02x10 - The Other Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x10 - The Other Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

Raise your right hand.

Do you solemnly
swear to tell the truth,

The whole truth and
nothing but the truth,

So help you god? I do.

Would you please state
your name for the record?

Brenda leigh johnson.

And, uh, what is your job title?

Deputy chief priority homicide,

Los angeles police department.

All right. We are
assembled in the offices

Of kornbluth, elkins and brenner

Et al for depositions in
the separation agreement

Pope v pope.

Docket number 3025a.

Counsel for both
parties are present.

Also present is the respondent

William h. Pope.

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning.

Now, the matter before us today

Is the legal custody
of mr. Pope's children.

Now chief johnson,
you have been called

As a character witness,
so would you please,

In your own words,
describe mr. Pope

As a man and as a father.

Will is a devoted
and loving father.

As assistant chief,

He oversees
thousands of officers.

He handles this
responsibility with integrity,

Honesty and decency.

And that's the example
he sets for his kids.

Ms. Johnson, how
would you describe

Your relationship with mr. Pope?

He's my boss.

And isn't he also
a sexual partner?

Excuse me?

For the record,

This is exhibit number 3.

A letter written by
ms. Johnson to mr. Pope

Discovered by my client
among her husband's belongings.

Is this your
handwriting, ms. Johnson?

That letter was
written a long time ago.

Before chief pope
ever met estelle.

Was mr. Pope married to
someone else at the time?

This is my personal

Will, will, please... I object.

This line of questioning is
way beyond the subpoena

And borders on harassment.

On the contrary.

Ms. Johnson's
previous relationship

With the respondent
brings into question

The issues of
character and integrity

Which she herself has raised.

Frankly, I wonder how
the thousands of officers

Who report to
assistant chief pope

Would feel about his honor
and integrity if they knew

He'd promoted his
mistress to be his deputy.

[Cell phone rings]


I'm sorry. There's
been a m*rder.

I have a crime scene to get to.

Ms. Johnson, I haven't
finished asking my questions.

But I've finished
answering them.

Thank you so much.


Chief johnson.

I thought you had
a deposition today.

It's over. Thank
you for covering.

You want to bring
me up to speed?


First officers on the scene

Broke the window, opened
the door, stepped inside,

Found our victim,
female, late twenties,

On the sofa, shot in the head.

Oh, the house is listed
under the name rawley.

Is that a name I should know?

Samuel rawley. He was a big shot

In the garment center
downtown for 30 years.

Young lady's his daughter.

Mailman there called in the 911.

Chief, this is derek draper.

Mr. Draper. Hi.

Can you tell me who
gets the mail at this house?

Gennifer rawley.
It's gennifer with a "g."

Anyone else?

Not that I know of.

Could you tell me why
you called the police?

Well, I was bringing a
package to the front door,

And I could see ms. Rawley
through the window,

You know, on the sofa,

And I rang the bell,
and she didn't move.

And I banged on
the glass, and...

She still didn't move,

So I called the police.

You did the right thing.

Oh, thank you, mr. Draper.

Thank you.

Ok, let's take a look
at gennifer with a "g."


Oh, thank you.

Chief. Chief.


Oh, right. Of course.

What's that smell?
That's not decomposition.

What is that?

Decomp mixed with crystal meth.

Odorless in the bag.
Stinks when you smoke it.

And when you sweat it out.

Man, meth addicts
really prefer the dark.

They're like vampires.

Thank you for keeping
everything as is.

You can turn the lights on now.

Time of death?

They're saying
between 4:00 and 6 a.m.

She got a b*llet to
the back of the head.


And they left that behind.

It's usually hit men that drop
their w*apon at the scene.

But commander, you said
the responding officers

Had to break in, suggesting
there was no forced entry.

Yes, ma'am. But a drug
addict isn't always so choosy

About who she
lets into the house.

One of her junkie
friends could've k*lled her

For some cash, or
for no reason at all.

Looks like she went on a bit of a
shopping spree before she died.

Wouldn't a junkie have hauled
off some of this electronic stuff?

It's easy to sell.

Or maybe she k*lled herself.

[Door opens] chief!

Oh, chief. Got
something out here

In the guest house
you ought to look at.

Chief, I want to
show you something.

Now, if something
was stashed in here,

Like cash maybe,

It's gone.

