Perdida (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Perdida (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

LOS"It is not time or opportunity

that is to determine intimacy;

it is disposition alone."

Hey, Nina!

- Did you get any sleep, Sofia?

- Why? Do I look like a zombie?

No need to broadcast to everyone else

that you've been losing sleep

over this presentation.

- I'm joking, I'm joking.

- Don't do that.


We can fix that with some concealer.

Pride and Prejudice

- Sofi, it's finished!

- It came in yesterday from the binder.

But I'm not sure about the metallic foil,

and I want to emboss Jane's name.

It's perfect.

To me, it's perfect just like this.

It's beautiful.

Let's hope my boss likes it too.

It's so heavy you can just hit him with it

to get him to agree.

Yeah. All right, I'll try that.

Drinks later?

To celebrate.

- I can't, I have a date.

- Come again?

A date? Who with?

As if, Nina.

I don't waste time on that stuff.

Didn't you mention a cute guy from work?

Hey, who needs a man

when I've got you, girl?

Come on now.

- Just me? Or me and Mr. Darcy?

- Mr. Darcy too.

Oh, Mr. Darcy. Wish me luck.

- What's the problem?

- You're not authorized, ma'am.

- So you won't let me up?

- Exactly.

- You think I'm gonna steal toilet paper?

- Honestly, yes.

So uptight. Are you a Capricorn?

- Spot on.

- You're very uptight, you know?

Excuse me. May I help you?

I need to deliver this to the publisher,

but this rude man won't let me up.

I've told you already, ma'am.

Editora Arte is not accepting

unsolicited manuscripts.

Tell you what: I'll take it upstairs.

But it has to be now, 'cause I'm late.

- Really?

- Sure.

Thank you, Sofia. You won't regret it.

This is just what you need.

How do you know my name?

Your badge.

- It's on your badge.

- Of course.

- Have a good day.

- You too.

You jerk.

Hold it, hold it!

Perfect timing.

All you need is the shining armor.

No armor here, but I've got coffee.

More useful and less clich.

That the new prototype?

- Don't look.

- Looks secondhand.

I'll pretend I didn't see it.


- Wanna grab a beer after work?

- What?

I've been meaning to ask you out...

for a drink or something.

I guess I've misread the signs.

I'm sorry, Gustavo.

- Sorry.

- No, no.

It's all good.

I can handle a bit of rejection.


- This doesn't change anything, okay?

- Okay.

Lizzie Bennet, a woman ahead of her time.

The two-faced Mr. Wickham.

And, of course, the mysterious Mr. Darcy.

The main characters

of Pride and Prejudice,

which, ever since its publication in 1813,

has been considered the magnum opus

of its writer, Jane Austen.

Sofia, a good executive

has got to have eagle eyes.

Right, Paty?

Eyes set on the future.

But you want to go back in time

and publish a century-old book

that I could just download for free

on my phone.

It's a two-century-old book, Carlos.

And no.

I want to go way beyond.

With a cover that hearkens back

to the classic style of the 19th century,

this prototype contains

over 200 extra pages of exclusive content,

such as private letters of the author,

reviews, and illustrations from that time.

Here's the thing:

We're not just selling a book.

We're selling a journey through time!

When our readers

hold this book in their hands,

they will be transported to the day

Pride and Prejudice was first released.


Carlos, that doesn't fit

our target audience.

I mean, Sofia...

Try not to lose sight of things.

- Isn't Pride and Prejudice a bit dated?

- Wait, Gustavo, I'm not--

How is it relevant?

We live in the era of Tinder

and Fifty Shades of Grey--

Wait, hang on.

You can't compare Jane Austen

to Fifty Shades of Grey.

One is about love,

the other is just sexual impulses.

- They're completely different.

- And that's the problem.

This thing's missing some spice!

We need to cater to the modern woman.

Here, let me brainstorm real quick.

- Be quick.

- We can solve this thing.

Why don't we hire someone

to write a feminist version

that takes place in the 21st century?

In it, Lizzie is only looking

for casual relationships.

Though she might settle for a rich guy

to pay for her influencer lifestyle.

You can't be serious.

But that's what people want.

Sexual impulses!

No one cares about happy endings anymore.

Then it wouldn't be Jane Austen.

All of her books have happy endings,

that's the whole point.

Sofia, I'm sure that worked well

back in the 19th century,

but is that what women want today?

Because, in my experience,

they don't care about dating.

You can't rely on

your own personal frustrations

to make a publishing decision.

People like happy endings.

Sofia, I really liked your presentation.

Great job. Excellent, even.

Gustavo raised a few important points

I can't ignore,

but I'll read all of it thoroughly.

Shall we, girls? Juliana?

We've got a meeting with our new blogger.

- Damn it.

- Yeesh.

So he tried to ruin your project

just because you said no?

What's worse

is that he was so mature about it

that I second-guessed myself.

I thought, "Whoa, why did I say no?"

Can you believe it? Yeah, no.

They're all the same, I can't.

No, girl. It's not like that.

You pour your heart out

and they disappoint you in the end,

one way or another.

Another Wickham for my collection.

What about Rafa?

Is he bad too?

Of course not, you found

the last decent man on the planet.

