01x15 - Internal Affair

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x15 - Internal Affair

Post by bunniefuu »

Here in palm beach,
where golf is an indoor sport,

the support staff at
these exclusive courses

can be exhaustive.

Cooks, maids, chauffeurs,
and children's

nannies all labor to keep
the courses at their best.

The games played after dark are
always the most challenging.

It's during such
games that the lines

between the societal
classes are blurred,

when the gentleman or
the lady of the house

can be paired with
the nanny or pool

boy for a best ball twosome.

These games can be deadly, and
the penalty strokes lethal.

For she's a jolly good

fellow, which nobody can deny.

You look like a
monkey and smell like one too.

Oh, thank you.

Open it.


Oh, Rita.

- Do you like it?
- I love it.


This will put a little
wind in your sails.

Carl, look.

Oh, let me guess.

From Rita.

Who else?

This must be a payback
for Tommy bartell.

Maybe I shouldn't
be hearing this.

Absolutely right.

You know what, darling?

Would you check on
collette for me?

I told soroya to put her
to bed half an hour ago.

Sure, no problem.


And who is Tommy bartell?

Tommy bartell was the star
running back in high school.

Rita stole him from me.

Yes, and it took Liz
years to forgive me.


Lie down.

It's time to go to bed.

I came to check on Colette.


She's sleeping.

Well, maybe it's time for
someone else to lie down.

And alister hotel
said yes to my designs.

I begin next month.

Early eclectic postmodern with
just a hint of neoclassical.

Of course.

What else do hotels want?

You want to see my designs?

Oh, yeah.

You son of a bitch!

Right in my own house!

Your little slut!

Liz, stop it.

You stop it right now.

Listen to me!

Soroya had something in her eye.
- Damn you!

Damn you.

Soroya, why don't you
go rinse that eye out?

Mr. Reston, I'm sorry...

Yeah, yeah, that's ok.

Uh... listen, uh, i...

I apologize, uh.

You've both known
Liz a long time.

She's just not acting
herself lately.

I love the way we make love.



I love the way you make me feel.

I love everything about it.

I love these.

I love this.

I love this.


I can't.

I gotta get going.


Come on, it's still early yet.

It's late, and...

I've got a crazy day tomorrow.

I've got a pattern
maker out sick.

I've got a fabric
supplier who doesn't

know the difference between
Rose and a Violet print.

And I have a sales rep
breathing down my neck.

You know, you and I have been
spending so much time together

I should probably just move in.

Does that scare you?

Ken, can you run a
make on this for me, please?

- Sure, I'll get right on it.
- Thanks.

Trouble in paradise?

No, ma'am.

No, ma'am.

Nothing you want to talk about?


There's surveillance
logs signed and dated,

guaranteed to withstand tricky
moves of defense counsel.

So the weekend was fine then?

Yeah, fine.

No complaints.

How about you, Sam?

How was the party?

Weird with a capital
w. Liz blew up.

She thought she caught
her husband in the clench

with her nanny.
- Relax!

He says he was getting
grit out of her eye.

Maybe he was.


You didn't see their nanny.

Do you think she
believed you yesterday?

Does it matter?

Sometimes you
make me feel like a whore.

Sometimes I want you
to behave like a whore.

I'm really sorry
about yesterday.


You shouldn't be.

I mean, there's no
reason to apologize.

At least that's
the way I see it.

How were things after we left?

Well, Carl denied it, of course.

He wasn't even angry with
me for making a scene.

He said he was just
glad that my feelings

finally came out about this.


It's an easy thing to say.

I know.

But maybe I was wrong.

I've always had a
short fuse, and I

am carrying around a lot of
guilt about him and collette

right now.

Why, because of the business?


Sometimes it runs me.

It's not all three-hour lunches
at four-star restaurants,

you know.

Is that what Carl thinks?


He feels like I can't
stand the success now

that I've achieved it.

He feels I'm trying to
tear everything down,

like yesterday.

There's a term for it, you know.

