02x03 - The Secrets of My Prison House

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Outrageous Fortune". Aired: 12 July 2005 – 9 November 2010.*
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Series followed the lives of the career criminal West family after the matriarch, Cheryl, decided the family should go straight and abide by the law.
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02x03 - The Secrets of My Prison House

Post by bunniefuu »

If my family find out about this,
I will be so excommunicated.

You said you'd look after me.
Toughen up, man.

When Wolf gets out of jail,
he will nail my balls—

He's not getting out.
Looks good, Dad.

I can't do the verge. My parole
officer reckons going that far from
the house may set off the alarm.

Have you tried it?

No, honey. If I set off the alarm,
I violate my parole and go back to

Oh yeah.

Look, he's back. It's a fact.

I think about you. A lot.

I think about you too.


♪ Ain't no thug like a Titirangi
thug, cos a Titirangi thug's,
like, 'Pow!'

♪ Ain't no thug like a Titirangi
thug, cos a Titirangi thug's,
like, 'Pow!' ♪




Gardening, Wolfgang.

I live for the
gardening, Mr Schroder.

Come in.

Thank you.

And how are you feeling?
Within yourself?

How do you mean, Mr Schroder?

Oh, Brian. Try not to think of
me as your probation officer.

All right, I won't.

I want to keep our sessions as
informal as I can. I'm here to
help you through this.


A lot of male offenders find it more
difficult than they'd imagined,
adjusting to home detention.

I don't really think of myself
as an 'offender', Brian.

If you weren't, Wolf,
I wouldn't be here.

Getting plenty of exercise?
Exercise is the key.

I thought about jogging,...

...but, you know...

Ah. Of course. Very funny.

What about t'ai chi?
What about it?

I'm a teacher in the Wu style.

Wu? Wow.

Wonderful for freeing
the body, mind and soul.

Well, that's exactly what
I'm looking for, Brian.

My lawyer's been working on that
list of prospective employers.

It'd be nice to get out, get a
job, start giving back, you know.


You said the ankle bracelet was
chafing your leg — how's that
ointment working out, hm?

♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ ...to you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

Nice stag. Very you.


I thought you said
you had a new office.

I do, Grandpa.

Then why have I been here before?

Corky defended your
public indecency charge.

This is Corky's office?

No, it's mine. ]

Where's Corky, then?
Corky's at rehab.

[ What's that?
It's a drug thing.

Can I have that?
No. ]

I don't touch dr*gs.

Except mescaline —
now, there's a drug.

Right on. ]

Bit of a cliche, don't you think?
The old 'safe behind the painting'

You didn't know it was there.

I found it, so bags
I keep what's inside.

No way.

It's Corky's safe.

Corky doesn't know
what planet he's on.

As the new leaseholder,
anything left behind is mine.

Which one of us is a lawyer?

You, so you're lying.

'Course, you'll have
to open it first.

Go halves.
Hey, I found it.

So what?
[ We go thirds.


No. ]

OK. Thirds.

Works for me.


God, I love you.

No, he doesn't.
Yes, he does.

It's OK. He doesn't love
you; you don't love him.

Yes, I do.

So why haven't you brought him home?

Stop perving and leave us alone.

It's because, deep down, you fear
he's not Mr Right — he's Mr You'll
Do. [ Shut up.

What happened to Rachel, Pascalle?

I said shut up, bitchface.

You work in a video store... ]
Cos you made me.

...and are too scared to introduce
your boyfriend to your own family.

Am not!

I think he's going to come now.

No, that's me.


Sorry. Did I wake you?


But I forgive you.


Here you go.
Thank you.

So how come we never
get to go to your place?

Cos it's much nicer here.

Don't you want your
family to meet me?

I don't want you to meet my family.
Why not?

Well, I could give you a list, but
I'm warning you, it will take ages.

I just want to get to know you a
little bit better... if we want to
make this thing work, that's all.

You know, I think I'd quite like to
learn this t'ai chi shit, just as

What against? Sloths?

