02x07 - All That Fortune, Death and Danger Dare

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Outrageous Fortune". Aired: 12 July 2005 – 9 November 2010.*
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Series followed the lives of the career criminal West family after the matriarch, Cheryl, decided the family should go straight and abide by the law.
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02x07 - All That Fortune, Death and Danger Dare

Post by bunniefuu »


No way.

Aurora lives with a g*ng?

Yes, she lives with The Horsemen.




Whatever you're doing, I want in.

Why? You got something
against The Horsemen?

Yep. I do, actually.

If he breaks parole now — and it
doesn't matter how — I can put him

But the longer he stays out, the
bigger the fall, and when he goes
down, he will drag you with him.

You know, if I leave Wolf for you,
my whole f*cking world turns upside

'My kids desert me, for starters.'



You wanted to see me, sir?

Yeah, look at this.

Surveillance photos
from Horsemen HQ.

[ Is that who I think it is?

Yeah, Van West.

This clown's either got a mental
problem or there's something up.

No idea.

You're the West expert.
Have they got g*ng connections?

Not their style.

[ Look into it.


What have you lost?

Oh, have you seen my balaclava?

What do you need your balaclava for?

Oh, to... keep my head warm.


What took you so bloody long?

Couldn't find my balaclava.


Oh shit, that is tragic. (LAUGHS)


(SLAMS FIST) Oh! Beauty!


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ ...to you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

I don't know nothing cos
I'm told nothing, see?

So if there was something going
on, I wouldn't know, would I?

And if I did know, which I don't,
I wouldn't tell you. Not after
last time. Fair enough.

I mean, after everything I've done
for Wolfgang West, and this is the
thanks I get —

'Thank you, Eric. Bye.
Piss off. Mind the store.'

Sorry to hear that, Eric.
Just a passing enquiry, really.

Along what lines, exactly?

Oh, nothing, really. Just that
Van's been seen hanging out at
The Horsemen's headquarters.

Oh, you're pulling my
tit. Those mongrels?

Yeah. You got any ideas?

No, I don't, and I don't want to
know why, either. Jesus, not with
that lot. Shit a brick.


WHISPERS: Go, go, go!

Way you go!
What, on my own?

Mate, I'm electrics. You're
grunt. That makes me the boss.

Yeah, but—
And hurry the f*ck up!

Have you got any idea why Van's
been acting so weird recently?

Weird in what way, love?

Well, you know, like
he's up to something.

Something like...?

If I knew that, I wouldn't be trying
to get a straight answer out of
you, now would I?

Well, as far as I know, Van's been
acting just as weird as he always

So do you know where he is?

Come on, love.
I'm not the boy's minder.

No, you're his father. It's
your job to take an interest.

I take an interest in all my kids.

Someone's not going to
get his end away tonight.


Hi, love.

Hello, Mum.

Why not?

You staying for a beer?
Yeah, why not.

Excellent. We're just going to pop
downstairs. You all right with the

Beside myself (!)

What are you f*ckin' doing?

You see that brown round thing on
the ground? That's my ring. Give
me a f*ckin' hand.

What's this?
Just a perk of the job, man.

Hey, are you trying
to screw everything up?

No! Sparky, can we just, like,
talk about this away from here?

This is not what we
came for, you cretin!

Sparky, don't!

Evil is what that stuff is!

No, Sparky, it's beer!

Alcohol — product of the Devil!

Product of a brewery,
you f*cking nutcase!

Hey! Get out here!

Oi! What are you doing?!

Come here, you! ]

He doesn't come to the pub. We don't
hang out any more. We don't talk
like we used to, Mrs West—

Yeah. Yeah. I just want to
know what he's up to, Munter.

Yeah, and I'm telling you. You know,
Van's somewhere else. Like, in his
head. You know? He's in love.

Is this that girl from the
Hoochie Girl competition?

He wants to swim in
Aurora Bay, so to speak.

So is he going out with her?

What, can't you find her?

Oh nah, we found her, all right.
She lives with The Horsemen.

