01x14 - The Sock Drawer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x14 - The Sock Drawer

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we'll talk about it.


Don't leave.

Come on back inside.

You can't get
enough of him can you, Carol?

And what about now?

I'm leavin'.

Oh no.

You don't wanna leave yet.

That's what I invited you for.

To live and die in palm beach.

Those who live here in
style usually die in style,

or so it seems.

But style is an illusion,
a facade of beauty,

elegance, and grace.

In simpler terms it
is the outer shell

that shields the naked truth.

Mystics and shamans
communicate with the dead

to understand living as homicide
cops we do just the opposite.

All dressed
up and no place to go.

No blood under the head.

He was capped someplace
else, dumped here.

The tux was a rental.

Look at the loose
stitch on the hem.

Maybe he couldn't
afford the jacket.

This is not one of palm
beach's nicer neighborhoods.

Bet he was rolled.

Looks like they
got his watch too.

His coat's probably
hanging over the back

of a chair in some hotel bar.

He's a good looking guy.


I'm sure he was
when he was alive.

They all look like
hell when they're dead.

Hey, rog, you got
any ID on this guy?

No, not yet.

He's a John Doe.

No wallet.

Tag inside of his pocket
there says, uh, formal man.

That's that big rental chain?


Looks like he got
dressed in a big hurry.

Some of his studs are missing.

The cummerbund is upside down.

You know, I could never
get those things in.

I mean, these tiny little holes.

You too?


Maybe that's why they
invented buttons.

Look at this.

One sock is inside out.

At least he put his
shoes on the right feet.

Maybe he had some
help suitin' up.


After somebody chucked him out.

Well, we're gonna need
a full set of prints.

With any luck,
they'll be on file.

If not...

Dental records.

Wow, Jay, you anticipate me.

That's amazing.

How long will it take you
to get us a package on him?

Close of business
at the earliest.

I am so stacked up.

I don't have an empty
drawer in the house,

and not one made a reservation.

There's a greasy spoon down here

that has got great hot churros.

I'll buy ya breakfast.

I can't be bribed
with fried lard, amigo.

Come on.

Your dead guy's just gonna
have to wait his turn.

I wasn't talking to you, rog.

Oh, sure go ahead
and break my heart.

You eat churros
for breakfast now?

Talked me into it.

See ya, rog.

Gotta go.

Bye, Roger.


Look, hey, I wasn't
hungry anyway.


I'll check into that for ya.
- Great.

Look at this.

Nice tux jacket, but it looks
a little big in the shoulders.

$ says it's our
John Doe's rental, Sam.

I'm sergeant Lance, this
is sergeant Lorenzo,

we're from the palm
beach police department.

What's your name?


Nicole what?

You writin' a book about me?

Look, I just asked
you your last name.

I forgot it.

Maybe we better slide
on out of here partner.

I mean, she looks pretty tough.

Oh, you're real funny.

Can I go now?

Look Nicole, we're
not your enemies.

Cut us a little slack here.

Since when is it against the
law to forget your last name?

This is public property.

I have a right to be here.

I'm not breaking any laws.

So Sam, why don't you
go find those churros

you were bragging about?
Give me a minute.


You wanna play it bitchy?

I'm up for it.
Take off your jacket.

I don't have to.

Take it off.

I found it.


Well, the matching
trousers were found

on a dead man up the beach.

Must have been awfully cold
for you to roll a corpse.

Turn around and put
your hands on the bench.

Where's his watch
and his wallet?

I didn't take anything else.

The coat was just lying there
next to him and I picked it up.

He didn't need it anymore.

Search my stuff if you want.

What time'd you find him?

Late last night.

I don't have a watch.

Did you see anything else?

Anyone around?


Can I have the coat back?

It's been cold at night.

No, I'm sorry.

That's evidence.

Is this all you've got?

I get by.

Can I go now?

Look, I could, uh,
take you to a shelter,

get you a meal and a
bed and a hot shower.

I'm not your problem lady.

Look, there's a
thrift store about four

blocks east of bay shore drive.

Buy yourself a coat.

Take it.

I'll just spend it on dr*gs.

That's what us street
people do, right?

That's your choice, Nicole.

But dr*gs aren't gonna
keep you warm at night.

If you ever wanna talk,
my numbers on the card.

Give me a call.

Yeah right.


So she said she found the
jacket next to the body.

She didn't take his watch or
his wallet, and I believe her.

I saw you give
her that money, Sam.

You got a soft spot for
a sad story, don't you?

