03x04 - Hakikatin Pesinde, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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03x04 - Hakikatin Pesinde, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


Yes, Father.

I see you are distracted, my daughter.
What's on your mind?

Ertuğrul Bey.

Today, he saved an old sl*ve
who was about to die, Father.

He did it by cutting back on the bread
that his village folk needed.

What are you trying to say, daughter?

I believe we have lost our compassion
for quite some time now.

Did you find an answer Aslıhan Hatun?

I did Çolpan Hatun. I did.

When we went after gold and not valor...

that is the day we lost.

What was the matter
you wanted to discuss, Father?

Leave us, Çolpan!

You stay, Aslıhan.


Çolpan is my wife.
She does not deserve this treatment.

I have things to attend to, Ural Bey.

With your permission.

Because of the embarrassing situation
you put me in today,

I have seen it fit
to take certain precautions.

You still believe the words
of that coward?

You know exactly
what I am going to say, Ural.

What I will tell you, you already know.






Brother? Are you all right?

If not for my armor
I would have died, Marina.

I'd have suffered eternally in Heaven
for not fulfilling my duty.

Sultan Alaeddin's spy got away.

We saw that he was not alone
and that we are surrounded by traitors.

Did you see their faces? I didn't.

We saw not their faces,
but what they are capable of.

Even that is an important gain for us.

But the knight got away.

Don't worry. I got him.

He won't make it with that arrow wound.

You are my angel, Maria.

Are you all right, my bey?

I'm fine, Turgut. I'm fine.

The devil Tristan
crushed him hard, my bey.

This is not his doing, Turgut.

He just finished him off.

If they'd got all the information
out of the spy, we might have been saved.

These spies are not easy to swallow.

They stick to your throat.

They did this because he didn't talk.

So, our secret is still a secret.

Agreed, my bey.


What is that mark, my bey?

It's the name of our enemy.

Who, my bey?

John the Baptist.

God Almighty!
I am your servant, John the Baptist.

Loyal servant of Jesus.

I will be your son, Jesus' sl*ve,
on my holy pilgrimage.

I will take Jerusalem, the holy land
of our Virgin Mary, from the Muslims.

I will rebuild Solomon's Temple.

And Simon swore an oath to Jesus.

My God, I will walk through dungeons
and die with you.


Step aside!

Who did this? Who? How could they?

Who did this?

Don't let Toktamış Bey's death be in vain!

What have they done to Toktamış?

-They will pay!

His death won't be in vain!
Don't let Toktamış Bey's death be in vain!


What a shame!

Shut your mouths!

Valiant warriors of the prairie!

Bronze hearted lions of the Tatars!

Last night...

this infidel,
who treacherously att*cked...

our bey, our village...

and its sons, has gotten

what he deserved.

While our Cavdar Bey fights heart and soul
so that our empire may grow,

our empire may prosper
and become more fruitful, this dog...

tried to s*ab him in the back.

He who att*cks our Candar Bey's marquee

will die a horrible death.

This dog that att*cked Candar Bey
will hang here to set an example.

Enemies of our people
will see their fate in his eyes.

When jackals ambushed me
in the caves of the prairie...

he gave everything he had.

We swore to be blood brothers
in the shadow of great sycamores.

We warded off Azrael in many a battle.

I went on to wage w*r...

leaving my wife and kids in his care.

How could he...

betray me like this?

Give me your hands, Father.

They say you were born in sin.

I wish the ground had broken and the sky
had fallen, just so this wouldn't happen.

This betrayal as I am getting ready
to part with this world...

has taken away all my life, my dear.

Toktamış would have done this
for a reason, Father.

We need to figure out what that was.

I would give my life to know what it was,
my valiant daughter.

My life!

I wish you hadn't left that body out,
my bey.

A bey...

should know how to hit
three birds with one stone.

Toktamış's death will make them rise up.


your father...

will also learn to give in.

He will not trust anyone
but himself and I.


If he reveals your secret one day...

Then we will know to introduce him
to Azrael too.

My Çolpan,
why do you worry yourself with this?

I have no worries with you by my side.

But something inside me says
the corpse shouldn't be on display.

Tell that blind devil
that so worries you...

that I will take out his other eye.

Any word on the kilims?

I had the best kilims,
the finest rugs ordered for you.

I will play those Venetian infidels
so that...

they'll place sacks of gold
in my palm without question.

And I will lay the gold out
in front of my father to see.

Then he will forget about Toktamış.

Let us not leave Candar Bey alone,
mourning for Toktamış.

-Come with me to the marketplace.
-I would like that.

I also have things to buy.

Let me tend to your wound.


I sent for my brother, Aliyar,
without your permission.

I miss him.

You're like your mother, Aslıhan.

You're always up to something.

The people need my brother, Aliyar.

Aliyar is now a Tatar
who has lost his warrior spirit.

They say he who wields a pen
can no longer wield a sword.

-Are the kilims ready?
-They are, my bey.

-Çolpan Hatun prepared them all.
-Aslıhan will go with you.

Çolpan Hatun was going to assist, my bey.

Didn't you hear Candar Bey, Ural?

It's apparent that my father
wishes me to be by his side.

If the Venetians
ask anything about the kilims,

Aslıhan should be with you.

After all, as a woman
she knows more about kilims than you.


No, Artuk Bey, this won't do. We have been
up against difficulties for so long now.

We did as Ertuğrul Bey commanded.
However, he has forgotten Oghuz law.

Artuk Bey is right, my bey.
What is this denial of assembly?

We would die for our bey, Artuk Bey.

