06x13 - Peak Experience

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x13 - Peak Experience

Post by bunniefuu »

- Well, whaddya know?

A man whose actions
are louder than his words.

- Who would have thought
autographing a book

could be so much fun?

- I've gotta go.

Gotta get back before Fred wakes up.

- Husbands.

They're so demanding.

See you on the front row?

- And later.

- Sorry I'm late.

Who's the guest of honor?

- Darren sharp.

He's a motivational speaker,

promotes the power of monogamy.

- Cause?

- He was beaten to death.

It's hard to tell with what.

We'll have to wait for the exit report.

Bedroom looks like he was giving

a hands-on demonstration
before he bought it.

- What'd the desk say?

- He wasn't checked in with anyone.

No cuts or contusions on the knuckles.


: .

- I'd say that's a good
estimate for the time of death.

- The ink's smudged.

I'll have forensics check
it with the ink on his hand.

- "To the lady in the front row.

"Here's to a sexier, more fulfilling life.

"All the best, Darren sharp."

- Well, that could narrow it down.

- "An inspiration to millions,

"dedicated to the search for inner truth,

"happily married for
years to grace boxford sharp,

"and when not busy on his lecture circuit,

"they divide their time

"between homes in Aspen and palm beach."

Maybe his wife caught him
with the lady in the front row.

- Well, that would make me cranky.

- Smith, robertson,
let's get a list of people

who were here for the
seminar, start interviewing,

see if we can find out
who was in the front row.

Cassy, as soon as we
get the fingerprint results,

we'll see if we can match
it to anybody on the list.

- We should pay a visit to the wife.

Maybe she fled to Aspen.

I've always wanted to go there.

- Yeah, right.

We get lucky, but we don't get that lucky.

- Tom, check this out.

- Apparently sharp wasn't the
only one signing autographs.

- Grace sharp?

Sergeants St. John and Ryan.

Can we come in?


So why did he stay at
the hotel and not here?

- Sergeants, Darren and I
were divorced two years ago.

- Amicably?


- Did his extramarital affairs
contribute to the divorce?

- No.

No, Darren truly adhered to his message.

At least in the beginning.

- What changed his belief?

- I think he began to
doubt it after the divorce.

- Was it anything specific?

- Yes.

It is, it's very personal, though,

but I can guarantee you it
has nothing to do with his death.

I still liked him very, very much.

He paid for all this, he
was a very generous man.

- Can anyone alibi you for last night?

- Is your first name Tom?

- Yeah, yeah, it is.


- I thought so.

No, no one can alibi me, but I was here.

At home.

Watching TV.

- Can you be a little more specific?

- Okay.

Diveric definitely held Timmons

on the third and four, third quarter.

- It should have been a first down.

The replay proved it.

- I mean, where do they get these refs?

- Yeah!

It was a controversial call

on the Florida state game last night.

Pay-per-view, tape delay.

- Let's get back to the
letters for a moment.

Did he ever tell you what was in them?

- Yes, he did.

They were pretty clear on
what would happen to him

if he continued to espouse his message.

Darren just dismissed them as empty threats

from the fringe extreme,

but I'm not so sure
that I completely agreed.

- Did he ever keep
any of the other letters?

- Yes, in fact I think I still
have the one he showed me.

- Can we see it, please?

- Certainly.

Here's the letter.

- Mrs. Sharp...

- please, call me grace.

Nobody calls me Mrs. Sharp anymore.

- Grace.

Grace, I was wondering,
is that the ' orange bowl?

- Yep.

Nebraska , Florida state...

- .

You're a college football fan.

- Rabid.

Since I can't go to the games anymore,

I watch 'em all on tape.

- Listen, I was wondering,

is there anybody else
that might have a grudge

against your husband?

- Sgt. Ryan, I haven't
been intimately involved

in Darren's life or business for a while.

You may want to check with
his manager, Nate Patterson.

His office is right here in palm beach,

and he's been with him from the beginning.

Thank you for your help.

We're very sorry about your ex-husband.

- Thanks, I appreciate it.

