01x45 - Amnael's Endgame, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x45 - Amnael's Endgame, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Where am i?

Who is that?


Atticus, too?!

What the... Where on earth am i?


Let's make that...

Where off the earth am i?!


♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

What's goin' on around here?

Yeah, those laser beams of light

Just shot out from nowhere!


You know what?

I don't think they shot out from nowhere,

I think they shot out from the spirit gates!

Of them must be unlocked now!

Question is...

How were they unlocked?

Ojama: I'll tell you how!


That's seventh shadow rider is vicious!

You mean he took them all down?

Chazz, alexis, and banner?!

But then that would mean that...

That everyone's lost but jaden.

He has the last key!

Oh, man...

This seventh shadow rider must be really good!

No joke!

Let's get outta here!

This guy has got to be looking for you

So he can unlock the final spirit gate.

You have to hide immediately!

Before you end up like all the rest!

I'm not gonna hide, sy.

You what?

Look...our friends need our help

And we're gonna give it to 'em--we have no choice!

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Besides, we don't have to worry

About this shadow rider guy finding me...

Because, I plan on finding him first!


When you say i, you don't mean "we"...do ya?

You better believe I do!

After all...

It all comes down to this!

Everything we've been working for!

And I want you guys to be there

When I beat this guy and we save the world!

Ha ha ha!

All has gone according to plan.

All that remains is the endgame.

Where jaden will face a dueling trial unlike anything he's ever seen!


Uh, timber?

That was way close!


Hey, look!

The mark of amnael!

It's like...

It's trying to lead us someplace.

Not lishus!

Findin' this guy'll be easier than I thought!

Come on! Let's go!

Shoulda known.

The abandoned dorm was where all of this started--

Makes sense it would end here.

Anyway...come on guys, let's keep 'a moving!




Aw, great.

Well, we had better go get him.


Wait up!


This is so not cool!


Look! A passageway!

And pharaoh's paw prints!

Well, we can't fit through that.

Guess we'll have to turn around.

Yeah, right, sy!

This way!


That's weird.

This door's never been here before.

So let's ignore it!

Sounds good to me!

This place looks like some lab from a horror movie.

So where's the mad scientist hiding?

Not sure. But, ya know...

If it's where my gut tells me it might be...


I'm going to need a change of shorts.

A coffin!

Or a fridgerator box!

Yeah, that's it!

Hey, wait jaden?!

Stay back!

Chumley, come give me a hand here.

Ah sorry, jay!

I'm only good at opening pickle jars and potato chips.

He's not qualified, let's let it be!

I bet he'd be qualified if this thing were filled with grilled cheese.

But no matter!

A mummy...

What's it doing here?

More like what are we doing here?

Yeah, I'm with sy on that one.

Hey, wait a sec...

Gimme your flashlight.

Why, what's wrong?

What's wrong is this mummy looks familiar...

There's only one way to be sure.

It is him. Professor!

What do you mean?

This is... Or was professor banner!

Wait, he's the mummy?!

No way!

Professor banner couldn't have mummified this fast.

I can't even make beef jerky

In the amount of time he's been missing.

So then you think it's a fake?

Of course! That's it, it's a fake!

Probably made out of wax or something, right?


That is the body of the one you know as professor banner.

What the--?!

Who is that?

The seventh shadow rider.

That's the one there!

He's the duelist that took down chazz!

And he's really good!

But you gotta beat him, to get chazz back!

You just gotta!

It's true, jaden.

To get any of your friends back, you'll have to beat me...


So you're amnael...

As in the mark of amnael, amnael?

That's right.

And I have your friends right here.


And if you cannot defeat me... You will be joining them.

All of you.

But what about professor banner?

How do I get him back, or is it too late?

It was always too late.

It's best that you forget the one you knew as banner.

He is no more.

Whadaya mean, no more?!

What is this?

I wanna know just what you've you done to professor banner!

To understand everything, you must do just one thing...

And that is: duel and defeat me, jaden!

Only then will the truth be revealed.

Only then will this tome and the secrets it holds be unlocked.

Will you accept this challenge?

Will you face me?

No, I don't think so.

Uh, he's talking to jaden, chumley.

Of course I'll face you!



Be careful!

Let's throwdown!

Prepare yourself!

I've been preparin' for this

Ever since you shadow riders first showed!

And now amnael...

Get your game on!

Alright, time to throwdown...

Cuz I'm gettin' my friends back...

No matter what it takes, amnael!

Is that so?

But what if you do not possess what it takes, jaden?

Because to beat me, you'll have to reach a whole new echelon of dueling expertise.

Now we begin!

And I activate the spell card chaos distill!

What is that thing?

Oh, yeah, like I'm gonna know.

Due to its effect,

All my cards that would normally go to the graveyard this duel

Will instead be removed from play!

[Thinking] huh?

Why would he want his cards removed from play?

Now I'll activate my second spell card, steel lamp!

And when chaos distill is on the field,

I can use steel lamp to summon alchemy beast-- salamandra the steel!

You see, alchemy beasts can't be summoned in the normal manner,

But they can wage direct att*cks against you.

Which is a big problem for you

Because with these two spell cards:

Bronze scale and lead compass...

Along with chaos distill, I can now summon two more alchemy beasts!

Ouroboros the bronze and leon the lead!

