02x12 - Jasmine

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x12 - Jasmine

Post by bunniefuu »

The winners!


( All cheering )

I need a stretcher...

And I'm hungry.



Take in mind

these hamburgers
are homemade.

Did you make them?


So, Tina, when do I get to meet
the new guy?

I thought he was supposed
to be here today.

I don’t know.

He must have gotten
hung up someplace.

I am so hungry.

No, try these fries.

They’re excellent.

Good stuff?

Mmm... hi, babe.

We were just talking
about you.


I saw what you were "just."

Let’s go, Tina, now.

These are my friends,
Rita and Chris.

This is Leo.

Hey, Leo,
nice to meet you.

Yeah, you too.

Let me get you a beer.

We’re leaving.


Yeah, real nice
to meet you too.

What’s up with him?

He’s just been really stressed
out with his work.

You know how it is.

Anyway, I got
to go, okay?

I’ll see you tomorrow.

I don’t know
what’s wrong with me.

I see you
with another guy...

He’s not another guy!

He’s a cop.

We work together, Leo.

You humiliated me
in front of all my friends.

Don’t be like that, huh?

Don’t, okay?

You giving me
orders now, Tina?


Come on, baby.

You belong to me.


Are my property.

I own you, baby.

Look, I don’t want
to play this game

We are the game, Tina.

It’s part of us.

Now say it.

You’re hurting me.

Say it.

Now say it.


Say it.

You are my...


Tell me, baby.

Oh, god, please.

The minute the judge

the testimony by baker,
I knew we had this guy

You and Chris
did good work
this time, Rita.

Thanks, Stewart.

Hey, Tina, what happened

to your eye?

Listen, I'm going to
catch up with you,

Get me a Chinese
chicken salad

if the lettuce
isn’t too brown.

The lettuce is always brown.

Second choice?

Hey, look, Tina.

Rita, look, I'm kind
of jammed today.

Maybe we can talk later.

You cannot tell me
that you ran into a door.

Or fell down--

we both have been cops
too long.

It’s really no big deal, okay?

Wrong. A guy punches you out.

That is a very big deal.

Look, he just lost his temper.

He’s really not that way.

He beat you up, Tina!

There’s no excuse
for that.

Look, you don’t understand,

so just leave it alone,
all right?

I know
what I'm doing.

Rita, is Tina okay?

Yeah. She’s got a boyfriend
that uses her

for a punching bag--
she’s just fine.

She’s a cop, and she takes
a beating from that clown?

I don’t understand that.

I don’t think she does either.

( Tires squealing )

Get in the car, Tina.

Get away from me!
It’s over, Leo!

Get in the car, Tina.

You going to k*ll me, Tina?

Get back in the car.


Just pull
the trigger.

I’ll do it.

Do it now.

Can you?

You can’t leave me,

( Gagging )

I can’t let you leave me.

( Shouting, choking )

( Phone ringing )



Chris, what’s up?

What time is it?

Whew! I was having
such a nightmare.

Yeah, I wish
this were a nightmare.

I’m in ocean park.

Tina Maxwell has been m*rder*d.


( Sighing )

You okay?

He stole her life,
that son of a bitch.

She’s never
going to get married.

She’ll never have kids.

She loved him

and this is what
he did to her.

Let’s get some coffee, okay?

We’re all finished up here.

No, I want to know--
is this what love is?

Is this what it does to you?

We’ll get him.

It’s not going to bring
her life back.

How many of these
have we seen, Chris?

How many more
are there going to be?

It’s not going to stop.

It won’t stop.

( Car door closing )

I told you what happened.

I said I’ll sign
the statement.

I’m tired.

And Tina Maxwell is dead,
and you k*lled her.

It was an accident.

Your friend
liked rough sex--

the rougher the better.

This time,
things got out of hand.

People don’t die
making love, Leo.

You know what I think?

I think you had a fight
at your apartment.

She went for a walk.

You followed her
and you strangled her.

