02x18 - Meat Market

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x18 - Meat Market

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, ladies.

This is the moment
you’ve been waiting for.

I’m so excited
I could wet my pants.

Please wait until
you get back

into your own clothes.

Mrs. Cardell?

I think I changed my mind.

I don’t want to go.

But, Tiffany, this is
the chance of a lifetime.

I know, but...

A high-paying modeling contract
in Paris is every girl’s dream.

I thought it was yours, too.

I changed my mind.

Tiffany, it’s too
late for that.

The contract has
already been signed.

I don’t care.

I’m not going.

Why don’t you
discuss this

while I get the others
in the Van?


I thought
you were a pro.

I’m sorry
to disappoint you.

Sorry doesn’t
get it.

We’ve expended
a great deal

of effort
on your behalf

and you’re going.


Put that down!

( Moans )

( Moaning )

( Groans )

( Screaming )

Life’s a beach.

First you sunbathe
on it

then you hope you
don’t wash up on it.

No, thank you.

Dead bodies do not do a lot
for my appetite.

Who are you, lady

and why did somebody
want you dead?

Can I have
a breakfast burrito, please?

I’ll have a hot dog.

Well, maybe the skin
the M.E. Found
under her fingernails

will give us a DNA match.

Yeah, we need
a suspect first

and right now
we got zip.

Listen up,

I just came from the
deputy chief’s office

and we got
a situation here
we have to deal with.

Where are you
with this Jane Doe
on the beach?

She’s still a Jane Doe.

We’re just waiting
for a print checkup.

Her name is
Tiffany bowling.

And as of now she’s out
of our jurisdiction.

Wait a second.

She is
a homicide victim.

We’re homicide cops.

Did I miss
something here?

She was
an FBI Agent.

And they’re taking over
the investigation.

Uh, wait a minute.

Are you okay
with that?

I don’t have too much
to say about it,
now, do I?

Deputy chief made
that very clear.

It’s a done deal.

Well, anything
we have

they’re welcome to.

Look, I didn’t say
I was taking you
off the case.

Exactly what are you saying,
dear hutch?

Well... you’re being reassigned
to the FBI Agent

in charge
of the investigation.

That agent will call
all the sh*ts.

And I...
I don’t like this

but the agent requested
you two, specifically.

Why us?

( Car door closes )

Ask her yourself.

Shelby Kelman.

Well, I have a feeling
that she requested you, not us.

Nice to meet you.

Let’s meet some people.

You know
special agent Kelman?

Yeah, we worked a jewelry sting
a while ago.

Hi, Chris. Rita.


Chris has... he’s told me
a lot about you.

I’ve been briefed on this,
so I’ll let special agent Kelman

do the honors.

Use Hudson’s office.

I’ll see you back.

All right.
All right.


Thanks, Roger.

( Door closing )

I really need your help.

Tiffany bowling
was my best friend.

We went through the academy

I want to take down the people
who k*lled her.

You know who they are?

Yeah, Matt and Jojo Cardell.

Well, let’s go
hook them up.

I wish it was that easy.

I don’t have anything
that would hold up in court.

That’s why I need you guys.

So why us?

Because you’re good.

And because you’re perfect types

for what I have
in mind.

What are we talking
about here?

White sl*very

at the very
highest end.

Tiff was trying to get
inside an operation

we believe has sold
over a hundred women

into bondage
around the world.

She answered an ad
for high-paying

international modeling jobs
and was accepted.

Her motions were
always monitored, but...

There was a switch
of locations, and...

I lost her.

My guess is

the Cardells
brought tiff

and several other women up here

to be sold
at auction.

So... what do you
got in mind?

Rita will go undercover
as an aspiring model.

I’ll pose as a buyer,
and you’ll be my bodyguard.

I’ll bid to buy Rita

and we bust them
once money changes hands.

Well, it sounds good to me.

Hold on a second.

Not to be
a stick in the mud

but you’re asking Rita
to take a big risk here

and your last bird on the wire
ended up beaten to death.

You think I don’t
feel responsible

for what happened to tiff?

Shelby, that’s not
what I'm saying.

Chris, I have heard

what happens to the women

that get sucked
into these slugs.