Yeah, I do.

Yeah, I do.

I don't know how you
talked me into letting

your guy cut in like this.

Call me a fool for friendship.

Fool with my basketball tickets

for Friday night's game.

Now tell me what
you got on John Doe.


All right.

You see these tiny little
incisions under his eyes?


Well, he had some
baggage removed.

Now, notice the teeth.

All four canines in
front have been capped

and the enamel's been damaged by
too many whitening treatments.

Now, come down here.

This scar's from
abdominal liposuction.

He also has one under his chin.

I mean they got a machine that
sucks the fat right out of you.

You know, do they take that out
by the quart or by the pound?

What are you talking about?

I gotta eat lunch later.


You know, this much time
and money spent on looks

is... is way beyond vanity.

I bet he made his
money on lookin' good.

He's probably an actor.

Maybe a model or politician.

Oh, and his, uh, serology
workup, very low sperm count.

Probably a... was cowboyin'
when he bought it.

Shot out of the saddle.

He died with a smokin' g*n.

What a way to go, huh?


That's just right.

Look at me.

Keep it sexy.

Big smile.

That's great.

Stunning isn't she?


Maybe you can tell me out.

I'm looking for a Carol Patrick.

You just got lucky, Mr.?

I'm sergeant Lorenzo, palm
beach police department.

Oh, yes.

My assistant called
and said that you'd

been into the office.

What can I do for you, sergeant?

Tickets to the policeman's
ball or charity function?

I'm investigating
a m*rder, Ms. Patrick.

I present the
victim's a John Doe,

but we think he may have been
an actor, could've been a model.

Since you're one of the
bigger agents in town

I thought you might be able
to help me identify him.

You have a picture of him?


Here you go.

Uh, sorry, I know
it's not the kind

of glass you're used to looking
at but do you recognize him?

Could you look
closely for me, ma'am?


If, uh, he was working
locally I'd know him.

I think I'm gonna
have to hit the agencies

in New York with a beating.

Hollywood, Chicago, Atlanta.

Good luck, sergeant.

You're gonna need it.

You know, what about some of
the other agents in your office

that you think might
be able to help?

Oh, sorry to interrupt.

I'd love to do another
couple rolls with her.

She's terrific.

I have another set
of changes in my car.

Won't take long.

How much time we talkin' about?

Mm, three hours.

Oh, look.

I've already given you
half a day for free.

Cut me some slack here, Carol.

You know how important
this is to me.

- Ok.

Two hours.

Not a minute more.
- Terrific.

I owe you one.

Excuse me, but I have a
wardrobe trunk in my car

and it's very heavy.

I can't carry it
in here by myself.

Could you give me a hand?

Well, I'll help you
when I'm finished.

Please, it... it'll
only take a second.

I'm on a deadline here.

Make it easy on
yourself, sergeant.

I used to represent Annie
when she was still modeling

and she gets what she wants.
- Hmm.

Sergeant, as in army?


Sergeant like in cop.

Oh, I won't hold
that against you.

Come on.
It'll only take a second.


Annie overstreet,
nice to meet you.

Christopher Lorenzo,
very much undecided.

How much do the cops know?

Not much, but they
do know he's an actor.

They're gonna keep asking.

Someone's bound to
tell them his name.

So what?

They'll still have nothing.
Calm down.

And what did they find the girl?

She saw you.

I will find her before they do.

Don't hurt anyone else.

Will you shut up?

I will do whatever it
takes for us to walk

away from this together.

You're hurting me.


don't make this any worse.

One mistake and we're finished.

Remember that.

Come on.
Quick primping.

I'm on a deadline.

- This shirt's due to primping?
- Yeah, come on.

- Primping?
- Come on.

You know, you're about to
hear this trunk by yourself.


Oh, that's... that's great.

I just bought these pants.

It's ok.

They're not the right
cut for you anyway.

And, uh, you could look
nice in that shirt.

And you could be arrested
for harassing a police officer,

especially a police
officer who is helping

you carry a very heavy trunk.

Let me finish.

- If you bought the right size...
- I did.

It... it... it shrunk.

It faded.

So next time you do laundry
follow the instructions.

I do.
I do.

You open the lid, you drop 'em
in, you shut the lid, right?

Take 'em out, put 'em in
the dryer, turn it on high.

It's all there is to it.

That kind of ran should
be hand washed, cold water,

and then hung on a line to dry.

I'm sorry, but my laundromat
doesn't have a clothesline.

What makes my shirt
your business anyway?

Your shirt is my business.

