02x05 - In Too Deep

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x05 - In Too Deep

Post by bunniefuu »

( Loud rock music playing )

Fresh meat for the
meat rack, eh, babe?

It’s as good for you

as it is for me.

Anything for a ride.

Saddle up.
I got your ponies.

Ecstasy, blow.

Brand-new joint,
we’re running a special.


More bang for the same bang.

Hmm, sounds good to me.

Evening, darling.

Come on in, the water’s fine.

Is that stuff dangerous?


Dentists give it
to their patients every day.

Cotton Dunn,
your dive instructor.

Do it to me.

Be still, my racing heart.

( Gas hissing )

Evening, boss.

Jackie’s waiting
for you.

Can’t keep
away, eh?

Lady knows
what she likes

and I know
what she needs.

I don’t like this.

Everybody here
knows who you are.

If they find out
who you really are

you’re jammed bad.

I need to be
with you, baby.

I’ll take the risks.

You’re dancing
on a razor.

You slip, you get
cut in half.

Take me in the back.

Some people
in your business

might not understand
your being with me.

Might give an undercover cop
like you a bad name.

I’m so bad, Johnny.

Make me dirty.

Let’s give the lord an ovation.


Check out
the slam dancer.

Nirvana flashes.

Back off, she’s in trouble!

Somebody call !

Not till Johnny
okays it.

We’ve got to help her.

Shut up!

Mind your own business

before you get hurt!

She’s stopped breathing.

No heartbeat.

Pump her.

Come on, darling.

Come on back
to us.

Get Johnny.

What’s the matter
with you?


There’s a problem.

Girl’s fading.

She needs an ambulance.

No ambulance.

Let her fade.

Clean up the mess.

Then pack
the club.

We move tonight.

Johnny, you can’t
just let a girl die.

Don’t nose in
my business, ever.

Do what
I tell you, Eric.

Come on, Jackie.

Bring it to me.

Eric, amigo, hold on.

How’s the girl?

You did take her
to the hospital, didn’t you?

I got things to do.

I got to know
how she is.

You’re always sticking
your flipping nose in!

What’s the problem?

Why are you
hassling my buddy?

I was just asking
about the girl, Johnny.

She’s not your problem.

We did good business

Where’s my cut?

I’ve been thinking about
moving on down the road.


You make money here.

I need you here.

You’re my gasman.

I’ve enjoyed myself

but what I do is
more or less harmless.

Amusement-- you
know what I mean?

But that other stuff,
the selling of dr*gs--

I never wanted
to have any...

You just do your job,
little man.

Nothing else concerns you.

Now, you’ll quit

when I fire you.

Morning, Bart.

What are you doing here?

I didn’t call homicide.

We were on our way
to breakfast.

We heard about the D.B.

Thought we would stop by
and lose our appetite.

You don’t love us

I’m a little cranky,
that’s all.

Oh, how come?

It doesn’t
warrant discussion.

Sounds very serious.

I don’t know
why I listen to the guy.

He’s so flaky.




He gave me this crystal.

Doc, crystals went out
in the late ’s.

He told me it would
revitalize my center.

It’s utter bunk.

So why do I feel so bad

the first morning
I forget the damn thing?

I don’t know.

So, what do we
got here, doc?

Whoo! No mercy.

What did they
get her for?

Probably for being dead.

No parking after midnight.

What time did she
get the ticket?

: a.m.

Doc, time of death?


She pulls in after : a.m.,
gets a ticket, and then dies?

No. We’re missing

Maybe the meter maid iced her.

I don’t see any
ball-point pen rules, doc.

Maybe it’s the crystal.

Maybe this is the answer.

You recognize this?

Yeah. From the vice
briefing memo.

What is it?

An I.D. Stamp
from a nightclub

where they sell dr*gs

Bleed her
and do a toxi.

We’ll see you at the slab.

Thanks, Bart.

Yeah, my heart throbs
with anticipation.

Hey, doc.

Hey, doc. What’s up?

Sorry, kids.
No homicide today.

Look who’s in
a better mood.

So, what do we got?

A hairline rib fracture

and a chest contusion
about the size of a fist.

So she got
in a boxing match?

No. Somebody tried
to jump-start her heart.

What sent her
into defib?

An overdose of
a psychoactive stimulant.

