02x06 - The Affliction of His Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Outrageous Fortune". Aired: 12 July 2005 – 9 November 2010.*
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Series followed the lives of the career criminal West family after the matriarch, Cheryl, decided the family should go straight and abide by the law.
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02x06 - The Affliction of His Love

Post by bunniefuu »

You want more money? Smell it. Touch
it. You get this thing right, that
is just the tip of the iceberg.

So are you entering?
The Miss Hoochie Girl competition?
Like, hello? No.

It's for amateur models, Loretta.

Take it you got Sparky off.


Thought I could smell
something burning.

You should be proud of him.

Should I?
I know I am.

Well, I'll leave you to it, then.



They're not exactly
real-sized women.

Who wants to see fat chicks
parade round in their undies?

In our undies. Wasn't that
why we started this company?

So fat chicks could wander round the
Rusty Nail in Hoochie Mama knickers?

This is Hoochie Girl.

Whose idea was this?

It was Tracy's idea.

And you agreed to it.

Yeah, yeah.

Of all the jobs in the world your
mum could have had, bro, running
a plumbing firm or travel agency,

she chose to make undies.


This is destiny, bro.

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. That's
Destiny there. This is Krystal.

I love Destiny. Whoo-hoo-hoo!





No way.


I think we're alone now.



I've got a surprise for you later.


Come on, boy. Time
to get it down ya.

Bro, it didn't end well last time,
man. Let it go. Let it go.



♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ ...to you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪


This is so unfair.

Yeah, but if we wanted the place
for free, we had to let her win.

No, not the result.

I want to get pissed and I can't.

Bro, you've got to forget her.
Empty your mind. Empty your mind.

I really love her, eh?

Nah, man. I gotta go
and talk to her.


So how's the charity thing going?

Doing good for others —
that's what it's all about.

You in?

Yep. I'll see that.

How's school?
Very Catholic.

See that and raise .

Ah, you old prick.
Can you lend me bucks?

Up yours.

I'm your adoring youngest daughter.
You can't tell me to 'up yours'.

My table, my rules.

You don't like them, why don't you
bugger off to your mum's strip show?

Someone's feeling a bit left out.

You gonna bet or not?

Aren't you meant to have
a degenerative brain disease?

Hey, you watch how you talk to him.

He's pretty selective about it.

Bet or fold. You don't have to be
Isaac Einstein to figure it out.





Why do you allow that in your house?

He's OK.


Ah, Aurora.



How's it hanging?

I can see how it's hanging,
actually. Pretty bloody good.

Yeah. You got really ripped off, eh?

Third was pretty good.
Nah, nah. You were totally
the hottest chick up there, eh?

Oh, it's OK.

Really sweet.

How ya been?

You mean since you broke my heart?

Nah, I mean since you—
You probably don't even remember.

No, no. I remember. I was
pretty out of it, but—

That's your excuse?

I give you my virginity,
and you were out of it.
No, well, hang— hang on.

I was gonna be the best
th birthday present ever.

It was meant to be the best
th birthday that I ever had.

You promised you'd call me.



After what?

After we slept together.
But we never—

After I told you I loved you.

Hang on. We never slept together.

Well, how would you know?
You were out of it.

No, hang on. Aurora.

She said she loved me.

Are you totally sure
that's what she said?

Yeah. For sure.

You sure it wasn't a word that
sounded like love, like glove
or dove?

Well, why would she say that?

I dunno.

If she loved me,
why would she root Jethro?

Did she?
Yeah. I saw him, man.

But what did she see?

Jethro's ugly face
bouncing up and down on her.

How does she know it was Jethro?

'Cause he had his—

Wake up, dickwad.

Van, what the hell?

On the night of our th birthday,
you rooted Aurora Bay.

Jethro, what is your moron
brother doing in our room?

You rooted her, right?

Why do you want to know this now?

Just answer the question.

Like, I give a shit what
you did when you were .

So, she hated your guts,
so you pretended to be me.

About the only time
that move ever paid off.

Excuse me.

Apart from you, of course.

