02x11 - Borderline

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x11 - Borderline

Post by bunniefuu »

No, I'm still 20 minutes out.

That line was ridiculous.

The lapd did not give me a badge

So I could cut to the front

Of the line, lieutenant flynn.

No. Just tell me where to go.

You can brief me
when I get there.


I take vermont to the 10.

Oh, sh**t!


Ohh! Lieutenant flynn,
let me call you right back.


[Horn honks, crash]

Son of a...

What the hell were you thinking?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I'm terribly sorry.
I didn't see you. Oh!

Well, it's nothing serious.

Anyway, I'm gonna give
you my business card,

And it's got all my
contact information.

And I'm gonna write
down my license number.

You take your car to
a good body shop and...

You really need
to call the police.

That won't be necessary.

No, sweetie, it
really is necessary.

See, I work for the government.

I can't just ignore the law.

We need to get the police.

You got 'em right here.

Deputy chief brenda
leigh johnson. Lapd.

And as sorry as I am

About that tiny little
dent on your suv,

I've got a triple
homicide to get to.

Pardon me.

Oh... sh**t!

What happened to your car?

A little accident.
This jerk. Don't ask.

Ok. Here you go.

Thank you.

Deputy chief johnson,
detective sergeant david gabriel,

Priority homicide.

So, what's our story here?

Well, one of the neighbors
called in and complained

About loud music
coming from the house.

Approximately 9:30
a.m. Units respond,

No one answers, so
one of the officers

Goes around the
side of the house,

Noticed the window was
broken and a trail of blood.

Called in for backup.

Well, let's have a look-see.

There's the stereo.

Empty house.

Bunch of mattresses
on the floor.

Smells like dope.

Except it doesn't...

[Radio plays spanish music]

Smell like dope or
garbage or urine.

This place is too clean
to be a sh**ting gallery.

If any of the neighbors
know anything

About who lives
here or what they do,

Nobody is saying so.

Well, we'll just have to
figure it out for ourselves.

Detective daniels,

I want to know about
everyone who owns, rents,

Or walks a dog by this house.

Already on it.

Thank you.

Sergeant gabriel,
where are the bodies?

There are no bodies.

Excuse me?

Responding officer could see a
blood trail from the side window,

But when we got
inside, no bodies.

Commander taylor, I was told

To rush to the scene
of a triple homicide.

Could you please
tell me what you found

That suggests this is either
a priority or a homicide?

I'd say this was something more

Than someone cutting his
hand while chopping onions.

We found significant
brain matter

In both those spills.

Yeah, with a bunch of
b*llet fragments, too,

And there's a slug
over here in this wall.

Where do those drag marks go?

Um, out the side door here.

And I'm guessing that
someone was waiting outside

With a truck or a car
to haul the bodies away.

It's about 3,000
bucks of u.s. Dollars,

Pesos, even some food stamps.

Gabriel: now it's smelling
a little more like dope.


Here's victim number 3.

Doesn't look like there's
much blood over there.

What about brain matter?

We haven't found any yet.

From the looks
of this blood trail,

I'd say he or she
left here alive.

Ok, so...

The sh**t fires here,
boom. And here, boom.

And then moves to hit someone

Who's running for
their life, boom.

Which would explain
our wall slug.


And our lonely
casing, right there.

Have we checked with
the e.r.s in the area?

We put out a medical alert.

Notified all of the hospitals.

They'll let us know if any
g*nsh*t wounds show up.

Excuse me, chief,

I think we might want to
let this out to the press.


Our guy didn't walk
out of this bloodbath

And stroll over to cedars sinai.

A word from the press
might shake the trees.

Generate some tips.

All right, well, let's tell them

We're looking for
an injured person

Who's either a
witness or a victim.

Don't give them any
of the details, please.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

Glad to help.

Lieutenant flynn, I'm
gonna need your phone.


All right, well, let me know

As soon as you get
that information.

Thank you.

So, the dna results
will not be back

For another 36 hours,

But the preliminary
blood work confirms

That there were
at least 3 people

Wounded in that house.

So, lieutenant provenza,

Any hospital in the county

Report a patient that
might be our missing victim?

All of our victims are missing.

No, I mean the victim
that left the scene alive,

Not the two that left
parts of their brains

On the kitchen floor.

I don't know chief, I mean,
there's been 6 or 7 maybe.

Wait. I got it right here.

