02x16 - Homecoming Duel: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x16 - Homecoming Duel: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Jaden: last time, on "yu-gi-oh! Gx..."


Should alexis lose this duel,

It's au revoir, red dorm.

Not gonna happen, folks.

Get your game on!

Jaden: hey! That's my line.

Huh? Huh?

Did everyone miss me?

It's jaden!

Lemme take your place.

I need to do this.


It's a rematch! The press will love this!


Elemental hero, aqua neos!

Your martian mutant is nothing

Next to my destiny heroes!

Really? 'Cause I could've sworn...


Where did he go?

We're kind of in the middle of something, here!

Since you're fresh out of monsters,

I'll assume you're done.

So now I'll show you what real heroes can do!

A triple attack!




Soon you'll lose your life points,

Then you'll lose your dorm!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation x

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah! Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on


Man, talk about a landslide.

I guess I've got a lot to learn about my new deck.

For , aqua neos has a serious weakness.

He only sticks around for turn.

Wish I knew that a few minutes ago.

All I have left of my father

Are the destiny heroes he created.

And now that he's gone,

I owe it to him to defeat everyone

That stands in my way.

All right, enough thinking.

It's about time for some action!

Jaden: so I play elemental hero

Bubble man!

And get this--

Since he's the only card in my hand,

Bubble man counts as a special summon!

And since he's alone on my field,

I'm allowed to draw cards!

Awesome! I just drew pot of greed,

So I pick up more cards.


And one of them's bubble blaster!

Go me!

Now my bubble man gets extra points!

And now I'd like to introduce

A surprise guest!

Making his debut here on planet earth,

It's neo-spacian air hummingbird!

Who knew there were

Giant woodpeckers in outer space!

Pretty sweet threads,

Don't you think?

Or should I say feathers?

A wise move, jaden.

Now let us win.

All right, hummingbird.

Do your thing! Honey suck!


I know it looks weird,

But it's actually a pretty rad special ability.

For each card in your hand,

My hummingbird sucks out points--

And I get 'em!

It's gonna take more than that!

I know, like this guy--

Bubble man!

And remember,

My hummingbird didn't attack yet!

Well, until now--

Slaughtering swoop!

And now,

I'll go ahead and throw this down,

And give you a shot.

What a comeback!

Jaden almost lost,

And now he's actually winning!

That's jaden.

If he's got thing, it's a flare for the dramatic,

Wouldn't you say?

Nice one!

Well played, sarge!


I've had enough of your lame space cadets.

I prefer to duel in the real world!

So now, I activate the field spell card

Dark city!


A little change of scenery never hurt, right?

Now if a destiny hero's weaker than the opposing monster,

Then it gains , attack points!

Pretty sweet card, aster.

Nicely played.

There's more!

I'm ditching diamond dude to summon this!

Destiny hero double dude!

Attack bubble man! And don't forget--

Thanks to my dark city spell,

He gets a power boost!

Now burst his bubble!

Did you forget his blaster?

Instead of my bubble man going boom,

His blaster does!

I know that, but you forgot!

My double dude gets a double attack!

So here's round .

Bye bye, birdie.


I'll toss this face down and give you a break.

Not bad, but--

Check this out!

It's my graceful charity!

So I pick up , and toss out .

Then I'll reveal...

Disgraceful charity!

Here's the deal. For this round only,

Any cards that we happen to discard,

Come back to our hands!

Next, I'll play this--

Common soul!

Thanks to this little spell card,

I can summon this--

My neo-spacian hero flare scarab!

Another one of your alien friends?

You betcha!

And you're right, these guys are my friends!

In fact, I didn't find them,

These heroes found me!

I mean, how cool is that?

You're nuts!

You duel in a fantasy world.

Well, it's about time you grew up!

I duel by using the power of destiny,

And I never lose!

You're forgetting the most important thing.

Dueling is about making friends and having a blast,

Isn't it? That's why your dad

Started designing cards in the first place.

Jaden's right.

My father created the destiny heroes

To make me happy.

What would he think of me now?

Maybe that's what's wrong with me.

