03x05 - Dirilis Ruhu

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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03x05 - Dirilis Ruhu

Post by bunniefuu »

My dear friend Simon.

That's why I like you.

I'm told there was trouble yesterday
in the bazaar...

and you don't even care.

I'm resting my soul.

Toktamış' departure from this world
has made me quite happy.

No one can prevent us filling our pockets
with tons of gold now.

This time it's not 50-50, Sir Simon.

What do you mean?

Thanks to you, getting rid of Toktamış
was easy.

But you must have some patience
until I restore my credibility

with my father.

Take one tenth of the market share
and leave.

As long as you have this cunning
you'll never be able to restore it.

Now that your brother Aliyar
has arrived in the tribe,

your father will give the responsibility
to your decent brother.

Keep your eyes away from my tribe.

Or else you won't get to see
any beauty in the world again.

Calm down, my dear fellow.
It's just friendly advice.


the beauty is hidden in the details.

That's why you Turks don't understand
women's spirit.

This amulet will make Lady Çolpan
quite happy.

And, my dear partner...

a happy woman means...

a powerful man.

Oh, mankind! You have never given up...

on the cunning of your ancestor, Cain.

Don't bother your conscience, sir.

The punishment was necessary
for the traitor.

Yes, but do you think other traitors
will get the message?

Sir Aliyar is coming, sir.

Aslıhan said you were coming
but I wasn't expecting you so soon.

-When Aslıhan said to come quick,

I got worried, Father.

I thought something happened to you.
Thank God you're well.

-Thank God.
-Welcome, Sir Aliyar.

Thank you, Aunt. Thank you.


Isn't that Sir Toktamış?

What happened to him, Father?
Who took his life?

Father. What's going on?

Treason was punished.

What treason?

Yesterday he tried to k*ll me
and your brother.

But why, Father?
He was your brother, your comrade.

Son, sadly I had to witness
the treason of my blood brother.

Sir Ural did it for all to see.


The soul is God's gift to the body.

It's the soul which should be punished,
not the body.

Father, let us wash and bury him...

as is appropriate for us.

Even your revenge should be fair.

In a just way.

Very well, son.

Have him buried without a prayer funeral
after being cleaned.

Kutluca, come.

I brought the Venetian tradesmen to you.

We agreed to split the earnings 50-50.

Have some patience, Sir Simon.

You'll get more than you deserve
once I've restored my credibility

in these unclaimed lands.

Ricardo, my dear friend.

Here is the fellow I'd like you to meet,
Ural Bey of Cavdar tribe.

Open up.

I'll pay two gold pieces per rug.

You have to pay at least three.

Why would these rugs
be worth that much?

-Our rugs--
-For once...

they are the best you can find.

With no better options,

you'll have to spend days
searching for alternatives.

Additionally, I know the ship
that is taking you to Constantinople

will not wait much longer.

So, you don't have time,

and I don't have the will
to sell these rugs for less.

You seem to have forgotten
what we discussed, Ural Bey.

I have given my final word, Sir Simon.

I'll be expecting word from you.
Take them away.

You know where to find me
if you change your mind.

Is this the promise you made, Simon?
I trusted you and changed my plans.

Shut up, Ricardo. I'll figure it out.

Brother, why did you say
three gold pieces per rug?

That's not what we discussed with Father.
What will he say if we leave with nothing?

Keep out of this. Your duty
is to create rugs, mine is to sell.

They have to buy these rugs.

I'm not fool enough to let them go
without taking advantage.

They will come to me like a god
and pay me lots of gold.


Abundance of clots in the blood.

Bloodshot eyes.

A tongue the color of indigo.

A shedding skin.

What did they make you drink?

Troubled apostles of Jesus!

Trader sons of Moses.

Brave warriors of Muhammed.

Simon says, "In this bazaar

all the goods are my responsibility.

The vandals
who harassed the bazaar yesterday

will be punished as soon as possible.

If any of you knows them, you should
immediately share the information."

You will catch them. Right.

What if they don't come to you?
What if they don't buy the rugs?

-What would you say to Father?
-Shut up, Aslıhan!

You're cruel enough to obey
those who go behind my back.

-What are you saying?
-Do you think I'm fool enough

not to understand your pact
with that old man Toktamış?

I'll make you pay when the time is right.

Well, well, well!

Brave Bey of Kayi tribe, Ertuğrul.

Arriving at the scene
with his sl*ve again.

It seems your sword has got rusty.

You wander around
like a fish out of water.

It's hard
not to fail in this bazaar, Ertuğrul Bey.

God giveth and God taketh,
veteran of bazaars, Ural Bey.

It's hard not to fail in life, too.

Ertuğrul, son of Suleyman Shah,
don't forget my words.

Be careful
not to lose your goods to others.

Excuse my brother, Ertuğrul Bey.

Thank you, Lady Aslıhan.

You have brought the rugs.

We've brought all we have in the tribe.

Hopefully we will be able to sell them.

The Venetians are inside.
They failed to agree with my brother.

You can sell the rugs if the price
is less than three gold pieces per rug.

