06x21 - The Rock

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x21 - The Rock

Post by bunniefuu »

Please, stop...

I'll do anything you want.

Just let me go.

Oh, no, no...

I'll leave.

I'm finished.

Did you lose something?

Nope, not a thing.

You're sure? Yeah.

Up and at 'em, we got a situation at r.M.I.



Rockland military institute.

Super-elite academy
for the rich and powerful.

No girls allowed.

They let women in a few years back.

They must have... one of them's dead.

So how you been feeling lately, cass?


Allergies aren't bothering you

or anything like that?

No, why are you asking?

Oh... well...

Meet Brando.

Aha. You didn't tell me
you were starting a family.

I'm not, cassy, I'm
baby-sitting for friends.

Hi, Brando.

He's not very affectionate, is he?

Come on, boy, come on.

Come on, in the back.

Come on, let's go.

He's not moving.

He's been sitting like that

since I picked him up, he won't budge.

Didn't your friends give
you operating instructions?

They left me an envelope
with pages of instructions.

And you lost them.

I didn't lose them, I just...

Well, they were in my pocket

with my checkbook and my paycheck.

And you deposited it at the bank?

I think so, maybe.

So, what are we going to do?

Would you mind?


Tom: "Courage in protecting

our brothers

"strength in surpassing our limits

honor in defending the truth."

Can't argue that sentiment.

Cassy: As long as you qualify

for "brother."

You just going to leave him here?

Trust me.

He's not going anywhere.

Man: Gentlemen

colonel pike has a few words.

Man: Company, attention!

It is no secret

that I opposed the
admission of women into r.M.I.

I have dedicated my life to preserving

the great traditions of this country.

It is not for me to break those traditions.

But I was issued orders

and a soldier always follows orders.

Tammy fields was a part of the rock.

And a part of the rock she shall remain.

I say to you

hold the rock.

All: Hold the rock!

Gentlemen, dismissed.

They don't make guys like that anymore.

They don't make edsels, either.

Colonel pike? I'm sergeant Tom Ryan

palm beach police department.

This is my partner, sergeant St. John.

This is captain Hicks of
our history department.

We'd like to speak to
you about Tammy fields.

Cadet fields.

Such a waste.

We understand she was found

off campus around : .

That's right.

She was on a class four training mission.

Very tough terrain.

She slipped on some brush, broke her neck.

Nothing like this has
happened before at r.M.I.

Was she with anyone else?

She was on night maneuvers
with the first platoon.

Got separated, lost her way.

Who found her body?

One of our honor students

cadet jeffries.

We'd like to talk to him.

Pike: Certainly. Captain?

Please locate Mr. Jeffries.

Colonel, we'll need to see the body.

The body?

That won't be possible.

It was sent to the coroner's this morning.

Is there a problem?

Damn straight there's a problem.

The palm beach police department

investigates all sudden violent
deaths as possible homicide.

You can't remove, unilaterally,
the evidence in the case.

My apologies, sergeant,
for not being familiar

with local police procedures.

Cadet jeffries, reporting as ordered, sir.

Mr. Jeffries, the palm
beach police department

would like to talk to
you about cadet fields.

Do you have a moment?

Yes, sir.

Since we seem

to have missed the body

we'd like to look at Tammy's room

unless you've moved that, too.

Mr. Jeffries, show
sergeants Ryan and St. John

cadet field's quarters.

You'll have to excuse me,
I have a tactical meeting.

If you have any further questions

please contact me.

Follow me, please.

Hold the rock, sir!

So what's all this "rock" business?

It's what we call r.M.I., ma'am.

Short for Rockland?

Partly that, sir.

This campus was a
fort during the civil w*r.

The confederacy built a
-foot rock wall around it

to hold off any union siege.

When sherman sent three
companies into Florida

the men here were instructed

to hold their position on the wall.

R.m.i. Was never compromised.

That rock is the last remaining piece

of the original wall.

There's so much school spirit here

they should collect federal excise tax.

Not a lot of ethnic
diversity here, is there?

No, sir.

Some, sir.

Not a lot of women, either?

No, sir. Cadet fields was our
only female underclassman.

We understand you found the body.