I designed it.

- Get out of here.
- Yeah.


It's cool.
- Yeah.

Well, I enjoy it.

This is good.

We can just put it right here.

Thanks for your help.

I've gotta get back to work
if I'm gonna finish on time.

You're welcome.
It was nice to meet you.


So I guess you're
no longer undecided.

Do you wanna go out and have
coffee with me some night?

I don't date cops.

You said you wouldn't
hold that against me.

I lied.

Oh, nice lips.

Nice lips.

Little out of tune.

Oh, we got problems, Chris.

There's enough
money here for you

to pack up and leave this town.

I don't ever wanna
see you here again.

Do you hear me?

Do you hear me?

Tuxedo place can't

tell us anything
till all the rentals

are back in from the weekend.

Tuxes don't have serial numbers.

I knew that.

So what'd you find out?

Well, I met with
Carol Patrick president

of the Fontana modeling agency.

I showed her the crime
scene photographs.

She couldn't recognize John Doe.

So you struck out?

I wouldn't say that.


Do I get more than one guess?


Modeling agency means women.

Her name is Annie.

She's a designer and she engaged
me a little manual labor,

proceeded to make
fun of my shirt.

It was very humiliating.

Sounds like love to me, Sam.


See, then she called
me at : this morning

and invited herself over
to my house for dinner.

So what's the problem?

So the problem
is where I'm from,

Sam, the guy is
supposed to call first.

- Yeah, but you're from a cave.
- No.

There are certain Lorenzo
traditions that are to be

upheld, and this is one of 'em.


I... I think this sounds
a little bit more

like control, which
you have already lost.

I knew it.

I knew it.

I should have turned around,
walked right out the door,

and kept goin'.

Oh, you're absolutely right.

I mean, I think the
whole thing has gotten

entirely too serious to quit.

I know.

I already considered that.

You haven't even
gone out with her.

I mean, what?
Is she funny?

Is she... is she smart?
Is she warm?

Is she...

Pushy, assertive,
she's a smart aleck.

Oh, she's everything.

Come on in.


These are for you.

Great place.

If I'd have known you were gonna

get all dressed I would have
put on a nice shirt and a tie.

So too light to be wine.


I felt guilty about you ruining
your trousers the other day.

Try those on.

These yours?

Yours now.

Let's see if they fit.


Well what?

Turn around.

Don't be bashful.

You haven't got anything
I haven't seen before.

Haven't seen mine.

And boy, can that boy change.


Little big.


Let's see.

Seam needs to be
taken in a little bit.


You're a , maybe , right?



Which side do you dress?

Excuse me?

You know, when you
put your trousers

on which side does your...

I mean, when you get ca...

Are you tryin' to
embarrass me, Lorenzo?



Which side, uh, does my...

Do we have to talk about
what side I dress on?


You, uh, take 'em off and I'll...

I'll do them for you.


There's a shirt in there too.

You know, you didn't
really have to do this.

I don't want you walking
around looking like a bag

of laundry in my clothes.


Well, at least we don't
have to be so tense wondering

about when it's gonna happen.


That's takeout food, Chinese.

Oh, cool.

I hope it's
szechuan, really hot.

They're two flares goin' at...

You get dressed,
I'll get dinner.


What the hell are you doing?

I told you to leave.

Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Please let me go.

Let me go.


Sergeant Lance, homicide.

Where are you, Nicole?


Just stay right where you are.

I'll meet you in minutes, ok?

Ok, bye.

I've got a jobbers
selling my stuff

at flea markets,
beach stands, out

of the trunks of their cars.

It's not exactly big
business but, uh, brings

in enough to keep me going.

Try this.


What'd you do to your arm?

Uh, it's a very contagious
skin disease caused

by dyeing fabrics and bathtubs.

If you're not careful,
you just might catch it.

I'll take my chances.

Chinese kiss.

Really gonna eat all that?

Maybe not all at once.

So this man that
att*cked you, he

was the same man that
dumped the body in the alley

the other night.

It was a different car though.

It all happened so fast I
couldn't tell what kind of was.

What kind
of car was it the night

that he dumped the body?

It was a black Lexus.

Do you remember any
part of the license tag?


I think the first three
letters were s-k-y.




Well, I'm gonna need you to come
down and help us put together

a composite of the man.

I'll do anything to
keep him away from me.

Do you have a place to stay
tonight, someplace to go?


I mean, there are
places all over.

I'll find a place.

Well, I think you just did.

I've got a couch
just about your size.

I don't know.

