01x33 - Field of Screams, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x33 - Field of Screams, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Chumley: last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"

Camula: if you win, you get crowler's soul back

And I'll be on my way.

But if I win, I get your soul,

Your spirit key... And I get

To continue my quest to unleash the three

Sacred beasts!


Now... Laser dragon!

Let loose... Blue lightening blast!


All right!!!

How dare you!

Cyber end dragon, destroy him!


Hmm. At last, darling, you're all mine.

A tad smaller... And a smidge less talkative...

But a darling trophy nonetheless.

Camula...here I come...

So get set... To get your game on!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Two of the seven gates have been unlocked...

You disappoint me.

Your "excellent" duelists only excel at losing!

Why don't you give up and surrender

The five remaining keys now?

It's not over.

And if I know my students...

They'll never give up... No matter what the odds.

I mean after all, they've come to this island to

Be champions.

And they'll end up victims.

My vampire is ready to feed again...

Ha ha ha!

Jaden...get well...

After all, with my brother still unconscious

And zane's soul stolen...

We'll need all the help we can get to fight

The shadow games and that vampire, camula.



Syrus: come on, professor banner,

You have to duel that vampire!

I mean, you're a shadow games expert!

Yeah, not only that...

You're the only one out here

That's wearing garlic aftershave!

I can't duel!

Who will take care of my cat?!

Pharaoh has a very specific diet!

Don't worry about it,

This is clearly a job

For chazz princeton anyway!

If you mean feeding the cat,

I think you're right.

Alexis: the cavalry's here!

We don't need banner when we've got...jaden!

Huh? Huh? Huh?

What's up!

For the last time.

You can't!

Chazz: yeah, you're still hurt, slacker!

It's true.


See...we were back at the hospital...

Oh! You're finally awake!

Alexis...i need to tell you about her.

The vampire known as camula.

You cannot defeat her like the others.

But why not?

She has a shadow charm that gives her...

The power to steal souls--

I'm sure you've seen her use it already...

But you can stop her with another charm.

If we can stop her stealing souls,

We can duel her with all our might.

Rather than just standing there scared.

Doesn't scare me.

Speak for yourself.

So we fight fire with fire!

We've got our own shadow charm!

Compliments of atticus!

Alright, camula, let's go!

I'm here for my friends' souls!

And I'm not leavin' 'til I get 'em!


Actually, truth be told, dear...

You're not leaving here ever again--

Not a single one of you are!

Alright, camula!

Get your game on!

And I mean on high, camula!

Cuz when someone duels my pals,

And turns their souls into some dolls...

It puts me in a bad mood!

And let me tell you something... I don't care!

Maybe this will change your mind!


I fuse elemental heroes avian,

Sparkman, and bubbleman.

Now introducing... Elemental hero tempest!


Wow! What a way to start the duel!

Jaden wants to end this quickly!

And with tempest out there,

He just might be able to do it!

I wouldn't count camula out just yet.

Yes, after all, we've seen how strong

Her cards can be-- especially that illusion gate!

We'll just have to hope she doesn't get a chance to play it.

Jaden: last, I'll throw down a facedown.

Let's see what you got!

Well, well.

If you're in such a hurry to lose,

Alright...i play...

Heh heh heh!

Illusion gate!

It had to be that one...

I'm sure you remember its effects.

To begin, all monsters on the field are instantly destroyed.

Then I get to summon any monster you've played!

And all I need pay for all of this...

Is a soul to the sacred beasts

Should I happen to lose this duel.

Now, who's going to be the lucky one...?



Oh, dear me, this decision

Is just far too hard to make...

Why don't I just put all your friends at stake?

What?! All of them?!

Never underestimate... The power of the shadow.

With this necklace, I can do anything!




Huh? Ohh!

What happened?!

Jaden's shadow charm cancelled the power of her necklace!

Just in time!

I thought we were all done for!


[Thinking] thanks atticus,

Couldn'ta done it without ya!

Looks like if you still want to use illusion gate,

You'll have to do some soul searching without my friends!

So whadaya say you put that cheatin' card away

And get on with this duel!

I think not! Illusion gate!

Open your doors and accept my soul as the sacrifice!

And now, unleash your powers

Upon the field!

Aw, tempest!

Oh don't worry you'll see him again soon...

But he'll be fighting for me!


Next I'll summon zombie werewolf in attack mode!


Now, elemental hero tempest, attack jaden!



And I'm not done yet...

Now...zombie werewolf! Atta--


Tempest? What is wrong?

Ha ha ha!


Guess he doesn't like his new boss!

But you can forget the two week notice,

I think I'll just play my trap cross heart!

And that puts tempest back on my side!




Go ahead and take him back!

I will still win!

Looks like jaden's...learned a few new tricks.

I hope so!

There's more were that came from!

Alright...time to teach that werewolf pooch

A few new tricks!

Like how to play dead!


Heh heh heh! How quickly you forget!

When you destroy my werewolf,

Another one comes from my deck

With a little surprise...

More attack points!


Maybe a facedown... Will tame 'im!

[Thinking] fool...you have much more to worry about

Than just him... This next turn should prove that...

I play the spell pot of greed!

Now I may draw two more cards!

Heh heh heh!

Jaden...tell me...

Do you know the only thing worse

Than a vampire mistress?

A vampire mistress with a grudge!

Good bye, my werevolf!

I sacrifice you to summon...vampire lord!

And now I'll remove him from play to summon forth...

Vampire genesis!


Didja see that?!


Attack points...

And a powerful special ability, to boot.

Jaden will have his work cut out for him.

Camula: next I'll use the spell card genesis crisis!

Now every turn... A zombie-type monster is transferred

Directly from my deck and into my hand!