They’re shipped overseas,
and they become sex slaves.

And then once the animals
get bored with their toys

the girls are sold again.

Some into
the brothels of Asia

and others are put
on camel’s back

and they are peddled across
the desert like pots and pans.

It’s sick.

The lucky ones die.

These people need
to be taken down

and tiff died trying to do it.

I’m in.

Okay. All right.

On one condition.

Rita doesn’t jump into the pool
until after you and I

are splashing around
with the Cardells.

Fair enough.

So, what is our game plan
to get inside?

I need someone to vouch for me
as a legit buyer--

someone so slimy,
someone so sleazy

that they can’t possibly suspect
a thing.



No, I don’t know how he got
into my truck either.

Just lucky for you I picked up
a copy of the L.A. daily record

before pulling out of Fresno.

Oh, no, ma’am.

I couldn’t accept no reward.

I know how I'd feel
if I lost my dog.

But the shipment to I.A.
should run about $

and I'm just
a poor, working trucker.

Fine. As soon as you wire
the money

I’ll call you
with the flight number.

By tonight, old rounder
should be sleeping

in his own bunk.

Think nothing of it, ma’am.

Us dog lovers got
to stick together.

Just wire it to Charlie Hepburn,
western union in palm beach.

Not bad. Five for five.

Now let’s just go
for the double hat trick.


A collie in Seattle.

( Squeaking noise )

( Car door opens )

Chris, Rita,
what a pleasant surprise.

How long
you been standing there?

You know, cotton,
that was despicable.

Oh, that long, huh?


It was also fraud.

Sorry, buddy

but we’re going to have
to take you in.


Oh, come on, Chris,
can’t we talk reason here?

You know I wish
I could, cotton.

I really do,
but it’s out of my hands.

See, when you use the phone
to commit interstate fraud

well, that’s
a federal beef.

Yeah, you know, I think
we’re going to have

to turn you over
to the FBI, cotton.

Oh... I never thought

I'd have to lay eyes
on her again.

She may be
your only salvation.

Shouldn’t you be out
casing mansions

for Jewel thieves?

I gave that up.

Now he’s dialing for dollars.

Not across state lines,
I hope.

Check with the western union.

I’m sure you’ll come up
with enough

to put him away
for a couple of years.

Chris, please.

Cotton, I'm telling you.

Homey, it’s out of my hands.

Got to talk to Shelby.

The average person knows

, words beginning
with the letter "M."

I’m sure "mercy" is not

in her

Well, if you
gave back

every penny you hustled
from people...

Talk about unnatural acts.

That’s about it.


Here’s Chris.


Thank you.

Fruit... a la cotton.

And submarine...

Thank you.

A la Rita Lance.

Can you do a German accent?

Are you kidding?

( With German accent ):
I was raised

by a shrew
named Helga.


All the background info
you’ll need is in this folder.

Familiarize yourself
with the doings

of Chang and Yorbovitch.

These are profiles
on some of the women

we think have gone through
the cardell meat market.

You’ll see that
they usually go

for those
with no family ties.

Study them and try to come up
with a cover story that matches.

Any questions?

Yeah, yeah, I have one.

Why is it you and Chris
get to live in the penthouse

of a posh Miami hotel,
and I have to hang out

in a flophouse?

Destitution comes with the role.



Tomorrow morning we go

to Miami.

And I thought
about looking you up

when we opened up our Miami
operation on the Cardells.

And please confess,
why didn’t you?

We got busy.

You know how it is.


I thought about you
a lot, though.

I thought about you, too.


Yeah. The way we met
was very strange.

I mean, the whole
jewelry-sting operation--

you thought
I was a criminal.

I thought
you were a criminal.

I know.

Maybe things could
be different this time.

Oh, I'd like that.

( Soft background
music playing )

I’d like that a lot.

Are you okay?

Just can’t get tiff
out of my mind.

Seeing her
at the morgue.

Having to make that
terrible phone call

to her folks
back in Idaho.


( Sighing )

That must have been
a tough moment.

The hardest thing I've ever had
to do in my life.

You know what?

There’s something
about your plan that bugs me.

What’s that?