Thank you.


Looks like someone's either
living out of a suitcase,

Or just got back from vacation.

Lieutenant tao, let's
put an investigative hold

On gennifer's credit cards,

But keep them active.

I'd like to take a look

At her financial
history, please.

Lieutenant flynn, with a
drug habit like this one,

I'll bet gennifer with a "g,"

Has an arrest record.

I'd like to review it, please.


Lieutenant provenza, let's
put a rush on those prints

For a positive i.d.
And sergeant gabriel,

Next of kin. We've got
a notification to do.

Thank you.

Chief johnson, this looks like

A drug rip-off gone bad.

If you have some
other commitments,

I'll have robbery/homicide
take up the slack.

I appreciate your attention
to my schedule, commander,

But right now,
there's no place else

Chief pope would rather I be.

You kept my letters?

Estelle had no business going
through my personal stuff.

I've worked so hard to
earn the trust of my division.

My god! Why is estelle
doing this to me?

You told me she didn't
even want the kids.

I think she's just using them

To blackmail me for more money.

Blackmail you?

What about me, will?

If my testimony leaks out,

The entire lapd is gonna think

That you hired me
because we had an affair.

Look, I can't...

I can't do this
deposition for you.

I'm sorry. I just, I can't.

Look, I haven't been in
l.a. That long myself.

You're the only person
here who really knows me

Besides the chief.

I promise I would
not ask you to do this

Under any other circumstances.

But brenda, this is my kids.


Thank you.

But I'm getting the most
expensive lawyer in the city,

And you're paying for it.


Oh, I'm selling those
cookies for my son's school.

It's a charity thing.

You're not asking me
to pay for these cookies.

Are you?


[Door opens and closes]

So what makes you think
there's something wrong?

Well, you saw it.

Taylor tried to
stick his nose in,

And she just walked
away. She didn't kick his ass.

Lieutenant flynn.

How are we doing on gennifer
rawley's arrest record?

Um, well, she's got busts
going back at least 3 years.

All for possession.

Mostly crystal meth.

Chief, want me to hold
some of those boxes for you?

No, thank you.

Lieutenant tao, were you able

To track down
gennifer's finances?

She has a family
trust that pays her

$25,000 A month.

The house was paid for outright.

So she has a way of
funding her drug habit.

I got to the family, too.

They're driving up
from newport beach.

Detective sanchez, what do the
neighbors say about gennifer?

She was kind of a freak.

She didn't have any friends.

Any time anyone
came near the house,

She started screaming
and waving her g*n around.

Which ended up being the
same g*n she was k*lled with.

Registered in her
name. No prints.

So, somebody wiped the g*n.

There goes our su1c1de option.

Well, maybe it was
like taylor said.

Some wacko tweeker shot
her with her g*n and took off.

Or theory number two.

Somebody knew
that she was stashing

A bunch of cash in her mattress,

Ripped her off, and k*lled her.

Guys, we got a hit on
gennifer's credit cards.

Someone at a drugstore
in the hollywood hills

Is trying to buy $300
worth of sleeping pills.

Have security keep them
there. Send all available units.

Lights and sirens,
everyone. Lights and sirens.

Get away! Stay back!

I'll cut you! I kid you not!

Back off!

[Yelling indistinctly]


Everybody make nice

For our wannabe
anchorman over here.

Leave me alone. Who are you?

Hey, easy, easy. Who are you?

Easy, easy. Get back!

Aaaah! Hey, hey!

They're trying to k*ll me.

Who are you? Get back!

She's high as a kite, you guys.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Get these cops away from me!

All right, look, everyone,

Just take one giant step back.

Come on. One step.
Gimme some room.

Easy, easy.

Miss, look, we don't
want to hurt you.

I didn't do anything.

We just want you
to come quietly.

I didn't do it. I
mean it. Stay away!

[Spits] oh! She spit on him!

Quietly, ok?

Go! Get her!

Get her!

Here. Let me up!

Here. Leave me alone!

Shut up.

Help! Help me! Police brutality!

Are you getting all of this?

No spitting. No spitting.
You shut your mouth!

Listen to me.
You're under arrest

For the m*rder
of gennifer rawley.

I am gennifer rawley.

Aren't i?

I gotta go.

It's not safe
here. I kid you not.