Every time I use my destiny heroes,

All I feel is pain.

What happened to me?

Look at him!

Why is he just standing there?

Do something, for pete's sake!

You're supposed to be in charge of this school!

Hey, chill out!

No one can concentrate with all that yelling,

So take it down a few!

Listen, garcon.

The only thing we'll be taking down

Is your dorm as soon as you lose!

Huh-- wait a sec.

I should be using my heroes for good,

Not to cause destruction.

Otherwise, I'm no better than the thugs

Who took my father.

Back to the duel!

Flare scarab, you're up, pal!

Activate smolder surge!

Here's how it works.

For every trap and spell card

That's on your side of the field,

My flare scarab gains attack points!


And next, thanks to my common soul,

Flare scarab is able to help out one of his peeps

By sharing his attack points!


And now, bubble man!

Take down his double dude!

No biggie, I'll just play this--

Destiny signal!

You remember, right?

If one of my monsters gets sent to the graveyard,

I can use this to summon a destiny hero

From my hand or deck.

So check out my destiny hero defender!

Not bad.

That's a whole lot of defense points for hero.

Told you.

My destiny heroes are the coolest cards in the game,

And you haven't even seen them all yet!

But, uh--thanks for the props, I guess.

Anyway...my move!

Now get this.

Since you destroyed my double dude,

Its special ability activates.

When it goes to the graveyard,

Double dude tokens

Show up on the field to take his place!

Next, I play mystical space typhoon!

Nice weather we're having, isn't it?

But your space men might not agree.

Oh, no!

But I loved that guy.

Don't forget--without him, bubble man gets weaker.

Go! Token , attack!

And now--

Token number , your turn!



And that's that.

Oh, man.

He's got no reserves!

Au revoir, kid!

If I know jaden, he has a plan!

All right, here goes.

And thanks to your defender,

I can draw cards instead of !

Jaden: I'll start with the shallow grave!

Now we each pick a monster from our graveyard,

And bring him back to the field.

But they have to be in defense mode.

So I choose my hero kid!

And when this kid is special summoned,

Guess what?

More little hero dudes can join him!

So now it's time for a triple threat!

Hah! Come on.

Do you honestly think those little brats

Have a shot against my destiny heroes,

Like dread master?

And when this big guy's here,

All of my non-destiny heroes run for cover!

But of course, they get replaced

With new heroes!

Like my diamond dude--

And captain tenacious!

And dreadmaster's defense points--

Are equal to the sum of the attack points

Of diamond dude and captain tenacious!

What a coincidence!

I'm about to bring back an old friend also--

My flare scarab!

And thanks to dark city,

He gets points, too!

Flare scarab, attack his captain, now!

With flaming arrow!

I'll throw down face downs,

And call it a turn!

That's it? How lame.

Watch the pro. Pot of greed!

I pick up cards,

And sacrifice dreadmaster!

Plus my defender and diamond dude!

Now I can play my destiny hero dogma!

Now that's what I call a monster!

Great scott!

Oh, man!

Sam hill!

Why don't I have a catch phrase?

Now, dogma, attack his flare scarab!

Destroy him!

You triggered my trap!

Kid guard! Thanks to this,

I can sacrifice one of my hero kids

In order to cancel your attack.

And then I can grab an elemental hero card

From anywhere inside my deck!

I won't let your sacrifice be in vain.

Jaden, you must harness the power of neos!


It comes down to this!

I choose my elemental hero neos to join my hand!

Well, I'll drop a face down,

And end my turn.

Remember, for every face down card you play,

My scarab gets stronger!

All right, go time!

Not so fast! Go, dogma!


Didn't I tell you?

Dogma's special ability

Cuts your life points in half,

Every standby phase.


He's almost out of points, guys!

This ain't good!

One hit, and it's all over.

The kid's flambe!

I can't watch!

Ha ha ha, not bad.

But I got some fight left in me.

Come on.

There's not a card in your deck that can save you.

Well, maybe not in my old deck,

But this one's another story!

In fact, why don't I show you--

By busting out a new hero that no one's ever seen before!

