02x20 - Soul Kiss

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x20 - Soul Kiss

Post by bunniefuu »

Get away from me.

You make me sick.

Get back here!

You’re missing
the point!

The only thing I've had
pointed at me since I got here

is you!

This place is a rip-off!

Hey, Mary,
what are you doing?

All bets are
off, Patrick.

I’m getting
out of here.

You! You can’t prove
a thing, lady!

Oh, don’t bet
on it!

( Device zapping )

( Device zapping; Screaming )

Sorry I'm late.

Donovan had me
on the stand forever.

That in there is the worst--

su1c1de in a tub with a razor.

Man, you got
to really want to die

to do that to yourself.

Listen, I'm going to go
question the neighbors.

Why don’t you see

if Dr. Weinstein
can deal you the specs?

Dr. Weinstein.

New medical examiner.

Dr. Link is
on the desk downtown--

some kind of muni shuffle.

Excuse me.

Sergeant Lorenzo.

Where’s Dr. Weinsteen?

That’s "weinstein,"
rhymes with "fine."

Okay, weinstein.
Where is he?

Dr. Weinstein’s a woman.

So, what is this
su1c1de victim doing

with hemorrhaging
of the ocular capillaries?

Could you do me a favor--
go find Dr. Weinstein?

She should be in here
where the body is.

She is in here.

I’m Dr. Noriko weinstein.


My ex-husband’s name.

I was married for a few
minutes in med school,

kept the name.

Dr. Weinstein gets
a better table

than Miss Ujimoto.

Good call
on hemorrhaging.

It’s due to lack
of oxygen,

not bleeding to death.

She was suffocated
till she was unconscious.

Her helper put her
in the tub, cut her wrist.

How does that feel to you?

Feels like a homicide.

That’s why I called you.

Do you have a guess
on the bruises?

What bruises?

Oh, you mean
the small bruises
on her shoulder.

You are good.

No wonder you made
sergeant so young.

And I thought maybe you had
political connections.

No, not hardly,
not hardly.

What do you think
made the bruises...

Ruling out a small vampire?

There goes my theory.

I’ll do some tissue samples
with the work-up.

I’d say
she’s been here

since Friday night,
Saturday morning.

I’ll get the hard copy

to you and Rita
ASAP, sergeant.

Good.... and it’s Chris.

And you can call me
Dr. Weinstein.

Kidding. Noriko.

All right.

We’ll see you, weinsteen.

Dr. Weinsteen-- that...
That’s cute, that’s cute.

I got you, huh?


Well, the manager said
that the victim’s name
was Mary barber.

She lived here alone

and he thought that she
was a photojournalist.

No sign of a struggle,
no forced entry.

Maybe someone had her keys.

She knocked on the manager’s
door two nights ago
around : a.m.,

said she lost her keys,
so he let her in.

He also said
she looked very distressed.

No purse, no shoes.

She was just
wearing a nightgown.

Ooh, sounds
like somebody
followed her home

from the party.

Ooh. I wonder
what lurks here.

( Beeps )

What happened last night?

Are you okay?

Call me.

( Beeps )

It’s Patrick again.

We have to talk.

Please give me a call.

( Beeps )

Uh, Ron Newton, Miami herald.

Just checking in with you.



( Beeps )

This is Patrick again.

I guess you don’t
want to talk to me.

Please just give me
a call, okay?

This Patrick sounds like
someone we should talk to, huh?

Better, see,
but you’re not getting

your weight behind it.

See, you’re all arm.

You Patrick rose?

A little busy
right now.

Detectives Lance and Lorenzo,
palm beach P.D.

Like to talk to you
about Mary barber.

Work on your serve.

I won’t be long.

What... what about Mary?

Cleaning lady found her dead
this morning in her condo.

Looks like a su1c1de.

su1c1de? Mary?

When was the last time

you saw her alive?

Uh, Friday... Friday night.

I was trying to call her,

but I just thought
she wasn’t picking up
the phone.

Maybe you better come
downtown with us, Patrick.

You said she committed su1c1de.

I said it looks
like a su1c1de.

Haven’t ruled out m*rder.

I’m going to ask you
one more time.

Where were you Friday night?

We were both at the institute
for cosmic connection.

You want
to come again?

It’s run

by d*ck and Karen Plasmire.