Flynn: why not? Who's
trying to hurt you?

They know who they are.

Look, I got nothing to say.

What time is it? May I go now?

If they know I'm
here, if I say anything,

I'm good as dead.
Dead, dead, dead, dead.

She's chatty.

You're looking at the
real gennifer rawley.

She's been in drug
rehab in palm springs

Up until yesterday when
she checked herself out

One week early.

I guess she was cured.

Chief, fingerprint
analysis came up with a hit

On the dead girl
at the rawley home.

Her name is marianne elzey

And like gennifer, she has
a history of drug busts.

Ok, thank you, lieutenant.

Would you track
down next of kin?

I've got a notification to make.

Well, since gennifer isn't dead,

What say we treat
her like a suspect?

All righty.

Help me. Help me.

Gennifer, gennifer...
Help me right now!

Gennifer, you are
perfectly safe here.

I'm deputy chief...

I've got nothing to say.

Nothing to say. I
won't say anything.

[Scoffs] that'd be a change.

Believe it or not, she's
starting to wind down a little.

Ms. Rawley, you
left rehab last night.

What time did you get home?

I didn't go home.
I can't go home.

Are you crazy?
They're trying to k*ll me.

I kid you not.

Gennifer, do you know a woman
by the name of marianne elzey?

Is she a friend of yours?

I don't have
friends. Who's that?

What did she say? Who
told you about marianne?

What'd she say? She's lying.

Marianne was found dead
in your house last night.

Oh! I knew it.

They're trying to k*ll me.

That's why I got out.

They put a tracer
on my credit cards

So that you'd bring
me here. I kid you not.

Look, I gotta go.
It's not safe here.

Why was she in my
house? Who let her in?


God, they were looking for me.

Wait, wait. Who is
trying to k*ll you?

The bikers and the
mexicans. Blake and batista.

Marianne, you said
marianne. Is she, did she?

I think maybe I should
tell... The tattooed guy

Was always looking at me funny.

No! Rios and pike.

Talk to rios and pike.

Ok, slow down.

Rios and pike she seems to think

Are some kind of
narcotics officers.

Do they even exist?

I am not putting my
head in that metal thing.

All we're prepared
to tell you right now

Is that she's connected to a
major meth trafficking ring

We've been investigating
for the past 2 years.

And how many people
have you arrested

In this 2-year investigation?

You told me I'd have
100% cooperation.

Hold on, chief. Hold on.

We're just having a little
trouble communicating.

That's because
they're not talking.

Rios. Answer her question.

What do you have going
on with gennifer rawley?

We busted her a number of times.

I know that already.
I've seen her record.

I also noticed that gennifer's

Not served one day of jail time

Despite her being
a repeat offender,

And I wonder why.

We've been sort
of using gennifer

As a c.i. For the
last year and a half.

We flipped her.

You flipped her?
Where? On her head?

You really expect me to believe

That you've been using gennifer

As a confidential informant?

She's been in drug rehab
for the past 2 months.

Have you been calling her there?

And remember, I
can look that up.

All right, look.

We think we may be able

To trace some of the
stuff she's been buying

To this... This biker g*ng.

She mentioned something

About bikers, I
think, didn't she?

She's convinced they're
trying to k*ll her.

Are they?

They knew she was ratting
them out to us, maybe, yeah.

Do you have a name?

It's complicated.

We wouldn't know where to start.

Maybe we can keep
everyone happy here

Without jeopardizing a
2-year narcotics investigation.

Chief. Hmm?

Gennifer's family is here.

Thank you, detective. Would
you have them wait in my office?

Well, I can't promise to
make everybody happy,

But I can make this easier.

Detectives rios and pike,

You will hand over
gennifer's c.i. Packet

To sergeant gabriel immediately.

Ma'am, we've been working
on this case for 2 years.

You can't ask us to just...

I'm not asking you,
I'm ordering you

To hand over that c.i. Packet.

And you are dismissed.

Thank you, commander.

Excuse me.

Mrs. Rawley.

I'm deputy chief
brenda leigh johnson.

Thank you so much
for coming down.

This is my son sammy
and my husband sam.

Nice to meet you, sir.

So how does this work?

Which one of us has
to identify the body?

Excuse me?

The police called
and told my son

That genny was dead.

I'm so sorry.

