01x05 - Men Seeking Women

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x05 - Men Seeking Women

Post by bunniefuu »

Every castle has its walls.

Palm beach is no exception.

Sometimes the walls are built
not only to keep the strangers

out, but to keep secrets in.

Family secrets, dark and
ugly, generations long,

that must be kept out of sight
until the last guest is gone.

Thanks, Georgia.

I'm going to get my things
from the congressman.

Oh, I love Washington.

But it's always good to
be back among friends.

Mm, I think it's time we
stop and smell the roses.

Good night, Eric.

Good night, my dear.

Mother, have
you seen penn, mother,

have you seen penn?

What happened, boy?

You lose another one?

Uh, I was...

Oh, there you are, penn.

Your wine, milady.

Uh, you drink it.

I've got to go.

Oh, that's smart.

Don't you know what
alcohol does to a diabetic?


Big sisters.

I'll call you.



I've been dying to
take this off all night.

And I've been dying to do this.



Sammy, you are hanging !


I felt like I was
hanging on for my life.

Here, trophy from the sea.

Oh, thanks, Sam.

You've got to get dried
off, get your work clothes on.


Got a silk stalking by the sea.

Oh, that sounds romantic.

Well, we'll find out.

It's like the circus is in town.

Excuse me.

Pardon me.

You through with these clothes?

Excuse me.

Pardon me.


Please, give us something.

- Hey, what's that?
- Earring.

Come on.
Give me a break here.

- Please.
- Let me through.

Please, he's my father.

What about the family?

Hi, I'm sergeant Lance.

This is my partner...

Christopher Lorenzo.

You're Erica dietz.

I feel like I know you.

I've seen all your father's
press coverages, and...

Our condolences, Ms. Dietz.

We understand that
you found your father?

I came down for a morning
jog and I saw that he was, uh...

I've got to be strong here.

I know that this is a bad time.

But we really need
to get statements

from the rest of your family.

Just give me a few minutes.


Can you tell us
anything about the death?



You look toasted, Sammy.

Now you've been staying up
watching "the late late show"

again, haven't you?

The most romantic
movie of all time

was on at o'clock in the...

I love that...

"Double indemnity."

Oh, man.

The heat between Barbara
stanwyck and Fred mcmurray,

they burned.
- Fred mcmurray?


"My three sons" Fred mcmurray?
- Yeah.


You got to rent the movie.

Is this really necessary, Erica?

It's all right, Jason.

Come and join us.

This won't
take much longer, Mrs. Dietz.

Can you tell us the last
time you saw your husband?

It was right after penn left.

On my way up to bed,
we said good night.

I saw him go out for his
swim a little after that.

His midnight swim.

Exercise was one of
Eric's many passions.

We estimate the time of death

to be between : and :.

We had dinner
guests until :.

It's a family tradition.

When congress goes
on hiatus, mother

has a black tie dinner to
welcome the congressman home.

Could we see a guest list?


Your husband was...

He was a swimmer?

He was
all-American at Princeton.

That's quite a few years ago.

Eric always prided himself on
his physical accomplishments.

Does this belong
to either one of you?

Isn't this penn's?


Uh, i...

I don't...

Penn rodman.

Jason's girlfriend.

She has a place up the beach.


Her name's on the list.

Her father, Jack
rodman, and the congressman

were business partners.

They used to be.
- They used to be?

I'm afraid we lost
Jack a few years ago.

They said it was his heart.

You disagree?

My husband was not an
easy man to live with.

And it is quite possible he
was even harder to work for.


I have spent the past
years pretending

to be the perfect wife
with the perfect man

and that perfect family.



We'll be in touch as soon as
the autopsy report comes in.

Oh, is that really necessary?

It was obviously an accident.

You're probably right.

We'll find our way out.

Thank you.

Not exactly ozzie and
Harriet, are they?

Well, think about it.

I mean, years of
living in a fishbowl,

looking forward to power
luncheons in the Rose garden?

Now it's just water under the
congressman's bridge work.