Sgt. Ryan.

How's the shoulder?

- It's fine.

- You were great.

- Thank you.

Hey, listen, I don't suppose you'd ever

lend out that Nebraska tape, would you?

- Never.

Maybe I'll call you.

We can watch it together sometime.

- Yeah, that'd be good.

- Okay.


- I'm surprised she didn't ask you

to autograph her footballs.

- You saw that tape.

She's into football, she
knows I played. So what?

- Nothing.

I'm just making an observation.

- Of course I was angry
that Darren was leaving me!

What do I look like, Donald Trump?

I got billions to throw away?

And even he doesn't have that.

Yes, I was angry.

Colin Powell.

I set up a tour, he makes grand a pop.

Does he leave me?


Because he knows when
he's got a good thing.

That's why he won the w*r.

- Mister... - the little girls

on the olympic team?

The one with the little hurt leg?

Can't get enough of 'em.

I could book them on
Mars if they spoke martian.

Do you know why they're with me?

'Cause I'm the best.

- Mr. Patterson, why
did Mr. Sharp leave you?

- He thought I wasn't aggressive enough.

Can you believe that?


What am I, a rug?

I belong in the living room?

We were just starting to kick peak's butt.

Then all of a sudden he decides to leave me

for some guy who charges only %!

And doesn't want a piece of the video.

Who got him into videos
in the first place, huh?

Damn right.

You bake a cake, you expect a slice.

Natural selection.

- Mr. Patterson, who is peak?

- Harrison peak.

He's another ingrate.

- Why is he an ingrate?

- 'Cause he's ungrateful!

He got all huffy because I was trying

to get some more business,
can you believe that guy?

Fish gotta fly, am I right?

Yes, they do.

Then he dumps me.

- So you also represented peak.

- Yeah.

Up until five years ago.
- And that's when he left you,

and you began representing Darren sharp.

- Absolutely.

And I gotta tell you something.

Did peak take it like a man?

No, he did not.

He dogged us everywhere we went.

We set up a seminar in
Tucson, he goes in a week early.

We set one up in Toronto,
who books one right nextdoor?

We had peak on the run!

- Are you aware that Mr. Sharp

had received some threatening letters?

- Yes.

It's your usual nutball stuff.

Stop what you're doing
or we'll k*ll the whales.

- Could they have been sent by Mr. Peak?

- He's not smart enough to do that.

He's a baby.

And I was his babysitter.

Then he bit me.

Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I didn't send those letters.

You want to do a handwriting sample?

Right hand, left hand, what?

Did you know there was a president

who could write with
his hands and his feet?

And I'm thinkin' it was Benjamin Harrison,

but I could be wrong on that, I don't know.

- Mr. Patterson.

Where were you this morning around : ?

- Do you mean like do I
have an alibi or something?

Of course I do. Listen, I
gotta tell you something.

Ever since I was little,
I wanted to be a cop.

- Mr. Patterson.

- I was at an all-night
eckerd's buying antacid.

Which is unbelievable,

because I am the least
stressed-out guy that I know.

- I hear you.

And where can we find Mr. Peak?

- Are you guys hearing anything I'm saying?

Am I not enunciating?

This guy is more faithful
than mount rushmore.

He's doing a seminar in the hotel

right next to the one where Darren was.

- $ . ?

That's $ off what we
usually get for the video set.

- I'm saying we do this for a short while.

But what about our margin?

- What we lose there, we're
gonna make up for in volume.

- I thought you said we were doing okay.

We are, we are.

Now look, this is just like Detroit.

- Mr. Peak.

Sergeants St. John and
Ryan, palm beach police.

- Oh.

Hello. I heard about Darren.

- You heard?

- It's a very small business,
sergeant, so yes, I heard.

- Mr. Peak, we spoke to Nate Patterson.

He mentioned that Mr. Sharp's business

was cutting into yours.

Is that true?

- We were fierce competitors,

but there was plenty of room for everybody.

- So there was no financial impact at all?

- Ask the money man.

- Name's Quinn.

No, there really wasn't any impact at all.