Girl, for someone

who's always reading Jane Austen,

your aversion to relationships

is kind of ironic, isn't it?

Jane Austen is fiction, girl.

It's make-believe, like Cinderella.

I live in the real world.

Happy endings are for books.

You say that, but I know

you believe in happy relationships.

Sure, but in the meantime,

I'll happily read my books,

which fill me with joy, like this drink.

Why do you keep looking at the waiter?

- Me?

- Yeah.

I'm not. You're seeing things.

- Tell me. Come on.

- Okay.

I'm glad you think Rafa's a decent guy,

because he's been promoted.

That's great. Finally.

He'll work in Australia.


And he wants me to go with him,

so he asked to marry me.

And I said yes.

No, hold on.

Okay, sure...

But... when are you going?

In four days.

Wait. You're kidding me, right?

Sofia, you've had a difficult day,

so I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that.


I know you really like him.

Everybody knows that.

But are you sure about this?

You can't be sure of anything

when you're in love, Sofia.

You can be sure that you'll end up hurt,

with your heart broken

in a million pieces.

You'd like that, right?

Me, crying on your shoulder,

so you won't need to be alone.

Nina, where are you going?


"Will you be my maid of honor"?

- Where to, love?

- Santo Antnio and Carmo.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged

that a single man

in possession of a good fortune..."

"Must be in want of a wife."

Jane Austen!

Comfort to my soul.

Tough night?

The kind that makes you want to vanish,

you know?

You have your own problems,

I won't bother you with mine.

Don't worry, I'm a cab driver.

I'm also a Scorpio rising

squared by Neptune,

so I love listening

to other people's troubles.

And since my Lilith is in Sagittarius,

I can both listen and talk a lot.

I was a jerk to my best friend

and said some stuff I shouldn't have.

We ended up fighting,

and now I can't even call her

'cause my phone's all messed up.

- Then take mine. You can use it.

- Really?


Well, she's not answering her phone.

No, hold on to it.

Then you can try again later.


Anyway. Now tell me everything.

She's getting married

and moving to Australia.

Oh, you hate Australia too?

- No, I don't know Australia.

- So that's not it. What then?

- I don't think it's a good idea.

- Why?

Is her boyfriend a Wickham?

No, no. Rafa is a great guy.

He really loves Nina.

So...? I still don't see the problem.

You're way too young

to have lost faith in love.

You wouldn't say that if you knew

half the douchebags I've met.

I don't know...

I think I was born in the wrong era.

Luckily, Jane Austen can help you...

lose yourself when you need to.


- Is here OK?

- It's great, thanks.

- How much do I owe you?

- It's free of charge.

No, I'll pay you.

No, it's an act of kindness.

Hey, it's your job. I should--

Just take it, okay?

Of course. Thanks.

Hey, wait! You forgot your phone!

Mercury must be in retrograde.


Unknown caller



Nina? Hello?

Nina? Nina, can you hear me?

Hello? Nina, it's hard to hear you!

I've got bad reception.


Where are my keys?

Nina. Hey, are you there?

Nina, please, don't hang up.

I'm going to the roof.

There's better reception there.

Hello? Nina, wait. I'm getting there.

I'm going up, Nina!


Look, Nina, I'm getting there.

Don't hang up!

Nina, wait. I'm almost there.

What is this?



What's going on?

Hey! Hey!


Up here! Help me!

Up here!

Hey! Up here! Help me!

Hey! Up here! Up here!

Are you in need of assistance, Miss?

I'm stuck up here! I can't get down!

Why are you wearing that?

This is Nina's doing, right?

Because of my novels!

Where are the cameras?

How did you get up there?

I don't know! I took the stairs!

But the door...

I should be on the rooftop of my building,

but this is like a chapel or something.

Where's the priest?

This chapel has been abandoned for years.

- Are there not any stairs?

- No!

No! There are not! I mean...

If I jump down, will you catch me?

You will jump?

Yes, Miss. Of course!

Okay, sir, hang on a second!

Have no fear, Miss. I shall catch you.

I shan't let you fall! Trust me!

But don't try anything funny!

I know some moves.

I'll break your nose!

I shan't let you fall, Miss!

- Miss...

- What?


- Your garments, Miss--

- Are you looking up my skirt?

No! I would never do that, Miss!

Very well.

Open your eyes.

- Calm down, Miss.

- What's going on? Where am I?

You hit your head in an accident.

Mr. Ian Clarke brought you here,

to his residence.

I am Dr. Almeida,

the family doctor and friend.

Ian Clarke?

Keep your head up

and follow my finger with your eyes.

- Your name?

- Sofia Alonzo.

What were you doing

before you fell from the belfry?

I just remember being

at the top of the chapel, out of nowhere.

And... what's wrong?

Memory loss.

Quite concerning.

My memory is the least of my concerns.

Miss, do you remember

what happened to your garments?

Nothing. Everyone dresses like this.

Not in these parts.


I recommend you take

a spoonful of laudanum for pain.

So, Doctor?

Her condition is stable.

- She just needs some rest.

- Please stay and have dinner with us.

I will. Thank you.

- Excuse me.

- Ian?

Thank you for helping me.

You helped yourself.

I simply broke your fall.