- Ok.

That's it, Sam.
I'm taking you home.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about you're
running on fumes here.

No, I am fine.

Let's just get out
of here, all right?

You didn't get any
sleep last night, did you?

Did you?

Or the night
before, or the night before.

I tried warm milk, soft music,
boring books, still wide awake.

I mean, I have had
trouble sleeping

before, but never like this.

But did you try the world's
oldest insomnia remedy?

Her batteries went dead.

Get in the car.

Oh, Lance, Lorenzo.

You got something for us, hutch?

Came in while
you out feeding your face.

- Hm?
- Nah.

No water in the lungs,
significant quantity

of phenobarbital.
- No, no.

That's just a prelim.
So what do you think?

This is a guy who takes enough
sleeping pills to drop a rhino

and sleep walks into
a big drink, eh?

Sounds like a slam dunk.

Sam, do you still have

a list from the dietz's party?

I think it's time to go and
find out who's naughty or nice.

Go, go!


Thank you.


Are you all right?

Will you please
just leave me alone?

You know, it's good to cry.

My dad used to say that
tears washed your soul clean.

When he died, I thought I
would never smile again go out.

Yeah, well, the congressman
wasn't big on tears, all right?

Well, that's too bad.

Why are you here?

I should get Erica shouldn't I?


She went out.

Your housekeeper said she
left about half an hour ago.

I never had a big sister.

It must be nice.

I bet Erica and penn
have a lot in common.

I'm sorry.

The two of you had a fight?

Yeah, we broke up, all right?

Look, I don't mean to be
rude, but I don't think I need

to answer any more questions!

You know, I feel
sorry for Jason.

It's got to be tough.

His girlfriend dumps
him, his father dies.

You got a headache, Sam.

Look, don't start
with me, all right, Sam?


That feels great.

Up a little higher.

Ah, right there.

Palm beach homicide.

Lance and Lorenzo.

Sounds like a bad lounge act.

We're investigating the
death of congressman dietz.

How exciting.

Stephanie, take five.

I was at the party last night.

I left around : and
went straight home.

I've known Eric
since I was about...



Uncle Eric.

It is his name, right?

I mean, I've known
him since I was a kid.

Oh, I just think it's strange.

I mean, even his
own kids call him...

The congressman?

I know.

It's pretty lame.

But they're kind of
a strange family.

So he drowned.

It's all over the TV.

So what's that
got to do with me?

Well, we're not sure.

That's why we're here.

We understand that your father

was in business with
congressman dietz.

They were partners?


If you could call it that.

Eric wasn't exactly
into ridesharing.

Well, maybe you can tell us
what Eric was into exactly.

Do you have any aspirin?

Look, I told you...

Sam this
is not major surgery, ok?


Sleeping pills.


By the
way, I found this outside.

Your kidding!

I've been looking every...

- Maybe you should get dressed?
- Why?

Where'd you find that?

We'll need to ask you

some more questions downtown.

You said outside.

On the congressman's beach.

In the congressman's tux.

And the kicker is, we found
traces of phenobarbital

in his blood.

Am I under arrest?

Maybe you should
call your attorney.

Did i, or did I not,

specifically request a
low profile press-wise

on penn rodman's arrest?

Well, this is a first, Donovan.

I've never known you
to avoid publicity.

You're always the first one to
blow the bugle on a big arrest.

This bugle is
blowing taps, Lorenzo.

I know her attorney.

He'll cite abuse of press
and have this thrown out

of our jurisdiction so fast
even you two loose cannons

won't have trouble keeping up.
- Yeah.

And some other prosecutor
will get the conviction.

You know, for a minute there,
I thought you might be worried

about her guilt or innocence.

Well, if you move fast,
you might be able to sew

up the book and TV rights.

Dammit, this is my case!

I deserve this!

And if you two have
blown this for me...

Look, before you go through
the heartbreak of psoriasis

all over again, we didn't
leak this to anyone,

much less this dog wipe.

We picked her up.
We brought her in.