Every business has its cycles,

but what matters most is the long run.

- And you were okay for the long run.

- Oh yeah, we're booked
solid for two years.

The real moneymaker is
these, the videocassettes.

We sell 'em here in the seminars and on TV.

They do extremely well.

- We heard you were in a slump.

- No, that was spit-rinse
from the competition.

- Anything on those letters?

- I'm sorry?

- I thought that was why you were here.

I've been receiving threatening letters.

I had one waiting for me
when I arrived at this hotel.

I already talked to someone
in your department about it.

In fact, I gave it to them.

- Darren sharp was
receiving the same letters.

- If you're suggesting that I
cancel my seminar, forget it.

This is my mission.

My life's work.

I will not be intimidated.

Where were you this morning at : A.M.?

- In my room asleep.

- Before you even ask, I was in mine too.

Not asleep.

I was watching a movie.

- Thanks.

What do you say, five, six minutes

to walk from here to sharp's hotel?

- At the most.

- Plenty of entrances and exits.

He could have slipped over and back

without anyone seeing him.

- Yeah.

How fierce of competitors
do you think they were?

- Hard to believe there was
plenty of room for everyone.

- St. John.


Maybe it's our lucky day.

Okay, coming right over.

They matched the prints
from sharp's hotel room,

belong to a woman.

They're bringing her in.

: , Chloe meisner.

So you saw no one in the
hallway when you exited the room.

- No.

Not the first time.

When were you there a second time?

- Well, I never actually
went in when I came back.

See, first I left.

That was about : .

I remember because I checked my watch

on the way to the elevator.

I was afraid Fred might be awake.

- Fred?

- Fred's my husband.

Anyway, I got in the elevator
and pushed the button.

But then I realized I'd left my book there,

and I decided to go back.

- Why?

Could you have picked it up in the morning?

Or wouldn't sharp have
returned it to you at the seminar?

- Probably.


I guess I just wanted to go back.

- For another autograph session.

- Yeah.

And that's when I saw this guy.

- Describe him.

- Well, I didn't actually see him.

I just saw, like, his elbow.

But there was someone
definitely going through

the door to the stairs by
the time I got to the door.

- Sharp's door. - Mm-hm.

- Then what?

- Then I knocked on the
door, but nobody answered.

I figured he was asleep.

Or couldn't hear me.

So I left.

- Mrs. Meisner, did Darren sharp

ever thr*aten to expose your affair?

- He wouldn't.

He didn't have a reason to.

- So your husband doesn't
mind you having an affair?

He wouldn't divorce you or
seek revenge in another way?

- Fred?

Fred's got his affairs and I've got mine.

We're just one big happy family.

- So.

Give me a seminar update?

- Well, with some luck, some
clues, and a full confession,

we should be able to crack it.

- We're running a little
thin on unalibied suspects.

- The m.E.'S report on sharp came in.

He died of internal bleeding
as a result of the beating.

Gold also found traces
of leather on sharp's face.

Whoever did this really
knew how to throw a punch.

Must be a collector.

- But sharp didn't owe anyone money.

- And collectors usually
leave their victims

alive to repay the debt.

- We should run some background checks

on Nate Patterson,
Harrison peak, and Mr. Quinn.

- Not to mention Chloe meisner's husband.

Maybe he's not so
understanding about her affairs.

Sgt. Ryan.


Yeah, hi.


No, I'm not doing anything tonight.

Yeah, : 'd be fine.

Okay, bye.

- Well?

- That was grace. Wants me
to go over to her place tonight,

watch the Nebraska game.

- Really?

You know, she seemed nice.

- Yeah, nice.

- Yeah, nice.

- Yeah, she probably is nice.

- Well, then, you should have a good time.

- You're not concerned about
her being sharp's ex-wife?

- No.

Should I be?

- No, of course not.

- Well, then.

There you go.

It's fine by me.

- You know, sometimes

when we were married
you used to say "fine,"

but what you really meant was "not fine."

- Are you trying to get
me to tell you not to go?

- No.

- Fine.

Come on in.

