02x22 - Happily Never After

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x22 - Happily Never After

Post by bunniefuu »

Sartorius rules!

The white dorm rocks!

All: long live the king! Sartorius!

Do you like the white paint, master?

All my idea.

What chazz means is,

We hope you're feeling at home, sir.



I'm no more deserving of cheers than all of you.

After all, I'm just an eager student.

Before the eyes of destiny,

Each one of us is a mere pupil,

Waiting for the hands of fate to mold our future.

That time is now here!

All: sartorius!





Did he brainwash the whole dorm?


Why else would they be cheering like that?

It's not like he deserves it.

Well, he is the oldest living freshman.

We have got to stop him, and fast.

But how?

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Crowler: you seem to have forgotten!

I'm in charge here!

So it's my choice!

And I pick italy for our field trip!

A whole week of pasta!

Ooh! And maybe a gondola ride!

I can just taste those cannolies, can't you?

Actually, I prefer creme brulee!


I propose this!

A fun-filled trip to gay pair-ee!

Escargot for all!


Chazz: so what's on today's agenda?

Ever hear of knocking?

If you must know, we're planning your field trip!

Yeah? Well, we have a few ideas of our own!

Not as long as I'm in command of this institution!

Guess again, teach!

We have a new leader,

And he already picked a destination

For your lame field trip!

What new leader!?

That one!

Pardon the interruption, gentlemen,

But you see,

I had a vision about this field trip.

Did it include pasta?

[Students grunting]

What he meant to say was...

We're, uh, open to any and all suggestions.

So continue!


I suggest--

A trip to rome?

Pipe down.

Let him choose!

We want this guy on our side.


I'm glad you're both listening to reason.

Take a seat and let master sartorius handle this.

Jaden: hold on, guys!

[Students gasp]

I mean...don't we get a vote?

Back off... You dork!

At least until you're smart enough to join us!

Look. Let's do this fair and square.

Whatta ya say we settle this with a duel, big guy?

A duel? Int'resting.

You win...and you choose the location of this trip.

However, should you happen to lose our little wager...

Well, then, promise me this.

You'll join me in the society of light.

Jaden... I don't like those odds!

No way! Jus' look at their laundry, jay!

They use way too much bleach!

Hassleberry's right.

Come on, guys.

You can't let all this brainwashing stuff get to you.

He's right,

Especially since I won't be the one participating in this duel.

Jaden: what?!

You see, gentlemen,

As a new student here, I'd rather not stand out.

Then get a new haircut!


Now tell me, will you be accepting my challenge or not?

I should confess, I already know your answer.

Ooh! Ooh!

Rose: once upon a time,

Before cell phones, soy shakes, and credit cards,

There was, like, the most beautiful princess

And the most hideous frog.

Oh, I so love this story!

And the frog, despite having a major bad skin day

And needing a total makeover,

Was actually a handsome prince!

[Knock knock]


You're needed downstairs, rose.

There's an important duel,

And he specifically asked for you.



Just let me put my face on!

[Crowd cheering]

Ok. So where is his opponent?!

This is nuts!

Another minute, and I'm gonna duel him!

I hope it's not a trap.

Jaden: I guess sartorius' mystery duelist chickened out.

So much for destiny.

We may as well go home.

Alexis: shall we start?

Huh? Alexis?

I'm dueling you?!

Not me. Huh?

Today you'll be dueling against her.

Princess rose!

Look, guys! A princess!



I thought you'd be taller.

Love what you've done with the hair, though.

Uh, thanks. You, too!

So you're like, what?

Some kinda big pro?

Not impressed. Sorry.

Nah, I'm really just a kid.

A kid with a sweet deck!

Now get your game on!

This shouldn't take too long.


I'll start with t.a.d.p.o.l.e.


Now, that's ugly.

You would know.


She got you!

I know!

Her monster has zero points.

Bastion: it's as if she's luring him.

It's, like, your turn.

Oh, right! Here goes!

I summon neo-spacian air hummingbird

In attack mode!

And check out his special ability!

For every card that's in your hand,

I receive life points!

Not bad!

And with cards, that's like...

Bastion: , points!

Ha ha!

'N now...time for air hummingbird

To squash your t.a.d.p.o.l.e.!