We got 9 reported g*nshots.

That's in the past 6 hours.

Now, 2 of them
also reported cuts.

One's at st. Joe's,
one's at county.

Now I've got 2
outstanding officers

Checking it out, and I'll tell
them to call in, you know,

If something looks promising.

Well, thank you,
lieutenant provenza,

But I don't want outstanding
officers checking things out,

I want you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Um, detective daniels,
who owns that house?

A management company.
Jacobsen properties.

They lease it month to month,

But they haven't had
a tenant in over a year.

I'm checking to see if
any employees, maids,

Or handymen might have
had a key to the house.

Ok. Lieutenant tao,
what can you tell...

Where's lieutenant tao?


O what hu?

Oahu. Hawaii.

Gabriel: chief,
tao's on vacation.

He took his kids surfing.

Uh, I'm actually
handling the ballistics.

All right, well, sergeant
gabriel, what do you have?

Well, the casings
are medium caliber.

.380, semiautomatic,

They all appear to be
fired from the same g*n.

I walked them down to
ballistics about an hour ago.

They're gonna run them
through the nibin database

And get back to
us by this evening.

This evening?

Lieutenant tao gets me
those results in an hour.

Well, that's because lieutenant
tao knows their secret handshake.

Plus the fact he gives
sheila down there

A bottle of kahlua every friday.

Sergeant gabriel,
let's see if we can't

Get that information
back a little quicker.

Thank you. Detective sanchez,

What can you tell me
about the neighbors?

Well, nobody admitted seeing
a car in front of that house.

I got a call into traffic

To give me a report on any
tickets over the past week,

Also any reports of abandoned
or suspicious vehicles.

Ok. With all that cash
in the kitchen drawer,

This might be drug related.

I need someone to
talk to narcotics.

Without it turning
into a street brawl.

Given the number of homicides
that are drug related,

We are gonna have to
smooth things over with them.

Ok, lieutenant flynn.

Flynn is gonna be our
goodwill ambassador?


Uh, see if there's any warrants

That were served at that house

Or if there have been
any narcotics complaints.

Thank you.

Yes, sir. Can I help you?

Captain west. Traffic.

Oh, you want to talk
to detective sanchez.

He's right here.

I'm not here to talk
to detective sanchez.

I'm here to talk to you,
about your accident.

Oh. Ok.

That's very funny.

[Laughing] that's funny.

You were...

Oh, you're kidding. I
know you're kidding.

[Laughing] that's
funny. That's good.

I like that. No?


It's not...



My office, please, sir.

Why don't you have a seat, sir.

Now, how can I help you?

I am here to
investigate a charge

That you were involved

In a hit-and-run
accident this morning.

You mean that dust-up
at the coffee shop?

Is that how you think of it?

That's precisely
how I think of it.

I bumped into an suv. Barely.

And then fled the scene.

Why didn't you
report the accident?

I gave that guy
all my information.

My business card,
and my license number.

Leaving aside that what you say

Directly contradicts
the account of mr. Carson,

The man whose vehicle you hit,

You still haven't
answered my question.

Why did you fail, despite
very clear department policy,

To report this accident?

Didn't seem important.

Were you drinking?


I was getting coffee.

You ever have anything
stronger than that at breakfast?

I was on my way to the
scene of a triple homicide.

I gave all the information
to the person I hit.

So, I didn't do anything wrong.

Except expose the taxpayers

And the city of los angeles

To a possible lawsuit.

That is why we have a strict
code of conduct that states,

Any officer involved
in a vehicular accident

While on duty must
remain with their vehicle

At the scene of said accident

Until a traffic
officer completes

A thorough investigation.

There was a triple homicide.

Did you hear that part?

Dead human beings.

Did you not know this
is department policy?

I wasn't aware. No.

Well, maybe that's why
the lapd usually promotes

From within its own ranks

Rather than bringing
deputy chiefs in from atlanta.

Because every other
cop in this building

Knows that when you
get in any kind of accident...

[Knock on door]

Hey, chief. We just got a tip.

A guy walked into
a clinic in east l.a.

With a b*llet in his leg.

Sanchez is already on his way.

Well, captain west, I can
think of nothing I'd enjoy more

Than to sit here
and listen to you

Read me the rule book for hours,

But I have some actual
police business to attend to.