You're joking? She
lives with a g*ng?

Yeah, but she's not one of them
skanky types, you know, with all
the tats and stuff.

Should I be having a
bad feeling about this?

Yeah, a very bad feeling,

cos she's the missus of
the head of the g*ng, Tyson.

SIGHS: Oh God, trust Van.

Everything went all right?

Yep, no worries. Apart from Sparky
being a complete lunatic. (LAUGHS)

Sparky knows what's required.
He'll do just fine.

Hey, I'm proud of you —
standing up, being your own man.

Yeah. Ta.

Ah, I wondered where you'd got to.

Just shot down to the pub.

Nice for some. You coming to bed?

Yeah, in a minute.

Mm. Yeah, I might go to bed
too. I'm pretty tired, eh?

Listen, you know you can talk to me
any time — you do know that, don't


Yeah, I gotta brush my teeth
before I go to bed, so...

Do you mind? I'm eating.

So eat and don't watch.

I've got a present for you.


I'm gonna be busy at work, so
I'm not gonna be able to see you.

MUTTERS: Thank God.

Don't worry. It's only work,
and it's only for a while.

So I thought you might like a little
something to keep you smiling when
I'm gone.

Ooh. (LAUGHS) Yum.

Go out, take some friends. Then
I'll know at least one of us
will be having a good time.

You are so thoughtful.


Miss you already.

Do I get a kiss?

(SCOFFS) Bugger off, Grandpa.

What if he just dumped you
and you didn't realise it?

No, I am totally cool with this.

Because even better — when he gets
back, he's going to be gagging for

I really didn't need to know that,
Pascal. And I have stocktaking
to do. Goodbye.

Where's Rita going?

She's not Rita, Grandpa.

She said she was going
to stay with me.

No, Loretta isn't Rita.

Loretta is Loretta. Rita's dead.


Oh shit.

No, don't cry, Grandpa.

(SNIFFS) She can't be dead. She
said she was going to stay with me.

No, really, really don't cry —
I can't have that today.

She said she'd be with me forever.


Ooh, I know. Grandpa, I have some
medicine that will make everything

Is it safe?
Yeah. Look, I'll have one too.

Your turn.

And when it's kicked in,
we'll go find Rita.

'Kicked in' — is
that a medical term?

OK, then — , . , the food'll
arrive, more than likely Thai.

[ Uh, what about pizzas?

Well, sometimes they order pizzas.

Yes, Van, but it's usually Thai.

Yeah, but sometimes—

What type of food they order
isn't important here, OK?

Indian would be better
for feeding a crowd.

You're right there, Sparky.
Sangit's are very good.

What? Sangit's? No, they're crap.

They would not know Indian if they
f*ckin' fell over chicken biriani
in the street—


The point here is that while they're
scoffing whatever it is that they're
scoffing —

Indian, Thai, Korean;
I don't give a rat's arse —

they're all in one place,
accounted for. That's what we want.

That's why we need to know what
time the food is being delivered.


Hello, hello. What's this?
Gathering of the clans, is it?

Eric, how are you?
Yeah, all right.

How's Cheryl and the kids?

Do you want to talk to me, Eric?

Yeah, kinda.

Nice set-up you got here.

What is it?

Well, Wolf, since we're mates and
everything, there's something I
think I should pass on.

Wayne Judd's sniffin' round.

Well, that's his job,
isn't it, Eric?

Well, this is different. He's
asking about Van hanging around The
Horsemen. I mean, what's going on?

Thank you. I appreciate it.

When was the last time
you had f*ckin' Indian?

Guys, could I have a word
in private with Van, please?

What did I tell you about
hanging around the Horsemen HQ?

You said not to do it again.

But you did do it, didn't you?

I was just trying to see someone. ]

Yeah. Her name's Aurora.

All right, OK. Let's
take this nice and slow.

Now is not the time to go chasing
around after some piece of g*ng

Now, hang on, Aurora's not trash.

We are gonna steal a shitload
of cash off these people.

