01x22 - Zafer Günü, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x22 - Zafer Günü, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

You can be rest assured. You can visit her
anytime you wish, Numan Effendi.

Do not worry about her state. Our girl
Halime should get up in a few days.

Ummulhayr Hanim,
I am very grateful to you.

Our Halime's father, Numan Effendi.

Is that so? This is a great honor.

I came...

...to inquire the health of our guest...

...and to visit my beautiful sister.

Do not worry.
Our guest is looked after really well.

I am hosting her personally in my room.

What more can I do?

My beautiful and peevish Leila.

What can I do to see you smile once?

You can tell me the fate of my uncle,
your highness.

If you have the time...

...I'd like the honor to
converse with you.

I don’t find it in my heart to see you travel
through Aleppo to see your daughter.

Should I assign a room in the palace
for your personal use?

Then your daughter Halime can find
her father by her side anytime...

-...she wants during her recovery.
-Do not trouble yourself, your highness.

What trouble? Not at all.

My Shahzada. It is me, my Shahzada.

At the lodge they told us that
you went to the palace.

I was very worried about you.

We are fine. Do not worry.

How are you?

What is Halime's condition?

She is still unconscious.

My Shahzada, you must know that the
conspiracies within the palace are...

...much more dangerous than
the physical wounds of Halime.

How could you put her
into such a ring of fire?

You are right, Ertugrul. But...

...Halime's situation was very critical.

And just a while ago,
I talked with El Aziz.

They are taking very good care of her
for her to recover.

I think...

...it is best that she stays
there for some time.

El Aziz is nothing more than a pawn
for gloating people.

You might be throwing yourself
and Halime into an unknown.

And I don’t even want to think about their actions...

...when they find out your real identity.

That palace is a dangerous snake's nest.

You have to get Halime and
yourself out from there. Trust me.

I trust you, Ertugrul.

Tomorrow, I will elude El Aziz somehow
and solve this matter.

What about you? What will you do?

Do not worry about us, my Shahzada.

Soon, we will be free from
all these tangled troubles.

There is someone
who has captivated the mind of El Aziz.

She is staying in El Aziz's sister,
Leila's room. Her name is Halime.

I don't know where she came from
or who she is but I am sure that...

...El Aziz is visiting her sister
just to see this girl.

Are you sure, Aftalia?

I’m telling you that I’ve seen it
with my own eyes.

El Aziz and the girl's father
came out of Leila's room together.

He offered the man a room in the palace.

Do not neglect to follow him.
You should be like his shadow at all times.

We need him under our control more than ever.

More than ever?

Are you trying to tell me something?

We need to silence the false witnesses
at the vizier's trial.

You deal with Sahabeddin's old guard in
the palace tonight.

We will deal with the rest.

Don't worry about the guards.

First I have to go and save El Aziz
from drowning in the open seas.

Are you looking for me?

Can you stop for a moment?

-Is the food for Leila Sultan?
-Yes, ma'am.

-Give it to me. I shall take it.
-As you wish. Here you are.

Do you have anything on your mind
as the first step, my vizier?

The only thing I know is that I have to
clear my name and I have to do this...

...in front of El Aziz.

I have a plan in my mind, vizier.

You mentioned about some witnesses
who made false claims about you.

If we can catch them and make them talk
about the people who forced them...

You are so smart, Ertugrul.

We will be the ones who will spoil
their game, the Alps of Kayi tribe.

We will first save Vizier Sahabeddin,
then the homeland of our tribe.

Your hand reaches to
all parts of Aleppo, Aykutluk.


Can you also reach inside the palace?

There are a few madmen
who can infiltrate, my Bey.

I didn't mean that, Aykutluk.

Can you take us inside?

It would have been easier if you asked
the whole of Aleppo from me, my Bey.

-It is difficult. Very difficult.

...but not impossible, is that so?

Yes, my Bey. That is so.

May it be easy, Governess Ummulhayr.
Who is this sick girl?

A guest of God, my girl.

From which family is she?
I have never seen her before.

Son of Lord was covered in blood.

His crown of thorns was more valuable to him
than the golden crown of the Roman Emperor.

Even while he was being crucified,
even at that moment, he spoke that...

...he was sacrificing his own flesh and blood
to save all those believers.

When you reach those lands and kneel
before the memories of the Messiah...

...you shall pray to save our sacred
Jerusalem invaded by the infidel Muslims!

And we shall be praying here to
find the opportunity to sacrifice...

...our body and blood,
just like The Messiah.