Elisa, would you help her get dressed?

It seemed like a fairytale

when my brother carried you in his arms.

My name is Elisa Clarke.

It is a pleasure to have you in our house.



This factory is 300 years old?

No, Miss.

It's 100 years old.

Take it easy, Miss Sofia.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

I just need to go home.

You need to recover first.

Also, it's getting late.

A lady shouldn't travel alone.

Relax, I'm used to being alone

in taxis, Ubers, and airports.

It's all good. Thanks.



Your choice of words is rather peculiar.

I could say the same about you.

You sound like my grandpa,

all formal and stuff.

Don't worry. He was a sweet guy.

Why can't I turn it on?

What sort of lorgnette is this?

The ordinary sort of sunglasses

that protect your eyes from the sun.

And what might this be?

I must've hit my head really hard.

- Do you need anything, Miss?

- I need to go to the toilet.


Are you all right, Miss?


- I thought we were going to the toilet.

- We are.

Miss Sofia.

It is a modern concept.

A good substitute for the chamber pot.

This is a trick, right?

Pardon me, a trick?

As in a magic trick?


What year is it?

- What do you mean?

- The date? The year?

Poor thing.

Your mind must be so confused right now.

We are in the year of our Lord 1830.

Listen, Elisa.

Is there toilet paper in 1830?

- Toilet paper?

- Yeah, okay.

I guess there isn't. So, how do you...

after you...

you know...

Oh! Of course.

That is what the lettuce is for.

Of course. Super ecofriendly.


Take a deep breath,

your journey has only just begun...

Your kindness towards Miss Sofia is...


But I recommend she depart

at the earliest convenience.

A woman like her...

- Rumors have started to spread.

- I appreciate your concern, Doctor.

But I cannot throw the lady out the door

in her current state.

She shall stay as long as necessary.

Excuse me, Mr. Clarke.

We received three more thank-you letters

for Elisa's debutante ball.

From Miss Castro, Miss Brandon,

and Miss Murakami.

Thank you, Ms. Madalena.

I, too, received a letter this morning.

From London.

From my aunt, I presume.

She is worried about Elisa's reputation.

In case you insist on living

as a bachelor.

Living as a bachelor?

My aunt takes me for a debauchee.

When all I do is work.

Perhaps if she left

her sheltered life in London

and paid us a visit,

she would see

Elisa has become an exceptional lady.

Your aunt is right.

It is time to get married, young man.

Dr. Almeida,

the last Mrs. Clarke was my mother.

Finding someone worthy of her name

is all I wish for.

You shall feel better after a nice bath.

But you have many options.

It is evident Miss Teodora

has feelings for you.

I understand some may see her as...



Is that the poor thing

your brother found atop the chapel?

She does not strike me

as one to attend church.

Miss Sofia,

this is my dear friend,

Miss Teodora Moura.

She's staying with us

to help me with the party arrangements.

Nice to meet you, Teodora.

Go get dressed, Elisa.

We wouldn't want

to be late for dinner now, would we?

Do not let her bother you.

She is in a sour mood

because of this dinner.


Teodora hopes to marry my brother.

But she's not the only one.

I'm not familiar with your preferences,

so I brought a few options.

You didn't have to, but thanks.

You seem concerned.

What bothers you?

Are the dresses not to your liking?

No, they are. They're beautiful.

It's just that...

Elisa, I have no idea

how I'm gonna get back home.

Do not worry.

This is the 19th century.

There are plenty of resources available

to find your family.

You liked them, huh?

I've seen nothing like them.

They look great on you.

- You can keep them.

- No, I shouldn't.

Please, I insist.

As a thank-you for taking care of me.

In that case,

I won't offend you by declining your gift.

Too many dresses, I know.

Ian never says no to me.

What about your parents?

They passed away five years ago.

I'm sorry.

- I know how that feels.

- It's all right.

I have Ian,

the best brother anyone could ask for.

But, sometimes,

he tries so hard to be a good parent

that I miss having a brother.


- Shall we choose your dress?

- Sure.

Miss Sofia?

- Yes?

- Do you need assistance?

No, no, no. Thanks, I'm good.

I'm almost done.

The chemise goes under the dress, Miss.

What? Are you kidding me?

First the bloomers and the petticoat.

Then comes the corset.

Oh, no, no.

It actually looks pretty cool.

It looks lovely.

Just a smidge too short.

You've never seen

a real short dress, girlfriend.

What is tonight's rule number one?

Ask Mr. Clarke questions.

Yes. And why?

No honorable gentleman

wants to know about a lady's interests.


We don't want to repeat

what happened with Mr. Silva, right?

I'm not sure these ribbons

favor your dress, Valentina.

What do you think, dear?

They look great.

They look great.

Mr. Clarke.

Mr. and Mrs. Albuquerque,

along with their granddaughter,

Miss Valentina.

My dear Mr. Clarke.

I am delighted to see you.

I always forget

how vast your residence is.

I can already picture

children running everywhere.

Dr. Almeida, you're a sight for sore eyes.

Thank you, Mrs. Albuquerque.

- Make yourselves at home.

- How could we not?

If there's one gift

I passed on to Valentina,

it's the gift of being

the queen of a household.