I mean, the whole operation
is geared toward bringing down

the cardell
white-sl*very operation, right?

But nobody ever
said anything

about proving the Cardells
m*rder*d Tiffany.

And for Rita

that would be the throat
I was going for.

They would probably
resist arrest.

Then it would be academic.


Well, what if it happened
to Rita?

What would you do?

That’s a good point.

I’d hope they resisted.

Can I help you?

( Speaking German )

Say what?

My name is Wolfgang spear

and I believe
Herr and Frau Cardell

are expecting me.

Mr. Cardell, Mr. Spear is here.

Ah, yes. Send him in.

It’s through
those glass doors.

( Door opens )

Mr. Spear.

at your service.

You said it was important.


Yeah, we have
mutual friends

so I won’t mention names
for obvious reasons.

Well, maybe you might
name one or two.

Well, let’s just say a tall,
one-eyed gentleman in Hong Kong

and a portly man

with an unusual appetite
in Sarajevo.

It is through them
a certain party contacted me

and I'm here on her behalf.

And what does
your party request?

I don’t want to know

but she is acting on behalf
of a Brazilian banana planter

whose name I don’t want to know.

She paid me a small fee

to facilitate
the introduction.

Well, then perhaps
we should meet her.

I’m sure you can arrange it.

She’s in the limo.

Maybe you’d be so kind

as to ask her
to come up.

Well, there’s one little...
Say, uh, catch.


See, I know this lady is here
to do business

and I expect
a little fee from you

to make the introduction.

You don’t say.

$,, I say,
or, poof, she is gone.

Okay, let me tell
you what, slick.

Let’s meet your lady.

Then we’ll decide
what it’s worth.

( Distant siren wailing )

( Clears throat )

This is Fraulein Montessi.


How do you do?



Thank you, Herr Spear.

That will be all.

What about him?

He’s my bodyguard. He stays.


How do you know Chang?

He sometimes transships his
knockoff jeans through Brazil.

I met him through my employer.

And Yorbovitch?

Yorby and I go back a ways--
some g*n deals back in ’

which, as I'm
sure you know

has helped his
career immensely.

Is your employer aware
that our services are costly?

Price is no object.

And you’ll be acting
as his intermediary?

And delivery person.

What kind of girl does he want?

He doesn’t want a girl.

Then perhaps you should contact
the Levin brothers.

They deal

in the chicken trade.

He wants a woman.

A classic woman

with high cheekbones
and a regal carriage.

Into humiliation
and domination.

That’s none of your concern,
nor mine for that matter.

Can we do business?

Where are you staying?

Bay towers.


We’ll be in touch
within hours.

I understand that

but what happens
if they call this
guy in Hong Kong?

He’s primed to back me up.

He has no choice.

The state department is
reviewing his import license.

What about
this yorby guy?

His liver exploded last week
and he died.

Well, I got to say,
you did your homework.

So do you agree we’re
in the pool with the Cardells?

We’re splashing around
a little bit.

Good, then get
in touch with Rita

and tell her
it’s time to go in.


Can I help you?

Hi, my name is
Cassie largo.

I’m answering the ad
in the paper.

Have a seat and fill this out.

You’ll be called.

Okay, thanks.

( Pen scraping
against clipboard )

Here. Use mine.

Oh, thanks.

I’ve been in America
for only two weeks

and I already know
the public pens
never work.

So where are you from?


And I'm going to send
for my family

when I become a famous model.

That’s great.

Were you ever
in the Miss Florida pageant

about eight years ago?

No, why?

I don’t know.

You look very familiar to me.

Ever been to palm beach?

No, I haven’t, actually.

I just got here from Wyoming.

They said I had
great bone structure.



Hey, good luck
to you, too.

Who knows? Maybe we’ll work
together sometime in Paris.

Who knows?

Cassie largo.

Classic lines,
high cheekbones...

Both big pluses.

A rather regal
quality, too

wouldn’t you say,

Very regal. Mm-hmm.

You’re from Wyoming?

Yes, Casper.

Have you ever done any modeling?

Yeah, when I was younger
in a department store back home.

I always wanted

to be a professional model,
but then I got married

and, well, that was
the end of that.


Have any family

in Casper?