They offer seminars
on sexual expansion techniques

combining the teachings
of tantric yoga,

the Kama Sutra
and holistic lovemaking.

Mary didn’t want
to do it

but I talked her into it.

I thought we could solve
our sexual problems.

And did you?

No. Towards the end of the week,
Mary got bugged about something.

About what?

She wouldn’t
talk about it.

I suggested we leave,
but she wanted to stay.

But she left
without you?

Yes, late Friday night.

I woke up when I heard voices
in the hall.

Mary was arguing
with d*ck Plasmire.

That’s when she left.

Any idea what they
were arguing about?

No. But it was heated.

Guess who that was.


It was Ron Newton
from the Miami herald

the guy that left the message
on Mary’s machine.

He said she called him
about an expose

on the institute
of cosmic connection.

What kind of dirt
was she after?

Said he didn’t know,

just that she called him on
Thursday from the institute

said she had something
really hot

and couldn’t discuss it
on the phone.

Wait a minute...

It was Patrick’s idea to go
there in the first place, right?

She must have found something

during the week
she thought she could sell.

So she calls him at the paper
on Thursday,

she bails out of the place
on Friday,

and over the weekend
she takes the big sleep.

Cause and effect.

Oh, jeez.

What are
you reading?

The brochures
from the institute.

Can you say "Cosmo-gasm"?

Say what?

Cosmo-gasm-- it’s what
the Plasmires are selling

as the ultimate goal.

Listen to this:

"A cosmo-gasm is an orgasm which
takes over an hour to crescendo

on the physical plane."


"Then, as the lovers are lying
entwined in exhausted rapture,

"their energy continues
into the ether

"to link up
with all the cosmo-gasms

"which have come before,

"joining that eternal

"procreative energy force

which is forever blasting
through the cosmos."

How much does all this cost?

It’s a mere ten grand a pop,
so to speak.

For an orgasm
that lasts over an hour?

Ten grand is a bargain.

These Plasmire people
ran their institute
in California

up until six months ago.

Where else?

As you can see,
the California state police

started building a file on them
after two very suspicious...

"...suspicious suicides

both female clients
of the Plasmires."

I thought you were supposed
to feel, you know, a bit better

after one of these retreats.

The families
of both victims

claim that these gurus
messed with these women’s mind,

that something dark
and dangerous had happened--

that the women
couldn’t handle it.

I think Mary barber is
part of the same pattern.

And maybe that pattern
is m*rder.

The medical examiner’s
playing ball with us
on this one.

The media will get Mary barber’s
death as a su1c1de.

That’ll give us some room
to work with,

maybe k*ller or K*llers
will think they’re in the clear.

Now, boyfriend Patrick rose.

He washed clean on the polygraph

but we all know
that’s not infallible.

So, Ms. Rita...

What does your
famous instinct tell us?

Did our boy beat
the machine?

No, he’s definitely
off the list.

We got a clear path
to the Plasmire institute.

No, I think Mary barber

ran into something up there
that got her k*lled.

Yeah... if we go knocking
on the Plasmires’ door now,

they’re going to get spooked.


Have you two ever wondered
if you’re sexually compatible?

( Doorbell ringing )

Hi. You must be
Chris and Rita.


That’s right, we faxed
our application yesterday.

Of course.
Come on in.

The Plasmires
are expecting you.

This way.

You can almost feel
the residual ions
of love energy.

Welcome, friends.


Chris Sergeant
and Rita O’neill,

please say hi to
Richard and Karen Plasmire.


It’s d*ck and Karen.

Thank you.

Well, Mr. Plasmire,
it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Mrs. Plasmire.

Well, come on in.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All right, dear.

Can I offer you
some wine?


That would be nice.
Absolutely not.

Thank you.
That would...

( Clearing throat )

How did you hear

about us?

I saw your brochure
in a health food store

and, uh...

And we just got
engaged, you know.

And, well,
we thought it would be

a great opportunity
for us to work out

some of our
sexual differences

before we took
the big... plunge.


Rita, you’ve come
to a safe place.

There’s nothing
you can’t talk about here

or anything you can’t do.

Are there any problems
we need to know about?


Of a sexual nature.



Now that you mention it.

Uh... Rita sometimes
has... has trouble

you know, uh...

I do not.

What about last night?

If you could
have stuck around

for more than

He has the sexual drive
of a locomotive

and the staying power
of a dandelion.