Mr. Clarke,

it's a pleasure to see you again.

The pleasure is mine.

Elisa is anxious to see you.

Doesn't she get prettier by the day?

And she still has so many moons

ahead of her.

She is beautiful. Just beautiful.

Mr. and Mrs. Albuquerque.

Valentina, darling.

It is a pleasure to see you.

Miss Teodora,

I haven't seen you since your debut.

It's been so many years.

And how is your nephew, Mrs. Albuquerque?

I hope he's recovered from the heartache.

Oh, don't you worry about that.

Besides, you used to have

so many suitors back then.

Times sure have changed. Don't you think?

Ms. Madalena.

Could you tell my sister

our guests are here?

I am here.

It was the talk of town for days.

But we were saddened by your absence

at Valentina's debut

last spring, Mr. Clarke.

Still, I believe it was better this way.

It was the perfect excuse

to accept your invitation.

I apologize for my absence,

Mrs. Albuquerque, but duty called.

- I hope you understand.

- Indeed.

Indeed, there's merit in a man

who favors duty over entertainment.

His father was just the same.

Really? What do you do?

I breed horses.

Mr. Clarke is being modest.

He's the best horse breeder

in the country.


The best? Really?

Cool, that's dope. Nice.

- And how's work, Mr. Clarke?

- Same as usual, Miss Valentina.

Though one of my horses ran away today.

- This isn't--

- Hang on.

The black one I saw by the chapel?

Yes, that one. His name is Storm.

- He's gorgeous.

- And tameless.

When I was a kid,

my dream was to have a horse like that.

So Mom gave me a Barbie horse.

Not the same, but hey.

Is that the horse in the painting?

You seem to be recovering fast,

Miss Sofia.

- Are you leaving tomorrow?

- Yeah, I guess.

It's a pity you can't stay for my ball.

Yeah, it's a shame. I really wanted to.

But I have to go.

They must be looking for me.


No, thank you.

You're brave.

Poor thing.

Why poor thing?

I believe you must have

many good qualities.

But with age,

finding a suitor

becomes increasingly difficult.

It's true, I do have many good qualities.

I make my own living through my work.

I don't need anyone to be happy.

A hardworking young lady.

What kind of work?

Oh, let me guess.

Something to do with farming, maybe?

No. I work at a publishing house.

How interesting.

So you enjoy reading, I presume?

I love it. I studied Languages in college.

But since teaching isn't my cup of tea,

I went on to publishing.


I thought women

weren't allowed in college.

And they are not.

They are not.

Imagine that.

A lady surrounded by men everywhere.

It's the end of times. It truly is.

What is this?

What could this be?

What's that horrible sound?

Is it a music box?

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Dr. Almeida?


You said she fell from the chapel's roof?


- Hello?

- Is this a bad time?

- Who is this?

-"It is a truth universally acknowledged

that a single man

in possession of a good fortune..."

You want your phone back, right?

Well... this really isn't a good time.

Hey, I know, love.

But don't worry, because you'll need it.

What do you mean?

By the way, you're not lost.

You're exactly where you need to be.

You're the one who sent me here!

You were all about old-timey novels.

Don't you just love this new world?

What new world?

I'm sorry, darling.

The process can be disconcerting to some.

But there's nothing I can do about that.

So, what do you think?

I think I've been kidnapped by a witch.

Is that it?

I'll take that as a compliment.

I just wanted to offer

some friendly advice.

Don't say you came from another world.

They may burn you at the stake.

- What?

- Chill. Where's your sense of humor?

But really. Don't tell anyone

or they'll have you committed.

Look, you don't get it.

I need to go back home right now.

Nina's probably looking for me.

What? I don't get it.

You want out already?

I thought you wanted to vanish.

No, take me home, right now.

Undo all this madness!

Relax, okay? Relax.

Of course I wouldn't send you there

on a one-way ticket.

- You just need to find him.

- Find who?

He's not far.

All you need to do is ask him

to take you back home.

Who's he?


Excuse me, Miss.

May I help you?

Milton. Keats. Chaucer.

Oh, my!


Have you read all of them?

Yeah. English Literature is my specialty.

Oh, no, no, no.

Shelley's poems, first edition.

"And the sunlight clasps the earth.

And the moonbeams kiss the sea.

- What is all this sweet work worth..."

-"If thou kiss not me?"

And Jane Austen? Any books?

I beg your pardon?

Jane Austen.

Pride and Prejudice.

Sense and Sensibility. Emma.

Where are they?

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with her.

Oh, no, Mr. Clarke.

You gotta be kidding me.

No. I'm extremely disappointed in you.

Pardon my ignorance.

- Were you the one to publish her books?

- I tried.

But romance is dead where I come from.

Well, they're waiting for us

to have dessert.

- Shall we?

- Sure thing.

Oh, darling.

I was just saying

that an outlander showed up in town

in very similar circumstances as yours.

An outlander?

Anything out of the ordinary

becomes news around here.

I heard it from Madame Georgette.

Sorry, who's Madame Georgette?

Our most esteemed dressmaker.

Also known in town as a newsmonger.

What was his name again, dear?


That's it. Santiago.

- Santiago...

- Do you know him, Miss?

