03x10 - Fetih Için

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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03x10 - Fetih Için

Post by bunniefuu »

This business has come to us
in our time of need.

But there is something
I've been wondering about.

Why are they offering it to us?

No gazelle runs to its hunter, Mother.

Candar Bey has his reasons.

It's payment for our Alps' blood.

Our two tribes are not at w*r,
why would they pay the price?

Who benefits from our rugs being burned?

And who makes a loss?

I suspect it was Ural Bey
who burned our rugs and k*lled our Alps.

We think Candar Bey is trying
to put out the fire set alight by his son

to prevent Ertuğrul Bey
going after him, Lady Hayme.

If it was indeed Ural Bey
who had our Alps m*rder*d,

then he must pay for it.

And if Candar Bey knows what he has done

but chooses to go this way...

then we must stay sharp.

Mother, everything points to Ural,

but we don't have any proof.

We'll stay silent until we can prove it.

Keep in mind that
these lands are dangerous.

Ertuğrul Bey, if you accept this offer,
let me and my mother manage it.

We can't leave the management
of the rug house to Colpan and Ural.

You will manage the rug house,
Sultan Halime.

That will be our only condition.

I will make them pay
for what they have done.

I put so much effort into getting
this business from the French traders.

Why, Father? Why?

So, that you can just give our
earnings away to some newcomer?

The tribe of Cavdar has got to this point

not by increasing its enemies,
but by decreasing them.

Father, you can't be sure
the Kayis are our friends or our enemies.

You talk about the power of Cavdar,

but all you're doing
is spoiling a bunch of peasants.

Let's deal with the situation properly.
We have the power for it.

I too know what we're capable of.

This partnership is necessary
for the sake of both tribes.

I don't want to hear any objections.


you will manage this.

As you wish, sir.

Ural will help you.

Sir, who will manage the rug house,
the women of the tribes?

We'll talk about that tomorrow.

Let's wait until they
accept our offer first.

That's all I have to say.

I can't understand why the old man

has suddenly decided on
making this partnership, brother.

The most important thing is that Father
has made a fair and just decision, right?

I hope there aren't any ulterior motives.

Calm down, husband.

This way, everyone
will reveal their thoughts.

You'll find out who is an enemy
and who is an ally.

The price of that will be too high
for me, Lady Colpan.

I can't stand sharing our gold
with a half-wit like Ertuğrul.

But do you know what's worse?

I've never seen...
my father look so afraid.

What is he afraid of?

Of w*r. Of spilling blood.

He used to make the earth tremble,
but now...

he's too afraid to do what must be done.

How will we prevent this partnership?

We won't... Simon will prevent it.

Why would Simon do such a thing?


always thinks of rebels like Ertuğrul...

as potential threats.

When he learns
Ertuğrul is involved in this...

he won't give him a place to rest in
his bazaar, let alone a stand.

He'll choose me!

This book contains very
valuable intelligence.

It was written by Mentor Petruccio
of the crusader region of Antakya.

Before Mentor Petruccio died,

he left us crucial information
about Ertuğrul.

He is brave, courageous,
god-fearing and religious...

He seems a worthy rival,

as noble as a templar.

But that is not enough.

We will be the ones
to complete this book.

There are two things we don't know.

Does Ertuğrul obey Sultan Alaaddin,

and if he does, is he the spy?

We'll find out tomorrow.

Disciple Tristan.

Step forward.

From now on, you are a knight.

And as a knight, your first mission

is to sacrifice yourself if that is
what's required to take down Ertuğrul.

In the name of the Father...

the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I declare you a knight.

I'll be loyal to you always, Master Simon.

He knows you caught
and exposed the spy in the bazaar.

He will certainly come after you
on the way to Lesbos.

He'll try to catch you and get you to talk
in order to learn about me.

I'm absolutely sure of it.

By setting this trap, we'll know for sure
whether Ertuğrul is actually the spy.

Knight Philip will accompany you
in your first mission.

May God protect you.

Let the ceremony begin.

The rug house can be built here
and the rugs made by our tribe.

But both sides
will want to have it in their tribe.

-What's the solution, sir?
-The answer is obvious, Artuk Bey.

The most appropriate
place is... the bazaar.

It has a critical role to play.

What are you thinking, sir?

The bazaar is the cradle of filth.
We can't clean the filth without going in.

We'll get to the source of the filth.

That's a very wise decision, sir.
Well said.

Sir? May I?

Come on in, Bamsi.

-I have news for you, sir.
-Take a seat, tell me.

Where is the trader heading?

Sir, the trader is going
to Lesbos tomorrow...

in order to buy slaves.

Then, let's give him a brand-new sl*ve.

They will use the trader as a bait.

They want to lure
the Sultan's spy into the trap.

Then we will tear that trap apart, sir,
have no fear on that score.

No, Bamsi.
We're going to give them what they want.


We're going to let them capture you?

Not me, Bamsi. The spy who'll replace me.

That will confuse John the Baptist.
He believes Ertuğrul Bey is the spy.

I see, I see.

You're suggesting they catch me
so that I can mess them up.