But as it is the right of the beys
to ask for an assembly,

it is the duty of the bey of the camp
to accept it.

Ertuğrul Bey has disregarded the law
as he has disregarded us.

Valiant Beys of the Kayi,
foremost of our boys,

what you say is true.

It is. However, hear me out too.

I know you all want
what's good for the camp

and worry about
the future of your children, your tent.

It is true that our camp is going through
rough times.

However, God Almighty says in the Quran,

"There is comfort
after those difficulties."

Not a day has passed
without worry and difficulty

since we left for these lands.

It seems our fate will continue to be so.

However, know that
we are not to blame for this.

The sword
cannot be forged without being beaten.

These sorrows will make us stronger.

But know that the biggest of sorrows
is bestowed upon our Bey.

While we cannot even deal with
our own problems and give up,

he is up against the difficulties
of the whole camp.

His refusal of the assembly request
just shows how big that difficulty is.

In the end, we know that weapons need men.

Men need states, states need rulers.

And rulers need laws.


That's true, Artuk Bey.

Law is the heart of the state.

Without law, the state is a lifeless body.

Just as a state cannot live without law,
a beylik cannot either.

You know that the mountain
holds up the land.

And the bey holds up the camp.

Our bey knows this best.

Ertuğrul Bey will hold the assembly soon
and do his part, God willing.

-God willing.
-God willing.

What's the situation?

These goods
are not worth the ride to the marketplace.

So it's bad.

How are we to persuade these people at w*r
if we can't persuade them to trade kilim?

Ertuğrul must return to the camp at once.

Artuk Bey is coming with the people.
I hope it's good news.

It wasn't about the kilims, Hayme Hatun.

They resented our bey
not organizing the assembly.

How sensitive the Kayi camp has gotten.

You can't organize a wedding ceremony
with them, let alone an assembly.


Thank god you got back safe.
How was the hunt?

Fruitful, Dundar.

-Power to your elbow, Halime Hatun.
-Thank you.

But we haven't accumulated enough kilims.

Don't worry about it. I know my boys.

They will bring whatever they have left.

My bey, you know
my sons and I always believed in you.

I gave up everything for you.

This is the last kilim
I and my orphaned grandson have.

-You can have this too.
-Thank you, Hatun.

The Kayi will rise
on the shoulders of people like you.

Thank you. May God bless you.

Ertuğrul Bey, this is yours
and our last chance.

If you don't succeed this time either,
know that you won't keep us in this land.

-Yes, my bey.

-Gather the kilims.
-Yes, my bey.

You, come with me. We shall consult.

-Yes, my bey.


Last night the Templars were humiliated.

The enemy that we tried to entrap
ruined our plan.

What do we do now, sir?

First, we find out who our enemy is.

This enemy is like us.
It does not give itself up.

It's the first time we've encountered
a worthy enemy.

The enemy does not give itself up, my bey.

My bey, these are the ones
that came our way before.

They are not as smart as we thought.

They've thrown away a big fish, my bey.

One that doesn't drown in a wild river
but flows in the depths, Turgut.

You are right, Artuk Bey.

We fought Noyan, my bey.
These will be light work.

We knew who the Noyan were, Turgut.

A valiant enemy is something else.

However, these are dishonorable.

How will we identify him?

He came once, he will come again.

He probably wants to know who we are.

We should watch everyone
at the marketplace.

Be aware of every step that is taken.

You will closely follow anyone
who makes a lot of money,

is trading out of nowhere
and has the ability to wage w*r.

-Leave the Muslims to me.
-And the others to me.

We will use Tristan as bait.

They will definitely come to capture him.

We only have a name. John the Baptist.

First, we must capture that sl*ve dealer.
He will take us to him.

Put Dumrul on this task, Turgut Alp.

Yes, my bey.


they might want to use Tristan as bait
and lure us into a trap.

Well, would you look at Turgut!
As sharp as a needle.

Praise be to my brother! Praise be!

You are right, Turgut Alp.
Dumrul must cover his tracks.

Just gather information.

We will follow everyone.

The merchants,
the customers that come and go...

the people, everyone.

And they will follow us.

Let's see where our paths collide.


it is time to load the kilims
and be on our way.

The Venetians await us.

-Yes, my bey.
-Yes, my bey.

My bey. God forbid, if we can't sell
the kilims, the people will lose hope.

I will find a way to sell them, Artuk Bey.

I cannot show my face in the camp.

I see, my bey.

My bey, I would also like you to
hear out Hacaturyan.

On what grounds?

He might be God's blessing to us.

Let him come in.


I am listening.

Ertuğrul Bey...

like I said before,
I will most certainly repay my debt.

I explained to Artuk Bey.

I have a plan.

A creek.

A pine tree at the beginning of the river.

Inside the river, oski...

Gold! Lots of gold.

Ertuğrul Bey, if you can
get me the required equipment,

-I will dig out that gold.
-What is it that you need?

Long birches, and then hammers,
for we will mine... Sieves...

Okay then.
I will get them from the market.

Pile the kilims on the front.
The Venetians will be able to carry them.

Both you and my brother are so sure
that the Venetians will buy our goods.

I'm sure of everything Ural Bey does.

Are you sure Toktamış is a traitor then?

For me, anyone who draws a sword
on Ural Bey is a traitor, Aslıhan Hatun.

-Is everything ready?
-Yes, my bey. The animals too.

-We can move the goods at your command.

We brought all these goods.
What if we can't sell them, brother?

There are no goods at this market
that Ural Bey can't sell.

So, the Venetians await.

I'll come too.

I have a private matter
to discuss with Simon.

Batuhan will bring you in later.
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