02x04 - Aftertaste

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x04 - Aftertaste

Post by bunniefuu »

[Glass clinking]

[Indistinct talking]

[Indistinct talking]

Deputy chief brenda
johnson, l.a.p.d.

Party of one.

Well, we have your
crime scene ready for you,

If you'll just step
right this way.

Thank you, sir.

Meet karen bivas,

Managing partner of chez paul,

L.a.'S newest 5-star restaurant.

She, uh, clocked out for life

Between 2 and 3 a.m.

She's still wearing her
necklace and her wedding ring.

Can we rule out robbery?

Well, no cash was stolen.

The, uh... The safe was locked.

Purse had money
and credit cards.

Nice dress, by the way.

Yours, I mean. Not hers.

Oh, thank you.

I'm going straight to
dinner after work today.

Uh, her lip is swollen.

Is that from the fall? Mm-mmm.

No, whoever did this

Probably started with
a punch to the mouth.

Wonder what she was saying.

How many s*ab wounds?

The coroner's
investigator counted 18,

But it's the, uh, slash
across her neck there

That made the mess.

It looks like she tried
to run from her attacker.

Someone has a temper.

Clocked out, you said?

How do you know she was working?

Oh, we found the manager's
log book on the counter.

Let's compare the residue
from these pots and pans

With the contents
of her stomach.


And this kitchen is full of
potential m*rder weapons.

Sergeant, let's please
gather up all these knives

And have them
brought to the morgue.

We'll match 'em up
against the victim's wounds.

Thank you.

Well, at least she
wasn't eating alone.

Could you please find
someone who could tell me

What's in that
so-called log book?

Thank you.

And, uh, detective daniels,

Karen bivas' driver's
license shows her living

At an address on
north quenga boulevard,

So how did she get to
be a managing partner

Of a high-falutin'
place like this?

Could you look into
her finances, please?

Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

Her husband's here.

Outside? Yes.

Who called him?

No one. He's the chef...

The paul in chez
paul. And he wants in.

[Scoffs] great.

This is my restaurant,

Let me in, you!

I want to see my wife.

Let me in!

Mr. Bivas!

Mr. Bivas, stand
back. Let me explain.

I'm deputy chief brenda
leigh johnson of the l.a.p.d.

Where is karen?

Is she in there?

Sir, when was the last
time you saw your wife?

Around midnight.

She was managing
the dining room floor.

Is she missing?

Were you concerned when
she didn't come home last night?

We're working all
the time right now.

We don't have the same hours.


Will you tell me karen is ok?

Will you please tell me that?

Mr. Bivas, I'm very
sorry to inform you

That your wife was
m*rder*d last night

In the kitchen of
your restaurant.


I don't believe you.

I want to see her.

I want to see her right now!

I want to see her right
now! I want to see...

Sir! I'm sorry.

That is not possible.
This is a crime scene.

If you'd like, I could
arrange for someone

To be with you.

Go away.

I don't want you here.

Get away from my restaurant.

I'm very sorry, mr...

I said go away!

Get out!

I don't want you here.

Just leave me alone.

Just leave. Leave me alone.

Louis, the, uh, garde manger,

Said that karen
was tough but fair

Even though her personal
life was a little messy.

Bernard, the saucy-er,

Said she was polite but firm.

[Whispering] saucier.

Now gamon, the sommie-lier...

[Whispering] sommelier.

Said she was a bossy,
micro-managing bitch.

But he respected her,
even though she was

Stingy on the compliments.

I mean, you know
the type, chief.

Uh, detective sanchez,

You interviewed the
spanish speaking employees?

Si, mi jefe.

Kitchen staff, mostly.

And, did they say
anything about chef paul?

Drinks too much, needs a keeper,

Last week threw a
half-cooked duck at his wife,

But he missed,

So they think that he loved her.

Uh, lieutenant provenza,

Any help from the log book?

Uh, on the evening
of the m*rder,

Chez paul served
11 employee meals.

Mrs. Bivas did not partake.

The light bulb in the
ladies john blew out,

D.d. And t.n.

Were comped for
a dinner of $436.

The kitchen ran out
of the halibut special

Around 10 p.m.

Hmm. Sounds like motive to me.

Excuse me, lieutenant,

What were those
initials again, please?

D.d. And t.n.