Not you, Bamsi.

Then who?

Go to the bazaar. He will find you.

This is where we meticulously
handcraft our rugs.

Our girls and women are very hardworking.
Each of them is a master craftswoman.

May God reward your efforts, my girl.

I heard you run this place.

You are clearly a woman of many skills.

Aslihan used to take care of this place
until she revealed her brother's business

to Ertuğrul.

This is not the place, Lady Colpan.

Watch your words
when you are with our guests.

What's the problem, my girl?

Whatever Ertuğrul has to deal with
is also our concern.

Lady Aslihan told him about the deal
between Ural and the Venetians.

Ertuğrul Bey made them a better
offer and sold them his rugs instead.

That is the nature of trade, Lady Colpan.
Certain skills are required.

My words alone are not enough.

Of course, it requires some skills.

But a good partner...
would ease the burden.

When Ertuğrul Bey makes his decision
we'll be partners not rivals.

You can tell him whatever you want then.

Hold your sword tight
and don't use the strength in your arm,

use the strength in your heart.

-Selamunaleykum, Bey.
-Aleykumselam, Aliyar Bey.

All my life, I have searched for wisdom.

I hope you have found
what you were looking for, Aliyar Bey.

Imam Ali says;
"There are two infinite things;

one is knowledge, the other is wisdom."

My search continues.

In these lands...
there is nothing but blood, sir.


The men of these lands must be brutal,
Ertuğrul Bey.

Or else...
they're food for the worms.

Got to keep yourself trained.

But you should be merciful while training,
Ural Bey.

There is no place for mercy
in fighting, Ertuğrul Bey,

else you'll give your enemy
the chance to s*ab you in the back.

Then try to make friends, Ural Bey.


There comes a time
when even your brother leaves you.

You of all people should know that.

Ertuğrul Bey.

We are ready.

Excuse me, Bey.

I'll go check on the preparations.

Very well, Aliyar Bey.

I heard Lady Aslihan
got into trouble for your sake.

Her father demoted her
because she told you about the Venetians.

Are you sad because
Lady Aslihan got demoted

or because she told me
about the Venetians?

No, my husband. May she live long.

Thanks to her we sold our rugs.

But I wish I'd known about it.

So that I could have
thanked her in person.

Then have no worries. You'll have
plenty of time to talk to each other.

Thanks, thanks!

Come here! Come here, kid!

Come here, kid! Come here!

Don't run! Damn!

Going after a kid for a piece of ham?
You should be ashamed of yourself.

It's not about the ham, it's about
the kid thinking he can steal from me.

I might believe that if I didn't know you.

I told you that big belly of yours
would get you into trouble, you half-wit.

Hold your horses. Don't.

Come with me.

My comrade.

My dearest friend.

What have they done to you?
You've turned into a beggar.

Looks good on you.

So, how is work?
Manage to earn a couple of coins?

I wish. No one listens to
their consciences anymore.

I'm just glad not to get beaten up.

I see you are healthy.

You've got bigger.

Bigger? No, my friend, no.

We weren't even able
to eat properly until yesterday.

Ertuğrul Bey managed
to sell the rugs, thank God.

I know, brother.
I know about everything.

You really thought I was a beggar?

I'm always in contact with Ertuğrul Bey.

My brother, my comrade.

Welcome back, my brother!

Anytime I find myself in pain...

I look out the window, too.

It's like a horseman
from some far-off land...

will come and take me away from here,

take me away from all the pain.

I've prepared some medicinal tea for you.

It'll ease your pain.

Thank you.

They won't be able to come...
those I wait for.

They all...

lie deep in the ground, now.

I only see my own painful end...

when I look out the window.

You and I look at the same place
and see the same thing.

I could show you my dreams...
if you wanted to see them.

I have been living
in other people's dreams.

That's why I'm in this mess right now.

From now on,

I will see my own dreams...

even if they turn into nightmares.

Selamunaleykum. Well...

May I, brother?

Aleykumselam, Bamsi.

If you are here
to talk about your tribe...

you should know that
I haven't changed my mind.

What happened to you, brother?

Did the sword of the heathen

rip through your soul
as well as your body?

It wasn't the heathen's sword
that ripped through my soul...

It was Ertuğrul Bey.

We lost our loved ones...

because of the decisions he made.

I still grieve for my girl.

Not only that...

we left our home,
and our loved ones behind.

Despite everything,

we stood by his side,
even when his own brother didn't.

And what did he do?

He made us bait, to sell his goods.

He risks our lives so he can make money,

just like he risks them when we fight.

Ertuğrul Bey is neither a skilled
trader nor a good warrior.


Do you hear what you are saying?

Brother, what have they done to you?

Have they poisoned your mind?

These words don't belong to you.

I will burn this inn down
if you have poisoned my comrade.



I'm in my right mind.

More so than ever.

From now on...
there is only one way for me.

And it's my own way.

You can have... the way of Ertuğrul Bey.


will not deviate from his way.

We made a promise.

A promise.

You have broken that promise, brother.

You have gone against its principles.

The shame of that
should be enough for you.