I will need these
reports on my desk

By tomorrow morning, and
if you refuse to cooperate

With my investigation,

I will be forced to take
this straight to chief pope.

Be my guest.

A nurse who works here at
the clinic called the tip line.

She got the number off the news.

A man came in here
this morning bleeding

With a b*llet in his leg.

She's getting the
doctor right now.

How can I help you?

Deputy chief brenda
leigh johnson. Lapd.

I need to speak with
the injured gentleman.

I was able to remove
the b*llet in his leg.

He's recovering but
rather traumatized.

He lost quite a bit of blood.

Why didn't you call this in?

I've been sewing this guy's
wounds for over an hour.

I didn't have time to
call the police yet.

Well, I need to speak with him.


Is he able to speak?

I gave him a pretty
healthy dose of percocet.

He's a little loopy.

Blood on the door!

Hey, stop! [Speaking spanish]

Call an ambulance.

We're taking this
man over to county.

Then we can figure out
why he's in such a hurry.



Detective sanchez, I
need you to tell hugo

That we brought
him to a hospital

To take better care of him.

Lo cambiamos al hospital

Para darle mejor
atencion medica.

I know that this day has
been difficult for you.

Entendemos que ha
tenido un dia dificil.

But I need to ask you

Some questions, is that ok?

Pero necesitamos hacerle
algunas preguntas. ¿Esta bien?

You told the nurse at the clinic

That you were shot
by some g*ng members,

That you were just walking by.

But that is a big, fat lie.

No, no, no. Es la verdad.

[Speaking spanish]
I'm telling the truth.

Want me to
translate that, chief?

No, I get the sense of it.

Now that we're all
speaking english,

Let's see if we can
agree on the truth, ok?

For example,

You were shot at a house

Near the clinic where
we picked you up.

We found your blood there,

So don't bother denying it.

Please don't send me back.

Please don't.

I can't go back.

So you're illegal?

Is that why you ran away?


I was scared.

I did not know who you were.

Well, now you do.

If you're honest with me,

I'll do everything I can to
make sure you stay here.

You tell me the truth, now.

I was smuggled
over with 10 others.

The coyotes led us
through the sewage canals.

We had to swim
to the other side.

I could barely
see, it was so dark.

When they got over the border,

These smugglers, these coyotes,

They loaded all 11 people

Into the back of a truck.

When they got to
the coyote's house,

They jacked the
rate another $500

Before they'll let anyone go.


So everybody had to
call their relatives

To pay the higher price.

One of the coyotes went
to a specific drop-off point

To pick up the ransom,

Then they'd release
the immigrants.

But hugo and 2 others
couldn't come up with the money,

So the coyote started
screaming and pulled out a g*n.

That's when hugo ran
towards the back door.

He was a block away before
he realized he'd been hit.

Did hugo give a
description of the coyote?

Oh, let me guess. Mexican?

What? If he's an illegal guide,

He's not gonna be from canada.

Hugo said the k*ller
had a tattoo on his neck.

Our lady of guadalupe.

He also said that the truck

That brought them
to l.a. Was white.

Why k*ll your cargo?
It's bad for business.

These coyotes, they've
got lots of business.

Hundreds of immigrants want to
get across the border every day.

How'd you get here, sanchez?

Your daughter drove me.


Lieutenant provenza,

Our witness gave us
a vehicle description.

Check with impound.
Maybe we'll get lucky.

Thank you.

[Spanish accent]
thank you, señorita.

Have a nice day.

It's all right? It's all right.

Sergeant gabriel,
any luck with the g*n?

Yeah, nibin hit the jackpot.

Our w*apon was used
in a previous sh**ting.

Exact same g*n. A
.380 semiautomatic.

I pulled the file.

3 Years ago, 2 g*ng members
exchanged a few rounds

In lincoln heights.
Aylesworth place.

No one got hit, and
both sh**t ran off.

But witnesses report
seeing one of them

Toss a g*n into the bushes.

I'm guessing a ficus or
potacarpus or some sort of

Ground leafy cover...

Sergeant gabriel,
please, finish.

Must be channeling
tao from hawaii.

Responding officers
searched the area.

They did not find a g*n, but,

The casings that they found

Match the casings
from our crime scene.

Ok, so we don't have a g*n,

But we know that it
was used before in l.a.

We don't have a truck,

But we know that it was white.

We don't have any bodies,

But we're pretty sure
some people are dead.

Anything else we don't have?