I have the staying power
of a well-oiled piston.

Don’t you listen
to her.

I can assure you
that by Saturday morning

all these problems
will be a dim memory.

Excuse me if I seem
a little dense, but...

How does that translate
into real life?

We’ll take

the both of you...

You and two other couples
will go through
an intense week

of instruction
and exercises.

No sharing of bedrooms
or actual sex

until the last night.

Yes, but
Friday night

you’ll experience pleasure
beyond your wildest dreams.

Simply put...


Oh, boy!

The staying power
of a dandelion?

Yeah, well,
I was just making it up
as we went along.

Did I hit a sensitive area?

Oh, I can tell

this is going to be
an interesting week.

Rita, do you think
that you could fake
a, uh... a cosmo-gasm?

Wouldn’t be the first time.

Oh, you know, you’re bad.

You are a bad woman.

Dicky boy was coming on
to you, wasn’t he?

A little.

I also noticed
some eye play

between he and
little miss residual ions.

So, how are you going
to get close to him?

Well, I guess
I’ll just continue

with the same theme
you started:

"Oh, woe is poor,
frigid me."

Men just love to think
that they can fix that.

What is that?

How did it go?

Well, we’re in.

Is the bank account funded?

You’d better be right
on this one.

I don’t think the taxpayers
would be too happy

about spending two grand

to watch cops play huggy-bear
and kissy-face.



We went up the coast

Marty popped the question,
and we got married yesterday.

We gave ourselves this week
as our honeymoon.

No sex for a week--

what kind of honeymoon
is that?

It’s preparing them
for the rest of
the marriage.

Guys in prison
get more action.

I’m telling you,
"I do" means "I won’t."

Kids, ignore him.

He’s insane.

The man is a sexual beast.

Enough is enough.

There’s no romance

no foreplay, no...


Sylvia, with you,
foreplay is two hours

of begging and pleading.

So, how often are you kids
doing it now?

How many times a week?

Like what, five, seven

nine, ?

Give me a number.

Well, we decided to wait.

Neither of you
have ever...?

That’s right.
Right, Marty?

Uh, yeah, right.

That’s so sweet.

And I'm insane?

Welcome, friends.



We’ve met you all
in private

so you know who we are.

This is our
lovely intern,

She will assist you
with some of the exercises.

( Applause )

I trust you all found
your rooms satisfactory.

The philosophers say

that each one of us
is alone.

That each one of us

is one of the
countless many.

They say that we
are all there is

and once we’re gone,
this never was.

But that is not true.

Life is one force.

And we are all
one with life.

What we’re about here

in the institute
is getting you in touch

with a very special part
of that energy.

The energy... of love

that courses eternally
through the cosmos

and is there

for anyone
who is willing

to risk
reaching out for it.

I know this may sound
airy-fairy to some of you.

So we’re going to start
with an exercise

that we promise

will cast all your doubts
to the wind.

It is called
the "soul search."

It is as simple
as it is powerful.

It will change
your lives forever.

Now, let’s all
go outside.

One snide
remark, Myron,

and I’ll rip
your heart out.

What? Who said anything?

I’m praying
that this thing works.

You, uh, happen to see
any place

that speaks to you?

Yeah, right.

This is ridiculous.

Let’s just...

Take that spot.

At least we can see
them coming.

Turn around. Come on.


( Sighs )

I don’t know

but I'm going to have
a real hard time

reconciling this
eternal love energy thing

when I've got this image

of Mary barber
in the bathtub.

Yeah, tell me about it,
tell me about it.

What’s going on here
that we’re missing?

We’re going to have
a hell of a time
figuring it out

sitting off here
by ourselves staring
into each other’s eyes.

Yeah. Speaking of which--

hello, Rita. Here he comes.

Oh. Everything we do,
we are going to fake.

It’s the only way
we can get through.

I saw your lips moving, Rita.

You really
have to focus

if you want
to succeed here.

Well, she’s...

Shh. Don’t talk.

Just look into
each other’s eyes

and let me guide you.

I want you

to hear my voice

but at the same time

pretend that I'm not here.

Can you do
that, Rita?

Uh-huh. Yeah.


Now go deeper
and deeper

into each other’s core.

Now think of the day
you first met.

What did you think?

Do you still think
the same thing now?

Now remember a time
when you had great fun.

Now remember a bad time.

Remember a sad time.

Now look at each other.