I'll now end with a facedown.

Three monsters-- in the very first turn?!

That is correct.

And if you think that is impressive,

Just wait until you see them attack!

I'm not gonna give 'em that chance!

I summon... Hero bubbleman!

And since he's the only one out...

I get to draw two more cards!

And I gotta feeling they're going to be some sweet ones!

It's good to be right!

I activate bubble blaster!

Fire, bombarding bubble barrage!

That is one bubble that I'm afraid I must burst.

I activate a trap: elemental absorber!

With this card, I can remove a monster in my hand from play

To negate the attack of your monster

As long as they both have the same attribute!

That's not good.

No, it's not.

Not when the card I remove from play is aqua spirit!

No, my attack!

Has been stopped!

And it's my turn now!

Go, my alchemy beasts!

Attack jaden directly!

Salamandra the steel!

Let loose flameshot of ore!

Now, ouroboros and leon attack as well!

Jaden just got clobbered!

Hang in there, jaden!

He's only got one card left in his hand!

If you can hold on through this turn,

You'll have the upper hand,

And he'll be the one who's on the ropes!

Ha ha ha!

Is that what you think?


You should have paid better attention in class.

Perhaps then you would know that against my alchemy deck,

Things are not what they seem.

I activate the spell card black process--negledo!

When chaos distill is on the field and there are no cards in my hand,

This card allows me to remove all alchemy beasts on the field from play,

And then draw two new cards per beast!

So then you're takin' out your own monsters?

That is the way of the alchemist: destruction and rebirth.

But I assure you, if you are destroyed here.

There will be no rebirth for you!

Now then, since I removed alchemy beasts from play,

I get to draw cards!

And now, let's play some of them.

I activate tin spell circle, mercury hourglass and silver key!

Alright...now it's my turn!

Go...elemental hero clayman!

Next I'll play...

The spell card... Mud max!

This puts clayman in overdrive...

To the tune of extra supercharged attack points!

Oh and guess what, amnael?

I'm gonna use 'em all right now to run over your life points!

So hit it clayman!

Put the pedal to the metal and attack!

I activate the effect of elemental absorber!

By simply removing the rock spirit from play

I can negate the attack of that earth attribute monster!

[Thinking] oh, man.

It's like he has a card to cancel out

Every attribute monster in my deck.

I warned you, jaden...

To be triumphant you will need to use your cards

In a way you've never used them before.

You will need to become a better duelist than you've ever been,

If not, you will join your friends.

Oh, I'll be joining my friends alright...

When I free 'em!

Then you had better "get your game on"

Because you have already fallen far behind.

And you're about to fall even further!


I activate the spell card white process--albedo!

And thanks to it, I can now summon golden homunculus!

Oh! Ah!

Forged in fire,

Golden homunculus doesn't work like any other card you've seen.

You see, his attack points and defense points

Are equal to the number of cards that I've removed from play

And then multiplied by !

So, since I have removed cards so far,

His attack points become ,!

And your life points are about to become zero!

It is over, jaden.

And I was expecting so much more from you.

Attack, alchemy beasts!

Sonic searer!

Screaming stream!

Shockwave slivers!

Oh! Ah!


He got nailed!

But I'm not finished yet.

Now, golden homunculus attack!

Stone shard storm!

You are beaten.

Ha ha ha!

What the--?!

Hate to disappoint ya, but I'm still here!

Know why?

Because when you att*cked,

I used the effect of my equip spell:

Mud max.

Now by destroying it,

Your attack's cancelled out!

But hold on, amnael-- there's something else.

Someone rather...

Cuz I also get to summon an elemental hero!

And I'm bringing out avian!


I'm not done! Ha!

Next I'm gonna play...

Elemental hero burstinatrix!

Now let's use some of these monsters!

Go avian!

Attack with quill cascade!

Go elemental absorber!

I remove garuda the wind spirit to negate your attack!

And since another card has been removed from the game,

The attack points of golden homunculus increase!

Yeah, yeah... Now, burstinatrix!


Flare storm!

I remove spirit of flames to negate your attack!

Go elemental absorber!

Aw, man.

Nothing's getting through to do damage!

I know!

That elemental absorber keeps canceling out his att*cks!

It's cool!

I guess that I'll just have to use something

Other than my elemental heroes then!

So I'm gonna play... Burst return!

See, when burstinatrix is on the field,

This card lets me return all other elemental heroes

Back to my hand!

So...time to come on back, guys!

And next I'll activate...

The spell card burst impact!

Oh yeah!

Now all monsters out, other than burstinatrix...

Are destroyed!

And then you take points of damage for each of them!

Now go, burst impact!

Ah! Argh!


Alright, way to play, jay!

I knew that'd he'd turn this duel around sooner or later!!



You here to help cheer jaden on?

Oh great, you can watch with me!




No, pharaoh!

That guy's dangerous!

Um, pharaoh?

W-what's going on?

But pharaoh's never that friendly with strangers!

Chumley's right.

Then... Amnael...

Is no stranger. To pharaoh. Or to you.


Can't be...

Professor banner?!

Wait, if you're banner, then...

Who's... That mummy?

That mummy is also me...

Oh, my children, there is more going on here

Than you could possibly imagine!

But the truth will be revealed soon enough!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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