Oh, I don't bite.
Come on.

I... I was thirsty.


I bet you were after
that junk food fiesta

you had at the roach coach.

You could have
anything you want.

You don't have to steal it.

When you live on the streets
you learn to grab what you can.

Your clothes are in the dryer.

Here, I made us some hot cocoa.



What are you, June cleaver?

Don't drink it if
you don't want it.

I don't get you.

You know, I mean, you don't
even know me, you take me in,

I steal from you,
I bad mouth you,

and still you don't blow me off.

Look, if you're kinky and
you wanna have sex with me,

you can forget it, ok?

Oh, give me a break, all right?

You needed a place to stay,
I have one, so here we are.

I know what it's
like to be alone.

Both of my parents died
when I was real young.

You just made me remember
what it was like back then.

So where are your parents?


Do you ever think about
going to a group home?

Maybe I could help you.


I... I mean, those things are
like jails with no cells,

you know?

At least out on the
streets I'm in control.

It must be pretty scary.

You have family or
friends or anyone

that you could stay with?

I got a sister in Miami.

I really love her.

You wanna try to call her?


Maybe I'll take a bus out
there and surprise her.

Well, I can handle myself.

Could I crash out?

I... I'm kinda gettin' tired.


Just help me make up this couch.

Love the smell of clean sheets.

You know, it's the little things
like this you really miss.

She was picked
up in south Miami in your Jeep.

And Miami booked her
on Grand Theft Auto,

but I pulled a couple
of strings and she's

in palm beach juvenile.

Here's what we know
about her family.

A father in Jacksonville.

He reported her
missing six months ago.

We're still trying
to contact him.

Any of the relatives?

A sister in Miami.

She won't return
our phone calls.

So you wanna file
a GTA, or what?

It's your decision.


Ok, fine.

There'll be a hearing
within hours.

She'll be placed in
a runaway shelter

and she'll stay there until
custody is determined.

Those shelters
are crowded and understaffed.

Now, if Nicole bails,
we lose our only witness

in this investigation.

What are you gonna do?

Take her home with ya?


I want temporary custody of her.

That was a joke, Rita.

Look, I've been in
the trade long enough

to realize that
most of these kids

are not angels with dirty faces.

They're punks who haven't
been locked up yet.


Well, maybe this one
just needs a friend.

Now, I can handle her
until her father is found.

If the father is found.

And what if he isn't?

Well, then she becomes
a ward of the court.

And what makes you think
she won't run away from you?

She did once already.
- Yeah.

And she may do it again,
but I'll take that risk.

Rita, what's
really goin' on here?

She called me
because she's afraid.

Someone threatened her life.

Now, I can't ignore that.


Ok what?

I'll see what I can do.

Thanks, George.


Now get out of here.

I'm outta here.

What the hell is goin' on?

The state has
dropped the grand theft

auto charge against you.

They've granted me temporary
custody until your father

can be located.

That's right, Nicole.

It's a miracle.

Your father has
risen from the dead

and he is living
somewhere in Jacksonville.

I wanna know why you lied to me.

Just leave me alone.


Listen, you either
level with me right now

or you can walk right
back into juvenile hall

and the state will refile
that charge against you.

Now, why did you
tell me he was dead?

I wish he was.

I am never going back to him.

I'd rather die first.

What did he do to you?

Nicole, you can trust me.

Just forget it.

Where's my sister?

I left a message for
her to pick me up.

Where is she?

She's not coming.

She refused custody of you.

I... I'm sorry.

You're lying.

My sister would
never do that to me.

She loves me.

Well, I don't need
her, I don't need you,

I don't need anybody, ok?

Look, we're gonna work
this out, all right?

I promise you we'll
work something out.

I know you got a soft
spot in your heart, Sam,

but I'm beginning to think
that that soft spot is

in your head, all right?

And she lied to you
about her father's death,

she steals your car, and you're
gonna take her back anyway?


I'm all she's got right now.


You're welcome.

Her sister refused
custody of her.

She's scared to
death of her father.

Somehow he really
terrorized her.

You think her father
was abusing her?

I don't know.

She won't talk about it.

She won't let her guard down.

Whatever he did to her it
must have been horrific.

But if she doesn't
tell the truth,

then the state's gonna
send her right back to him.

And she'll run away again.

Sammy, what's gotten into you?

You're breakin' rule number
two in the manual that says

don't get personally involved.


I mean, we see kids
like Nicole every day.

What makes her so special?

Because we don't see them.

We... we look right through them.

