01x19 - Working Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x19 - Working Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

Nice suit, Raul.



What happened to the days when
you bought them off the rack?

I moved up in the world.

What are you doing here?

You're not scheduled.


Mr. Smith.

He's Thursday nights.

It's Tuesday.

Mr. V didn't say anything
to me about changing.

Mr. V doesn't have to travel
himself with picayune details

like this, right?

You and I can have our
own arrangement, Raul.

Just give me the key to .

I should hurry.

Mr. Smith likes his room
decorated when he arrives.

Hey, Bonnie, any problems
with Mr. V about this,

they're your problems.

You're right.

How about a glass of bubbly?


I have an accounting
test in the morning.

Girl, can you count your
money at the end of the night?

Of course.

Well then, you
already passed the test.

Come on.

Let's get undressed
for the occasion.

So does he have any
special preferences?

When he's in the saddle, he
likes to be called your honor.

Tell me you're kidding.

What can I tell you?
He's a judge.

It never hurts to
have friends in court.

Oh, kiss, kiss judge.

You look wonderful.

Thank you.

Did you dress up
this much just for us?

Well, for you and
the big charity ball

the bar association
throws every year.

What have we here?

Hanging bill
cafferty, meet Gina.

It's nice to meet
you, your honor.

I like her already.

What a lucky man
and what a lovely place.

I told you so.


Oh, yes.

Very nice.

I feel like a new man.

Tired, but good.

Here we go.

For you.

And for you.

Give me a kiss.


Oh, I'm gonna miss you.










Those little white lies.

We've all told them.

I remember the bubble gum that
I stole from the candy store.

I was smacking it loudly in my
mouth when I swore to the clerk

that I didn't steal it.

And the math test that I
crammed for and still couldn't

remember that one equation.

I swore to my teacher
that I was simply admiring

my neighbor's pretty watch.

Kids almost always get
away with white lies.

Adults sometimes
get away with them.

For politicians,
their way of life.


Can I help you?

Yeah I'm sergeant Lance,
palm beach police department.

This is my partner,
sergeant Lorenzo.


There was a homicide
in room last night.

We need to see the full
for that room,

- I have that ready.



Oh, it's a Mr. Smith, eh?

Surprise, surprise.


There's no address,
no phone number.

He paid cash.


Checked in at
o'clock last night

and checked out at midnight.

I bet he didn't like
the accommodations.

Who was working
last night, Raul?

I was.

I worked the split shift.

Can you describe
Mr. Smith for me?

He was about ' ", gray hair.

Might have been
in his early s.

Anybody else ask
for a key to the room?

Just the lady that died.

The maid found her.
I went up.

It was the same girl.

It was me who called the cops.

Raul, what's your last name?


All right, thanks.

Uh, that's a nice tie.

Where's Roger?


Roger, you sleeping?

I was centering.


My yin and my Yang
were out of balance.

And we all know how
important a balanced yin

Yang is, don't we, Roger.

Oh, very funny.

Go ahead and make mock of
what you don't understand.

But you should try
it, because it really

does reduce stress levels.

And we'll meet some
great chicks in yoga class.


May I remind you, we are
here on business, remember?

Hey, have you guys seen the room

service menu in this place?

Belgian waffles with
fresh fruit to die for.

You'll pardon the expression.

Who's the guest of honor?

A Jane Doe.

No purse, or...

No, looks like they snatched it.

Looks like she took her
clothes off for Mr. Smith.

Did you find any raincoats?
- Yeah.

A couple in the trash can.

All right.

What's the prelim?

Crushed windpipe.

I've got to tell you, looks
like a silk stocking to me.

Oh, come on.

You've got to admit,
that's darn funny.

Silk stocking, you guys
call them silk stalkings.

This is a tough room.

You need anything else from me?

- Your absence.
- Good.

Because I'm going some
place where I keep

them in stitches, the morgue.

See you after lunch, Roger.


Let's check out the room.

Looks like somebody
was naughty and tidied up

before we got here, Sam.

He forgot to
clean under the bed.

I found this water glass.

I love this job.

Got a print?

Oh, hey, sarge.


The whole place had
been wiped down.

All right.