No, I've never heard of him.

Madame Georgette will be here

tomorrow morning

to make the final adjustments to my dress.

This must be fate at work.

Valentina's dress

also needs some adjustments.

Right, sweetheart?


Miss Sofia?

Miss Sofia.

It is six in the morning.

Madame Georgette will be here soon.

What? It's 6 a.m.?

Ugh, no...

- What do you think, Valentina?

- You look beautiful.

It's lacking in the bust area.

Wow! What a princess!

I love it, you're gorgeous.

- Good morning, Miss Sofia.

- Morning.

- Miss.

- Good morning.

About time.

You look much better, Miss.

Are you on your way?

Good morning, Teodora.

Has Madame Georgette arrived yet?

Me cherchez-vous, mademoiselle ?

Oh! Is this her, Mademoiselle Valentina?

The libertine that's become

the hot topic in town?

After what I'd heard,

I could hardly wait to meet you.

I swear I said free-spirited,

not libertine.

- Is this leather?

- Yeah.

- Let me take a closer look.

- Sure thing.

As a lgitime Frenchwoman,

I can appreciate an avant-garde outfit.

But this...

I've never seen anything of the sort.

Fminin, exotique... mais transgresseur !

You haven't disappointed me one bit!

Mon Dieu has sent me a muse

to rekindle the flame of my inspiration.

Me? A muse? No way!

To submerge you in the Forge of Hephaestus

and create something unique!

Spectaculaire !

Mmorable !




What's up with this?

The way you move

exposes a lot more than modesty allows.

Girl, this dress is hardly revealing.

Ma chrie, c'est une rvolutionnaire.

Can my feet stay out of this, please?

This dress will be mon manifeste

against the shackles of society.

There has never been anything like it

in the balls of this village.

I'm not even attending it.


I just wanted to know more

about this Santiago fellow.

- L'tranger ?

- Yes.

He's a breath of fresh air

in this provincial village.

Your lover?

No, no, no.

I'm just curious to know where he is.

I don't know where he's staying,

but he's ordered a modern suit

for the ballet tonight.

There's a ballet tonight?

Oui, oui ! Cendrillon.

Trs beau, spectaculaire !

Cool. When and where

is this ballet taking place?

Madame Georgette, it's getting late.

Shouldn't you focus on Miss Elisa?

Dpchez-vous, madame !

How is the waist, Mademoiselle Elisa?

Trs bien.

Take these measurements here.

Your coat is quite unique.

Is it common where you come from?

Only for the classy girls.

I hope to visit you some day.

And do you like your dress?

In all honesty, no.

Since my debut,

Grandmother has been introducing me

to all eligible suitors.

She finds out

what their favorite colors are.

Mr. Silva likes blue.

Mr. Arajo likes pink.

Mr. Clarke

likes burgundy.

What about your favorite color?

It's black.


Wanna try it on?

No. I shouldn't.

Yes, you should. Your grandma isn't here.

And I wouldn't tell her anyway.

I'll help you, c'mon.


Look at that. Classy.

Behave at the ballet, sweeties.

You still have a ball to attend.

Au revoir.


I heard Mr. Lucas Guimares

returned from Europe early

just to go to your ball.

Don't you tease me, Teodora.

Do you have a crush on him, Elisa?

- So scandalous.

- What's a crush?

Excuse me,

Mr. Lucas is an excellent suitor.

He'll be a doctor just like his uncle

and his father.

Is he a stud?

A stud? No, he's a man.


You seem to be feeling better.

But leaving so soon?

Yes, I am.

But I wanted to thank you for helping me.

No need. It was my pleasure.

I'm sorry, Mr. Clarke.

We have found no publications

by Jane Austen.

The bookseller hasn't heard of her.

Thank you, Ms. Madalena.

Do you know where the theater is, Ian?

Madame Georgette mentioned

a spectaculaire ballet.


- That's the one.

- Surely you don't plan on walking there.

- No?

Miss Sofia! The theater is

a long way from here.

It would take you all day on foot.

Oh, okay.

My family owns a box in the theater.

I can take you, if you wish.

- Are you sure?

- Yes.

Yes, Elisa always asks me to go with her.

It's no trouble.

Perfect, then. Thanks.

I really want to thank you for this.

For you.


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Thank you kindly, Miss.

Where I come from, nobody helps a stranger

for nothing in return.

You come from a strange place.

Nevertheless, it's my pleasure

to help you.

Even if I don't get anything for it,

Miss Sophia.

You can call me Sofia.

Are you free right now?

Anything we can do

while we wait for the ballet?

I think I know just the thing.

After you.

I swear I've ridden a horse before.

Thanks, you rock.

What do I rock?

No, "you rock" means

you're a great person.

Well, in that case,

you rock for explaining that.


Where are you from, Miss?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

I may surprise you.

Huh? Aren't you riding with me?

Get up here. I don't bite.

Your friend Teodora wasn't too keen on me.

Miss Teodora is a very reserved person.

But she seems to like you a lot.

Is she on your list of potential brides?

Are you asking me if I am courting anyone?

Hey, you know what I mean.

It's no secret you're looking for a bride.

Because I must, Miss Sofia.

Marriage is a serious decision.