It's called the wrecked
by success syndrome.

Well, it doesn't seem
to me like you have

a problem dealing with success.

Is that why you
were thinking about

getting a divorce a year ago?

I thought Carl was
having an affair.

I guess there's a
pattern here, right?

Yeah, well, maybe
it's his pattern.

And you seemed pretty
convinced yesterday.

So what happened a year ago?

I don't know, Rita.

I felt distant.

I felt like we
weren't connecting.

I confronted Carl about the
affair, but he denied it.

It wasn't like I
could prove anything.

So then things
got back on track?

Well, we're still having
sex if that's what you mean.

Lucky you.

Annie: Hi, it's Annie.

I can't come to the
phone right now,

but if you leave me
your name and number

I'll get back to you.

Annie, it's... it's Chris.

Call me.



Sorry I'm late.

You ok?


You know, do you ever
get the feeling that...

That somebody is trying to
make themselves unavailable?


Many times.

Wait a minute, you said
that the weekend was fine

and there were no complaints.

So what's wrong with
this picture, Sam?

She wants to move in with me.

I mean, she just came
right out and said

that she wants to move in and...

Oh, man.

I like her, Sam,
I'm crazy about her.

She's funny, she's smart.

But i... I like to
take things slowly.

That's one way of putting it.

Hey, you're supposed
to be on my side.

I am, I am.

It's just...

When it comes to women and
long-term relationships...

I hate to say it, Chris,
but glaciers move faster.

You're not still
mad at me, are you?


No, it's something I ate.

Sounds to me like
that ulcer's acting up again.

Let me get you your pills.

No, thanks.

I've just got too much to do
today not to go into work.

You work too hard, Liz.

A little rest wouldn't hurt.

After what happened Sunday,
I think you should still

consider getting some help.

I told you I'd think about it.

I know, I know, I know.

None of us can
avoid therapy, Liz.

If we do, somebody usually
has to pay the price.

And I will be honest with you.

Lately around here,
that person has been me.

Love you.

You too.

Hi, baby.

Don't forget to call me
at the club at o'clock.



You had a little extra
on that last serve, huh?

That's why we're
here, isn't it, Mitch?

So I can take it out
on you in the court?

Oh, my aching bones.

Carl Reston.


Yeah, sure, I can do that.


No, problem.

Bye bye.
- Everything all right?


That was the nanny.

She wants me to pick
up collette at school.

She said she doesn't
want to drive.

Sounded upset about something.

Guess I can't go
another set, buddy boy.

Excuses, excuses.

Hey, Mitch.

Why don't you go beat up
on those kids over there?

This old man needs
the steam room.


See you later.


Listen, sweetie, uh, why don't
you go play in the jungle gym?

Daddy will be with
you in a minute, ok?

All righty.

What have you done?

I think we're through here.

Go ahead and get
the gurney team.

Dr. Lincoln.

I thought Roger
was on duty today.

He's cutting.

I'm calling.

So what do we got?

Hispanic female, early s.

Preliminary examination
indicates a broken neck.

Massive contusion of
the left temporal bone.


Friend of the family's.

You think it was sexual as*ault?

Not so far as I can tell.

We'll know more
after the autopsy.

What about these
facial lacerations?

Well, judging from the
spacing and the depth,

my guess is fingernails.


Well, she must have
struggled with the attacker

and gotten pushed.

Found this thread
on the banister.

You have a bag?

I'll wrap things up here,
ship the body downtown.


Tell Roger we'll meet
him for the opening.


So who found her?

Carl Reston.

He's outside on the terrace.

You call Liz yet?

No need to.

She was here the whole time.


Told the officer on the
scene she slept through this.

I figure I'd let you
talk to her about it.

Uh, listen... she
is terribly upset.

Maybe you could talk to her.

Sure, sure.

Carl, I'd like to ask
you a couple of questions.

Are you ok?

I can't believe
this has happened.

I can't believe I slept
through all of this.

Take it easy.

Liz, how did you get that
scratch on your face?

