02x15 - Serving the King: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x15 - Serving the King: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you guys--you sure
you don't need any help

Carrying your stuff back
to, uh...

Robbery homicide?

I'm good.

Great working
with you guys.

Yeah. Bye.

Tao: people never
take dust...



I'm sorry, commander.
I should have knocked.

Is this a bad time?

No, no.

Always happy to see
the l.a.p.d. And the fbi

Working together.

Commander taylor:
deputy chief johnson.

So, what should we do

With the rest
of your stuff?

Ohh! I'm so sorry.

Not wanting
to rush you.

You're not rushing me.

I'm sorry.

Glad to have you back,

I'll, uh, have
my secretary

Come down later
this afternoon

And take up the rest
of my things.

I can see how anxious
you are

To get back to work.

I got it.

There you go.

Not on the plane.
Here, here.

Thank you.

Thank you,

You're welcome,

Agent howard.

Man: I thought about
going to confession.

He came over here.

He, like, moves
all the stuff.

Did you see the picture
of the fireworks?

Look at this.

Who takes pictures
of fireworks?


Welcome back.

It's nice
to see y'all again.

Let me just bring
everyone up to the minute

On the malik fara m*rder.

Malik's k*ller was found
late yesterday,

A russian ex-k.g.b. Officer
by the name of voitski.

Has voitski
been arrested?

No, somebody called in
a gas leak

At voitski's apartment.

Gas company comes out,
finds voitski m*rder*d,

No leak except the blood
running out of his head.

Someone shoved an ice pick
through mr. Voitski's ear,

Into his brain.

So he is kind of a dead end.

And that's a problem

Because malik fara
was meeting someone

The night
he was m*rder*d,

And we need to find
that person for...

All sorts of reasons.

The name of malik's
missing friend

Is most likely
one of 60,000

Contained on the database of
this computer, lieutenant tao.

And lieutenant provenza
has certain search criteria

That you
and detective daniels

Can use to narrow down
the list.

Chief, just to be clear
about this malik fara,

We're investigating
a m*rder

That you
already solved?

Well, yes,

But who m*rder*d
the m*rder*r?

Voitski didn't stick
an ice pick into his own head.

Lieutenant flynn can
fill you in on the details.

I can?

Ok, uh...

This is what
I think we know.

I'd put you in an
interview room, mr. Cole,

But I don't want my squad
to hear what we're saying.

Finding mr. Voitski
so freshly dead

Lessens my confidence
in you.

I'm been with richard
since yesterday,

And I never called
anyone. Ask him.

Pretty sure you're gonna
find voitski's d.n.a.

Matches what you found
on malik's knife.

He k*lled the boy,
not me.

I don't doubt that.

In fact, we may find

That voitski k*lled
everyone from fireproof.

But he wasn't acting
on his own accord.

He was taking orders
from somebody,

Whether it
was the c.i.a.'S mole

Or the army of allah.

I'm not a traitor.

Even so, voitski's
yet another person

From your dwindling--
woman: excuse me.

Your dwindling circle
of acquaintances

Whom we have to talk
about in the past tense.

Tell me, mr. Cole,

After you were fired,

Did you meet with malik
again to tell him

That there would be
no deal with the c.i.a.

And that his life
was in danger?

Is that why he carried

A kitchen knife
in his pocket?

I felt that the army of allah
might find out about him

And I wanted to warn him.

That warning may have
cost malik his life.

This is where I get off.

Wait for me downstairs
with elaine.

Ms. Johnson.

I was wondering
if anyone from our end

Had spoken to you
about the investigation,

Besides andrew.

No, they haven't.

Ok. Me, either.

Just...just wondering.

I think you need
to find someone else

To finish up
this job.

Brenda, you surprise me.

I moved as quickly
as possible

To give you what
you said you needed.

Voitski may have
been m*rder*d

Because the wrong
people found out

I was helping you,
and from here on out

They'll be
watching me,

Just like they
watched larry cole

Until he took them
to malik,

And just like
they watched malik

Until he took them
to his friend.

