02x04 - Sad But Truesdale

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x04 - Sad But Truesdale

Post by bunniefuu »

Chazz: this is the true story of losers

Picked to live in a dump and have their dorky lives taped.

The chazz presents "the lame life."

I've got one word for you, sarge--

Shower. Try using one.

It actually gets you clean.

Oh, yeah?

Well, you talk in your sleep,

And what's with the night light?

Oh, and for your information,

I showered last week.

Syrus: well, next time, stand under the water.

Come on. You gotta chill out.

If we're all gonna be roommates,

You guys are gonna hafta make some compromises.

Now, I think we can settle this with a group hug.

I don't do hugs.

'Cause your stench scares everyone away.

Huh? Hmm? Hmm?

There you have it, folks--

The dweeb in its natural habitat.

Jaden: forget how to knock?

And what's with the camera, fellini?

I'm pitching my life as a reality show.

It's got a great premise--

One talented young duelist

Forced to live in a dorm full of slackers.

Talk about a ratings grabber.

It's gonna make me a big star.

With a big head.

Jaden: you may be onto something here, chazz,

But I think your show needs a plot twist.

What could be more interesting than watching me?

Alexis: am I interupting something?

Syrus: I think we found our plot twist, guys.

Hassleberry: jaden was right.

Your show just got a whole lot better.

What's up?

I left my dorm for good.

So do you guys have room for one more?

Yes. Plenty. Hallelujah!

Syrus: one more what?

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Bonaparte: so tell me, monsieur,

Who's gonna be our next big star?

I'm just dying to find out.

I'm sensing sarcasm.

Trust me. This time my plan's absolutely foolproof.

This is our ticket to fame--

Mr. Syrus truesdale,

Younger brother of zane truesdale,

Duelist league professional.

The press will eat this up.

Do you know why?

Because if he wins, we're promoting him to ra yellow...

[Thinking] and, thanks to his big brother,

All eyes will be on our school.

[Thinking] if he gets promoted to yellow,

There'll be one less slacker to contend with,

Bringing moi one step closer to bidding the red dorm adieu.

Ha ha ha!

Chazz: I give you chez chazz,

The ultimate in dorming elegance.

Jaden: a spa with a waterfall?

Doncha think that's overkill?

Syrus: oh, we passed "overkill"

Somewhere between the bowling alley in the basement

And the -ring circus in the living room.

Alexis: high ceilings? Marble floors?

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm impressed, chazz.

It's awesome, and there's tons of space.

So do you think I can crash here?

But you were gonna crash in our room.

Zip it.

You can't blame her for wanting the best.

I guess.

I mean, if you like high ceilings and hot tubs.

Let's see. Live in luxury

Or share a lumpy pillow with a family of roaches?

So why'd you leave your dorm, anyway?

Well, get this.

Ah. Ah.

Hassleberry: nice, uh, uniform, ma'am.

Oh, please.

This thing was all crowler's idea.

Huh? Huh? Huh?

He actually wanted me to wear this thing

And sing while I duel.

No joke.

Some crazy idea about turning me into a dueling pop star.

Can you picture me wearing this?

Uhh... Heh heh.

Guys? You're right.

I mean, who'd wanna see you wear that thing?

Uh, thank you?

Real smooth. Huh?

Don't you get it?

This isn't just about the dress.

It's about chancellor crowler.

He's gonna wear the dress? Eh.

Now that crowler's in charge,

He's even more dangerous.

All he wants to do is further his career,

And he's using us, so we hafta stop him.

You're right.

We can't let crowler manipulate us just so he can look good.

Who's in?

Syrus? There you are.

Huh? Hey. Everything all right?

Who's he?

You were looking for me? What's up?

A duel.

A duel? For me?

Who am I dueling?

A girl in obelisk blue.

Her name is missy, and I hear she duels

With a deck full of insect monsters.

Missy? Ok. That girl totally creeps me out,

But I've seen her duel, and she's really good.

Well, congrats.

You're crowler's next victim.

Wait, sy.

This duel could be your big break.

Yeah. You're gonna win and prove everyone wrong.

They're gonna see the brave sy.

Jaden, one question--

When you find the brave syrus,

Can you do me a favor and let him know

The wimpy one is looking for him?

Hey, truesdale.


Where do you think you're going, son?


Come on, soldier. Up and at 'em.

You can't hide in there forever.

Of course not.

Just for a few days, a week tops,

But don't worry.

I've got everything I need in here--

Bottled water, a canned ham, mr. Fuzzy bear...

I am not even gonna ask.

Come on.


Listen up.

Fear is your mortal enemy.

And fear needs to be destroyed.