Oh, and sergeant gabriel called,

And uh, none of the knives
at chez paul fit the wound.

Chief johnson?

Yes, oh!


Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Um...

Um, i...

Pardon me, uh, just
one... One... One minute.

Ha ha!

Chief? Oh.

Sorry to interrupt.


I found where the
money came from

For the, uh, restaurant.

One investor...

A swiss holding company
owned by the dutton group.


As in dennis dutton?

As in the guy who beat
his ex-girlfriend to death

With a golf club.

As in d.d. From the log book.

He ate at chez paul last night?

Deputy chief brenda
leigh johnson,

We meet again.

I was just re-acquainting
myself with your file.


And I like to think of
myself as unforgettable.

Why is it, mr. Dutton, that you're
always one or two steps away

From a m*rder*d woman?

So much for hello.

If you want to talk about
old unsolved murders,

I'll put you in touch
with my new attorney.


If you want to talk
about chez paul,

You'll find me in a
helpful frame of mind

Since I'm its primary investor.

Over $2 million.

That's a lot of money.

To you.

Look, I hardly even
knew karen or paul.

I gave them some cash
on the advice of a friend.

So, since you're
obviously in a mood

To cut to the chase,

Why don't we get to my alibi?


You ate dinner last night
at the restaurant with...

Tom newman.

An influential food critic

Who was impressed
enough with chez paul,

Ahem, to, uh, write
us a terrific review.

I asked him to dinner as
a way of saying thanks.

That was yesterday's evil plot.

You left the
restaurant at 11:00.

Where were you after that?

Uh, I accepted tom's invitation

To stop by the house
for a bottle or two...

Of a 1986 chateau margo,

Which I'd been saving for a...

Special occasion. Heh!

One bottle... Heh!
Would have been enough.

Might have overdone it.

Um, I've been a little
blue since my wife left me.


Dennis and I talked
about how maybe

I should open up my
own restaurant again.

It's interesting, really.

Because that story
you just told me...

It's almost word for word

What dennis dutton
said when he was sitting

In that exact same
chair not 45 minutes ago.

Up to and including

The part about
being a little blue

About your wife leaving you.

Well, it's uh...

It's what happened.

So how else would I say it?

Dennis is a friend
of yours, right?

I like to think so.

We don't travel in the
same social circle, but, uh,

He invests in a lot
of restaurants.

And dennis has
extremely good taste.

And you are an
expert on good taste?

"Karen bivas' first offering

"Since leaving
l'amboise last year,

"Chez paul is a wonder.

"A piece of provence on melrose.

Upon entering, I experienced..."

A frizum?


French for, um,
experiential excitement.

It means I liked the place.

It's also a lovely 5-star review

For your good
friend dennis dutton.

I hear what you're implying,

And I don't sell my reviews.

Nor do I cut friends slack

For sloppy work.

Chez paul is exactly
as I described.

You know, speaking of
cutting people slack,

This is what someone
did to karen bivas

Last night.

I want you to take a good,
hard look, mr. Newman.

We've collected

Every knife from
that restaurant,

And if we find one

With dennis dutton's
fingerprints on them,

Your alibi for him, mr. Newman,

Makes you an
accomplice after the fact.

Brenda: to m*rder.

Now, I don't know what
dennis promised you...

Pardon me, I'm sorry.

You don't have all the knives.

Excuse me?

These are just
the kitchen knives.

A chef's knives

Are more personal
to him and expensive.

He would wrap them
up and take them home

At the end of his shift, always.

Detective daniels,
see if you can find

Another financial
connection between

Karen bivas and dennis dutton.

And have detective sanchez
go by our food critic's house

And see if he'll
give us his trash.

Yes, thank you.

Sure you don't want
the whole search unit?

No, I want flynn and
provenza to stay back

So that they can
follow him when I'm done.

And I don't want
to alarm the guy.

He might be seriously
mourning the death of his wife.

Mr. Bivas, I'm deputy chief...

I know.

You're the one who wouldn't
let me see my wife's body.

Sir, if you could, uh, we
really need your help.

Heh heh!

My wife was m*rder*d,
and you want my help?

Sure. At your service.

Thank you.

[Door closes]

You have to excuse me.

I had a death in the family.

What do you need?

How can I assist you?

Well, anything you can
tell us can be helpful.