It's our duty to our ancestors.

It's a lot more than just love.

No. Marriage is nothing without love.

A willing husband can learn

to love his wife.

Learn to love?

You can't force yourself to love someone.

You think I'm not aware?

Well, but...

if you're getting married

because of pressure from your family,

that means you care too much

about what others think.

You need courage to think for yourself,

Mr. Clarke.

I'm sorry. I talk too much.

Don't you think?

Yes, Miss Sofia.

You're reading my mind.

You almost never talk,

so I talk for both of us.


This was my mother's favorite spot.

It was hard to come back after she passed.

I'm so sorry.

- How old were you?

- Fifteen.

Elisa had just turned nine.

I did everything I could, Miss Sofia.

But sometimes I wonder if it was enough.

It was more than enough.

When my parents passed,

if it hadn't been for Nina,

I don't know what I would've done.

Is Nina your sister?

Sort of. She's the sister life gave me.

But she's about to get married, and...

I don't know if that will work out.

And why is that?

Does she not love him?

It's so beautiful here.

You must come here all the time.


But when I'm here,

I feel like I'm... waiting for something.


I know it sounds absurd, Miss Sofia.

But it's how I feel.

Isn't that the horse you painted?



This is the tameless horse?

Miss? Your dress.

- Hold this.

- Thank you.

Mr. Clarke might have been blinded

by your beauty,

which I honestly cannot see.

But you cannot fool me.

And as a friend of his family,

it is my duty to protect them

from gold diggers.

Are you calling me a gold digger?

Nature has blessed men with dependability

and women with tenacity.

I know exactly

what women of your class strive for.

Do you?

If I'm such a gold digger,

why don't you tell everyone?

- You look beautiful, Miss.

- Thank you.


I bring good news.

I just heard Mr. Lucas

has returned from abroad.

That's such great news.

He's finally deigned

to make an appearance.

Will he be attending Elisa's ball?

In regards to that...

It will be a pleasure

to have him at your ball, Elisa.


Isn't that Josephine Bordeaux,

the ballerina?

She's just as pretty as in her prints.

I'm not so sure.

I thought she'd be younger.

Is that a phone?

"Mr. Phone"?

What a peculiar name.

Actually, I heard that's Mr. Santiago.

Miss Sofia?

It's about to start. Shall we go?


Do you often go to the ballet?

No, this is my first time.

First time?

Where I come from,

ballet isn't accessible to everyone.


it's not any different here.

Oh, my! That's Cinderella!

Excuse me, I need some air.


Mr. Clarke!

What a pleasure to see you again!

- Good evening, ladies.

- Poor thing. Probably dying of boredom.

Can we help you, Mr. Clarke?

The horses probably keep you

very busy, right, Mr. Clarke?

Excuse me, ladies. Please.

- Snob.

- Weak.


Miss Sofia?

This is more than mere curiosity,

isn't it?

Ian, please. It's not like that.

I know it sounds crazy,

but this Santiago might help me

go back home.

I thought you didn't know how to go back.

I don't. All I know is that I'm stuck

in this centu-- in this place.

And maybe he can help me.

It's not appropriate for a lady

to chase after a man like that.

- It's not "appropriate"?

- Yes.

You allow your reputation to be tarnished.

Do you really think I care

about what people think of me?

I care.

But you shouldn't.

I'm not your wife.

And even if I were, it wouldn't give you

the right to tell me what to do.

I'm only trying to protect you.

I don't need your protection.

I need to go back home.

I know you're not indifferent to me

nor to my feelings.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I apologize for my candor.

Excuse me, Miss.


I'm very grateful for everything

you've done for me.

It's not your gratitude I'm after.


You shouldn't be here, Miss.

I shouldn't be here at all.

Excuse me.

Where have you been?

You missed the best part of the ballet,

when Cinderella and the prince

find out they belong together.

Also, you just missed the chance

of meeting the foreigner.

He had to go.

But he agreed to come to my ball tomorrow.

Thank you for inviting him, Elisa.

I'm not the one who invited him.

It was Ian.

- Ian?

- Yes.

Excuse me.

Miss Sofia?

Is something wrong?

Are you all right?

I need to talk to you.

Now is not a good time, Miss.

- It's late. Can we talk tomorrow?

- No, it has to be now.

Miss Sofia.

If this is about what happened before,

please excuse my thoughtless words,

- I should have never interfered.

- No. Don't do that.

I'm the one who owes you an apology.

Ian, I need to tell you something.

You'll think I'm crazy, but...


Is this how you see me?


What happened between us was--

Something we both wanted, okay?

Don't freak out.

This is the first time

I've ever felt this way.

Please, Sofia, don't go away.

I have a life over there.

I can't just leave it all behind.

But you can have a life here.

With me.

It's not that simple.

We'll end up hurting each other and--

Classic books are timeless, aren't they?

I must confess

I was never really team Mr. Darcy.

I find him really... dull.

You know? Grumpy.

I've always leaned more

toward Mr. Wickham, you know?

Then again,

I do have a thing for bad boys.

Hang on.


I had something to tell you.

Yes! Ian is not in.

He went out with Elisa.

They had something to do in town.

I don't know.

- I didn't pay much attention.

