02x22 - Star Signs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x22 - Star Signs

Post by bunniefuu »

See, he didn’t want
to be here tonight.

Oh, come on.

Listen to a guy
who’s alive

talking like a guy
who’s dead

giving us advice
on what to do

till we get
where he is. What?

Myron, Frere Dunn says

all you have to do
is have an open mind.

When one of these guys
says "open mind"

what he really means
is "open wallet."

Monty would like
to get started

and Frere Dunn is ready
in the solarium.

Oh, thank you very much,

Oh, Myron.

isn’t this exciting?

Oh, yeah.

I’d sooner inhale
steel filings--

rusty steel filings--

than let this phony
into my pocket.

no one has asked
you for a dime.

A dime he can have.

It’s the folding stuff
I’m worried about.

Please help me.

Let’s go.

Well, we’re all
friends here

so please forgive me

but I have to brag for a moment.

As of this day, our column--

"star signs,"
by Montgomery banks--

now appears in ,
daily and weekly publications

here and in seven
foreign countries.

Thanks in part

to my assistant,
coco Cunningham.

I’m going
to do you, baby.

I’m going
to do you so good

I’m going to wish
I was you.

Oh. Well...

What now?

Oh, take your time,

We’ve got a whole hour.

Just make me crazy.

What if your husband
comes in?

( Chuckling )

There’s no chance.

He’s got a fresh crop
of suckers in the house.

He’d never leave that,
even to see this.

Too bad.

He’d really get off on it.

If you haven’t already met
our guest

you are in for a real treat.

Frere Dunn

is a hypno-psych therapist

with incredible gifts.

For him, it’s a gift.

For us, it’s going to cost.

Shut up.

His work is about potential.

It’s about reaching out.

What you can see and touch
is not necessarily all there is.

( Applause )

I am not a channeler.

I don’t claim
a particular spirit

speaks through me.

I just kind of open myself up

to those on the other side
and whoever is passing by

and that’s who you get.

I don’t know how it works.

I’ve been doing it
since I was a kid.

I just hope it does some good.

( Breathing becomes jerky )


( Imitating Elvis Presley ):
It’s nice to be here.

Palm beach...

( Singing )

It’s Elvis.

Good deal, mama.



Elvis, listen.

I had a dream about you.

I had the same dream,
only I woke up screaming.

That’s a joke.

Oh. Listen, I dreamed that I was
your opening act in Las Vegas.

Must have been a tough room.

No. Oh, it was terrific.

I always wanted
to work Las Vegas.

Then practice, baby, practice.

Huh. Sure.

Easy for you to say.

You’re already dead.

( Cackling )

That’s not a joke.

You got to work at it.

It’s the only way
to get to Carnegie hall...

Unless you take seventh

up to th street.

Oh, Elvis...

You still are the king.

What are you
talking about?

I’m the king.

Don’t you remember?

"I am the king."

You must be mad Myron

the mattress king.

Am I right, Bubbee?

Hey. This guy’s for real.

( Laughing )

Oh, we are
very good together, baby.

Hold on.

You’re telling me

he spent the night
in jail?

Mm-hmm. Suspicion
of grand larceny.

Man. You sure it was
our dogs Debarto?

Yeah. How many
Dominick Clemenza Debartos

do you know?

I only know one,
and that is Donny dogs.

You know,
the funny thing is

he claimed
a New Jersey address.

Debarto grew up
in New Jersey.

Mm-hmm. He was snoozing
in a sleeper

of a semi pulled over
on the side of the road

between the turnpike
and the interstate.

He slept in a truck?

Mm-hmm. Loaded
with big-screen TVs.

He couldn’t prove

so the state cops
brought him here

until they had time
to check it out.

Donny "dogs" debarto slept
in the sleeper of a semi?

I love that.

It’s a little declasse,
I’ll admit.

What do you think?

Do you think he had it made up
with satin sheets?


I’m Sergeant Lance.

This is Sergeant Lorenzo.

And you?

( With New Jersey accent ):
Dominick debarto.

Dominick Clemenza debarto?

That’s right.

That’s wrong.

Look, I know
Dominick debarto.

Dominick debarto is
kind of a friend of mine

and you’re no Dominick debarto.

Hey, that’s funny,
you know that?

That... that Nixon thing,
that’s funny.