They're invisible.

You know, that's what
keeps us comfortable.

It allows us not to
feel their suffering.

And Nicole, man, she is not
invisible anymore, you know?

She is this scared
-year-old kid,

and she has a secret
trapped inside

of her so ugly that
it just keeps pushing

her back to the streets.



If she's not gonna talk
about it, what can you do?

Just keep trying.

I don't know if someone
gives a damn about her.

I don't know that you
give a damn about her.


What happened in here?

I got hungry after you
went to bed last night.

I was gonna clean
it up in a minute.


I think you should
clean it up right now.


Chris is here.

You haven't even
taken your shower yet.

You're not ready for school.

I don't wanna go to school.

- Hi, Sam.
- Oh.

Excuse me.
What did you say?

I said I don't
wanna go to school.

Well, you are going to school.

You're not my mom.

I'm not going to
some bozo school

with a bunch of
geeks and losers.

Look, you're going.

You wanna wear your
nightgown to school?

That's your choice.
But you're going.

It's nice to see you
lovely ladies getting

along so well this morning.

Rita and I will clean this up.

Good idea.

No, that is a very bad idea.

You will clean it up as soon
as you get home from school.

Well, then maybe
I won't come home.

Well, that's your decision.

I have already made my decision.

So get up, get ready now.

Damn Sammy, you run a
tight ship around here.

You think I'm being
too rough on her?


Time will tell.


I couldn't sleep last night.

I kept thinking,
what if she runs away

in the middle of the night?

I mean, what if I go pick
her up from school today

and she is not there?

Have faith, all right?

It's morning time,
she's still here.

I just hope i'm
doing the right thing.

You can
only do so much, all right?

The rest is up to her.

Hey, the tux place called.


Yeah, we got a
renter, Joe Kelly.

You know, and Roger's
hunch was right.

This guy is an actor.

Now, I ran him
once, warrants, dmv.

His car was found abandoned
near the beach with the keys

still in the ignition.

Forensics found
bloodstains in the trunk.

They belong to Joe Kelly.

What kind of car was it?

Black Lexus.

Same one Nicole saw.

The partial tag number
she gave us works.

So the man after
Nicole drives Joe Kelly

to the beach in Joe's car.

You have any idea
where they met?


Probably here.

This was found underneath
Joe Kelly's front seat.

Carol Patrick is obviously
being less than candid with us.

That party was the same
night of Joe's death.

Black tie affair, and
I say a perfect place

for silk stocking.

So Joe goes to Carol's
party, next thing

you know he's got two
b*ll*ts, boom, boom,

and he ends up dead in
the trunk of his car.

Rough party.

Glad I wasn't invited.

We should get Carol
Patrick's guest list.

Joe's chauffeur is probably
gonna be on that list.

Carol's got a bad memory.

I don't think she's
gonna be any help.

Well, I'll just have
to refresh her memory.

I hear something.

Maybe she's in the backyard.

Let's go check.


Anybody home?

Ms. Patrick?

We rang, nobody answered.

We thought we might
find you back here.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't
hear the door bell.

How are you, sergeant Lorenzo?

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

This is my partner
sergeant Lance.



We'd like to ask
you a few questions.


Did we catch
you at a bad time, ma'am?

Oh no, not at all.

Uh, my husband and I are
remodeling the bedroom.

Sort of an anniversary
gift to ourselves.

You remember the picture
I showed you the photograph

of the dead man near the beach?

Of course.

We identified him.

His name is Joe Kelly.

Turns out he's an
actor after all.

Look, I already told you, i...

I don't know him.

Then why'd you invite
him to your party?

Maybe he came as
someone's guest.

Excuse me, what are you doing?


I was just taking a closer
look at your remodeling job.

It's very nice work.

See, you got me up
against a major coincidence.

Joe Kelly is an actor,
you're an agent,

but you said you never met him?

You had a big bash the
night he was k*lled.

We found an invitation to
that bash inside his car.

Chris, an empty shell casing.

Look, I have no idea
where that came from.

Came from a g*n.

Doin' a little indoor target
practice, Ms. Patrick?

I'll bet Joe Kelly was a target.

You miss the target,
slugs end up in the wall.

Next thing you know it's time
for a little remodeling job.

Look, I think I
better call my lawyer.

You can tell him
to meet you downtown.

I didn't k*ll him.

Who did?

Joe Kelly died in this room.

Our forensics team
will prove that.

Someone's gonna go down
for it Ms. Patrick,

and right now it's gonna be you.