How predictable!

Guess I'll just use his special ability!


Another little cutie totally joins my hand!

Big deal.

That thing's got no defense points!

So what's the point?


What's she up to?

Well... Honestly, I have no idea.

Both: oh, great!


Pay attention. Ready!?

'Cause here comes the whole point!

Frog resurrection!

I take the t.a.d.p.o.l.e. From my hand

And ditch him in the graveyard.

And then, my original t.a.d.p.o.l.e.,

He's all like, "hello. I'm back!"

How's that for a spell, huh?

So she just used one monster to...

To get...the exact same monster back.

Great scott!

That t.a.d.p.o.l.e. Is a trap!

Like, so obvious!

He's a sacrifice for my des frog!

Your "des" what!?



I'm not done.

My two friends have another trick.

Aren't they so cute?

But they grow up so fast.

Isn't that wight, my wittle boy-fwiends?

Aah! They've got legs now!

And a pair of arms, too!




Not so little anymore, are they?

'Cause, like, when my des frog's on the field....

He multiplies!

I get one for each t.a.d.p.o.l.e. I lost!

Pretty sweet combo!

Just don't get warts!

As if!

Besides, these little green hotties

Aren't frogs.

They're not?

Like, no. They're princes!


They're princes!?

Look like frogs ta me!

Oh, please.

I am so not buying into your little act!

I know about your secret!

You see spirits!

So can't ya see mine?

Uh, sure. I...see 'em.


You're faking it!


Fine. What-ever!

Well, I know they're real.

And they're, like, waiting for a kiss.

And then we'll all live happ'ly ever aft'r!

Isn't that right, princy-poo's!?


Hi, boys.

Who wants the first kiss?

Pucker up!


This duel shall serve as a test.

Jaden...i'm told you possess a gift--

The ability to see the spirits of your monsters.

Prove it! Now's your chance.

Ok. This is just weird!


Who in their right mind

Would be in love with a reptile!?


Get it right, loser!

Like, frogs are so not reptiles.

They're amphibians!

Anyway, these aren't frogs. They're princes!


And someday I'm gonna run away with them!


So...you see them, don't you?


[Thinking] did I lose the power to see monster spirits!?


Fine! Be that way!

I know they exist!


I play des croaking!

Now my frogs--uh, I mean, my princes,

Can destroy every card on your field,

Leaving you totally defenseless!

Think of it this way.

I'm giving your field a makeover!

[Rapid ribbiting]


My hummingbird!


Now that his monster's gone,

Strike him directly, boys!

[Rapid ribbiting]

[Crowd chanting, "rose!"]

All that... For a few frogs?


Jaden's in big trouble!

How can he stop them?

Eat 'em! With barbecue sauce!

Yes, and if that should fail?

Honey mustard.

If you think my boyfriends are tough now,

Wait till you see what's next!

I play polymerization!

Hmm. Great.

Boys! Do rose a favor.

Show him your cute little merging trick.

Now, that's a monster!

[All groan]


He's the cutest prince of all!

His name is d..s. Frog, and I'm so crushing on him!

He's, like, so dreamy, isn't he?


[Thinking] why can't I see these spirits?!


Ok. My move!

Check this out!

It's my elemental hero bubbleman!

And he's got a little trick, too!

When he's the only monster on my side of the field,

I get to draw two more cards!

Hmm. This should work.

Now, bubbleman,

Fuse together with clayman

And combine to form elemental hero mudballman!

Then I'll throw these down

And take a little break.

What-ever! Watch this!

My favorite! It's my pot of greed!

Two more for me!


I can totally play foolish burial!

And just in case you're, like,

Out of the loop on this one, jaden,

Now I can, like, totally move a card from my hand

To my graveyard.

Then I play my flute of hammelin spell card!

This is where things get totally tubular!

Try'n keep up!

First I pick a card,

Like, say, my treeborn frog.

Then every other frog goes to the graveyard!

Later, boys!

Now feast your eyes on my big hunk!

'Cause he gains points for every card I just tossed

For a total of ,!

For a ditz, that gal sure can add quickly!

Aw, man!

That toad is stronger than mudballman!

Ah, it's a frog.

And thanks to him, your friend's about to croak!