You are such a w*nk*r.

Did you promise to call her?

I don't know, Van. Maybe.

Look, she thought I was you,
all right? Plus she was all
clingy and 'I love you, Van'.

Why would I want a chick like that?

We're leaving.

I am gonna find her, and I am
gonna tell her what you did.

Be my guest.







Ram it up your arse.

I guess not all of us greet
each day with joy in our hearts.

I told you. Don't pretend to be nice
to Loretta, just ignore her like the
rest of us — it's easier.

Now, I need someone to
wash my back, and my front.

GRANDPA: I wouldn't go
in there if I were—


(LAUGHS) Are you chundering?

What does it look like, dickwad?

But you never chunder.

Bacon and eggs.

f*ck off.

You gonna see what that's about?


You want me to?
If you like.

How was last night?

Was what it was.

That bad, eh?

Screw you.

Well, how am I gonna do that if
you're all the way over there?

You never throw up.

Dunno, I thought
I'd try something new.

No, I'm not pregnant.

You'd better f*ckin' not be.

I'm not.

You sure?

I threw up for weeks with you lot.

I haven't been having sex.
I don't even have a boyfriend.

All right. True.

Well, you need a day at home,
then. I'll call school.

No, I am not pregnant. God, why is
that the first question anyone asks
when a girl throws up?

But you told me under no
circumstances do you ever throw up.

Well, I did today.

Cool, fine, whatever.

So, I won't go to school today?

No, I'll call you when
it's safe to go back.

I have to say, I am more
than happy with the progress.

More than happy to hear it, Brian.

Mr Peters at the office
speaks highly of you.

He's a lovely fella.
Almost like part of the family.

You've thought about what's next?

Yes, I have. Been thinking about
small business, getting in on the
ground floor, you know,

building something up from there.

Cheers, love.

I am so hungover.

I'd k*ll for a hangover.
I am so over being pregnant.

Let's talk about last night, please?

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for
whatever I did. It's a bit blurry.

You told that poor girl she would
have won if she'd spent more time
trimming the lawn.

Who wants a night out
in a flash hotel?

You know the guy I was
talking to last night?

The suit.

Andrew Coddington of
the Coddington family.

Which means he's rich.
Richer than God.

So what was he doing at
a West Auckland undie show, then?

A girlfriend of his girlfriend gave
them the Whoa Black Betty suspender
set in faux leather

as a joke, but him and
his girlfriend like them.

Really liked them. To the point
where they want to give us a lot
of money.

[ What, to buy more stuff?

To buy into the company.

[ So he wants to meet us.
[ All of us?

Yes, and he thought we might make
a bit of a night of it, so he's
rented us suites at the Heritage.

Free night out. Can't hurt, can it?

S'pose not.

I brought you some food. When
I throw up, the first thing
I have is more food.

Which is probably why
you're not a model any more.

Hey, I microwaved it myself. Eat it.
Why do you care?

I'm practising.

Mm-hm. For when I really need to.

Men are bad patients too. When the
day comes that Hayden needs me,
I want to be there for him,

even when he's chucking — that's
when he'll need me most. Are you
sure you're not pregnant?

'Cause that's exactly like Corrina
Balani the first time she got
knocked up.

Nah, nothing.

I know nothing,
I can hear it, dipshit.

You OK?
Why wouldn't I be OK?

I heard you were chundering
your ring out, that's all.

Hey, do you remember Aurora Bay?
Is that a place?

Nah, the girl that I was
in love with in school.
Suzy Cato?

Nah, not on the telly.
At my th birthday party.

I was . How would I know
who you were in love with?

You were at the party.

I was outside most of the time,
stealing crap from all the cars.

Was it you that stole my chainsaw?


I'm trying to find her?

By looking in Munter's van?

No. Jeez, you're thick sometimes.
We need the van to work so we can
drive around and look for her.

Van's on a quest for true love.

Yeah. She was the first girl I ever
kissed, first girl that ever let me
touch her tit.

After school.

On her bed.

In her bedroom.