Want a drink?

- No, that's fine, I'm okay.

- Okay.

- Actually, maybe I will.

- Okay.

What are you so nervous about?

- Well, it's just, here I am investigating

the m*rder of your ex-husband,

and I'm seeing you, and it
feels like a date or something.

- Ah.

Moral dilemma, huh?

- Exactly.

- Well, if you feel
uncomfortable, I understand.

It's your call.

- So would you like to eat
first and then watch the game,

or shall we watch the game

and chow down all at the same time?

Let the games begin.

I'm glad you were free.

Die-hard fans are hard to come by.

- I think you should
know that I am not free.

I'm reasonable.

- Old line.

- That's probably why I'll
never be a standup comedian.

- Mm-hm.

- Do you think we could
turn some lights down

a bit here before we watch?

- Well, um,

that would be really hard on me, Tom.

- Why? Are you afraid of the dark?

- Yeah, I really am.

I'm going blind.

Well, there's a good sign.

You didn't bolt for the front door.

Most guys react like I've just announced

that I've got contagious hepatitis.

- Um, what do you mean?

- It's degeneration of the
macula lutea in both eyes.

Apparently the result
of a rampant infection

of the occipital nerve.

The good news is that
they controlled the infection.

But the bad news is,

well, the bad news.

- How long before you're legally blind?

- Well, let's just say
that Bobby bowden's got

a longer contract than I do.

I'm not a hundred percent positive

of what I want in a man, Tom,

but I am sure that it is not sympathy.

All right?

So if you want to watch the tape and eat,

or you want to use that . speed of yours

to get out of here.

- Press releases lied, it was . .

So they call a time out.

And I have to go to the bathroom.

I mean, I have to go to the bathroom.

Coach says to me, "Ryan, stay in there!"

- I remember that game!

But you came to the
sideline holding your head.

- Yeah, it was better than the alternative.

Anyway, I figure the only way I'm gonna get

to go to the bathroom
is if we get the ball back.

So on the next play, oof, I intercept,

I run it back for a touchdown
agonizing yards.

- I'm glad you stayed.

- Yeah, me too.


Nice time?

- It was a nightmare.


Actually, I had a very good time.

Thank you for asking.

Have you got anything?

- Nothing.

Everybody's clean.

- Nothing, not a parking ticket, nothing?

- Chloe meisner had one for parking

in a handicap zone and that's it.

Her husband, zip.

Peak, zip.

Sharp, zip.

Even Quinn is clean, which
I find real hard to believe

for someone who was once
an accountant for frog Bennett.

- The dime bag salesman out of Cleveland?

- The late dime bag
salesman from Cleveland.

- Oh, that's right, yeah.

They dredged him out of lake
erie handcuffed to his Ferrari.

- Hell of a waste of a car.

I'm still waiting on the FBI reports

about the threat letters.

I've been thinking.

- Uh-oh.

- You know, I think we
should talk to Nate Patterson.

He said he used to babysit peak.

Well, when I used to babysit,

the kids would do all
sorts of horrible things,

and I never told their parents.

- You should go visit Nate.

- Sure, sure, I know all sorts
of stuff about Harrison peak.

He's really a suspect, huh?


You think he gonked Darren?

You must have some pretty strong evidence.

What is it?

Did you find a g*n?

His fingerprint? What?

No, no, no.

You got a witness.

That's what you got, right?

Then why do you need me?

That means you don't got him yet.

That means that you're not even close...

- Mr. Patterson!

- What?

- Confidentially, this is just

a bit of a fishing expedition.

See, Mr. Peak was in his
room when the m*rder occurred.

- Doubt it.

- Why? - Because in my younger years,

Harrison and I did a lot of damage

after the lights went down.

Though I was always the one
bailing his butt out of trouble.

- What kind of damage?

- More than once Harrison
got himself into trouble

with girls at the strip
joints, if you get my draft.

- Prostitution?

- More like pugilism.

He liked to fight down in weight class.

- Harrison peak is a hitter?

- He prided himself on having fought

golden gloves at the ymca.