Yeah, I followed her
to talk it out,

but things got intense.

We had sex-- rough.

She wanted to push it
to the limit.

She pulled her g*n.

You k*lled her,
you bastard!

Hey, get your hands
off me!
You son of a bitch!

Let him go!
Get your
hands off me!

That’s enough!

Come on, come on.

Can’t you see what he
is doing in there?

He’s making himself
a manslaughter defense.

He’s going to cut a deal.

Oh, cool, it Rita,
all right?

Now, we don’t say
another word to him

until his lawyer gets here

or he walks on violations
of his rights.

You get that?

But he, he...

I know what he did.

So let’s not mess it up
by going crazy on him, okay?

Hell of a thing,
losing an officer.

The pomp of the funeral
hardly softens the blow.

I know you and Tina
were close, Rita.

We were vice together
under your command, Scotty.

Tina thought
the world of you, sir.

So do I,
even though

you did take the easy way out

and retired.

Well, I had years-plus
on the job to get tired.

You’re not
even at double digits yet.

Am I right?


You look tired, sweetheart.

I’ve been having these dreams.

Nightmares, actually.

First they just happened
once in a while

and now I'm having them
all the time.

It’s the same dream
over and over and over.

Yeah, that happened to me.

Just once.

Girl’s name was Jasmine.

I still carry
that one around.

I think I read about that case.

You must have been
a rookie detective
back then.

She was, uh, she was a singer,
wasn’t she?

Right. They said
her voice was magic.

I never heard it.

She was dead
the first time I saw her.

She was beautiful

even then.

It was brutal.

But the k*ller
had fixed up her body

put fresh makeup on her

kind of displayed her,
so she’d look nice

whenever she was found.

He was gentle, caring.

I always figured
the k*ller was in love with her.

Sounds like you know
who it was, Scotty.

Oh, my money was always
on her husband

Warren Hayworth.

He was one tough guy.

I never could
get to him.

Hey, Scotty.

He’s got to be talking
about Jasmine.

It’s the only time
he sits still
for this long.

Guilty, kid.
You know me too well.

See, most people, they carry

a snapshot of their wife
and kids.

Scotty’s got a snap of Jasmine.

Guilty again.

She was the most
important case

I ever had

and I never solved it.

I guess I kind of
fell for her too.

Isn’t that nuts,
falling for a dead girl?

I still got
a cardboard box

that big
full of evidence from the case.

I’d like to take a look
at that box, Scotty.

She’s really beautiful, Scotty.

That she was, sweetheart.

That she was.

What do you got?

All the evidence
from jasmine’s m*rder.

I guess Scotty put it
on my desk

early this morning.

Left me a note.

"Rita, here’s Jasmine.
I did all I could.

Gone fishing. Scotty"

I guess he knew
I was interested.


Hey, George.

Make me smile,

Tell me you’re going for
m*rder one on Leo Davis.

I wish I could.

Plea bargaining?

No. His sleazeball attorney
won’t deal

so we’re going to court.

But the charge
is manslaughter.

Look, he’ll do time.

Yeah, he’ll do time.

What, maybe two or five years?

Which will make
Tina’s family

feel so much better.

We should be so proud
of ourselves.

Rita, it’s not
George’s fault.

You know what?

It took Scotty years
to burn out on this job.

I’m not going to do it

that long.

I cannot do this one more day.

( Heart beating loudly )




Help me, Rita.

The woman who kept Scotty awake

for years had found her way
into my dreams-- Jasmine.

Her m*rder was one
of the most sensational crimes

that ever rocked palm beach

and her k*ller
had never been caught.

Now it seemed the mantle

had been passed
from Scotty to me.

This was the mansion

that jasmine’s husband,
Warren Hayworth, built for her

a monument to her beauty.

Jasmine’s granddaughter
inherited the house

and her beauty.

Miss Hayworth?

Hi. I’m Sergeant Lance,
palm beach police.