And they're not gonna like it, Van.
They're gonna come after whoever it
is they think did it.

Now, if they see a connection
between you and this girl, then
that means they'll come after us.

And by us, Van, I don't
mean you and me —

I mean your mother.

Your sisters. These g*ng guys aren't
gonna care what they have to do or
who they have to hurt

to get back their money.

So you've got a decision to make,
Van — this girl or your family.



How did you get in here?
Oh, through the back door.

The back door's locked.

Are you the bastard who's been
stealing all the porn titles?

We — me and Van are the bastards,
plural. They'll be under his bed.

Not that we do stuff
like that any more.

You want a milkshake?
I can go and get burgers.

Do you want something to do, Munter?


Count the titles, tick them off.

Sweet as—
Don't talk to me.

Here we are! Oh, look
who's here. Hi, Munter.

Hi, Munter.
Hi, Pascal. Hi, Ted.

How did you get in?

Through the front door, silly.

The front door was locked.

You gave me a key.


That's all right — we're inside
now. It was starting to rain.

We've been looking at the flowers.


Hey, thanks for this.

Well, it's not hard, you know? You
just put the iron on the clothes
and rub it back and forth.

Yeah, but no one
does it as good as you.


What are you doing here?

Is Van about? ]

Uh,... he's at work, I presume.


Just want ask him a question.
Are you his lawyer?
Does he need one?

I just want to know why Van appears
to be surveilling a certain g*ng
headquarters. That's all.

This family has nothing to
do with gangs. You know that.

I think I know why. There's this
girl — she lives with the gangs.

Hanging out to see her, is he?

Something like that.

Well, good luck to him. Can't
blame a man for trying, eh?

You might want to tell Van that g*ng
guys don't like sharing their toys,

Do that.

You and Wayne Judd are friendly.

No point in being unfriendly.

Says the woman who brought
me up never to trust a cop.


Does he come around
for these chats often?

Oh, no more than the usual.

You ever see him socially?

Why would I do that?

You've got a nice little
rapport going there.

What are you implying, Jethro?

You tell me.

No, why don't you tell me what's
going on with you and your father?
All these late-night sessions.

Ah, he's caged up here, wearing
out a track to work and back.

He's bored out of his brain;
likes my company.

You're a social worker now, are ya?


He's just interested in what I'm up
to, that's all. Shit, he knows half
my clients.

I mean, I know it's sad, but I fill
him in on all the goss. You know —
who hasn't paid, who's up who...


That kind of thing.

You want to be careful what you do
with that goss — it can get nasty
if you get it wrong.

Yeah, it can.

I'll remember that.

You know, it's just... there's some
things in your life that are always

Like the sky.

And horses.

And Van was one of them, you know?

(SIGHS) And now he's not.

And now you're sad?

Yeah, I guess.

Luckily, I have some medicine
that will take care of that.

Just be happy. That's
all we want for you.

I'm not Eric.

Oh my God. Is there a 'losers
come in' sign on the door?

It is so good to see you!

Oh! Well, it's nice
to be wanted somewhere.

Are you sad too?
Cos I've got a cure for that.

My, Sergeant Judd is getting
around today, isn't he?

He gives me the shits.

Oh, don't worry. I know
why he's hanging around.


Ignore him.
Yeah, I would, except—

Wolf. You got a minute?

Yep. Except what?

Nothing. I just think we
should be careful, that's all.

Oh, you're telling me
how to suck eggs now?

I'm always careful.

♪ To the female sex.

♪ To the female sex,
you're a menace. ♪

Hey, feel Grandpa's arm.

I don't want to feel Grandpa's arm.

It's like touching history.

Look, is there any chance that
you and the rest of the loved-up
generation will f*ck off soon?

Don't be angry, Loretta. Especially
not when you don't have to be.

If I have an E, will you leave
me alone to get on with my work?

But you won't feel like working.

I'll take my chances. And please
stop touching me — it's just
getting creepy now.

Where's everyone else?

If they want food, they'll turn up.

