02x20 - Not Playing With a Full Deck

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x20 - Not Playing With a Full Deck

Post by bunniefuu »

[Thinking] has sartorius been lying to me all this time?!

I booked you a last-minute match.

Your flight to duel academy

Leaves tonight at p.m. Sharp.

But, sartorius!

I just don't see how this is any good for my career.

It's a step backwards.

You've got to have more faith in the cards.

Remember, they see everything,

And right now they're warning us of a threat.

I know sartorius sent you.

You can trust me.

I'm one of you now.

I've seen the light.

[Horn blows]

I know him!

That's sartoruis' lawyer!

But what's he doing here?

Well, well, well.

A young blossom.

So full of potential,

Yet so easy to destroy.

Say your prayers.

Jaden, you're next!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation x

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah! Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jaden has achieved the impossible.

He's overcome my predictions not once but twice.

The reaper of souls is upright.

This signifies jaden's defeat.

Now let's see if he proves me wrong.

I thought we had a deal!

You eliminate the slifer dorm,

And I'll make sure this white dorm of yours

Becomes a permanent part of this school!

Relax, it's all under control.

The first step is getting rid of jaden,

And that loser's as good gone.

He is?! How do you know for sure?!

Because he's walking into my trap as we speak.

Syrus: are we there yet? Are we? Are we?!

Hassleberry: at ease!

Haven't you ever been invited to a party?


According to this map,

It should be right around,

Well, here.


Syrus: uh, are parties usually in caves?

Welcome, gentlemen.

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

Uh, hi. What's up?!

We're all here for the big cave bash!

Are we early?

On the contrary, you're right on time.


The festivities are about to begin.

Who are you?!

Howard x. Miller, esquire.

Attorney at law.

But call me "x."

All: huh...

Now you may not realize this,

But you and I have a contract.

I never signed anything!

You signed the guest list, didn't you?

Maybe you should've checked the fine print.

Oh, yeah.

Guess I'm not much of a "reader."

What did you make jaden sign?!

A simple agreement outlining the stakes.

If you lose,

Your dorm is null and void.

No sweat!

Losing isn't on my schedule today!

Oh, yeah!

There's no better party than a duel!

♪ I'm gonna get my game on

♪ I'm gonna get my...

[Thinking] you have no idea what you're in for.

Time for opening statements.

All right, here's mine:

Less talk...and more duel!

You're on, kid!

And now, let the proceedings begin.

First witness...

Card destruction!

Time to clear the courtroom

By discarding our hands and drawing all new cards.

What's the point?

You'll see.

Now I play...

Elegant light level !

But I'll dismiss exhibit "a"

In order to call into question exhibit "b"--

My trap sluzer!

I'll throw these facedown...

And rest my case.

This guy's pretty good.

Annoying, but good.

Aster: it's worse than you think.

You were invited?!

This guy x...

He's sartorius' attorney,

And he's never lost a duel.

The last dude who tried to beat him

Got years in the can for disorderly dueling!

Whoa! Whoa!

Aster: jaden better watch his back.

This sleazeball's about as skilled as they come,

And he isn't exactly known for his honesty.

Oh, man. Jay's doomed.

All right, x! My move!

And I'll kick things off with this!

My elemental hero sparkman!

Card overruled!

You're out of order!


And here's why.

I give up , points so I can activate this!

My trap--monster register!

Ya see, council...

You have no case--

Thanks to my trap, that is--

Because of your cards

Are sentenced to the card graveyard.

And why's that?

You played a level monster,

So you're held accountable for dismissing cards.

Proceed with the sentence!

Hey, wait!

Those are my best cards!

Come on!

Now, that's harsh.

Jaden needs those cards if he's gonna win this w*r!

That's why x took them.

Oh. Oh.

And don't forget my trap sluzer

Is still on the field, mr. Yuki.

So to summarize:

I'm immune to all traps,

And you're missing your most valuable cards.

Oh, well.

Seems this case...

Is open and shut.


Lemme clue you in on x's dueling style.

He's all about destruction,

So instead of focusing on life points,

X uses his skills to borrow, steal,

And destroy his opponents' cards.

And for someone like jaden,

Who has a strong connection to his cards,

That can be devastating.

X knows that,

And he also knows when his opponent runs out of cards...

He wins!

Jaden's got game,

But x has got strategy.


All right, kid.

It's your turn to testify.

Ha ha. Huh?

All right, x.

It's time you got that suit dirty!

Hope you can deal!

It's never gonna happen, kid.