Obviously, I'd speed it up a bit if
someone was to actually attack me.

Anything you need while I'm out?

No, I have everything I could
possibly ever need right here (!)

Yeah, I can see that.

You got my money?

Oh yeah. Now, look, about that...

Christ. The only reason I keep you
around is to run that business.

Yeah, well, it hasn't been
very good lately, Wolf.

Well, it can't have been that bad.

Any time you want to come check
it out, you're welcome...

Oh, sorry, mate, Jesus.

Well, even if I did get you some
money, it's not as if you could
rush out and spend it.

Have you seen outside this morning?

I was going to say something, but
I thought maybe you let one of the
kids express themselves.

What? All over the
side of the house?

Well, I don't bloody know, do I?

Let me know if you need stuff to
clean it off with. I'll be back
after my meeting.

Have a nice day.



Do you need a hand?

I was walking past and I saw your
arse, and I thought, 'That looks

Jeez, you really know how
to get to a girl's heart (!)

How are ya?

I'm OK. You?
Haven't seen you for a while.

Well, you know, it's not that easy.


Say the word, Cheryl, I'll be there.

You know I can't do that. Not
when I got to go home afterwards.

Home to Wolf.

Well, you know, he's, um,
he's not going anywhere.

Not yet, anyway.


Say the word, I'll
be there. You know it.

What did he want?
Buggered if I know.


It's definitely P-H-A something.

Phar Lap?

Eric, why would anyone tag the name
of a dead horse on the side of my

Yeah, well, who knows
with kids these days, eh?

Great (!) We got tagged
by the Phatheads.

By the who?

The Phathead Crew.

With a P-H. Actually, they call
themselves the Phat Hard Crew —
a penis reference, I suppose —

but everyone calls them the
Phatheads, cos they really are.

You know these people?

God, no. I know they all
used to go to Shadbolt High,

but I put as much distance between
me and those morons as possible.

Um, I'm just taking Grandpa for
a walk down to the TAB, then I'm
off to school, OK?


Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah, I see it now.

See? (READS) 'Phat. Hard. Crew.'
It's quite clever once you know
what you're looking for.

I want you to find out who
these little pricks are.

Well, how am I going to do that?

Oh, I don't know, Eric — ask around?

So I thought if anyone
knew, it'd be you.

Why would I tell you if I did?

I've done you favours in the past.

So it's my turn?
Isn't that the way it works?

You're the one making up the rules.

Look, do you know these Phat pricks?


Like I said, they're giving someone
close to me, grief. Tagging and

They should make a
complaint to the police.


Seriously, I'm asking ya.

Eric, I'll see what I can do.


You tagged the house?

Yeah, what if?
What if what?

He needed to be told.

Now he knows who he's dealing with,
cos you painted it on his house.

What you digging at, popo?
What the hell's a popo?

Means po-lice.


Oh. Right. In south-central Glendene
— or wherever you fullas come from —

what's the word for 'fuckwit'? I ask
you to do one thing and you're
dicking me around.

We ain't lunchin' on you, Mr Judd.

You better not be, Trey —

not unless you want me
to impound your mum's car.

Nah, this is my car.

It's just under her name.

One simple thing I ask you
and your Phatheads to do—

Phat Hard.

...and then we're square.

Why do you want this Wolf
fulla to come after us, anyway?
Not for you to know.

You're very clear about us
getting Wolf off his property,

so me and the boys want
to know what the beef's at.

The beef is for me to know and for
you to do what I bloody tell you.

I'll be in court
the rest of the day.

Anyone we know?

Don't touch anything
while I'm gone, right?

Oh. And if you do open the safe,
you will tell me what's inside,

You'll be the first person we tell.

Good. Cos if you don't,
I'll find out.

Ooh, scary (!)

(SIGHS) Maybe we should get
some dynamite and blow it open.

No, no. Mr In and Out — that's me.



(LAUGHS) Come on,
Wolfie. Come on. One more.

Oh— Oh no. (LAUGHS)



I want to know why, Eric.

I don't bloody know, do I?

