02x07 - Head Over Heels

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x07 - Head Over Heels

Post by bunniefuu »

And it's topped off with a gentle
dusting of powdered sugar.

It's the best french
toast in town.

I'll have the egg
whites, please.

The best french toast in town?

Your favorite diner?

What did you do, sergeant?

Well, daniels and I are...

Well, we were just having
dinners and seeing movies

But it's my... Ahem...
Duty to inform you,

Per department policy,

That within the last 48 hours

It became something
more like, um...


Oh, no.


Man: hey!

You guys cops?

Yeah, why?

Somebody's head
is in my dumpster.

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.



It's a head.

Just a head.

A human head?

Staring right at me,
not that I got too close.

But, yes, a head.



Uh, please don't
clear our table.

Thank you.

Ugh. Thank you.


Aah! Chief!

I'm fine.


Here you go.


You might wanna...

Oh, for heaven's
sakes. It is a head.

Oh, my lord.


I found some feet.

You think these feet
go with this head?

I sure hope so.



Ahem. Ahh.


Dirty diapers in that
trash over there.

Yeah, 'cause there's nothing else
around here to make a person sick.

I don't want to
hear another word

About you and daniels, ok?
You just keep it to yourself.


Is this diner on
your regular route?

I eat there twice a
day. Right now is good

'Cause it's right before
the garbage truck comes.

I usually have my best
luck for dinner after 10:00.

But I'm going to tell you,

Last night they
weren't serving no head.

So the head landed in the
dumpster between 10:00 p.m., 8:00 A.m.

Thank you so much for your time.

And feel free to order
whatever else you'd like.

On him.




Is this the garbage
truck's route?

I stopped all the rest of the
morning garbage collection.

We got rookies diving
into every dumpster

Within a 3-mile radius of here,

Looking for the
rest of the body.

Did s.i.d. Find anything
in that dumpster

That might tell
us who our head is?

Man: other than a
humidifier, busted ikea chair,

It all belongs to the diner.

There's blood in there, but it's
from hamburgers and steaks.

Ok. Lieutenant tao,
could you head on back...


Could you go back
to the office, please.

And search the missing
person's database

For a white male,
early thirties,

Brown hair, brown
eyes. Height...

He's at least 2 feet.

Thank you.


You guys know
something we don't?

I checked the inventory

And this is all we have on hand.

Male body parts don't
turn up all that often.

It's usually the women
that go to pieces.

We... We did locate
a bag of legs,

But, uh, they turned out to
be from northridge hospital.

Well, the diner where
we found the head

Is close to cedars-sinai.

No, this wasn't
done by a surgeon.

No, this head was cut off

In one continuous lateral motion

By a rotating blade.

Brenda: hmm, probably
used a chainsaw.

Was our victim alive when
his head was removed?

Uh, decapitations can be tricky

Because it's a procedure
that in most cases

Will k*ll a person, so...

Thank you.

In this case,

Because there was
such minor hemorrhaging

In the soft tissue
around the neck,

I have to believe that the
heart was not pumping blood

When the head was severed.

Can you give us a time of death?

Well, considering the
low-level of decomp,

The skin is still a good color,

The eyes are intact.

I'd say he died well within
the, uh, last 48 hours.

He put up a hell
of a fight, though.

We found some foreign skin
tissue in the back of his mouth.


I mean, he struggled so hard,

He broke his 2 front teeth.


How soon can you get the
rest of his teeth x-rayed?

An hour.

I could bring them to you.

Please don't.

Bother, I mean.
Please don't bother.

I'll come pick them up.

Thank you.

This also might narrow
down who your victim was.

See, every since
the late eighties

Whenever we find an
unidentified body or body part

In west hollywood,

We perform an aids test.

He has hiv.

He looks familiar.

I feel like I've seen
this guy before.

I've put calls out to hospices

And hiv clinics in
west hollywood.

That's a good idea.

Maybe he's an outpatient.

Maybe he is.