I analyzed
the molecular structure

ran it through
the PDR Database--

gives a listing of every known
prescription drug--

and I came up with zip--
no match.

So it’s a designer drug
like ecstasy or...

It’s very similar to ecstasy.

It’s also known as M.D.M.A.

Street name is nirvana.

The molecular structure,
though, is very similar.

So if somebody is cooking up
batches of synthetic narcotic...


All right, doc.

See you later.


Vice-- where cops grow old

but never, ever,
ever, ever grow up.

Where men
are still men.

Good to see you, Lem.

After what we had

you don’t write,
you don’t call.

I feel so used.

Where the hell
have you been?

Tagging and bagging.

You look healthy.

Down to three packs a day.

How’s it going, Rita?

Good, Lem. How are you?

Good. Hey, Jackie.

Look who’s slumming.

Jackie, how you doing?


Hey, I barely

recognize this kid.

He did your job, Jackie,
before he became homicide.

I know what he did.

I’m proud of him.

Let me buy you
a couple of jolts.

We’d love to,
but we’re on the clock.

You get
a clothing allowance, too?

Yeah, actually, we do.

It’s great.

We got expense accounts.

Homicide is great.

So, what brings you sniffing
around an old vice dog’s yard?

Your internal memo.

We found the black horse stamped
on a nirvana O.D. Victim--

a young girl.

Johnny Ryder smokes another one.


You remember the name, Chris?

He’s still
wheeling and dealing

cooking up nirvana

selling it at his club,
the meat rack.

But, hey, these dr*gs
are harmless, right?

That sounds like
a Rico dunk to me.

What’s the holdup?

Nirvana’s not scheduled
as a controlled substance yet.

By the time it is,
he’ll have

another one knocked off.

There’s got to be other
stuff being dealt.

Coke, smack--
he’s a full-service operation.

Problem is
he’s gone mobile on us.

Changes location of his club.

We get ready to pop him,
poof, he’s gone!

So you know where he is now?

Yeah. He’s in a warehouse
on pier street.

Our informant says

he’s having trouble
finding a new club location.

We’re going to put the brakes
on him tonight.

You guys want in?

Lem, don’t you think homicide
contributed enough to this case?

Maybe a little help
wouldn’t hurt.

We’re doing diddly-squat
on our own.

What do you say, hoss?

No, man. I’d like to,
but, uh... I got plans.

You’ve got...

You’ll have to tell your "plans"
that she’ll wait.

Come on, Lorenzo.

You’ll tell me
that you’ll walk away

from a chance to pop Ryder?

Let’s surprise the bastard,
you and me.

You have me home by midnight?

I think we can arrange that.

All right, Lem.

Where he goes, I go.

We’ll be there.

Well, ah-reet.

We’ll rendezvous
at hours

with big g*ns and bad attitudes
just like old times.

Great. See you later.

I’ve never seen you
drag your heels

over a raid bid before.

Getting a few gray hairs,
that’s all.

Yeah, right, and
I just hit menopause.

You want to tell me
what happened

between you
and Johnny Ryder?

Lem and I tried
to bring him down

on a dealing beef
a couple years ago.

Didn’t happen.

Want to write it out
in longhand for me?

It’s no big deal.

I was a hotshot vice cop,
and my head got

a little too big
for my hat.


Do it.

All right, people.

That’s a wrap.

Lorenzo, load them out.

All right,
everybody out.

Hey, I'm tired of
raiding empty rooms.

What is going on
with your informant?

I don’t know.
I’ll talk to him.

I’ll see what happened,
and we’ll try again.

He verified this
location at .

How could Ryder mysteriously
move out in three hours?

You know
how fast he is.

We’ve been after him
for six months.

You know
how fast he is

and you’ll start sharing
what you know!

Introduce me
to your snitch

tomorrow morning

or I’ll turn the whole
thing over to I.A.

He’ll walk!

If we lose the informant,
then we lose Ryder.

Who are you
covering for, Jackie?



You better get out
from underneath it

before it falls
on you.

Hello, Jackie.

Didn’t know you were such
good friends with Johnny Ryder.

( Loud rock music playing )

McCane is smelling
this whole thing.

He knows I burned
the raid tonight.

He’s your partner.

He trusts you.

He’s closing in

on my informant
tomorrow, Johnny.