What do you think about
each other today, now?

Think about tomorrow.

What do you see

when you look
into the mirror

of your own soul?


Stay with
the exercise, Rita.

I can’t.

You must

to experience
a breakthrough.

Honey, please.


Oh, I...

Come on, honey.

We were almost there.

Yeah, but we didn’t.

I don’t understand why.

This isn’t as unusual
as you may think.

Chris, let me work with Rita
for a couple of hours.

I think
you’ll be happy.

Exactly what kind of work
are we talking about?

Blockage problems like this
are quite common.

Trust me.

It’s what I do.

I’ll have her back
in no time.

Rita, what you
and Chris have

is what is referred to
in Kama Sutra terms

as the "mating of the hare
and the mare."

This is not
a good thing?

It could work

with a tremendous amount
of Patience on your part

and practice...

But a hare is a hare
is a hare.

And what are you?

A stallion.

Oh, I...
I should have guessed.

I could show you ways,
in my professional capacity

that would spin
all your chakras

in the right direction.

Are you suggesting
that you and I...?

I’m here...

To serve you.

Use me as you’d use

a tool to build

a cathedral on.

I think
your wife should have

exclusive use of your tools.

I’m speaking strictly
as a professional.

I guess you were speaking
to Shirley brewer

as well, hmm?

I don’t quite understand.

Oh, I do.

You and Shirley had
a thing together.

Don’t be silly.

Shirley is
a tight-bellied airhead

who fluffs towels
around here.

Oh, you son of a bitch!

You want to do it
with her,

you want to do it
with them all!

You are interfering
in a confidential session.

It wasn’t nice,
what you said.

Go to your room

and I’ll deal
with you later.

Look, I think
you two should work
some things out.

This morning has been
a bit much.

I’m going to go
lie down in my room.

Yes, I’ll...

I’ll talk to you later.

Don’t ever

ever do that again.

You don’t have
to worry about that,

because I've had it
with you.

I quit.

Good, because you’ve been
nothing but a pain in the ass

from the beginning.

Oh, but I know what goes on
around here

and I might just blow the lid
off the whole damn thing,

just the way Mary barber
was going to do.

How would you
like that, huh,
Mr. Big deal stallion?

( Huffs )

What was that all about?

I fired her.

She wasn’t with the program.

Oh, that’s too bad.

I was hoping she would work out.

Good morning, Karen.

Good morning, Rita.

Myron, Sylvia,
how you doing?

Hi, Rita.



So, how do you feel?

Kind of weird, actually.

I haven’t really slept
the last three nights.

I feel kind of wired and buzzy.

My mind just races.

Do you feel that way?

Maybe you’re scared
that old dicky boy

will slide between your sheets.

I think he
does that a lot

and not just with Shirley.

My money says

he tried to score Mary barber,
that’s why they fought.


Seems a little thin
for a m*rder, don’t you think?

This scam is worth a lot of
money-- potentially millions.

People have been k*lled
for a lot less than that.

Come on,
all you lovebirds.

Free time’s over.

Gather around
by the pool

for a demonstration
of a sensual massage.

Come on. Gather around.

Gather around.

Be still, my heart.

Haven’t we met
somewhere, Myron?

I am the king.

Mad Myron,
the mattress king.

I see your commercials
all the time.

Aw, that is so cute.

You recognized him
without his crown.


Attention, please.

Now, remember, this is not
a therapeutic massage.

This is all about electricity.


It’s a flowing
exchange of energy.

I can feel Karen’s heart
down into my very soul.

Her yin

merging with my Yang.

Later, when you’ve had
your breakthroughs

you are free to massage
your lover’s body

wherever you wish

but for this exercise

no touching
of the erogenous zones.


Okay, okay, everyone,
to your chaises.

All right, now, honey,
if you lay down

I’ll do you.


Okay. All right.

I’ll lay down,
and you can do me.


But you do me everywhere
and don’t miss an inch.



Here you go, sweetheart.

Roll over, slick.

Come on.


I’m sorry, honey.

My hand slipped.

Oh, Myron, honey,
with hands like that

you should have been
a surgeon.

I... it’s strange.

I’m very moved, Sylvia.

It’s like...

It’s like I can feel your
soul through my fingers.

Why don’t you go ahead

and slide down
and do my legs?


Which one would you
like broken first?

Karen’s coming.