At her mum's house in Te Atatu.


I don't even know how
to start looking for her.

Her mum's place in Te Atatu?

Oh my God, you're a genius.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um.

Left here, left, left, left, left.

Yes. Yeah, this is starting
to look familiar, bro.

Yep, see this fence? We crashed up
against this fence, so that means
the house is...


I'm sure there was a house there
when they lived here.

Well, just listen. That's all.

Can't hurt to listen.

Do you have any idea why
Casey and I started this company?

Something to do with real women.


Well, real women come in all sizes,
Cheryl. And they're everywhere, not
just in West Auckland.

You know, with Andrew's money,
we could reach all those women.

I didn't realise we were
doing the Lord's work, Tracy.

We're just going to listen.

Never forget why
we started this company.

Go shopping. Buy yourself
something nice to wear.

Let the girls out to play.


Andrew's a tit man — little bit of
eye candy never hurt anybody, did


Go on. Try this on.

You're the one with the instruction
to dress slutty. Oh, speaking of.

Hayden is gonna love this one.

Yeah, he'd be gay if he didn't.

Ooh! Pretty.

Hey, Cheryl.

Piss off.

What the f*ck are you doing here?

I was walking past. I saw you
through the window. Nice to
see you too (!)

What I meant was I'm here
shopping with the girls.

All right. Like I said, I was
walking past, I saw you, thought
we'd have an innocent conversation.

Right. Right. Well, OK.
I'm buying a dress.

Good store choice, then.

Not so good if you're
after a toaster.

Yeah, I've got this big business
dinner tonight at the Heritage.

Ooh, flash.

Yeah, yeah. Some rich guy
wants to buy into Hoochie Mama —
wining and dining us, a suite even.

Good score.
Yeah, I reckon.

I hope it goes well. You deserve
to be rich and successful.


You should wear black — it goes
better with your skin.

Tried it on. Didn't fit.

Oh, OK.

Hayden is gonna wanna rip
this one off with his teeth.

Can we go now? Please?

f*ck, I'm running late.

West women have a history
of spewing during pregnancy.

Your great-grandmother threw up on
a priest while pregnant with me.

I'm not pregnant, Grandpa.

Dude, I don't think
that's very hygienic.

Ew, have you been raiding my
underwear drawer again?


They're Aurora's.

Aurora Bay's?
Did you find her?

[ No.

Could you not find where she lived?

Nah, the house got destroyed
when a SUV drove through it.

And then her mum moved to
bloody Vanuatu, apparently.

The neighbours, they were
no good — they were Koreans.

There were language difficulties.

So what's he doing fondling
Aurora's undies?

You know the part in Cinderella
with the glass slipper?


Elements of that.

Does Van want to die today?

Has Aurora got a disease?

How would I know? I just mean if the
g*ng guys know you're doing some

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
g*ng guys?

Yeah, Aurora's this total g*ng slut.
She lives with them and everything.

Aurora lives with a g*ng?

Do you not listen? Yes,
she lives with the Horsemen.

[ Shut up, Grandpa.

How do you know this?
Everybody knows it.

Well, I don't. ]
It's totally legendary at Shadbolt
High — just before she turned ,

Miss 'Butter Wouldn't Melt in her
Mouth' suddenly ditched school.

Just after the party.

She resurfaced years later,
shacked up with a g*ng.

Something for every
young woman to aspire to (!)

Where are you going?


She's in there, man. I can feel it.

Yeah, and we're out here,
which is a good thing.

She said she loved me.

It's the frickin' Horsemen. Do you
know what that means? Pain and
suffering. Get down. Get down.

Nice for some.
Sure is.

Unfortunately, I won't
be able to join you.

It's just business, Wolf.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad your
business is taking you places.

Thanks for—

Thanks for that.

Oh my God.

Hey, Cheryl. Check out our world.

Kasey. Sit. It's not dignified.

OK, so it's just a flash dinner and
a soak in the hot tub and one of
those in-house videos, girls.

That's all.

OK, but if you do get pissed and go
out, don't mention my name.