I'll take my leave now.

Bamsi Alp.

Bamsi Alp, wait.

I'm so sorry.

But you should try to understand Turgut.

Just like you, he's been through a lot.

Maybe you should listen to him?

Actually, actually maybe
his tongue should be torn out!

Sometimes v*olence isn't the solution,
Bamsi Alp.

Instead of cutting out his tongue, why
don't you tell him what you want to hear?

I'll cut his tongue off first,

then it's down to you whether you use it
to get him to talk or to cook it.

We prefer to cook venison.
Would you like to have some?

I've already had my fill. I have.

Get out of my way if you don't
want to have some of me.

Funny fellow.

I see Turgut has lost his loyalty.

Loyalty for a Turk
is more precious than food.

An Alp who swears loyalty to no one
is like a body without a soul.

But Turgut has been here before.

He has lost his loyalty before.

But then he went back to his tribe.

We read that in the Mentor's book.

Do you think Turgut is playing with us?

He is a Turk.

Turks don't turn their backs
on their leaders easily.

You should get more intimate
in order to find out.

Do whatever is necessary,
but don't fall in love.

He is nothing more
than prey to me, brother.

Let's hope Turgut Alp really has
turned his back on his master.

Then we can draw new paths for him.

And if he is lying...

then we will chop his head off.

We considered your offer
and have decided to accept it, Candar Bey.

We hope it will be good for both tribes.

But we have some conditions.

I hope it'll be good for both tribes, too.

What are your conditions?

You should deal with
the financial side of things,

as you are the more experienced trader.

We suggest it would be appropriate
to conduct our business in the bazaar,

because of the effort involved
in transporting the goods to the bazaar.

The rugs should be designed
and sold in the bazaar.

You are right, Ertuğrul Bey.

There is a considerable distance
between our two tribes.

It makes sense to meet
at a midway point.

We also suggest that Lady Halime
takes charge of the rug house.

She will lead the way for the women.

Deal, Ertuğrul Bey.

My daughter Aslihan
and my daughter-in-law Lady Colpan

will help Lady Halime any way they can.

My son Aliyar is an educated man.

I trust his honesty more than anything.

It'd be appropriate for him
to deal with the trade.

I have no doubts about Aliyar Bey.

So, all there is left to do
is to find a place in the bazaar.

My son Ural...

will talk to the owner Simon
and take care of it.

Ural, go to the bazaar with Aliyar
first thing in the morning.

Have Aliyar meet with Simon
and inform him of our decision.

Tell him we'd like to have a place
where we can set up the rug house.

What if Simon doesn't agree?

Simon is a trader, son.

All he cares about is money.

Do as I say and leave the rest.

-Best wishes.
-Best wishes.

-Best wishes.
-Best wishes.


May God make our earnings

fortunate and blessed.


May God help both our tribes.

-Al Fatiha.

Get lost, Comrade Bamsi.
You know what to do.

Got any change, sir?

Any change you give to the man in need...

will find its way back to you.

Wait for it.


Don't disturb the masters
or you'll get a beating.

May God protect you, little master.

Don't interfere with God's business.

He wouldn't ask you who to protect.
Get lost before I beat you up.

Do I have your permission, Artuk Bey?

Please, Aliyar Bey.

Permission is God's to give.

This tongue belongs to a certain
someone who died recently.

But I have some doubts about it.

With your knowledge of medicine,

can you find out if he was poisoned?

I can try, Aliyar Bey. I can try.

But who was this unfortunate person?

He was a poor soul.

I have things to do in the bazaar.

Then I will come visit your tent.

If you manage
to get this tongue to speak...

you can tell me everything then.

Very well.

Ertuğrul Bey, may our partnership
be fruitful for both our tribes.


Unity means power, Candar Bey.
Now it's time for us to work.

Don't worry.

Aliyar and Ural will talk
to Simon and handle everything.

I have no doubts, Candar Bey.

Lady Aslihan and Lady Halime
will also do their best.

But... don't be angry with her,
because of the deal with the Venetians.

Our earnings and paths are the same.

We must be leaving.
Thank you for hosting us.

Safe travels.

May God protect you.

We will always be glad to host you here.

You have my blessings.

And you have mine.

We're leaving with a heavy heart.

May your tribe be happy
and our friendship eternal.

Ertuğrul Bey is a brave
and decent man, Father.

This partnership will be good
for both tribes.

As long as you contain Ural,
it will be good.

Take care of him.

It's time you got to work
on your part of the deal.

Brother, we need to go.

I'm ready, Aliyar.
It's you who's fooling around.


The Alp whose leg was broken
during training is not doing well.

His leg is swollen.
We don't know what to do.

These Alps seem to be weak.

It's just his leg, just get him fixed.

Where is he, Batuhan?

I'll take a look.


We have a meeting with Simon.
Let's not be late.

He is our Alp, brother.
Simon can wait.



Now it's your turn, Simon.

Are you trying to make
a fool of me, Batuhan?

Nothing's wrong with this man!

He was groaning, sir.
He thought he was going to die.


Go get my horse.
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