01x08 - Hesap Vakti

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x08 - Hesap Vakti

Post by bunniefuu »

Come closer, Gundogdu.

I can see the rage in your eyes.

Is that rage towards me or your father?

I do not like to lie about my feelings.

There is really no need for all these,

God forbid, if something happens
to your old father in the near future...

...wouldn’t it be better for you to lead
the Kayi tribe in the future?

If I were to become a Bey one day...

...I would skin you alive and
feed you to the dogs.


When I came to the tribe, I thought
the growling Ertugrul was the brave one.

But it is the other dog
who didn’t show his teeth then.

Bring him in!


I will give your father one last chance,

I will send your Alp,
Hamza to your father.

I will gently propose that he should
bring the prisoners alone tomorrow.

If he rejects my offer...

...first you, then the whole Kayi tribe
shall be slain by our swords.

I will do everything
a good intentioned commander would do.

This is all I can do.

Do you understand me?

Take them away to the prison!

The eyebrow is an arc...

...and the lashes are its arrows.

You must glance at your man in such a way
that you strike him right in the heart.

His eyes will not see any other woman.

Don’t put too much.
I don’t want to look like I am wounded.

Do not worry. You will be very beautiful.

Just like a Bey’s wife.

With your sparkling hair and rosy cheeks...

...you will glide like a swan
the whole night.

Everyone will be gazing at you.
But Ertugrul the most.

-Will he really gaze at me?
-Of course he will.

He won’t only gaze at you,
he will fall in love with you.

The whole world will know.


...once upon a time...

...long before we migrated here from
the lands of our forefathers...

...there was a devilish dragon that
slaughtered our people, raided our herds...

...and devoured our horses and jades.

The people were shivering in fright and
asking “is there a valiant Alp...

...who can save us from this monster?”

Our forefather Oguz cried out,
“yes, there is! There is!”

Of course he wasn’t like me.

Much taller and braver.

He took his bow, arrows, spear
and sword to set on the road.

You know your task.

Watch your manners, greet Ertugrul.

My Bey, may God bless you. It is thanks to you
that we won’t perish in the cold.

May your Alps always be behind you,
may you form a tribe with your daughter...

...make an army with your son,
may God bless you, always be our leader.


Look at our tall Alp.
He is locked in again.

Oguz faced the dragon and said,
“look at me...

...with this sword, I will sabre you...

...so that the biggest piece remaining of you
will be your ears.”

The Alps shall do the sword dance
in honor of our new land.

Let our traditions live on!

Suleyman Shah protected you, as an honor.
As our customs command.

What about your customs? Does it include
seducing the son of a Bey...

...where you are a guest?

What are you saying?

I said my piece and you understood me well.

Stay away from Ertugrul.


You are like an arrow which left the bow.
Do you intend to run away again?

So you heard the things that happened.

Yes, we tried to run away...

...but unfortunately we could not.
-Nobody wants you to go.

Guests are sacred for us.

This is our custom.

Ertugrul Bey.
We carry the dark clouds above our heads.

We should go, so that the dark clouds
above your tribe can disperse.

So, you would have been long gone
before I came back from Aleppo.

Never to be seen again.

It would hurt, my heart would break into pieces ...

...but they will never let go of us Ertugrul.

Who are they, Halime?

What do they want from you?

It is best if you don’t know
who we are, Ertugrul.

Bey, we caught a leper.

-k*ll her, don’t let her live!
-Who are you, woman?

We caught her while she was pouring
something in the food cauldrons, my Bey.

Do you want to die?
What did you put in the cauldrons? Talk!

I have brought you greetings from
the Knights Templar, Ertugrul.

Put the cauldrons and
this woman in a pit and burn them all.

What do these Templars want from you?
You just told us this morning that they...

...tried to k*ll you in Aleppo, now they
try to spread their venom in our tribe.

Everything started with you saving
our guests from their hands.

What is this about?

The problem is deeper
than it seems, father.

I don’t think that
it only concerns Halime’s famiy.

The real reason they attack us must be
because we will be right at their border.

You don’t want to blame them but
our guests have a secret.

And this secret is very dangerous.

Of course they are our guests, we shall
treat them like visitors from God...

...but don’t think further, Ertugrul.


Ertugrul, son...

...you can’t have a tribe’s girl
from outside. Don’t you ever forget this.

Moreover, we would like to wed you with
our girl Gokce, in the soonest time.