You discovered how
they were following the boy?

Is that a transmitter?

I found it in
malik's flashlight.

But they probably had
some transmitters

Imbedded in his shoes
as well.

You were right, andrew.

Malik's m*rder
was a mistake.

They could have
k*lled him ages ago,

But the army of allah
wanted him alive

So they could follow him
to his friend.

They used him.

Now they'll be using me.

Brenda, do you remember
what to do

When you discover
you're under surveillance?

Never acknowledge
you're being watched

Unless you can derive
some tactical advantage.

And if I were
to replace you

Because the army of allah
knew what you were doing,

I would be--

the surveillance.

And it would stop.

Well, I'm not interested
in using l.a.p.d. Officers

As bait.

Wouldn't you like
to know who's following her?

I would.

There's a way
that we might

Turn this around
to our advantage.

Is there anyone connected
with this investigation

That you would really
like to question?

Brenda: this might be
a fool's errand,

But keep your eyes peeled

For anyone who might be
watching me.

And remember,
I'm not wearing an earpiece,

So if I don't hear
the signal,

I won't know to come out.

Ru'yah fara?

Yes, but call me rita.

My son was hoping
to play

In the warsaw
competition next month.

Michael wasn't running
away from home.

He was coming back
from piano lesson.

He must have gotten
on the wrong bus.

You called malik

Michael is a less confusing
name for americans.

The other man
who came by...

Detective mchale,

He said that maybe my son
might be a t*rror1st.

Or a su1c1de bomber.

But this isn't true.

Michael's father was
an important journalist,

Shot to death
for promoting peace.

Michael would never
associate himself

With his father's

He...he worshiped
his father's memory.

And you're
from lebanon, right?

Yes, beirut.

I came here after
my husband was assassinated.

The other scrapbooks,
they were before he was born,

But the 2 on top,
it's all my son.

Look at his face,

And then tell me
that my son was a t*rror1st.

Look at them.


That's their third time
around the block,


Copy that.

Flynn: get ready
to signal the chief.

I haven't done anything
with michael's room.

It still feels like...

Like he might come back.

Do you know if
michael had any friends or...

Was he dating anyone
that you know of?

He had time for nothing
but the piano.

He practiced constantly.

Michael was going
to warsaw, you said?

Did he have his airline ticket
and his passport?

Yes, of course.

Can I see it, please?

I don't, uh, know
exactly where they are,

Um, this minute.


What country was michael
a citizen of, technically?


Do you know anything
about these teddy bears?

Excuse me?

There's an awful lot
of teddy bears

On the bottom
of your son's closet.

Not the kind of thing
a 16-year-old boy normally has.

They are a kind of joke

Between michael
and angela carter.

Angela carter?
Who's she?

She's the daughter of
michael's piano teacher.

She plays the flute.

Michael was helping her
with the concerto.

And how do the bears
figure into that?

When angela played
especially well,

Michael would give her
a bear.

And when she didn't,

She gave him one.

Looks like this angela carter
was a little hard on herself.

Flynn: here they come,
sanchez. Go!

This angela carter.

Could I have her
contact information, please?

And if I could borrow
your scrapbooks for a few days,

Going through them
might help me figure out

Why your son
was shot to death.

And a large trash bag,

That would be
very helpful.

As soon as possible,

Thank you.

Go, go, go, go, go, go!

Driver, turn off
the engine, now!

Let's see your hands!

Let's see
your hands!

Don't move!
Passenger side!

Hey! L.a.p.d.

Open the car door,

And let us see your hands.

Let's go! Open 'em.
Slowly, easy!

Back door, too.
Come on, open 'em.

There! He's coming out!

Put your hands
where we can see them.

Driver, do not move!

Clear the vehicle!


Do it! Now!

Hold your

Man: chief?


you already know this,

But I'm deputy chief
brenda leigh johnson

Of the l.a.p.d.,

And I feel we ought
to have a little chat.

Please, I am a doctor.

My patient needs
his medicine.


Ms. Johnson,
I offer you peace.

What's your name?