No, both my folks are dead.

What about the husband?

My divorce was final last month.

I certainly don’t
consider him family.

See, that’s why
I came to Florida

because I wanted to get as
far away from him as possible.

Walk back toward me, please.

No new boyfriend?

Why? What does that
have to do with...

If chosen, you’ll be
constantly traveling

to all the fashion capitals
of the world.

It would be stressful
on a relationship.

Our clients insist on stability.

Well, uh, no, I just got in last
night and haven’t met a soul.

Um, you said that you wanted
someone unencumbered

and free to travel, right?

Well, I am certainly that.

Hike up your skirt,

Excuse me?

I need to see the rest
of your legs.

Well, trust me.

They go all the way up.

Can I ask you guys

a question?


How much does this job pay?

Some of our placements
make upwards

of $, an hour,
plus all expenses.

Wow. That’s incredible.

$, an hour?

So how do I know

if I got the job?

We have your number.

That will be all.

You weren’t supposed
to come here.

What if you were followed?

I wasn’t. I just wanted to see
how the better half lives.

You know, you should see
the place that she put me in.

It’s got roaches
big enough to ride.

How did it go?


You know,
their front really looks legit.

It’s easy to see how wannabes
can get caught in their web.

You in?

Not yet.

I think I may have run
into a little problem

in the waiting area.

What kind of problem?

A hooker named Kim Youngman.

My unit picked her up

when I was still
working in vice.

Did she make you?

No, but her wheels

were definitely

That’s it.

Chris, it’s going to be fine.

Yeah? Maybe you better
take another look

at her morgue sh*ts.

I say we pull out now
and we pull out right now.

What’s the big problem?

I’ll make a call
to some of my people

have this hooker
taken off the field.

No, I don’t want
to cause ripples.

If a problem comes up

we deal with it.

I’m telling you this is crazy.

These people need
to be stopped

and I think I know
a way to handle her

if she becomes
a problem.


she may not even make the cut.

I think our Turkish friend would
find that unit irresistible.

What about the Cuban?

Good hips,
full mouth.

The kind of unit
that Harold
would eat up.

So would Ali Ben-Rabba.

Oh, right, yeah,
put her in the pile.


Here’s a class act.

She’s just

what Miss Montessi

is looking for.

Ah, right.

What do you think
about this Montessi woman?

I’m a little leery
of new players


since this is going to be
our last auction.

I called Chang.

She checks out.

Nevertheless, I'd like to
take extra precautions with her.

What did yorby have to say
about her?

Have you tried getting through
to Sarajevo lately?


You know, this unit
would also appeal to El Cid.

Is that hypochondriac coming?

He goes through these women
like paper plates.

And he also pays

top dollar.

I’d say we’re going to have

a very spirited auction.

( Knocking on door )

( Unlocking )

Mr. Cardell

what are you doing here?

I’m sorry.

I realize it’s not fair
of me coming unannounced

but I bring you
good news.

Oh, I just wish
you had called first.

I look terrible.

We never expect
a woman

to be beautiful
before noon.

Well, please, come in.

I don’t have anything
to offer you.

Reminds me of
my first stop
in Miami.

The good news is
you won’t be here long.

You mean I've been accepted?

Once you pass the blood test,
you’re in.

What blood test?

Our clients are very particular
about not hiring any druggies.

You don’t have
a problem with
that, do you?

No, no, not at all.

Good, and as soon
as that’s settled

we can move on to the next step.

Which is?

You and seven other models
will put on

a private fashion show

for the heads of the great
fashion houses of Europe.

Well, um... I don’t have
anything to wear.

All will be provided.

First things first.

Here’s the doctor’s number.

He’ll call me
with the results.

You be ready to leave
on very short notice.

So, leave, um...

Where is this show
going to be?

All in due time.

Please go see
the doctor.

"Heads of the great fashion
houses of Europe." Right.

What are you still
doing in Miami?

Well, I thought
I was part of a team

a very valuable part

as there’d be
none of this

if it weren’t
for my talents.

We still haven’t been
contacted, cotton.

It’s my fault if you
weren’t convincing?

I did my part.

What’s your point?

Cash. With cotton

the point is always cash.