Oh, and if a guy named
Mark offers you E, say no.

Thanks, honey.

Oh, thank you.

Aren't you going up in the world?

Yeah, I reckon.

OK, see you later.

Get better.

Come on in, Cheryl.

My back hurts.

Fair enough.

You got a glass?

f*ck it.

You know I'm with you %,
right? But give it up, bro.

There's gotta be a way in.

Yeah, it's not the way in I'm
worried about, it's the way out,
with the word 'alive' after it.

Bro, how much money you got?

No way.

Come on, man. Please?

This is insanity, man.

I don't care. I've gotta get in
there and tell her it wasn't me
that rooted and dumped her.

Come on, bro. Please.
Where'd you get all that?

I've been messing with some car
doors. You need to work on that

Thanks, bro. Love you.

Go to your doom.

Crazy fool.


INTERCOM: What the
f*ck do you want?

Ah, pizza guy.

OK, sweet. But there better not
be any f*ckin' olives this time
otherwise you're f*ckin' dead.


...it's you I'm gonna come after
first, OK? 'Cause you're the easiest
one to bury.

f*ck off.




Money's on the table.

Come away with me.

I came to find you.

Are you insane?

Maybe. There's something
I've gotta tell you.

It better be pretty
f*cking important.

It is.

It's kind of a long story.

Make it a short one.

OK. It wasn't me you slept with
that night, it was Jethro.

I saw you two together and I thought
you'd hooked up with him instead of
me, and it really hurt.

Aurora, if you had slept with me,
I would have called you the next

And the day after that, and every
day, every hour, whatever it took
until you said you'd go out with me.

And, if you didn't answer your phone
then I woulda come to your house

and I would have bashed on
your door until you opened it.

You wouldn't have had to do that
'cause it would have only taken
one phone call.

Unless I was out and my mum didn't
pass on the message that a boy


She's bad at passing on messages.

I mean, about the phone call.

Of course.

Like I told you, I was yours.

Then come with me now.

I can't do that.
Why not?

'Cause I'm not yours any more.

What, you belong to these arseholes?

Van, shut up.

You talk about the guys like
that, and they will do you.

Well, maybe I don't care.

Is there a problem here?

No, baby.

No, just he hasn't got the
right change, that's all.

You go back to your meeting. ]

You wanna carry more change, fella.
Are we gonna rob the pizza boy?

Please go.

They actually paid you?

I thought they'd be like, 'Give us
our pizzas, delivery bitch, or we'll
kick your nuts through your head.'

They even gave you a tip.
You're a legend, man.


I need to go get wasted, man.

Come on, then.

So where's the money?

He's right here.

Oh, hello.

How are you?
Better for seeing you.

Stop it.

Meet the Hoochie Mamas. This is
Cheryl, the brains of the operation.

Pleasure to meet you.
Thanks for doing this.

Oh, shit a brick.

Did your waters just break?

You bet your arse they just did.

OK. As your birthing partner,
I should know what to do, right?

Call a taxi to the hospital.


Do you want me to come?

There'll be Kasey, my mum, my
sister, my sister's lesbian lover,

my hairdresser, because she's never
seen a birth, my midwife and whoever
the hospital throws in.

OK, you got enough people already.
[ God, yes.

Is there anything I can do?

You could pay for the
upbringing of my child.

Come on, come on, let's roll.

Bye. Good luck.

[ Bye.



Anyone for a cocktail?

SLURS: And, you know, the weird
thing is that when I lost her

I almost forgot
what I lost, you know.

But now that I've found her and lost
her again, I'm never gonna forget.

Yeah, bro. Yeah.

And that sucks.

I know, man. I know.

'Cause now she's gone, man.






How'd you get this number?

I rang your house and
your sister gave it to me.

Oh, right.

I loved talking to you today.

Yeah, I love talking to you too.

I wish I could come see you.

We're at the Rusty Nail.

Your sister said.
Yeah. W-W-W-We are. (LAUGHS)
So you should come here.

You know I can't do that.