Based on what I saw, it
was more like the ywca.

- Thank you very much.

- So you gonna check out the peel spots?

- The thought has occurred to us.

- I know 'em all!

- Yeah, well, we'll
call you if we need you.

- You're sure?

Yeah, we're sure.

- Thank you.

- Ladies, ladies, ladies.

What a coincidence that we
should run into each other here.

I was merely pausing to
refresh myself after a long day,

and I perused you from the bar,

and I thought it would
be unneighborly of me

not to come over and say hello.

- Hello.


- I just had an interesting conversation

with Laura at the bar,

and it seems that this establishment

has recently been involved with several

unpleasant polkas with your vice division,

and currently they're not in
a very well disposed mood

towards officers of the law.

But I would be willing
to bet that you ladies

would not mind conversing
with my friend Ben.

- Does he have any brothers?

- I thought he came from a bigger family.

- After this, his mother
decided to call it quits.

He was here.

He kept trying to stuff

dollar bills in our g-strings.

With his mouth.

- We told him to stop.

- And he slapped Meg. - And he slapped peg.

- But Ted, the bouncer, got rid of him.

- Do you remember what time he was here?

- Well, we were on our last dance.

- It was around

: . - : .


- Thank you.


: .

That would give peak enough time

to get back to sharp's
hotel room and k*ll him.

- If he lied about that, he'd
lie about the other thing.

- Great!

So where are we going next?

- You are going to jail if you keep

following us on our investigation.

- Hey, I just laid out $ for you guys.

Bill us.


What can I do for you?

- Mr. Peak.

We have two witnesses that will testify

that you were not in your hotel suite

the night that Darren sharp was m*rder*d.

You were in a strip club called cheetahs.

- That's true.

- Why didn't you mention
that to us yesterday?

- I didn't think it was relevant.

- Hm.

Oh, and it's bad Karma
to omit things to cops.

- Things like "I used to box"

and "I enjoy beating up women."

- I've been through counseling.

No charges were ever filed.

- Money talks, crime walks.

Not past me.

- I did go out.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it.

You left cheetahs at : .

What time did you get back here?

Uh, around : .

There were doormen
down there, ask one of them.

Where were you between : and : ?

- Just driving around.

- Just driving around.

I see.

Those are mine.

- Are these the same ones you used

when you were boxing golden gloves?

- I don't like what you're implying.

- If you've got nothing to hide,

you wouldn't mind if we had those sent

down to forensics and had
them analyzed, would you?

- As long as you bring 'em
back to me, be my guest.

- Unless you want a nose
like mine, I'd leave right now.

- No, no, no, no, no.
I've got it all figured out.

I'm gonna drink espressos,

drive my heart rate up to ,

and it's the same as a heavy workout.

- I figure we should all just look great

until one night we go to bed,
in the morning we wake up,

we're old, white-haired,
and all wrinkly or something.

- Exactly.

On the Eve of our rd birthday.

- No, make it rd.

It'll probably never happen, but...

- no.

So what are you doing up so early?

- I gotta meet cassy.

- Did I hear you used to be married to her?

- Yeah.

- Gee, I didn't realize.

I'm sorry.

- Never realized what?

Sorry about what?

- You remember, the
game against West Virginia.

Trevor "the train" Carter swept
around the end on your side.

You two hit head on.

Headlines read, "Ryan has trainwreck in

Florida state win."

- Yeah, I was out for
three days after that.

What does that make you realize?

- I mean, working with your ex-wife

proves that you obviously
suffered permanent brain damage.

Is there some kind of fund
that I can contribute to, or?

- You think you're pretty funny, huh?

- Yeah.

Cute too.

I can't play with you anymore.

I gotta go work out.

Call me if you want, okay?

- I will.

Were peak's gloves used on sharp?

- No, these are kid leather.

M.e.'s report said the
k*ller used cowhide gloves.

- Kid gloves.

Cassy, can I ask you a question?

- Kids are baby goats, and...

- no, a serious question.

Would you enter a relationship

if you were unsure of your motives?