We don't have any post-it notes.

I used them all writing down

Captain traffic's
messages for you.

According to section
440 of the lapd manual,

What must an
officer do immediately

When he or she is involved
in an automobile accident

While on duty?

Do you know the answer?

Will, it's a stupid question.

It doesn't take into
consideration any mitigating...

Do you know the answer?

The question should be,

What should a deputy chief do

When involved in
a fender bender,

On her way to a triple homicide,

To serve and protect
the people of los angeles,

After she tells the big
faker, who she barely touched,

That she'll take
care of everything?

Do you know the answer?

Well, I do now.

But, will, how am I
supposed to handle this case

And deal with this captain west

And the bug that's up
his... You know what.

Please, will,

Can't you just
make this go away?

Brenda, you were wrong.

You left the scene
of an accident

Without following lapd protocol.

No matter how right
you think you are,

Them's the rules.

Ok? So, make time.

Like I did for your deposition?

That was a different
situation entirely.

Look, it can't look like
I'm cutting you slack

Right after you did me a favor.

That would jeopardize both of
our standings in the department.

The best thing you can do

Is just take your medicine

And we'll all feel
better in the morning, ok?

Oh, and, uh, I need your key.

To your car.

For the investigation.


You're not serious.

You think I like upsetting you?


[Door closes]

He works for the government,

Called me sweetie,

And now he's saying
he's got whiplash.

It was a teeny, tiny dent.

Well, you did hit him.

Yeah, he was in my blind spot.

Were you nice?

I was very nice!


I don't want to talk
about this anymore, ok?

I just... I don't want
to talk about it.

I just want to have
a nice, quiet dinner,

Just the two of us...

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, can you just...

I told you we ordered too much.

It's middle eastern.
You always over-order.

[Cat meows]

Oh, kitty. Oh, honey.

Agent howard.

You found the bodies.
Great, detective sanchez.

What bodies?

That's for me. I know.

Hello. Hi, detective.

Oh, good.

You gave out my number?

I crushed my phone. Uh-huh.

How did you...

Dead body. Dead
body. All right, good.

I'll meet you there. Ok, bye.

I need to borrow your car.

Uh, no. What?

It's new.

Your recent driving record

Hasn't been exactly spectacular.


Does he ever smile?

I mean, he found some bodies.

Two hispanic males
shot at close range,

Stashed in the
back of the truck.

Both: who found the truck?

Traffic called it in.


Right after they
wrote a ticket on it.

I'm surprised they
found the time.

Any weapons discovered?

That's the one thing
we haven't found.

People think construction
sites are just big trashcans.

We found syringes,
shotgun shells,

A couple of candles,
some condoms,

And a powder-blue toilet seat.

Bag it all up, please.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm guessing they've
been dead 20, 24 hours.

The entry wounds are consistent

With a medium caliber
w*apon like our missing .380.


Uh, chief, we don't...


Move the bodies.

Brenda: let me see that.

Detective, look
what we have here.

Our lady of guadalupe.

Looks like one of our
victims is also our k*ller.

So who k*lled the k*ller?

Dr. Crippen is on a
leave of absence,

And dr. Tan will be overseeing
and reviewing the autopsy

With assistant terrence hynes.

Both men were shot in the face.

Instant death.


Chief johnson has
asked the time of death,

And i, dr. Tan, am responding.

According to my
investigator at the scene,

Both bodies had been dead
for approximately 24 hours.

Also, the brain matter
found in the house

Is consistent with
these head wounds.

How certain are you of that?

We won't know for sure

Until the full dna
results come back.

But if you had to guess,
these are the guys

Who died at our
original house party?

I don't have to guess.

There are drag marks
on both juan does.

Postmortem scrapes and
scratches on their backs.

May I show them what I found?

I had a career intervention
with myself some weeks back

And decided to pursue
the coronary arts,

So I'm going to medical
school part-time,

And I'm really enjoying...

Tell me what you
found, terrence.

Saliva. Oh, darn it.

On, uh, both men,
on their faces,

But it's not their own.

Here, on the forehead,
and a little bit

There near the entry wound.

Which more than
likely means that...

The k*ller spat in their faces.

This doesn't seem like just
some coyote losing his temper,

It's more personal.

I need to have samples
of the saliva for d...

For dna testing.

Chief johnson has
asked for saliva samples,

And i, dr. Tan, have authorized
my assistant, terrence hynes,

To provide these
samples... Voila.


Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

I'm confused. Hugo said that two
illegals got shot by the coyote,

But now we have one dead illegal

And one dead coyote?

From what we know,

The coyote is illegal
as well, so technically...

Well, then, are we still...

Wait, are we still
looking for another body

Or a different k*ller?

Oh! Yes.

Why would you spit
in someone's face?

[Sighs] hate.

Or contempt.


Well, we know that the coyote

Was extorting extra
money from these illegals.

Maybe he wasn't

Kicking anything
back to the boss.

Boss got wind of it,

Didn't want people to
think he was getting soft

And ordered the hit

To send a message to
the other employees.

Well, if that's the case,

Why not just k*ll the coyote?

Why k*ll the illegal as well?

Silencing a witness.

Well, then why move the bodies?

Maybe he was
trying to hide them.

How does hiding the bodies

Send any kind of message
to other coyotes?

If you were going
to hide the bodies,

Why put them where
they were so easy to find?

You know, I'm just kind
of thinking out loud here...

Well, let's try thinking
quietly for a little while.

Might be a little
more productive.


Please tell me you're
here to give me my car back.

Have you finished those reports?

There are over 50
different forms here.

That's how we
determine the truth.

The truth?!


That man, mr. Carson,

There is no way that
he is really injured.

He is a liar.

And an opportunist. And...

My tail light was broken

And my cell phone,
and you don't see me

Accusing anybody...

So you were talking
on your cell phone

When the accident occurred.

Captain west...

I realize that a lot of
people in this building

Resent the fact
that I am an outsider.

But that is no reason to waste
the lapd's precious resources

On this silly investigation.


Do you know there are just
as many automobile fatalities

Every year in l.a. As
there are murders?

And unlike the dead hookers,
dealers, and gangbangers

That you investigate,

People care about the
victims of auto accidents.

They mourn them.

They build shrines to them

By the side of the road.

There is nothing
silly about what I do.

It's a serious job and
one worthy of respect.

Please fill out
those reports, ma'am.

They build shrines to them?

Yes, they do.

Detective daniels. Yeah.

When you were bagging that debris,
you said you found some candles?

Where are they?

Uh, they're in evidence,
but I have photos.

Those are catholic
prayer candles.

Uh, chief, you care to share

With the rest of the class?

Someone put up a shrine.

I want to know about every death

That occurred
within a 1-mile radius

Of where we found that
truck last night, car accidents,

sh**t, dead pets, anything.

Go back 5 years.

Our k*ller was
sending a message.

But it wasn't to his employees.

Chief, it's the hospital.

The doctor wants
to release hugo.


If this is about
your traffic issue,

I told you, I can't help you.

No, no. Never mind about that,

But I need your help
to solve a problem.

Ok, I'm listening.
Scared, but listening.

My witness has recovered.

And the problem?

I need him not to be
released from the hospital.

I can't force the
hospital to hold a patient,

Especially an illegal
immigrant with no insurance.

He'll disappear the
moment they sign him out.

If you say you can't find a way

To bend the rules to
help me, I'm gonna scream.

So call immigration,
call the doctor,

Call whatever,
just call in a favor.

You remember what
favors are, don't you, will?

Mm-hmm. Things you do for people

Without expecting
anything in return.

All right.

I can authorize a
couple of weeks

Of protective custody.

Thank you.

Ok, we looked at the 5
years of incident reports.

Tickets, et cetera, you know,

Near where we found our bodies.

There are no traffic accidents,

Uh, no g*ng activity,

Quite a bit of
prostitution, though.

Which might explain

Why your dear
friends over in traffic

Were so quick to
stumble on that truck.

Oh, speaking of trucks,

We did come across
an interesting case

From about 3 years ago.

Yeah, someone drove a
truck from tijuana to l.a.,

Then abandoned it.

Now, it had a refrigeration
unit in the rear,

But they failed to turn it on.

So 15 illegals locked inside

Cooked to death.

They came across the
vehicle in a vacant lot

Which is now the
construction site

Where our truck was found.

The fbi handled the case,

And they sent us a
copy of their files.

Now, they did get some prints

From the truck cab, but
nothing else ever came up.

We should run those prints
against our dead coyote.

They ever i.d. Any
of the victims?

No. Not all of them,
but some of them

Have some relatives
living here in l.a.