Can you dust this for me?


Hey, Sam.

What did you find?

I've got a clove cigarette.

You know, what color lipstick
was Jane Doe wearing?

Uh, hot pink.

The smoker was wearing peach.


So we've got one
victim, two girls.

Maybe girl number
two is a witness.

You know, that is
such a sexist cop hunch.

- No it is not.
- Yes it is, too.

You know, the assailant could
have easily been a woman.

Men do account for the majority

of criminals in the world, Sam.

Let's go downstairs,
and we shall

argue about this over lunch.

All right?

- Downstairs.
- Downstairs.

I don't think so.

This place is a little too
expensive for my pocketbook.

I'm buying.

- You're buying.
- Yeah.

- Really?
- Anything under $..

Oh, uh... take care of that
for me, would you, man?


You know what?

This towel is damp.

I want you to dust the shower
knobs and the tub knobs.

All right, sarge.


Anything under $.

He's cheap.


Sam, we've got a computer
match on our victim.

Her name is Bonnie Abigail
west, years old.

Let me guess.

She's a prost*tute.


She was working
for la dolce vita

escort and limousine service.

Remember, that's
Vinnie locerno's outfit.

Vice has been trying
to pop him for months.

I guess they had about
as much luck as you did.

Excuse me?

No, I did my job.

All right, Sam?

I busted him.

I... I got him cold for
pimping underage girls,

and we could have got him
for any number of felonies.

Donovan is the one that
cut the deal to let

him walk on a plea bargain.

Still holding a
grudge for Vinnie, huh?

Yes, I most certainly am.

You look up the word
sleazebag in the dictionary,

and there is Vinnie's picture.

Candy, it's Joey v. Mr.
Thompson wants you in his room

at the Marquis in half an hour.

I know he gets rough sometimes.

It's because he's
excited to see you.

Yeah, so he has bad breath.

So wear a mask.
Be there!

Room !

Le dolce vita escort service.

Oh, ok.


Oh, hey.

Rita Lance.
- Vinnie locerno.

No, no, no, no.
The Vinnie days are gone.

- Really?
- Yeah.

It's Joey v now.

You still work in vice?


Actually, I stopped chasing
pimps a long time ago.

Just murderers now.

Well, I guess you
got no business here.

We've got business
with you, Vinnie.

We've got business with you.

Who's the guy with the attitude?

Sergeant Lorenzo.

Well, good to meet you.

Come on back.

Hey, there's my license
and my first dollar earned.

You proud of me, Rita?

Actually, I'm amazed.

You're hiring girls old enough
to drive to their own tricks


Oh, don't use that word in here.

I'm bona fide, all right?

I even got a health and
pension plan for my girls.

You pay for their funerals, too?

This guy is breaking my boxers.

Why are you here?

- Bonnie west.
- What about her?

She woke up dead
at the wimberly.

Oh no.

What happened to her?

Why don't you tell us?

Let me see.

She didn't work
for me last night.

She friends with
any of your girls?

Of course.
We're one happy family here.

You got a roster?

Complete with addresses
and phone numbers.

Look, let me know if I can
do anything else for you.

Oh, we will, Vinnie.

We'll be in touch.

Hi, judge.


You asked to see me?


Please, sit down.

Tell me, George, do we...

Do we have a suspect in that...

The m*rder case over
at the wimberly?

Well, it's still
pretty early on.

Who are the primaries?

Detectives Lance and Lorenzo.

Oh, good, good.
Keep them on it.

They're the best.

You have a special
interest in the case?

Georgie, it's election time.

I have a special interest
in every m*rder case,

not just the one that
crosses my bench.

How's your swing?

Oh, still too much wrist.

I'm hugging the ball like crazy.

You're thinking too much.


George, just step up
to the ball and hit it.


The only thing to worry
about is where the ball goes.

Who beat who last month, hm?

Hey Jasmine, this
is sergeant Lorenzo,

palm beach police department.

I'm investigating the
m*rder of a Bonnie west.

Do you know her?


Do you happen to know
where she was the night she

was k*lled, who she was with?


Well, thanks for your time.

So how's our rundown going?

Well, everybody's
cooperating, but nobody

seems to know anything.