That... That never
should've happened.

And it's not true.

There was some confusion about
gennifer's identity, but she is not dead.


She's here.

Though there was
someone who was m*rder*d

At her house last night.

Maybe a friend of hers.

Did y'all know a marianne elzey?

Genny's friends scare us.

Do you know anyone
who might want her k*lled?

No. Is genny responsible
for all of this?

Were you aware that gennifer

Was in a drug rehab
clinic recently?

Oh, yes.

In palm springs.

For almost two months.

Sammy put her there after my
husband came home to find genny

Trying to rip the tv
off our living room wall.

Mom, please.

Her father didn't
even recognize her,

Genny was so messed up.

Sam tried to chase
her out of the house.

Genny nearly
scratched his eyes out.

The police called
and told my son

That genny was dead.

They made a mistake, dad.

Can we take my sister
home now, please?

I told you, sammy. We
bought her a house.

We're not taking
her back in ours.

I can't release gennifer
right now anyway.

Did any of you know

That gennifer
had left the rehab?

Yes, but leaving rehab

Doesn't mean she's
a m*rder*r, does it?

She needs a lawyer, mom.

That is not our problem.

Genny's a grown woman.

If she wants to
throw her life away,

It's out of our hands.

Is there anything else?

Do you know how gennifer
got back from palm springs?

Against my wishes,
my son drove out

And picked her up.

You should have kept her there.

The clinic discharged her, mom.

What did you want me to do?

Leave her in the
middle of a desert?

You know very
well what I wanted.

Come on, sam. We're going.

Liz, where's genny?

Oh, well, it turned out
that the police were right.

Genny's dead, darling.
She's dead. Um...

Let's go home, now, darling.

Come on.


We had such good reports
about genny from the rehab

Before she...

When you picked her up,

Did you take her
straight to her house?

No. I, uh...

I took her to newport beach

To show my parents
how good she was doing,

But mom wouldn't allow
her inside the house.

Genny was cool about it.

Said it was gonna
take time for us

To trust her again.

So I gave her some
cash for a cab,

And then I don't know
what happened to her.

I guess I should...

I can't understand it.


Any luck with the
confidential informant packet?

We're checking names
in it against the ones

Gennifer was rattling
off in your interview.

According to the c.i. File,

Gennifer's dealer is a
guy named juliano blake

Aka juliano batista.

Ok, lieutenant provenza
and detective sanchez,

Let's pick him up
first thing tomorrow.

Find out where he was
when marianne was k*lled.

Lieutenant tao, how are we doing

With our victim's next of kin?

Not good.

Why is that?

Marianne's not her real name.

In fact, I think she's
an identity thief.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

Even though marianne's
prints match her police file,

They don't match the
thumbprints on her driver's license,

Which is fake.

She's living under an alias,

So I have no idea
who she really is.

And all the high-end electronics
we found in the living room

Were charged using
gennifer's credit cards,

But the signatures
on the packing slips

Match marianne's phony license.

And all the merchandise
was ordered...

While gennifer was in rehab.

You think maybe
these drug dealers,

They were after gennifer,
k*lled marianne by mistake?

I mean, she was in
gennifer's house,

And she was wearing
gennifer's clothing.

She even fooled the mailman.

Or gennifer got home from rehab

And found marianne, or
whoever the hell she is,

Living in her house,
using her dr*gs,

Spending her cash,
and bang, she shot her.

Ok, um...

Just to be clear, let's go over

The different
possibilities we have so far.

Our intended victim is
either gennifer rawley,

A confidential informant
currently working for the lapd,

Or marianne elzey,

Whose real name probably
isn't marianne elzey,

Who stole gennifer's identity...


For suspects, we have
gennifer's drug dealer,

Or marianne's
possible confederates,

Or gennifer rawley herself.

Oh, well, that's as
clear as crystal.

Hey, will.

Oh, fritz, hi.

Hey, how did brenda
do in the deposition?

Oh, uh...


Hey. You ready?


Heard you were a star
in pope's custody hearing.

Really? Where'd you hear that?

From pope. Just ran into him.

Oh. What-what did he say?

Just that.


Was I not supposed to know

You were a character witness?

No. No, it's fine. It's fine.

You ready?

Uh, lieutenant flynn,
have we heard back

From detective sanchez
and lieutenant provenza?