I’m going to go
slide inside.

See if you can work her up.

Tell her I'm getting
some sunscreen.


( Groans )


I think I can
keep you warm
till she gets back.

Well, she had to go get
her sunscreen.

You know, she burns.

Oh, that’s, oh...

See, now, that is how
this is supposed to feel.

You have got wonderful hands.

Oh, thank you.

Perhaps I shouldn’t
say this

but I feel a bit put off
by d*ck.

I feel like he’s making
the major moves

on my fiancee.

I’m sure he’s just trying

to help facilitate
her breakthrough.

He’s very gifted.

Yes, well,
just the same

I wish he would
stay away from my Rita.

Well, I’ll tell him.

I’m sure you and Rita
will do fine by yourselves.

You seem very close.

We are. We are.



He’s all yours, Rita.


( Clears throat )

Damn it, Marty!

You’re not supposed
to touch me there yet!

If you can’t do it right,
don’t do it at all.

( Clears throat )

Their relationship
is soaring, all right--


Why don’t you go ahead

and massage my tush,
if you would?

( Both laughing )

( Woman screaming )

Help! Come quick!
I think she’s dead!

It’s Shirley!
She fell down the stairs!

There she is.

She’s gone.

What do you got?

Well, this guy’s slick.

Except for two
small details

there’s no way
I can call it a homicide.

Yeah, but we’re real good
at small details.

Two bruises in
the middle of her back

match the ones we found
on Mary barber.

Did you ever find out
what they were?

Yes. Actually, they’re not
bruises, they’re burns--

the kind made
by an electronic stun g*n.

So he takes her
to the top of the stairs,

he zaps her in the back
and sends her flying.

The fall doesn’t do it,
he comes down

he finishes her off
with a kick to the head.

What about the lab results
on Mary barber?

I found traces of amphetamines
and ecstasy in her blood.

Wait a minute--
her boyfriend said
she never touched dr*gs.

Maybe she didn’t know
she was touching them.

I don’t know about you

but I have felt half-stoned
the last couple of days.

d*ck plasmire
probably dopes up

all the women that he wants
to score with

and that gives him
the extra edge.

Or maybe he dopes them all.

You cross speed with
a chemical aphrodisiac

you get horny women
walking around

who want to jump
their husbands
come Friday night.

Talk about
your breakthroughs.

This whole "better sex
through higher consciousness"

is a sham.

Mary barber must have
found out

about it
and she paid for it

with her life.

( Whistling )

We can’t go
into the room
and search.

We don’t have
a warrant.

If I find the stun g*n,
then we’ll get a warrant.

If not, why bother?

Also, I want you to be careful
what you eat and drink.

If dicky boy
is trying to drug you

it may sneak up on you

and you might attack me
like some wild animal

some passion-crazed,
sex-starved love fiend.

Down, before I have
to pour cold water on you.

And knowing how committed
Shirley was to this program,

I'm sure she’d want us
to press on.

I can feel her spirit
with us.

No energy force
ever dies,

and it’s up to us
to reaffirm her life.

That was just
beautiful, d*ck.

Older men are

so sensitive.

You got that right.

I’m feeling a bit bushed.

I think I’ll turn in.

We can’t do anything
tonight anyway, right?



It’s been quite a day.

Why don’t we concentrate
on tomorrow?

Of course.

Our primary exercise is
called the "soul kiss."

Oh. What’s that?

You French-kiss your lover
for one hour

without breaking the embrace.

And I find this Kama Sutra
stuff absolutely fascinating.

Did you know that d*ck
is actually a stallion?



That’s just a symbol.

Yes, well, my Chris
is only a hare.

( Laughter )

It’s not about quantity.

It’s about quality.

It’s about epiphanal moments.

It’s about transcending
the temporal moments

to reach celestial Harmony.

It’s about...

It’s about time I went to bed.

no secret visits

to your lovers’ bedrooms.

I promise you

tomorrow night
will be worth the wait.

Karen, why don’t you
tell us more

about tomorrow’s exercise?

It sounds fascinating.

It will be.

d*ck, why don’t you
talk them through it?

I’m really quite tired.

Good night.

Good night.

( Footsteps approaching )

( Sighs )

( Sighs )

That was a rather
dull group.

Oh, I don’t think
you find all of them
so dull, Richard.

What’s that
supposed to mean?

You know
what it means.