I don't know.

I... I must have
done it in my sleep.

So why don't you tell
me everything that you

can remember about today.

We'd, uh... we'd
just gotten home.

I picked collette
up after school.

That's the normal routine?


It was soroya's
job to pick her up,

but she called me at the club.

I was playing tennis.
Asked me if I could do it.

Did she indicate why?

Not in so many words, but
she sounded upset, distracted.

What happened when
you got back here?

Uh... the front
door was unlocked.

Fortunately, I was
ahead of my daughter,

so I saw the body first.

I sent collette off so
she wouldn't see it,

then I called the police.

What time would that have been?

:, thereabouts.

Then Liz... she had come
out of the bedroom.

She had just woken up.

Is your wife usually
a heavy sleeper?


She... well, you know, sometimes.

She... she hasn't
been feeling well.

Look, I won't insult
your intelligence.

I assume your partner told you
what happened here on Sunday,

but I can tell you
this as a professional.

Liz... she is incapable
of k*lling anyone.

She was home today
because she was sick.

Soroya must have
surprised an intruder.

Put up a hell of a fight.

Is there anything
missing from the house?

I don't know.

I didn't set foot in the
hallway or the stairs.

I made sure Liz used
the back stairway.

I didn't want to
disturb anything that

might be helpful to the police.

Is there anyone that can verify

your whereabouts around the
time of the m*rder, Carl?



Mitch Rydell.

I was playing tennis with him
at the time that soroya called!

Thanks, Carl, we'll be in touch.

What was that about?

Never mind.

Come on, let's go.

Yeah, that's right.

I want a spicy beef
and shrimp fried rice.

Soon as you can.



What's it gonna be?

Life in the bachelor
jungle or domestic bliss?

I'm making a list of
the pros and cons, Sammy.

I'm making a list of
the pros and cons.



Well, in the pros, you should
put on the list a new stove.

'Cause with Annie moving in, you
might just get to turn it on.

- Yeah.
- Ooh!

All right.

You have magic hands, Sammy.


Yeah, Lorenzo.


Ok, thanks.

To the lab, Sam.

They found three sets of
prints on those broken vases:

The housekeeper's, the
nanny's, and Liz's.

The intruder could have
had plastic gloves on.


And I don't see Liz as the
type to do much dusting.

Look, I have known
her for years.

She is a very good friend
and a decent person.

I don't believe she
could have done it.

Look, Rita, I know she's
a good friend of yours,

and I can saw wood
with the best of them.

But when someone starts slinging
China from feet away,

it intrudes on my dreams.

How'd she get that
scratch on her face?

She says she doesn't know.

No idea, huh?

You're saying she did it?

No, I'm saying that
I can see motive here.

Right, she lets things
slide on the home front,

finally cops to what's going on.

Sees the nanny tarting
up, and pops a gasket.

Now, that is just
classic, Christopher.

I mean, did it ever occur to
you that maybe Reston didn't get

the call at the tennis club?

Why would he k*ll her
if he was doing her?

Especially if he was doing her.

I know.

The takeout guy did it.



I was in the
neighborhood and i...

I thought you might
want to take a break.

I know it seems like I've been
avoiding you, but I haven't.

I've been really busy,
and, uh, I missed you.

I missed you too.



Yeah, that's my partner.

We're working on his case.

It's strictly business.

Come on, where's
Mr. Magic hands?

I want to play another...


That's all right, I
can't stay anyway.

Annie, wait a second.

It's not what you think.

Isn't it?

Annie, wait!

Bad timing?

The worst.

Hey, rog.

Hey, buddy.

You know, I offered
Rita a manicure once.

She didn't go for it.

It's no wonder.

Now, you do do you best
work with dead people, rog.

Come here, I want to
show you something.

It's very interesting.


What am I looking at?

It's human tissue.

I got it under the dead
woman's fingernails.

I already sent it
out for typing.

Oh, you're good.
You're good.

It's our assailant's, huh?


