01x35 - Sibling Rivalry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x35 - Sibling Rivalry

Post by bunniefuu »

I can't take it anymore!

The chazz shouldn't live...

Like a slifer rat!

I used to be...

An obelisk blue!

Jacuzzi tub, turndown service!

A week of renovations

And this place still isn't livable!

Hey, boss!

You sound stressed!

Oh, yeah,

Just look at all this pressure building up!


If you want to be helpful, get lost!


And if you want to see pressure...

All right, finally!

Some peace and quiet.

Syrus: what's up?!


Ever hear of knocking?!


We did.

But your door's way over there!


Not funny.

Jaden: yeah, I guess not.

So, let's go for fun!


Hey! Get off my bed!

It's not a trampoline!

By the way....

The chancellor

Wants to see you.

Sheppard?! What for?!

Oh, just something about the fate of duel academy!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

I have some urgent news, chazz.


My new bed arrived?


What do you say we go jump around on it!

This isn't about your living arrangements...

Yeah? Then what?

Well, someone is trying to...

Buy out the duel academy!

And this someone...

Plans to get rid of all the teachers and students,

And shut this place down forever.

Shut it down?!


Without us...

They can control...

The entire dueling world.

But, fortunately, our owner...

Has given us a sporting chance...

You heard me right.

It's not about the money, it's about the cards.

I will only sell you my academy

If you prove your worth as a duelist

And beat one of my students in battle.

It comes down to one duel.

Let me!

I'll whup this guy!



The duelist is already chosen.

Well, who's it gonna be?!


So, it's chazz?

For some reason,

They asked for him specifically.

I believe this is them now.

On screen. Yes.


It's chazz's brothers?!

Jaden: that figures.

Lousy scrubs!

What are you up to?!

Come on, chazz.

Don't you know?


Same thing!

Both: complete world domination!


It was our little family project!


Your project maybe!

Yeah, well, now it pretty much

Has to be, huh, chazz?

That's right.

Because you couldn't pull your weight!

You couldn't conquer the world of duel monsters

Like we planned.

So, now...

Slade is just going to have to do it for you!

So, I'm dueling slade?!

You'll take him easy, chazz!


I mean, slade's just an amateur!

You guys better rethink your business strategy!

This one stinks!

No, it doesn't.

Because there are few conditions.


I get to use all these rare cards.

The same rare cards we gave you

To use in the school duel.

Of course, you refused to use them...

And you lost.

And there's one more thing, chazz...

During our duel,

You're only allowed to duel with monsters

That have less than life points.

What the...


This is a joke, right?

Say "no," chazz.

It's too late!

Very well.

I accept those terms.

Now leave.

So, it's already been decided!

This isn't fair!


No, it's not.

But then, that's the point!



Guess we should go pack up.



Hold up, you can win this!

For real!

You're wrong.

There's no way I can.

Duel academy is through.

Oh, man!


There's chazz!

This whole mess is totally his fault!

I heard that he's already accepted defeat!

Of course he has!

He probably wants his brothers to win.

We should have never let him back here.

Yeah, totally.

Jaden: well, you know what I think?


I think you're all dead wrong!

I know chazz can win this duel!

Because I've dueled him myself,

And duelists don't come much tougher!

Yeah, I know.

That's exactly the problem, jaden!

What's that mean?

Honestly, chazz,

You're not making any sense.


Bastion's right.

Being tough is usually a good thing, chazz.

In my book.

Look, it's...

It's about chazz here being too tough--

Specifically his deck.

It's about chazz not even being able to duel.


What do ya mean?!

What I mean, syrus...

Is that his deck isn't built with monsters

That have less than attack points.

Wait, so then...

My cards are all too powerful.

'Cause of that condition my bro's set up,

My deck is useless.

All I've got left is him.




Just him?

You can't make a deck with one card!

He may not need to.


This is but a rumor...

But given the circumstances,

It may be worth investigating.

Now, supposedly, my students,

Deep in the woods, sits a very old well...

And within this well,

Lay a great many cards.

You see, they were discarded there

By duelists who believed them too weak

To ever use in their decks.

Of course...