If McCane squeezes him,
he’s going to give me up.

Can’t have that.

Take your snitch out

Come on, Johnny.

You know
I can’t do that.


You do whatever
I tell you to do.

Johnny, let me go.

This thing is over.

Johnny, you’re hurting me.

Come on, Johnny.



I’ve only just begun.

You allowed
to be out

past midnight?

What are you, my mother?

Scouting for young stuff?

Like veal chops, do you?


How did you
hear about us?


You got a problem,
you talk to him.

I don’t need the hassle.

You got a lot of mouth
on you for an old dude.

In you go.

What’s up?

Keep on eye on grandpa.

What’s up, lieutenant?

How did the raid
go down last night?

It was
a total bust.

The warehouse
was empty.

What’s that got
to do with...?

I'm sorry.

You want me
to take care of this?

Looks like he made it
to the party after all.

did you see Ruiz

around the station
this morning?


She didn’t make
roll call either.

First time in three
years she’s missed it.

on the air.

You sleep good.

I want to be temporarily
reassigned to vice--

take this case.

a homicide cop.

This is a homicide,
isn’t it?

Chris, I know why
you left vice.

It’s in your file.

I never read it.

What’s it say?

You know what it says.

Look, man,
one dead cop’s enough.

You know how dangerous
Ryder is.

I’ll go after him
on my own time.

You going
to make this

some sort
of private vendetta?

He was my friend,

He was my friend.

All right.

I’ll put in the request
for reassignment.


Make those reservations for two.

We got one dead cop,
possibly two.

Don’t come back
without Ryder.

We got to shake the bushes

and find some of
Jackie’s informants.

If she’s alive,
we got to get to her.



Just, uh... just a feeling
last night...

No, last night what?

Come on, what feeling?



If the feeling
gets stronger

I will let you know.

You buko?

Sergeant Lance.

Got a nice scooter,
don’t she?

It’s almost as nice
as yours, babe.

You know, buko

coming from you, that’s
a real compliment.

How did you meet Jackie Ruiz?

At the meat rack.

I worked the board for Johnny.

Got any more questions?

It’s another bucks, babe.

Know what I like
about you, buko?

Not a damn thing,
so don’t push your luck.

Call me babe one more time

I'm going to send you
back to the joint

for parole violation.

How you going to violate me?

I am real creative.

So you going to play or pay?

All right,
put your rubber hose away, huh?


You dealing for Johnny?

Yeah. Nirvana mostly.

It’s how
I met Jackie.

She busted you?

We made an arrangement.

I talked and walked--

a little info here and there,
who’s doing what to who--

that kind of drove.

She made it
worth my while.

Why you asking me all this?

Jackie got her tail in a crack?

Meaning what?

Maybe I know
something you don’t.

Jackie, she got hungry
for certain things.

She was hungry all the time.

So she’s using.

Yeah, big time,
and not just nirvana.

She and Johnny were hammering
each other good and regular.

A cop and
a major bad dude
doing the nasty.

Seems like a conflict
of interest, don’t it?

Hey, you know, if
Jackie’s going south

maybe you and me
can do business.

I got my ear to the street.

Yeah, well, that’s what happens
when you lie in the gutter.

Listen, you give me Johnny Ryder

there’s green
in it for you.

Jackie Ruiz was
in too deep.

McCane suspected.

That’s why
he busted her chops.

k*lled her
own partner.

We can’t know
for sure.

Maybe Ryder went
around Jackie

to get to Lem

and if that’s the case,
then she’s in danger.

You’re in business.

Your request for
temporary reassignment

to vice went through.

The Ryder case
is yours.

Thanks, lieutenant.

Let me caution you.

Homicide is still
the parent jurisdiction

in this case.

I want the m*rder*r first,
the drug dealer second.

Now, if it’s the same guy,
pat yourselves on the back.

Jackie was involved
in more than one sh**ting.

There will be
ballistic reports.

My money says we’ll match
the b*ll*ts in Lem

to her g*n.

I really hope you’re wrong.

We’re moving back
to the warehouse.

But the cops know
that place.

They raided it once,
they came up empty.

They’re not going to make
the same mistake twice.

Go, I'm right behind you.

Yes, sir.

Oh, good morning,

Where’s my partner?


I offed him

with your piece.