Abdul al-fulani.

And why are you
watching me?

Your tone
is disrespectful,

And I do not like women
with questions.

Well, you can dislike me

All the way through
your answers, sir.

I hate to take you

It might mean
separating you

From your physician,
whom you seem to need.

So, why are you
watching me?

I'm not watching you.

I'm in america observing
an empire on its death bed,

A tourist doing charitable
work among the addicted

And sexually diseased.

So you're not a member
of the army of allah?

I avoid politics.

What do you know
about malik fara?

Why were you
pursuing him?

I did not pursue him,
ms. Johnson.

I'm a spiritual man,

Devoted to spreading
the teachings of muhammad,

May a blessing of peace
be upon him.

And this boy,
this malik,

It was not the child
I ever attempted to engage.

You're more interested
in someone like voitski,


I could just arrest you.

On what charge?

Criticizing america?

What other crime
have I committed?

But by all means,
arrest me.

Dispossess yourself
of all your laws

And so-called freedoms.

I will be twice the winner
in that contest.

If you turn down your
own house to prosecute me,

I rejoice.

Look, doctor.

If I need to speak
with you again,

How would I get
in touch with you?

I'm listed
in the phone book.

Come and see me
whenever you like.

And understand this, too,
ms. Johnson,

Allah is not your enemy.

I know that, sir.

You are.

Thank you, buzz.

If you could wait outside
for a minute, please.

Yes, ma'am.

So, I see it.

This malik was real,
larry cole was right,

And I was very, very wrong.

Now, what can I do
to fix this?


Analyze all
the information

I've given you and
tell me a story.

Ok, fine.

First, you think voitski
might have been k*lled

By his employers
inside the army of allah?

You don't?

You told me his wound
was dressed

And sewn up
with dissolvable stitches,

Yet there were
no knife wounds reported

At the hospitals on
the night he was att*cked.

So you think
abdul al-fulani's doctor

Took care of him?

Why would they treat
voitski if they were

Only gonna k*ll him?

So if I were telling
the story of voitski's death,

I would look for someone

Who had a really good
reason to k*ll him.

Malik's friend inside
the army of allah.

Voitski was sh**ting
at him,

Would be to shove
an ice pick in his head.

Always, always works.

What can you tell me

About abdul al-fulani

66, Bad health,

Member of a wealthy
jordanian family.

He's been living
in the united states

For the last 7 years,

As he said, representing
islamic charities.

I had no idea
he'd gone blind

Or that he was
positively connected

To the army of allah.

Honestly, we never

Abdul that important.

Why do you suppose
abdul would tell me

That he did not try
to engage malik?

Well, instead of
sneaking people

Into the country,
the army of allah tries

Recruiting disaffected

Abdul was telling you
malik was not

One of those kids.

But why would he be
giving me a hand?

Must think
he's gonna find out

Who malik's friend was
right after you do.

And the boy was using
these stuffed animals

To communicate
with his new buddy?


It's a shame for us
malik's friend

Won't be looking
for him anymore.

Yeah, still...

He might be useful.
You never know.

Anything else I can do?

I'm just sitting here.

Here are the scrapbooks
that I got

From malik's mother.

If you could go
through them, carefully,

See if you recognize
a face,

An eyebrow, a scar.

Use that fantastic
memory of yours

To find someone inside
the army of allah

I can connect to malik.

My fantastic memory.

Well, I'll do what I can.

Although, just stating
the obvious,

I don't seem to be as good
at all this as I used to be.

We haven't found
malik's friend,

But we have narrowed
down the list

On this database
a little.

First I eliminated everyone
under 6 feet.

Then I knocked out everyone
without 2 legs.

Men too old to run.

How many possibilities
are we down to?



Ok, what if we dropped
everyone who couldn't

Have been in l.a.
The night of the m*rder?

Well, to factor that in,

We'd need some real-time

And customs data.

Now, we could get it

From the t*rror1st
information network,

But we'd need to know
someone really, really helpful

At the fbi
to get our hands on it.