But specifically,
I was wondering

If you owned a
personal set of knives.

Yes, of course.
What do you think?

May I see them?

I have a warrant
to look for them,

But I'd rather not serve it.

Why do you want my knives?

You suspect me, huh?

Is that it?

You suspect I k*lled my wife?

Mr. Bivas, I don't
want to make this day

Any more difficult
than necessary,

But if you don't
let me have those...

I want you to leave.

I will toss this house. Now!

Sergeant gabriel, please alert
the units we require backup.

[Gabriel dialing phone]

Wait. Wait!


Sure, why not?

You want my knives?
I'll give them to you.

Hey. Hey, you know what?
I'll take it from here.

All right? Why don't you
take a step back over that way.

Thank you, sir.

Well, I excised the
deep muscle wound

On your victim and
inserted every likely knife.

So far, nothing.

Well, how about these.

Hmm, ceramic.

Huh, fancy and very sharp.

See, we can eliminate
the short knives,

Because the wound
is so very deep.

And the serrated edge.

What we're looking
for is a single edge

With a very fine point.

Eh, uh-uh.

Ecch. I think I just
became a vegetarian.

Have you determined the
contents of her stomach?

Um, let me see, where
is it? Where is it?

Ah. Here we go.


Pretty exotic meal.

Poor woman didn't get
much of a chance to enjoy it.

Ok, gastric contents,
about 500 milliliters

Of chewed, semi-solid food.

Lettuce, soft cheese,

Mushrooms, white asparagus,

And a very lean meat... Ostrich.

Ostrich? Mm-hmm.

Followed by a nice red wine.

Oh. Well, the good news is

We can stop
looking for the knife.

Brenda: this m*rder
is very hard,

And everyone's
pulling a second shift,

And I know you wanted to
take me out to a restaurant,

But I just... I really
don't think I'm in the mood.

It's all right.

I already canceled
the reservation.

You did? When?

Just a little after you
got called in this morning.


You're calling to cancel, right?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I just... I know I'm really...

Having a hard time with
this birthday, that's all.

Hey, you're human.
That's allowed.

Hey, did you get the
flowers I sent you?

Oh! Oh, I did.

I'm sorry. Heh.
They're very pretty.

And big.


Oh, I'm sorry.

My meeting's ready. I gotta go.

All right, bye. Bye.



Um, i, uh...

I just need a
little clarification

About why you
want so many people

From the hollywood division
to help you with this case.

You have a likely suspect

And a w*apon, too, no?

The blade fits, but we
have no forensic evidence

Tying that particular
knife to the m*rder.

It only suggests that the
k*ller might've been a cook.

Yeah, I believe the
french term is chef,

Which the husband is, and
he's roaming the streets.

We have flynn and
provenza tailing him,

So if he has a girlfriend,

Or it turns out that he
tries to flee the country,

We'll find out about it.

But, as it turns out, we have
another suspect in the mix,

Because chez
paul's sole investor

Is dennis dutton.

And he was there last night.

That's not good.

But, uh, he has an alibi.

Oh. Well, that's
not good, either.

And she wants us to serve search
warrants on the dutton estate

So we can grab
last night's tapes

Off of all of his
security cameras.

I need to find out when
he came home last night.

And she wants 24/7 surveillance
on the guy after that.

In case he tries to flee the
country, which he's done before.

But... Wait a minute. Maybe there's
something I'm not understanding.

You said dutton has an alibi.

Yeah, but I don't like it.

Oh. Well, I'll be sure and
pass that along to the judge

When we ask for
a search warrant.

Look, you have a team.

You manage their resources.

You have 2 people on the chef.

Obviously you think
he might have done it.

Um, what can I say?

Either break the
alibi that dutton has,

Or come back with
a better story.



Oh, I'm sorry. Whoo!

Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry.

Oh, good.

Stopped by our
food critic's house.

His garbage was in the
garage, so I asked him for it.

He didn't seem nervous about it.

Chateau margot '86.

Isn't that what, uh, newman
said he and dennis were drinking?

Yes, it is.

We should have those
dusted for prints.

I believe we have
dennis' on file.

If his fingers even
touched these bottles,

I'll eat my words.

What about lieutenant provenza?

Have we heard anything from him?