Well, I sent you to find out.

I told you what I found
out, which is bugger all.

It's kids dicking you round.

No. It's about this.

Yeah. How's the rash, by the way?

They wanted me to cross the
zone so this thing'd go off.

Why would they wanna do that? ]

That's what I want to find out.

Look, you don't think you might
be being just a little bit...?

No one I know would want
you to do that, Wolf,

cos you might end up violating your
parole and going back to prison.

These arseholes do, and it's not
as if I can go ask them, is it?

Uh, Dad, we couldn't find our bin,
um, so we nicked this one instead.

It's a pretty good one — look.

Go put it where the other one lived.

Hey, maybe you did
something to piss them off.

How, exactly?

It's not as if I've
been anywhere, is it?

This is Hayden. He's
staying the night. Come on.

Mr West. Hayden Peters.
How you doing?


Hey, Mrs West.

Hayden, hi.

Moving right along.

Hey, Pascalle...

(SCOFFS) Get your own fantasy.


Dude, dude, that was so uncool.

You just mimed rooting your sister.

You've got to think
about these things, bro.

Shut up.

Every safe has the same weakness —
if something screws up, you need
a locksmith to open it.

I am that locksmith.

So this has gone on all day?


He didn't secretly open it
while you were at school?

I didn't go to school.

I've been here the whole time.


You have some really tragic clients.

Didn't you get my message?

I ignored it. You knew I would.

I was bored watching
Ocean's Eleven here (!)

I have a f*cking
listening device on.

Yet you can't hear the tumblers
click into place. Can we just rip
it out and take it home with us?

No. I don't want a sodding
great hole in the wall.

Put the painting back up.

How the f*ck am I meant to work out
the contact points with the Mormon
Tabernacle Choir gabbing in me ear?!

Maybe we should come back tomorrow.

Good idea.


Are you OK with that?

With what?

Pascalle having him in her room.

Well, she's over . At least
she's doing it under our roof,
for a change.

For a change?
I repeat, she's over .

He's a dickhead.

Everyone who goes out with Pascalle,
in your book, is a dickhead.

f*ck, I hate being stuck in this
house. I feel like I'm under siege.

What? By those idiot kids?

Not them. The whole f*cking world.

Someone's putting them up to this.

Or they're just as bored as you are
and... they're winding you up for
a laugh. Come on.

Nah. I'm sure of it.

Ah, well, I'll sort it out.


Hey, Mr West.

When you're ready, can
I have my bathroom back?


I thought you might remember me.
Hayden Peters. Danny Peters' boy.

You probably remember
him as Dean Price.

You're one of Dean's kids?

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

I haven't seen him in...

years. When you came over, you
and Dad would sh**t down to the

Bloody hard to talk business with
a million kids floating round.

Bloody Catholics, eh?

How is your old man?


Shit. Sorry.

Lung cancer. About six months ago.

I didn't know.

Oh, but you were inside.


Well, I'm running the
family business now.

When you're finished
with the bathroom...

I so don't have time
for this right now.

Yes, you do.
But I have a life. And a boyfriend.

You don't have any money.

I don't need any.
Hayden's got heaps.

Did feminism only happen
to every other woman?

Why do I need feminism when
I can get money off Hayden?

I really need someone
to run my video store.

Since when is it your video store?

Since I was the one
who got you the job.

And I really need some time off.
Can you run that past the boss?

Yes, next time I see him, but now I
have something else I need to attend
to. Can you at least stay the day

Mm... Yeah. Hayden's
got stuff to do.

Great. Good. Bye.

God, we had the most
amazing sex last night.

Do you think anyone heard us?


HAYDEN: Oh shit.


I'll be back later, OK?


Are you trying to put Wolf in jail?

You heard.
Why would I need to do—?

Don't you play the innocent.
You put those kids on to him.

I meant why do I need to
when he'll do it himself?

Maybe you're trying to speed up the
process. But using a bunch of kids?

You do what it takes
to get what you want.

If he breaks parole now — and it
doesn't matter how — I can put
him away.