Wanna bet?

Now say good-bye to your trap sluzer!

'Cause now--

I object!

Now activating...

The trap card threatening roar!

You see?

Just like that, your turn's come to a close.

You're kidding!

But where's the fun in that?!

Come on.

This is a game.

Ha ha ha ha! A game?

You have a lot to learn about the real world, mr. Yuki.

Dueling is work,

But I wouldn't expect a naive kid like you to understand.


Watch and learn. Ha ha!

I'll introduce this card facedown,

And then I'll add two more to the field.

Your witness, counsel.

So that's all ya got, huh?

[Thinking] I know I'm gonna lose a few cards,

But I have to do this!

It's fusion time!

So I merge my avian and my burstinatrix

To form flame wingman!

Then you lose custody of cards!

Aw, man! Come on!

Not neos!

Order in the court!

You do the crime... You do the time.

Now continue with your testimony

So we can move things along.


This isn't a courtroom, x!

This is a duel,

And to prove it, I'm attacking

Your facedown card with my flame wingman!

Now for its special effect!

Your former monster's attack points

Come out of your life points!

Bet ya didn't see that coming!

On the contrary.

I was hoping for it!


Because thanks to my monster's special effect,

All of our monsters go back to our decks!

Flame wingman?


Jay's losing his troops left and right!

X: now add the number of stars

On each monster card you returned to your deck.

You with me?

Now draw that many cards.

Flame wingman has stars,

So that's cards.

And sparkman has .

So jaden draws cards.

Well, here goes.

One more stipulation!

If you draw at least one monster,

You can keep all cards.

However, if you didn't,

Then they're all sentenced to the graveyard.


I'm cool.

And mine... Goes to the grave.

Whoa, talk about a tough break.

Looks like your move backfired!

Please. Did you really think

I'd let you get off scot-free, mr. Yuki?


Not on your life.

I've got a trap card.

It's called purse with a hole!

I can use it if you've got more than cards in your hand,

And it randomly seizes your cards

Until you're holding only .

For real?!



Winged kuriboh!

Oh, right.

My trap card has another effect.

You can't play any cards from your hand!

[Thinking] how am I s'posta duel like this?

Thanks to him, I'm barely playing with half a deck!

Hold on! I'm not done!

Now I play soul connection,

Which brings one of my monsters back.

Guess who?

No, thanks.

It's my key witness, of course!

Give up?

My trap sluzer!

Fine. That's my turn.

Hardly seems fair--

Losing all your favorite cards

And knowing there's nothing you can do.

But life isn't fair... Now, is it?


Trust me, I'm gonna get those cards back!

Ha ha ha ha! You poor sap.

You have so much to learn about life.


Back when I was your age,

All I dreamed about was someday becoming

A pastry chef.

My point: in life,

You can't always get what you want, my friend.


But enough talk!

I activate the spell card pot of greed!

This lets me draw two cards.

Then I'll summon my trap sluzer to the field!

So from now on,

My deck is completely immune to the effects

Of all trap cards!

Now, then.

I'll throw down facedowns and end my turn.


I predict... A judgment in favor of me.

And as far as your sentence...

With only cards left,

Your dorm will soon be dismantled!

X: the verdict is almost in!

Soon you will be found guilty of inferior dueling!

Not if I can help it!

Hold that thought, kid!

I activate gachi battle!


As long as this card's on the field...

With each turn...

You and I must summon a monster from our deck,

Provided you still have some left, of course.

[Thinking] that means my deck

Will get smaller by the minute!

You are aware of what happens

Once you've exhausted your resources, right?

You lose,

And no one will be able to bail you out!

Now go.


There is still hope.

Remember your deck is infused with the power of neo space.

Get a load 'a this bad boy!

Neo-spacian glow moss!

Ahhh, level .

So I'll confiscate cards!


Oh, man! Oh, man!

I'm sick 'a this!

I activate my neos energy spell card!

Now any neo-spacian on the field

Gets an -point bonus!

That's not all.

Glow moss' special effect kicks in now.


Get this! What happens next

Depends on what your top card happens to be!

If you're sweatin' this too much, you can pass,

But if you do that,

Then the top two cards in my deck

Are automatically sent to the graveyard.

So what's it gonna be?

I never back down, kid!

Then if you just drew a spell card...

My monster can attack you directly.

On the other hand...

If it's a monster, then I lose.

So let's see what you've picked up, x.

Glow moss! Signal check!

Looks like a spell card!

How impressive.

Gee, thanks!