But you came for the contest.

I was trying to win the money
so that I could disappear.

You still there?


Tyson doesn't let me get out
much. He gets jealous.

What, it's OK for guys to be
yelling at you to show them your

That was him showing me off.

What if I could take you
away from all that?

You don't wanna do that.

Yeah, I do.

I would come with you.

Hey, Rors. Rors?

Van, you really don't want to
tangle with these f*ckers, man.

Am I wearing Hoochie Mama? Of course
I am. I never wear anything else.

Except when I'm wearing nothing.

Just checking you have faith
in your own product.

Swear by it.

And what about you, Cheryl?

Oh, let's put it this way, Andrew.
My underwear is my business.

Which we're very keen
to make your business.

Tell us, Andrew, what were
you thinking, business-wise?

I think you have an interesting
product and marketing concept,
but that's where it ends.

You can have as many Hoochie Mama
parties as you like, you'll battle
on for a few years,

never making the money you should,
then you'll go under.

Gee, thanks, Andrew (!)

That's the truth,
and you both know it.

So what are we doing here, then?

I wanna help you change that.

Out of the goodness of our heart?

Out of the goodness of my wallet.

You seen Pretty Woman, Cheryl?

Hasn't everyone?

I'm Richard Gere.

(LAUGHS) You're not Richard Gere.

No, I'm your Richard Gere.

Which makes me some hooker
you got off the street.

I'll be Julia Roberts. I don't mind.

No, I buy and sell companies,
like Richard in the film.

I want to buy your company and
sell it to a much bigger company.

You want to buy Hoochie Mama?

The name, the marketing
concept, the idea.

What are we talking here?

Somewhere in the low six figures
would be a good place to start.

Look, I'm sorry,

there's been a misunderstanding.

I was under the impression you
wanted to buy into the business,
not all of it.

There's nothing in that for me.

Nor me. It's not for sale.

Then I guess we're done.
I guess we are.

Thanks for dinner.

My pleasure.

Jesus, Cheryl, pull your head in.
I can bargain him up to mid-six

I didn't start this business to
sell it off to Richard f*cking Gere.

This is the best deal
we are ever going to get.

Probably. But that's not the point.
You'd never understand that.

f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.

f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.


Will you sod off
and leave me alone for—


No! No, no, no. I didn't mean you.

Right. Good.

I just came to congratulate you.

What? For being a stupid bitch and
turning down a shitload of money?

I'm gonna crack open this bottle
'cause I sense we need it.

Your mother threw up on me when she
was pregnant with you, an apt way to
kick things off between us.

Glad I could help.

Raise five.

If you feel you have
to throw your money away.



Continue with what you're doing and
ignore us, 'cause we're not here.

How's the chundering thing going?

Not so good, I guess. ]

Beautiful woman alone in a bar.

You're either a hooker, an alcoholic
or you have an obnoxious

If I called your mum the most
frustrating bitch on the planet—?

Right. Didn't go so well, huh?

[ Understatement of the year.

Are the curtains drawn in your room?

You heard.

Yes, I suppose they probably are.

I want to take you up to
your room, open those curtains,

strip you naked, bend you
over a chair and screw you

while the city watches.

All right.

JUDD: Mid-six figures.

[ That's a lot of money.
[ I know.

That's like a five with a whole lot
of zeroes, or maybe a six.

I tried explaining it to Tracy,
but she just wouldn't understand.

f*ck, I'm not even sure I understand
it myself. It just didn't feel

And now the other fullas
are gonna k*ll you, eh?

Oh, you are such a f*ckin' joy germ.

What are you doing here, anyway?

You mentioned in passing over a rack
of frocks where and when, and the
rest was just good police work.

I love that dress.

Take it off.

So you spotted a chance to get
your end away, and you took it.

It's more than that,
and you know it.


I wanted to share in your victory.

Whilst naked, sure.

Some victory.

Yeah, but we can still
do the naked bit.

God, you're lucky I love you.
You can be a pretty bloody
infuriating woman at times.

I just don't want to start
something I can't stop.