Your mother didn't make fish pie for
you to push it around your plate.

I'm not hungry. ]

Is this about that girl?

Have you heard about Van's girl?

Yeah, I've heard.

Everybody's heard about Van's g*ng
girl. He sure knows how to pick 'em,

Will you just leave
it the f*ck alone?

Don't you talk to me like that.

And get over her. You've got more
important things to do with your

What important things
would these be, Wolf?

Things that make the world a
better place for all of us, love.

Piss off.

I thought you liked my cooking.

I just wasn't hungry, that's all.

Not the way it looked to me.

So, tell me about Aurora.

There's nothing to tell.

Why did you have to fall in love
with the one girl you can't have?

Listen to me. I want you to be
careful. I'm not having you smacked
over by Tyson or any of his mates.

They're not nice people.

I can't eat, or... (SIGHS) I can't
do nothing — I can't stop thinking
about her.


Stupid, eh?

Maybe you need to
get away for a while.

No, I can't. Work. ]

Mr Hong will give you the time off.

It's not that kind of work
you're talking about, is it?

Van, what's Wolf got you doing?

Hey, I know when some shit's
going down, and God help me,

I'm not having him bully
you into whatever it is.

He's not bullying me.
Well, it's not the
way it looked to me.

I can't.
Come on. Yes, you can.

Mum, f*ck — I can't. He'll k*ll me!

Look, I won't let him.
I promise you.

Next week, there's this—

No, I can't, Mum.

Come on. I promise.


Next week, there's this meeting —
all these gangs from all over the
place, they're all getting together.

And, um, they're all bringing a
shitload of money to put together

to buy all these dr*gs that are
coming in off a yacht or something—

Jesus. You're not
stealing the dr*gs?

Nah, we're stealing the money.

How much?

Well, I dunno, but Dad reckons
it could be close to a million.

He's got this wicked plan, and he
reckons it could set us all up for

But see,... I figure that once it
all turns to shit for the g*ng —
when they lose all their money —

then I'll be able to get
Aurora away from them.

That's why I'm doing it.



Um, Van, I need you
to do something for me.

I need a packet of cigarettes.
You go down to the service station?

It's OK.

I promise.

Come on, go.


Oh. Can you get
spearmint next time—?

How f*cking dare you?

What'd you promise him? What, that
he'd be number-one son; the golden
head boy,

worship the ground
you f*cking walk on?

You really can't help yourself,
can you? You really can't stop.

What are you talking about?

You taking on the gangs
and involving Van.

You run your business,
I'll run mine.

[ Yeah, that sure is the
way it's turned out, eh?
Sure is.

Well, I'm telling you one thing —
you're not dragging this family
into your business.

Van made up his own mind.

While you troweled on
the emotional blackmail.

Oh, you can bloody talk, can't you?
Telling everybody else around here
how to live their lives.

I'm not stupid, Cheryl.
I know what I'm doing,

and I wouldn't be doing it if
the return didn't outweigh the risk.

Listen, I don't give a shit what
you do. I gave up on you ages ago.

But what I don't get, what I
truly don't f*cking understand

is that you would put your own
boy in danger from these people!

This is the f*cking one, Cheryl —
this is the perfect f*cking job.

A plan that can't miss, untraceable
cash, and as long as everybody keeps
their trap shut, no cops.

The guys you're stealing from,
they don't play by our f*cking
rules, Wolf!

It won't happen that way.
I'm telling you, it won't. I can't
stop you, but I'm stopping Van.

Everyone that we've ever pissed off,
we are going to say sorry to.

Except if they're cops or they
work for the tax department.

Can we do that?

We are all gonna make the world a
better place. And this is not just
the E talking,

because I truly and I honestly
believe this — that all we need



You are so right, Eric.

And tomorrow,

we're going to go and find the
people that we love, and we're
going to tell them we love them.

Can we do that?

I will kiss your feet, Pascal.

Just spread the love, Eric.

No, seriously, I will —
I'll kiss your feet—

Munter, are you with me?

