01x14 - Gün Birlik Günü

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x14 - Gün Birlik Günü

Post by bunniefuu »


Who gave you the order to k*ll Ertugrul?

Answer me!

Who ordered you to k*ll
Suleyman Shah’s son?

Has not this lowlife confessed yet?

He will soon.

We know that you are not alone.

Who helped you inside the palace?

Tell him, uncle...

...if he talks, I will spare his life.

Answer me.

Who helped you to attack Ameer’s guest?

It was you!

Answer me properly!

Who helped you?

Who? Who was he?

El Aziz’s vizier,
Sahabettin Tugrul helped me.


What is this man saying?

He will talk soon.


Get prepared immediately!
Master Titus is waiting for us!

Exercise is over! Order the knights
in the barracks to get ready!

My father used to say that you were
his most trusted man. I trust you as well.

That is your kindness, Altes.

I trust you more than my uncle.

Please, Altes Elanora,
do not compare Ustad-i Azam with me.

Titus talked about a dungeon
before he left the castle.

Did he want to say that my father was
thrown in the dungeon before he was k*lled?

I do not know, it would be best
if you asked this to Master Titus.

Before my father died, you were always
with him but you did not tell me...

...about a dungeon. Maybe my father
is still in a dungeon somewhere.

I am ready to hear and
know the truth, Mario.

-No, both of you would...
-Both? My father and I?

No, no. I meant you and Master Titus.

You are lying to me as well.

Alright, put it right here.

Right here.

If it is ready, untie the ropes.

Children, take your lamb somewhere else.
We need that chest.

You help us as well, alright?

You old goat. I would have never thought
that Ertugrul Bey would dwell in these...

...love issues like you.

My brother, these things cannot be known.

It may happen to you one day as well.

You would think that you can stand up
against the whole world...

...but a pair of eyes would come
and smash you to the ground.

Which girl would like this log?
Moreover you need not a pair of eyes...

...but a pair of wrists to smash him
to the ground and I have those wrists.

Stop right there Dogan,
stop clowning about.

I need to understand this.

Doesn’t Ertugrul Bey love this girl?

He should ask permission
from her father to get married.

Are these things so easy, brother?

I don’t understand. If Ertugrul Bey asks
for her hand, wouldn’t her father accept?

If that is not possible,
we can abduct Halime Sultan.

What does your heart say?

State your troubles so that
we can help you if we know a way.

My Sultan, he wishes to be relieved
from the uneasiness in the palaces.

He wishes to live a family life as Muhammad (pbuh) advised, and serve God.

Is your desire, to abandon the throne
like Shah Ibrahim ibn Adham...

...and become an ascetic?

But abandoning your chair in this way...

...is also abandoning the people
who trusted you on this road.

You give your services in the palace.

But what will happen to the Muslim world?

God is the possessor both of the universe
and Islam.

What you are tasked with is
to give your all, serving God.

I have never refrained from duty.

I did all that was asked from me
without hesitation.

-What is the despair in your mind?

Ameer El Aziz, my nephew.

He is just like a child.

I consume all my energy
trying to contain him.


...messengers bring news every day.

From Abbasi Khalifa’s palace,
Khwarazmshah’s throne...

...from Cairo, Baghdad.

Wherever a governor or a vizier
is taking care of our people...

...they are being k*lled one by one.

Even in our palace, we don’t know who serves who.

Are the things you said...

...an excuse to resign from your duty...

...or a reason to work even harder?

As long as you exert yourself harder...

...God will make you meet not only
the people who you will help...

...but also the people who will help you.

My Pir...

...can you help this poor soul?


Those who serve shall be given a helping hand.

Do not forget...

...God lets the one who gives up oneself
be the victorious...

...over the one who cannot fight for his God.

This is God’s justice.

Lord's Son awaits you
in his Kingdom of Heaven.

You suffered, just like
He suffered in order to save us.

What is in it?

Argus. It will take you to Lord’s Son.

Next time you see me will be the moment
for you to reach Lord’s son.

What is the latest situation
in the palace?

We have men in almost all positions.

What about the vizier?

His eyes are always on his nephew.


...I have some plans for him as well.


Soon, death will fall upon
all Muslim capitals.

Everyone will ask for help
from their neighbors.

It is of utmost importance that the
replies to letters that come to Aleppo...

...are stamped with El Aziz’s seal
but written by you.

Before calling for the Crusade army...