I want you to stay away
from Rita.

That couple has major problems.

That is
a bunch of crap, Richard.

They seem closer
than most married couples.

And we don’t want another scene

like you created
last weekend.

Just keep your mind
on business.

( Snoring )

Come on, Lorenzo,
no games tonight.

All right?

How’s my favorite
mare tonight?

d*ck, what are you
doing in here?!

I know you want me,
and I want you.

I’m going to take you places
you never been before.

Get off me.

( Snoring )

( Blowing )

No. Not now, Richard.

It’s not Richard.

It’s Chris.


What are you
doing here?

Where’s Richard?

Richard is down the hall
trying to diddle Rita.

Now, I don’t know how
things work around here

but I thought that
turnaround might be
fair play.

Oh, my god!

Rita, please,
can’t we talk?

I will talk to my lawyer.

Can’t you keep
your damn libido

out of the profits
just once?

I was just trying...

I know what you
were just doing.

She needed me.

Isn’t that right, Rita?

No, d*ck.

You are the last thing
that I need.


I came here with Chris
to explore our souls...

And I almost got r*ped.

Oh, baby, shh.

How could you, d*ck?

We could sue you for this.

Oh, no, no, no.

I hope you don’t think
that is necessary.

I apologize

with all my
heart and soul.

This was not
a part of the bargain,

and I will
understand completely

if you both want
to leave right now.

And, of course,

you will be
fully refunded.

Well, that’s
up to you, Rita.

If you want to go, baby,
we are out of here.


I mean...

We were starting to do
so well, you know?

And I was really
looking forward

to my breakthrough.

Oh, and it can

still be yours, Rita.

Trust me.

This will not
happen again.

What do you think?

Well, if it’s okay
with you,

I guess it’s okay
with me.

Okay, we’ll stay,
but on one condition:

d*ck does not come
anywhere near my Rita.

You have my word on that.

Oh, thank you both
for being so understanding

and now, if you
will excuse me

I have a few things
to discuss with Richard.

( Moaning laugh )

And then there was
the Mary barber fiasco.

You had to let her know
about the dr*gs.

It just slipped out.

Look, I heard
she committed su1c1de.

Guess we got lucky.

Luck? Hardly.

No more than Shirley’s
accident was luck--

another one of your messes
I had to clean up.

You know,
I thought

that you had your fill
in California, but no.

Now you want Rita.

You mean you...?

I will not allow

everything we have
worked for

to be flushed
down the toilet.

Oh, my god.

You k*lled Mary and Shirley?

And the two girls
in Los Angeles?

Oh, shut up
and let me think.



Everything so far is contained.

I just want to get
through this week

and get out of dodge.

And if you ever

even glance at Rita again...

( Zapping )

How could you think
you wouldn’t get caught?

I didn’t

did I?

No, but...

But! But!
But what?!


When I went to Rita’s room
and woke her up

she thought I was Chris,
and she called me by his name.

Well, what is the point?!

She called me Lorenzo!

Chris Lorenzo.

Don’t you see?

His name can’t be sergeant
like he says.

And if that’s
not his name,

then who is he,
or what is he?

Or Rita, for that matter.

Oh, my god.

What if they’re cops?

Well, there is one way
to find out.

If it is the police undercover,

you can be sure they’re working
on the Mary barber case.

Yes, I have urgent information
on the Mary barber case.

I need to speak
with Chris Lorenzo immediately.


When do you
expect him back?

Oh. Is, uh...

Rita there?

No. I would rather talk
to them personally.

I’ll call back tomorrow.

Damn it!

You’re crazy.

I had nothing
to do with this.

Oh, yes, you do.

And let me tell you, baby

believe me, if I go down,
you are going with me.

So, now

I want you all to spread out

and find yourselves
a private place on the grounds.

This is our most
intimate exercise,

so I want you
to find a place

where you’ll be able
to be unobserved by others--

where you’ll be able
to let yourselves go.

Anything to add?

No. That about covers it.

All right.

So, go on now, and remember:

Once you’ve started,
don’t you break that embrace.




( Clearing throat )

All right.


I decided how we can do
this exercise.

We’ll just, uh...

Pretend that
we’re kissing someone else.

Someone else.

Give it a rest, Chris.

No, come on.

We got to make this
look good.

Yeah, but you don’t have
to make it feel so good.

She’s right there
in the window.