Chances are whoever he is,

He has some priors.

Yeah, model citizens
don't usually end up

With their heads in dumpsters.

But his dna isn't
in our database.

I have seen him before.

He's an actor.

Remember any movies
he might have been in?

I sure do.

[Woman moaning]

You know why I hate porn?

Guy delivers pizza,
it never gets eaten.

Girl's refrigerator
breaks, it never gets fixed.

Yeah, it's really unsatisfying.

No wonder he's a star.

Does he have a name?

Buck... Shot. Ahem.

I doubt that buck shot was
the name given to him at birth.

Can we find his real
name and address, please?

Thank you.

A minivan.

How many porn stars live here?

Woman: coming.


I'm deputy chief
brenda leigh johnson

And this is sergeant
gabriel of the l.a.p.d.

Do you know a
christopher david mundy?

Chris? Yeah, that's my husband.

Duncan, help finish
feeding your sister.

Say please.

Duncan, just do it. Come here.

[Baby crying]


Where was the last time you
saw your husband, mrs. Mundy?


He's up at a sh**t
in, uh, chatsworth.

Why, was there a raid?

Oscar didn't call me.

Mom, he has a g*n!

Duncan, come sit down.
Do you want some cereal?

Come on.

[Baby cries]

Uh, oscar?

Yeah, oscar bloom.

He's a big director
over at opulence films.

You know who they are, right?

Uh, sure. They're the
adult film company.

Sit down, honey. Sit down.

They've had some trouble
lately hiring younger girls,

But I'm sure whatever's going on
now was just a big misunderstanding.

So, uh, what do we do?

Do I have to go
downtown with you?

Can I bring my kids? What?

Just for right now, we just
need you to sign right here.


[Baby crying]


It's ok, honey.

Ok, baby.

Uh, wait a minute.

"Release of medical

Basically it just
gives us access

To your husband's
dental records.


What's going on here exactly?

We're conducting, um...

We're conducting a m*rder
investigation, mrs. Mundy.

[Baby screams]


Knock that off.

Gabriel: we haven't... We haven't
positively identified the victim,

But we... That's why we need
your husband's dental records.

If you have a toothbrush
or a hairbrush...

My husband is in chatsworth.

Oh, it's ok. It's ok.

I'll call him. He's probably
just stuck on the road.

Here, hold her for a minute.

I'll give him a call. Thank you.


[Telephone dialing]

Hi, honey. It's me.

Can you call me as soon as
you get the message, please?

Ok. I love you.


He's probably stuck on
the road or something.

[Telephone dialing]

Mrs. Mundy: baby,
it's me again. Ok.

Call me as soon as you can.

All right?

He's fine. I promise.

You'll see.

You don't like it.

I love clams.


And linguini.

That's good, 'cause
that's one of the 4 things

I know how to cook.

Oh, no thanks.

But you try it.

What, you went
through so much trouble.

Kitchen'll never be the same.


Let me get you a glass of wine.

Oh, no, thank you.

I'm not drinking tonight.

My stomach's been upset all day.

Yeah? Half my office
is out with stomach flu.

I think it's this case.

It's that bad?


A head was...

It was severed at the c7.

Oh, the...

Excuse me.

It's not the head
that bothers me

Or the feet.



What's hard is that
that head had a wife...

And 2 kids.

Yeah, that is rough.

Kids. Huh.

It looks fantastic.


[Baby screaming]

Ok. Ok.

I know.

I know.

It's ok.

It's ok.

My husband hasn't come home.

I'm very sorry, annalisa,

But the coroner has confirmed

That the dental
records you provided

Positively identified
the person we found

As your husband.

No, that can't be.

It can't be.

Where is he? I have to see him.


So far, all we've
recovered of your husband

Is his head and feet.

Oh, god, no.

Annalisa, please, have a seat.


Were you with him this
weekend in chatsworth?

I have 2 kids if you
haven't noticed.

I was where I always
am all weekend...


Can anyone verify that?