The love will be spread.


Yes, Oracle?

Can you find that little thing
inside you that is your heart

and actually tell someone
that you love them?

I love Grandpa.

I love you too, Rita.

I'm not Rita.

But to him you are, and
that is beautiful. (SNIFFS)


You've been talking to
your mother, haven't you?

It's cool. Oh, I can see her side
of it. She's worried about you.

Fair enough — it's her job.

Do you trust me?

Yeah, of course.

You think we can pull this off?

You know the plan inside out.
You see anything wrong with it?

No. No, it all... works.

Good to hear. You see, the thing
is, Van, your mother is taking
this personally.

She thinks I'm out to undermine her.

She doesn't get that you're old
enough to make your own decisions
now, but you're not a kid any more.

Or am I wrong about that?

I want you in this with me.

Jethro, he has his uses, but you —
it's not in your nature to walk
away from getting your hands dirty.

Never has been.

You can't put a price on that.


I know what you've got inside you.

I'm just waiting for you to show me.


It's all cool. Go on
inside, get some sleep.

Night, Dad.

What do you want for breakfast?

Pascal's not feeling
the love right now.

Have you seen your father?

Bathroom. He was on the couch
when I woke up this morning. Again.

Aren't you having any breakfast?
Where are you going?

VAN: Out.


Van, I need to talk to you.


You got to him.
I had a word, yeah.



I love you, Mrs West.

Yep, yep. Thanks, Munt. Hey, listen,
off, off. Come on, get off me.

Listen, Munter, I need you to do a
job for me. I need you to find Van
and bring him home.

What for?

Do you know what you give
a junkie to keep him happy?


electrical equipment so
he can buy more smack?

No, you give a junkie heroin.

You're gonna give Van heroin?
You can't give Van heroin.

No. No, I'm not gonna give him
heroin. I'm gonna give him what
he wants.

But I need you to find
him and bring him home.

Oh yeah.
OK, off you go.

No, no, no. Go.

Good boy.

I love you, Wolf.

OK. Thanks, Eric, that's nice—

No, let me finish.

I know I've done you wrong in the
past, but I love you like a brother.

Glad to hear it.

So we're square, eh?


There's nothing that I need to know?

Nothing at all.

Cos if I've upset you in any way—

No, you haven't.

Thanks, Wolf.
That means a lot to me, eh?



Go home, mate. Sleep it off.



We up and running?

Just about.


This better not be a trick.

Well, it is, but not on you.

After some negotiation, Hoochie Mama
have secured the services of Aurora
as our house model — in this home.

You've only got two hours before she
has to go back, so you'd better get

Come on, Munter. Let's
give them some privacy.

Yeah, yeah. (PATS VAN)


I can't believe you're in my house.

Last time I was here
was... your th.


I am... I am actually me —

Van... (LAUGHS) this time.

We only have two hours.


Mm. Mm.



Mmm. I've wanted this since
the first time I saw you.

Back at Chris Amon Primary?



That's why I lifted
up your skirt that day.


Dare you to do it again.


Listen, I need to ask you a
question. Are you going to
give me a straight answer?

Depends on the question.

Are you involved in this job?
What job?

Come on, Jethro, give
me credit. The g*ng job.

Should I even comment, given your
wee friendship with Wayne Judd?

I'm not your enemy, Jethro.


So you're telling me you
haven't crossed the line?

You're not f*cking him?

The night you spent in town — I
saw him outside the hotel the next


Have you told your father?

Ooh, I think you'd
know if I'd told him.

So, are you going to
answer my question?

I'm taking care of the proceeds.


Cos we're going to make rather a
lot of money, and I want a slice.

No, no. Why in the first place?


Oh God.

You never got it, did you?

You always wanted me to
be something I'm not —

some squeaky-clean little office
boy with his sites set on making

That was never my dream,
Mum — it's all yours.

(LAUGHS) I'm a West, for God's sake.

You're the one West who walked away.

I never walked away.