Or has chef paul done
anything incriminating,

Like walking around hollywood
waving a knife in the air,

Saying, "hey, I k*lled my
wife. Who wants me next?"

Uh, no, and no.


I'm gonna take these
flowers down to my car.

Pardon me.

Pardon... Thank you.

She's weirder than usual today.

Hey, people think being
the boss is so great.

It's not. It's hard work.

Yeah, she's a little
weirder than usual.




Are you all right?

Yes, I just...

Not where I expected
to be today is all.

Right, you were going to dinner.


Oh. Right. Uh...

[Chuckles] right.


I was. I was. Were
you looking for me?

Uh, dennis dutton.

He said he didn't really
know paul or karen bivas

Before investing in
their restaurant, right?


Well, that's funny,
because I read

Tom newman's
review of chez paul,

And the restaurant
karen worked at

Before she and her husband
opened theirs, l'amboise?


Meet one of their
limited partners.

Dennis dutton. Mm-hmm.

You're blowing this
way out of proportion,

As I knew you would.

Karen managed the dining
room for walter lasalle,

Who owns 3/4 of
l'amboise, by the way.

And one night, while
she was seating me,

Karen mentioned that
she and her husband

Were thinking of opening
a restaurant of their own,

Which concerned me.

Look, paul bivas was the reason

Most people were coming
to l'amboise in the first place.

What about walter lasalle?

[Chuckles] walter
only owned the place.

He's a professional
snob, not a cook.

So, karen showed
me her business plan,

I gave her the money, the end.

And how did walter take the news

That his chef and
manager were leaving?

Hmm. [Chuckles]

I always wondered
what made him angrier...

Them quitting or karen
breaking off their relationship.

Are you saying that walter
and karen had an affair?

No. I'm saying they had sex.

Did chef paul know?

No. How can you be so sure?

Because walter
lasalle is still alive.

If you had plans
for this evening,

Now might be a good time
for you to cancel them.

[Door closes]

I'm telling you, flynn,
this guy's drunk as a skunk.

Really? Yeah.
Well, let me ask you.

You usually get bombed
before you go out to dinner?

Depends on who my date is.


At least he hasn't gone inside.

Pacing, pacing.

Walking around
this ugly track...

Oh, taking another swig.

[Bottle breaks]

Hang on, hang on.

I think he's going in, flynn.

I don't like the way he looks.

Meet you inside.
I'll see you inside.

[Indistinct talking]

[Woman screams]

Someone call 911!

He's gonna k*ll him!

k*ll who? Walter!

Come on!

Call the police!

Holy crap.

Mr. Bivas! Put the knife down

And get on the floor!

He's trying to k*ll me!

All right, just stay calm, sir.

Mr. Bivas, I said put
down your knife.

It's not mine. It's his.

He has the same knives.

I don't care!

Put the knife down, now!

And he hated karen.
You m*rder*d my wife!

[Speaking french]

sh**t him! sh**t him!

Listen to me, mr. Bivas.

Mr. Bivas, listen to me!

Drop that knife.


I didn't do anything.

Liar! Stay back!

Son, I am too old to fight you,

So if you don't put that
knife down at the count of 5,

I'm going to sh**t you dead.


2... Make him confess first!

I don't negotiate. 4...

Now, turn around.

[Grunting] no!



We should've shot them both.

[Knock on door]

Hi. Um... Sorry about earlier.

I just want you to know that

Nothing would make me happier

Than putting dennis
dutton behind bars.

Oh. Well, I might be
wrong about that.

It's possible I'm overreacting,

But I still think
his alibi stinks.

Have you eaten anything today?

Because it occurs to
me that this is actually

A special occasion for you.

And I thought you
might be hungry.


You shouldn't have done that.

This is mama's kitchen, the
best southern food in l.a.

And considering how dangerous

Going out to eat has
suddenly become...

Oh, nice flowers.
From fritz? Oh...

Yeah. I just don't know
where to put these.

I could never send
flowers to estelle.

She's allergic to...
Well, everything.

Maybe I'll send
her a nice bouquet

To celebrate when
the divorce is final.


It's amazing how
fast you can go from...

From being partners
to adversaries.

Yeah. I'm sorry about that.

Oh, here... I almost forgot.

Happy birthday.


You didn't have to do that! I...

Just consider it an apology

For all the times I forgot
your birthday when...