What, do you think
that I had something

To do with my hu...

Oh, don't for one minute...

Don't you sit there
all high and mighty

In your churchy
dress and accuse me...

These are routine
questions that we always ask.

We are trying to learn
as much as possible

About the events
surrounding your husband's...

Don't you say it! Don't say it!

Can't this be...

My husband is...

I can't even say it

And you think that I did it?

How long has your
husband been hiv positive?


How long has your
husband been hiv positive?

If that body, or whatever
parts of it you have,

Are hiv positive,

Then it's not my husband.

My husband is negative.

Hey, mom, they have
some really cool...

We're leaving right now.

But I don't want to go! Duncan!

When was the last
time you were tested?

18 Months ago when I had dakota.

Then we'd like to test you again

If that's ok.

My kids are perfectly healthy

And so am i.

You have made a mistake,

A horrible, horrible mistake.

Chris is not hiv positive.

He gets tested
every month at fits.

Annalisa: come on.

Let's go, duncan. Let's
go find your daddy.

What's fits?

Chris mundy's wife waived
confidentiality of his medical records.

No worries.

Christopher david mundy.

This will only take a moment.

Are you familiar with
chris mundy's work?

Don't really watch
our clients' movies.

It's not my thing.

I just draw their blood.

Is your lab here?

No, we send the blood
to a lab in burbank.

They sh**t us the results
the next business day,

Then we post them online.

Do you also call your clients

With their results?

No, our clients have to log

Into the system to get them.

They can't work unless they
have a clean bill of health.

Woman: here you go.

And for...

For how long do you keep
your clients' tests results?

Only 6 months.

And for the last 6 months,
chris mundy's been clean.

Clean for what?

Hiv, gonorrhea,
chlamydia, syphilis.

Negative, negative,
negative, negative.


I'm positive that the person
I identified is chris mundy.

The dental records
that his wife gave us

Were a perfect match.

Well, how did you
determine the head had hiv?

We did this procedure where
we swab the inside of his cheek.

It's the kind of test that
gives us the results rapidly.

What's it called?

Rapid hiv test.

Fits tested chris
mundy a week ago.

Now, is it possible that
he contracted the virus

In the last 7 days?

Well, our cheek swab
test isn't that sensitive.

In order for it to detect
hiv antibodies in chris mundy,

He would have had to have
hiv for at least a month.



Don't go anywhere.

So what's your porn name?

Excuse me?

Everyone has one.

You take the name
of your first pet

And combine it with the
first street you lived on.

My porn name's muffy brewer.

I'm light saber central.

That's a good one.


Lucky what?

I am sure I had
the right person,

But I'm not sure that fits does.

See, they say that chris
mundy's blood type was type o,

But the head that you
found in the dumpster

Was type ab positive.

Chris mundy had somebody
take his blood tests for him.


Maybe nobody knew he had hiv.

Gabriel: hi, we're looking
for oscar bloom.

Oh, um, oscar's down the hall.

[Telephone rings]
first door on the left.

You can just go on in.

Thank you.

Mm-hmm [ring]


[Woman laughing]

Oh, I'm sorry.


Man: cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut.

Oh, uh. Ooh.

We were hoping to have
a word with oscar bloom.

That's me.

When was the last time
you saw chris mundy?

Uh, he was supposed
to do a photo sh**t

In chatsworth over the
weekend, but he never showed.

Can't say that's the first
time that's ever happened.

But when chris is on his
game, he's a great guy.

That man has a
very special talent.

And what would that be?

Well, off dr*gs, he can
make wood anytime, anywhere.

Do you know how rare that is?

It's like being able
to cry on cue...

Out of one eye.

So you're saying chris
had a big drug problem?

Well, he really tried
to clean up his life

After he became a dad.

Look, I don't wanna say
anything bad about the guy,

But he was in rehab twice.

Heroin, you know.
It's a bitch to kick.

Prior to the movie
in chatsworth,

When was the last time you
worked with chris mundy?