The longer he stays out, the bigger
the fall. When he goes down, he will
drag you down, too,

so you should thank me for getting
rid of him before the storm gets too
big. And you know that's the truth

If you're such the f*cking genius —
what happens if he tries to figure
it out?

What happens if he asks why you're
doing this? What if he puts you and
me together?

You and me? There is no you
and me, as far as I can tell.

I love you, Cheryl, but I'm stuck in
f*cking limbo and I don't like it.

I can't change that!

Well, it doesn't stop me
from trying, does it?



Come on.



I'll see what I can do.
Give me a couple of days.

It's one licence plate.

Yep, and I'll see what I can do.

How hard can it be to
track one licence plate?

Jesus, Dad, chill out.

Get me out of this house so I can
get those little pricks, then I'll
'chill out'.

Yeah. I'm working on that.

And I'll send a list of prospective
employers to your probation guy.

When I've done it.

Well, in your own time. No hurry (!)

Oh, shit, Dad.

Most of the people that we
know that would give you a job

aren't what the Justice Department
considers appropriate employers for
a man on home detention.

Then find someone who is.

Oh yeah, no problem (!)

Hi, Dad. Shouldn't you
be off defending scum?

I've got better things to
do with my time these days.

That boyfriend of yours...

Isn't he great?

He's a dickhead. Dump him.

You can do a lot, lot better.

Trust me, you can. ]

Daddy, he's really
really successful.

Oh yeah? At what?


He owns heaps of it.
Houses and stuff.

He ever tell you what
he does with these houses?

Rents them?

Sweetie, he runs prostitutes out of
them. He inherited the houses and
the business from his old man.

Dodgiest prick who ever walked the
face of the Earth. And I don't want
my princess shacked up with a pimp.

One more minute.

I've got a bloody client waiting.

Bring them in.

I'm not bringing a client
in with you guys here.

Have they done something pervy?

How can my clients take me seriously
when there's two bloody idiots
trying to crack a safe in my office?

Son of a bitch!

Maybe we will come back tomorrow.

Good idea.

Did you get the ball back?


That was Old Googly.

It was just a ball, Van.

Old Googly was a legend. It was,
like, the best backyard cricket ball
since... ever.

Will you forget about the ball?


Any idea who's in for dinner?

How the hell would I know?

Yeah, I'm counting
you already, Munter.

These little arseholes are gonna be
back, and when they do come back,
I want you waiting for them.

What, outside?

Oh, Dad, can't we wait inside?


But we're not doing
it until after dinner.

Wolf, this is getting
way out of hand.

I'm just defending our home.

Against a bunch of kids who
are winding you up for a laugh?

Well, what would you suggest, love?

Should I call the police? Maybe your
mate Judd would like to come around
and save the day.

Maybe he'll call in the Armed
Offenders Squad and they can
sh**t the little turds.

Jeez. You've got way too
much time on your hands.

Well, welcome to my world, love.

VAN: Man, we are so
going to fall asleep.

Maybe we should take it in shifts.

Nah, man.

If you're sitting there asleep
and I'm meant to be awake,

then all I can think about is, 'I
wish I was asleep like Munt.' Next
thing you know, I'll be asleep too.

Have you got anything
to keep us awake?

Like speed?


Like some pot?

Yeah, that'll do.

This is good.

Oh, I would have cooked,
but I'm not so good at it.

Another thing I'm not so good at
is using words to try and say what
I really want to say.

Loretta is amazing at that.
I'll be listening to her,

but it's ages later that I realise
what she was crapping on about.

Pascalle, what do you need to say?

It's just... It would be...
difficult for me... to go out
with you... if you were a pimp.

You'd have a moral
problem with that?

Oh, shit, no.

It's not like I want to be a hooker,
but some of my friends from school

and, I mean, everyone's
got to make a living, right?

So where's the problem?

So you are a pimp?

Just tell me where the problem is.


He's all thing about it.

He said it's your family business —
that's rich, cos we rob people. God,
he's the one on home detention.

It was our family
business. One of them.