You’re a very
funny lady

but I’m not in a thing
for jokes

if you don’t mind my saying it.

You may know somebody
with my name

but that don’t mean I ain’t me.

Your rap sheet

that you were
from Jersey.

Who could tell?

So? I’m from New Jersey.

Dominick debarto
from New Jersey.

Where’s my truck?

Where’s my merchandise?

You know, I’m catching
a few winks

next thing I’m
talking to cops

I’m looking at locked doors...

Your truck is all locked up
in the impound yard

mister, uh... debarto.

It’s safe.

Yeah? Well, it better be.

There’s a lot of crooks
out there.

I’m not surprised
my TVs aren’t already

in some kind of cop flea market:

"Hey, look at what fell
off of the truck."

What’s your name?

Sergeant Detective Lance.

You’re a very
attractive lady

Detective Sergeant Lance.

There a first name with that?

What do you do?

I would guess vice.

You’d do very good
as a vice cop.

Am I right? Vice?



Now I know

we got our connections crossed.

No way should I be getting
the third degree

from some
homicide cops here.

Oh, I get it now.

I’m going to have every d*ck
in the place

coming in for a deal
on a big-screen, huh?

I’m very disappointed in you

Detective Sergeant Lance
from homicide.

I thought you was
looking in

to see
am I comfortable.

No, Mr. Debarto,
we just thought you might be

the debarto that we know,
Donny dogs.


Is a very funny name.

I got four consultations
from last night’s session, coco.

Thanks for your help.

Hey, friends help friends,

( Giggling ):
I loved your Elvis.

I swear I don’t
remember a word.

Oh, no way.

You’re conning me.

I’m telling you
the truth.

And I’ll tell you
something else--

you should be getting

a byline
from "star signs"

and a piece
of the action.

You’re sweet.

Hey, it’s true.

Monty had less than
a hundred clients

before you went
to work for him

and they were
mostly almanacs.

And what did he say
last night?

There are now ,?

I’ll tell you something, cotton.

If it wasn’t for Monty

I’d still be doing
greeting cards.

He’s the one who sold
all those columns.

But you’re the one
with the talent,

and you know it.

Without you, Monty would still
be doing Burma shave signs.

Doing what?

Youth... wasted on the young.

Thanks, Alice.


What is Donny dogs up to?

I figure it’s the guy
in holding

who is up to something.

The fake debarto.

Let’s think about this
for a second, all right?

Now, Donny dogs, he takes a kid,
he puts him out there

with I.D. That says
he’s Donny dogs, right?

He puts him in a truck loaded

with merchandise
that looks fishy.

Now, he knows that
the state or the local cops

are going to pull him over.

And the state cops
take the bait...

Only they bring him here
instead of to the county lockup

where nobody knows Donny
like we do.

He’s making an alibi.

Uh-huh. But for what?

Nancy, would you
do me a favor

and double-check that?


Oh, Nancy,
do me a favor.

Make sure Mrs. Vandever
is confirmed for tomorrow, okay?

I’ve got a confidential
meeting at :, at the palms.

With whom?


Keep this thing closed, please.

You’ve got my life in there.

Coco, listen--
I want to branch out.

You mean other than your :?

A five-minute radio spot,

Take letters,
like a radio shrink.

A woman writes in
with a problem.

We do her chart

but we work her up like a case--

her options
and what we should do.

Ooh, I love the smell
of liability in the morning.

Smells like lawsuits.

All right,
all right, fine.

So we make it
vague enough

so we make it vague enough
so we’re not on the hook

but it has to sound
like solid advice.

Well, why stop at radio?

Why not TV?

You know, I thought of that.

Maybe that is
the way to go, huh?

I got to get dressed.

Your :--

it’s not come-as-you-are?

Hey, Monty.

I’ll talk to you

a little later.

You must get tired of that.

Nah. She pays
to belong to the club

and I guess she figures

she owns a piece of it,
including the manager.

Well, you were very gracious.

Well, I won’t have to be
much longer.

You’re leaving the club?

I’ve got something else
lined up.



I’ll see you later.

Like I been telling
everybody here

all night and all day

contact my people
in Jersey.

They will authenticize
my ownership of the merchandise.

So you’re on your way.

You could persuade me
to stay a few days.