Uh, no. They're still hunting
down gennifer's drug dealer.

Ok. Well, y'all
know agent howard,

And one of the jobs
related to the new

Fbi task force he's working on

Is dealing with all
sorts of identity theft.

Which as, y'all know,
is a federal crime.

So, he's, um... Volunteered

To help us,

Even though
this isn't his case...


But um...


Thanks for that very formal
introduction, chief johnson.

Guys, this is a map

Of the area around
gennifer rawley's home.

Now in the past 16 months,

There's been a string
of similar i.d. Thefts

In the general vicinity.

8 Homes whose occupants have had

Their personal information
stolen from them

While they've been
away on vacation

Or on business.

Now in each instance,
the thieves ran up

Thousands of dollars in charges.

In some cases,

The victims had the feeling

Someone had actually been living

In their houses.

Doesn't make sense.

Identity theft is a cyber crime.

It's usually not tied
to a specific location.

Unless the thieves are living
in the same neighborhood.

Maybe we can get one
of the other victims

To i.d. Marianne for us.

The fbi did extensive
interviews with each family.

They had no idea who hit them.

We didn't even have a name

Until you guys found marianne.

So we're giving you
more information

Than you're
giving us, is that it?

Give me a break.

How many times I have
helped you guys out?

And we really thank
you for that, sir.

We do, we really appreciate it,

But in this particular instance

You don't know anyone who'd
want to k*ll marianne elzey, either.

Uh, technically, no.

You can't keep her.

Actually, mr. Rawley, I can.

I have 48 hours before I
have to file formal charges.

You will have to
come back tomorrow.

Yeah, well, when I do,

She's going with me, or
I'm getting her a lawyer.

Do you have her durable
power of attorney

For legal affairs,

Or are you her
custodial guardian?

Listen, I don't know if
you noticed yesterday,

But my father has alzheimer's.

My mother's aged 50 years
just trying to take care of him,

So all this business with genny,

It's just, it's traumatizing
for both of them.

My family is falling apart here.

We just need
genny to get better.

Mr. Rawley, we have
reason to believe

That someone might be
trying to k*ll your sister.

Now I appreciate that
you are trying to help her,

But it's just not in
genny's best interest

To let her go.

You really don't
expect me to believe

That you care about
genny now, do you?

I know how the police
feel about meth addicts.

Listen, listen. I found
her a new specialist,

And he has a rehab that
guarantees results.

So if you could just give her...

Genny nearly k*lled your
father over a television.

She was clearly using a controlled
substance when we found her,

And now, she's either a potential
victim or a m*rder suspect.

I think you're better off

Letting me take care
of her for the time being.

So you're gonna make sure
that all of her bills get paid?

And put her mail on hold,

Stop the newspapers from coming,

Call the gardener,

Pick up the phone in
the middle of the night

When she's high?
Give me a break.

Excuse me.

Did you say you put
genny's mail on hold?

You heard me. Get out of my way.

You better calm
yourself, old man,

And remember who
you're talking to.

You better watch
that "old man" crap.

And you better remember
that I don't answer to you.

None of you answer to anyone.

That's your damn problem.

Uh, excuse me. Excuse me.

Lieutenant, what's
going on here?

Well, we found gennifer's
so-called dealer.

The guy listed in
the c.i. Packet. Yeah.

Had him staked out all night.

Juliano blake sells car
insurance, for heaven's sakes.

He's no more a drug
dealer than I am.

There's nothing that ties
him to gennifer or biker gangs.

I'm telling you, chief.

Narcotics fed us
a bunch of bull!

You don't know that!

Ok, commander. Excuse me.

We'll come back
to this in a minute.

Thank you, lieutenant.

As it turns out, we have
a new lead in this case

Because I just found out

That gennifer's mail was on hold

While she was in rehab.

Sergeant gabriel,
would you please

Put up agent howard's map.

Yeah. Uh...

Lieutenant tao, I want
to see if all these houses

Are on the same postal route.

Yeah, it was the
mailman who called it in.

Sergeant gabriel
and lieutenant flynn,

Would you please
bring him to me.

Special delivery.

Thank you, and
detective sanchez,

I'd like to hear that 911
call again from the mailman.

Thank you.

Commander, may I
speak with you privately

In chief pope's office?