I'm liking the sound of that 'was'.

After the old man died,
I sold those businesses.

It is way too much hassle running
suburban brothels now it's legal.

Now you've got OSH, the IRD are up
your arse, the neighbours are thingy
about it...

I turned the houses into old
people's homes — just as profitable
with half the bloody hassle.

So... you're not a pimp?


No, I live off the elderly instead.

On, that is so fantastic! (GIGGLES)

So you go and tell
your old man that for me.




Want a fresh one?

Why not?

Life is shit.

(EXHALES) What pushed your button?

Being old and useless.
Yeah, well, you get that.

That's f*cking profound, son (!)

Hey, you're not the
only one with problems.

Pardon me for existing. ]
You got a problem, sort it.

Sort your own bloody problems out.
I will. I am. I'm just—

It's every other bugger around
here being useless, that's—




What's going on?

Where's my f*cking car?

You're not the only one
with problems, you know.


LORETTA: Come on. ]
Piss off.

So Mr In and Out is
now Mr Can't Be Arsed?

I'm too old for that shit.

Then teach me.
You what?

You heard. ]

Oh, so because I'm a girl—

You don't have the patience.

You don't.
Prove it.

Fine. I'll get my bag.

Um, Grandpa, you might
want to get dressed first.

For your information,
my boyfriend is not a pimp.

And he's my boyfriend, not yours,
so I get to choose when to dump him,
and not you.

I have to go to work.

Well, at least you got
a good night's sleep (!)

Don't blame him.

He was given a job to do...

Look, it's you versus a bunch
of kids. It's not bloody Iraq.

I don't know anything
about anything.

What do you want?

We're here to help, Wolf. I get to
work and I hear there was a crime
perpetrated at the West household,

so, of course, I came straight here.

Are you two ladies the
only cops in West Auckland?

Matters involving the West family
get referred to me. Just my luck.

A motor vehicle was stolen?

Yeah, my motor vehicle, by a bunch
of kids. With all my stuff in it.

And I'm not expecting to see it
again, but thanks for taking
a personal interest (!)

Right, uh, I was unaware
it was your car, Cheryl.

Well, now you know.

We'll get straight on to that.

I wouldn't want to waste any
police resource on my behalf.

Would you be able
to describe these kids?

No. No one saw a bloody thing.

But I'm sure you've got far more
important things to be doing with
your time.

We'll get on to that.

That bastard.

It was him.

He put those f*cking kids on to me.

LAUGHS: Now you have gone nuts.

He wants me to break parole.

Look, Wolf, I know you two
aren't bosom buddies, but—

Think about it. He hates my guts.

Shit, it makes perfect sense. And
now the prick comes over here to
gloat about it.

All right. If that's the
way he wants to play it...


How the hell does stealing
hercar achieve anything?

He smashed my window.

Yeah, well, so he needed to be told.

Don't give me 'he needed to be
told'. Nobody told you to steal

What are you going to
do about it? Charge me?

I don't think so, Sgt Judd, cos if
you do, I'll talk about this thing
we've got going.

Trey, I'm not going to charge you.

But I will mess up your life in
ways you can't begin to imagine.

Now, where's the car?

Don't be a dickhead all your life.

It's in Mitchell's dad's garage,
on their lifestyle block.

Is it in one piece?

Sort of.

Is everything that was in it in it?


Put it back together, put everything
back in it, park it at the mall, and
call me when you're done. Moron.

Can you hear the clicks?


No. Four.

No, this model of safe has got
four wheels, hence four clicks.

How come I can only hear three?

You're deaf — all that
music through headphones.

OK. Jeez, don't spoil the
Disney family-movie moment (!)

What's that?
The passing on of knowledge
from one generation to another.

There are four clicks, got it? ]

Now determine the contact points for
each wheel, then graph those to work
out the numbers,

then we try the possible
combinations of the numbers...

This is exciting in the movies.

And if all that fails, we
hit it with a massive hammer.

Now you're talking.
Contact points.