But you ain't seen nothing yet!

Glow moss! Attack him directly!


I play compulsory evacuation device!

Say what?!

With this card, I pick a monster...

And order it right back to your hand!



Isn't there an ambulance you should be chasing?

I've been asked that before.

But if you think that's bad...

Wait'll you see what my super guard can do!

All I hafta do is give up life points.

Now no monster on my field

Can be destroyed in battle!



This case is just about closed.

[Thinking] he's right!

My deck is down to cards,

And now I'm forced to summon another monster!

So how does it feel,

Knowing you've let down everyone in your dorm?


[Thinking] a duel's not over

Until the last card is played.


So you know what to do.

Then let's do this.

This game's on!

So stand back!

It's time to mix things up!

And I'll start with this--

My common soul spell--

Which lets me summon glow moss!

Is he out of his mind?!

Here's the deal.

This gives glow moss the power

To share his energy,

So I'll choose a monster for him

To share with.

Now, who will it be?

Your field's empty, so that's useless!

Not exactly, x!

'Cause he's joining your side!


I don't want 'im.

Are you sure about that?

'Cause he's sharing his energy with you!

So your sluzer gets points.

And there's more!

Now I play...

My miracle fusion spell!

So all I hafta do is remove avian, burstinatrix,

Bubbleman, and clayman from the game,

And I can summon my elemental hero electrum!

A level monster?

That means jaden loses cards.

But he can't!

He's only got left!

Ha ha ha ha! It looks like I win!

Not from where I'm standing!

Why not?

He's right.

If you're not able to draw a card from your deck,

You lose.

But that's not what happened.

His cards were used up due to a special effect,

So it's on!

But how can jay play without any cards?!

I'm calling a mistrial!

Sorry, bro, but this is legit.

I have one shot to win,

So lemme do my thing, x.

First, my electrum's special ability activates,

So we get back every card

That was removed from the game!

What a waste. Ha ha!

Next I summon...


But why?

He's gonna take jay's cards again!


What was the point of that?!

You'll see.

Now I'll order my electrum to attack my glow moss!


Ha ha ha ha!

Just plead insanity!

You've obviously gone nuts.

Attacking your own cards and giving me extra points?

That's right.

Now could ya let me finish my move, please?

Good luck, jaden.

If anyone can do this... It's you.



Elemental radiant burst!

So close, yet so far!

I play recycle barrier,

Which prevents me from taking any damage

For the rest of this turn.

Nice, huh?

And thanks to super guard, glow moss has immunity.

And thanks to my trap...

My life points have immunity!

Therefore, you might say I'm indestructible!

It's cross-examination time!

In other words,

I can turn your monster's special effects against you!

Flip your top card!


I take it you just remembered?

I don't have any cards left!


Hey, x.

Since I'm all out of cards,

The other ability of glow moss kicks in now.


That's right!

Two of your cards go straight to the graveyard--

Your top two!

So you're down to !

Now, sparkman, attack!

Destroy his glow moss with static shockwave!

And with him gone...

You lose two more cards from your deck now!


You'll never get away with this, you brat!

Wanna make a bet?

I activate...

My defusion spell card!

Oh, no!

Electrum! Disconnect!

Now I can bring back...

Avian! Burstinatrix!

Clayman! And bubbleman!

Ah. Look, mr. Yuki,

There must be another way we can handle this, right?

Why don't we just settle out of court?

But I'm just starting to have fun!

Oh, and by the way...

You lose two cards for each attack!


Go, avian!

Attack his glow moss!

Quill cascade!

Burstinatrix! Flare storm!

Clayman! Clay clobberer!

Bubbleman! Bubble blast!


Well...nice try.

You actually had me nervous for a sec,

But I've still got a few cards left,

And you're all out of monsters that can attack me.


Hey, you're right.

Must've miscounted.

Nah, just kidding!

I still have this--

The spell card instant fusion!

So I send my heroes back to the graveyard

In order to bring out a fusion monster you might remember!


It's my electrum!


Elemental radiant burst!

And that's all she wrote,

So it looks like this case is closed!

Come on. That's my line.

Jaden just won the duel!

-. Well done, sir!

That's game.

You're pretty good.

A little bit uptight, maybe, but good!


The jay-man does it again!

Syrus: way ta play!

Hassleberry: impressive tactics, soldier!

Jaden: I was pretty awesome, wasn't i?


[Thinking] but I couldn't of done it without you guys.

The cards predicted jaden's defeat,

But he defied destiny.

I must make him see the light!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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