Could I talk to you
for a minute

about Jasmine
and Warren Hayworth?

You’re a little late--
they’re both dead.

Yes, I know.

It’s about her death.

Jasmine’s m*rder’s
ancient history--

before I was born.

( Sighs )

I don’t understand why
you’re forcing your way

in here to annoy me
about something

that happened
such a long time ago.

You must have lots of time
on your hands.

I guess it would be
a lot more annoying

to answer
these questions downtown

wouldn’t it,
Ms. Hayworth?

All right, but I don’t

being harassed in this way.

Your superiors
will hear about it.

Why all the attitude,
Ms. Hayworth?

Doesn’t it bother you

that your grandmother’s k*ller
was never found?

Why should it?

I never even knew her.

Did your grandfather
or your father

ever talk to you
about Jasmine?

I do remember when I was a kid

a cop used to come around
and talk to my father about it

but he hasn’t been around
in years.

My father said
he was after the reward.

I guess by now
he’s dead, too.

No, he’s still around.

That’s Detective Adano.

What reward?

My grandfather put $ million
reward in trust for the person

who solved
jasmine’s m*rder.

And that was when a million
was real money.

it’s never been claimed.

Edgar, I want something
cold to drink.

I read that there
was a big scandal

involving jasmine’s death.

It was nothing, really.

Jasmine was a singer

and she was getting it on with
her accompanist, that’s all.

People here
have always done that--

slept with whomever they want.

I’m getting married myself
in a few days

but it’s certainly not going
to affect my sex life.

Solange ( In French accent: )

Baby, I miss you so much!

You know my caterer?

Oh, but of course.

We are girlfriends.

She is the first
officer I...

No, it’s all right,

She knows
that I'm a cop.

Oh, I am so relieved.

I think this is
another of those

under-the-cover things
you do.

Just don’t harass
this sweet woman

before the wedding.

I have such goodies
in store for her.


Rita, you...
Oh, man, where you been?

I have been up to my neck
in this stuff.

It’s fascinating.

I can see exactly why
Scotty got hooked now.

Look, you have any idea
how worried I've been?

I just got back
from your place.

I went over there

after you wouldn’t return
my calls or my pages.

I’m sorry, I'm sorry--
I lost track of time.

I was going to call you,

but I was up all night
with this stuff.

She was in my dreams.


Look at this.

This is her right here.

This is Jasmine.

This is Victor Lozano

the piano player at the club.

Look at the connection
between the two of them.

You can see it in their eyes.

It’s amazing.

What they had
was not casual, no

and it wasn’t lust,
it was...

It was much more
than just that.

It was the kind of stuff

that most people
just dream about.

You, uh... you been taking
your caffeine

intravenously again?


My office.

Just Lance.

What’s up, lieutenant?

Close the door, Rita.

I just left the chief’s office.

He called me in
because he just had a call

from Catherine Hayworth’s

inquiring as to why
one of my officers

is bothering their client

about a crime
that happened years ago.

It’s a homicide, lieutenant.

Homicide cases do not close
until they are solved.

You think you have
to tell me that?

I didn’t have an answer

for the chief’s question
because I had no idea

what you were doing,
and I felt foolish.

I don’t like
feeling foolish.

I didn’t brief you.

I should have followed procedure

and it won’t happen again.

Is that it?

No, that is not it.

You were absent

without authorization
for most of the day.

Lorenzo had no idea
where you were.

You missed a court date

fouling Donovan up.

You are way out
of line here, lady.

I’m sorry.

( Sighs )

No offense, Rita...

But you need some rest.

You’re a little ragged
around the edges.

Take ten days,
sick time.

Get some rest
and recharge.

I am fine,

Look, I just haven’t been
sleeping that well.

That is not a request.

During that time

you are to see Dr. Neff
for evaluations

and that is not
a request either.

You have an appointment
at : this afternoon.

I’ve never wanted
to be anything but a cop.

You know, since I was
a little girl, that’s, uh...

That’s always been my dream.

