03x01 - Bir Milletin Dirilisi

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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03x01 - Bir Milletin Dirilisi

Post by bunniefuu »

With the 99 names

of the omnipotent God
who fills our hearts with faith...

Holy God!

Dear God,

demolish the traps
on our way of holy voyage.

Keep us alert in the face of the enemy.

Dear God,

let our weapons be
as mighty as the Zulfiqar

and our hearts be
as brave as Imam Ali's heart.

Don't give the chance
to those who want to

destroy our brotherhood, unity and peace.

We ask for only thy help,

we bow only to thou.

Don't leave us alone, my God.

Praise be to God!

Praise to God!

Praise be to God!

Praise to God!

Praise be to God!

Praise to God!

Praise be to God!

Praise to God!

We've secured the perimeters, sir.

Very well.

Ertuğrul should be here any moment.



Our sultan sends his regards to you.

He is very pleased with your services.

I heard the dog has become the new vizier.

Sometimes dirty people are needed
for the dirty work.

The state should be clean at all times.

It should cleanse the source of the dirt

in order to prevent us from drowning
in that dirt one day.

No doubt our sultan has a plan.

That's also what I hope.

The sultan has a new task for you.

I'd be honored.


will conquer Karacahisar.

It plays a key role.

If we conquer Karacahisar

then we can take all the Byzantium lands
to Constantinople.

We've gotten rid of the traitors.

Now is the time to conquer.

With God's permission, we'll do our best.

We will handle this
without alerting anyone.


will look as weak as possible.

No one will expect any danger

neither financially nor militarily.

We can handle looking like a tamed sheep.


According to the intel from Constantinople

Crusaders are getting prepared
for a new crusade.

They intend to drive us away
from these lands.

And we intend to
make these lands our home.

This one is different, Sir Ertuğrul.

All the enemies joined forces.

Making preparations to attack us
with all the power they have.

Then we Turks will defend our country
until the last drop of our blood.


we will act quick
and barricade their attack.


That's exactly what we want.

Defense begins on the enemy territory.


we might lose our homeland.


listen carefully to what I have to say.

The sultan's spy in Constantinople
will bring a name to you.

This name belongs to...

the spy of the Templars.

The devil himself.

His purpose...

is to pave the way for the crusaders
in our lands.

I know all too well about the sultan's spy
in Constantinople.

We won't be able to conquer Karacahisar
until the Templar spy is dead.

Where will I find him?


The inn...



Get that traitor!


What the hell?

Your people att*cked.

Not ours, they were Iznik's Templars.

Damn idiots.

My sultan, the spy in Constantinople,
will come to the Bazaar at the inn.

He will reveal
the name of the Templars' leader.

To whom?

Inglorious bastards.


He told a man with a covered face
everything you discussed.

Did he reveal our identities?

Stopped talking
when my arrow went through his neck.

Good lad!

You have spared us from big trouble.

We have two different enemies, sir.

First one is those who can be seen,

the other one is the unseen bastards.

It's even better, my lad.
One goes, the other comes.

We won't be out of options.

Our w*r is on a different level now.

We must be alert at all times here.

They have created games within games.

In order to destroy these traps,
we will do what they do.

Sir, let us cut their tongues

and deliver them
from their lies and traps.

To achieve victory in this holy voyage

we shall now design our own traps
for them.

First, let's bury our martyrs

then we will go for the bazaar
at the inn.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

"Don't descript those who die
in the pursuit of Allah's way as dead.

On the contrary, they are alive.

Yet, you cannot see them."



May you have control
over your body and mind.

Don't look for your daily bread anywhere

but in God's presence.

May you not waste your intelligence
and skills for anything but good.

I give the hand.

I have the end.

May you not hurt a single creature.

May you not have dirt on your hands.

May you not lay eyes on evil.

I'll do all I can to be the remedy,

to be the cure

and to be worthy of my mentor.

Appreciate it, son.

May God help you.



My brother!

Gündüz! My brother!


Don't cry, my little lamb, what happened?

My sweetie, don't cry.

Don't cry.

There's blood all over the child's face.

You can't even take care
of a child, Günkut.

Lady Halime, I swear to God
it's not my fault.

My girl, boys grow up
having such experiences.

It's their mothers' duty to straighten
and sharpen these experiences.

If you keep hugging and coddling him

anytime he gets hurt...

then you'll raise a coward,
not a brave man.

You're right, Mother.

Thank you.

My Gündüz will be brave just like his dad

and his uncles.

So İshak's first patient is my Gündüz.

How is the inventory?

I'll start allocation in a moment.

But if Ertuğrul comes with an empty hand
then we'll have a hard time.

You go deal with your tasks,
I will take care of Gündüz.

-Günkut, help her out.

My sweet lamb...

Women with children get in line for flour.

The old and sick should get in that line
for buckwheat.

Come on, hand over your pots.


Which of my children am I supposed to feed
with only this much flour, Lady Halime?

Patience, sisters.
Just a little more patience.

We've been patiently waiting for months,
still all we get is a pot of flour!

The animals are wasted,
nothing to hunt on the mountains.

We are starving, enough is enough.

What are we supposed to eat?
Where are we supposed to find bread?

Enough is enough.

Is this what we get
for months of suffering?

What did we do wrong?

Enough is enough.

Sir Ertuğrul didn't promise you
a garden of flowers without thorns.

He said that the road would be tough.

He said it'd be a tough ride
for all the travelers.

What is it you are after now?

Lady Halime!

It is Sir Ertuğrul's road
that has put us in this situation.

She is right.

Humor me...

who is the one
that left the tribe to starve?