You bastard!

Get rid of her.

Come on, Danny.

Maybe we can work
something out.

You got nothing
worth dying for.

Now, walk easy
or I’ll break it.

All right.

Johnny! Eric!

She’s getting away!

Stop her!

As you can see,
the ballistics match.

The b*ll*ts
that k*lled Lem McCane

came from
Jackie Ruiz’s service revolver.

It looks like your cop k*ller
was another cop.

( Phone rings )

Excuse me.


Do you still want to plead
Jackie Ruiz’s defense case?

I’m not ready to put the
noose around her neck.

Would she off her partner
with her own g*n?

Maybe it was a situation
where she had no choice.

How many g*ns
did you carry in vice?

I carried two.

Me, too. Every vice cop does.

You carry one service w*apon

and one hideout
in your ankle holster.

These tests
are on file.

Why incriminate

Why not use her other g*n?

Rita, you’re reaching here,
all right?

Jackie is dirty.

She and Ryder

are washing
each other’s backs.

Let’s talk to lieutenant Hudson

about it.


I hope that’s dinner.

No, this morning’s
doughnuts, actually.

Make that some
morning’s doughnuts.

You know, every cop
in palm beach

is after Jackie Ruiz,
and everyone turns up zip.

Maybe she split
after they took Lem out.

Yeah, or maybe she’s dead.

( Clears throat and sighs )

I have a little confession
to make.

What’s up?

Uh... your file
from the vice days

was on lieutenant Hudson’s desk

and I...
I peeked.

What did you find out, sneak?

Nothing, damn it. He walked in.

So, you want to tell me
the deep, dark secret

between you
and Johnny Ryder?

Let it rest.

It’s ancient history.

Well, that’s

my favorite kind.


How would you feel
if I were holding out on you?

I said let it rest.


It’s a medal of valor.

It was Lem’s.

He won it for saving my life.

He got tanked one night
and gave it to me.

He said that I deserved it
more than he did.

I didn’t
understand it

but he said I would someday.

You mean he saved your life?

You never told me about that.


Lem and I were partners.

We were on to Johnny Ryder
for dealing.

He took me in
as an out-of-towner

looking to buy
a large quantity of heroin.

It’s all we needed to put
Johnny Ryder away for years

but... last minute,
things got bad.

No matter what,
this deal goes down.

Hey, Johnny.

This is Chris.

Is this your boy
from Miami?

You ready to deal?

Come on, you going
to invite us in?

Pure as gold,
straight from the triangle.

Ride the horse, rich boy.

No way, man.

We do this my way or no way.

I make the rules here.

Hey, I brought you here
to deal, man.

Make it.

Listen to
your man.

All right.

I don’t share syringes.

I got my roadie
in my back pocket.

Go for it.

Lem jumped on me,
but it was too late.

Ryder had already
gotten off a shot.

It hit Lem.

Ryder went

out the back door.

What about the backup?

The wires went dead.

They heard nothing.

Both wires?

Yeah, that’s what
the report said.

I’m sorry, but dead wires or not

it sounds like Lem was willing
to burn you to make the bust.

No, man, no, he just wanted
the collar, that’s all.

Yeah, and he was willing
to take you

over the edge
to do it.

They don’t pin medals on you
for that, Chris.

So that’s why you hesitated
about the raid.

It wasn’t about Johnny Ryder;
It was

because you didn’t want to team
up with Lem McCane again.


Big C!

Am I glad to see you!

These two have
no sense of humor.

Thanks for coming.
I owe you one.

You owe me
more than one.

You stay
right here.

Sure thing.

Come here, gentlemen.

Chris, old buddy,
there must be

some clerical error
in the computers.

I swear I paid
those tickets last week.

You got tickets
in a month.

All for
the same violation.

Parking over the lines.

Beauty is a special breed.

She needs space.

She needs a zip code.

Don’t let them impound her.

Beauty shouldn’t be treated
like a common criminal.

I’ll pay
those tickets.

You working
at Johnny Ryder’s?

Johnny who?

I never heard of him.

Some kid stuck
this on me.


Whose scuba equipment
might this be, cotton?

I belong to
the Cousteau society.

Jacques and I
were pards.

I’ve always wanted
to give this a try.

( Gas hissing )

No! No...

I mean

you need a tight seal.