She’s right there.

( Clearing throat )

You know that I think
you’re a great friend, right?

I feel the same way about you.

In a lot of the most
important ways...

You’re my best friend.

I never had a better friend
in my life, Rita.

You know that I love you,

don’t you?

Yeah. I saw it

in the soul search.

I love you, too.

But I'm...

I’m not in love with you.

Oh, I'm not in love
with you either.

I mean, I saw that
as well, but...

See, maybe someday, we will both
look into the right one’s eyes.

I sure hope so.




your brother called
during the exercise.

He wants you to call him back.

There’s a phone in the solarium.

Oh, thanks.

I think I’ll just go
use the one in my room.

I have to go
up there anyway.

( Phone rings )


Yeah, this is Rita. What’s up?

Rita, a call came in last night.

Caller wanted to speak
to Chris Lorenzo.

Said they had some information
on the barber homicide.

Well, who was it?

They didn’t leave a name

but you know our system picks up

the calling party’s
number, right.

Well, the call came from the
institute for cosmic connection.

And they asked for Chris
by name?

Yep. They’re on to you.

Maybe you should
come out of there.

Uh, no. We can handle him,
don’t worry.

The caller wasn’t a him.

It was a her.

Pretending they don’t
know we’re cops--

they must have a plan.

Yeah, right, but what?

Whatever it is,
it’s going to have
to happen tonight.

Since they know we’re cops

they’re not going
to come at us straight on.

What, they drug our food
and poison our wine?

I’m not going to touch
another thing.

No. We got to eat
and drink

whatever’s put
in front of us.

Otherwise, they’re going to know
that we know they know.

My head is starting
to k*ll me.


would you like
some more wine?


Sure, why not?

And you,
too, Chris?

Yes, please.

Soon, my king.


Oh, Sylvia,

I want to come here
and live here.

I want to feel
like this forever.

I want you to feel
like this forever.

( Glass clinking )

You have been
one of the best groups

we’ve ever had.

I want to toast

to the most fulfilling
and exciting night

of your lives.


This wine is making me
very sleepy.

I think I’ll head
on up to bed.

Are you going to come
up, sweetheart?

No, um...

No, I’ll be up
later, love.

Have a nice
rest, Rita.

Thank you.

Not on these mattresses,
she won’t.

( All laughing )

( Man and women moaning
ecstatically )

Woman ( Moaning ):
Marty... Marty.

No, you got to keep...
Keep talking.

The dr*gs are going
to sneak up on you.

♪ La, la, la, la... ♪

I don’t know
what’s worse--

the gallon of
salad oil we ate

or the dr*gs.

( Laughing )

Well, it’s an old
college trick, you know.

It worked.

This is crazy, Karen.

The police are
already on to us,

or they wouldn’t
be here.

If Chris and Rita
show up missing,

they’ll be swarming
all over us.

If they had any evidence,

they’d already
have me in jail.

Now look, after you
take them to the boat,

then you feed them
to the sharks,

and we’ll simply say

that they left
in the middle of the night

because they had a fight.

Without bodies, no one
can prove otherwise.

Down for the count.

All right.

I’ll give them
a whiff of this.

Then you... you put the bags
over their heads.

Hey, I don’t k*ll

That’s your department.

Hey, this is a mess.

Now, I took care
of Mary and Shirley.

You clean up the rest.


No, stallion!

Don’t move.

Is this what
you’re looking for, huh?

I had nothing
to do with this.

Shut up!

They can’t
prove anything.

Is that right?

I bet the prongs
on this stun g*n

are going to match
the burns

that were found
on Mary and Shirley,

and if that
doesn’t work...

We got you this way.

Come on.

Come on,

I am going to take you

to places you have
never dreamed about.

Donovan just called.

Thought you’d like to know

he got indictments
on the Plasmires

for both murders.

He’s going to ask for life terms
for both of them.

Ooh! It’s
going to be

a long time without

for old dicky boy.

Yeah, well, I guess there’s got
to be some karmic justice

out there somewhere.

So, Rita, what are you
going to do this weekend?

Uh, not much. You?

I just got this
brochure in the mail.

The place sounds
pretty cool.

I thought you, uh...

I thought you might want
to check it out with me.

Really? Hmm.

What place is that?

Well, it’s the center
for sexual synergistics.

Can I see it?

Yeah, yeah.

( Laughing )
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