His highness Cardinal Thomas.

He came from the presence our holy father,
the Pope to our humble and...

...distant castle
to honor his Templar brothers.

I would like to introduce you to
Father Daniel, your highness cardinal.

His passionate sermons enabled
many sinners to turn to The Messiah.

The power of words is more important
than anything else.

As the Holy Bible says...

"In the beginning was the word."

Please, sir, you are embarrassing me.

At your presence, all we can do is
to fall silent. Would you like to say...

...a few words to these believers who are
on the road for the Holy Crusade?

You are all blessed souls
as you have chosen this holy path.


I thought you would never come.

Aren't you happy to see me?

How can I be not happy?
Why did you call me here?

Why do you think?

There is something I would wish for...

...but of course, you don’t think
I’m good enough for you.

We are not the Ameer of Aleppo.

How do you know this?

Do you think Sahabeddin would not
keep track of his nephew’s affairs?

Did Sahabeddin know as well?


I know what and who to tell when it’s time.

You must have seen that
during the vizier's trial.

Well done. I like smart men.

At least, they deserve a quick death.

Please allow me, my son.

I would like to show the mercy of Jesus,
the Lamb of God...

...to these unrighteous-sinner souls.

May the healing breath of The Messiah,
which cured many souls...

...touch their suffering souls.

Ustad's direct orders state that no one
from outside shall enter the dungeon.

I am not an outsider, my son.

Are we not all going around the same light?

Wouldn't you like that light
to fall into this dark dungeon as well?

Let me in, my son.

Please stay and converse
with our guests, cardinal.

My dear friend, Petruccio.

I wonder where you are going,
leaving this good company.

It’s nothing but a small matter
to be dealt with.

We shall continue from
where we left off when I return.

-Where are we going, sir?
-The dungeon. We are going to the dungeon.

You, my sinful son in pain!

I have delivered you good news...

...from our Kingdom of God...

...and our Father in Heavens.

Leave me alone priest.
Go find yourself someone else...

...I don’t buy this nonsense.

You won’t regret if you neighbor the ones...

...walking on the path of God, son.

Afsin Bey.

-What are you doing here?
-It's not the time to talk, Turgut.

You are in great pain, I know.

We will get you out of here
as soon as possible.

May God forgive you, my son.

What is happening?

What are you thinking so deeply?

We did not want our Bey to notice...

...but being turned back from the doors
of Aleppo pierced our hearts, Master Demir.

All the troubles Kayi is going through
does not look like a blessing to us.

That is why the Alps are depressed.

You unwary people,
you may not trust yourselves...

...you may not trust our Bey,
our Suleyman Shah...

...don't you know what being an Alp means?

Would an Alp be intimidated?

Don’t be ashamed now.

Keep your heads up.

Now all of you gather around me now.

Our stories are not only for babies.

This time it’s your turn to listen.

I shall tell you the story of
the Pir of the Alps...

...bravest of all braves,
his holiness Ali's story.

Once upon a time, there was
a fortress called Khaybar.

Our great Prophet, peace be upon him,
lived in Medina, near this fortress.

The commanders of this fortress
were evil people...

...with their darkened hearts.

They had a grudge against Muslims
and wouldn’t believe in our Prophet.

As if that was not enough...

...they even dared to fight
against the Muslims...

...in the Battle of Khandaq.
-The lowlifes.

Over the time...

...the battles ended...

...and the dust settled.

Our Prophet...

...wanted to conquer
the lands of these dark souls...

...who stabbed the Muslims from the back.

The warriors who grabbed the black flag of
Muhammad, who's a good name and person...

...gathered in front of the
fortress' gate.

But the fortress was on
a steep and impassible hill.

Its walls were impenetrable.

They tried once again, once again...

...but no. They could not succeed.

They lowered their heads,
folded the black flag of Muhammad...

...and passed it to our Prophet.

When our Prophet saw the Muslims
who had lowered their heads in despair...

...He said, “this flag shall be
given to its rightful owner.

Then the conquest would be inevitable.

That owner would never back down from
a fight, never lose hope from God!”

He called the owner of the flag to
His presence.

Who did He call, Master Demir?

The one who swings his sword
in the name of God...

...the Pir of Alps, His Holiness Ali.

Ali came to His presence and
our Prophet ordered...

...“go and take Khaybar, Ali!”

The horse's feet are fast,
the poet's tongue is cast.

To cut the long story short...

...Lion of God marched to Khaybar!

