,

He was completely stranded there, huh?

Nah, man, it's all good!

I just chill, and then every time

There's a student dr. C wants me to take care of,

I get to come out.

Ya know. Duel, whatever.

It's a pretty sweet gig.

That's right!

Plus...i get plenty a' time to hang with my monster crew

And spin our wheels and stuff.

And, dude?

We have some deep talks, too.

We're totally unraveling the universe.

You should join us!

Hmm? No, thanks. We're good here.

Dueling is our thing.

So how 'bout we get back to it!

Hey, that's chill.

Ha! All right!

I summon elemental hero wildheart!

And now...go!


Next up, sparkman! Light up his world!



Then I'll throw down a facedown to end my turn...dude.

You know, you're a real party pooper, man!

Good thing I got human wave tactics

So I can summon a new happy lover.

Belowski, shouldn't he be nodding off by now?!

Mokey mokey is supposed to drain jaden!

But no! Just look!

He's fine!

Just check out all his friends!

Why isn't jaden like that?!

Search me, dude.

That's your answer?!

It's cool.

Watch...i'm gonna use my pot of greed.

It lets me draw two more cards.

Far out!

I got dark factory of mass production.

It may sound totalitarian,

But it lets me bring back two monsters to my hand!

And I'll pick two mokey mokeys

Since I'm already holding the third.

That way I can fuse 'em all together

And bring out this little friend...

[Deep voice] mokey mokey.

Jaden: "little" friend?!

Jaden: whoa. That's big.

You said it, man! He's mokey mokey king!

Now check out his king wave!

[Deep voice] mokey mokey king!



Wildheart! Use your wild slash on that thing!


That was so totally awesome, man!

But the circle of life must go on!

From one comes many, dude!

And the king's special effect brings back all mokeys!

That's just great.

Mokeys: mokey!





All right, man, and now happy lover!

Attack wildheart! Gushy burst!



Aw, man, look what you did to my little mokey mokeys!

Good thing my smackdown card's still in effect, huh?

Cuz now they all get , attack points!

This is not sweet.

Mokey mokey one, go get that wildheart.


Mokey mokey dos, you're on the sparkman.

Mokey mokey!

Mokey mokey mokey!

That's enough! Go!

Hero barrier!

As long as I have at least one elemental hero on the field,

This trap card lets me cancel

One of your mokey mokey att*cks this turn!

Nice move, man! But I got one more mokey!


Mokey mokey mokey mokey!

Mokey mokey!


And now, cuz 'a human wave tactics,

I'm allowed to bring another happy lover for another go-around!

Plus, I'll play this way cool trap card.

It's called gift of the mystic elf.

'Course, it's not wrapped...

Still, it's like totally full 'a good karma!

I get life points for each monster out!


You're not lookin' too hot.

Do you wanna take a burrito break or somethin'?

Maybe later... Oh.

Right now...

I'm summoning elemental hero bubbleman!

Wow, man, I gotta say, I'm impressed.

How do ya keep duelin' after all we've put you through?


Cuz I don't give up!

'Specially in a duel this much fun!

Nah, I'm gonna keep fightin' 'til the end.

'Specially now that bubbleman's out,

Cuz if he's the only one on my field when summoned,

I'm allowed to draw two more cards from my deck!

And now I'm gonna activate one of them--hero heart!

It lets bubbleman attack twice

Just as long as I cut his attack points in half!


Now let's get to it!

Bubbleman, attack mokey mokey!

Bubble blast!

So not cool!



You did it now!

Smackdown activates and gives them , attack points each!

That sounds like my kinda fight!

Bubbleman, attack mokey mokey again!


And now I'll activate bubble illusion!

See, when bubbleman's on the field and I play this,

I get to activate a trap card that's in my hand!

Ha! And what better trap card than mirror gate?

Now all of our monsters switch sides!

What's yours is mine,

And what's mine is yours!


All right!

Give 'im a taste of his own mokey!

Mokey mokey!

This is, uh, a bummer, man.


Mokey mokey mokey!


That's game! And what a game!

I actually thought you had me a few times!


Yeah, but I don't get it...

Why didn't you trance out?

Why would i?!

When I sleep, I dream of dueling!

Ohhhhh... I think I get it.

You love duelin' so much,

The more mokey mokey tried to zonk you out,

The more revved up you got!


Good to know... For next time.

But now? I need a nice, long nap.

Huh? Later!


Is anyone awake?!


Oh, come on!


Ok! I will use your water dragon!

Or your power bond.

Etoile cyber?

Hey, the clouds do kinda look like duel monsters!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on

♪ And get your game on
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