A few days before on
raymond loves everybody.

And did you check
his hiv status then?

Yeah, and it was negative.

I don't even roll the camera

Unless I see my performers
latest test results.

Do your male
performers use condoms?

Testing's our prophylactic.

Health department
send you guys down here?

I'm sorry to tell you

That yesterday chris
mundy was found dead.

Was he using again?

We're not sure why
he was m*rder*d.



Mom, I need you in here.

Woman: what?

Honey, what is it?

Chris mundy was m*rder*d.


How awful.

These are the police.

I'm morgan bloom.

I, uh, I own opulence films.

When the coroner
did an hiv test on chris,

It came up positive.

There's no way.

We believe that chris mundy
had been faking his results.

The blood type that
fits had on record

Does not match chris mundy.

He was lying about
his hiv status?

For how long?

We're not sure.

His wife says she tested
negative 18 months ago.

So in the past year and a half,

Every person chris had sex with,

He's passed the
virus along to them.

Every time they had
sex with somebody,

They could have
passed the virus on to...

Which might give someone
a very good reason

To want chris mundy dead.

Do you have any idea how many
people we're talking about here?

Oh, my god.

Man: you want us to do what?

Shut down production.
2 Weeks, no porn.

It's impossible.

Impossible to stop all
production in the l.a. Basin.

You represent opulence films.

And from what I understand,

Opulence films sets
the industry standard.

If your company shuts
down, everyone shuts down.

Naked people are being filmed

In every attic, every
car, and every swing set

In the valley.

No one can keep
that from happening.

We have to try.

Chris mundy's sexual partners

Could be unknowingly
spreading that virus right now.

I understand that,

But a prolonged shutdown
would be a financial catastrophe

For los angeles.

The adult film industry
pays $52 million in taxes

To this city every year.

So how many people
have to drop dead

Before human loss
outweighs city revenue?

Or are sex workers disposable

Because of how
they earn a living?

I'm just asking.

Can we localize the shutdown?

Chris mundy was
exclusive to opulence.

Do you have a record
of all the people

He worked with in the past...

18 Months.

We do.

Then how many
people would that be?

238 Girls.

We'll shut it down for 2 weeks.

Thank you.

What else do you need?

I need the real names
of the 238 women.

All right.

I can promise you
the full support

Of the valley divisions
to help you find them.

Thank you.

All right, gentlemen, I think
we're done here. Thank you.

Chief johnson, a word.

[Door closes]

Since when does sex
make you so irritable?

I have no problem with
loving, responsible,

2 People in the dark sex.

I have a problem
with the stupid,

mistakes people make.

Seems to me your m*rder
victim was very deliberate

In his irresponsible...

I think I'm pregnant.

Uh, I take it congratulations
are not in order.

You might be pregnant

Or you are pregnant?

I haven't taken a test.

What does fritz have
to say about all this?

He, um...

I haven't told him yet. Heh.

[Clears throat]

And you're telling me this

After a dinner at
which you told me

You need this
relationship to remain

Strictly a
professional friendship?

I know that you don't
really understand

The boundaries of
friendship very well.

I know this hard for you.

I get it.

And i... I...

I cannot have this
conversation with you.

For my sake.

Really. Ok?

Nothing personal.


It's not personal.


[Door closes]

[Knock on door]

Yes, lieutenant.

Of the 238 women
chris mundy slept with,

Some have left the business,

Some have gone home,
some are in rehab.

Any number of them
are unaccounted for.

So it's gonna take
some time to find 'em.

Which is why we
only have 4 women

For you to talk to.

Any of them look promising?

Uh, yeah.

Uh, yeah. One.

Uh, rap sheet says she's
got 5 counts of battery,

2 Drug possessions.

She also resisted an arrest
and assaulted an officer.

Thank you.

Evelyn howard.

Call her layla.

We certainly wouldn't
want to upset her.

I do not have a
problem with rage.

Did you know chris
mundy's hiv status?

Well, I wouldn't have worked
with him if he was positive.