And with vampire genesis... I can discard that monster

To the graveyard to summon another one!

It can be any zombie monster,

As long as it is a lower level!

So I'll be discarding ryu kokki to bring back

Vamp's best friend: zombie werevolf!

Now, if I recall... Your elemental hero

Cannot be destroyed in battle,

As long as you sacrifice

One of the other cards on your field.

And it seems you have one.

Pity if something should happen to it...

Like for example: if it disappeared...

Due to my giant trunade!


How'd she know t'do that?!

I don't know.

Camula knows our decks better than any one.

And what's more... She's calculated

A perfect strategy against them!

So isn't the villain supposed to tell

The charming hero how she did it?

Cuz I'm all ears!

You didn't think my bats...

Were just for decoration did you?

They were spying on each and every one of you!


Ha ha ha!

And just as they told me the weaknesses

Of your pathetic little friends,

Crowler and zane...

They told me yours!

You can't win!

And now! Vampire genesis,

Go and attack that tempest!

Crimson storm!


So much for that elemental hero tempest.

Now jaden's out there like a sitting duck!

And I think that zombie werewolf

Likes duck-- this could be it, guys!

This is very anti-lishus!

Ha ha ha! You're through!

Zombie werewolf attack jaden directly!


[All gasp]


Well?! Fall down!

You should have no more life points left!

Ha ha ha!

Guess again, camula!

How is this?!

Insurance is how!

When you sent this facedown card

Back to my hand,

Its effect went off,

And I got life points just in time!

I see. How fortunate for you.

But you just postpone the inevitable.

I activate the magic of genesis crisis!

And now I'll add yet another zombie monster

From my deck to my hand!


Jaden's hanging on...

But still, camula has way more life points than him...

For sure... Shadow charm or not

How could we ever let him duel camula?

He's just not at the top of his game!

We might as well hand over

Our spirit keys right now!

Bastion: there's always hope.

But I admit, with that vampire genesis...

And that genesis crisis on the field,

There isn't much of it.

Let's bargain with her--

Maybe put her in touch with the local blood bank?

I think this is bigger than that, professor,

I mean sure... Vampires crave blood...

But I think this one craves our spirit keys a lot more!

Pathetic mortal... You have no idea what I crave...

Centuries ago, the vampires vere a proud and peaceful race.

We lived in harmony with our mortal brothers and sisters...

That is...until the dark times....

Until the w*r...

No one knew who struck first... But the fighting was fierce.

Neither soldier nor child was spared the horror

As hatred decimated both our peoples.

I, the last of my race, had no choice but to go into hiding.

For years I slept. A coffin as my home.

Then a stranger approached.

The dark power of shadow coursed through his veins.

He offered me a choice: spend an eternity in my tomb,

Or accept his shadow charm and join his quest

For the sacred beast cards.

For each duelist that I would beat in battle...

Their soul would be mine!

Which I would use to resurrect my defeated army of vampires,

And we would suck our revenge

From the bloated vein of humanity!

Wow, a little too much information there.

So if I go down right now,

You'll get my key and my soul to start a vampire army?!

You're smart for a mortal.

Perhaps you'll do us both a favor

And just give up, jaden.

I will make it painless...

Lady, if you think that I'm gonna give up...

You really have gone batty!

[Thinking] alright, it's down to this...

So here goes... Somethin'!

Sweet! I'm startin' with... My pot of greed!


Or in this case, pot 'a need...

Cuz that's just what I got!

I play dark factory of mass production,

This lets me take two monsters

From the graveyard and put 'em right back in my hand!

Hmm. Now I activate...this!

Fusion gate!

You can forget about polymerization...

This baby let's me fusion summon without it!

So what!

So check out avian 'n' burstinatrix!

Or should I say elemental hero flame wingman!

There's more!

I'm fusin' wingman and sparkman

To make somthin' even better!

Two fusions?!

I summon elemental hero shining flare wingman!




Alright flare wingman!

Now let's get our pals' souls back!

Flare wingman?! But you've never used

That card in your deck before!

You have to be cheating-- you put it in there

When I wasn't looking, didn't you?!

Uh, yeah! But, ya know,

I'm not so sure that's cheating...

I mean... Hello, camula!

You were the one spying!

And anyway, I didn't even sneak it in anyhow!

You lie!

Nah not really... I just figured

That since you were all about the shadows...

I should pack something that's bright,

Like the elemental hero shining flare wingman!

And, boy, is he! Check out that glow!

Fine. Use him.

With just points, he still won't defeat...

Vampire genesis!

Actually, camula, yeah he will.

Cause for each of my elemental heroes

That are just chillin' away

Back at the graveyard...

Flare wingman gains attack points!

Then my vampire...

Is about to bite the dust!

Shining flare wingman...

Show this lady how we do things...

Back at duel academy!

Attaaaak vampire genesis with solar flare!

And when vampire genesis is not on the field...

All zombie type monsters

You have out... Are destroyed!


Sorry...but it takes more than that to defeat a vampire!

Good, cuz I got more for ya:

Flare wingman's special ability!

And it's better than a wooden stake!

You get hit for damage equal

To the attack points of the monster I just destroyed!

No! It can't be!



That's game!


Ohh! Look! It's zane's doll!

Big bro! Ohh!

I'm back! Superb!

Now get me out of this stinking pocket!

What, now it's not good enough for ya?

Talk about ungrateful!

If it were up to me, you would have been the cat's chew toy!

Next time...


The castle is falling apart!

Let's go!

[Crowler and chazz talking at once]

Jaden...you did it.

At last... The nightmare's finally over.

This one, at least....

Cuz camula was just the second of the shadow riders...

And that means.... More are on the way...

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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