Come on, who is the one?

Alp Doğan gave his life for Ertuğrul
without hesitation...

and now here you are talking like this.

Know your place, Banu Cicek.

That's all we have
in the inventory for now.

Don't spice things up
so we can eat in peace.

The reluctant ones can leave.


Where are we supposed to go?


Troubled apostles of Jesus!

Wise exiled-traders of Moses!

Muhammed's first warriors!

The bazaar of Simon is at your service

in order to strengthen you,
fill your pockets with gold

and to rain prosperity over you.

How will you identify sultan's spy
in this crowd, brother?

If your eyes don't recognize
those on your side...

and your heart doesn't know
those who walk with you...

then you have already lost the w*r.

Sir, let's see who will taste
the rage of our swords here.


if you stand still, then it'll be better
for our pockets instead of our swords.

So be it.

Simon, the owner of the bazaar at the inn,

where silk meets with cashmere,

food is fumigated with spices,

households fancied with fabric

awaits you.




Follow me!

Well, brother,

the voice of that dwarf
is almost equal to that of a bear's.

How come he is able to have such a voice?

I wish we found
some of that in the bazaar.

The one thought of setting up this bazaar

should be feared, brother.

Come on.

How come the idiots in Constantinople
can't hide my identity from the spy!

But they don't know
you are a Templar, Sir Simon.

But they do know we serve the Pope
and the crusaders.

The fault is absolutely
with the Grand Master Benedictus.

They will pay for that.

I will make them pay for that.

I will take this issue

to the high council of Templars,
as soon as possible.

Don't they know
what their stupidity will cost us?

What if our presence from Iznik to Konya
suffers a downfall?

What if Sultan Aladdin's army reach there
before the Crusaders

and conquer those lands?

Damn it!

We couldn't even identify him.

What are we going to do, Sir Simon?

We can figure out everything
if we catch the guy from Constantinople.

The bazaar opens today.

There will be thousands of men.

How will I identify him?

Coming from Constantinople,
Sultan's spy can't be an ordinary man.

He will disguise himself
with a trusted profile.

The best he can do is a knight.

Your wit is frightening, Sir Simon.

Set a trap on the way to the inn.

Have the first knight you see
in your claws.

How old is he?

We have survived a long winter,

and a summer with a temperature of hell.

Our pockets are hungry for gold.

Both my bazaar and inn
will be at your service

until the winds of winter cut our faces.

Of course, only if you have goods to sell
or have gold to purchase goods.

You will find the most precious goods
from Constantinople

to China, on the stands of this bazaar.

If you are the owner,
then I will be responsible

for the safety of your stands
and the goods on your stands.


Some of you already know,
if not let it be known.

This bazaar belongs to Simon!

May all your pockets be filled with gold.

Sir Simon, Johannes Batakis
is the emperor of the Byzantine

and you are the emperor of this bazaar.

Long live Simon!

Long live Simon!

My sister, Maria, has made
a grand preparation for you.

Let everyone feast on it.

Long live Simon!

Sir Ertuğrul of the Kayi Tribe...

so you visit bazaars, huh?

Sir Ural from the Cavdar Tatars.

I heard that
the bazaars long to see brave men.

So here we are.

Did you come all the way
just to sell those animal skins?

Let alone myself...

not to anyone in this bazaar...

Just get to know your world, Sir Ertuğrul.

Get to know this world.

Look, people bring a ton of goods
all the way

from China, Venice, India.


Bringing a couple of carcass skins
to a bazaar that is under your nose.

Look at that man.

He makes a fortune every single day,
the likes of which you will never see.

Do you know why?

He puts his mind to work
instead of his sword, that's why.

Be careful though.

You wouldn't even know how
to buy and sell goods.


Don't sell those skins for nothing.

Don't go back to the tribe
with empty hands.

Sir Ural...

I got to know many people

who want to give away all their gold
while suffering under my sword.


I haven't met a brave man

who would give away his sword
in return of gold.

You are a smart fellow, Sir Ertuğrul.

Look, these men here today

are not chasing after swords or battles.

And you?

You are chasing gold.


Don't forget what I have said.

Be careful.

First wines are on me.

Long live Simon!

Long live Simon!


This is not our guy.

Here comes the degenerate. Be ready.

But, sir, he is a knight.

Not a knight.

He is the spy we're looking for.

Tie his hands and mouth tight.

We need this degenerate alive.


this seems like a nice place.

We can sell the skins here.

Let's set the stand here.

Yes, sir.

I wish Doğan was here.

We could have him do the chores.

Here I go.

I will have a look around.

Safeguard the stand.

-Yes, sir.

You go visit the tradesmen
who sells wheat.

Yes, sir.

Sir Simon, I'm just curious,
what do you do with all the gold?

Curiosity is a good thing, Sir Ural.

As far as I heard, Sir Toktamış is
also curious about your business.

Asking everyone about you.

Accursed bastard.

Looking for his doom.

You can take care of him
when the time is right.

I also have good news for you.

Sultan Aladdin's man,
what was his name...

Sadettin Kobek.

Yes, that one.

I learned this from a tradesman of Konya,

Sadettin has become vizier to the sultan.


that means I have the backup now.

The goods coming from Konya
will be your responsibility now.

You will earn nicely.

If you don't do anything wrong...

you will earn, too.

But if you do...

The man who has great confidence.

Who is he?

I saw him talking to you.

Ertuğrul, son of Süleyman Shah.

Very skilled on the b*ttlefield.

Here to sell a couple of carcass skins.

But it feels like
his eyes are looking for something else.

Help me God.

Let me see the man sent by the sultan.
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