I don’t think so.

Hey, be nice.

I’m really a sweet guy,
you know.

We just got off bad

’cause you have some local gonif
who’s got the same name as me.

We got off bad
because you’re

into a scam
with Donny "dogs" debarto.

That’s all busted because
now we know you’re not him.

What? What, I talk to you

he answers?

Who’s the ventriloquist,
who’s the dummy?

Don’t tell me.

Make me guess.

( Barks )

Uh, Rita.


Hi, pop.

Meet my son.

Dominick Clemenza debarto.


Oh, man,
I didn’t think

the world was big enough
for two Donny Dogses.

You get this thing
with the TVs

straightened out?

Whoa, hold on
a second.

How did you know
about that?

Detective Lorenzo

how do ducks know
when to fly south?

How does a salmon know
when to swim upstream?

Okay. All right.

So, this was your deal
to begin with.

I should have figured that.

No, this is Dominick’s business.

I knew nothing of it.

I just made inquiries.

I got proof
I own the merchandise.

You got proof.

What, like this
Gambola limited?

What is this?

You buy the stuff
on credit through
the front door

you sell it out
the back door
for cash

till the place goes bankrupt,
then you move on.

That’s what this is.

It’s enough for everybody else,
but not for you, right?

I’m doing everything you say,
it’s still not enough.

You say, "go over there,"
I go over there.

"Go over here," I go over here.

You say, "get proof,"
I get proof.

Whatever you say is what I do

and you’re still
busting my chops.

Thank you,
Mr. Debarto.

Why don’t you
have a nice life?

Take your chops
and leave

while they’re still intact.

Wait, wait, wait.

You and I, we were having
a conversation here.

Let’s go, Dominick.

I’ll call you, okay?

You in the book?
I’ll call you.

You must be
the best lover

in the world.

( Muffled gasp )

( Muffled scream )

All right, thanks.



What’s up?

We got a dead body
at one of those condos

down by the waterway.

Want to ride along
with us

see where the real work
gets done?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Have you forgotten where
you’re supposed to be?

Yeah, that’s right--

In exactly

I was deposed.

Look, a live witness

is much better
than a deposition.

Assistant D.A. Fuller
needs you in court now.

Uh, how long is this trial
supposed to last?

One or two days,
maybe ten. Who knows?

Sorry, partner.

Yeah, well, I’ll try to hold
the fort together

while you’re gone.

Have fun.


Come on.
We got work to do.

This is a bunt.

They had a glass of wine,
they had a roll in the rack

and then he k*lled her.

Yeah, we got no
complaining neighbors

we got no forced entry,
nothing was broken

and we got no m*rder w*apon.

Who do you think
did it, doc?

This lady have a Butler?

I hate this crap, you know?

She wasn’t even
years old.

Fixed lividity, clouded corneas,
almost full rigor.

Fully ten hours ago, maybe more.

What do you make of
the tissue trauma to the face?

Fingers-- like a hand
was clamped

over her mouth and nose
to keep her quiet.

Blade went in
just below the xiphoid process

then straight up to the heart.

She was scared crazy.

Adrenaline was pumping.

Her heart was pounding.

I know when I get in there

it’s going to look like she
was stabbed by an egg beater

and I bet all he did was stick
the knife in there and held it.

You said "he." Why "he"?

Bet the farm.
This guy was strong.

From behind?

Yeah, I think so.

And he was right-handed.

What are the chances

of pulling a print up
off her face?

Bad place for prints.

All right, so,
given the circumstances

eight to ten hours,
where’s the best place?

Prints on skin-- very fragile.

hours at the most.

But dry, smooth skin...

Inside of the arm?

The breast?

Hold on one second.

Officer, come over here,
would you?

All right, so,
there were no bruises

on the inside of her arms
like there would be

if she put up a fight.

All right,
that mirror in there

is much too big.

He didn’t sneak up
behind her.

Maybe he felt her up
a little bit first.

You know,
a little excitement

a little wheeze
in his heart.

Reaches down...

Boom, hmm.

Check her
right breast.

Yeah, I’ll try.

And we have had

wonderful years
of marriage.

out of is not bad.

( Both laughing )

Will you stop that?

No, no, she’s right,
Frere Dunn.

We have a wonderful marriage,
but you got to work at it.