What about you?

You find anything
out at the lab?

They found a good set of prints

on that glass you found
underneath the bed.


The honorable
William t. Cafferty.

Hanging bill cafferty?


I'd say he's been hanging
some pretty strange places.

Our prime suspect is a
superior court judge, Sam.

Donovan is going
to flip his cage.

He and the judge are like...


They're more like
father and son.

I think Donovan should
hear this from us first.

We should go talk to him.


Ah, I think I hooked it.

Gee, George you lose
many balls in here?

About as many as
I lose out there.



So what do you got?

We... we got a suspect in
the wimberly hotel case.


I just saw judge cafferty.

He's very interested
in the case.

And well he should be.

Uh, you might want to sit
down for this, George.


What's up with you two?

You look even
weirder than usual.



Your friend, judge cafferty,
got himself into a bit of a jam.

He left a fingerprint at
the scene of the m*rder.

Look, we can...

We can take a photograph down
to the desk clerk for an ID,

if you think that's necessary.

But we'd really like to
save ourselves some time

and just go talk to
the judge right now.


Bill cafferty is the
guy who showed me the ropes.

I mean, he taught me
how to tie the noose.

He... he brought me
into the da's office.

I was his deputy.

This can't be true.

Well, even the good guys
go bad sometimes, George.

He's no m*rder*r.

There must be a mistake.

Well, if there is,
we will clear him.

If there's not, then
he's in very big trouble.

And the end of the
campaign commercial, we

have a freeze
frame of you taking

the oath of your current term.

It says to the voters
that you are experienced,

and that you've been
around the block.

How are we doing
in the polls, Sydney?

We're ahead by a % margin.

That's not enough.

We've got to press.

I know.

I think this commercial will
widen the gap even more.

I certainly hope so.

Come in.


George, how are you?

Ah, and sergeant
Lance, am I right?

Yes, sir.

And sergeant Lorenzo.

Good to see you.

Sydney, this is my great
friend, George Donovan,

Rita Lance, and Chris Lorenzo.

This is Sydney, my
campaign manager,

and a hell of a good one.

- Hi to everyone.
- Listen, boys.

I want you to see
the storyboards

on my campaign commercial.

Judge, we need a few minutes.

No problem, George.

I want you to see this first.

Sydney's done a hell of a job.

Now, we start off
with a statement

of intentions of the proud
incumbent, William t. Cafferty.

That's me.

George, you think we should use
hanging bill in the commercial?

Don't worry.

I'll keep it dignified.

Judge, this is really important.

George, please.

We have a judge in his chambers.

Ah, George.

There's you and me,
going over a case.

That's very nice, judge.

Now we have the
law enforcement part.

Bill cafferty, the
lawman's choice.

Oh, incidentally,
Rita and Chris,

I want you in this commercial.

Now, we have a montage of our
beautiful city, the beaches,

the landmarks, the people.

And now the ugly part, the
crime, and the victims.

Showing the need for a
strong hand on that gavel.

Judge, please...

George, what is it?

There's something I want to talk

to you about.

I've always been a hard liner.

You all know that.

When I was da, I had a
conviction rate second to none.

I'm not one of
bleeding hearts that

slaps the wrists of criminals.

I make sure they go to
the can whenever possible.

Law enforcement never had a
better friend on the bench

than bill cafferty.

Did you engage Bonnie west as
a prost*tute that night, judge?

Absolutely not.

She was my masseuse.

And I'll swear on my
oath, that girl was

alive when I left that night.

Masseuse, huh?

Was there another girl in
the room with you that night,


Another girl?

Not while I was there.

Why, do you think
you have a witness?

We won't know until we find her.

Look, he is lying through that
seedy political smile of his.

Bonnie west had sexual
intercourse with the judge

the night that she died,
and we can prove it, George.

We're going to have
to get a sperm sample.

We can't just look the
other way because this guy

is your friend.
- Nobody asked you to.

Do you think the man wants
to admit that he has to pay

for sex from a prost*tute?

He's humiliated.

And George, I've never known
you to plead for the defense.

The man's been
like a father to me.

Pardon me for
giving a damn, huh?

Well, George, just...