Appreciate it, Lady Aslıhan.


-Yes, sir.
-Is Dumrul ready?

Yes, sir.


-Yes, sir.
-You know what to do.

Don't you worry, sir. I won't put you
or your tribe in danger.

Hopefully, as you say.

Thank you.

Ural's bid is too high.
We trusted you and came all this way.

Do you Venetians think
you are the only traders?

We know the value of goods
very well, Simon.

What Ural demands
is a whole year's profit.

Ertuğrul Bey.

What gives?

I have 100 rugs sewn by the women
of my tribe.

I'd like to sell them.

You were sent by the son of God.

Look, Simon, look. God is with us.

I'm here with the rugs,
ready to talk with the buyer.

-How much are these?
-Five akces.

Sir, please, sir. We're hungry.
For God's sake, sir.

We are hungry. Please, sir.
For God's sake.

-Please, sir.
-For God's sake.

As-salamu alaykum.

-We are hungry, sir.
-Please, sir.

-Go away, go on.

What's up, Muslim? Do you have a problem?
Let us help you out if so.

Look, here is my stand.
Let us feed you if you are hungry.

-Rest here if you are tired.
-Much appreciated.

I don't have any problem. Take it easy.

Dundar, show them the rugs.

You are smarter than I thought,
Ertuğrul Bey.

But don't forget...

my bazaar has its rules.

One tenth of every sale is mine.

I am aware.

These rugs are the finest quality, Simon.
I've never seen anything like it.

I can sell them for at least
30 gold pieces a rug in Venice.

Ertuğrul Bey.

How much do you want for the rugs?

Three gold pieces per rug.

300 gold pieces for 100 rugs.

Why would they be worth
300 gold pieces, Turk?

These are meticulously handcrafted
by the women of my tribe.

They were meant to be gifts

for our daughters' weddings,
not intended for sale.

Well, these are the finest rugs
I have ever seen.

And about the price...
That wouldn't let me make a profit.

There's a price for taking all these
precious goods to Constantinople.

You know, bandits are everywhere.

I can handle that, too.

My Alps can take the goods
to anywhere you want in Constantinople.

You can hold me responsible
if any harm comes to it.

We have a deal, Turk.

I will abide by the rules
of the bazaar, Lord Simon.

One tenth is yours.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

How come Ertuğrul knows
the Venetians are here?

Aslıhan told him.
I overheard them talking.

Also they asked me
what happened in the bazaar yesterday.

Send a pigeon to Constantinople
right away.

Let's see what our people know
about Ertuğrul.

-Yes, sir.

You'll take the rugs to Constantinople
with the alps.

Of course, sir.

Two of my men will go with them.

They are fine musketeers.

They'll be our guests.

Hopefully, they will reach Constantinople
in peace, without any musketeering.

Lord Simon.

What happened?
Have the heathens come to their senses?

While you are sitting here
bragging like a king,

those out on their horses
chasing their bread have learned a lot.

And you are not even aware of it
because of your greed.

What the hell are you saying, Lord Simon?

The Venetians have bought what they want.

From whom?

-Who is the degenerate?

And he did it for your price.
300 gold for 100 rugs.

Nothing changed for me.
I still made my profit.

How did Ertuğrul know the Venetians
were coming to buy rugs?

Did you tell him?

Not me.


-Yes, your sister.

Ertuğrul also said they will take the rugs
to Constantinople with Senior Alp Turgut.

He will be held responsible
if any harm comes to the goods.

Smart man, knew how to win Ricardo over.

Batuhan. Where is Aslıhan?

I saw her going back to camp, sir.

You can buy whatever is needed
with this money.

Yes, sir.

Sir, Ural Bey is coming.

As if he realized his failure.

I'll talk to him.
You deal with your business.

I heard you sold all your rugs,
Ertuğrul Bey.

Showed some trading skills
in addition to your bravery.

I listened to what you said, Ural Bey.

Sold the rugs for a good price.

I like competency.
A competent rival keeps you virile.

Well, thanks to you I'll be more virile
and bold.

Excuse me.


Shall we make them pay?

It will be
an exemplary punishment, Batuhan.

Slay all the Alps of Ertuğrul.

Set the rugs ablaze.

Burn their animals alive.
Let the land be filled with their groans.

Should they know it's us?


He won't know who.

The craving for revenge
will eat him alive.

What about Lady Aslıhan, sir?

What will you do to her?

Bring it on, brother. Come on.

Here you go.

Take it easy, fellas.

I see you are in the mood.

Turgut Alp,
I didn't know you were able to laugh.

Who are these people?

These two Venetians will accompany you.
I'm sure you'll keep them safe.

I'd love to host you at our inn

and talk about your voyage.

What does she have to do with you?
I don't get it.

Obviously, Turgut Alp makes her head spin.

Just stop it!

It's inappropriate, Dundar Bey.

What is it?
You've fetched the whole bazaar.

Ertuğrul Bey asked for some materials,
I fetched them.

Well done.

We've got what we need, sir.
We can be on our way.