See, we make the time.


Dinner out, a little dancing

a little romance...

We do that twice a week.

She goes Tuesdays.
I go Thursdays.

He kills me!

years, he still kills me.

Oh, Frere Dunn... does everybody
call you Frere Dunn?

What kind of name is Frere?

Sounds like something you see
in a skin magazine:

"Hey, Herbie, come here,
look at this--

her frere’s hanging out."

Are you nervous
about this, Myron?

Oh, beyond belief,

He was in his car,
and he was turning around.

He wanted to go home.

Oh, don’t worry, sweetie.

I’ll be here when you wake up.

Call me lucky.

All right, Myron

just relax a little bit.
Take a deep breath.

I’ll count back from five

and when I do,
you’ll be sound asleep.






All right, Sylvia

this is going to
take about an hour

if you want
to go to lunch.



Yo, cotton!

Or should I say

"Frere Dunn"?

"Frere," huh?
What is that?

That French for "fake"?

Nothing fake about it.

Strictly legitimate.

Uh-huh, and, uh, what
is strictly legitimate?

Psychotropic analysis.

You got a license
for this psychotropic analysis?

None needed

just a business license,
and that I got.

Hmm. You actually
hypnotize people.

Yeah-- something I
developed in the army.

I could actually
put myself under.

Gave myself hives
and high fever.

Kept me out of doing push-ups
and having to go on hikes.

What do you do
for these people you hypnotize?

Well, they do it to themselves.

It’s a major attitude adjustment
for most of them.

Look, cotton, there’s something
I got to talk to you about.

Let’s go inside.

Oh, no. I’m late.

I’m on my way.

Uh, you know a young girl
named coco Cunningham?

Yeah. We’re good friends.

What happened?

Uh... somebody broke
into her apartment

and att*cked her last night.

I’m afraid she’s dead, buddy.


Look, I still
need somebody

to come down
and make a positive I.D.

You up to it?

Yeah, yeah, I guess.

There must be
some mistake, though.

This can’t be coco.

It can’t be.

( Knocking )

Come on in.

She looked awful.

She’d have hated that.


I know it’s rough, cotton

but is there anything else
you can tell me about her?

Well, she worked
for Monty banks.

Wait, Montgomery banks--
the astrologer?

The great one himself.

You don’t sound too fond.

I knew banks
when he ran a string

of high-colonic operations down
in the chicken district, Miami.

Now he’s more popular
than the president.

Hold on a second.

Are we talking about
the same Montgomery banks?

You bet.

You look at those
those degrees on his wall

they all came by mail from
the university of Pago Pago

or some other
such place.

You’re kidding me.

What did Ms. Cunningham
do for him?


And he treated her
like dirt.

And now that she’s gone,
you just wait and see.

His high-flying days
are over for good.

All right. Thanks, C.

I forgot.

I left something
kind of up in the air

back at the office, unfinished.

I’ll see you later.


So that’s all we’ve
come up with so far.

If you could run it through,
I’d really appreciate it.

Just some numbers...



Uh, thanks, Mike.

Okay, folks

I’m going to count
back from five

and when I do,
you’ll be awake
and refreshed.

Five, four, three, two, one.

So, let’s get started.

You’ve been away, folks.

Look at the time.

You’re lucky I don’t charge
by the hour.

Look at this.

So much, I don’t know
where to start.

Myron, you heard those
stories about king Solomon?

Rita, how you doing?

Did you like the flowers?

They are spectacular.

What am I hearing?

I’m hearing something--
it was too much.

I should have done
something smaller, not so big.

I knew it, you know?

It’s like one of those things
you just know.

I did it wrong--
it should have been smaller.

No, no, no.

They’re beautiful, but I...


Uh, I can’t accept them,

I am a police officer,
and we can’t accept gifts.


Those are from a friend.

What, you can’t accept flowers
from a friend?

I know you can.

You’re a person,
a very nice person.

I’m a very nice person, too.

Tell you what--
we’ll have dinner

you’ll get to know me...

Dominick, I can’t.

Can’t what? Can’t have dinner?

I can’t go out with you, period.

Why not?

’cause of pop?

’cause I’m related to this guy
you refer to as Donny dogs?

Look, Dominick, I have
a very busy schedule.

I have very little time
for a private life

and absolutely none
for a social life.