And we booked her.

That's it.

surprised to see you here.

They tell me your office
door hit you in the ass

around : every day.

Your two heroes may have just
cost me the highest visibility

case we've had here in years.

In case it's any
of your concern,

I put in my share of late hours.

I heard.

Did you ever settle that
sexual harassment thing

with your secretary?

Very amusing, Rita.

If I find out you
two had anything

to do with leaking
the rodman arrest,

I'll talk to internal affairs.

Now I really won't be
able to sleep at night, Sam.

What's up?

Besides the rest
of the neighborhood?

Come on, Sammy,
turn the music down.

Now your not being able to
sleep is keeping me awake now.


We got to do
something about this.

If you're talking about the
world's oldest insomnia remedy,

you are dreaming already.


This is not a joke anymore.

All right.

The mind and body need sleep.

Heavy weirdness ensues without.
- Hey, look.

I'm not taking
any sleeping pills

or any weird stuff like that.

If I get tired, I will sleep.


Now, look, we're partners.

Our lives are in
each other's hands,

and I don't want yours
getting shaky on me.

Here, lie down.

Do you have any idea how
long I've wanted to say that?

Would you be serious?


Now, what songs do you like?


How about "puff
the magic dragon"?


You're going to
sing me to sleep?


I mean, it works like a charm
for my two-year-old nephew.

He's a born insomniac.
- Mm, Chris, you know what?

This is really sweet.
But it's not going to work.

I mean, I would be
laughing so hard I wouldn't

be able to go to sleep.

Come on, you got
to work with me, Sam.

- Ok.
- Ok.

So singing is out.
All right I'll read to you.

What are your favorites?

Well, my dad used
to read me to sleep.

His voice was so soothing,
it was like a lullaby.

And he had the greatest books.

- Yeah?
- No.


It was just... it's
was just books.

Did these books have titles?

"Susie Pratt."

Did you know her?

Susie Pratt, she with the...

She was a nurse.
- No!

She was a detective.

Oh, a detective.

Well, isn't that a coincidence?

Oh, would you stuff it, Sigmund.

So do you have a copy
around here anywhere?

Are you sure you
don't want to go home?




No, Sam.

Don't say that to me.

Rise and shine, Sammy.

Oh, good morning, Sam.

Good morning.

I spent the
night in your bed, sleeping.

I'm never going to be
able to live that down.

Did you... did you get any sleep?

No, not a wink.

But thanks for being here.

You're welcome.

Now I talked to hutch
and penn's out on bail.

Evidently, Jason picked
her up last night.

She's not going anywhere.

Anyway, she didn't do it.

I worked it all out
my dreams last night.

You talk in your sleep.

No kidding.

I won't even go into
the part about the blonde.

The blonde?



Do you work
out, detective Lorenzo?


Sometimes I work
out of my apartment.

Sometimes my car.

You look very nice in that.

Thank you.


I thought I would see if
Jason's around here anywhere.

I haven't seen him
since last night.

Maybe I can help?

Doing wonders already.

Come on.

Ah... ah...


Come on!

So, you want to talk to Jason.

It's about penn, right?


Something like that.

But I get the feeling that
you're not too crazy about her.

I know my brother.

I know he's...

I know how vulnerable he is.


She is a little
out of his league.

What's that supposed to mean?


Just that penn's a little fast
for Jason's track, that's all.

Hey, no offense, but your
brother's not going to make

any magazine covers.

So what was looking for?

Some women care
more about who a man

is than what he looks like.

No woman you know, I'm sure.

But penn rodman doesn't strike
me as a caring, sensitive type.

She's all sharp edges and steel.

She dumped Jason
the other night.

So something more interesting
must have happened by.

Any idea who?

Why don't you ask her?

Jason doesn't
know how lucky he is.

He deserves a hell of a lot
more than that little bitch!

He just doesn't know it.

Your job to convince him?

It's my job to protect
him, sergeant Lorenzo.

Thank you.

You ever
vote for congressman dietz?


You're a woman.