Yes, ma'am. At : hours,
about two clicks from campus.

Cadet fields got
separated from first platoon

slipped on some brush and broke her neck.

No one was with her

but everyone seems to know how she died.

Isn't that odd?

I wouldn't know, ma'am.

This is her room?

Looks like it hasn't been touched in years.

I'll call the m.E.

Where, where's her stuff?


Her stuff, her clothing, her makeup

her smashing pumpkinscds,
-year-old things?

Cadet field's personal
items were sent to her family.

Wait a second, she died last night

and her things have already been sent out?

When did this happen?

This morning, sir.

Cassy: All right.

Well, we've got a problem.

Wexford said the coroner's
office never received a body.

Cassy: Yeah, thanks.

Oh, this is getting very weird.

So, I checked with the coroners
over in broward and dade?

No one has the body and
I can't get a hold of pike.

How could you two lose a body?

We didn't lose a body.

R.m.i. Sent it away before we got there.

St. John.

Oh, hi, doc. Where?


Oh, that's beautiful, just beautiful.

I love it.

So judge Benson authorized the body

to be sent to Miami veterans.

Never even made it over to the m.E.

Oh, great. The army's involved.

We're never going to get a
dead body away from the feds.

We're going to need some serious help.

Lipschitz: You're going

to need a court order.

We're going to need a miracle.

No witnesses

no personal belongings, no body.

No matter who you talk
to, you get the same story.

Like, robots, as if this
place was some big cult.

Misplaced evidence is one thing

but I find your disparaging remarks

about the academy highly inappropriate.

The rock is one of the finest

military institutions in this country.

It is not a "cult."

I should know.

I graduated from r.M.I.

Craig, I feel the same way
about my Alma mater, but...

We're talking about a dead girl here.

The body is the only evidence we've got.

We could use some help.

I'll see what I can do.

Tom: Brando...


Down, Brando.

Down, Brando!

Down, Brando!

Brando, food, water, yonder, mush!


Cassy: Here's an interesting

little coincidence.

Do you know judge Benson, the guy who sent

Tammy's body over to Miami veterans?

He graduated from r.M.I., class of ' .

Small world, isn't it?

Huh. I wonder if he knows the D.A.?

Oh, I'm guessing he does.

And I'm betting if we wait
around for a court order

our evidence is toast.

So, what do you say: Field trip?

You're going to get us in trouble, are you?

I just want to find Tammy fields.

Thank you.

Take this one to cremation.

Palm beach P.D., doctor.

We're here for the body of Tammy fields.

But those remains are
scheduled for cremation.

Cremation? When?


You can't dispose of the body

without authorization.

But I have authorization.

From whom?

From the deceased.

Tammy signed a release?

It's standard for all r.M.I. Cadets.

I don't care about any damn release, okay?

This is a police investigation.

This body is evidence.

You have no jurisdiction here.

I don't think Tammy feels that way.

Do you, Tammy?



Please, this is completely unnecessary.

What the hell is going on here?

Doctor, I'm Craig Alexander.

I'm district attorney.

Tell them to put their weapons away.

These people are interfering

with a U.S. military installation.

Alexander: Disposal of

Tammy fields' body

is no longer under your jurisdiction.

On whose authority?

Judge Whitmore.

United States federal district court.

I'll call the coroner and order an autopsy.

Thanks for coming through.

I know r.M.I. Means a lot to you.

So does finding out
what happened to that girl.


Tom, take a look.

Guess who else graduated from r.M.I.

Tom: Dr. Sturges, class of ' .

Where's Brando?

Now he's in my chair.

Would you do something about that dog?

Harry, I'm working on that.

Could you work faster?

I think he's got fleas.

So, do we have a body yet?

Yes, but no evidence, no witnesses.

Cassy: You know, for an

accidental death

people are trying hard to do a clean sweep.

You think we're looking at a homicide?

You said it, I didn't.

Pike sent over her records.

Very extensive.

It's like she was never there.

All we have is her date of birth

and parents' name and address.

Didn't jeffries say

r.m.i. Was sending Tammy's things

over to her family?

Let's see if they arrived, shall we?

Uh. Wait, wait, hold on!