You know, what's
interesting is not

the tissue itself, but the trace
of face powder that's on it.

So the k*ller was a woman?

It could be.

Oh, I got something
else for you.

This is silk thread.

Pink silk, very expensive.

Where from?

Clutched in her hand.

I, uh, took the Liberty to
run it down to forensics

to compare it with this.

This is the thread you found
at the top of the banister.

It's a perfect match.

Not that I'm trying to
do your job for you,

but if I was to take
an educated guess,

I'd say that your k*ller
wore something in pink silk.

Face it, Rita, those tissue
samples and fibers match.

This is something you're
going to have to deal with.

You talked to Reston's
partner, his alibi holds up.

He got a phone call from
the nanny at o'clock

just like he told us.

Carl Reston's strong
and he keeps in shape.

So what?

So maybe he's
strong enough to throw

a woman over the banister.

I don't know if Liz is.

Nobody saw him in
that steam room.

Something about this
whole thing stinks.

You want me to do this?

No, I'll do it.

Why don't you go
talk to her husband.

Is Liz here?



Is anything wrong?

You guys, would you wait
by the door for me, please?

Look, Liz, i'm
sorry, but I have to.

I have to arrest you.


No, I don't believe this!

No, this can't be happening!

I will do everything
I can to help you, ok?


Why didn't you tell me
about the nanny being

upset and not wanting to drive?

Because she suspected?

What would you have done?

I'm sorry.

I love my wife.

Liz has a violent temper.

I guess you know that.

She wanted to be a wife,
mother, and run a business.

When she couldn't do it
all, she felt guilty.

So she developed illusions
to justify why it wasn't

her fault if things went wrong.

Those illusions include you
having an affair with soroya?


But it was what she
wanted to believe.

You see, it's a form
of self-destruction.

I didn't think it
would come to this.

I meant what I said.

I never thought she
could do it, ever.

I still don't.

What can I do for her?

Get her a good lawyer.

Your arraignment's tomorrow.

I'm asking the da
not to oppose bail.

Oh god, I just want
to get out of here.

At least I'd be at home
with Carl and collette.

Oh, Rita, you have no
idea how much I miss her.

I swear if i'm
ever free of this,

I will never set foot
in my office again.

We need to talk
a little bit more

about the day that
soroya was k*lled.

What else can I say?

I told you the truth.

Rita, I didn't k*ll
her, I swear it!

I swear...

Hey, take it easy.

Let me ask you this.

When you thought Carl was
having an affair a year ago,

do you have any idea
who that was with?


Her name was mindy Gayle.

She was a former miss

They, uh... they met at the club.

They played tennis together.

Mixed doubles.

And you suspected?

Actually, no.
Mindy came to me.

I never suspected anything.

She said she thought
I had a right to know.

Did you confront Carl?

Of course I confronted
Carl, but he denied it.

He said that mindy
made the advance

and that he rebuffed her.

He said that it was just a
cheap ploy to get back at him.

He said she was demented.

Was she?

Hi, Chris.

Check this out.

I just talked to Liz.

She says that, uh,
Carl had an affair

about a year ago with a woman
by the name of mindy Gayle.

Yeah, that's it.


Real good.

Keep moving.

All right.

That's it.

All right.

You're doing good.

You're doing good.

Yeah, get on the bike.

Lean into it.

Lean in.

That's it.

That's good.

Come on.

That's great.

One more time.

Mindy Gayle?

Yeah, that's me.

I'm sergeant Lorenzo.

Long beach police department.

I'd like to ask you a
couple of questions.

Do you know a Dr. Carl Reston?

Can you excuse me?

Yeah, I know him.

Don't tell me somebody finally
gave him what he deserved.

Depends on what he deserves.

Assuming he's not
on a slab somewhere,

the answer's probably no.

What do you need?

Did you have an affair with
Dr. Reston between may and June

last year?

I knew he'd kiss and tell.

Unfortunately, yes.

What'd he tell you,
that I seduced him?

That he was only human?