Well, I do have
my expenses.

I had to drive all
the way down here

and beauty drinks gas

like a drunken senator.

I even had to provide
my own lodging.

You’ve already been paid.

I haven’t received
a cent.

You don’t have
to make brooms

for the next three years.

That’s all the payment
you’re going to get.

( Phone rings )

Miss Montessi’s room.

just a minute.

( Whispers ):
Jojo cardell.

Hello, Mrs. Cardell.

I was beginning to think
you had forgotten about me.

Not at all. Oh, by the way,
Mr. Chang sends his regards.

Oh, how nice.

The auction is set
for this Friday at : p.m.

Fine. Where is it?

You’ll be informed
at the last moment.

Go to palm beach and check
into the comber hotel.

You’ll be contacted.

Oh, and all transactions
are in cash.

Yes, I know.

Yorby said the price is
in the three-to-six range.

Yeah, ordinarily,
but I'd bring a million

to make sure your employer
gets the unit of his dreams.

Also, you’ll have to arrange
for a boat in palm beach.


Well, if you’re successful
in the bidding

the exchange
will take place offshore.

Now, how you transport your unit

or what you tell her
is up to you.

We’ll be in touch.

they call them "units."

Oh, I can’t wait
for this to go down.

So, what are the rich people
doing tonight?

You and Shelby picking up
where you left off?

Uh... I thought
the FBI Never slept.

If you do, think of me here
in this sweaty hellhole.

Yeah, good luck to you, too.

All right.

Good night.

Pleasant dreams.



Cop’s a lady.

I just want you to know

how much I appreciate
everything you’re doing.

I haven’t done anything yet.

Uh, here’s to tomorrow.

I don’t want to think
about that right now.

What do you want to think about?


Someone I've been
thinking about

for a long time.

( Knock at door )

It’s time to go.

Who are you?

Lonnie brill.

I drive for the Cardells.

You got any bags?


They’re on the bed.

Head down to the Van.

I’ll bring

your suitcase.


Welcome, ladies

to the biggest night
of your lives.

We have a lot to do
and very little time.

Runway rehearsals

in five minutes,
then we go right
into hair and makeup.

Great. Then what happens?

Well, for those of
you lucky enough

to be offered

there’ll be a reception
on our yacht

with the representatives

immediately following
the fashion show.

Of course you’ll still
be wearing our gowns

so you’ll change
into your own clothes.

Come on. Time’s wasting.

Must be nice
to be back home.

I think you still
have me confused

with somebody else.

Sometimes I forget
to pay the rent

but I never
forget the face

of an arresting
officer... Rita.

Perfect, Frank.

Thanks a lot.

The boat’s set.

-footer, three-man crew--
all agents.

Thanks, mark.

And with the limo
backing us up

I think we’re covered.

I sure as hell
hope so.

( Phone rings )

( Whispers ):
Go ahead.



We’ll be right down.

That was Matt cardell.

He’s in the lobby.

What do you mean
he’s in the lobby?

That’s not the plan.

I know that.

Let’s just go
with it, okay?

All right,
our guests are arriving.

The show begins
in a half an hour.

Center yourselves, ladies.

Let your inner radiance
shine through.

Tell me why
you’re here

and I might not blow
the whistle on you.

Look, it has nothing
to do with you.

It does if the cops
are going to come

crashing through
that door.

This is my chance
to get off the street.

It’s a narcotics thing.

It has to do
with the Cuban girl.

Maybe if you keep
your mouth shut

I won’t blow
the whistle on you.

I don’t think you want
the fashion representatives

to know what you really do
for a living, do you?

You two will ride

with me.

First-time customers
get special service.

No, we’ll follow you
in the limo.

We’ll do it my way
or not at all.

Is that a problem?

No, no problem
at all.

Good, if you’ll be so kind
as to get me the limo keys

I’ll have them returned
to your driver

as soon as our business
is complete.

Hold on a second.

Look, Miss Montessi,
we’ve discussed this
a hundred times.

I don’t feel comfortable
going any place

without a car.

I’m not overly concerned

with your bodyguard’s likes
and dislikes, Miss Montessi.

My business is with you.

He gets paid to worry,
Mr. Cardell.