He was. Yeah. That's
a load of bull...

Layla, I have a theory that
chris mundy lied to a lot of people

About his hiv status,

And when someone found
out that he infected them

During a work... Session,

Well, it could be the
end of life as they knew it

And that could make
this person very, very mad.

I did not k*ll chris mundy!

And he didn't give me hiv!


I got tested at fits 3 days ago.

How can we be sure
these are your results?

Oh, please.

You gotta show proof of i.d.

Before they stick
that needle in your arm.

How well do they
check your i.d. At fits?

We check client's
i.d.s when they come in,

Make sure they're real.

Well, do you check
the i.d.s against anything

Other than the client's face?

Well, the first time
a client comes in,

We make a copy of their
driver's license and keep it on file.

Does this xerox match the license
you have on file for chris mundy?

Let me see.

I don't think I ever
drew his blood.

Frank always took care of him.

Well, business is sure
brisk around here.

We're usually
standing room only.

Now, thanks to you all,
no one wants to come here.

They don't trust us.

Now, why wouldn't
people trust you?

This idea that my husband was
paying someone to take his tests

Is crazy.

This is the man who
was taking the tests

For your husband.

You recognize him?

I've never seen this man before.

He didn't have hiv.

Then you won't
mind if we do a quick

Hiv test on you right now.

You can do a cheek...


You can do it right here.

I don't need to take a test.

You don't want me to find out

That you have hiv, do you?

Because that would
suddenly give you

A very good reason
for k*lling your husband.

My husband did not have aids,

And neither do i.

You can only live in denial

For so long, annalisa.

The body is going
to do what it's...

Going to do without...

Waiting for your
brain to catch up.

If what you're saying is true,

If it is,

I haven't been in the business

Since I had kids.

Who's gonna hire me?

Who's gonna pay
for my treatments?

My kids? I mean, we
don't have any money.

Your husband didn't
have life insurance?

He tried to get it.
They turned him down.


Last week, chris mundy
was denied life insurance.

Insurance companies
always do a blood test.

They would have found
out he was hiv positive.

Now, wait, wait.
Hold on a minute.

If you have somebody else

Take your hiv test
for you once a month...

Why not have that someone

Take your blood test for
the insurance company?

The only way you'd let
them draw your own blood

Is if you thought you
were perfectly healthy.

Chris mundy didn't
know he had hiv.

I bet someone at the lab did.

Where's the other guy
that works here? Frank?

The guy you said drew
chris mundy's blood.

Haven't seen him since
you all shut us down.

Put 'em up!

Kitchen clear!

Officer: all clear!

Checking patio! Clear!

Dresser and closet are empty.

So are the bathroom cabinets.

Our phlebotomist flew the coop.

Well, he didn't fly away alone.

Don't they make a lovely couple?

They have a $7,500 fridge.

And their television's
brand new.

Who knew lab rats
made such a good living?

Hey. Got a good idea

Where the extra
income's coming from.

Looks like he was on
opulence's payroll, too.

[Cell phone dialing]

Chris mundy may
not have been aware

He had hiv,

But his k*ller might have known.

Sergeant, could you please
call around to every e.r.

Within a 5-mile
radius of the diner,

And see if anyone came
in over the weekend

Requesting treatment
for exposure to hiv?

And please ask lieutenant
tao to call the morgue

About chris mundy's mouth.

Thank you.

So chief...

Since january, the lab
tech has been receiving

A monthly $10,000 consultant fee

From a shell company
that I traced back

To opulence films.

Morgan bloom is on
her way down here

With her son oscar.
She wouldn't let him

Come down here alone.

When the blooms arrive,

Please separate
them, and if they insist

On using the same lawyer,

Please have him sign a waiver.

I refuse to have
this case thrown out

Because of ineffective
assistance of counsel.

Thank you. Uh, I think
we're done with those.

I thought we could keep these.

Uh, you were misinformed.

Is that it?

Special delivery.