When it might have
counted for something.

You don't need to apologize.

I think I do.

Karma's a bitch.

And her name is estelle.


And look, we haven't had
dinner together in, uh...

I don't know how long.

This is not exactly
chez paul, I know, but...


[Knock on door] excuse me.


What's up?

Uh... Hmm.

Yeah, yeah. Um, the, uh,
chef and the fellow flint

Roughed out.

They're through processing,

Ready for questioning.

Thank you very
much. That's great.

Well, um, pardon me.

Thanks for going
to so much trouble.


Some take-out
here. You should, uh,

Help yourself, commander.

It'll be stone cold
by the time I get back.

Thank you.

Is that, uh, fried okra?

Have a seat.



[Indistinct talking]

Oh, um... [Door closes]

How about we put these...

Oh, thank you, buzz. Thank you.

Just leave them alone.

No one touches
these flowers, ok?

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

[Indistinct talking on monitor]

[French accent] you must know

I intend to press
charges against the police.

Well, mr. Lasalle,

My detectives certainly
wish they hadn't hurt you

In the process of
saving your life...

Yeah, we're all
broken up about it,

You creep. [Laughs]

But we have some information

About your relationship
with the bivases

That we have to follow up on.

What sort of information?

Well, we're trying to figure out

Why chef paul tried to k*ll
you after his wife was m*rder*d,

Which leads me to
a delicate question.

It's regarding an affair
that you had with karen.

[Scoffs] am I under

Well, I suppose I am.
You people are amazing.

That animal came
into my restaurant

And tried to k*ll me!

Last night, after
her husband left,

Karen stayed late
to do the books.

She made a lovely
dinner for two,

And then something
went terribly wrong.

Oh! Quelle horreur!

And this was a woman with
whom you were having an affair.

The affaire, as you
are referring to it,

Was 4 years ago and
lasted maybe 6 weeks.

And if paul knew about it,

It certainly didn't prevent him

From coming to work for me.

Are you saying you hired him

When you were
carrying on with his wife?

No. She stopped
carrying on with me

The day after I
gave paul the job.

I'm certain it's the only reason

She slept with me to
begin with... Stupid cow.

But so what? Who
cares? Life goes on.

But this notion that
karen was cooking up

A romantic late-night
dinner for two. It's absurd.

Because the woman
could barely crack an egg.

Excuse me.

Oh, she knew about food,
of course, and the business,

But cooking? Even I would be
better in the kitchen than she was.

Brenda: you're saying that
neither you nor karen cooked.

But the knife that chef paul
was holding to your neck

When my detectives arrived...
That was from your set, was it not?

Yes. But I never use them.

Well, then why did you buy them?

I didn't. It was a gift
from one of my investors.

Dennis dutton?


I introduced him to karen.

And he stole her away from
me in more ways than one.

I can assure you...
I tell you I was...

And by the way, he
gave them knives as well.

That man is knife happy.

She said not to
touch her flowers.

I'm not touching her flowers.
I'm touching the basket.

She didn't say leave the
basket alone, did she?

Brenda: but you weren't
just having sex with her,

You were having an affair?

Now you're reading her card.

Shut up, buzz. You see a stamp?

She's been a nut job ever
since these flowers arrived,

And I want to know why.


This also explains
why she's off sugar.

"Happy birthday.

"You're 40 years
young, and I love you.



I kept my sexual relationship
with karen a secret because

I knew if you found out I'd been
sleeping with a m*rder victim,

You'd be suspicious.

Did paul know you were having
non-romantic sex with his wife?

We were discrete.

And this arrangement ended?

The moment I ex*cuted the wire
transfer that financed chez paul.

So, it sounds to me
less like anonymous sex

More like a dutton
paying to get laid.

I never pay for sex.

I don't have to pay for sex.

I could introduce
you to about 100 women

Who'd pay me to
have sex with them.

You stupid bitch.
She was using me.

She used me to help her husband.

Oh, you're so angry, dennis.

Sgt. Gabriel: is there
something romantic

About ceramic knives?

Because you bought walter
lasalle and paul bivas a set,

And we were wondering if maybe
you bought yourself a set, too.

They're presents for the opening
nights of their restaurants.

[Sighs] listen to me.

I have nothing to
gain by karen's death.