Off to the vatican.

With all due respect, sir,

She stepped on 2 years
of narcotics work.

Oh, I would hardly call it work.

You were hunting
elephants in a petting zoo.

Operating on unreliable information
from a paranoid drug addict,

And they knew that giving
me gennifer's c.i. Packet

Would expose their
investigation as a complete fraud.

Is this true?

It's accusations like this

That make it impossible
for other divisions

To work with priority homicide.

Central's still mad at her.

Hollywood division
won't even take her calls,

And now she's
attacking narcotics.


I have less than a day

To either charge or
release gennifer rawley.

It has been drilled into me

That I have limited resources,

So I want to know
right now, commander,

Is narcotics pursuing
a valid investigation?

I don't carry all the facts

Of every departmental
investigation in my head.

Sometimes I trust the
people who work here.

All right, I want
a complete report

From this rios
and pike. Yesterday.

You're dismissed, commander.

Yes, sir.


There's something
going on with him.

There's no way he would've
stirred up a ruckus like that

Unless he knew something.

Let's not start
imagining things.

Brenda, brenda.

No one has heard anything.

No one will hear anything

Because I've hired you
the best attorney in l.a.,

And he's having all of your
testimony put under seal

By protective order.

Who? Which attorney?

You've sat across
from him before.

It's tom blanchard.

Tom blanchard.

He makes my stomach turn.

Well, you may want
to skip breakfast then,

Because he is
exactly what you need.

Thank you.

911 Operator.

What's the emergency?

I'm a, I'm a letter carrier

For the u.s. Post office.

And I have to
report a, oh, my god,

I think she's dead.

Operator: sir, can
you repeat that?

Have you found a woman's body?

Man: yeah, well.
She's not moving.

Oh, can someone...

Operator: stay on the line, sir.

Someone will be right there.

What's the address?

Gennifer's brother put a
two-month hold on her mail.

Which means that
you wouldn't have been

Delivering anything to
her for the past 7 weeks.

But as her mailman,

You had access to
her credit card bills

And financial statements.

And you knew she
wouldn't be home

For a good long while.

Plenty of time for
you and this so-called

Marianne elzey to move
in, have a little party

On gennifer's tab.

No. That ain't true.

Derek, we were able
to trace phone calls

Made from gennifer's house
to the cell phone you used

To call 911.

Ok, mr. Draper.

You got a choice.

You can either
stop lying right now

And admit to the
relatively minor crime

Of identity theft,

Or we can arrest you for m*rder.

Hey, wait. I didn't k*ll anyone.

Then what did
you do, mr. Draper?

And make me believe you.

Whoo, man.

Ok, ok, ok.

I... I went through the mail...

I grabbed the pre-approved
credit card statements

And the bank stuff.

And you sold the
information to other people.

No, no. It was for us.

Marianne would just use the info

To set up accounts with
p.o. Boxes that I gave her,

And sometimes when
people are out of town,

She would just move
in to their houses.

I'd drop off the
stuff on my route.

I mean, this stuff
was easy to sell...

And, uh, paid for
marianne's habit.

Great. So you
closed the fbi case.

Now get to the part
where you k*ll her.

So you got tired of her
spending all your cash

On crystal, and you shot
her, didn't you, derek?

No, man. I told
you I didn't do that.

Where were you the
night marianne was k*lled?

Look, I have been working nights

At the bulk mail
center this whole week.

Now, you can check with
my supervisor on that.

I told you, I did
not k*ll marianne.

I swear to god, I
didn't k*ll marianne.

I didn't.

You keep calling her marianne.

Is that her real name?

What was her last name?

What was her last name?


She was your wife?

You purposely
misidentified marianne to me?

Your wife is lying in a morgue.

Look, when I
called the police, i...

I didn't know she was dead.

She takes sleeping pills,

You know, valium
sometimes to come down,

And I just...

I bang on the window,
and she wakes up.

And she would
always wake up, and...

She wouldn't wake up.

And I couldn't get in.

Look, don't be
mad at me, I just...

I just wanted someone to...

Oh, god. [Crying]

I just wanted
someone to help her.

Looks like we just notified
marianne's next of kin.


And we still don't know
who k*lled her, or why.

[Draper continues crying]

Oh, hey, guys.

Look what the cat dragged in.