Hey, chief. I did
that background check

On malik's mother,
rita fara, age 35--

Young to have a kid
malik's age.

Anyway, 17 years ago,
rita fled from lebanon

To germany as
a political refugee.

And in 1993,
she immigrated to

The united states
with malik

And about $500,000
in her bank account.

And she still has some
money laying around.

So malik was born
in germany.

Maybe he's a kraut.

No. No!

Germany doesn't
determine citizenship

By birth or residency,
only by bloodline.



Uh, chief,
I have that

Flute player,
angela carter,

In interview room one.

You want to talk to her?

Yes. Thank you.

I don't really know

About the m*rder.

Of course not.

We're just trying to get
a better picture of malik.

You practiced with him?

Uh, as much
as I could.

He was
an amazing player.

Uh, my father's
a concert pianist

And he teaches a very,
very few people.

Your father was getting malik
ready to go to warsaw?

Malik wanted to go,

But what?

His stupid mother rita.
Have you met her?

She kept begging him
not to compete.

It drove
my father crazy.

I mean, how else
is malik supposed

To get noticed?

And his mother was
actually blocking him

From going to warsaw.

How was she blocking him?

Malik doesn't...

Didn't have a passport.

And his mother wouldn't
let him apply

To the lebanese embassy
to get one.

It's really unfair.

Rita is such a bitch.

Have you seen her?

She has this
dyed blonde hair

And she wears
cosmetic contacts.

She's--she's obsessed
with blending in.

Once after recital,

Malik introduced her
as his mother,

And she actually took
a step back,

Like she was ashamed
of him.

And she is such a liar.

Malik said she used
to lie about everything.

He hated her.

But despite malik's mother,

He found another way
to get a passport.

Is that it?


I mean, he never
said anything

To me about that.

Someone was helping
malik get

A u.s. Passport, angela.


Does this mean
anything to you?

Uh...malik told me
never to talk about it.

That if I did...

If the wrong people
found out

That I had helped him,
then I might be in danger.

We're not
the wrong people.

And you're in danger
anyway, angela.

Even more so if you don't
tell us what happened.

Malik told me
he had met someone

Who was going
to help him become

An american citizen,

But that it hadn't
really worked out.

So they were gonna
maybe go to canada.

And that he needed
some way to communicate

With this friend secretly.
So he would...he...

He would open up the bear,
put a message inside,

Close it up again,
and pass it off to you?

And you handed
the bear off to a person?

No, i--i...i never met
anyone, ever.

I would just--the next
day after school,

I would--i would
drop it off,

Or see if anything had
been left for me.

I never saw anyone,
even once.

And where did you pick up
and leave the bear?

There's a church
down on fairfax,

In between santa monica
and sunset.

I would leave
the bear

the prayer books,

In the fifth pew
from the door

On the left.

Thank you, angela.

Take sanchez

And check out
that church.

Maybe one
of the priests,

Or the rector,
or the pope found

A teddy bear there

And put it in
the lost and found.

I'm on it.


Elaine says
elaine's found something.

These are the scrapbooks

She told you were

The pictures
of rita fara taken

Before malik was born...

You recognize
someone in it?

No, I recognize
some place.

Look what elaine
has found.

Provenza would
like to look, too.

Rita fara is
not from beirut.

She's not even
from lebanon.

Rita fara is from amman,

Ahh! Oh, for goodness' sake.


You're being paged
and you're not answering.


He'd like an update.

Oh. I can't
give him one.


I'm having
trust issues.

With andrew?

Who didn't tell me

With malik's mother
who lied

being from lebanon;

With larry cole,
elaine donahue,

Who never
trusted each other;

With richard branch,
who never trusted them.

In fact, the only
person going out

Of their way
to be helpful

Might be a t*rror1st.

So this t*rror1st guy,

Abdul al-fulani--
he was helpful?

Which means that
he's confident that

Anything I discover,
he's going to find out

About it in a hurry,
which means...

You've got trust issues.

Some of which I'm
hoping that rita fara

Will help me solve.

I've sent a black and
white to pick her up.