- I'd go slow, that's for sure.

Is this about you and grace?

- Yeah.

- Mm.

- I got an address for the doorman.

You want me to drive?

- Well, given that you've
got the keys to your desk,

I think not.

Let's pull this interview,

and then I think you
ought to go over to grace

and tell her what you're thinking.

- What am I thinking?

- I don't know.

Do you?

- This is a surprise visit.

So why are you here?

- Well, I'm here to talk to
you about the ground rules.

- The ground rules.


No heavy petting on the second date.

- No, that's a good rule,
but that's not what I meant.

- I know what you meant.

I told you the only rule.

No sympathy.

- It's a tough rule.

See, I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.

Grace, if I go through this with you,

this losing your sight,

I'm gonna break the rule,
I'm gonna feel sympathy.

- You mean pity.

- No, I understand what you want.

You want to be judged for
who you are, how you think,

not for your affliction, I understand.

- That's right.

- I fall in love,

I fall in love so fast.

It's not always just one thing.

But I know myself.

I promise you that if
I fall in love with you,

it will not be out of pity.

- That's easy to say, it's hard to prove.

- It won't be.

It won't be, because if at
any stage in the relationship

either one of us feels
that pity is the driving force,

then we can just call
it quits and walk away.

- Well, then, I guess I
oughta just sing it solo, huh?

- What a sad life that would be.

I'm not saying that you should like it,

but taking a chance on somebody

to trust and rely on
is part of your future.

- What do you want me to say?

- That as I understand your ground rules,

you'll understand mine.

Grace, I'm not trying
to be a hard-ass here.

I just want what is best for both of us.

- I'm gonna have to think about it.

- Okay.

Well, think about it.

Call me either way?

- Where the hell have you been?

I left seven messages for you!

The cops came back here to talk to me.

They know I was at cheetahs.

- Relax, huh?

Okay, so what?

- They think I k*lled sharp!

- Okay, so we'll figure
something out then, all right?

Just shut up for a second and let me think.

- I thought you and tidal video

had this already figured out.

- Well, now, we weren't the ones

who got ourselves into debt, were we?

- Sammy!

- It's Quinn now.


- Quinn.


I've come to rely on you.

I don't want the cops
hanging a m*rder rap on me.

- You know, you're right, you're right.

I should've come to
this conclusion earlier.

Relax, it's okay.

I'll call.

- Thanks.


- Yeah.


- You're sure?

Okay, thanks.

How'd it go?

- Well, we'll see.

You know, the doorman
says he saw peak come in,

supposedly drunk, around : A.M.

No blood on his clothes that he remembers.

He took him to the
elevator, went on a break.

But he also said that he saw
Quinn out running around A.M.

- So why did Quinn say he was in his room?

- Maybe running doesn't count.

- Um, FBI called, and they
can confirm that the letters

were both printed on
the same laser printer.

- Find the printer, find the k*ller.





We'll be there in minutes.

Harrison peak just took a
swan dive off the th floor.

I wonder if he left a note.

- Not if he was pushed.

- Cassy.

Same letter we found at sharp's.

- Peak wrote the letters?

- Yeah, or he was trying to scare sharp off

and sent the same ones
to himself as camouflage.

- When he thought we were closing in,

that was the only way out.

- Look what I found.

In the bedroom.

- A little neat.

Speed bag gloves.

- What's going on?

What's going on, what happened?

- Harrison peak is dead.

It appears to have been a su1c1de.

- That idiot.

Just when we're running
on an empty track too.

- Where were you minutes ago?

- I was in my room.

Working on the afternoon sessions.

- Well, we're sorry about Mr. Peak.

By the way,

is this yours?

We found it in the room.

- No.

Must be peak's.

I'll just put it with his personals.

- The cagey veteran.

That's your watch.

- So it is.

- I'll have forensics run Quinn's prints.

- Quinn k*lled sharp to
eliminate the competition,

then when we get too close, he kills peak,

lays the blame on him.

- So if he's worried about competition,

he's worried about money.

So why would he k*ll his own golden goose?