This is a partial list.

Now, remember, it's a
couple of years old.

Where have I heard of
aylesworth place before?

It's in lincoln heights.

That's the same place
we got the nibin hit

Right. On our m*rder w*apon.

Unsolved g*ng sh**ting
on aylesworth place.

Ok. 3 Years ago,

The bodies of mr. And
mrs. David gonzales

Were found dead in
the back of that truck.

Bodies were
claimed by their son,

Carlos gonzales, of 211
aylesworth place, apartment d.

Is it just me, or does this all

Seem like an
enormous coincidence?

Hmm. I'm just thinking
out loud here...

That we should pick
up carlos gonzales.

Hey, I finally figured
out a solution

To your captain west problem.

Oh, yeah, what's that?

Fill in the reports.

Oh, so you're
taking his side now.

No, I'm just saying

This whole thing
is making you crazy.

And whatever you're
doing to make him go away

Isn't working.

I will not dignify his
baseless accusation

By responding to it.


I've come up against
guys like west.

They're machines.

You have to either

Play them or get used to losing.

Then you mean politics.

Well, yeah.

So you want me to lie and
cheat like everybody else.

That is not the only
way to be political.

Well, I will not stoop
to bullying and...

Using people.

Oh, and, uh... I need
you to drive me to work.

Are they going to send me back?

No. I had my boss
pull some strings.

You're in protective custody.

In fact, I was gonna
keep this as a surprise,

But I'm working on
getting you a work visa

So you can stay
in america legally.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Well, that's the
least we can do.

Given your cooperation.

You must be hugo. Es un placer.

Feeling better?

Si. Gracias.

This is detective daniels.

She and sergeant gabriel

Will help you with
your visa application.

But I just need you to
do one thing for me first.

We believe

That we may have found the person
that you identified as the sh**t.

But I just want to warn you

That it does not look good.

Is this the man who shot you?


But who k*lled him?

Well, we have a man in custody

We believe may
have been involved,

But we should get you
started on your application.

Sanchez: carlos gonzales,
you have the right

To remain silent.

Anything you say can and will...

Oh, I'm... I'm...

Are you all right, hugo?

Is it that man?

Do you know him?

No. I'm uncomfortable,
and my leg,

It hurts a little. I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I've been dragging
you all over the city.

But you'll be on your way soon.

Detective daniels
and sergeant gabriel

Will help you get
your pictures, prints,

And signature for your visa.

Right this way.
[Speaking spanish]

[Door opens]

Well, gentlemen,
how are we doing?

He's not much of a talker.

I don't have nothing to say.

Oh, I think that's
a mistake, carlos.

I know what you did.

I found that g*n
in your apartment.

I want to give you a
chance to tell me why.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about the men
you m*rder*d 2 days ago.

I have the evidence

To prove that
you did it, carlos.

But if you cooperate with
me, I could help save your life.

This was a bad man.

We matched his fingerprints

With the prints we
found in the truck

Where your parents died.

He was the driver.

What I need to know is this...

How did you find him?

The fbi couldn't. How could you?

[Knock on door]

You think about
what I said, carlos.

You're smart
enough to plan this,

You are smart enough
to help me finish it.

Hugo's visa application.

It's all in there.

Thank you.

Brenda, I was just coming
to see how it's going.

I'll let you know when I'm done.

Oh, will.


I've been thinking...

I've decided to take a more
positive approach with captain west.



Well, the traffic department

Did help us find our
missing dead bodies,

And we can't overlook that.

Uh-huh. We?

The thing is, I'm gonna
kind of need a little favor.

No, no, no. You wouldn't
be doing the favor for me,

You'd be doing the
favor for someone else.

Would you do that for me?

Uh, would I do what for whom?

We can talk about this later.

I'm almost done.

But thank you, will.
Thank you so much.

Good news, hugo. You
get to stay in america.

I don't know how to thank you.

In fact, you'll be staying
here a very long time.

What's 15 times 20?



That's how many years
you're likely to stay

In a good old american prison.

Provided that
you live that long.

See, hugo, the
fingerprints you provided

To detective daniels for
your work visa application...

They match a set of prints

The fbi found on
the steering wheel

Of a truck 3 years ago.

That jog your memory?

Do you remember, for example,

Leaving 15 of your countrymen,

Including 4 women and one child,

To cook to death in
the back of that truck?

That's not true.