Ah! Let go!


I play my facedown! Hero signal!

When one of my monsters is destroyed,

I get to play a new one!

As long as it's an elemental hero.

So who's it gonna be? So many to choose from!

I know! My elemental hero avian!

Oh, pa-leaze! Just gag me!

De-fusion'll take care of him.

Don't tell me!

Syrus: she's bringing them back!?


My princes!

They've come to my rescue!

Rescue from what?!

It's called "drama." Just go with it.

Now attack!

Chill out, froggies!

'Cause I activate hero ring!

Sweet, huh?

And besides giving avian a cool new look,

Hero ring also protects him

By warding off your frogs...

Or, ah, princes, I guess.

Oh, jeffrey!

Rosevelt! Percival!

Your frogs have names!?

You've got to be kidding me!


[Thinking] something's not right about her...

And I think I know what!

[Thinking] I am so over this duel.

Ok. I'm sacrificing my boyfriends

And inviting my amphibian angel to join us!

He's not too big on points.

Yeah, but what he lacks in strength,

He makes up for with his special ability!

Thanks to my amphibian friend,

All your traps and spells

Are gonna hafta sit this one out, babe.


Oh, yeah. I've got one more surprise!

You remember my princes?

Well, they are, like, totally party crashing!

It's a frog-fest!

Get my bib! It's barbecue time!


Not bad, huh?

Oh, one more thing!

My amphibian angel is completely off limits!

Chazz: hold on!

Let me get in there so I can finish him off!

'Cause you don't have what it takes!

Wait a sec. You can't just butt in!

It's her match!

That's right! Hello! Rudeness!


Ha ha ha!

Look, rose.

You lied to sartorius about your abilities!

That's right!

I know you can't see duel monster spirits!

I can't? But they're right there!

Yeah, right.

And jaden yuki's the next king of games!

You can't fool me.

I've been seeing those annoying spirits

Morning, noon, and night for the past year!

Got that?! So I deserve to be in there!

Not a poser like you!

I'll make jaden see the light!

Hold on. I am so not lying!

It's true!

Just look! They're real!

Ever since I was a little diva,

I spent all of my time alone.

But then, I read the story of the frog prince,

Then poof! My prince showed up!

And soon they all did!

You're insane!

Wrong. Huh?

Ya know what?

Sprits don't only come from dueling cards.

Sometimes they come from a person's heart.

If she says she sees princes,

Then who are we to argue with her?

I believe ya, rose.

You've got all your spirits...

And I've got mine.

Well that confirms it. You're both loony!

But spirits or no spirits,

There's one thing I'll make sure you both see,

And that's the light!

And he thinks we're loony?


Just 'cause you and I are friends now

Doesn't mean I'll go easy on you!

I would hope not!


All right! I play...pot of greed!

So I'll draw two cards and summon burstinatrix in attack mode!

Next I'll activate o - oversoul!

This handy little spell

Lets me bring back an elemental hero from my graveyard!

So here comes clayman!

But I'm not done!

It's time for a little skyscraper action!

But this isn't just a change of scenery!


Now, if one of my heroes is weaker than its opponent,

Then it gets a thousand extra points!


That's not all! Ya see this?

It's called power charger,

And it raises my avian's strength even more!

'Cause now when he destroys another monster,

That monster's power is added to his!

And last but not least,

I activate my feather shot spell!

Now avian gets one attack

For every single monster on my side of the field!

You're kidding!

Hold on.

But that means...

Jaden's gonna win, guys!

And rose...

Is going to wilt.

All right, avian!

Go time! Attack her prince!

Bye, jeffrey!

One down, two to go!




That's game!

Hey, rose, is everything ok?

No! I broke two nails!

Someone call my daddy!


Ha ha ha!



[Thinking] so they were real!

Ha ha ha!


Syrus: you won!

Hey, anyone for frog's legs!?

So, where to?

Right! I choose the trip!

Do you guys have any ideas about where to go?

Oh, just choose.



Jaden: hello? Check one, two.

Is this thing on?!

There's only one place I wanna go!

Jaden wins again.

But sooner or later, fate will catch up with him.

We're gonna go... To yugi's hometown!

Domino city!

Sartorius: how appropriate.


♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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