-Thank you, Dundar.
-We loaded the Venetians' cart

with the rugs. Ready to go.

Safe travels, Turgut Alp.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, brothers.

Sir, I got what you asked for.

Very well, then. Let's be on our way.

Yes, sir.

The wheel of fortune is spinning again.
Let's see who will be crushed this time.

Ural won't let the rugs
reach Constantinople.

With such lust in Ural,
it won't be easy for Turgut Alp.

May the Holy Spirit help him.

What's up, dear sister?

Do you want to lure Turgut Alp
into your net?

You're mistaken, Lord Simon.

My nets only serve our holy cause.

Glad to hear that.

There will be nothing left of Turgut Alp
but dust, soon.

We will enjoy setting the bandits
against each other

while Ural and the rugs burn
in the same flames.

Go for the Castle of Karacahisar
early in the morning.

They owe us a great deal.
I'd like you to negotiate with Philip.


Where is he?

-Where is the corpse of Toktamış?
-Aliyar Bey had it removed.

-Put him back where he was.
-It's too late.

Aliyar Bey had the body buried.

What have you done, Aslıhan?

What's up, brother?
Your eyes are about to pop.

I guess you couldn't take advantage
of the Venetians as you expected.

She is our sister.

Don't break hearts, brother.

Let my arm go, Aliyar.
Or I will break your heart.

If it will ease your anger...

so be it, brother.

Why did you tell him about the Venetians?

You put us in a hard place.
We couldn't sell the rugs because of you.

You lost because of your greed.
The responsibility is yours.


Enough. Come to your senses.

Well, well, well!

Aliyar, this is real life.
It's much different than in those books.

-Know your place.
-What is going on here?

What's wrong with you?

Answer me, Ural.

I was unable to sell the rugs
because of Aslıhan, Father.

Is that true, Aslıhan?

Because of me?

You wanted to sell them
for more than the agreed price.

Why don't you admit you made a mistake?

Are you trying to make me pay
for your own faults, my brother?

Is this true, Ural?

I demanded more in order to bargain.

I thought we were the only option
for the Venetians.

However, Aslıhan happened to tell Ertuğrul

that the Venetians were buying rugs.

So they bought all the rugs of Kayi tribe.


could you do that, Aslıhan?

After all our effort and sweat
trying to improve the rug house,

how could you turn a blind eye to it?

-Father, I just--
-She has stabbed us

in our backs, father.

This is a very bitter surprise, Aslıhan.
Shame on you.

I'm ashamed to have a daughter like you.

Sister Aslıhan made a mistake, Father.

The damage is done.

From now on, I don't want Aslıhan
to be with me in the bazaar dealings.

Either my wife Çolpan supports me
as the head of rug house

or you find someone else
to run the business instead of me.

It cost me 100 rugs. However,
I got rid of Aslıhan and won you.

Don't let Aslıhan get in my way again,
my Çolpan.

Don't you worry, Ural Bey.

I won't let her anywhere
near the rug house now.

Venetians were going to come to us
and buy our rugs.

The rugs of the Kayis will burn in flames.

Ertuğrul will be indebted.

I told that shepherd to go
back to his land, but he didn't listen.

He will pay dearly for it.

Maybe he will take Aslıhan with him
when he leaves, who knows?

-What do you think, my Çolpan?
-It's clear she felt for him.

She wouldn't do such a thing if not.


trust in your man, my Çolpan.

With your loyalty and my power,

the Cavdar tribe
will get what it deserves.

-Welcome back, sir.
-Welcome, sir.

-Welcome, my brave fellow.
-Welcome, Bey.

Welcome back!

Everyone will be delighted, sir.

May God watch over you.
We knew you wouldn't let us go hungry.

Thanks to you, our tribe will be filled
with joy again. God bless you, sir.

-God bless you, too.

You brought food for us, sir!

God bless you.

-My Gunduz.

Lend a hand, brothers.
Let's unload the bags.

Or we will starve
because of the long wait of unloading.

So help me God!

-May God protect him.

-Praise be.
-Dear God.

Welcome back, Son. Thank God.

Our tribe will be filled
with peace from now on.

As my mother says,
the steel met with the water.

Our tribe will find its way
just like the water does. God bless you.

We will always find our way
as long as you stand by our side.

Thank God,
our tribe is more prosperous than ever.

We have enough wheat
and flour for everyone.

May God rain prosperity over them.



God bless you, sir.

May God watch over you.

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

May God protect you.

-Long live Ertuğrul Bey!
-Long live!

Turgut Alp, we are ready to rest, sir.

Very well. Two of you stand guard
while the others are eating.

Then you'll sleep in turns.

No one shuts their eyes tonight.

-The goods we carry are of great value.
-Yes, sir.

Latin Crusaders invaded Constantinople,
torturing those of the same religion.

The Empire of Nicaea hates the Crusaders.

That's why our Sultan Alaaddin
is on good terms with the Nicaea Empire.

We are at the border lands,
the most dangerous area.

But whoever holds this line
will shape the future.
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