In fact, her business
sense was so key

To the success
of that restaurant

That I tried to get her to
change her insurance policy.

Yeah, she had it
going to her husband.

I wanted it to go to chez paul.

Because I felt
that without karen,

The restaurant
might go to pieces.

All the life insurance
is in the bivas name.

In fact, karen just increased
her benefit to her husband.

If his wife dies, the chef
settlement is in the 7-figures.

Double that if she's
the victim of a homicide.

So, dennis has no
motive and an alibi.

And paul bivas has
multi-million dollar pay-off

And an unfaithful wife.
What do we do now?


Well, uh, first I
need a complete list

Of everything that was
served at l'amboise and chez paul

Over the past 2 weeks. And then?

And then we're going to have to
send this crime back to the chef.

Man: I want out of here!

Thank you.

Oh, I still can't get
used to the pink.

Well, it's supposed to
have a calming effect.

Just imagine how much
worse it would be without it.

Man: please! I don't
want to be in here.

Please let me out! Let me out!

Ooh. Let me out.

Mr. Bivas, I'm sorry to intrude,

But I need to know what the
specials were at your restaurant

The night your wife died.

What difference does it make?

We had a steak and a
chicken and a fish like always!

Now let me out of here, please!

Or go away!

Go away!

I can't away go away, mr. Bivas.

There's some things in
life you can't send packin',

That you have to face up to.

And right now, for
you, that thing is me.

Now, you're under arrest for
as*ault and attempted m*rder.

A homicide charge
might not be far behind.

We found your wife's life
insurance policy, mr. Bivas.

And you are a
very, very rich man.


But you won't be able to spend

A multi-million
dollar benefit in here.

Now, this is what
I want you to do.

Paul, look at me.

Face me! Paul, look up!


Now, answer my questions.

Did you go to
l'amboise's last night

Because you thought that
walter lasalle m*rder*d your wife

Or because you found out that
walter had been sleeping with her?

Surely you knew about the
affair that karen had with walter.

It's how you got
your job at l'amboise's.

Were you planning on
going after mr. Dutton next?

Dennis dutton?

Karen slept with him to get
money for your restaurant.

She was acting as
if you were her pimp.

Are you telling me you
didn't know about this?


Karen told me that all those
wonderful things happened to me because...

'Cause I was so talented.

People wanted me.

That's how much she loved me.

That she did those things...

Because she loved me so much.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Do we have the menu
from l'amboise's?

Yeah, and a list of
contents from their kitchen.

No ostrich. And when I asked
lasalle if he ever served it,

He laughed.

The chef had the
knives, the insurance,

And his wife was
screwing around on him.

That's worth a 5-star rating.

Yeah, well, I'm not sure he knew
about the insurance or the affairs.

Well, mr. Lasalle
had a lot of motive.

His restaurant was
failing, falling apart.

And he got he same knives,
and he was boning her, too.

Yeah, but he doesn't
cook. He could be lyin'.

Which leaves us
with dennis dutton.

Also boning her.

We all know how
he takes rejection.

He doesn't cook either,
and he had an alibi.


Wait a minute. Wait.

Did you ever find dennis
dutton's fingerprints

On those wine bottles
in newman's trash?

No, ma'am, sorry.

Sergeant gabriel, how
many stores in the area

Do you think sell ostrich meat?

We can find out. Why?

Because I think I realize how
to break dennis dutton's alibi.

Chief, what are you doing?

I'm looking at the stars.

Very nice of you to
ask me out to lunch.

Oh, thank you so
much for agreeing

To speak with me
again about the m*rder.


Um, I know how
irritating it must be

To be asked the same
questions over and over again.

But if I could get
rid of this alibi

That you've arranged with dennis
dutton, I could make my arrest.

[Chuckles] it's not arranged...

Please, just let me finish.

Because I have
all this evidence...

How could you have
evidence against dennis

When he was with me
when karen was m*rder*d?

Because, uh, the knife that
was used to k*ll karen bivas...

Dennis gives knives just
like it to every chef he knows.

But more important than that,

Dennis was sleeping
with the victim.

Ahem. What?

Ok, well, now you're just lying.

No. No, I'm not.

He... He... He told
me so himself.

Dennis told you that
he had sex with karen?

Well, first he told me that she
had slept with walter lasalle.