But, um...

Lately, I...

I don’t know, I...

I feel like I don’t
know myself anymore.

The dreams are endless.

I feel like I am underwater
and I can’t reach the surface.

All these dead people

and they are calling my name
to help them

but I can’t help them,
because it is too late.

I was afraid
to go to sleep last night

because I thought
I would see Tina

or my dad again.

But it was Jasmine.

She was calling my name,
and she was begging for my help.

I found my daddy in the bathtub.

He had all of his clothes on.

I remember how creepy
that made me feel

that he had all
of his clothes on

in the bathtub.

He shot himself.

I remember trying to scream,
and nothing would come out.

Solving a -year-old m*rder
case is not a hobby, it’s a job.

Besides, if the lieutenant knew
about it, he’d be upset.

Not if we solve it.

Would you be reasonable
one time?

Just take a vacation, relax.

Wait-- you said "we."

You said "we."


Look, this is
very important

to me, Chris.

I don’t know why, but it is.

I have to do this.

If you don’t want
to help me, that’s cool.

I just thought that maybe...

No, I don’t want to help you,
all right?

It’s crazy. It’s nuts.

Come on.

So, what do you think?

Am I going crazy?

It certainly
feels that way.

You’re exhausted
from trying not to feel.

Your mind
shorts out your feelings

trying to protect you.

You can’t stand
to feel scared

because you’re helpless
when you’re scared.

You can’t handle that fear

so you shut it down
by losing yourself in your job.

You use the work

to give yourself a sense
of control, of power.

A cop is control.

But then your friend, Tina,
got k*lled.

Now the fear rises up
out of nowhere

and starts to choke you

so you’re trying

to lose yourself
in Jasmine.

So what about the dreams?

I was having those
before I knew about Jasmine

or before Tina died.

You’ve been scared
your whole life.

The dreams are about that--

about a loss of control,
of helplessness--

the same kind of helplessness
and fear you felt

when your father
k*lled himself.

You never want to feel
that helpless again.

It terrifies you.

So, what now?

You wave a magic wand
and I'm fixed, or what?

You’re not broken.

Just be willing

to feel the feelings, Rita.

Don’t logicize them
or stuff them

no matter how uncomfortable
they make you.

Because if you don’t
let yourself feel
the bad stuff

pretty soon
you won’t be able

to feel the good stuff.

You’ll just be numb.

That’s a cold,
lonely place to be.


Mr. Lozano...


Hi. I’m Detective Lance.

We spoke on the phone.

Oh, yes, a pleasure
to meet you.

Victor lozano.

By the way,
you were not specific

as to why you wanted
to see me.

I would like to speak
with you for a few minutes

about Jasmine Hayworth.


Of course.

Why don’t we go sit
in the garden.

We can talk there.


My wife will be fine.

Jasmine’s been gone
for so long

and yet, to me

it doesn’t seem
that long at all.

I could see
that the two of you

shared something
very special.

I could see that
in the pictures.


Mr. Lozano, I thought

that if anybody
could shed some light

on what happened to Jasmine,
it would be you.

You’re very good

you’re very observant
about other people’s emotions

but otherwise you’re wrong

because I don’t know
who k*lled her

and if I did

I certainly would have
spoken out a long time ago.

Tell me about her.



She was a magnificent woman.

Beautiful, so loving.

God, I've missed her every day
that she’s been gone.

Think about losing
the most important person

in your life

and not being able
to share that loss.

And the pain...

Can you think of anybody
who might have wanted her dead?

Her husband.

They had a very bad marriage.

She secretly had filed
for divorce.

And he was angry

when she told him.

No. Jasmine did not
tell Hayworth.

Martin Weston did.

He was
the family lawyer

their watchdog.

And you’re absolutely right.

Hayworth was very angry.

He was also intensely jealous.

Do you know
that he once told her

that he’d rather see her dead

than have her be happy
with another man?

You know,
the investigating detective

always suspected Hayworth,
but he couldn’t prove it.