Hey, it's all right, fellas.

Mr. Blanchard here
just must be lost.

We don't have any
celebrities in custody today.

Well, actually, lieutenant, I
was looking for your boss.

I believe she's expecting me.

Excuse me.


Come in.

Have a seat.

Now, some ground rules
for this next deposition.

First rule, don't do
their jobs for them.

Keep your answers
short and simple.

Don't guess, don't argue.

Mr. Blanchard, are
you honestly telling me

How to conduct
myself in an interview?

Ms. Johnson, you're
about to enter a room

Where you don't get
to ask the questions.

Ok. Fine.

Now, so that we may avoid
any further surprises,

I need to know all the facts
about your relationship

With chief pope.

And please, tell me everything.

So, what do you want to know?

Well, how did you two meet?

That's classified.

Um... I met him back east.

He was assistant
chief to the d.c. Police.

And I was an official
liaison officer with them

From an organization
I can't mention

Because of a separation oath.


Are you currently having
an affair with mr. Pope?

Absolutely not!

We're just friends.

How long have you
been... Just friends?

8 1/2 Years.

Have you ever received
anything of a personal nature

From chief pope in
the last 6 months?

Like a... Gift?

No. I...

Um... Yes, he...

Gave me a birthday present,

But I don't know what's in it.

I haven't opened it yet.

Well, that's remarkable
restraint for a woman.

Do you still have this present?


Oh, my.

My, my, my.

I thought this was silver,

But it looks and feels
more like platinum.

I may have to keep this,
ms. Johnson, for your sake.

[Closes box]

So that if you're asked
about this present,

You can state frankly
that you never saw it.

You knew I had that gift

Before you asked
me that question.

Chief pope did tell me

That he had given you
a birthday present. Yes.

But since you didn't open it,

In my opinion, he was wrong.

In other words,
mr. Pope described

Only what he
thought he had done.

Not what had actually happened.

Do you understand what
I'm saying here, ms. Johnson?

Are you with me?

Yes, i...

I'm with you, i...

I just...

Just, just give me
one minute, please.

Thank you.

Sergeant gabriel,
gennifer's brother

Will be coming to pick her up,

And he's gonna want
to call a lawyer for her.

I don't want that to happen.

I'll stall him then.

That would be good.

Lieutenant tao, before
I speak with her again,

I need gennifer rawley's
cell phone records.

Dump every phone she's got
and every phone she's called.

Thank you. Why?

Because... She talks too much.

Your 48 hours are almost up,

And you shouldn't even
try to question genny

When she's in this condition.

I'm getting her an attorney.

You are not her
guardian. She's an adult.

And no lawyer is
coming into this room

Unless genny
specifically requests one.

Then let me talk to her.

By refusing to let
me talk to my sister

And then questioning her
without an attorney present,

You're laying the
groundwork for an appeal.

All right.

Maybe it would be good
for you to hear the truth.

But if you even mention the
word lawyer in my interview room,

It better be because
you want one.

Do you understand?

Sammy. Sammy,
get me out of here.

Don't worry. That's
exactly what I'm gonna do.

Brenda: gennifer,
last time we spoke,

You weren't quite yourself,

So, just so we're all
clear about your rights,

Sergeant gabriel's going
to read them to y'all now.

Whatever happened to
good old-fashioned alcohol?

All right, it rots your liver,

And you're a pain
in the ass at parties,

But it takes at least 20 years

For it to make you
look as bad as this girl.

Do you understand these rights?

I'm sorry, sammy. I'm sorry.

I know, I know.

Gennifer, I'm gonna ask you
some very important questions.

I feel sick. Talk
to rios and pike.

I did. I spoke
with rios and pike.

And I can safely say that
there are no drug dealers

Trying to k*ll you.

Yes. Yes, there are.

Look at her. She's exhausted.

Let me take her home.

No. I don't want to go home.

I wouldn't step
foot in my house.

People are trying to k*ll me.

But you did go home.

See, you took a cab

From your parents'
house in newport beach

To yours in l.a.


I went home, but then I hid.

Someone was in my house.

I saw the light on,

And so, i... I hid.
I hid in my hole.

You're talking about

The mattress in
your guest house,

Where you cut out a
little space for yourself

And hid to feel safe?

How did you know about that?

Who told you about that?