...we should take hold of all
communications within the Muslim palaces.

I understand, sir. Do now worry.
If you don’t have any other orders...

...I would like to return to the palace.
I don’t want my absence to be noticed.

Any news about Kayis?

Will you be able to send Suleyman Shah’s
tribe to another place away from us?

When I deal with Vizier Sahabettin,
that issue will be solved as well, sir.

Titus also said things similar to this.

He said Kayis will never
settle under our noses...

...but they will be starting
their journey soon.

Sir, why does the existence of Kayis
at your borders makes you worry so much?

Why are you so worried about a tribe
that can deploy 2000 cavalries at most?

When I clear the road between Antioch and
Jerusalem for a new Crusade campaign...

...the last thing I want is
a warring Turkmen tribe settled nearby.

If we overlook on Kayis today,
they will overwhelm us very soon.

Do not forget Saladin Ayyubi.

He was born in one of
the thousands of farms within Iraq.

Then he became a soldier under
the command of Nuraddin Zangi.

He was promoted.

He was only a commander amongst
hundreds of commanders.

You know the rest.

If we could have stopped him in time...

...Jerusalem would still be
in our hands now.

And I would not have needed to bother
with people like you!

I understand, sir.

Tell them to prepare the horses, Marcus.
We are going back to the castle.

Once upon a time there was
a famous carpenter in Baghdad.

During his last days,
he carved a very beautiful pulpit.

A very beautiful one. From walnut wood,
decorated with mother of pearl.

It was eye-catching and those who saw it
were amazed by its beauty.

The news of the beautiful pulpit spread.

So much that whoever came to Baghdad...

...asked to take the pulpit to their mosques.

His answer would always be the same.

He would say: “No,
this pulpit belongs to Al Aqsa Mosque.”

People would get bewildered as Jerusalem
was occupied by the Crusaders.

The carpenter would give
the same reply every single time.

This is all I can do. I am a craftsman.
I make pulpits.

Let one valiant warrior take back
Jerusalem, then the pulpit can be placed.

As time passed, the pulpit story
was heard in all the cities.

While everyone was telling each other
how beautiful the pulpit was...

...the story was heard by
a boy only seven or eight years old.

But he focused more on the will of the man
rather than the beauty of the pulpit.

40 years passed and he took that pulpit...

...and placed it in its rightful place
in the Al Aqsa Mosque.

The tongues spoke of him
as Saladin Ayyubi.

These matters are like this.

As the carpenter’s carvings, which is for a purpose,
we raise up men.

And surely one day a brave amongst them
will fulfil this purpose.

-Yes, Master?

If Suleyman Shah would have seen you
at the headquarters, he would be proud.

-I just want you to know that.
-Thank you.

We will break through
this ring of fire together.

Do not forget, you are his son.

The son of a brave father will also be brave.

-Gundogdu Bey?
-What happened, Akcakoca?

There are some things
I need to talk with you.


...Gokce is not well.

Her troubles are deep
but she still keeps quiet.

She refrains from talking to me...

...can you talk with her?

I see her condition as well, Mother Hayme.

But you know as well...

...I don’t have the cure to her pain.

I know.

I know but...

Gokce is like her late mother...

...she keeps silent and burns within.

But being so silent is not good.



Let me help you.

There are only a few things left anyway.

You are in sorrow because
they accuse Ertugrul Bey.

Do not worry, the truth will reveal itself.

Of course it will.

We should pray that they are well.

I could not say goodbye when Turgut left.

I have this feeling that something bad
might happen.

My mind is always with him.

Hope is the cure to the biggest fears, Aykiz.

You know very well...

...Turgut will return to the tribe.

His return will be returning to you.

You will rejoice with your loved one.

But the separation between
Ertugrul and I is not distance.

Even if he returns...

...even if he sits beside me,
I will be the furthest one from him.

It will be like looking at the sun
behind the insurmountable mountains.

My Bey...

...first I thought it was because of
the famine and did not gave importance.

But, the matter is grave.

What is your opinion?



What do we need to do?

My Bey...

...I checked the whole tribe.

I stamped the ill animals with red paint
and gathered them all here.

If we exterminate all of them...

...with God’s help,
we can avoid this disaster.

If God permits, Akcakoca, if God permits.

If God permits, Bey.

Do whatever you need to do.

Find someone trustable
and keep it a secret.

The tribe is in the brink of havoc,
we don’t need criers of disaster as well.