Well, let’s face it

money is a powerful tool,
Detective Lance.

Weston was Hayworth’s ally.

I mean, he had
to keep the silence.

Is Martin Weston still alive?

No, he’s not.

However, the practice of law
is like bad genetics--

it passes from father

to son to grandson.

The Martin Weston office
is still open for business.

He was a small man.

He was about ’" or so.

Tough old buzzard.

Break your back
if you crossed him.

But commit m*rder?

Not the Warren Hayworth
I knew about.

What if we
were talking

about an unfaithful wife?

Oh, especially not her.

Old Hayworth was a cold man

but Jasmine was the one thing
in his life that he loved.

Mr. Weston, did your father
or grandfather ever mention

how Hayworth reacted
when Jasmine filed for divorce?


She never filed for divorce.

Are you sure?

My grandfather
was Hayworth’s lawyer.

He knew everything
that went on in that marriage.

Maybe she had another lawyer
file the papers.

Detective Lance

it just wouldn’t
have happened.

Jasmine died a long time ago.

Why stir this
all up now?

contradicts everything

and everybody has
a different story.

Well, everybody’s relying
on what they heard

from somebody else,
except lozano

and he’s getting
up there in age.

Maybe his mind’s

No, he’s sharp.

And he’s very specific
about his details.

Well, maybe he’s lying.

He’s the only one
that was alive back then

so he’s the only one

who’s got something
to gain or lose.

Look out!

( Tires squealing )

Think about this.

You’re fatigued.

Your emotions are raw

from what you have to
deal with the job.

You’re in a vulnerable state.

What if all this stuff

is some kind of spiritual thing?

I mean, what--

are you getting
vibrations from this?

Vibrations were not
driving that Van tonight, Chris.

The answer has got to be
in here somewhere.

It’s something that I have
missed, or that Scotty missed.

What about motive?
What about motive?

Lozano is the only one

that could have a reason
to want you dead.

Maybe he k*lled Jasmine
and he wants you off the case.

It just seems all wrong.

What if it had
nothing to do with love?

Nothing to do with m*rder...

So what else is there?


So maybe it’s
in the Hayworth will.

Maybe that’s
where the answer is.

What are you doing?

I’m saving you
from yourself.

Go ahead, you got to
get some sleep.

You can look at this

Sleep is fine.

It’s the stupid dreams
that I'm worried about.

Look, I really appreciate
you hanging in there with me.

You getting me
all misty-eyed.

All right,
I will be in here

in case the cat
with the Van comes back.

You go and get
some sleep.


All right? See you.

Just take this...
Good night.

Good night.

You got a blanket?

( Rita whimpering )


Help me, Rita, please.

Help me, Rita.

Help me, Rita.


( Screaming )

( Sobbing )


I was having a nightmare
about Jasmine.

I was in her coffin.

It’s okay.

It’s okay.

It’s all right.

Good morning, George.

Lorenzo. Did Rita
come in today?

No, she’s taking
a couple weeks
personal time.

She okay?

I mean, you did talk her
out of quitting, right?

Well, we haven’t actually
talked about it

but I wouldn’t clean out
her locker just yet.

Who’s the lucky girl

that kept you up late
last night?

Now, come on, George,
do you expect me

to kiss and tell?

All right, all right.

It was girls, Donovan.

Identical twins--

Inga and Kirsten.

"Statuesque" would not
do these girls justice.

I mean, they were...

You know what, though?

I felt kind of like
a piece of lunch meat.

That ever happen to you?


No... me either.


You got a mean streak
in you, Lorenzo--

a really nasty mean streak.

Wow, this is old.

What are we looking for?

I’m trying to find something
that everybody else missed.

I’m trying to find out
who k*lled her.

She was last seen alive
around : p.m.

She was found dead
the next morning at : a.m.

And the coroner guessed
the time of death
around :.

Not very exact procedure
back then, huh?

Let’s just say that it was.