Bit bloody late for that.

And what am I meant to do
tomorrow when I go home?

Who says you have to go home?

I mean, you walked away from
a shitload of money tonight, Cheryl.

You can follow your heart
when you want to.

Do you have any idea what you're
asking me to do? Do you?

You know, if I leave Wolf for you,
my whole f*cking world turns upside

[ My kids desert me, for starters.

I'm sorry. I'm just not ready
to go there right now.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I worry about you with him.

It's not jealousy or any of
that shit, it's just worry.

I'm fine.

All right. So what's
the plan from here on in?

I don't know.

I meant tonight, woman.
You want me to go or what?

Do you want to go?

Did you piss that fulla off enough
for him to cancel the minibar?


Shit, I dunno.

Well, we'll take our chances. ]

You choose a movie, I'll get the
room service, and we're gonna need
heaps of piss.

You're a hard arse to
fall in love with, Cheryl.

Find someone else.

Too bloody late.

All I gotta do is get in there,
find her, grab her, get her out.

In between get in there
and get her out,

you missed out the bit where you
have to fight off the thugs
trying to k*ll you.

Keep the van running.

It's not running now.

Start it running, then.

INTERCOM: Who the f*ck are you?

Ah, yeah, hey, man. How do you go
about joining the Horsemen, 'cause
I'm pretty keen to join?

f*ck off.

OK, but can I at least just come
in and talk about it, 'cause I'm
really f*ckin' keen, man?

f*ck off.


If you drink milk, when you chuck,
there are white lumpy bits.

I'm not gonna chuck.

You're not pregnant, are you?

Thank God, someone's
finally catching on.

You're jealous.

Of what?
Your sister.

Why would I be jealous of
a no-brain bimbo like her?

Because she's got him,
and you haven't.


The one you've got feelings for.

Look, I do not not have any feelings
for Hayden bloody Peters.

Yep, that's his name.

Your body isn't used to having
feelings, so it's rejecting them.

God, you talk shit sometimes.

But I'm right, and you know it.

Where do I sleep again, now?

In the caravan in the backyard.

He's too old for you, by the way.

Come on, man. It's a great plan.

No, it's not.
Come on.

I'm not gonna act as a decoy by
tagging 'Horsemen suck d*ck' on
their fence.

But you're a really fast runner.

As much as I agree with the
part of the plan that says,

'If you don't want to end up dead,
you have to get her away from the
g*ng,' that won't magically happen.


Did you see her?

No, but that doesn't mean that—

She's still in there.

They're not just gonna
leave her there alone.

There are guards.

There's always guards.


If you wanna live,
get in the f*cking van.


Look where you're going,
you f*cking maniac.

Nobody's here to see you.
Take your goggles off.

Are you saying there's something
wrong with my driving?


I know someone who's gonna k*ll you.

No shit!

I really do.

What the f*ck were you doing?

It's personal.

It's personal.
Did you get the job finished?

Yeah, no thanks to this knobhead.

What are you doing
with the Horsemen?

None of your f*cking business.

You do not go around there again.
Do you understand me?

Why not?
Because I f*ckin' say so.

Whatever you're doing, I want in.


You got something
against the Horsemen?

Yep. I do, actually.

OK. Good.


♪ I know your name

♪ and where you live. ♪

You're still here.

Shit, that was a bloody
stink movie you made me watch.

That's the last time
you get to choose.



What? What's so funny?

I think that's reality texting me.

Ah, tell it to bugger off.

Rochelle had a baby boy.

Go, Rochelle.

She wanted a girl.

Wait till she hears
you threw all that cash away.

Shut up.

Serves you right for making
me watch that stink movie.

You fell asleep halfway through.

You looked so good lying there,
I almost gave in and jumped you.

Jeez, what stopped you?

You know me. Once I make my mind
up, no matter how stupid...

Next time I give you permission to
take advantage of me while I sleep.

You think there'll be a next time?

That's what I'm hanging on for.


Don't forget to nick the shampoo
and stuff on your way out.

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