I saw your suitcases there.

The ones you brought
back from rehab.

You're part of it.

Sammy, sammy, she's part of it.

She only gets like this
when she's been high.

When I went to the
rehab and picked her up,

She was fine.

Honestly, she was sober.

But she didn't stay sober long.

Did she?

She called you just a few hours

After you picked
her up from rehab,

From her cell phone to yours.

She went home, and she got high,

And then you talked
to her, didn't you?

Trying to calm her down,

But you couldn't calm
her down, could you?

No, I couldn't.

She was going on about
people trying to k*ll her.

Gabriel: and you believed her?

She was completely paranoid.

You spoke to her about
it for a good long time.

Yeah, I was trying
to calm her down.


While you were on the road.

Excuse me? What?

Each cell phone has
its own unique identity.

Just like people.

That conversation

That you just admitted
having with your sister

Lasted 45 minutes

While you were driving to
her house from newport beach.

Gabriel: see, while you
were listening to gennifer,

Your cell phone was
giving us its exact location.

And you were traveling
northbound on the 405

From orange county
to los angeles.

We tracked you from the moment

Gennifer called you at 3 a.m.,

To the moment you
ended the call at 3:48 a.m.

Near her house.

No. That's not true.

Brenda: you see, when you
were on the phone with genny,

You thought that she
was using dr*gs again,

But you had to be sure.

And then when you
entered her house,

You smelled the methamphetamine.

And you knew what
she'd been doing.

So you grabbed gennifer's g*n,

And you shot her in the head.

Sammy: no!

That's why you told your family

That genny was dead

When sergeant
gabriel called the house

Even though he only called

To tell you to come
down to the station.

Because you were describing

What you thought had happened.

Not what actually did.

You meant to m*rder your sister,

But instead, you
k*lled the young woman

Who had stolen her identity.

Sammy... Is that...

You tried to k*ll me?

You ruined our lives, gen,

With lie after lie
after lie after lie.

Did you ever once put
us ahead of getting high?


Sergeant gabriel,

Would you escort ms.
Rawley outside, please?

Let's go. Let's go.

Gennifer: sammy? Um...

I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it.

An hour after you leave here,

You'll have forgotten
all about this.

Gabriel: let's go.

So, gen gets to walk
out of here free,

And I go to jail for
the rest of my life?

She was arrested so
many times for possession.

Did it never once
occur to you people

That maybe she belonged in jail?

All I wanted to do was stop her

From traumatizing my family.

It was self defense.

You may be right about that.

But you're defending yourself
against the wrong person.

And now your parents have
lost both their children.

We're here to talk about family

And the threat posed to family

When the father
isn't up to the job.

Ms. Johnson, since you
arrived in los angeles,

You and will pope have
worked very closely together.

Long days. Sometimes
long nights.


How much time does
mr. Pope actually have

To spend with his children

When it's really you
he's spending time with?


On what grounds?

Your question is
argumentative, harassing,

And ends with a preposition.

Kindly rephrase.

This is ridiculous.

Chief pope and I are
not having an affair.

Excuse me, ms. Johnson.

Will you kindly
refrain from speaking.

Now, barbara... [Clears throat]

If you're going to pursue
this line of questioning,

I would remind
you that chief pope

Didn't leave his first
wife for ms. Johnson.

He left her for estelle.

And unlike the
future ex-mrs. Pope,

Whose infidelity brings
us here in the first place,

Ms. Johnson has never
broken a vow of marriage.

So any attempt by your client

To besmirch deputy
chief johnson's reputation

Will be considered harassment.

And grounds for a
very long, expensive,

And embarrassing lawsuit,

During which I will drag
your client into court,

And we can examine
estelle pope's

Adulterous behavior...

With vigorous
attention to detail.

Are you getting all this?

Now, as it regards the best
interests of the children,

My client has already testified
as to mr. Pope's fitness as a father.

And she would also like
to stipulate for the record

That mr. Pope is her colleague,

Her superior officer,
and her friend.

Fade out, roll credits, the end.

Any more questions?


That went well.

Yes. Yes, it did.

So, now that it's all over...

You'd like to know...

What the gift was.

Yes, i... I would. If that's ok.

It's not.

Mr. Blanchard.

I hope I never,
ever need you again.


I hope you do.

[Elevator dings]
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