There was four hours
between the time she was k*lled

and the time that she was found.


There was no blood
where she was found.

k*lled somewhere else,
dumped at dock wild point.

No, she wasn’t dumped.

Whoever k*lled her,
they took the time,

they cleaned her up
a little bit,

they put some fresh makeup on.

Bizarre-- the stuff
urban legends are made of.

So what do you make of
those wounds?

Nothing peculiar
about the blade.

Kind of a slashing attack,
a couple of puncture wounds...

And maybe an attacker
who wasn’t very big.


Shallow wounds.

Also, if the person were small

they’d have a hard time
moving the body alone--

maybe have to work something out

which would eat up
the four hours.

Not to mention
that covergirl job.

Moving a dead body isn’t easy.

So maybe we’re talking
about a woman.

Or a small man.

And look at the location
of these wounds.

Primarily on the hands

upper chest, arm...

Victim was in
a defensive posture.

So maybe she was trying
to protect her face.

Whoever k*lled her

might have been trying
to disfigure her

and they might have been
jealous of her beauty.

Or enraged because of it.

Either way,
your basic crime of passion.

These small cuts,
punctures-- random.

Blood sum,
not very serious.

Not much more
than bad scratches

mostly on her back.

Could be--

just guessing--

some kind of
S & M thing.

Why the interest, Rita?

Seems to me

you have enough to do
with fresh murders

without digging up old ones.

Yeah, yeah,
it’s a long story, Noreko.

When I find out the ending,
I will let you know.

Thanks a lot.

Sure, any time.

( Door opening )

( Sighing )

( Bumping )

( Soft creaking )

( Padded footsteps thudding )

( Glass breaking )

What’s the matter, honey?

( Meowing )

Can’t get you interested?

Not up to it?

Look, I've got something
on my mind.

You’re not going
to be this way

after we’re married,
are you?

What does it matter?

Don’t you understand

sex is not
the most important thing

in the world?

Not in your world,
that’s for sure.

So what’s it all about,
Alfred, hmm?

( Knocking )

Rita, open up!

It’s me, Chris!

Look, look who I found
outside your door.

I dropped by to say "hi,"
see how you were.

I happened to look
across the street.

I see a pair of binoculars
sticking out of a car

and behind the binoculars?




Does he know?

Know what?
Know what?

About your guest.

Earlier, I followed
Alex Weston here, Rita.

He, after all,
is Catherine Hayworth’s fiancee.

He went around the building--
to the back door, maybe?

A discreet lover
is so hard to find these days.

He was discreet all right.

He was in and out of here
before I could see
who it was.

So what were you doing
following him, Solange?

Good question.

Well, um, if I say this

it will stay with us, oui?


I am catering

the Hayworth-Weston wedding,
as you know

and it is the biggest
society event of the year.

Also, I am providing
certain photographs

to a... tabloid newspaper.

Unknown to miss Hayworth
or Mr. Weston, I'm sure.

Of course.

Call me

incognito paparazzo.

Call you out of work

if he finds out
about it, Solange.

So, anyway,
I sell these pictures

to the supermarket rag,
and then I think

what would they pay
for scandal?

( Chuckling )

And I would
love it, too.

And then I see you, Rita,
talking to Catherine

this beautiful
homicide detective

and I think, maybe...

It was you following me,
wasn’t it?

The palomino pantsuit.

You looked so butch, Rita.

I love you in that.

Thank you, Solange.

Anyway, I follow you,
I follow Alex Weston...

Did you find any scandal?

Um, no.
I did not get it

but you must not say
a word to Alex

or he will fire me
just like that.

Hey, I thought you were working
for Catherine.

Oh, I am--
she has the money.

But he handles
the business

he clips the coupons,
writes the checks.

All she has to worry about
is her libido.

Au revoir.

Binoculars, Solange.

Thank you very much.


Yeah, no,
thank you very much.

I appreciate it. Okay.

Oh, come on, Rita,
you promised.