What the f*ck has Wolf got over you,
Jethro? What has he done to you to

Nothing. He's done nothing.

Eyes wide open. (LAUGHS)


I went to law school, Mum,
to figure out the system.

Play it smarter — smarter than Dad,
Grandpa; all the Wests put together.

I only went to law school, Mother,
to figure out how to break the law
better than them.


♪ Too much rain...


♪ Get away

♪ before you stay

♪ somewhere that's not true.

♪ Finality.

♪ Finality. ♪

It's me. I need to speak to you.
I'll be at the Rusty Nail.


♪ Hey, girls, are you
living on the chance... ♪


♪ ...that someday you're
gonna get hit by romance?

♪ And will he know your heart?

♪ It's cold outside.

♪ And if you haven't
got a boyfriend,

♪ this is something
we strongly recommend

♪ to every girl.

♪ Every girl.

♪ And every... ♪

It's not my fault — he stole them
from my room. How wrong is that?

How many did he take?

Two, three, maybe.

He thinks I'm someone named Pat.

His and Grandma's bisexual
threesome partner.

He hasn't told you that winner
from the West family archives?

Get your glad rags on,
ducks. We're off.

No, we're not, Grandpa.
We're not going anywhere.

They've got swingers
for the members, Rita.

Grandpa, there's no
races. There's no Rita.

(SNORTS) Of course there is.

Rita is dead.

Never kid with a kidder, honeybunch.
You know better than that.

Grandma was cremated!

You were there. She went through
the curtains into the incinerator
and got crunched up into nothing.

And afterwards we all saw the
smoke coming out of the chimney.

And when you got home, you shook
the little urn, you could hardly
hear anything,

because all the pieces of her...
were just... dust and ashes.

(SIGHS) Like sand in
your shoe, Grandpa.

There's no more Rita.
Rita doesn't exist.


That was, like, totally sick and
cruel, and way too descriptive.

So it's better to lie all the time
and let him think she's alive?

Yes. It makes him happy.

No, I don't actually think it does.

He knows she isn't alive. It just
suits his addled psyche to pretend

OK, I know you're frigid, Loretta,
and nobody likes you, but that
doesn't give you any kind of excuse—

Where's he gone?

Happy birthday.

Mm. And it's not
even my real birthday.

God, you're perfect.


No, I'm not.

No, you are.

I love everything about you.

I love your... eyes,

and I love your... boobies,...


...and I love your... tummy,

and I love what's
under your tummy,...


...and I love your... back,...


...and the cute little horsey tattoo
at the bottom of your back,...


That tattoo means
'Property of The Horsemen'.


I love you.

MUNTER: Time's up, you guys.


SOFTLY: About f*ckin' time.

How'd it go?

It was fun.

Pay you?
Yeah, yeah.


Your Mum reckons it can happen
again, as many times as you like.

What, for two hours at a time?

Yeah, well, it's
better than nothing, eh?

Which is what you'll
get if you do that job.

How did you know about the job?

Your Mum told me.

Yeah, but, see, if I do the job,
then maybe the g*ng will break up
and she can... get away from him.

That's just stupid logic,
and you know it.

That's the sort of stupid logic that
ends up with you lying in a shallow
grave because a g*ng's shot you,

buried you out at Piha and now a
German Shepherd dug you up cos all
that's left are just bleached bones.

You're just like
all the rest of them.

Telling me what to do, telling me
how to live my life. Like I don't
know anything.

All I know is that there's stupid
on one hand and you get to see her
on the other,

and I really hope you make the right
choice, bro, cos I don't want to be
at your funeral, man.

It's a bit public.

I want him stopped.

Wolf. I don't care how
you do it, just do it.

Can I ask why?

For my family.


Sure. Sure, OK.

Thank you.

(SIGHS) He's not at the TAB.

I could m*rder a hamburger.

Oh, OK, forget the old senile guy
who's wandering the streets high on
E — you go get yourself a feed (!)

Well, I'm hungry,
and I feel like shit.

And it's your fault he took
off, so just don't shout!