We talked with your Mother Hayme.
I found it suitable as well.


...the evil of the day should be preferred
over the goodness of the night.

Come for the morning meal, we will talk then.

-What makes your night a t*rture, son?
-Mother, what does my father say?

He says sister Gokce will be a wife to me.

Gokce is a daughter of a Bey.
She grew up in our hands.

We know her manners, her attitude,
her ancestors and all.

You know all these, mother but...

...do you know my heart?


...is here today, gone tomorrow.

We do not know who they are.

They say that they are traders.
Your father does not object...

...but he knows that they are not traders.

They are guests sent by God, he says.
He does not dwell on what it may lead to.

If the promise to the forefathers
is the well being of the tribe...

...this means Gokce for you, no one else.

Mother, God took me to her with a gazelle.

How can I betray those beautiful eyes?

Those sweet words?

If I take heart one day to ask
if her heart is set on me...

...and she answers "my path is bound with yours"...

...how can I tell her to leave, mother?

Are you asleep?

I would give anything to close my eyes
for a moment.

I talked with Ertugrul.

The girl’s father is better. They would
leave before the tribe migrates.

My Bey...

...I offered Gokce as a name to you.
But I am not in peace.

Ertugrul’s heart is with the other girl.

An Alp’s heart is always
with his tribe, Hayme.

He is young, he is hasty,
his heart may overflow with feelings.

When the tribe migrates and the tents
are set, those feelings would dry up.

Come on.
May God give you a peaceful sleep.

What a blessed morning this is.

You can be rest assured now.
Be happy that your dreams will come true.

Suleyman Bey told Ertugrul
that you two should be wed.

I don’t know, sister. On one hand,
I could fly up to the clouds in happiness...

...but on the other hand there are dark clouds
that never leave.

Let out a big breath, get rid of
all the bad feelings inside you.

This job is done. When Gundogdu returns,
there is no turning back.

-Did not Ertugrul arrive yet?
-He did not, Bey. He must be in his tent.

-My girl Gokce...

...go at once and tell him to join the morning meal.

Ertugrul Bey?

Ertugrul Bey?

Come in, Gokce.

Suleyman Shah is asking for you
to join the morning meal, Ertugrul Bey.

Sister Gokce.

I am coming.

The agreement is done.

We will give El Aziz as many Alps
as he wants...

...and we'll pay the taxes. We approve the land
he has proposed to us.

Tomorrow morning leave early
in the morning, send him my regards.

Inform him that I shall pay him
a visit after we settle in our new land.

As you wish, father.

If God permits,
after we settle in our new land...

...we shall wed you and Gokce.


I want a grandson, Ertugrul.


With your permission...

Get up and drink some water.

-I need to see our Bey.
-Wait, let me inform him.

-Rahman, who is it at the door?
-Hamza arrived, my Bey.

-He wants to see you.
-Let him in immediately.

I hope it will lead to a good deed.

My Bey...

...Kara Toygar...

Kara Toygar ambushed the caravan.

-Kara Toygar?
-What are you saying, Alp?

-Where is Gundogdu?
-Where are the other Alps?

They all died, my Bey. All of them.

-Gundogdu Bey is imprisoned by Kara Toygar.
-What do you mean by imprisoned?

How can you leave your Bey? How?

Why did he let you go? What does
this snake called Kara Toygar want?

The guests Ertugrul Bey
brought to the tribe.

Kara Toygar wants them.

If you don’t give them by tomorrow...

...he will k*ll Gundogdu Bey.

These are all your doings!
Everything is your fault!

You brought those cursed people here
and all hell broke loose!


Selcan, come. Come here, my girl.

Rahman, send some trusted men
to bring back our bodies.

Take Hamza to a tent without being noticed.
Akcakoca should treat him.

I do not want anyone in the tribe to
learn what happened. And bring me Numan!

As you wish, my Bey!


Where is your manners? How can you enter
without seeking permission?

-Suleyman Shah awaits you in his tent.

Hurry up.

-Be quick.

Numan Effendi, what happened?

Do not worry, Afsin. There is no problem.



Sister Halime, where are they taking
my Shahzada?

Suleyman Shah wanted to see him.

I knew it would end up like this.
I knew we would have to go through this.

If anything happens to Gundogdu...

...I will k*ll that girl and her family.
-Stop right there, girl, stop!

Wife of a Bey needs to be resilient.
Pull yourself together!