Aren't you two forgetting something?

Oh, yeah. Right. Ha!

Harry, the dog food's in the top drawer.

Tap water's fine

and you don't have to walk him.

He's not an active... type.

A precinct mascot. Hmm.

I'm sorry my husband can't join us.

Thank you.

He's not... taking it well.

Cassy: Was your husband

a graduate of r.M.I.?

Is that what made Tammy want to attend?

Oh... no.

I don't know where she got the idea

but ever since Tammy was a little girl

she dreamed of being

a fighter pilot.

She wanted to be Tom Cruise in top g*n.

Did she have any friends

at r.M.I. That we could talk to?

There was one other girl at r.M.I.

She and Tammy stuck pretty close together.

She dropped out freshman year, though.

Susan Henderson.

Do you know where we could find her?

Sorry, no.

R.m.i. Said they sent Tammy's things here.

Can we look at them?

Sent them here?

When I called the school this morning

they told me they were
holding her belongings

until the investigation was complete.

Ne veux-pas manger

ton delicieux puppy chow?


Quiere usted comer comida muy sabrosa?

Yeah, what?

All right, I'll be right there.

Tom: Her neck broken, doc?

Snapped like a twig.

From the angle of the fracture

I'd say her spine

was severed upon impact.

And so she really did fall?

Hmm, maybe. Um...

You see, we've got skull fractures

and blunt-force trauma.

But here's the interesting thing:

We found seminal fluid, recent.

You mean this girl had sex before she died?

That's typically when it happens.

So, we're looking at, what, forcible r*pe?

Maybe, but I want you to take
a look at this brain swelling.

Now, it's like a melon in there.

So, I'm thinking

maybe a cranial infection, right?

And then I get her b-u-n
count, and it's over .

And I get her electrolyte-sodium
numbers and it's way over !

Hey, doc! In plain English

what's the actual cause of death?

Well... from the looks of it

extreme dehydration.

No go on Tammy's friend Susan Henderson.

Left r.M.I. Three years ago

and disappeared off the face of the earth.

Tom, this autopsy doesn't make any sense.

How does a girl get herself

severely dehydrated, bruised and battered

and still...

Have time for sex?

St. John.


Hmm? Mm-hmm.

Got it.


I got an idea.

Let's go ask Susan Henderson.

You found her?

I found her.

Cassy, I love you.


An unexpected pleasure.


Captain Hicks has some information for you.

Oh, let me guess.

Someone else who wasn't with Tammy fields

but knows exactly how she died.

I was with cadet fields the night she died.

I k*lled her.

What's the story?

Tammy didn't trip on tumbleweeds after all?

She was having a private tutorial

with her history professor.

Things get a little out of control

and he accidentally breaks her neck?

Rough sex gone bad?

We've seen it before.

But r.M.I.'S been playing hide the ball.

Now they deliver a suspect,
gift-wrapped with a confession?

Looks like he'll cop to manslaughter.

Lipschitz: Good work, guys.

hours, a new record.

I don't think this one's over yet.

What? The man confessed.

We got his prints off her body.

You want maybe videotape?

This whole thing's coming
together a little too easy.

Are you looking a gift horse in the mouth?

Hicks goes down for manslaughter.

With good behavior he's out in six months.

And if he's lying

and we can prove it

we get a m*rder one conviction.

So, what's your next move?

A girl dropped out of the academy

a few years back.

She was a friend of Tammy's.


Talk to her.

Find out what she's doing.

I can sit on Hicks another hours.

Susan Henderson?

I don't do couples.

I'm Tom Ryan.

This is sergeant St. John, palm beach P.D.

In that case, I'm Elizabeth Taylor.

Excuse me.

We just want to ask you
some questions about r.M.I.

Yeah? Well, I, uh...

Took a career detour.

Can you tell us what happened?

So, you want to know what happened.

I wasn't good enough for the r.M.I.

Some people are born soldiers.

I wasn't.

Do you really believe that?

Look at me.

Look at what I'm doing.

I know what it's like to be alone

and have nobody in your corner.

Sometimes it's good to talk about it.

What good would that do?


Tammy fields is dead.