He's really taking this hard.

Yeah, he is.
Yeah, he is.

Look, Sam, we've still
got two of Joey's girls

we've got to check out.


Now, you take Gina Martin.

There's her address.

Who's the other one, here?

What, there?

Well, that's angel Rose.

Angel Rose.

Well, that's a provocative name.

Oh, no, no.

It's not what you're
thinking, Sammy.


She just... she lives right
around the corner from

my shoeshine shop, so i'm...

I'm going to stop by there.

For what?

Well, i'm... i'm
going to get a shine.



Gina Martin?


- Yeah.

Hi, I'm sergeant Lance,
palm beach police department.

I understand that you
work for la dolce vita?


Do you know Bonnie west?



Wha... is she in trouble?

She was m*rder*d last night.

Oh no.

Do you mind if I ask a
couple questions about it?

So where did you meet Bonnie?

I met her in
a class at palm college.

Did she work for
la dolce vita then?

Well, yeah, yeah.

That's how I got the
job working there.

So what's it like working there?

Well, I get to wear
beautiful dresses

and go out on an evening on the
town with nice, rich gentlemen.

And then what happens?

Well, then I kiss
them good night.

Does Joey ever ask the girls
to offer up personal services

to the clients?

That's illegal.

Yeah, I know.

That's why Bonnie was
arrested six months ago.

You're kidding.

She was on a date

set up through la dolce vita.

Where were you the
night of Bonnie's death?

Here, studying for finals.

Was anyone with you?


I'm telling you the truth.

Thank you.

Bread, right?

No, keep it, maestro.

You know Sam, I hope you didn't

pay much for that shoeshine.


No, they were out for lunch.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- So what about angel?
- Yup.

She was there.
- Mhm.


Did she have an alibi?


She was with Joey v that night.

Yeah, did you... did you
get a hold of Gina Martin?

I sure did.

She said she was
home alone studying.

Then she made a very
specific point to tell me

that she was telling the truth.

You know,
why is it that whenever

anybody tells you they're
telling the truth,

they're always lying.
- Always.


And guess what
kind of cigarettes she smokes?

- Clove.
- Mhm.

Same kind we found at the hotel.

So what's your hunch?

Well, I think
that she's the one,

but I think she's
going to be really

tough for us to break her.

Let's hotbox her.

Mm, I don't know if she
would tell me any more

than she told me today.

- Mhm.

We think of a
really good reason.

And what might that
reason... you have

a wicked smile on your face.

I was thinking about
a nice hotel room.

- Oh, a hotel room.
- Yeah.

Yeah, that sounds good.

A couple nice
bottles of champagne.

Two nice bottles?

- Two nice bottles.
- Two nice bottles.

- Two people, you know.
- Two people.

Now, who might
the other soul be?

Oh, no.

- You love that.


No, don't drag me into this.

You're so good at it, though.

Our follow-up with the
la dolce vita girls

establishes a pattern.

The judge has been a regular
customer for a number of years.

Is he really
hurting anyone, Rita?

Don't give me the
victimless crime rap,

George, it's not going to wash.

I mean, the judge has a very
serious problem, all right?

And it's going to get him in
a very compromising position

if it hasn't already.

Meaning what?

Meaning take a look at
Vinnie locerno's file.

Look at the deal
that your office

cut him when I busted him.

The man should be
in jail, George.

Why don't you ask George
cafferty why he's not?

You wanted to see me?

The cops came by to
talk to me about Bonnie.

Did they talk to you?



It was sad, what
happened to Bonnie.

You know why it happened?

She did a trick I
didn't know about.

That's very dangerous, Gina.

Yeah, that was really
stupid of her, Joey.

When I set up the dates,
my girls don't get hurt.

You know why?

Oh, 'cause you take
care of us, Joey.

You need money, you come to me.

All right.

I need you to go to the
Carlyle room, , :.

What's his name?

Chris Gordon.

He's a golf pro from Miami.

His friend says he was with
you a couple of months back.

It's a referral.

He needs a caddy
for the evening.

I'll be there.

He's a first timer.
Make him come back.

Come in.


What was that cryptic message
you left with my secretary.

You know my door's
always open for you.