So could you stall
andrew for me, please?

Brenda, he's from
washington, d.c.

And if there's
one thing people

From washington, d.c.

Tend to recognize,
it's stalling.

I just--i know
there's something

In these scrapbooks
that I'm missing.

I mean, why would
rita fara lie to me

About being from jordan?

And why would someone
inside the army of allah

Want malik to get
a u.s. Passport

Or to go to warsaw?

I just--i need more

Before I speak
to andrew again.

I know that
anxious, crazed look,

And I know that
there are very few words

I can say that will
actually register right now,

So let them be these:

I am so happy to have you
and your squad back at work

That I am willing
to lie to the person

Who made it all possible
if you really need the time.

And I do.
Thank you, will.


If I don't get
this right,

You think they'll
kick me out again?

Don't think like that.

So they will.

It's all about
the variables.

A computer
is just a tool,

And a tool is
only as good

As the person
using it.



It's an odd thing
to report, but--

There were no teddy
bears in the church.

Yeah, I didn't know
quite how to say it.

Oh, sh**t.
Thank you.

Lieutenant tao,
how are we doing here?

The abridged
version, please.

When last we saw
our heroic database,

There were
14,762 possibles.

Since then,
with the access to

The t*rror1st
information network

Provided by the very,
very special agent howard,

The identity of
malik's friend

Has been narrowed down
to 2,109.

Oh, that's still
too many.

We're waiting on some
information from customs,

Classified stuff
that even agent howard

Can't access
without approval.

I'll need fewer names
to even begin

To investigate
individuals. Thank you.

Can I have a moment?

Right now?
I need to speak

To rita fara.

Yeah. Right now.

I'm looking
at some

Of the names here,
and, brenda...

These guys are
really dangerous.

And you get into the car
with one of them?

No, not one of them,
3 of them,

But that was only because
they were following me.

Why are people like
this following you?

Where did this
database come from?

Who got you
involved with this?

Are you really
going after

t*rrorists here?

I would answer
all your questions,

But I signed
a confidentiality agreement.

You trying
to reassure me?

'Cause you're doing
a terrible job.


Just got word from
the black and white

That went to pick up
that fara woman.

Oh, tell me
she's ok.

Well, I can't.

Looks like she
packed up and left.

Ohh, for
heaven's sake!

I want
to thank you.

How much longer are
you going to keep

Treating my mother
like a criminal?

And after she
helped you, too.

Cynthia, I don't
need for you

To defend me.
There's no reason

For you to be here
in the first place.

As far as I'm concerned,
y'all can go home.

I'm getting no word

And thank you, elaine.
You did help, a lot.

What? Oh, elaine
helped you?

How'd she help you?
I mean,

She get some sort of chance
to clear her name?

Mr. Cole, my best
advice to you

Is to go home
and get some rest.

Oh, yeah? What am I
resting up for, huh?

Ms. Johnson,
andrew called,

And he--he seriously
wants to speak with you.

Good. I'll call him
when I get a chance.


May i...

May I know how
everything turns out

Or will you...

Elaine. That's really
not my place to say.

She has to protect
her sources...and methods.

Can't let the people
know her secrets.

Certainly, it's a drill
you know, mother.

Cynthia, why can't
you ever just

Wait in the car?

So if you call,
you call.

Come on. I'm cranky,
I'm exhausted,

And I need to smoke.

national security,

w*r and peace...

What's a daughter
compared to all that?

You people never think
about the families at all.

So, I was so busy
looking for something,

I didn't notice
what was missing.

Scrapbooks, scrapbooks.
Can I have the scrapbooks?

Oh, I got 'em right here.

Thank you.

The real story
is not what is here

But what isn't.

Where are the pictures
of rita's husband?

She's got all
these scrapbooks

And no wedding photos.

Not one picture
of the father

Malik worshiped.

Rita wasn't married.

It would explain
why she didn't want

Her son to get
a passport,

Why she was anxious
about being seen

With her son in public,

Why she dyes her hair
and wears colored contacts.