(SIGHS) Seriously, I was close to
having an emotional bonding moment

Shut up and listen.

That's hardly in the
spirit of the law, is it?

Not entirely, no.

(GRUNTS) So what are
you going to do about it?

One stone can k*ll many birds, Eric.

Is that from that t'ai chi
stuff Schroder left you?

No, it's from The Big Book of Wolf.

So what do I have to do?

Who says you have to do anything?

Normally, in these things, there's
a bit where you say 'Eric...'

You'll see.

Did you get it?

Presumably in the mum's name.

That's fine.

You call Van?



Yo, this is Trey.

WOLF: Your mum is a lovely woman,
Trey. Very helpful. Pity she got
a dipshit like you for a son.

Who is this?

You stole a car from
my house last night.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Turn the music down, Trey,

so we can talk.


Good boy.

I don't know what Sgt Judd has
over you, but believe you me, it is
nothing compared to what I can do.

Don't dog on me. You can't leave
your crib — how you gonna hurt me?

Hurt you? Trey, I didn't say
anything about hurting you.
I want to make a deal.

Why don't you come
over in a few hours?

Yeah, right (!) So I can get
whacked upside the head? As if.

Trey, I said I don't
want to hurt you.

If you don't believe me, bring your
boys, as many as you like. I'm here


Talk to you soon.

Brian, how are you?

Mr Schroder. Good to see you.

While we like those on home
detention to seek employment,
Wolf, it is still a privilege.

I just want to do my
bit for society, Brian.

Yeah. Be that as it may, this...


...list your lawyer provided
of prospective employers...

Well, to cut a long story
short, none are acceptable.

They're all businesspeople, Brian.

It's hard to be a saint in the city.

The police looked at this
as a list of known associates.

They're upstanding West
Auckland businesspeople.

None of whom are acceptable to—

So how do we make this work?

Find a job that benefits the
community and helps with your

Well, how hard can that be, eh?

You stupid piece of shit!
Lousy piece of bollocksy crap!


Would you like me
to take over again?

Do you think you're up to it?

I will die before that
bastard defeats us.

Are you sure that's a wise
thing to say at your age?




You must be the Try-hard Crew.

Phat Hard Crew.

Who the hell are you? ]

I'm Mr West's lawyer.

There's a ball that
goes with this bat.

We want Old Googly back.

What? Where's West?

He had to go out.

Yeah? How can he go somewhere?
He can't even leave the house.
Says who?





You know, even if there's nothing
valuable in there, this won't have
been a total waste of time.

It's been a bonding experience. Not
that we need one, seeing how well we
get on, anyway.

Sometimes, I think it's like we're
two halves of the same person.

I know exactly what you're
thinking all the time.

And God knows you're the only one in
this screwed-up family I actually
get on with —

definitely the only one
I can actually trust...


You cracked it.

You bloody legend.

You're my hero.

Be my guest.

You've got to be kidding me.

It's so good to see you out —
so, so good, my friend.

Cheers, Falani.

I want to shed tears of joy,
just seeing your face.


I can feel them coming now.

Falani, let me go.

I... I was just overcome
by the sight of you.

Well, you could have come around the
house, you know — I'm there - .

Oh, I've been busy, you know.

So, what are we talking here?

Oh, mate, nah. There's not much call
for these type of cars any more.

I've been on home detention,
not the dark side of the moon.

OK. I'm sure we can
sort out a fair price.

Good man.


The master has returned.

Skip the love, Eric.
Did you bring what I asked?


One bloody great rock, as requested.

Yep, that'll do it.

Do what, exactly?

I want you to drop it on my foot.


Drop the rock on my foot.

Is this some sort of escape attempt?

Just drop the rock, Eric.

It's bloody drastic, Wolf. There
must be an easier way to get the—

Just drop it, Eric!


Lift it up.
Wolf, it's gonna bloody hurt.

I know it's gonna hurt. Just do it.


Nah, mate, I can't.

You mean too much to me. And even if
we get it off, where are you gonna

Give me the rock.
It's not worth it.

Give me the bloody rock.