This hurts.

I never thought this
would happen to me.

It really hurts.

I really appreciate
the flowers.

They’re very nice, okay?


( Beeps )

What happened?

Did she trash you?

You kidding me?

It’s going perfect.

Coco kept track
of the business details

the deadlines,
all that little stuff.

I was busy researching,
writing, editing--

the creative end.

What can you tell me
about her personal life?

Well, I guess
she didn’t have one.

I feel guilty
about that now, but...

She was always on the job
because she loved it.

She thrived on it.

What about her family,
Mr. Banks?

Did she have anybody
she confided in?

An older sister in Ohio

and I don’t know

any of her friends.

It’s a hell of a note,
isn’t it?

I should have taken
more of an interest.

No-- been more
of a friend myself.

Can you run me

through her personal
activities yesterday?

We worked at the swim club
by the pool.

We often did that.

I had an appointment at :

and she was still there
when I left.


Listen, if anything else
occurs to you

would you give me a call?



coco had a black
leather organizer, a notebook.

It had her initials
on the front.

It had a lot
of information in it--

personal things, details,
uh... confidential.

Could I get that?

We’ve been through
her personal effects.

I don’t remember seeing
anything like that.

Any idea where
it might have been?

No. She always had it with her

and I don’t know because
I was never in her apartment.

Don’t worry about it,
I’m sure it will turn up.

If there’s anything else
that I can do

please don’t hesitate.

Actually, do you have
a picture of coco
we can borrow?

Yeah. Will this one do?


She worked for Mr. Banks,
one of the members.

Only well... knew enough
to say hello.

Was Ms. Cunningham
here yesterday?

Yeah, she was here
in the lobby.

Was she talking
with anybody?

Just banks.

I was only here
a few minutes.

So maybe
you should ask

some of the people
that are here now.

They were probably
here yesterday.

I’m sorry I can’t help.

It’s all right.

Dominick, what
are you doing here?

Hey, now, don’t be mad.

Who told you
this was my car?

Nobody told me.

I got my ways. You know that.

You talked to my partner,
didn’t you?

Only long enough to tell me
you skipped dinner.

Come on, let’s go eat.

My cousin Zino’s got a place
ten minutes from here.

He’s a great cook,
a very light touch.

You’ve love the veal.


You got to eat, right?

No, I don’t.

I am not hungry. I am tired.

I’m going home.

Look, I don’t mean to hurt
your feelings, Dominick

but you have to go away

and I don’t want you
to come back.

And no more flowers, okay?

You’re a funny guy

and I’m sure
you’re a really nice man

but I am not interested.

I’m sorry.

That’s okay. I hear you,
I understand.

I’m a little hard
to get to know

but that’s all right,
it takes a little time is all.


I’m keeping you.

Go ahead, go.

Go ahead.

( Engine starts )

I’ll call you!

What’s up, doc?

Only thing the sweepings
turned up was a hair sample.

No root, Caucasian-- that’s it.

What about sperm samples?

They were good.

We’re going to get
a DNA profile

but it will take time.

And did you get any prints
off the skin?

Oh, yeah,
you were right.

Three prints
on the right breast.

They were breaking down,
so the lab’s going to try

to enhance them--
later today, maybe tomorrow.

All right.

( Whistles )

All right, Chuck. Thanks.

Tell you what, Mariko,
this might be quicker.

We got a six-point match
off that wine glass

that had the fingerprints
on it.

Montgomery banks.

Now all I need
is a m*rder w*apon.

What am I looking for?

Thin blade, four
to five inches, maybe ½--

I’d bet on a switchblade.

Thanks, doc.

I resent the hell
out of this.

I understand that,
Mr. Banks.

You’ve been given
the search warrant.

If you want to call
your lawyer, feel free.

Sergeant Lorenzo!


These were hidden
in the pool house,

Under some sofa cushions.

Looks like dried blood
on the knife blade.

Yes, it does.

I don’t know anything
about this.

You’re under arrest,
Mr. Banks--

suspicion of m*rder

in the death
of coco Cunningham.

Where were you
between midnight

and : a.m. yesterday morning?

All right, I was at home,
in bed, asleep, with my wife.

Your wife asleep, too?

I assume so, detective.

Then I guess she

can’t corroborate
your story, can she?