- Dude, what's your deal? Tell me.


The craft of magic has been modernized,

but not enough to stop you

from recognizing me.

I'm your Fairy Godmother.


- Fairy Godmother?

- Yes.

- Wow, you have lost it.

- Isn't it obvious?

I created the reality you needed.

I brought you to a fantasy world

designed to test your heart.

It's perfect.

It's perfect.

I mean, almost perfect.

You'll thank me later.

What are you doing here?

Are you here to take me home?

I've already told you.

I sent someone to bring you back,

and you've already found him.

The only question is...

Do you want to go back?

Who were you talking to, Miss?

- Are you eavesdropping now?

- Answer me.

To myself, Teodora.

I was talking to myself.


How do I look?

As I've always imagined.


This belonged to our mother.

Elisa, I am very proud

of who you've become.

And I'm sure mother would be as well.

She wanted me to give you this tonight.

My beloved brother.

Thank you.



Your future depends on this evening.

Of course, Grandma.


I'm giving it my best, Grandma.

I can't quite remember it.

Nevertheless, enjoy the ball.

- Excuse me.

- Of course.

You have remarkable taste, Miss.

Thank you, my friend.

Mr. Clarke. Miss.

Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Albuquerque.

Thank you. If you'll excuse us.

Mrs. Albuquerque.

Valentina's outfit is quite interesting.

Don't you think?

Excuse me.

Good evening. Hello, Miss.

How have you been, Mr. Macedo?

It's been a long time. How is your mother?

She's doing well.

Sadly, she couldn't come tonight.

How unfortunate.

- Mr. Clarke.

- Welcome, Dr. Almeida.

Mr. Lucas.

Mr. Clarke. Miss Elisa.

It is a pleasure to finally meet you.

The pleasure is mine.

Your uncle speaks very highly of you.

My uncle has been known to exaggerate.

I only hope not to disappoint you.

I'll only be disappointed

if you don't dance.

Excuse us.

It pleases me to see them

getting to know each other better.

A favorable union, no doubt.

Indeed, Doctor.

But there's a much more urgent one.

You have a magnificent opportunity,

young man.

You just have to choose.

If it proves too difficult,

then let fate decide for you.

Who are you, Miss?

And what have you done to Sofia?

I'm still the same as always.

Would you do me the honor of a dance?

Are you sure?

It would be foolish

to tarnish your reputation.

Believe me.

My reputation and I will survive.


"do you really think I care

about what people think of me?"

I prefer it when you don't quote

Sofia Alonzo.


A dance?

Of course.

- You're a better dancer than I expected.

- Never underestimate me, Mr. Clarke.

"Every savage can dance."

- Have you finished Pride and Prejudice?

- Not yet.

However, I don't understand

what Miss Lizzy sees in Mr. Darcy.

- No man does, Mr. Clarke.

- Is that so?

- Last night--

- We need to talk.

I know you cannot stay.

But still...

I can't stop myself from wishing

you'd change your mind.

Excuse me, Mr. Clarke.

Something requires your attention.

Certainly, Ms. Madalena.

Excuse me.

What do you think?

Is he a "stud"?

Girl... he's totally a stud.

Good evening.

Miss Sofia.


Raul. Raul Santiago.

At your service.

I heard you were looking for me.

Ian wasn't lying when he said

this place was full of gossips.

A small town is a small town.

No matter the time or the place.

Is your town like this too?

Everything here is so... provincial.

Don't you think?

It's amazing how there are still people

who value this type of... occasion.

Outdated as they may be,

I still envy them.

How long do you intend on staying here?

I would leave as soon as possible.


It's a long story.

I don't think you'd believe me.

What about you?

Meet me at the study.

I don't want anyone to hear us

and think we're crazy.

Mr. Clarke! What a splendid ball.

I hope you're enjoying it,

Mr. and Mrs. Albuquerque.


However, it's a pity your guest

has already retired.

I would've liked to have talked

to her more.

- Sofia has left?

- I thought you knew.

I didn't pay much attention.

But I saw her leave with that outlander.

Santiago, if I'm not mistaken.

- Excuse me.

- Of course.

Have you figured out

how we can go back home?


Aren't you feeling at home

in the Clarke's mansion, Miss?

"Miss"? You don't have to pretend.

We're the only ones here.

Have you seen Miss Sofia?

Mr. Clarke.


I saw her by the study.

Thank you, Miss.

Foolish girl.

Don't you worry about your future?

Don't you see I can't build a future

with someone I don't love?

Leave her be.

How will we get back home?

I don't know about your home.

But I can take you to mine if you want.


- Let go!

- Relax. Nobody's watching.

Don't touch me!

What kind of spell did you cast on me?

Let go of me! Help!


Sofia. Forgive me.

She wanted it.


Forgive me, Sofia. Please.

Are you okay? I'm sorry.

Call Dr. Almeida immediately.

Oh, no, no, no.


Why were you two alone?

What are you implying, Doctor?

It's not wise for a lady

to be alone with a stranger.

So this is my fault now?

Let me handle this, Doctor.

I have to understand

how I ended up in this era.

"In this era"?

It's obvious I'm not from here, Ian.

I don't belong in this place.

That's what I was trying

to tell you yesterday.