I'm not going to drop it on my foot.
You promise?

I promise.

I'm going to drop it on yours.


Argh! JESUS!

What do you mean, 'he's out'?

He's out.

He can't be 'out'. He's not
allowed to be bloody 'out'.

Yeah, well, something kinda came up.

What? Shit, is this
about those kids?

Good news you getting back your car—
Shut up, Munter.


We kinda needed to teach
them a lesson, OK?
What lesson?


Shit. Shit.

Uh, Mum, it's the police.

Wolf here?
I think you know the answer.

We got a call from
the monitoring company.

Wolfgang West has left the building.

I wouldn't get too
excited, Sergeant.

Wolf. Good of you to join us (!)

You do know that by leaving the
premises, you have violated the
terms of your parole?

Really? That's not Brian what said.
Brian's my probation officer. Top
bloke. Does t'ai chi.

You all right there, mate?
Yeah, I'm all right.

It's just getting up the stairs on
my crutches — I'm not used to it.

Poor Eric had a gardening mishap.

Dropped a rock on his foot. Big one.

Bloody hurt, too.

I rang , and I don't know what
you fellas were doing. It must have
been a phone problem.

So I had to drive him
to the hospital myself.

I was in no condition to drive.

Lucky it wasn't broken — just
bruised. I got the X-rays to
prove it.

I called Brian at the hospital,
explained the situation to him.

He had no problem at all with
any parole violation in this case.

So I guess we're all good, then?

We'll have to talk to
Mr Schroder to confirm this.

Fill your boots, laddie.

Oh, top work retrieving the wife's
car too, Detective Sergeant Judd.
Just thorough police work, was it?

As always, Wolf.

Sorry to get you caught up
in the middle of this, love.

You're lying.
Honest to God.

What was in the safe?
We don't know. We couldn't get
it open. Grandpa's really gutted.

Oh, boohoo (!) What was in the safe?

What is the point in having a safe
if you don't put anything in it?

What a f*cking waste
of time that was.


But we opened it, didn't we?

That is not the friggin' point.

Yes, it is. We knocked
the bastard off. (LAUGHS)

SINGS: ♪ We knocked the bastard
off. We knocked the bastard off.

BOTH SING: ♪ We knocked the
bastard off. We knocked the
bastard off. ♪

So, logically, how could we know
what was in the safe when we
couldn't get it open?

Nah, nah, nah. You guys are lying.

Then you open it.

Good luck.

QUIETLY: Jeez...



Jesus, the look on your face, mate.

You could have given us
some bloody warning.

You're a good man, Eric.

This makes us almost even.
You know what I'm talking about.

Go on, get that down you —
that'll cure what ails you.

What's the reason for the party?

Oh, you know, victory
over the forces of evil (!)


Hey, I got to pop out for a while.

How you doing?

Yeah, very good, thank you, Hayden.

Pascalle told you about me not being
in the old man's business any more?

In her own way. Yes.

I'm into other stuff these days.
Good for you. ]

All sorts, if you ever want to talk.

Have you got a job for me in any
of these businesses of yours?

I mean a real job, with strings
attached — including this bloody
thing on my leg.

That's no problem.

No problem?

How does charity work sound?

Robbing the rich and giving to the
poor? That's how I got where I am

So when do you want to start?

OK, it was a bit of a long shot.

You bloody idiot.

I had to do something.

If he goes back inside, it's cos he
deserves to, not because of you and

If I have to tell you again, it's
the last time we see each other.

When's the next time going to be?

I don't know. I'm sorry.

I'm only trying to speed
up the inevitable, Cheryl.

We'll see.

They're registered charities, of
course, and a fair proportion of
the money does go to the charity —

a fair, but not
exorbitant, proportion.

With the other c in every dollar
pledged, I drop c into overheads.
Net profit, c in the dollar.

What is it I'm meant to be doing
for this charitable organisation?

I'm not exactly known
for my telephone manner.

I have something else in mind
to keep you fully employed.

Help with my rehabilitation?





♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.' ♪
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