Here I am, my Bey. You called for me.

Come this way.

A messenger arrived this morning.

He told us that our caravan was ambushed
and our Alps were k*lled.

Kara Toygar, who did this,
has my son Gundogdu as a prisoner.

My Bey...

...how could one endure such misfortune.
May God give you patience.

I didn’t invite you here to share your blessings
or your grief. By being invited here...

...you must have understood what it is
they are asking in exchange to my c*ptive son.

Now, I am going to ask you one question.

And I request a single answer from you.

Who are you?

It’s my husband’s life against the lives
of these suspicious people!

They k*lled so many Alps,
they took Gundogdu prisoner!

Yet I tell you, there is something
they hide from us.

But I will find out what it is and make them pay for it!

Mountains handle the land and
Beys handle the customs, my girl.

What you speak of is Bey’s business.

Because of their curse,
is there a man left in the tribe, mother?

Go after her,
don’t let her make the matters worse.

My Bey, it is my duty to answer your question but...

...but you have to believe me...

...when I say I care for your safety
just as much as I care...

...for the safety of my family and myself.

My Bey, if I tell you who we are, believe me
we will face bigger disasters...

...then the ones we are facing now.


...I owe you a life.

I am ready to sacrifice anything for you.

This includes my life
and my children’s as well.

I told you to give a single answer.
Only one!

I am...

...from the Great Seljuk Dynasty...

...Muzaffaraddin Dawud.

Muhiddin Masud Shah’s son.

I am the grandson of
Sultan Izzaddin Kilij Arslan.

I am a Seljuk Shahzada.


Hear me well!

You will be sorry for the day you came here.

You will pay double the trouble
you caused for this tribe.

Do you understand me?
If I need to...

...I will end your lives myself,
without a blink of the eye!

Not so quick, Hatun.
Why are you attacking for like a raving mad dog?

Because of you, our caravan was raided,
our Alps were k*lled...

...that filth called Kara Toygar
holds my husband hostage!

If any harm comes to him, if I get hurt...

...then you will see what rave is!

Sister. That is enough.

Let us go.

We will not go, Gokce. They will.

Dead or alive.

-They will go!

Behave yourself!

Take her out.

Whatever you heard from my daughter-in-law,
don’t mention it to anyone else.

Stay in your tent, as none of us know
what will come after this.

Do I have permission, sister Halime?

I heard it all.

This is not good at all.

What will we do, Afsin Bey?

Their bride threatened of k*lling us
if anything happened to her husband.

We will find a solution.

It seems that Suleyman Shah will not
announce the dead Alps.

No one knows what they can do
if others hear of it.

God forbid. I would never want anything to happen
to our Shahzadas or to Gundogdu.

What Kara Toygar has set his mind on is obvious.

In exchange for Gundogdu...

...he will request our Shahzadas.

Don’t leave your tent.
I will do whatever is needed.

With your permission.

We have grown tired of running for years.
I ran away from those who...

...threatened my state with me.

From the Templars, the Mongols. I ran away
from all those who want an uprising.

I ran away from those who pursue me
for the survival of my state.

And I ran away from my state so that
my dearest son Yigit would not be harmed.

My Bey...

...it has been years since
I have given up on my own life.

So this is the end,
it is time to put an end to all this.

Kara Toygar wants an exchange, father.

But even if we give him what he wants...

...he would k*ll you.

His fury for you will not ease
when he gets hold of the Shahzadas.

He will k*ll you and my brother as well.

You are right, my son.


...we have to find a way
to save Gundogdu from him.

Not only my brother.
I would not hand you over to him, father.

If I attack with my Alps,
he would k*ll Gundogdu immediately.

Besides our tribe will never recover
after shedding so much blood.

We would fall apart.

First you have to convince him
to free my brother, father.

Then convince him to come out of his fort.

If he wants an exchange, we set the rules.

-Why would he free Gundogdu?
-He has to, father.

Why did the Templars
try to k*ll me in Aleppo?

Why did they send a leper woman
to poison the tribe?

Why were the Templars taking
the Shahzadas to Kara Toygar?

They wanted Kara Toygar to be appointed
to an important post in the palace.

They wanted him to serve them.

Kara Toygar is after the Shahzadas, father.
He would do anything to get them...

...we just need to know how to ask for it.

What if something goes wrong?

Then we all die, father.

But at least it will be an honorable death
with a sword in our hands.
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