Let me show you.

Nothing to it.

Deep breaths.

( Inhaling )

I understand
Johnny Ryder

is selling nitrous oxide
at his club.

Selling it

for a buck
a balloon.

You know
about it?

You know you have
beautiful eyes?

( Laughs wheezily )

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Hi, it’s me.

I just got a computer blip
on Jackie Ruiz’s credit cards.

Someone used one
at the Tradewinds motor lodge

for room rent.

I’m ready to go.

You take backup.

This is our case.

You are my backup.

All right, I'm minutes away.

You wait for me.

I want you to take
Mr. Dunn downtown

and impound
his vehicle.

He’s kidding!
You’re kidding, right, Chris?

He’s just kidding!

Thank you.

¿Quien es?


No hablo Ingles,

Back away! Drop your g*n!

Get over by the bed

lace your fingers
behind your head!

You’re under arrest,

I didn’t k*ll Lem.

Your g*n did.

Ryder took my g*n.

He k*lled Lem.

He set me up.

I never meant for
any of this to happen.

I really messed
things up.

Yeah, you did.

You don’t have
to say anything.

You wouldn’t
believe me anyway.

So what the hell?

You’re right.

Hey, come on.

Can I have
a cigarette first?


Sit down on the bed.


So, where
were you

the night that
Lem was k*lled?

I was at johnny’s
new location.

Lem must have followed me.

How did he find out

you went dirty?

He didn’t.

He thought our informant
was jerking us around.

He never knew it was me.

How did you get so lost?

I don’t know.

I thought I was doing
the job Lem asked--

get close to Johnny
any way I could

find out about his operation.

Did you ever read
the vice manual?

It says never sleep
with the enemy.

I was undercover!

The manual means nothing here!

It means everything!

I needed the collar.

At least that’s what
I started off needing.

Johnny made me use dr*gs.

He wanted to make sure
I was on the up-and-up.

Then we became lovers.

I justified it.

I said "anything
for the cause," you know?

He got under my skin, Rita.

He’s like a needle in my arm.

I never needed anybody
like that before in my life.

You got your partner k*lled

and you almost let
your own life slip away!

It’s only a job, Jackie.

It’s just a job.


Come on, let’s go downtown.

( Grunts )

( Grunts )

( Both grunting )

Five minutes late, and
you’re going like John Wayne.

You could have
gotten k*lled.

Will you stop?

This is embarrassing enough.

She get my car?

No. She got your g*n
and a head start.

Jackie’s not going

until she takes care
of business.

Which is what?

Seek and destroy--
she’ll k*ll Johnny Ryder.

He seduced her and
k*lled Lem with her g*n.

Part of me would like
to let Jackie take him out.

Why don’t you kick
the other part’s butt

and let’s get
out of here?

One m*rder does
not justify another.

Oh, man.

Head rush.


Let’s back-comb Jackie
and Lem’s snitches.

Maybe we missed

There might be
an easier way.

What’s that?

A bad penny
turned up today--

namely one cotton Dunn,
Jack of all trades.

Master of none.

Isn’t it a little early
in the day

for him to be crawling out
from underneath his rock?


Not only that, but hell, no.

A close encounter of any kind
with Johnny Ryder

could have
decidedly fatal results.

Look at the flip side.

This could be a good deal.

I’ll just do whatever time
the judge sees fit to lay on me

for this
nitrous oxide misunderstanding.

Roadwork could be
beneficial to my tan--

put a little blush on my cheeks.

Certainly preferable
to the gray pallor of death.

Don’t you think?

A girl died of a drug overdose
at Ryder’s last rave party.

We can get you
as an accessory to m*rder.

I may be simple, but I don’t
see you making that one stick.

Well, guess he really
doesn’t give a damn

about that stupid excuse
for a car he has.

Beauty? What’s she got
to do with this?

Well, see, you can do the time
on the laughing gas beef

but, now, these unpaid
parking violations--

that’s a whole
different synopsis.

You go to jail,
beauty’s a distant memory.

What are you talking about?

The car goes to auction
to pay your fines--

sold for scrap,
end up in the grocery store

as dog food cans.

No... no, they can’t do that
to beauty.

You can’t let them do that!

You got to help me.

Her fate is in
your hands, cotton.

Help is
a two-way street.