Well, what
does that have to do with it?

Oh, come on, Rita.

Dietz was handsome,
dynamic, powerful.


My kind of guy.


Know know, maybe dietz made
some women weak in the knees,

but with me, it was more
like in the stomach.


So what did you want me to see?

Take a look at this.


I took the tissue from
a point in dietz neck

directly above his
carotid artery.

Huh, looks like
it's been punctured.

Needle Mark.

And we've got
blood work that shows

dietz od'd on barbiturates,
but no sleeping

pills in his stomach.

So he was injected.

Very good.

Thiobarbital, the drug
of choice among doctors

with suicidal tendencies.

Thiobarb at warp speed.

Oh, injected into a
main piece of plumbing

like the carotid
artery and bingo.

You're on Alpha centauri.

You got it.

Listen, speaking of you got it.

I just got some
tickets to the opera.

And... oh, I thought, you
know, you and I could...

Well, you see the last
date I took to the opera

didn't work out so good.

She forgot the sandwiches...

You know, when the fat lady
stood up and sang, she stood up

and she stood up and
went, whoop, whoop, whoop!

Oh, Roger.

So it wasn't great.

So I thought you and I could...

Hey, no pressure!
- No, no.

No, I'll...

- Oh, I'll call you.
- I'll walk you home and...


I'll just, you
know, until you say yes,

I'll wait out in front of
your porch or something.

Excuse me.
Bye, rog.

- Oh, see yeah.
- See yeah.

You ever been to the opera?

Mrs. Rodman?


Mrs. Rodman?


Chris can you hear me?

Are you all right?

Sammy, hi.


Don't move, ok.



I'm ok.

What happened?

Somebody tried to
make an impression.

You think it was penn?


Let's go look around.

We better not take any chances.

What a shame, she
was a beautiful girl.

Are you going to
sell me a su1c1de?

The wrist wounds
weren't post-mortem,

too much blood loss.

Well, maybe she was
sedated or knocked cold

and then the assailant
cut her wrists.

No, no contusions.

But the blood workup
might turn something

different, like thiobarbital.

That's what you're
looking for, right?

You've got great
cop instincts, rog.

I know.

See, if you can find a
puncture wound and thiobarbital

in the blood, then we're
talking about the same mo

for both penn rodman and the
congressman dietz murders.

And the same k*ller.

You look dead on
your feet, you know.

If you'll pardon the expression.

Go home and get some sleep.

I'll pull an all nighter and
get you the results asap.

You are a sweetheart, rog.

I know.

So why won't you go out with me?

What, is it my looks?

Tell me.

My personality?

No, no, no.

It's... it's your job.

See, I mean, I
think you're great

and I think that
we get along great.

It's just, you
know, I don't know

if I could let you
touch me without it

giving me the creeps.

I know it's unfair.

But there you have it.

Rita, these hands are
your friends, your allies,

they help you solve your cases.

And you know, I do wear gloves.

I know.

I'm sorry, I can't
change the way I feel.

Well, obviously,
I'm keeping you up.

So why don't you go
home and get some sleep.

I'll call you as soon
as I get the results.


Good night.



Kind of gives new meaning
to pressing the flesh.

Ah, blackmail, huh?

I don't think so, Sam.

Penn kept them in a dresser
underneath the sexy lingerie.

Only one print of
each, no negatives.

The congressman isn't
even in some of these.

I think it was just something
hot for the bedroom spice rack.

Yeah, the
all-American family man.

You know how many millions of
people this guy had fooled?

I'm going to go find out
if his wife was one of them.

Mother, that detective is here.

I told him you were sleeping.

My apologizes, Mrs. Dietz.

It's all right, dear.

I have a few questions
I'd like to ask.

Alone, if you don't mind.

You don't have to talk to him

Erica, please, I'll be fine.

Forgive my daughter, detective?


She means well.

Do sit down.

Would it be all right if I used

the bathroom for just a minute?

Be my guest.


Thank you.

We pose well, don't you think.