I'm not a coyote.

There were 3 sets of prints

Found in the cab of that truck.

Yours and the two dead
guys from that house.

Oh, and your friend
with the, uh, tattoo

On his neck here,

He didn't try to k*ll you, hugo.

He was your partner.

And that boy

We walked past
you in the hallway,

Carlos gonzales,

He was the sh**t, wasn't he?

How did he find you?

How did he know who you were?

If you help me,

I can help you.


I want a lawyer.

I want to call a lawyer.

Given the physical
evidence we have on you

And the percentage of
prospective jurors in l.a. County

That are mexican immigrants,

You had better call
yourself a good one, my friend.

Detective sanchez, I
need you to hold your fire

Until I give you the signal, ok?

All right.


You saw that man I was with

Earlier in the
hallway, didn't you?

I know you did.

Do you recognize him,
because he recognized you.

He identified you as the person

Who tried to k*ll him.

I think he had something to do

With k*lling your parents.

Now, if you tell me

How you found him, I
can arrest him, carlos.

He'll go to jail for
a good long time.


All right, then,

I guess I'll just
have to release him

And charge you with m*rder.

You can't let him go.

That man's a m*rder*r.

If he k*lled 50 white people,
you wouldn't let him go.

He k*lled 50 mexicans...
You don't care!

Detective sanchez,
what are you doing?

Let go of that man this instant!

Diles lo que paso y te ponemos

En la misma carcel del coyote.


Hey, you speak spanish, buzz.

What'd he just say?

Brenda: take your
seat, immediately.

I don't know. I can't hear
him over chief johnson.

Detective sanchez,
sit down, right now.

Yes, ma'am.


I'm so sorry about that.

He is a very emotional man.

Now, let's all calm down
and I'll ask you again.


What happened between
you and those coyotes?

I k*lled them.


My family and I came
here 5 years ago.

My father gave
every penny he had

To get us across the border.

We couldn't believe it
when we made it to the u.s.

We were so happy.

Then we got terrible news.

My grandmother was dying.

And my mother and father
went to go be with her.

How long were they gone for?

They were supposed
to come right back,

But the border patrol stopped
them and sent them home.

So they went to the
same coyote we used

The first time.

They paid a lot of money.


And then when they
crossed the border,

Those coyotes just
let my parents die

In the back of the truck.

And no one even cared.

After 2 weeks, it wasn't
even in the paper anymore.

But you remembered.

You lit candles for them

And put them in the place
where the bodies were found.

My sister and i...

We prayed that god
would punish those men.

But nothing happened.

I was losing faith.

Then there was a
sh**t where I lived.

One guy threw his
g*n in the bushes

In front of our building,

And I knew god heard me.

And you took that g*n
and you went back to mexico

Just like your parents did.

And I hired the same coyotes

That they used before.

They didn't remember me.

I was much younger

When they brought us
across the first time.

But I remembered them.

So why didn't you k*ll them

As soon as they picked you up?

The other people.

I didn't want anyone
else to get hurt.

So you let these coyotes

Bring you all the way
back to los angeles.

Si. Ah. Uh... Yes.

Then I waited.

I watched them take more
money from these people

Before they let them go.

Those cowards.

And finally, I was the last.

And I paid them for
what they had done.

I made them kneel on the floor

And I shot them.

That guy got away,

But I k*lled the other two.

And then you
spat in their faces.

Yes. Yes.

[Paper rattles]

I need you to wipe this
along the side of your cheek.

I did what I did for justice.

I know that, carlos.

But that kind of justice
is against our laws.

Your laws didn't
work for my parents.


I don't think I've
ever seen anybody

Flip so quickly.


I guess he thought
if he confessed,

He'd end up in the
same prison as hugo.

Now, where in the world

Would he get an idea like that?

Too often, captain
west, the efforts of you

And your department
are overlooked.

But deputy chief johnson
has brought to our attention

The invaluable contributions
of your department

In resolving 17 homicides,

And it occurred to
me that such work

Deserves recognition.

And so it is with great
respect and gratitude

That I present to you

This commendation.

Good work, captain.

Thank you.

Taylor: congratulations.


Well done.

Uh, let's get a picture.


Oh, no. No, no, no.

There's a guy out there.
I'm gonna have to go. Ma'am.


Thank you,


Thank you.

Whatever. Those
medals are a dime a dozen.


Thank you.
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