Get me the keys.


All right,
sit tight, Phil.

She’s the boss.

( Partygoers speaking casually )

Oh, uh,
would you excuse me?

Miss Montessi.

I’m so glad you could join us.

I hope you’ve come
to play.

I have a feeling
the competition

will be very interesting
this evening.

We’ll see.

My employer’s very choosy.

Of course
if you’d like to examine

the applications,
photos, blood tests

you’ll find them
on the buffet table.

Mm-hmm, thank you.

But first there’s someone

I want you
to meet.

No, no, Cosmo, I already
had the blue one.

I think it’s time
for three greenies.

Miss Montessi.


This is El Cid.

He’s also a good friend
of Yorby’s.

A vision.

A flower amongst the weeds.

Excuse me.

Now, are you called
Mr. El Cid

or just El Cid?

gold smugglers

nicknamed me
El Cid about ’.

I rather liked it

you know, El Cid.

So I kept it.

So... how do you
know yorby?

We met in Baghdad.

I was a courier

for an arms dealer.

We swapped
a few envelopes

and became friends.

When did you see him last?

Last January in Zagreb.

He didn’t look very well.

So I've heard.

Liver problem, I think.

( Clears throat )

Cosmo, give me the blue one.

Miss Montessi,
we need to see you

in the kitchen

Miss Montessi is
all that’s needed.

My orders are to stay
with Miss Montessi

at all times.

I’m sure
I’ll be fine.

And he said if we didn’t
pay him the ten grand

he was going to tell you

this was a police
sting operation.

I don’t know
what to say.

Well, sorry,
that doesn’t quite get it.

You’re the one
who brought him in our door.

Now he knows too much.

What do you suggest
we do with him?

I don’t care.

Whatever you usually
do with hairballs

that clog
your drain.

What’s going on
in here?

A terrible mistake.

You were the one
who introduced this man to me.

I assumed you checked
out his credentials.

I did.

Well, he’s a con artist

who tried to extort
these people behind our backs.

You’re kidding me.

Excuse me.

You son of a bitch.

Let’s not get carried away.

This is our mess...

And I will take care of it.

See that you do,
and Mr. Brill will watch.

Whatever winds
his clock.

Where do you want
this done?

The pool house--

and if he doesn’t do it,
put them both down.

Do you have a problem with that?

No, because I know

he will indeed clean up
his own mess.

I knew they’d try
to stiff me for the ten gs

so I followed you.

You’re not really
going to k*ll me?

( Loudly ):
You pulled that
con on us?!

( Softly ):
Do you remember
that nosebleed gag?

the insurance scam.

You used to make
a self-induced nosebleed

look like a head wound.

I don’t like
the sound of this.

No, no, no, don’t do this!


( g*n fires )

Ladies and gentlemen,
bidding will be

by hand signal only.

The light will be
in the unit’s eyes

so they won’t
be able to see.

We deal in increments
of , only.

, , three,
et cetera.

All right, let’s begin.

How did you
pull that off?

Easy-- I k*lled him.

Are you happy?

Oh, god, I'm sorry.

You fed him to the dogs without
even batting an eye, Shelby.

And I’ll bet
Rita’s a toss, too.

Anything to get
the Cardells in your sights.

I didn’t know
what else to do.

You’re dangerous.

And your plans are coming apart
like paper shoes.

Our first offering
is a sun goddess

from Malibu, California.

Kelly Fenton shows us
she’s got what it takes

to bring this Nakagimi
creation to life.



Three... four.


Okay. Thank you, Kelly.

Next, wearing
a Zandra Piru original

a stunning salsa señorita
from Santiago--

Celina Galvan.





One... two.


Four... five.

And finally,
wearing a gown

from Milan’s Jorge Filaminga

the sensuous, the dazzling,
the aristocratic

Cassie largo.


Now we’re talking longevity.





I have nine.

One point three.

That’s . to you.

Do something.

Wait a minute.

I’ll go higher

but I have
to send for the cash.

I’ll give you
a marker right now

one point five.

If you give me
the time.

Thank you, Cassie.

Well done.

Thank you all very much.

I must say that was one of the
most exciting presentations

we’ve ever put together.