Straight from the morgue.

We won't be answering

Any of your questions,
chief johnson.

That's quite all right.
Lieutenant tao and I

Have plenty we could talk about.

Like what was in
chris mundy's mouth?

Chris mundy had
someone else's skin

Embedded in his molars.

And the blood we
found under his tongue

Was not his blood type.

What was it? Blood type "b".

Isn't that your
blood type, mr. Bloom?

I don't know what
my blood type...

Oscar, you're
gonna remain silent.

And what conclusions
would you draw

From this evidence?

Chris mundy took a bite

Out of whoever k*lled him.

Probably the forearm,

Because chris mundy's 2
front teeth were broken,

And there's not too many places

On the human body
where you can bite down

And hit bone.

Roll up your sleeve, mr. Bloom.

Don't you guys need a warrant?

I don't need a warrant
to search your body,

You could be
concealing a w*apon.

Roll up your sleeve,
mr. Bloom, or I will find

Several large uniformed
personnel to do it for you.

Go ahead.

Brenda: mm.

Would you like to do the
honors, lieutenant tao?

I'd be delighted.

This is a cast of
chris mundy's mouth.

[Click click]

It should fit the bite marks

He left on the k*ller.


Now, if you rotate
your arm like so...

You can see how
he broke his teeth

On your radius bone.

Did you shove your
arm in his mouth

To quiet his screams?

Don't talk, oscar...

I had to defend myself. Oscar!

He showed up at my office

Out of his mind, high on dr*gs,

Demanding cash.

That's when he
got violent with me,

I had to fight back.

Did you k*ll chris mundy?

Not a word.

I will be filing
m*rder charges today,

Mr. Catalina, and I
will need your help

In deciding whether
I charge oscar

By himself, or
oscar and his mother.

Excuse me? Oh, come now.

This is hardly sophie's choice.

Morgan bloom knew nothing
about chris mundy's death.

You had a hard
time keeping oscar

From telling me what happened,

I find it hard to
believe that his mother

Would be out of the loop.

How much did opulence
films gross last year?

7.2 million.

Gosh, that's a lot.

And are you the sole owner?

She is. She took
the company over

5 Years ago after her divorce.

And how much did the
company make that year?


Sounds like you put
in a lot of hard work.

And how much of that profit

Did chris mundy generate?

Chris mundy is one of their
top selling male actors.

What a loss.

Your son really made
your life difficult

When he k*lled chris mundy.

Chief johnson... I
have to wonder,

Is that something
that you wanted,

Or did your son act on his own?

It's your choice not
to answer my questions,

Mrs. Bloom, but I think
it's the wrong one.

Because I think your son
k*lled chris all by himself.

And here's why.

Chris' hands and
feet were cut off

In one continuous motion,

Which means that the
chainsaw that was used

Had to have been
at least 18 inches.

A chainsaw that size has
one heck of a kickback.

I would think it would be
more than you could handle.

But until I know the truth,

I will have to keep digging.

And that means taking
a good, long look

Into opulence films.

Can your business handle
being turned inside out?

It will be a shame
to lose everything

After you worked so hard.

You didn't get to
where you are today

By being the type of
person who makes mistakes.

It would be a mistake not
to tell me what happened.

If my client tells the truth,

Do you promise not to
file charges against her

Regarding this m*rder?


Oscar had to defend
himself against this madman.

Any jury will be
able to see this.

Listen to your
lawyer, mrs. Bloom.

Be good to my son.

He doesn't know what
he's doing half the time.

He's such a mess.

Oscar... k*lled chris
mundy all by himself.

It was saturday afternoon.

I was home.

He called me from the office.

He told me that he and
chris had gotten into a fight,

And he... Stabbed chris
with one of our trophies.

And then what did your son do?

He used a chainsaw
that we had lying around

After one of our sh**t
to disassemble the body.

And then oscar...

Dumped various parts of
chris mundy all over town.

I think we're done here.

Uh, no, no, just
one more detail.