That was to get her husband
hired as the chef here.

But then, dennis admitted

That karen threw
her legs up in the air

To get him to
invest in chez paul.

Just look at how angry dennis is

Talking about the
way she used him.

She was using me!

She used me to help her husband!

Brenda, on tape: oh,
you're so angry, dennis.

See. Karen wasn't a slut.

Sgt. Gabriel: romantic
about ceramic knives?

She was very
selective in that sense.

She chose her lovers for
what they could do for her.

All right. All right.

All right.

Dennis... Ooh...

Was not at my house during
the time of the m*rder.

And you didn't see him again
after he left the restaurant?


And you'll sign a sworn
statement to that effect?

I will.


Of course, considering
that walter and dennis

Had already given
karen what she wanted,

Obviously, because she
stopped having sex with them,

I started to ask
myself, on whom else

Might she use this unconventional
business plan of hers.

Thank you.

Now that she had chez paul,
what did karen need next?

And the answer is a rave review.


Excuse me, are you...
Are you suggesting

That I traded my review
with karen bivas for sex?

No. That's what she did.

You traded your review for love.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

This is not what I ordered.

No, it's what you made.

Ostrich medallions with chanterelle
mushrooms and white asparagus.

Karen's last meal.
She didn't have time

To digest it all
before she died.

So I went to all 3 stores in
the city that carry ostrich meat.

And if you push play again,

You can catch a
video of yourself

Buying 2 pounds of it the
night that karen was m*rder*d.

And here is a receipt for
a set of ceramic knives...

The ones used by only
the very best chefs.

The same knives used
to k*ll karen bivas.

And now, thanks to
your sworn statement,

You no longer have an alibi
for the night of the m*rder.


This is ridiculous.
I should leave.

Well, you could do that,
but then I won't get a chance

To tell you your options.

Because the fact that you brought
the m*rder weapons with you,

That looks like premeditation.

And that's first degree m*rder.

But if you acted in
the heat of passion,

If there were mitigating

I can help you.

You sit there and make all
these accusations against me?

Now you say you can
help me. What can you do?

I believe karen acted like
she really cared about you.

I believe that you told your
wife you were in love with karen.

That's why your
wife left you, isn't it?


Of course.

Karen told me all she needed
was a reputation of her own

To help me set up a restaurant.

And an adult chef with
depth and real talent like me.

Not a child she had to watch
every minute of the day and...

Karen loved my food.

She did.

She did.

How could I know?

How could you know it
was all about the review?

You compromised
your professional life

And threw away your
personal one for what?

For a fantasy.

The reality was

Karen loved paul
and no one else.

Everything she did was for him.

And that's what you found
out the night before last.

And that's why you
k*lled her. Isn't it?

Don't you need to
read me my rights?


No, we're in a
non-custodial situation.

You can leave anytime you want.

But it's better for you
to get it all over with now.

Tell me...

Did you go to chez paul that
night to end a life or start one?

Because if you
acted spontaneously,

I could file charges of second
degree m*rder with the d.a.,

Which allows for the
possibility of parole.

What happened...

What I did to karen

Was horrible.

I went home, and I got drunk.

Then I decided to try and make
the next day as normal as possible.

So I called dennis to thank
him for dinner, and he was...

Completely freaked out
about the m*rder, so...

I offered myself as an alibi.

He said he'd help me open
up my own restaurant.

Then we agreed on a story.

Before you stabbed her to death,

You punched her in the mouth.

What'd she say to set you off?

I told her I loved her.

Then she laughed at me.

After that I don't really
remember very well.

Someone left this in the
electronics room for you.

Thank you, buzz.


Dennis dutton.

Sgt. Gabriel: chief? Yes.

Sorry it's a day late, but
we couldn't agree on a gift.

This is just y'all's way

Of trying to get sugar back
in the business room, isn't it.


Make a wish.


Thank y'all so much.

So nice of you to think of me.

Thank you.


Y'all grab a bite. Ha!


Guess she didn't get her wish.

How do you know?

'Cause you're still here.

You see...

Turning 40 isn't so bad.

All depends on how you
feel about life in general.

Do you see the glass as
half full or half empty?

What glass?

That's my girl.

I'm going to put these in car while
you get the rest of your stuff.

Ok. I'll be there in one second.
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