Eric was always obsessive
about public appearances.

Do I sound bitter, lieutenant?


And yeah.

I'd say you do, Mrs. Dietz.

Why so formal, sergeant?

After all, in just
a few short days

I've gone from being the
wife of presidential timber

to the laughing stock
of polite society.

While miss.

Rodman, on the other hand, is
probably preparing interviews

from prison with heraldo.

Mrs. Dietz, penn is dead.

She was found in a tub
with her wrists cut.


Are you all right?

Are you ok?

I think you should go now.

Mrs. Dietz, were you
aware of your husband's

affair with penn?

Oh, she was just his
current distraction.

There were dozens before her.

You must understand, I could
forgive his cruelty to me.

Mother, don't.

He was physically
abusive to you?

Physically, emotionally,
he was under a great deal

of pressure with his career.

What he did... what he did
to that dear little boy.


The congressman hit Jason?

You had to protect
him from his father.

Erica was the strong one.

She was always there for Jason.

Where I should have been.

It's all right.

Is Jason in the house?

No, he's not home yet.

Did he take his Insulin?


Jason was a diabetic?

But susie had always
felt odd about the house

at the end of the street.

She and her friends
had even made a pact

to avoid the forest of weeds.

But she knew that if
she told the police,

they would dismiss her story
as the vivid imaginings of

a bright, if bothersome, child.

Well, come on.

We wouldn't do that to
a kid, would we, Sam?

I mean, susie thinks she sees
a m*rder, the body disappears.

I mean, that would be
enough for us, right?


Chapter ... oh, this
isn't working, is it?

Nope, sorry.

You know what?

Maybe you're scared
to go to sleep.

Look, I haven't been
afraid of the dark in years.

You see this, Sam.

This is telling you that
that bubble in your head

doesn't mean anything.

I mean, you, you tough it
out, you don't cut yourself

any slack, business as usual.

But here, in your heart,
you're not buying it.

So maybe subconsciously, you
think that if you fall asleep

you'll never wake up again.

You know, I am so glad you
took that sensitivity class.

I can't sleep, Chris.

There is no dark, psychological
secret tormenting me.

So sleep.

Prove me wrong.


How am I supposed to sleep
with you staring at me.

I had a hunch you'd come
back to penn's apartment.

We need to talk, ok?

She used me to get to him.
I knew it.

But I didn't care.

You know, as long as
she was nice to me.

Your mother told
us about the abuse.

He was always mad at me.

I could never figure out why.

Erica would tell me it wasn't
my fault. And my mother...

My mother.

She'd just tell me he was
under a lot of pressure

and Bury your head
in another Martini.

Must have been hard growing
up in public like that.

He gave me a black eye once.

I even told my
teacher he did it.

You know what she did?

Jason, you don't
have to talk to me.

You don't have to answer
another question, all right?

You have the right
to an attorney.

I know.

It's ok.

I like you.

Did you k*ll penn
and your father?

Yes, ma'am.

I k*lled them both.

- Nice score, Rita.
- Thanks.

Yeah, now your ink
turned some red to black.

Case closed.

Yeah, I guess.

You guess?

It's a dunker.

Signed confession and all.

So why don't I feel
like celebrating?

Not this district
attorney Donovan.

He just kissed a big
television trial adios...

Got a special
delivery from Roger.

Pathology report on penn.

Sealed with a kiss.

Now, stop me if you
heard this one before.



On the rocks this time.

Look, cap, I know Jason
gave us a full confession,

but something is just...

I don't know.


You feel it too?

He kills his father
somewhere, right?

How does he get the
body into the water?

Carried him.

No way, I mean, the kid
couldn't lift his own weight.

Much less the or
pounds his dad had on him.

Ok, dragged him.

No, no, no, no,
we have photographs

of the entire beach.

No marks, right?

Swept them clean.

Oh, come on.

The kid just whacks his dad,
it's pitch black, I mean,

how does he even find him?

Maybe he had help.


You're back.

Please excuse my condition.