This isn't easy for me, judge.

I want you to know that.

What are you talking about?

Sit down.

I think that you should
withdraw from the campaign

and resign the bench.

What is this,
some kind of a joke?

This is hanging bill
you're talking to, Georgie.

This is all going to blow over.

Trust me.

You don't think I
k*lled that woman?

No, of course not.

And I think Lance and
Lorenzo will find whoever did

and bring them down.

There you go.

So as long as we
can keep the whisper

of scandal out of the
papers, I'm wearing

the robes for another term.

I'm afraid there's going to
be more than a whisper, judge.

What are you, some kind
of a choirboy, George?

All right.

So I associate with
hookers occasionally.

Nobody gets hurt.

It's just a little indiscretion.
That's all.

It's no big deal.

You remember a pimp by
the name of Vinnie locerno?

Calls himself Joey v now.

The dead hooker worked for him.

I don't recall.

Should I?

What is this crap?

You were still da when Rita
Lance busted him for running

a stable of underage girls.

We had him cold.

I wanted to prosecute, but the
word came down from your office

to cut him a deal.

We argued, remember?

I wanted to take him to court.

I knew I could send
him to state prison.

But you blocked me.

Are you accusing me
of something, George?

Is it coincidence that
the pimp you set free

provides you with girls
for your hotel trysts?

You're gonna sniff around
me, you better carry a big g*n.

I don't know how much
I can prove, judge.

But if you force my hand, I
will open an investigation.

And wherever that
investigation may leak.

George, i... I thought
we were friends.

We are.

That's why I'm giving you the
chance to do the right thing.

It's open!

Come on in.

Mr. Gordon?

You must be Gina, right?

Uh, you want some champagne?

Love it.

Ooh, so you're a golf pro.

Yeah, you... you like golf?

I'm good with a stick shaft.

Have any handicaps
I should know about?

No I'm a scratch player.

What does that mean?

That means I put the ball
in the hole because I must.



And what if it's a tough hole?

One with lots of
hills and valleys?

How many strokes
from start to finish?

You tell me.

I hope it takes lots
and lots of strokes.

You know, I'm new
to la dolce vita.

Why don't you run me
through the game plan?

Well, I will escort you wherever

you wish to go this evening,
at $ an hour, plus expenses.

Cash or credit.

No, but what happens
when you check out?

My personal services
become available.

I should have you know
that they are in no way

connected with la dolce vita.

All services are exclusively
mine and cash only.

If I can't pay
cash, I don't buy.

And I bet I can afford
everything you've got.


Well, nasty stories are $.

Petting's $.

And you can have
it all for $.

Is that right?

No whips, no chains, no pain.

I'm expensive, but
the best always is.

I love humble women.

And I love shy little boys.

So what will it be?

Well, I think I'll take it all.

Oh, you don't have to pay now.

Oh, I insist.

Sergeant Lorenzo, palm
beach police department.

You're a cop.


Don't play games with us, Gina.

Now, we found this
brand of cigarette

stuffed out at the scene
of Bonnie's m*rder.

That must be a coincidence.

Well, it's not going
to be a coincidence when

we take your
fingerprints, and we match

them with the ones we found.

Go ahead.
I don't think you can.

Oh, that's right.

You wiped the scene
down, didn't you?

I'll let you in on
a little secret.

You missed a spot.

The knobs in the tub.

We lifted prints.
We think they're yours.

So you ready to
tell us what you saw?

Would you like to pick up
the phone, give Joey a call,

and tell him that you
propositioned a police officer?

Not just any old police
officer, but a homicide cop.

I don't think that's going
to sit too well with Joey.

Ok, look.

I was there.

But I didn't see anything.

I left right after
the client did.

Bonnie was alive.

So then what?

You zipped on over to la dolce
vita, you give Joey his cut?

Oh, no.

No, Joey, he didn't
need the money.

Come on, Gina.

You're a prost*tute.

You know that chipping
is the kiss of death.

Come on, Sam.

Let's go talk outside.

If Bonnie was going sideways
on Joey v, he found out,

maybe he decided to
make an example of her.

We gave her plenty of
reasons to tell us the truth,

and she's still holding out.