She was in disguise
most of her adult life,

Hiding from her family.

Because she had an
illegitimate baby?

In jordan, if a woman
loses her virginity

Before marriage,

Even if she's r*ped,
one of her male relatives

Kills her to protect
the family's honor.

You think the guy
in the car

Was malik's father?

Why else would someone
trying to defect

Reach out to us
through malik?

Make conditions based
on malik's needs.

And why hasn't
malik's friend

Tried to contact us?

Because his reason
for defecting is dead.

It's a guess,
lieutenant flynn,

But an informed one.

Let's see
what it gets us.

Malik was 16 years old.

Let's be conservative
and add another

19 Years to that.

So knock off
everyone on this list

Under 35 years of age.

And then let's cross
our fingers

And eliminate everyone
who wasn't living

In jordan during that time.
How hard is that to do?

Wait a sec.

Oof. That age
thing blew out

All but 246.

Now, jordan,
and the year 1992.

That's going
to be big.

We're down
to 8 guys...

And one
of them is...


This guy look

Abdul's physician.

Dr. Al-thani.

You trust your doctor
with your illness,

Why not your secrets?

Oh, come on.
I mean, you think

Malik's father is
gonna see his son

Get shot, then run off
and leave?

He left malik
when he was a baby.

Why not do it again?

The trouble is,
if I try to find

Evidence that proves

Well, you might
tip off the wrong people

Before you get to this guy.

Exactly what
they're hoping for.

But if dr. Al-thani
is the guy

From the car
who was there

The night malik
was k*lled,

Then he knows
someone else

We're looking for.
This is our two-fer.

And abdul did say
to come by

Whenever I wanted.

Oh, hey, hey...
Whoa, whoa, whoa...

You're gonna go to this
nut job t*rror1st's house?

Come on. What are
you gonna do

When you get there?

You're gonna ask
this doctor in front

Of al-fulani
if he wants to

Defect with you?


I'm gonna have
malik do it for me.

I'm unused to hosting women
to whom I am not related.

Is it courteous
to offer you

Something to drink?

I won't be long. I--

Just a tiny follow-up
on our earlier interview,

Because after you
and I spoke,

Ru'yah fara, malik's
mother, disappeared.

Were there signs
of a struggle?

No. There were signs
of rapidly packed bags,

And she had no reason
to be afraid of us.

Not of me,
I can assure you.

As I've told you before,
I am a spiritual man

Who devoted his life--

I know what
you are, sir.

I believe that someone
inside the army of allah

Was tryin' to pass some
pretty important secrets

Along to the united
states government.

Among those secrets was
information concerning

20 Pounds of
separated plutonium

And the name of
the c.i.a. Officer

Who helped you get it.

These are
the lies told

By that infidel boy.

I believe it's true.

Because you wish
to be deceived.


Because malik fara
speaks from the dead.

Well, that is absurd,
miss johnson.

And even were it not,

What is the word
of a dead boy worth

In a court of law?

We'll see.

I need to know
where that plutonium is,

And I want to meet
the c.i.a. Officer

Who helped you get it.

And I want you
to arrange that meeting

As soon as possible, sir.

I'm afraid you and I
have nothing else to say

To each other, miss johnson.

All right then, sir.

Good night.

Flynn: no sign of him
over here.

Provenza: what about
over there?


Doctor is about
an hour late.

You know, chief,

This may not
be the guy.

He's the guy,
and he'll show.

I left explicit

Inside malik's bear

Tellin' the doctor
exactly what I wanted

And exactly what I would
do if I didn't get it.

So unless he wants
to be arrested for m*rder

Tomorrow morning,
he'll show.

Everyone but flynn,

Stay as still
as possible.

Tar pits in the middle
of the city.

And they say l.a.
Has no center.

You know, something's
bothering me a little.

What's that, sergeant?

This whole c.i.a. Thing.

I don't know how much
I trust them.

You know how I feel
about the people

Who work there, you know?

I know.

It's a...gray area.