Those of you successful
in the bidding

are invited
to remain behind

to take care of
the financial arrangements.

Matt will give you

the rendezvous coordinates
at that time.

The rest of you, thank you
so much for your patronage

these last three years.

If you’re ever in Majorca,
please look us up.

( Snaps fingers )

I’m so sorry it didn’t work out.

You said
a million was enough.

Usually it is.

Tonight was a first.

It was very nice to meet you,
Miss Montessi.

I’ll call you a cab.

So now your backup plan
kicks in, right?

Shut up!

This is just great.

Good job.

Yes, I need a taxi
at oceanfront.

Miss Montessi
and a party of one

to the cumber hotel.

Yes, thank you.

We won’t even make it
to the damn boat.

I have a boat standing by.

We’ll bust them at sea.

How are we going
to get there, Shelby?

Are we going
to walk?

I’m not leaving
my partner.

We drop the hammer

and we drop it
right now.

You got enough
to bust them

on multiple
conspiracy counts.

No, that’s
not enough.

Back me up
or get out of the way.

You have no authority.

The hell I don’t.

You’re a cop and
you’re out of control.

Excuse me, Celina.

Kim, I'm sorry

but it sometimes
happens like this.

The reps are looking
for a certain type

and tonight just
wasn’t your night.

We will pay you
for your time.

No, it’s not fair.

They get contracts,
and I don’t?

She’s a junkie.


And she’s a cop.

I am not.

You’re a liar.

I know she’s a cop.

She busted me
three years ago.

What the hell?

You’re under arrest
for white sl*very

and the m*rder
of an FBI Agent.

White sl*very?

Mr. Brill!

You go out
that door

and my partner
will most likely
blow your head off.

You know, Kim, you’re
probably the only one

that could have gotten out
of this alive.

The rest of you
were just sold

to the highest bidder.


You’re under arrest.

You, get over there.

Mr. Brill!

Get Cassie.

She’s a cop.

k*ll her!

( g*n fires )

Get in here.

Cuff yourself together.


You’re under arrest.

What the hell
are you doing?

We got to get

out of here.


Hands behind your head.


Let her go.

Drop it.

I’ll blow her head

into the fish pond.

I said, let her go.

Come on, man, you’re not going
to walk away from this.

Then neither will she.

I said, drop it.

You dumb bastard.

Now you both are going
to buy it.

( Brill groans )

Cotton, are you
all right, pal?

Oh, yes, yes.

Oh, man.

I think we owe you
a big one for this.

I think ten is
more like it.

So, what happened
in there?

The plan went to hell.


And you miserable bastards
are going to pay

for what you did to Tiffany

and god knows how many
other girls who came before her.

You can’t be
with the FBI

They don’t
execute people.

Do you understand
these rights

as I have given them
to you?

Do you wish to give up
the right to remain silent?

Do you give up the right
to have an attorney present

during questioning?

I’m telling you
you were hot up
on that runway.

Oh, thanks.

Maybe you missed
your calling.

You know, I think I
might have enjoyed it

if I didn’t know what
they were actually looking for.

I still can’t believe it--
a million three.

And worth every cent.

Chris, Rita.


How did
the hearing go?

The state was able to locate

women auctioned off
by the Cardells

and through their records,
we were able to document

several more women
who died as a result
of their actions.

That, along with
Matt’s DNA

Matching the skin
under Tiffany’s fingernails

should put him away for good.

Way to go, Shelby.
That’s great.

I can’t thank you guys enough.

It was nothing.


I almost got sold
to some guy

that wanted to grind
my vitals up

to make a slushee.

You call that nothing?

Listen, I got to go
make some calls.

I’ll leave you guys.

You take care
of yourself, Shelby.

You, too, Rita.

Okay. Bye.


Well, it seems

like we’re always
saying good-bye.

Yeah. You leaving today?

You know,
I formulated a plan.

It’s a little unformulated,
but I think it’s good.

You quit your job,
I will quit my job

we’ll buy a boat,
and we’ll cruise The Bahamas.

We would be bored
into a coma.


We both need
the action.

Makes us who we are.

I’m going to miss you.

Yeah, I'm going
to miss you.
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