I did not k*ll coco.

Talk to me about the items
found in your pool house--

the m*rder w*apon
and Miss Cunningham’s notebook.

I swear to you I have no idea
how they got there.

You swear to me you have
no idea how they got there.

Just like you have no idea

how a wine glass
with your fingerprints

got into Miss Cunningham’s


Let’s talk about the knife.

I have never seen it before.

I have never touched it.

I don’t know who it belongs to
or who put it there.

What about the notebook?

I asked you
about that yesterday.

If I already had it, I wouldn’t
have asked you about it

now, would I?

Do I look stupid
to you, Mr. Cunningham?

You were right
about that notebook.

A lot of information
in there.

Like the last couple
of months

two or three times a week,
you and Pamela short.

I’ve been doing her chart.

You’ve been doing
her chart.

You’ve been doing her
at the palms motel

that’s what you’ve been doing.

We’ve been going
through that notebook

page by page.

Everything we find,
we add to the list.

You want to save me some time

you want to tell me
what happened?

I... wasn’t... there.

I’m going to level with you,
Mr. Banks.

We got more physical evidence.

Now, would you
be willing

to give our
forensics people

what they need

to make a DNA comparison?

Thank you, Rosh.

Your food is superior.

( Whistling )

Can I get a table
near a waiter?

Big C.

How you doing?

Okay. A little
better, thanks.

I hear you got Monty
locked up.

Yeah, that’s right.

Well, I hate to tell you
how to do your job, but, uh...

I got a feeling
that you’re going to tell me

how to do my job.

I’ve known Monty banks
for a long time, Chris

and he’s just like every other
good swindler I’ve ever known.

v*olence isn’t part of his con.

Come on, cotton,
I thought you hated this guy.

Well, I didn’t like
the way he treated coco.

She did all the work
and he took the credit.

Don’t you want to see him
pay some dues for that?

He’ll pay some dues, all right.

With coco gone,
his career’s dead

but, you see, the thing is,
he knew it as well as I did.

I see what you’re talking about.

He wouldn’t have k*lled
his meal ticket, would he?

Hold on. Let’s say,
hypothetically, all right...

What if coco comes to him

and she says,
"look, I’m going public--

I’m telling everybody that I was
the voice of ’star signs’"?

Yeah, a mark
does that

not a grifter.

Monty would use his tongue
to get out of a jam.

He wouldn’t use a knife.

There’s always exceptions
to what we expect.

I just don’t think
he did it.

And I want whoever did do it
to suffer.

( Phone ringing )

That’s the way I feel.

See you later.

All right, cotton.

( Ringing )

Yeah. Lorenzo.

Hello. This is your friendly
neighborhood pathologist.

Listen, forensics didn’t find
any prints on the knife

and I got what I needed
from your man, banks.

He’s on his way back to lockup.

No way he could have been

the man who had sex
with your victim.

Hold... hold on, Mariko.

Since when did the DNA test
become so quick?

I didn’t need the DNA lab
for this comparison.

I could do it right here.

Can you say "vasectomy"?


Yeah, I thought you could.

Your man banks had one.

No way he could have
left those tracks

on the victim’s sheets.


I think I got
something in my eye.

I don’t see anything,
Mr. Debarto.

Look a little closer.

( Bridget screaming )

You okay, Bridget?

I’m okay, Mr. Debarto.

Are you okay, Mr. Debarto?



Come here.

You heard
of sexual harassment?

All you got to do
is wink these days.

It was an accident.

I had something
in my eye.

What you had was
Bridget in your eye.

Come on, pop,
I know the score.

Why else would you
surround yourself

with these
little twisties

if they didn’t make
your blood pressure

stand up and smile?

Why are you here,

I was planning
all along to drop in

as soon as I finished
my business

with the TVs in Miami.

With who in Miami?

Uncle Vic.

What did I do?

Could you tell me?

Where did
I go wrong?

You didn’t go wrong,
all right, pop?

I grew up with ma, remember?

Which is my point

The object of you
living with your mother

was to keep you from getting
involved in the business

that your uncle Vic
and I are in.

Excuse me, pop

but it was to keep me from
being around you and uncle Vic.

It had nothing to do
with business.


Ma told me that.

She also told me she was wrong.