I am not from this world.

- But that's impossible, Sofia.

- I know!

I thought so too. But now I'm stuck here.

And I thought Santiago

was from my world too.

But... I was mistaken.

I swear I'm telling the truth.

Sure, there are no flying cars

where I come from.

There isn't chrome everywhere,

at least not for now.

I don't know,

these are all lies movies tell us.

But you don't even know what a movie is!

Forgive me, Miss Sofia.

- But it's hard to--

- To believe, I know.

I know this sounds crazy, but Ian...

You have to believe me.

It's all right, Miss.

We understand your situation.

- Do you believe me?

- Absolutely.

We'll help you go back to your world.

Can I talk to you for a moment,

Mr. Clarke?

Of course, Dr. Almeida.

She injured her head when she fell.

It caused the memory loss,

and now she's fantasizing

as a defense mechanism.

But she speaks

with such conviction, Doctor.

Mr. Clarke.

I saw her earlier at the study.

She was alone. Talking about witchcraft.

Okay. I'm stuck here.

I can't go back.

I can't go back.

I don't have to go back.

Ian! Ian!

Young man,

this only confirms my suspicions.

Miss Sofia is suffering from hysteria.

In such cases,

the solution is to commit the patient.

Commit me?

I thought you didn't care

about what people thought.

Miss Sofia.

Please, wait!

Think of your reputation!



Please get me out of here.

Please take me back home.

I should've known it was you.


Oh, no. Sofia, wait!

Take me home, Storm.





Sofia, please! You'll get hurt!

Sofia, please!

- This is madness!

- I must be mad, then!

Let me explain!

- You won't commit me!

- I would never!

I would never decide anything

against your will!

I know what happens to women like me here!

There's no woman like you here!

Sofia, please, don't leave!

I'm not from this era!

It would never work!

That doesn't matter to me!

I'll love you forever!

I'll love you forever!



Nina, it's me.

Please, I'm...

I'm lost.

Here. Careful, it's hot.


You think I'm nuts too, don't you?

No, I don't think you're nuts.

But this story does sound a little crazy.

Now whether you went

to Jane Austen's world

or to Narnia,

I wouldn't know.

All I know is that you're still

the same Sofia you've always been.


This Fairy Godmother of yours

sounds more like an evil witch, huh?

Right? Not even my fairy tale

has a happy ending.

But would you go back if you could?

Well, it's late.

- Good night.

- Good night.


I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have said all those things.

No matter what happens,

no matter where we are,

what we have

is forever.

Crap. Nina's gonna k*ll me.

Okay, witch. I'm gonna play your game.

"Sofia, I am writing you this letter

in hopes that it reaches you some day.

From the moment I laid my eyes on you,

I instantly knew I was lost.

And while I am thankful every night

for having had you in my life,

I also regret

that our time together was so brief.

But the memories of those days

keep me going.

And even though I know

it was your desire to go back,

I spend all my days

desperately yearning for your return.

I dream that one day you will read

these lines I have written

and find out that I have loved you

from the very first moment

and that I shall love you till the last."

"Forever yours,

Ian Clarke."

Sofia? Woke up early today?

Hi, Carlos.


I wanted to talk to you.

I talked to our partners,

and we will publish your book.

Isn't that what you wanted?

It's exactly what I needed.

Excuse me.

What are you trying to tell me?


I need to show you something.

What if you're right, Sofi?

What if happy endings are only for books?

Oh, Nina.

We don't know

if we'll be together tomorrow,

let alone for the rest of our lives.

I don't know.

Look at me.

Forget everything I said, okay?

I didn't know what I was saying.

Happy endings are irrelevant.

Look... I spent a lot of time

thinking love wasn't worth it

because I was afraid of getting hurt.

Until I lived the wildest days of my life.

It was all so brief,

but I felt like I had never felt before.

I didn't have my happy ending with Ian.

But I'd do it all over again.

Love is worth it

even if it's just for a second.

I'm gonna miss you so much.

Me too.

- I love you.

- I love you too.

It's almost time.

- Let me help you pack.

- Okay.

Let's do it.

I got it.

- And this one.

- Sure.

- I love you.

- I love you.

Have a nice trip.


I found your gift.

Yeah, it was custom-made just for you.

Why are you doing this to me?

Why me?

One would think

you've never read a fairy tale, darling.

But in fairy tales the princess

always ends up with the prince.

Not when the princess wishes

to leave, right?

What if the princess regrets it

and wants a second chance?

A second chance, huh?

Sofia, you need to decide

which world you want to live in.

But whatever your decision,

I need you to know that...

there's no turning back.

Take me, Storm! To Ian!






Sofia, please forgive me.

I would never make any decisions

against your will.

I'd never forgive myself for hurting you.

Day after day, I came back here

yearning for your return.

I heard rumors and lies

that sought to discourage me.

About one Mr. Clarke

who abandoned his duty,

his name,

for the woman he met at the belfry.

But let them talk.

I owe them nothing.

My sole duty is to my heart.

I love you, Sofia.

My name is worthless

if I can't give it to you.

Forgive me, Miss.

I've misread you.

Did you really

leave your life behind for me?


I left everything else behind

to be with my life.
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