What new hero?

You'll see, but first--

I play the field spell neo space!

My dark city!

This card increases the power

Of my elemental hero neos by !

But you're probably asking yourself this--

Where is neos?

The answer is, he's right up there!

And like I said before,

His attack points rise.

So what?

It still doesn't stand up to my dogma!

Not yet.

But who said I was done?

Now, where was i?

Oh, right! I'm creating a new monster--

By combining these two together!

That's against the rules!

It's called contact fusion, and it's legit.

You see, neo-spacians can merge without

A polymerization card.

Wait a sec--

I remember this feeling.


It's like--years back, when I was a kid,

And dueling was still fun.

So this is your new hero.

That's him.

Elemental hero flare neos.

And guess what?

My flare neos gains attack points

For every spell and trap on the field.

Pretty cool effect, right?

So there are cards on the field,

Plus the one I just played,

Giving him , extra points!

That's enough to beat my dogma!

Yup, that's the whole point!

Flare neos, attack!

I activate "d" shield!

What's that?

It's a trap card.

Now, when a destiny hero's att*cked,

It switches to defense mode,

And it stays on the field!

Awesome, pretty sweet trap--for real.

Thank you. But, you know,

Flattery's not gonna get you anywhere.

Stand back!

I'm guessing that your neo space field card

Keeps your monster from vanishing again.

That's right.

As long as this card's in play,

Even though he's fused with something else,

Neos will be sticking around this time.

Not quite.

My dogma and I have other plans for him.

First things first.

I switched dogma to attack mode,

So stand up!

And then, I'll equip him with this spell card--

Heavy storm blade!

Remember, every time a new spell card is played,

Flare neos gets more points-- more!

You think I care? Please.

Not as long as I know that

Destiny's got my back!

Now, attack!


That's weird.

Yes, aster's monster is weaker than jaden's.

Well, then why would he engage him?

Excellent question.

And I can answer it with just words--

My heavy storm blade!

Now see for yourselves!

Whenever a monster that's equipped

With heavy storm blade att*cks,

Every single trap and spell card on the field

Is instantly destroyed!

No way!

Tre magnifique!

Tell me when it's over!

And now, neos loses a few attack points!

Now, attack!

No fair!

What's the problem?

Oh, you're wondering why my monster

Didn't bite the dust, aren't you?


I hate to break it to ya,

But it's your own fault.

See this?

You sent it to my graveyard!

Jaden: and when spell calling leaves the field,

I get to replace it with new spell cards,

Giving my neos a power boost!


That means jaden wins.

And satorious said that I was destined

To win this duel!

Could it be that jaden is even more powerful

Than destiny?


That's game!

And a sweet one, too.

He won!

Way to play!

Well done, soldier!


That was quite the duel.

Good show!

And thanks to jaden,

The slifer dorm is safe now.

Hey, jay!

You deserve a medal of honor!

Jaden, I don't say this much...

But I'm impressed.

Now look, I don't intend to lose again.

So you'd better enjoy this moment while it lasts.

Of course!

I'm gonna milk this victory

For all its worth!

I mean, come on...

It's not everyday that I beat the pants off

An undefeated pro duelist.

Now here's how I see it.

We don't count our first duel

Since you let me win.

So that means we're tied.


Well not for much longer.

We've been duped.

A professional who can't even beat a slacker?

This whole thing was a big faux pas!

At least he decided not to enroll as a student.

Now we can move on.

Aster: hey--


I kinda like it here.

Matter of fact,

I think I'm gonna be movin' in!

But I like to sleep late,

So no classes before noon.

Oh, please--

We wouldn't dream of it!

Welcome aboard!


Operator: the number you are trying to reach

Is not in service.

No further information is available.

Ok, I need some answers, satorious.

Where are you?

And what's this society of light?

So aster, have you heard?

I'm in the club-- the society of light.

I know satorious sent you.

Just how many secrets have you kept?

How many lies have you told?

I'm gonna find out.

Aster: I have a feeling I know why you're

So obsessed with jaden.

He's not a threat to me, he's a threat to you!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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