I thought you’d have
a better chance at life

you know, living with her
and her people.

She thought so, too, I guess,
till a couple of years ago.

She said she finally realized
I was a true debarto

and not a proper Irishman.

I mean, imagine that,
a proper Irishman.

Hey, show a little respect,
huh, Dominick?

She said, "you’re
just like your pop.

"You’re him and he’s you
and that is that.

You should go get to know him."

It took you two years
to get here?

I wanted to arrive, pop.

You know what I’m saying?

With some success,
money in the pockets.

I want you to be proud of me.

I am proud of you, Dominick.

to my house.

Keep your hands off the help.

George, we got
to let banks go.


Because we found
a wine glass

with his fingerprints
on it

in the m*rder*d girl’s

Now, that’s pretty sloppy

for a guy who took the time
to wipe off the m*rder w*apon.

And then
once he wipes it off

he’s going to hide
that w*apon

in his own house?

Doesn’t make any sense.

Couple this:
He wasn’t the guy

that had sex with her
right before she
was m*rder*d.

She could have been in bed
with one guy

he left, somebody else came in
and committed the crime.

Yeah, it’s possible

but what really sticks out
for me is this wine glass.

I mean, think about...

This glass didn’t match
any other glass.

It was expensive.

It had a gold rim
around the top of it.

It didn’t belong there.

I think
it was planted.

And we also got this.

Check this out.

Now, in the addresses
and phone numbers right here

there’s a page missing, right?

Now, the entry over here
doesn’t match what’s down here

which is the Ds.

Now, that name
right here--

"cotton Dunn"--
I recognize that.

Look, making the case
is your job.

But I agree with you.

It’s not there yet.

I think we should cut
Mr. Banks loose.

You’ve got to get
out of here.

Your marriage is over.

Why don’t you see that?

He’s on his way
home, Bobby.

They’ve released him.

Now leave.

If he’s not in jail
for k*lling coco

it will be
something else.

I’ll see to it.

He’s out of your life.

Why don’t you
do it, Lacey?

Just tell him.

What the hell
are you talking about?

I’m talking about us.

What us?

We’re a little jump
on the side.

That’s where it stays.

We’re good together

isn’t that what you said?

It’s like the Olympics, darling.

Bobby the dolphin was
great at the events

bronze medal and all.

But when the games are over,
it’s time to move on.

This isn’t a game.

You know, personally

I would have voted
for a silver medal

because I love your form
in freestyle

but it’s finished.

But think about how
it was with us, baby.

You can’t be
with him anymore.

Isn’t that what you said?

I’m the best there is.

There’s nothing more boring

than a lover hung up
on fidelity, Bobby.

Grow up and get out.

You can’t treat me this way!

I did what we
both wanted.

You can’t blame me
just ’cause the cops

are screwing it up.

I want you tonight.

You’re coming to my place,
or I’m coming here.

So what, pop,
what are we doing?

You got me decked out
like a Cleveland Cannon.

What are we doing?

Am I going to sing?
Am I going to dance?

You got
unfinished business--

your business
with uncle Vic.

Uncle Vic is in Miami.

Yes, and you soon will be.

Are you kicking me out?

Sending you to school
is more like it.

With uncle Vic? The guy’s
got to be years old.

And I’m dressed
like Nathan Detroit.

Come on, pop.

Uncle Vic is a wise man

and, you, Dominick,
have a lot to learn

about life
and reality.

I watched you with
my friend Sergeant Lance.

A good reason why
I don’t want to leave--

she’s hot for me, pop.

You wouldn’t know rejection

if it bit you
on the lip.

Less is more.

You’ll learn
from uncle Vic.

Like how to dress, maybe?

It’s what
uncle Vic expects.

If he greets you
with approving eye

life in Miami is going to be

much easier.

I got to go, pop.

Got business to take care of.

( Air horn blowing )

There’s your truck.

My associate
Jackie shoes--

he’ll go along with you
for the ride

to keep you company.

In case I change my mind, right?

I’m going to finishing school

with Jackie the torch
for a driver.

Hey, Jackie, how you doing?

I’ll call you from Miami, pop.

I gave this to coco
three years ago

when she started working
for Monty.

How come your name’s
not in there, cotton?

Are you kidding?

She used to tease me
all the time

about how much room
it took up

’cause I moved
all the time.