Must have her terrified.

So if he put the
whole thing together

that she was in the
room that night,

her life is going
to be in danger.

But if we arrest her
tonight on prostitution,

then she's going to be out
first thing in the morning.

And he'll be on her by noon.

If she walks
tonight, tomorrow we

hit her from a different angle.

That work?

Yeah, absolutely.

Gina, you're free to go.

If I were you, I think I'd call

Joey and tell him what a great
time you had with Mr. Gordon,


Now, how much do we owe you?

$, plus tip.

Yeah, I got a tip for you.

Find another line of work.

Just get a nice, tight
shot right on his face

when we open up.


Looks good.

Sydney, mind coming over here?

What's wrong?

I don't like the lighting.

Look at my stand-in.

He's fading into the background.

Hey, Ralph, pump
up the backlight.

This camera's all wrong.



Look in the lens.

Look in the lens.


Looks good to me.
- Looks good to you.

It's sh**ting down.

When you sh**t down, the
person looks small, inferior.

You've got to tilt
the camera up.

It makes the person look
powerful, larger than life.

You asked to see me, judge?

All right.
Everyone out.


Come on.

I'll see you later.

Where are we with
Lance and Lorenzo?

They talked to the second girl.

You're in the clear.
- Hot damn!

That's what I wanted to hear.

Listen, uh, about
that unfortunate

conversation we had, George,
can we forget about that?

I know we're both
under a lot of stress.

I'm afraid I can't
do that, judge.

What is it with you?

What do you want?

What do I have to do
to get you off my back?

You know, I didn't
want to believe it.

This is the real world, Georgie!

The world of politics.

And dredging up
ancient history is not

going to help either one of us.

You not only
compromised yourself,

you compromised me, too.

I won't walk away from that.

And I damn sure won't let you.

All right.

Beat it, frank.

I gotta have you picked up?

You don't answer your phone.

What's with you, Gina?

I've got a job for you.

I can't work tonight.

I got a test in the morning.

What, am I
going to tell my client

that my girl is studying?
- Yeah.

That'll work.

Don't get smart with me.

Joey, I can't...

I'm the boss.

You do what I tell you to!

Do you understand me?

Look at me!

All right.

Now, you bet at the
wimbley, room , at :.

His name is Rick brown.

All right?

Be there.

Mm, man.

Fancy meeting you here.

- What are you doing here?
- Rick brown.

I'm your date for this evening.

Let me... look,
i... this wasn't funny

the first time, ok?

Let's go inside.

- Where are we going?
- Come on.

Don't be so shy.

You've been here before.

Glad you two could make it.

All right, Gina.

We're going to play
a game of charades.

Rita's going to play Bonnie,
you're going to play you,

and I'm going to play
Joey v, the bad guy.

Um, this isn't funny.

- It wasn't meant to be funny.
- All right.

So let's just cut the charades
and go right to the part

where Joey strangled her.

He did strangle her, didn't he?

And you watched him do it.


You watched from the bathroom.

That's where we found
your cigarettes.

This isn't going
to go away, Gina.

I should have done
something, but I couldn't.

But you can do something now.

She's gone.

And telling the truth isn't
going to bring her back.

It might save your life.

Oh, no.

You don't understand.

He'll k*ll me.

Well, look.

We'll place you into protective
custody until the case is over.

He won't be able to touch you.

I don't think I can do this.

Come on, Gina.
Work with us.

This is the best offer
that we can make you.

He let us have the
room for the rest of the night,

so I took a hot bath.

What are you!

Some kind of entrepreneur?

I fell asleep in
the bath, and I heard voices,

Bonnie and Joey's.

They were arguing.

I knew something was wrong,
but I couldn't do anything.

I was too afraid.

No, Joey, wait.

Let me explain.

I ain't Joey no more!

When I opened
the door and I looked out,

he was throwing her
around like a rag doll.

She was helpless.

I didn't even try to help her.

I just his.

Then I watched him k*ll her.

Gina, help us nail this guy.

If not for yourself, do it for
the next girl down the line.

I told you.

I told you he was there.

He did it.

I want out now.

Gina, there was no physical
evidence of Joey at the scene.