This other matter
with the nitrous oxide--

that charge will be set aside?

That’s between you
and the D.A.

We’ll put a good word in,
but even if you lose

beauty will be waiting
when you come out.

If something goes wrong
and Johnny slips the snare

I’ll be lucky to go to jail.

Can I get some coffee?

My nerves are shot.

Beethoven drank
cups of Espresso a day.

Do you know that?

absolutely intr...

Are we going to have
to watch you drink cups

before you tell us
where Ryder will be tonight?

Warehouse, pier street.

You’re feeding us
yesterday’s news.

We raided that warehouse.

It was empty.

Let’s take him in.

I’m telling you the truth.

He went back,
knew it would be safe.

I’m being straight.

You couldn’t be straight
with a ruler shoved...

You lie...

You lose, cotton.

What time?

He’s not a time clock
kind of guy

you know what I mean?

That girl-- I tried to help.

It’s important to me
that you two know that.

But Johnny and the guys?

I wish I could have
done something.

Enough with the coffee.

Your nerves are already shot.

Will you relax?

You’re going to have
to pull yourself together

if we’re going
to make this happen.

Relax? Why don’t you
sh**t me now and get...?

Oh, cotton,
please, don’t whine!

It is not
becoming on you.


Here’s Chris.

Time to roll.

Come on, let’s roll.

Whoa, Nelly!

Wait one damn minute!

Where’s beauty?

Get in the Van.

But the deal was...

I know what
the deal was.

It’s difficult to go undercover
in a convertible.

Johnny’s not going to know me
in this piece of crap.

He will soon enough,
won’t he?

Get in the Van, cotton.

You’ll get your Lincoln
when we get back.

If we get back.

This whole Trojan horse
maneuver is suspect.

It’s only worked once
in how many thousand years?

Cotton, get your
bony butt in the Van.

Well, I have been
losing weight.

I’m so glad you noticed.

( Chuckling )

Thank you.

( Sighing )

Move and I’ll k*ll you!

You got to be crazy
coming back here, Jackie.

He’ll waste you.

Put those on.


Open it up.

The man with the flying
carpets has arrived.

What’s up, cotton?

Where’s your boat?

Oh, she’s in dry dock.

Old girl’s getting

in her old age.

Danny, I got to set up my tanks.

What are you so twitchy about?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Everything’s Jim-damn-dandy.

Where you going, Danny?


What you got
back here, weasel?

Situation here.

( g*nsh*t )


It’s a little late to be
playing cop, isn’t it, Jackie?

Whore fits you a little better.

You son of a bitch.

Back away, Jackie!

sh**t her.

Put the g*n down.

He’s not armed.

Come on, Jackie.

There’s still
a way out.

No. There’s nothing left
for me, nothing but this.

Jackie, don’t do this.

We’re going to talk
this through.

Can’t you see?

He k*lled me

a long time ago.

How do you know
when you’re dead?

( g*nsh*t )

Lem was a good cop.

Worked vice with him
for over a year.

He was always on the money.


Knew just what to do
to make a bust go down.

Even if it meant pushing
his partner over the line

risking his
partner’s life.

I don’t think he had
to push Jackie too hard.

I wasn’t talking
about Jackie, Sam.

I was talking
about you.

I don’t think he had
to push me too hard either.

Rita, you know
what it’s like.

You’re ready to knock
a whole place down.

There are bad guys in there
with g*ns bigger than yours,

but you’re going in anyway
because it’s your job.

You start pumping
those shallow breaths

and you got adrenaline
flying through your veins.

I know, but there’s, uh...

There’s that fine line,
you know?

I mean, you got to stay
in control or you get lost.

Lem was out of control.


Hand-to-hand combat,
take no prisoners, kick ass.

( Grunting )

You miss it,
don’t you?



I’m surprised.

I thought I would,
but I like this.

I’m good at it.

Lem stuck with what
he was good at.

Jackie, too.

Jackie stayed in vice
for the kicks.

She was a thrill
junkie, you know?

She would get
right to the edge

and then take
one more step.

She almost
ran me over

when we busted
that first warehouse.

She had to be
the first person
through the door.

I guess sleeping
with the enemy

was the ultimate

be on both sides
and not get caught.

Yeah, well,
she got caught.

She brought
herself down.
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