When did you know that
chris mundy was hiv positive?

When you came
to my son's office.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Your mother gave you up.

She would never do that.

Which trophy did you use
to s*ab chris mundy to death?


You're gonna plead
self defense, oscar.

You let her talk?

Should your mother go to jail

For a m*rder she didn't commit?

You know what, you never
liked me in the first place!

Why don't you just
get out of here?

Get the hell out of here!

Fine. You're on your own.


Would you like another
lawyer, mr. Bloom?

Fat lot of good they do me.

Look, it's like I said...

I k*lled chris, but it
was in self defense.

I believe you, oscar.


Thank you.

I'm just wondering one thing.

When did you find out
that chris mundy had hiv?

I... I had no idea.

Really? Because the
night chris mundy died,

You went to
hollywood presbyterian,

And according to the
e.r. Doctor on call,

You requested a
treatment called "hart."

Highly active
anti-retroviral therapy,

A drug cocktail administered
after exposure to hiv

Now, why would you
request that treatment

If you didn't know that
chris was hiv positive?

Look, here's the deal...

I called my mother
after the thing with chris.

That's when she told
me he was positive.

That's when she
let me in on the fact

That she'd been faking his
test results for months.

So, you didn't find out until
after you k*lled chris mundy

That he had hiv?

That's the truth.

Then why did you k*ll him?

I told you guys!

He came into my office,

He started swinging at me,

He was so strung
out on heroin...

Heroin is the one thing chris
mundy tested negative for,

So let's go over your
story one more time.

Chris mundy came
into your office.

He was upset.

That's what I keep telling you.

But he was infuriated

Because the blood
test that he had taken

For his insurance company
revealed that he was hiv positive.

He realized that the
results of the blood tests

He had been taking at fits
were covered up by you.

That's why you had to
k*ll chris mundy, isn't it?

You couldn't let him
walk out the door,

Open his mouth and tell
the world what you'd done...

What my mother did!

4 Months ago,
she decided to hire

These girls from brazil

Because they were
so much cheaper.

We were in such a rush,
she didn't even bother

Checking their hiv status.

She finds out that chris
mundy tested positive

A month later after
the lab called her.

She paid the guy at the lab

To toss out chris' blood

And replace it
with his boyfriend's.

The only thing she
ever cared about

Was making our
production dates, period!

[Door slams]

Can we go now?

I just have one more
detail to discuss with you.

When you faked chris
mundy's test results...

I didn't. The lab did.

But you paid the lab,

According to the statement

That your son is
signing right now.

My son is a liar.

It's on record that my
client's off the hook...

With respect to chris
mundy's m*rder, yes,

But chris mundy wasn't
your client's only victim.

This is chloe.

She made a film with
chris mundy 2 months ago,

And this morning she
tested positive for hiv

As did jenny...

And casey...




Ginger, heidi...

Jill, ivory, ebony, tiffany.

You knowingly let
an hiv positive man

Have unprotected sex
with multiple partners.

That is no different
than pointing a loaded g*n

At each one of
these women's heads.

Which is why I'm arresting you

On 13 counts of as*ault

With intent to commit
great bodily harm.

Which, with any luck,
will keep you in jail

For the rest of my life.

There's only 12 girls here.

The 13th victim isn't
currently employed

By opulence films.

Her name is annalisa mundy.

And she was chris' wife.

You ready?

Yes, I am.

Can we stay in tonight,

Just lay low?

I want to have the biggest
glass of merlot possible.


So you're not pregnant?


No, I'm not.

Were you ever gonna
tell me that you might be?

Well, i... I would if I was,

But I'm not, so I
just didn't think

That it was worth mentioning.

In a relationship,
you mention things.

If you trust the other person.


From now on, I want to make sure

That we guard
against any accidental

Possible pregnancies.

What about a pregnancy
that happens on purpose?


We just moved in together.

We're not married yet.

There's a certain
order to things.


But are you interested
in having kids? At all?


But not tonight.
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