The spirits of all those cards

Are quite angry for being left behind.

Oh, yeah?

Well, the chazz has a feeling

They're going to be perking up real soon.

'Cause I'm gonna find that well

And enlisting some new monsters for my deck!

Go get 'em, chazz!

Save the school!

Jaden: ♪ hanging out with the crew in the school yard ♪

♪ Yeah, finding trouble--

Ya know...

You don't have to follow me everywhere!

Yeah, but who's gonna look out for you

If you get jumped by angry duel spirits?!

I mean, the whole academy

Is counting on ya, chazz!

Give me a break.

Like banner said,

It's probably just a rumor anyway--


Uh, or not.


Those things really don't look too friendly.

Please! They're harmless.

Look. Oh.




Nothing happened?

Of course not!

Remember these are weak spirits.

Kind of like the annoying "roommate"

I got crashing in my deck.

Jaden: oh, look!

There's the well!

What tipped you off?

The big hole in the ground?!

Check out these cards!

It's just like banner said.

You could build a weak deck

In no time with these!

In case you knuckleheads hadn't noticed,

This here's private property!

Yeah, that's telling 'em!


Numbskulls like you ditched us here, so...

We don't want ya here!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

These two are a few cards

Short of a deck!


Who you calling short, chowder-head?



We didn't leave you here

But somebody did, 'cause you're weak!

It's true!

We're weak!


Give it a rest!

I'm sorry, ok?!

Jaden: we're both sorry!

[All sobbing]


What's the racket?


Is that our...


Black? Green?

Is that you?!

Both: our lost brother, ojama yellow!


My brothers!

Both: welcome back!



What a family reunion!

Yeah, maybe a dysfunctional one.

I'm going.


But why, chazz?

Boss isn't a fan of duel spirits.

He might, uh...

Decide to leave the two of you here.

Both: leave us?!

Who does he think he is!

Look at me when I'm talking to you!

I'd do what he says!

He gets violent!

Jaden: so much for "weak!"

Both: you're taking us!

And us, too!

Don't forget us!

Well, chazz?

Well, it can't hurt.



Whoever wants to...

Can come with me.


But there's one condition!

Let me guess!

Lots of hugs?!


Both: hugs coming up, chazz!



Man: ladies and gentlemen!

Today's match determines the fate of duel academy!

Slade princeton versus chazz princeton...

Now, are you ready to duel?!

If you want to back out,

Tell me now!

Does this...

Answer your question?!



Bring it!


It's go time!

Check this out.


I summon soul tiger...

In defense mode!


With that attack point handicap chazz has on him,

I'll bet we hear that a lot!

Hey, with defense points like that...

That might just be a good thing.

Chazz: you're up, bro.


Thank you.

And I'll activate: polymerization!

And fuse lord of dragons

With divine dragon ragnarok!

This isn't good!

With those, he can summon...

King dragun!



And check out his special ability!

Each and every turn he's on the field...

I get to summon another dragon type monster

From my hand!

Like this one, for example:

Luster dragon number two!



Two monsters with , attack points?!

Big whup!

I think you mean big whupping!

King dragun, attack soul tiger

With fire scourge!


And now...

Luster dragon number two,

Attack with emerald flame attack!


He got nailed!

Well, so much for all those defense points.

Your move, chazz.


About time!


I'll throw...

A monster down in defense mode.

That's all.

That's all?!

This'll be easier than I thought.

I summon luster dragon in attack mode!

And dragun's ability...


Summons hyozanryu!



Congratulations! You can add.

But tell me, little brother,

How's your subtraction?

Give chazz a lesson, dragun...

Take out his last monster!





What are these things?!

It's multiplication.

When unhappy maiden is sent to the grave...

Hundreds of her little friends

Drop in and end your turn automatically.


So, you last a bit longer.

It doesn't matter!

Yeah? Want to bet?


I call...

Spirit of the breeze...

In defense mode!

And I'll activate the spell card:

The dark door!

And as long as this door is open for business

We can only attack with one monster each round!

Nice try, bro.

But it's just a matter of time before

I bust that door down.

And now, hmm.

King dragun, attack!