Some of my numbers
have to be

in here somewhere.

How about that?

It’s gone.

You know, cotton,
you got any idea

who else’s name
was on that page?

Bobby Dunham would have been
on that page.

Dunham? He told me
they weren’t acquainted.

He said he knew her

just as somebody
who worked for banks.

Oh, they were acquainted
all right.

They’ve been lovers
for the past couple months.

Coco thought she was
on the way to marriage.

You didn’t approve?

No, I didn’t.

She was a sweet,
naive kid.

Look at Dunham.

He’s smooth, got looks.

I thought he would hurt her.

Oh, come on, cotton.

Why didn’t you talk to her
about that?

I mean, you’re supposed to talk
about things like that

with people you consider family.

She didn’t know I knew.

No one was supposed to know.

He gave her some
cock-and-bull story

about how it was better
for his job

that nobody knew about them.

She told me about it
through hypnosis.

See, I think she was going
to tell me anyway--

that’s why it came spilling out.

You ran a scam on somebody
you love like family?

She wanted to look back
into past lives.

Second grade-- fell off a swing,
hated wearing braces

wasn’t invited
to the school prom.

Then we came back to palm beach
and I started getting nosey.

You got to understand

I tried to plant the idea
in her head

that she should have
a social life

but then I knew,
and if she found out that I knew

she wouldn’t trust me anymore.

I understand the predicament.

No, the predicament
came a little later

when I found out
Dunham was having

a long-term affair
with Lacey banks.

I didn’t know
what to do.

So I didn’t do anything.

Hey, everybody does
what they have to do.

Come on, cotton.

Don’t beat yourself up
about it, man. All right?


It will be okay.

My lawyer says cooperate.

I say you’ve got nerve
to be here again.

We think you were
the object

of a conspiracy,
Mr. Banks.

An attempt
to implicate you

in the death
of Miss Cunningham.

A frame?

A frame.

It was a roomful
of Monty wannabes.

I knew most of them.

Now, this was
the night

before coco’s death, right?

Yes, she arranged
the whole thing.

There was a roomful
of Monty’s faithful--

a few new ones.

Was Bobby Dunham here?

I see you’ve done your homework.

Yes, he was here.

He’s manager of the swim club.

We have nothing in common.

He works for the club.

Did you know
that he

was involved
with Miss Cunningham?


Was he here
that night?


You mean to say to me

that you think
that Bobby Dunham

tried to get rid
of Monty

so that he could have me?

This is too bizarre.

What if he did?

What if your husband
did drop out of the picture?

Monty’s worth
a lot of money, sergeant

but I’m worth a lot more.

I said, what
did forensics say?

We showed coco’s photograph

to five separate people
at the swim club

and forensics
came up

with five clean
sets of prints.


Well, they ran
a comparison

with the enhanced print
that was pulled off
coco’s body.

Did you get a match?

We got a match.

Check this out:

Because of the short time
prints are retrievable off skin

it had to be around
the time of death.

Five possibilities,
and one of them is Bobby Dunham?

You got it.

Smells like
probable cause to me.

You get the warrant.

You get the bad guy.


I’ll get the bad guy.

Hold it, Bobby!

( Grunts )


( Tires screeching )

( Screaming )

( Thud )

You’re under arrest!

The surf is definitely
not up, dude.

The tide is out,
and the pool is dry.

( Whistling theme
from the godfather )

Say, did you read
your horoscope

in "star signs" today?

No, I did not,
not today or any day.

Well, you know what?

You should.

I’m telling you,
you, my friend...

Are in for good news.

Something like found money

fulfilling my love life,
or unexpected happiness?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Uh-huh. So what about
the one above that?

Is it the same prediction?

Sure. Sure.

Uh-huh, and the one after?


They all say
the same thing, Chris.

Hold on a sec.

Are you telling me
that you believe

the stars have nothing
to do with our lives?

No... no influence whatsoever--

you’re telling me that.

No, I am saying
that I don’t believe

that Monty banks has any idea
what he’s talking about

regarding stars
or anything else.

He’s a phony, and he’s
a charlatan, and he feeds

on gullible people’s
hopes and dreams.

That’s too bad,
because it says right here

I should buy my partner lunch
for a week.

I could be wrong.
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