We take this to court now,
and he's going to walk.

You're the first
person he'll visit.

What do I have to do?

All right.

We'll get a little
food, grab some rest,

and then we'll talk
about it in the morning.

- Where are we going?
- A safe place.

A four-star hotel with
excellent room service.

You will feel right at home.

Come on, ladies.

What's the deal?

You're supposed to be
inside, out of sight.

She wanted to be outside.

I couldn't stand it
in there all cooped up.

I need some air.

She needed air, Sam.

- She needed air.
- Yes.

My buns are freezing.

I'm going to take that
hamburger and my French fries

and go inside and get warm.

I'll leave you.

All right, Gina, now you
need some air, I need some air.

All right.


- Thank you.
- And your fries.

Thank you.

You know,
Gina, I don't get this.

All right?

You're smart, you're in school.

What do you do what
you do for money?

I was wondering when
the sermon would begin.

No sermons.
I don't preach.

All right?

Just idle curiosity.

You want to walk
the streets, you

want to hook, that's your gig.

It's a way to make a living.

College is expensive.

I've got car payments, rent.

You know, I don't know
if it crossed your mind,

but it could easily be you
on that slab with a tag

on your toe instead of Bonnie.

Would you just drop it?

What do you want me
to be, a waitress?

Well, my mother is a
waitress, and she barely

makes ends meet each month.

At least she's alive to try.

I quit escorting, I quit school.


See, that's the wrong attitude.

You quit escorting,
you get a real job,

you're not going to
make $ an hour,

but you'll be able
to make ends meet.

No thanks.

Come on, Gina.

Rita and I, we... we
help girls like you

get into outreach programs.

You haven't helped
girls like me.

I live in a condo.

I drive a BMW.

I'm not a street hooker.

You live in a dream world.

The only difference between you
and a street hooker is time.

All right.

One more run through.

We've gone through it times.

Yeah, well, you can never
be too ready for this, Gina.

Now, Gina, you're going to enter

Joey's office through the
front, business as usual.

Rita and I will be in here.

We'll tape the conversation.

Anything goes wrong,
we're going to be

in there before you know it.
- Ok.

What's our primary goal?

To get a confession.


You ready?

As I'll ever be.


Joey, we've got problems.

What's wrong, baby?

I did the trick with Bonnie.

You lied to me?

No, no, no.

She... she told me
that, you know,

you knew, and she
gave you your cut.

We don't do business like that.

I know, I know.
I should have called you.

I'm sorry, Joey.

What do the cops know?

Nothing, nothing.

I told them all lies.

As long as the
cops don't know I did it,

we're in the clear.

So what are we going
to do about this?

I'm going to leave town.

That way, the cops
will never know.

But I'm going to need your help.

I'm going to need a
little bit of money

to get back on my feet.

No problem.
Where do you want to go?

Chicago, New York, la?

Oh, New Orleans.

I have a brother there.

I'll give you a
lift to the airport.

The dolce one's parked outside.

I'm going to need my
own car once I get...

I'll buy you a new one.

Come on, baby.

Let's roll.

To the airport.


Get the hell out of here!

Time to rock.

It's blocked!

Run them over.

Gina, get down!

Hey, are you ok?

All right.

I guess I should say thanks.

That'll work.



You did a good thing, Gina.

Ok, I owe you $.

I never thought you could get
Gina to go into the prost*tute

outreach program.

She owes me $.

You know what?

I hope she makes it, Sam.

Gina's a good person.

She just forgot
that for a while.

Yeah, we never could have
dropped Joey v without her.

Hey, what's going on?

I don't know.

I have no comment.

Read the prepared statement.

Judge cafferty's resignation

this morning caught
the palm beach

legal community by surprise.

Prosecutor George Donovan
gave us his reaction.

I'm saddened, both
personally and professionally,

by judge cafferty's
decision to step down.

We lost a valued ally
in the w*r on crime.

Judge cafferty, favored heavily

for re-election,
stated health concerns

figured in his decision
not to seek a second term.

Health reasons, my butt.

Say justice?



You did a good thing, George.

You stood up.

Somebody had to.

I'm just sorry it had to be me.
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