Fire scourge!


My turn!

I play catnipped kitty!

A cat?!

You can do better?

Well, you're about to find out!



With this little card,

Your school is as good as mine!

But, hey, first thing's first...

Let's declaw that kitty!


Then I'll lay down a facedown and end my turn.

A facedown card?!

And my gut says...

He's planning to destroy chazz's door with it.

It's my draw!

Yeah, that's right!

And because it is...

My trap activates!

Dust tornado!

And you know what's right in its path?

I have an inkling.

Chazz's dark door.



His one defense is gone!

Next turn,

Slade will attack chazz with everything!

Well, bro...

I'd say the school's ours.

Prepare the wrecking balls!

Not so fast, bro.

I play painful choice!

I know you're a little slow,

So I'll use small words.

I pick cards from my deck.

Then you choose one of the cards

And that card is added to my hand.

So, what are you waiting for?


How scary!

Weak cards from one weak deck!

Whatever will I do?!

I'll pick the one card that's not a monster--

Thunder crash!

Thank you.

I was hoping you'd pick that one!

You were?!

But more about that later,

Now I play enchanting fitting room!

I pay points,

And get to look at cards!


If any of them are level- or below monsters...

I can summon them!

Obviously, pot of greed is no monster...

But the ojama brothers sure are!

All: ta-da!

You are kidding.

Don't tell me you pinned the hopes

Of saving your little academy

On these twerps!

That's right.

And you're about to see why.

All: hey, boss!

Sure, they look funny...

They smell real bad...

Nobody even likes 'em...

And they never shut up!

All: huh?!

But these guys...

Taught me something important.

Both: they did?!

You should eat dessert first?

Flies taste great!

That bathing is optional?

That good bros support each other!

So, I'm not a good bro?

That's right,

Which is why I don't feel bad about doing this.

I play a spell card!

Now, do your thing!

All: right-o, boss!




All: combine!

Ojama delta hurricane!

What in the...




What happened?

They're all gone?!

Thanks to a little thing called brotherly love.

Here's how it works, slade...

When the ojama brothers are on the field,

Delta hurricane can destroy all your monsters!

All: look who's weak now!

Time to take him out!

Oh, yeah!

And with this--

Thunder crash!


Guys, what's thunder crash do?

Don't ask me.

I left my reading monocle in the well!


Chazz deals points of damage,

For every monster on his field

That he decides to destroy.

Both: did he say "destroy"?!

All: no, boss, say it isn't so!

Sorry, guys-- have to!

See ya around!

Oh, no! Please!


Go, thunder crash!


That doesn't mean a thing, got that?!

You're deck's still full of weaklings,

And mine's still full of rare monsters

Just rearing to tear you apart!

I don't think so...

Thanks to all the cards in my graveyard, slade!

'Cause I play...

Chaos necromancer!

Sure, he starts out weak,

But he gains attack points

For each monster that's in my graveyard!

Each one?!

Wait, so...

So, with monsters in my grave...

His attack points are ,!

How's that for weak?

No way!


Hey, we're back!

Both: so, he does love us!


No, hold on!

Now, chaos necromancer,

Attack with curtain call catapult!



No fair!

You go bye-bye!



Chazz did it!


He saved the school!



You know the cheer!

"Chazz it..."

Both: up!

Both: of course!

Chazz it up!

All: chazz it up!

Chazz it up!

Chazz it up!

Chazz it up!

Chazz it up!


How could you lose this?!

Relax, jagger.

It's only one duel.

One duel?

Just listen to them!

This one duel

Has turned chazz into a hero!

And a major headache for us.

Of course, he won.

Did you really think I would

Give duel academy to those two?

They have a lot to learn about world domination.


Catch me!

Oh, a wise guy!

Got ya!


Get out here!


I didn't sign up for this!

Come on, boss!

Those guys just want to be your friend!

Now, let's go get some pizza!

I call extra anchovies!

[Cheering] yeah!

I don't want anchovies!

And I don't want any friends!

Or any roommates!

Or pets or...

Or whatever it is you guys are!

In that case,

Just call us family!

All: yeah!


♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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