That he loves his wife?

Actually, he didn't
tell me anything.

It was his wife.

Just looking for confirmation.

Yeah, we had an affair.

He was so smooth, he
had me coming and going.

You know the type.

They're always going
to leave their wife.

Well, finally I got the picture.

Divorce is expensive.

So you told his wife
to force his hand?

My mistake.

How did he react to that?

He didn't get all crazy
like some guys would.

I guess he still
wanted to see me.

He told me if only I
had waited, but by then

I wanted to break it off.


I met someone else.

Another married man?


After Carl, I made it a point
to stay away from married men.

Are you married?

Uh... it's funny you should ask.

Funny you should ask.

So you want my honest opinion?


Right now, I don't
even think Chris

would look at another woman.

I mean, he may be
a lot of things,

but he is definitely a
one lady at a time guy.

Hmm, were you ever included?

I know what you're thinking.

I mean, Chris is a
great looking guy.

He's smart, he's sexy.

He's got that little boy charm.

So if we spend
hours a day together,

why don't we end up in the sack?
- Yeah.

Yeah, it crossed my mind.

I'll tell you why.

Now, don't get me wrong.

I mean, in a lot
of ways, Chris is

everything I'd want in a guy.

But he's also a
lot more than that.

He's my best friend.

He's my partner.

And he's the one person
that I can really talk to.

I've never had anyone in
my life like that before

and I don't know if
I ever will again.

So to screw it up
with sex, well...

That would be a big
mistake, and I don't think

I would ever forgive myself.


Mr. Lorenzo.

How'd it go with mindy Gayle?

Oh, man, she's right
off the Richter scale.

My guess is she
can make the earth

shake and quake, probably bake.

There's no wonder Reston
had an affair with her.

So what?

So you're missing the point.

The point is is that
he had an affair.

I mean, maybe the whole thing
wasn't Liz's imagination.

like the late soroya molina.


Maybe soroya wasn't
Liz's imagination either.

So what's the next move?

Well, I tracked
down her previous employer.


You know that movie
company, the one sh**ting

the TV series here in town?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

"Argyle and black lace."

I hear that's a
very excellent show.

One of those late night gigs.
- Mm-hm.

You got it.

They're sh**ting
over on ocean, so

why don't you meet
me back at the shop

and we will go together.

See ya!


Getting a little makeup.

Yeah, it looks like him.

You miles wolf?

Sorry, I'm working right now.

I can't sign any more
autographs until we break.

That's nasty.


Yeah, it looks like somebody
popped you pretty good.

You can't be serious.

You do realize
this is television?

Who let you in here?

I'm sergeant Lance.

This is my partner
sergeant Lorenzo.

We need to ask you a couple of
questions about soroya molina.

Excuse me for a second.

Whatever she said, it's a lie.

She's not saying
much these days.

She's dead.



She was m*rder*d.

And the next question is, why
did she quit working for you?

Listen, I'm in the next shot.

Can we do this later?


But if you can walk and
talk at the same time,

we might be able to
work something out.

What is this?

Look, why don't we just
take this step by step?

First of all, nobody thinks
you k*lled her, all right?

We just want to know
what's going on.

Now, did you have an
affair with soroya?

Yes, we had an affair.

Well, sort of an infatuation.

At least that's what I thought.

Until she got serious.

Did she thr*aten
to tell your wife?

Of course.

So I bit the b*llet and
I told my wife myself.

It was worth sleeping on the
couch for three weeks just

to beat soroya to the punch.

There wasn't much she could
do then except claim she

was pregnant, which she did.

But I wasn't buying it.

Why not?

I got a vasectomy two years ago.

Uh, I gotta go to work, so
you're gonna have to excuse me.


Maybe, Sam, maybe.

Maybe soroya was
playing Carl Reston

just like she played him.

See, Reston saw a way
to get rid of soroya

and frame it on Liz.

And with all that money
coming in from the talk

show and the books, divorcing
Liz would be very expensive.