As you can see, i'm
quite intoxicated.

You've been through a lot.

Did you know that I was
valedictorian of my class?

I was going to set the
literary world on fire.

Georgia tremain Richmond, belle
of the ball, toast of the town.

But then, of course,
I fell in love.

And the rest is a pathetic
little paperback tragedy.

Mrs. Dietz, we'd
like to talk to Erica.

Can you tell us where she is?


Erica's her father's daughter.

Of course, she hates him,
which I can't blame her for.

She protected Jason.

This protected me.

Who protected
poor, little Erica.

No, I don't know
where my daughter is.

And to tell you
the truth, I don't

really know who my daughter is.

You should have seen
the look on her face

when you called and said
you were coming here.

She ran out.

I have no idea where she is.

Maybe a health
club or a restaurant?

Well, she does
have these people.

These Charles atlas types.

And there's some night club.

Bump city, it's a
nightclub for bodybuilders

off the south shore drive.

Narco's busted them
a couple of times

for under the counter steroids.

Muscles on a drum, huh?

If you do see her,
will you tell her...

Tell her... winnie?

Winnie, my glass!

Can you say steroids, Sammy?

Put me down, I'm a cop.

All right, now, look, badge.


Badge, cop.

Thank you.

Cut her off, Sam!


Come on!

Come on, touch
me, I'll k*ll you.

I swear to god, I'll k*ll you.

Erica, put it down.

I'm not going to hurt you.


You're all liars.

He promised me it wouldn't
hurt me, he promised!

The congressman, he hurt you?

You know exactly
what he did to me.

But he can't do it to
me anymore and he's not

going to hurt Jason, either.

Because I k*lled
the son of a bitch.

And I'll k*ll you too!
That's it!

Come on!

Come on!





Help me!

Someone once called depression

a dark and unforgiving sea.

Erica dietz lost
herself in those ways

of deceit and despair.

She was the keeper
of the family flame,

protector of her brother Jason.

But there was no one to
save her from herself.

Sand dollar for your thoughts?

You know the line from the Bible

saying the sins of the father?


I mean, who pays for her?

Eric drowns herself, her
mother's doing it with booze,

Jason is looking at
the electric chair.

Yeah, it stinks.

You know, maybe, Roger
said that penn was still

alive after she took the dr*gs.

So if we can prove it was
Erica who used the razor.

And did the needle point
to the congressman, then,

you know, at least Jason
has a fighting chance.

Yeah, it beats m*rder one.

Maybe we can even get the da
to let him cop to manslaughter.

With a diminished capacity.


And years of finger paint
in a minimum security cage.

Jason does the parole board
shuffle, it's over and out.

Plus it doesn't hurt to
have a few good character

references on palm beach pd.

Do you think we'd get
any brownie points

for this or anything?


We get to sleep
really good at night.

Oh, yeah, now you're talking.


Hey, Sammy, you still up?

Are you crazy, I
finally get to sleep.

You're asleep, that's great!

Yeah, until you called.

Well, yeah, you're kind
of awake now, though.

Look, I'm hanging up now.

No, wait!

Look, I know this is
going to sound funny.

Well, maybe not funny, but...

The fact is, I can't sleep, Sam.

You still there?

Sam, I can't sleep.

You know what, you call me
to tell me that you can't sleep

and you wake me up.

This is crazy.

I want you to do me
a favor, all right?

Even Steven, tit for tat.

All right, what?

What do you want?

You still got that book?

What book?

Oh, you mean the one
about the girl detective?

Yeah, you know, susie.

Yeah, I got it.

Susie had always felt
odd about the house

at the end of the street.

You there, Sam?

Yeah, I'm still here.


You know what...


Pipe down and
close your eyes, ok?

Anyway, I know.

She and her friends
had even made a pact

to avoid the forest of weeds.

The prickly bushes in
with the trees that

hid the actual house from view.

But today, she had awoken
with a strange need

to still look inside.

As if some invisible force
had seized her and was drawing

her to that mysterious place.
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