If lieutenant Hudson’s...

You look terrific.

Thank you. I slept
like a log last night.

I did not have
any dreams.

I woke up feeling
sort of peaceful

like the whole storm
had passed.

I’m back.





( Sighing )

Well, you know,
that’s outstanding,

because I just
got off the phone

with a rental agency
from Jupiter, all right.

Now, they rented a gray Van
to one Alex Weston

the day before yesterday.

I say it’s time
we go ring him up.

Okay. I would like to stop
on the way, though

because I think
I figured out

why Alex Weston
tried to k*ll me.

Is this supposed to mean
something to me?

I never read it, I wouldn’t know
what it said if I did.

Towards the end there
are several codicils.

You talk like Alex.

They’re amendments;
Additional provisions.

One of them funds
the reward trust.

There’s a time limit
on the reward.

Time’s almost up.

If jasmine’s m*rder
isn’t solved in years

a million bucks
and all its accumulated interest

goes back into
the Hayworth bank account.

So? Fine, I guess.

You can’t be too skinny
or too rich.

What’s your point?

The money is a life raft.

Alex has complete control
over the Hayworth fortune.

I think he was embezzling
and he planned on using

the return of
the reward fund

to cover it up.

Alex wouldn’t have the nerve.

Can you prove this?

No, no, but a bank account
is easy to arrange.

I’m sure your bank can do it.

And if I don’t want to?

Well, that’s up to you,
Miss Hayworth.

You can write the money off
as a gift if you would like

but he is also guilty
of interfering

with a m*rder

And don’t leave out
attempted m*rder.

He tried to run
my partner down
with a Van.

( g*nsh*t )

Where is he?

Top of the stairs

to the right.

All right, stay here.

Put the g*n down

Mr. Weston!

Nice and slow,

Alex, you are so a**l.

Stand up!


You gutless impotent!

Why did you do that?

Because you disgust me--

everything you are,
everything you do.

Because you have money
you think you can do

whatever you like,
and to hell with
everyone else.

My family’s been indentured

to the Hayworth money
for years.

No more.

Chief, forget about
the toasters.

You bag ’em,
you tag ’em.

You’re under arrest,
Mr. Weston.

You have the right

to remain silent...

You’ll make some convict

a great wife, Alex!

you say

can and will
be used against you.

You have the right

to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one,

one will be appointed
to you by the court.

Are you sure about this?

Yes, I'm sure.

This is where
Jasmine was m*rder*d.

You know the small scratches
and wounds on her face?


It was from the rose thorns.


I’ve come for
the other glove, Victor.

How did you know?

I don’t know.
I just had a feeling.

Oh, god.

We were so young,
so much in love.

There we were,
running away to be together.

You know,
they had a child--

a young boy-- and Jasmine
was leaving him for me.

Against my wishes,
she went back home.

She wanted to see her son
one last time.

And then her husband, Hayworth--
he was there.

He caught up with her.

He beat her up,
almost senseless.

So she called me at the club.

She told me that she wasn’t
going to leave with me.

I don’t know why
she came here

because we were supposed to meet
back at the club.

She was so afraid, crying...

She was hysterical.

( Sobbing )

( Screaming )

I don’t know how it happened.

I know it just did.

Came home late.

Jasmine was gone.

So was Maria.

Poor Maria, she lost

all sense of reality
that day.

I don’t think she knew

what she was doing.

I mean, to this day

I don’t think she knows
what she did.

It was you who moved

the body,
wasn’t it, Victor?


That was the hardest thing
I've ever done in my life.

I wiped away the blood

and then I used a little makeup.

I didn’t think
she should be seen like that--

in such ugliness.

And then I said, "i’m going
to keep one of the gloves."

I had to have something,
and now, god, I feel so guilty.

Look what I made Maria do.

Now she’s going to be punished
for something

that I caused!

Victor, I don’t think

that’s going to happen,

I think justice was done

a long time ago.

Thank you.
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