Now get up and fight that fear.

Fight that fear.

But I'm afraid to.

Then you've already lost the w*r.

Is that what you want?

No. You wanna win,

Not just against this missy girl,

But against your own fear.

Now, what scares you the most, truesdale?


Hassleberry: we gotta locate the source of this fear

So we can launch a sneak attack.

[Thinking] it's power bond,

The card my brother gave me when we were kids.

If I didn't have it in my deck, I'd be nothing.

In fact, power bond is my ticket to the pro league

So I can be just like zane someday,

But what if I realize that I'm not good enough?

[Aloud] huh!

[Thinking] wait. That's my biggest fear--

That everyone else will move on and leave me behind.


Later, syrus.

We're off to the pro league.

Don't leave me.

I wanna go with you guys.

Sorry, sy. You're on your own.

Hold on.

I don't wanna be alooooooooone!

I won't be left behind.

I'm gonna fight my fear, but not right now.

Hurry. The duel's about to start, guys.

Syrus: hey, chazz? Huh?

Could you give this to jaden?

What's that?

Did you decide to write your will or something?

Just give it to him...


But no peeking.

It's power bond.

Syrus: what'd I just say?

[Crowd cheering]

Face it.

All the odds are against that little runt.

Size isn't everything.

You, of all people, should know.

Look in a mirror lately?

Where were you?


So you're zane's brother?

Don't take this too personally, hun,

But you're not exactly what I was expecting.

I mean, just look at him.

I guess the hottie gene skipped you.


That's not cool.

No fear, son.

I'm sorry,

But what's the deal with her hair?

Who cares?

Look, kid. I'm a girl who gets what she wants,

And once I win, zane is gonna be mine

'Cause this duel happens to be my ticket to the pro league.

Huh? Who told you that?

Crowler. You win, you advance to ra.

I win, and I get to go pro.

All right. Fine.

Then what are we waiting for?

Game on. Game on.

Ladies first. Look out.

I summon prickle fairy in defense mode.

What a start.

This puts truesdale in a tight spot.

Now, all my insect monsters are safe.

So basically, there's not a card in my deck you can touch.

Does she really think her outfit looks good,

Or did she get dressed in the dark?

Jaden: alexis, focus.

All right. Watch this.

I'll start with shield crush.

So much for your big plan

'Cause now I get to choose one monster

That's in defense mode and destroy it,

And guess who I pick.

That's right.

Now for the fun part.

Check this out.

I summon steamroid in attack mode.

All right, pal. Full steam ahead.



Awesome. She just learned her lesson.

Don't duel in heels.


Crowd: truesdale, truesdale, truesdale...

People are actually cheering,

And it's for me.

I finally have fans. Ha ha ha!

Ya hear that? The crowd loves me.

Oh, great. Fame's gone to his head.

Big deal. That'll change once I go.

I'll play pinch hopper in attack mode.

Too bad I'm not afraid of bugs.

Living in a roach-infested dorm room will do that.


Then I guess you won't mind this next move

Because it's been known to bug people out.

I activate this spell card-- multiplication of ants.

It replaces my pinch hopper with two army ant tokens.

Those ants are worth just points each.

What were you thinking?

Obviously, I was thinking of using

Pinch hopper's special effect.


When hopper goes to the graveyard,

I can automatically summon an insect monster from my hand.

Pesky bugs.

Meet the diva of my deck.

She's sweet. She's strong.

She's insect princess.

You can do this, sy. Just stay calm.

Here's the deal.

My princess gets points

For every insect she destroys.

So if you think she's strong now, just wait.

Uh, hello? One problem.

My deck doesn't have any insects.

That's all about to change.

'Cause I play my insect garden spell card.


Welcome to the jungle, dweeb.

Wait a sec. I see.

Syrus didn't have any insect monsters.

So missy's gonna lend him some of hers.

It's time for my weaker insects

To see how the other half lives.

They're all yours, hun.

You're right. Missy totally set him up.

Nice giant ant. Heel, boy.

Still not scared of bugs, kid?

Just wait till I play this.


I equip my princess with insect pheromone.

Now attack his ant.

Ha ha ha!

And don't forget her majesty's special effect.

She gets stronger with every bug she stomps,

But wait.

You're not in the clear just yet, dork.

Now insect pheromone forces your second ant

To throw down with her royal highness.

Not again.


I'm afraid so.

Syrus: please tell me you're done,

Pretty please.

Truesdale, you'll never defeat your enemy

Unless you defeat your own fear.

[Thinking] hassleberry's right.

Whenever things get tough, I start to doubt myself.

I hear this voice in my head telling me

To give up because I'm not good enough.