You, my dear, are going to be
buying me lunch indefinitely.

I'm not buying you
a piece of gum.

Oh, yes you are.

We still gotta prove this.

You're buying me lunch.

Liz, this is very important.

I want to know
everything that happened

that day, every single detail.

Rita, we've been over this.

Liz, please.

Just... just start
from when you woke up.


I, um... I got up.

I went into collette's
room, and I laid

out her things for dance class.

Then I went and I
had some coffee.

Were you feeling
sick at this point?

I'm not sure.

I can't remember.

But I know that I
got back into bed

because I had a stomachache.

And then Carl came in
and he wanted to talk

about what had happened.

And I just didn't want to
get into it right then.

I just wasn't feeling well.

Go on.

Carl said that he
wished I'd get some help.

Then he gave me something
for my stomach, and he left.

What did he give you?

Well, he gave me the
pills that I always take.

I... I have an ulcer.

Where did he get the pills?

From the top drawer
of our dresser.

That's where Carl keeps
all the medications

so collette can't get at it.

I mean, he's really
strict about that.

I say he dosed her
coffee, made her feel sick,

and then he drugged her.


Is that search warrant for
the Reston place still good?


Yeah, I just don't know if it's
such a good idea to let Reston

know that we're on to him.

Who says he has to know?

Ok, Sam, no surprises.

Reston drives a late
model Ferrari, yellow.

Tag number Mary
Edward Alpha .

I hear you.

Nada, Sam.

He cleaned everything out.

This could take a few minutes.

Yellow Ferrari approaching, Sam.

License tag Mary
Edward Alpha .

He's in the driveway, Sam.

You've got about seconds
to get out of there.

Carl, there you are.

I thought maybe
you'd be out back.

Listen, I was in
the neighborhood

and I thought maybe you'd
like to play a game of tennis.

You know, kind of get
your mind off things.


Well, that's very
thoughtful of you, sergeant.



Sure, why not?

I could use the exercise.

How's tomorrow?

Uh... sure, around :?


Yeah, thanks.

I really appreciate this.

Everything else the same?

Yeah, everything, uh...

Everything the same.

Well, I appreciate
you stopping by.

Well, if you'll excuse
me, I'm expecting a call.

Uh... practice up on that serve.

I wish you would have
stayed the other night.

Listen, I know, I'm sorry.

I jumped to a conclusion.

Hey, you didn't give
me a chance to explain.

It wasn't what it looked like.

We were... we were
sh**ting hoops.

I know.

I talked to Rita.

You what?

I talked to Rita.

She made me see some things
in you that I really like.

Oh, well.


What did you see?

You're someone I can talk
to, someone I can play with,

someone I can sh**t
hoops with, go roller

skating with, someone who...

So why don't you
move in with me?

Cooks as bad as I do.


I said I want you
to move in with me.

You do?

- I do.
- Really?

Yeah, really.


Because you're beautiful,
you're intelligent, smart,

funny, sexy, you got a
voice that won't quit,

and I plain old like you.

What am I gonna do about you?

You are gonna move in with me.

So tennis, huh?

Yeah, it was the first thing
that popped into my head, Sam.

I mean, I didn't want him to
start covering his tracks.

How good are you?

Well, you know, I got a
natural athletic ability.

He thinks he's Boris Becker.

You know... right, how
long is this gonna take?



Patience, Patience.

So when are you going
to take me to dinner?

- Excuse me?
- Hmm?

We haven't nailed this guy yet.

We might not.

Yeah, well, i'm
just anticipating.

I mean, I assume that your
calendar is fairly free,

unless it's starting to
fill up with mindy Gayle.



I asked Annie to
move in with me.

Did you really?


That's great.

I mean, I hope you guys
are really happy together.

She told me about that talk
that you two had, and I, uh...


You're welcome.

I think I got something.

White, odorless sodium salt.


C h n.

Sodium oxide?

Well, that's not what
ought to be in the capsule,

I can tell you that much.

So Reston tampered with it.