I knew they wouldn't let her graduate.

Who wouldn't let her graduate?

Tell me about Tammy and Jacob Hicks.

Professor we-could-have-won-Vietnam?

What about him?

Were they involved when you were there?

Did he ever hit on you?

Officer, if you lined

every working girl up in palm beach

in front of Jacob Hicks

he'd go play the arcade.

I'd love to chat more

but I have an appointment.

Here's my card.

The home number's on the back

if you ever want to talk.

What's up, doc?

I hate when people do that.

About that d.B. Of yours.

I got some weird results
with the seminal fluid.

Why am I not surprised?

We got a time of death of : , : P.M.

But judging from the sperm count

it hadn't been in her
body more than hours.

That's impossible. She died two days ago.

Bingo. Either her
partner's into necrophilia

or someone injected
it into her post-mortem.

Sergeants, what can I help you with?

Tom: We need to ask you

a few more questions.

Surely captain Hicks' confession

has brought your investigation

to a close.


Off the record?

We've always been concerned

that bringing women onto the campus

would lead to these types of...

Awkward situations.

You mean your male superiors

forcing themselves on female subordinates?

This isn't a sexual harassment case.

We know. In fact, we don't
think that commander Hicks

ever had sex with Tammy fields.

Excuse me?

According to our autopsy report

that sperm had to enter her
body, somehow, after she died.

Really? Well, I'm afraid

I'm going to have to
disagree with you there.

R.m.i. Did its own autopsy and
came to a different conclusion.

Dr. Sturges?

The bone cr*cker from Miami veterans?

One of the most highly regarded

pathologists in this country.

And nowhere in that report does
he mention post-mortem activity.

Tom: A second autopsy?

Yup, by the same guy who
tried to incinerate the evidence.

I tell you what I think.

The rock is an old boys' school.

They don't want women here.

And someone is willing to
go pretty far to keep them out.

You've been reading too many Ms. Magazines.

This school is not involved
in a m*rder conspiracy.

All I'm saying is that
r.M.I.'S only female cadet

is dead two days before graduation

and I don't think that's a coincidence.

Come on, boy.

Come on, you got to eat something.

You thirsty?


You know, Thomas, he doesn't look so good.

Tell me about it.

I can't get him to eat

I can't get him to drink.

Do you think dogs go on hunger strikes?

I hope the humane society
doesn't find out about this.

I did some surfing on the web.

It turns out that r.M.I. Had a tough time

keeping women on campus.

Five years ago, the school
came under court order

to bring in women.

Tammy, Susan, three others
joined the freshman class.

Then after the first semester

they all left, except for Tammy and Susan.

Three in one semester?

What do you think happened?

Silent treatment, dirty pranks, hazing.

There were accusations
of physical mistreatment

but that was never proved.

Susan dropped out at the end of the year.

Tammy hangs in there for three more years

almost makes it through.

You really think there's a connection?

What if someone at
r.M.I. Took it upon himself

to rid the place of these outsiders?

The court says that
you have to let women in.

But no one says they can't drop out.

I want to have another
talk with Susan Henderson.

You're asking me about ancient history.

I stopped taking exams
when I dropped out of school.

No, Susan, this is current events.

I think someone k*lled your friend

and left her to die in the woods.

We have no witnesses.

No one will talk to us.

And r.M.I. Is making it like its her fault.

We could really use your help.

They call it a "hard-landing."

What's a hard-landing?

It's what they do

when they want to drive someone out.

It's like hazing, only a lot worse.

Is that what they did

to you?

Was it sexual?

Were you... assaulted?

No, they don't care

about sex.

They just wanted to see us cry.

Run off with our tails between our legs...

And I did.


You know that none of this is your fault.

They're the one's that are wrong.

Who decides who gets this hard-landing?

The other cadets?

No, it's always a senior officer.

He chooses a target,
someone who doesn't fit in

and then gives the orders to a cadet.

So the cadet gives the hard-landing?

No, they work the target together.

An officer and a cadet?

Why both?

It's like a statement.

They want you to know that no one

not the administration
or the other students

wants you there.

That you're all alone.

Susan, do you know a
cadet by the name of jeffries?