It was my husband, Mark.

My husband and I have
been married for years.

We decided to try something
new, something to turn

up the heat in our marriage.

Come on
Joey, let's have some fun.

Oh yeah.

Oh yes.



Oh baby.

That's enough.

If this isn't cool, I'll split.

Funny boy.
- He likes it, Joey.

He really likes it.

You can't get enough
of him, can you Carol?

And what about now?

I'm leavin'.

Oh no.

You don't wanna leave yet.

That's what I invited you for.

It was just a fantasy.

It's unfortunate it
didn't stay that way.

May I call my lawyer now?


Use the phone in here.

I can't believe you pulled
off that shell casing gag.

Never quit a witness, Sam.

I knew she was wobbly.

I just had to give
her a little push.

Good job, Sammy.


It's my husband.

Call back up.

Have them takin' out of time.

Stay here and wait for my call.

- Hello?
- Yeah.

It's me.
He's on foot.

Where are you?

Parking lot bantbelt line.

Ok, I'll see you in five.


Excuse me?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't hear you come in.

Uh, lay down on the table.

I'd rather sit.

What happened?

I was cleaning my g*n at home
and it accidentally went off.

The b*llet went in my arm.

I can't do this
kind of procedure.

I'll have to transfer
you to an er.

Just wrap it up.

Sending available unit

to los padres quick care
emergency clinic for an adw

in progress.
Suspect is loaded and dangerous.

This is X-ray ,
copy on the adw.

We're in the
vicinity on the role.

Roger X-ray .

Freeze, police.

Oh, Nicole.
Are you ok, honey?

I... I missed you.

You disappeared.

I filed a missing
report you know,

looked everywhere for you.

Put up signs.

Come on, give me a hug.

I missed you.

He doesn't look like a
freaking monster, does he?

The sick slug messes around
with his own little girl.

She's lying.

Tell her daddy.

Tell her all about our
little secret, how you went

to bed with me after mom died.

Do you know what he made me do?

I was so little.

Shut up.

Nicole, I'm gonna have
to ask you to wait outside.

She's lying.

Can't you see that?

I have to refer this case to
the child protective services

for further investigation.

Meanwhile Nicole will remain
in the custody of the state.

There is nothin' to investigate.

She's comin' with me.

Mr. Gaines, move
out of the way.

You bitch, i...

Don't you push me.

I will hurt you so bad you
won't molest any little girls

for a very long time.

Did you fix yourself breakfast?

I wasn't hungry.

You should eat something.

Well, I guess we should
get you packed up

and get out of here, huh?

If you wanna take me to some
down group home, that's fine.

Just don't expect me to stay.

Look, Nicole, I know that
this is not what you want,

but it's the best that I can do.

I'm working with the
child protective services

to get you foster parents and...

And a good home.

I wanna stay here with you.

Courts will never let
you stay with a police

officer who works all hours
of the day and the night.

I... I mean, it's
never gonna happen.

You just
want me out of your life.

I mean, you clean me up,
you buy me new clothes,

and that makes you feel
like a real hero, right?

But then as soon as I need
you to be there for me...


I can go back
out on the streets.

But you have a chance to
change your life right now.

Don't blow it.

You wanna go back out there,
then that's your choice,

but it doesn't get any easier.

And if that's what you decide to
do, you blame yourself, not me,

and not your father
because nobody

can make that choice but you.

I feel so stupid.

I actually thought
you cared about me.


Would you stop it with
this poor me crap?

You know that I care about you.




Yeah, just sec.

It's for you.


Call Ford.


Yeah, this is she.


Yeah, the entire
line is available.

How... how many pieces
do I have in stock?

How many pieces do you need?

Yeah, absolutely.

I can fill that order.


Yeah, sure.


Let me just, uh, check with
my shipping manager and uh...

I'll call you back.


Ok, thanks.

I... I'll call you back.




That was near in
markets in Dallas.

They wanna order my clothing
line for all of their stores.



Remember the day that we met?

They saw the photographs
and they love my clothes.

- Wow, that's great.
- Yeah.

That's great.


Woah, woah, woah.

Do you have enough stock
to fill this order?

Of course not.

What are you gonna do?

Well, what are we gonna do?

Wha... what are we gonna do?


You see, because I
need an assistant

to help me package and...

- Package...
- box...

- box...
- ship...

- ship.
- While I sew.

What while you sew?


I might be
available for this position.

What... what... what... what
would a job like this pay?

Uh, well, let me
step into my office.

Well, that ought do it.
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