How would that help him financially?

- How would he get money
from peak's death, insurance?

- And why would he need the money?

Ncic just kicked back Quinn's
prints, a.K.A. Sammy laforza,

former club fighter with a
yellow sheet for assaults

thick enough to make a rainforest.

Guess who he works for.

- Who?

- Tidal video company.

- They're the guys who put
out peak's promotional tape.

I'll call trw and get a
workup on Harrison peak.

- Ah-hah, my favorite ulcers.

- The distributor of the
peak experience videos

is owed a million and
a half dollars by peak.

- Sammy laforza,

known to his fellow pugilists
as Sammy the softpaw,

was masquerading as Quinn, an accountant,

who I bet is resting in
the bottom of lake erie

pretty close to where
they found frog Bennett.

- How did you tie him to the murders?

- Well, we haven't yet.

- But he's got motive,
opportunity, and means.

- Boy, imagine how
airtight this case would be

if we only had evidence.

- Gotta be a way to
connect Quinn to the m*rder.

- Why don't you go ask him nicely?

Me, I'm gonna go home and make some soup.

You wanna come?

- What kind?


- No. You put too much salt in it.

Keep your beeper on.

- Mm.

I do not put too much
salt in my lentil soup.

- Hey.

- Hi.

- So I've been thinking
about what you said.

- And?

- And

I don't have a clue.

- That's a coincidence,

'cause that's precisely where
cassy and I are on our case.

Do you want to come
in for some lentil soup?

- Love some.

As long as it doesn't have too much salt.

You know, you were right
about the sympathy part.

I am very angry this is
happening to me, but...

But what?

- But if you are honestly
willing to live by your word,

then I guess I need
someone in my life to trust.

- Well, I'm the right guy to start with.

You'll see.

- Are you making fun of me?

- Oh!

I'm sorry.

That's not what I meant.

- I know what you meant.

Your first test is gonna
be to return this tape.

It is my only copy of the
' game, so don't lose it.

- You're a lefty too?

- Southpaw all the way.

- Softpaw, southpaw.

Excuse me.

Cassy, Tom.

Check to see if Quinn
is right- or left-handed.

Meet me at sharp's crime scene.

I gotta go.


- I gotta go.

Um, you and I will watch that sometime.

How are you gonna get home?

- My driver.

- Your driver.

Have some soup.


- Quinn's left-handed.

- I knew it.

I knew it.

All right, go ahead, write
"moral victory" on the window.

Go on.

Go ahead.


- I'm waiting, hotshot.

- Right-handers slant
their letters left to right.


the privileged,

the lefties,

slant our letters right to left.


- Oh, so Quinn, a.K.A.
Sammy the softpaw, is a lefty.

- And Harrison peak is a righty,

and we have ourselves the missing evidence.

Hey, why do they call you softpaw?

- You're outta your league, milkweed.

- I always wonder what makes
you guys think you're so tough.

- You get it?


- Obviously you didn't get it.

- If you can't breathe, and you can't walk,

then you cannot fight.

- That hurt as much as it looks?

- More.

Definitely more.

- You know, I once thought about

attending one of those seminars.

It was called "healing
your inner hypochondriac."

Yeah, I was all set to go.

But then I thought I had a strep throat.

- Oh, come on, Harry.

No medical horror stories.

It's almost lunchtime.

- It wasn't anything gross.

- Okay, I'm gonna go out
on a limb here and say that

sometimes you can learn something good

from those courses.

- He's been? - He's been.

- And he's such a bright lad.

- Hah.

- Okay, who's for a little
Chinese at the emerald?

- I'm game.

- Ugh, I don't like Chinese.

I'm gonna have a sensible lunch at home.

- With grace?

- She happens to have a video of me

playing against West Virginia.

We're just friends, no more.

- Oh, West Virginia.

Yeah, that's the game
where you got knocked silly

and you thought you were a dancer.

- Isn't there anything about
my life that isn't public?

- Hi.


I just wanted to say thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Bye.


- You okay with this?

- Yeah.

It's strange, but yeah.
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