Bill jeffries.

Yeah. Good-looking.


He was in my class.

He's a nice kid, not like all the others.

He's not mixed up in this, is he?

Well, he says he found Tammy's body.

Then he's lying.

If he "found" her body

then he was there when
they gave her the hard-landing.

He's just covering.

So, if jeffries was there, he wasn't alone.

There was a senior officer with him?

Yup. It's what they call
teamwork at the rock.

Hicks: You have my confession.

My attorney's offered you a plea bargain.

What more do you want?!

You didn't have sex with Tammy!

Someone planted your semen
in her body after she died!

That's ridiculous!

You want to hear ridiculous?

A respected officer, married, with two kids

has sex with a -year-old girl

breaks her neck and leaves
her for dead a mile from campus.

You're taking a fall

for whoever gave Tammy a hard-landing.

What could I possibly have to gain

by doing that?!

Half a million

in south Florida real estate.

Giving Tammy a hard-landing
that k*lled her is m*rder.

But rough sex gone out of control

a decorated officer

with a fancy lawyer,
you're out in six months.

Meanwhile, r.M.I. Has set your
family up with a cushy new home.

R.m.i. Generously
provides for my retirement

and that makes me part of conspiracy

to cover up a woman's m*rder?

They will laugh you out of court!

I've had it!

I'm tired of hearing

about your honor

and all you good little soldiers at r.M.I.!

Somebody at your precious academy

k*lled a -year-old girl

and now pike and the rest of you cowards

are lying to cover it up!

Don't you ever call colonel pike a coward!

He pulled five soldiers from
a burning chopper in Vietnam

and kept them alive

for two weeks behind enemy lines.

Colonel pike is a hero!

I got a news flash for you.

Colonel pike may be a hero

but you are an accessory to m*rder

and unless you come clean

you're going to be doing

some hard time.

Is that supposed to scare me, sergeant?

I spent four years in special ops

running counter-intelligence

in the persian Gulf.

Believe me

this place is a tropical paradise.


Put your eyeballs back in.

What are you doing here?

We need to talk.

It's important.

Does colonel pike know you're here?

Is that your father?

Yes, ma'am.

He was a captain

in the first air cavalry division.

And is that colonel pike with him?

They flew ground support
missions over Vietnam.

It was some of the
toughest fighting in the w*r.

Is this your dad's?

Yes, ma'am. He was wounded in combat

when his chopper

went down near khe sanh.

He lost both his legs.

You must be very proud of him.

My father loved his country.

But the rock taught me to serve it.

You owe a lot to r.M.I., don't you?

The rock made me who I am.

Bill, we need your help.

We need to know exactly
what happened to Tammy

the night that she died.

I told you what happened, sir.

You were there, weren't you?

No, ma'am. She was dead when I got there.

They're saying that Tammy had sex

with lieutenant Hicks that night.

That's not what happened, is it?

You were with her when she died.

You were giving her a hard-landing.

Who told you that?

I realize you just want
to do the right thing.

But you've got to tell us
what happened to Tammy.

Cadet fields got separated from her platoon

slipped on some brush and broke her neck.

You just remember that Tammy
was a part of the rock, too.

And she died alone.

That is not something any of
you should feel proud about.

Man: Ten-hut!

I don't remember being informed

that you wished to
question one of my cadets.

And I don't recall needing your permission

to conduct a m*rder investigation.

This investigation

is over.

You have a suspect

you have a confession;

you have everything you need to have.

Everything except who
ordered the hard-landing.

Sergeant, I don't know
where you're getting your intel

but I suggest you check your sources.

Tammy fields broke her neck, all right

but it wasn't on any training exercise.

She was covered in
bruises and so dehydrated

that she'd lost all of her body fluids.

Someone gave her a hard-landing

so intense that it k*lled her.

And I promise you, colonel
pike, we're going to prove it.

Cassy: Cover-up starts with pike.

We have to get someone to roll over.

Yeah, but who?

Hicks is willing to throw himself

on a grenade to save the platoon.

And jeffries... jeffries
thinks pike is a god.

I mean, what is it with that guy?

I can explain the part about jeffries.

The men in the chopper that pike rescued...