You're not good enough, dork, so just give up.

[Thinking] see? There it is.

[Aloud] sorry, missy. No dice.

So first, I'll switch my steamroid to defense mode.

Then I'll summon submarineroid in attack mode.

Big deal. What's that gonna do?

With just points, it can't touch my princess.

I'm not aiming for your princess

'Cause my submarine's special ability

Lets it attack you directly.

Subterranean sneak attack.


Who's scared now?

Well, why don't I give you a little hint?

She's the one with the submarine

Speeding towards her.

Aah! Aah! Aah!

And now, thanks to my submarineroid's special ability,

It shifts to defense mode

So my life points are safe.

Not bad,

But what he really needs to play is his power bond card.

Too bad he can't. It's not in his deck.

What? Huh?

Oh. Power bond? How could you?

You better have an explanation.

Alexis: yeah. He's a jerk.

I didn't take it.

Syrus gave it to me to give to you.

Hmm? He did? But why?

Syrus: I'll put this facedown and end my turn.

I hafta win. Hear me?

It's the only way to meet zane,

And we are so meant for each other.

Now time for another insect--

My magical longicorn.

You like 'im? Well, guess what, hun?

You can have 'im, thanks to my insect garden.


Bonaparte, if this works, my entire plan's a flop.

Once that beetle bites the dust,

It's, "goodbye, dweeb," and, "hello, hottie."


Oh, no, ya don't. Watch this.

I play no entry.

Now your monsters in attack mode

Are switched to defense mode.


No entry has another effect, too.

You hafta get rid of one card from your hand.


Like I care.

This duel is tre stressful.

Oh, oui, oui.

Good hustle, soldier.

Check it out. It's a whole new sy.

Way ta go, bro.

Lucky break,

But, hun, you don't win duels with luck,

But on the other hand, I guess luck is all you've got.

Oh, yeah? And what's that mean?

Face it, geek. You can practice all you want.

You'll never be as good as zane.

Huh? Take that back!

Ya know, I've lived in the shadow

Of my big brother for my entire life.

He's confident.

He was always a star athlete, got good grades,

And then there was me-- zane's little brother,

Scared I'd never be that good.

Well, you know what?

I'm sick of always being scared.


It's time I faced my fear.

Here goes somethin'.

To start, I activate vehicroid connection zone.

Nice try, but you seem to have forgotten

All about my magical longicorn.

It automatically devours your spell cards.

Bon apetit.

Huh? Sorry,

But feeding time will hafta wait

Because my vehicroid is immune to monster effects.

So now I can sacrifice drilloid,

Submarineroid, and steamroid

So I can play super vehicroid jumbo drill.

, Attack points?

Jumbo drill, attack insect princess.


Huh? [Gasp]


There's another little twist you should know.

Even though insect princess was in defense mode,

The difference between our two monsters' strength

Comes out of your life points.

Wait, but if I lose, I'll never meet my sweet zane.

It's not fair. [Gasp]

[Crowd cheering]

The winner-- zane's little brother.

Aw, come on. Didn't he hear my speech?

Nice job, syrus.

Soldier, I knew you had it in ya.

[Crowd chanting "truesdale"]

Zane-y, I'll never quit you, baby.

Wait a sec. So you're a ra yellow now?

Syrus: yup.

Chazz: I can't believe you get to move out.

I'm still stuck in this dump.

It looks like you're movin' up in rank, private.


Jaden: come on. Chin up, sy.

It's just that, well--

I know how ya feel,

But this is what you've always wanted.

You're movin' up in the world.

Oh, yeah. Don't forget that.

Ya know, when my brother gave me this card,

I thought I needed it to be as good as he is,

But I realize now I was wrong.

Know why?

'Cause everything I need to be a winner,

I already have inside me.

Well put. Thanks, jay.

That's why I don't need to carry 'round this card anymore.

You take it.

That card belongs with you, bro.

Keep it as a souvenir,

A reminder of how brave you are.

That cool?

Time to get your yellow on. Ready?

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Syrus: that only works when jaden says it.

Bastion: all right. Fine.


They grow up so fast, don't they?

Don't forget to write, soldier!

Hey, what's the deal? You're in my seat.

But you moved to the yellow barracks.

You can't get rid 'a me that easily.

I'll always be a slifer at heart,

And I expect my seat to be empty next time.

Since when are you so tough?

Since I took your advice, sarge.


Let's take it outside.

Zip it.

I'm losing my appetite over here.

Really? Thanks, chazz.

What? Drop that shrimp!

Syrus: who you callin' a shrimp?

Hassleberry: hey, one battle at a time, soldier.

Chazz: I want outta here!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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