-May God turn it into a good deed.
-Alright, my Bey.

Everyone is nervous as it is,
why do you call me here, Selcan Hatun?

Why do you worry
when you see me, Kurdoglu?

You should think about what
you will do when Suleyman Shah wakes up.

That is not my problem, your husband,
who tries to take advantage of...

...his father’s illness should be worried.

You think I am one of the Beys
you convinced at the headquarters.

Don’t I know the things you are up to?

Don’t lose your breath and tell me...

...you beat Gundogdu at the headquarters.

What will you do when
Suleyman Shah wakes up?

Don’t you worry about these things,
Selcan Hatun. I will find a way.

Suleyman Shah will be leaving tomorrow.

They will be going to Aleppo,
to find a remedy for his illness.

If he gets up again...

...think about your fate then.

What are you trying to say?

What are you saying?
Spill the beans!

If Suleyman Shah passes away in his bed
where he lies burning, God forbid...

...I would blame that on Azrael...

...mourn after and cry by his grave.

How is that going to happen?


...I will take Gundogdu and
Mother Hayme out of the tent...

...the rest is up to you.

If Suleyman Shah dies, I would revenge my
father’s death and you would become Bey.

30 knights have been sent
upon Sir Titus’s request.

Ustad-i Azam, you have a guest
from the Vatican in your room.

He is waiting for you.

My dear friend Petruccio.

Cardinal Thomas.
It is an honor to see you.

You should have informed us beforehand.

I did not want to interrupt
your Aleppo escapade.

You are still the seeing eye and
hearing ear of our Holy Father.

His highness the Pope appreciates
your efforts but he has some reservations.

He needs to be convinced for
a new Crusader campaign.

How can he be convinced?

You have to take back the holy relics
those infidel Mohammadi's stole from us.

I am guessing you know
who is hiding those holy relics.

-Hello, my brother.

Bad, so bad.

I remember the day our mother
gave birth to you. Shame.

Brothers should not treat
each other like this.

Get out of here.

You did not only shatter your brother.
You shattered your whole family.

Was it worth it?

You went after a bedouin.
And destroyed your wife, your children...

...your cause and everything else
with your own hands.

But we are brothers.

If you can bring me the items
in Ibn Arabi’s chest...

...I can spare your family.

You still think I would betray my Sheikh?

Don’t ever talk to me about loyalty.

When you abandoned the Son of Lord
and betrayed the Knights Templar...

...you proved your loyalty.

Why should you not do the same again?

I promise you...

...if you can bring back the items
in that chest...

...you can see your family again.

I know that you don’t trust me anymore.

For you to trust me once again...

...I can arrange you to meet
your little daughter at midnight.

Is my Elanora here?


All the birds are in the same cage.

-Gokce, go to sleep.
-Alright, sister.



Quick, call Mother Hayme. Bring her here!

Gundogdu, something is happening.

Gundogdu, something is happening.

Alright, Hatun. Alright. Calm down.
I will run and bring the midwife.

Be quick, hurry up!

Mother Hayme.

Come, my girl.

Gokce, what is the hurry? What happened?

Mother Hayme, my sister is in great pain.
She asked for you.

God willing there is nothing wrong.

Akcakoca, midwife Hatun,
do I have permission?

Yes, my Bey? Akcakoca is outside.
I hope everything is alright.

No, Selcan has some bad cramps.
We have to go to the tent immediately.

I will just get my cloak.

-Is Selcan Hatun pregnant, Bey?
-If God permits, come on.

-My girl.
-I can’t stand the pain, mother.

Come on. Keep calm, my girl. Calm down.

Let me check.

Calm down, I am just going to check.

Don’t do it, don’t!

I hope it is not serious.


Is my Bey father alone, mother?

No. Rahman is with him. Do not worry.

You go to my father, Gundogdu.
He should not be alone.

I said go.


You have passed the Alp assessment.

You fought with wolves and bears, faced
many dangers to return to your tribe.

You now have the right to carry
the title of Alp with honor.

But now the lesson you have to learn
is much more important than all these.

Being an Alp is not filling your stomach
in poverty...

...but standing strong against the challenges.

Suleyman Shah...



...take an arrow from your quivers.

Break them!

Take one more arrow from
your quivers and give them to me.

If you take the advice of
your forefathers and always be united...

...you would be unbreakable
just like these arrows.

From now on, you shall be on the same path.

Those who talk about you,
should always refer to your togetherness.
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