Jeffries' dad was one of them.


I'll get back to you.

Well, let's have it.

Cassy: Tammy fields' death

wasn't an accident.

Someone m*rder*d her

and the school is trying to Bury it.

Those are very serious accusations.

I hope you can back them up.

Someone tampered with the body.

No one at r.M.I. Will talk to us.

And the suspect that they've coughed up

is being paid off.

That is less than circumstantial.

Well, we think there
may have been a witness.

But, he's not talking to outsiders.

The kid is hard-core r.M.I.

He graduates tomorrow, so
we could lose him for good.

Sounds like a fishing expedition to me.

If we're wrong, this case is over.

But if we're right

this thing won't end with Tammy.

No woman who sets foot on that campus

is ever going to be safe.

Drill sergeant:


Cadet, I didn't summon you.

I did.

I wanted to speak with cadet jeffries

about cadet fields.

And I wanted to do it in your presence.

My presence will make no
difference in his testimony.

He has told you everything that he knows.

I understand you're an honor cadet.

That's something you
should be very proud of.

Thank you, sir.

Now, when I was at the rock

an honor cadet was a leader.

He was responsible for the
welfare of the other cadets.

That's still true, isn't it?

Yes, sir.

Son, I need you to tell me

exactly what you saw
the night cadet fields died.

We have covered this ground a dozen times.

He found her body on a training course.

I believe I was speaking
with cadet jeffries.

This has gone far enough.

Mr. Jeffries, you are dismissed.

That is an order!

You either butt out or I arrest you

for interfering in an investigation.

Cadet... do you know

what the rock stands for?

Yes, sir!

"Courage in protecting our brothers.

"Strength in surpassing our limits.

"And honor...

In defending the truth."

That code isn't just
words written on a plaque.

It's what every r.M.I. Graduate

defending the truth.

I need you to tell me
what happened to that girl.

But, sir!

I have to hold the rock!

It's my duty to protect!

There's no honor in protecting a lie.

Now talk to me.

I can't, sir!

Soldier, you have to!

He said...

Fields wasn't cutting it at the rock.

She needed special training.

And he wanted me to
help him give it to her.

We'd been working her ten hours straight

on a class four training course.

A class four is hell on
any cadet in the daytime.

It's su1c1de at night.

But she was holding up.

That girl must have been made of steel.



I'll do anything you want.

Just let me go.

No, darling.

Party's just getting started.

That's when I realized what was happening.

This wasn't...

A training exercise.

We were giving her...

a hard-landing.


Oh, no...

I'll leave.

I'm finished.


Now we're finished.

Thank you, son.

Colonel pike, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of Tammy fields.


I was training her.

You were running her off.

Just like you did Susan Henderson

and the other women
who dared invade your fort.

Tammy fields wouldn't
break, so you k*lled her.

She broke, sergeant.

She broke like every
other sniveling little girl

that plays at being a soldier.

So you admit it!

For years

the rock has molded the fighting men

that keep this country free.

If we erode those traditions

if we lower our standards...

Tom: No sale, colonel!

Tammy fields met every
one of your standards

and you couldn't handle it, could you?

What do you know?

You're not a soldier.

Drop it.

Drop it now.

Sorry, colonel.

You don't get death with honor.

You get -to-life.

They're rewarding Tammy
an honorary diploma.

She's graduating with her class after all.

Tom: Your daughter

was very brave.

No one will ever forget that.

Man: Forward, march!


Take care.

Drill sergeant:


You know, this place

is going to be overrun with women soon.

It'll never be the same.

Well, change is the only constant, Tom.

What's he doing here?

Hey, Brando.

I thought you said

your friends were coming back?

They wrote me.

They're having such fun in Greece

they're staying another week.

Oh! Well, do they know

their dog may starve, meantime?

What can I do? I've tried
books, tapes, treats, toys

taken this thing to doggie therapy...

Know what I figure?

I figure that it is not my fault.

I figure that it is his fault, because...

Because he's lazy.

You're lazy, you're undisciplined

you don't listen to anybody... hopeless.

Thomas, these friends of yours

wouldn't happen to be in the, uh...


Go forward...

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