Excuse me? Whose dr*gs were they?

Well, who was the one who said all
that gross stuff about Grandma's

All he wanted to do was see her
again. You could have just played

Except for that bit where he
just wanted to get us into bed.

Oh my God.

He wanted to see Grandma again.
Where was the last place he saw her?

Video Hut?
No, I don't mean when he thought
Iwas her. I mean for real.

The hospice?
No, I mean after she died. Come on.

I'm not doing it.
You are doing it.

You can't make me.

This is your mother, isn't it?

Jesus Christ, when are you
gonna get off the tit—?

This is me being me, Dad.

Doing what I want.

The tart.

Aurora's no tart.

SIGHS: Oh Christ,
I should've seen this coming.

OK, let's sit down and
we'll talk it through.

No, I'm not talking anymore.

No one ever listens.

Aurora's worth way more than some
job and a truckload of cash, and
that's my final word on it, Dad.

This is all Cheryl's doing. That and
your brother thinking with his d*ck.

Maybe we should call this thing off.

Oh, no. Not a chance.

Look, it might not be as simple
as you think. There... There may
be other influences in play here.


Oh, who gives a f*ck about him?

Maybe someone pretty close to you.

What are you saying?

It's come to my attention,
just recently, that maybe...


Maybe you should get that.

Wayne Judd here, Wolf. How's the
charity lark? Keeping you honest?

What do you want?

Bit of a chat.

I'm sitting down here
at the Rusty Nail.

I just had a drink
with your lovely wife.

Is that right?

Yeah. Cheryl's excellent company.

Mind you, between me, you and the
bedpost, she's a lot more fun in
the sack.

A real stunner, in fact.

Come on, Wolf. Don't you know what
your family get up to when you're

She's a fine woman, and she deserves
way better than an arsewipe like

I'm going to take
her off you, Wolf.

And there's not a f*ckin'
thing you can do to stop it.






good of you to come.

(CHUCKLES) Now, you do know
that you've violated your
parole conditions by turning up?


Hickey, you tackle like a girl.



Where are you?

I'm heading home. Why?
Don't go there.

Why not?

Wolf knows about us.

Shit. What did Jethro tell him?

How would Jethro tell him?

Well, how does he know, then?

I told him.

What the f*ck for?

You wanted him stopped.

Yeah, but not by
telling him about us.

You said do whatever
it took. So I did.

And, uh, he kinda got away.

He's out there somewhere.


Come to my place.

I have to know you're somewhere
Wolf can't get to you, Cheryl. I
have to know you're somewhere safe.

No, I'm sorry, Wayne.
I can't do that.

Roger that.

How did you know he'd be here?

Cos it's the last place he saw
Grandma. Well, not strictly 'saw'

Hold this.

She's not going to bite you, boy.


I've got one.


You found Grandma.

I remember. We brushed her off the
path, under the grapefruit tree.

Grew like buggery. (LAUGHS)

Rest in peace, my love.


Everybody out of here. Go!
Disappear for a couple of hours.

What's happened?

For once in your life, just do what
you're told, all right? Disappear.

Come on, we better go.

Look, Dad, we can sort this out. All
right? You and me, we'll go down the

Sorry, son — no time.
Got a job to do.

You're kidding, right?
The job's off.

Dad, the job is drowning in shit.
What if Mum's told Judd?

Well, that's a risk
we're gonna have to take.

Oh, for God's sakes. How are we
gonna do it if you're on the run?

Least of our worries.

OK, but Van's not in any more, so—

You take Van's place.

Uh, no, no, no. No way.

I came on to this job under the
clear understanding that I was
hands-off, and I'm—

Yeah, well, everything's
f*ckin' changed, hasn't it?

You wanted in — you're in.

Or haven't you got the balls?

There's something else
you can take care of, too.



Where's your father?

Gone. Took my car.

Gone where?


What's that?


The saw slipped.

What saw?

It's in your bedroom.

Jesus, Mum, how the f*ck could you?


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

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