Ok, here it is.

Well, boys and girls, this
stuff wouldn't settle a stomach,

but it sure would give
you a long snooze.




Time to go see Donovan.

I knew it.

I mean, I never had
her figured for it.

I told you that
right off the bat.

Well, at the time,
the evidence suggested...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Never mind that.

What do you got?
- Just what you're looking at.


I pass up a date for
lunch with the mayor,

and you give me this?

Well, it proves malice
aforethought, Donovan.

It's cockadoody is what it is.

It doesn't implicate him.

We need more.

Maybe we can dig something up.


Maybe Reston's not as
smart as he thinks he is.

Have we got enough here
to get a search warrant?

Eh, probable cause.

I mean, if I do handstands
for judge ritter maybe.

A search warrant for what?

A locker.

Good idea.

I'll get on it.
- Thanks, Donovan.


Thanks, big d.


Spectator or doubles partner?

Another day, Carl.

Actually, there's
a professional matter

we'd like to take care of.

You might be able
to help us out.

You want to do this now?

Inside, if you don't mind.


So, here's the scenario.

Soroya molina's room is
here around the corner.

Liz is asleep in there.

You get back from the club.

Now, the question
is, what did you do?

What do you mean?

Did you convince soroya to
do it with you on the stairs?

I beg your pardon?

You see, we know
you k*lled her, Carl.

We're just trying
to connect the dots.

What are you talking about!

This is absurd!


Here's what you did.

You told soroya to call
you at the club at :,

and of course she did.

She was expecting you at home
for a little fun in the sack.

After you hung up, you told
Mitchell it was the nanny.

That she was upset, that she
couldn't pick up collette.

That way, you could
blame it on Liz.

Then you told him you were
going to hit the steam room,

but in fact you didn't
hit the steam room.

You drove back here
as fast as you could.

And when you got here, you went
upstairs to check up on Liz,

see if she was still asleep
after you drugged her earlier

that morning with seconal.

Then you went into
the nanny's room.

You told her you wanted
to do it on the stairs.

But before things
got going, pop.

Then you broke the
vases after putting

on gloves, no fingerprints.

And you, Carl,
you scratched Liz.

You saved the tissue.

You took two fibers.

You placed one on the banister,
fibers and tissue on the body.

And then you drove back to the
club, washed off in the steam,

made sure that
Mitch saw you leave.

You picked up collette, and
you drove right back here.

Wait a minute.

I have some patients
with vivid imaginations,

but I doubt they'd go this far.

This is preposterous!

Oh, I don't think it is, Carl.

You see, we found this
underneath the dresser,

and Liz remembers dropping it.

It's a pill that you tampered
with and gave to her.

It's not a stomach
sedative, it's seconal.

You're setting me up.


Because you're her friend?

Yeah, right.

You recognize these?


Why should I?

Because they're yours, Carl.

We found them in your
locker at the club.

You see, you made a
big mistake tramping

around the hallway in these.

It's go little
splinters of China

in the tread from
the broken vases.

You made a point of
telling us that you never

came back inside the house.

In fact, when we arrived after
you had m*rder*d soroya molina,

you weren't even wearing these.


Nice try, doctor.

This is the last of it.

Well, you want me to make
some room so you can set up?

No hurry.

I can, uh, take a day or
two to get my bearings.

Before I make any changes.


It was a joke.


Don't be so nervous.

Are you ok?


I'm fine.

The last days of independence.

The struggle for
coexistence begins.

It doesn't have
to be a struggle.

Besides, if you decide you
hate me, I can always move out.

No, that's not the point.

You're right.

This is a commitment.

We gotta work at it.

So why did you agree
to this, anyway?

Well, i... I wanted to
give myself a second chance,

you know?
- Come on.

What's the real reason?


You want to know the truth?

I saw shrink.

You did?


His attitude kind
of set me straight.

What was his attitude?

Well, he... uh...

Well, he showed me
that there's not

much future in a solitary life.

We're gonna make this work.
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