He did not hesitate from those great walls
nor from the infidel soldiers who...

...breathed fire like man dragons!

He reached the gate of the fortress!

He took refuge in God and
barged so hard with his shoulder that...

...the gate which armies couldn't demolish
came down like rotted tree trunk...

...and fell down in front of him.

They took the city.

And they raised the black flag on
the highest tower of the fortress.

Thus, it is God who did not open
the gates of Aleppo to us...

...it's God who opened the gate of Khaybar
to Ali when armies couldn't bring it down.

Alp is such a man that when he loses
a fight, he should not feel sorry...

...when he wins a fight,
he should not brag.

He should know that his responsibility
is not victory but the campaign itself.

He should always take refuge in God
and never refrain from trying.

Only then, those who carry
the title of Alp will see that...

...the gates of cities, fortresses
and hearts shall be opened to him.

That should be known so, Alps!

That should be known so.

Your witness, the former guard...

...our madmen found him in a state where
he won't be able to lie anymore.


We have to act fast and
reach the other witnesses before them.

Come on, get up, Alps of Kayi.

That Jewish trader. I can find him in
the hole he's hiding in, no matter what.

You can go and check the old barkeep.

Come on.

Everyone in Aleppo is looking for you
at the moment.

It is better for you to stay here.

In the name of God.

At this time of the night.

I bring you news from Master Nasir.

I told him before.

It’s enough if you just reopen my saloon.

The only thing I expect is to take my revenge
from that boring Sahabeddin...

...for closing down the place
I’m earning my living from.

When you take into account the risk
I faced, I do not thing that asking for...

...my saloon to be
reopened is a big reward.

Master Nasir's news to you is not
about your reward but about your death.

Let's pray that Aykutluk
can reach the other witness in time.

Titus, did you know that our dear friend
signed a will stating that...

...all his wealth shall be donated
to the Templars after his death?

Maybe that is our friend's
way of repentance to crucifixion of Jesus.

When we think about 1200 years of
compound interest as well...

...the price he pays is acceptable.

-What did you do? Did you finish him?
-Yes, sir, but...

...after I k*lled the barkeep
and went out...

...those Turkmens, Ertugrul and
his men went in.

-Did they see you?
-No, sir.

I ran all the way here without being seen.
I thought that I should inform you...

...as quickly as possible.

Now, pick a team of trustworthy men.

Take this body as well
and wait at his shop.

Then come and find me again.

When Ertugrul comes, we should be prepared
for a very warm welcome.

Yes, sir.

Titus, let us go.

We have more enjoyable tasks for tonight.

We failed. We couldn't reach in time.

We could not catch
any of the three witnesses.

What will we do now?

There is a blessing in what
we see as evil...

...and evil in what we see as a blessing.

It is better for them to think
that they have won.

Let them be complacent for now.

Did you manage to arrange
our entrance to the palace, Aykutluk?

I did, my Bey.

But it is very dangerous.

Going inside that palace from there is as bad as
getting inside the bed of a monster.

We shall set on this road,
knowing all its consequences.

There is no other way.

If everyone fulfills their own task...

...there will not be a problem. Trust me.



Ertugrul save Yigit.

What is she saying, governess?
Who is she talking about?

She was saying the same name
while we were bringing her here.

It is not very understandable but...

...she wants someone to save Yigit.

May God help her.

With God's permission,
she and her loved ones should find peace.

Brother Dogan...

...we left our Bey all alone.
I feel really bad.

If we left him alone in the fog or
in a desert, I wouldn't feel this bad.

But the city, every corner of it
hides a different dirt.

Our Bey can take care of himself,
brother Bamsi.

If you want to worry about something,
our tribe must have started the migration.

Worry about where we will show
them as our homeland.

Our brother Turgut is a prisoner
of the infidels, worry about him.

Worry about how we will
explain this to Aykiz.

What are we going to do?
I cannot tell her.

I cannot bear the grief of sister Aykiz.

Everything will be solved, brother Bamsi.

God is great.

You are right, brother Dogan.
Sister Aykiz is a very strong girl.

She is not the kind of person
to beat her chest.

Let’s deal with this first,
then we can plan our next move.

Put these on, lads. We are going.




Aykiz. Aykiz, wake up.

-Aykiz, wake up. Wake up!

-It's over. It was only a dream.

Gokce. Gokce.

My Turgut is not well. I know.

I know it in my heart.

Turgut is in trouble, Gokce.

Turgut is not well.

We shall be as silent as night.

Do not make a sound, go slowly.
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