I remember once
hearing a speech

About what it meant
to be

An officer
of the c.i.a.,

And the man who
gave this speech

Talked about the struggle
to control civilization,

And how we're always
fighting the same fight.

And he used the dark ages
as an example.

And he talked about
how, on the one side,

You had the pragmatic king
who was greedy and power-hungry,

And basically took
advantage of people

Whenever he could.

And on the other side,
you had the idealistic church

Forcin' everyone
to follow the same rules,

Believe the same things,
all that.

Neither the king
nor the church

Was ever completely
right or wrong.

Both sides ended up
doin' terrible things

To get what they wanted.

Really terrible things.

But the point
of the story was this--

That this struggle
from the dark ages

Had been goin' on forever.

And the church
and the king

Might take on different
forms and philosophies,

But that they would
always fight each other.

and idealists.

And then most times,

You're better off
standin' on the sidelines

And lettin' them
duke it out.

But every
once in a while,

One side or the other

Decides it might
be better to just

Blow up the whole world,
just get its own way.

And when that happens,

You can't stand
on the sidelines anymore.

You have to pick a team.

And so, for tonight,

We're servin' the king.

Gabriel: chief,
somebody's comin'.

All right, sergeant.
No one moves

Until both parties
come together.

Uh, here comes
the doctor, chief,

And he's heading
right for the bridge.

Keep movin'.
Don't look at him.

Hey, chief, there's
somebody else here.

Hold still, everyone.
Let them get together.

Hello, doctor.

I gather we're
in trouble somehow.

Yes, uh, we are.

We all must
leave tonight.

Personally, I think
we stayed too long already,

Especially with voitski
getting pinned in the head.

What about
our financial arrangements?

Yes, we have transferred
the last $10 million

To your swiss
bank account.

Time to enjoy
that little villa

On the mediterranean, yes?

Yes. We should move
to the exit.

I have transportation
for you.

They're moving out, chief.

All right, then.
Go for it.

But be careful.
One of them

Might be armed.

We must hurry. Come.

Damn it.

You led me into
a trap, you--

He-he has a g*n!
He-he has a g*n!

He has a g*n!

What was that shot?!

Don't move!

what was that shot?!

Don't move.
You move,

It'll be
the last thing you do,

You understand me?!

Who's hurt?!

Is anyone hurt?

Pat down the doctor.

We don't want any
surprises in the van.

Let's go.

How do you like that?

Spy boy here took
a shot at me.

You two--
you two follow us.

Lieutenant flynn,
sergeant gabriel?

Nobody's hit,
nobody's hit.

We got him.
It's richard branch.

We got him.


All right.

All right, everyone.

Escort the van back here.
Turn off the headpieces.

And, um, buzz, give
the doctor your headphones.

Don't bother arresting me.

Don't bother
reading me my rights.

My knowledge
of the army of allah

Is extensive,
and the agency would rather

I share it
than go to jail.

Why not do both?

We should meet.

I'm special agent
fritz howard of the f.b.i.

You're not going back
to the agency.

So just shut up
and sit very still.

Brenda: dr. Al-thani,
can you hear me?

Yes. Is...is...

Is malik still alive?

No, sir. He's not.

I'm sorry. I tried
not to mislead you

On that point.

And I hate to
arrest you,

But we don't
have much time.

How much longer
before your absence

Will be noticed
at the al-fulani house?

Uh, 2 hours at the most.
I--i must go back.

No, you can't
go back, doctor.

You can't keep me here!

Doctor, we've got
an awfully good set

Of prints
from that ice pick

That you shoved
in voitski's ear.

So if you don't
help us,

I'm going to
arrest you for m*rder.

Voitski m*rder*d my son!

You k*lled your son

When you ran off
and left him.

You actually
sewed voitski's leg up

After he m*rder*d
your son!

I had to!
There were people there.

Why--why did they do this?

There was no reason
to k*ll malik!

They made a mistake.

But you can make them
pay for it.

Or you can spend
the rest of your life

In an american prison.

You understand me?

Are you still with me?

What do you want?

Do you know where
the separated plutonium is?

Yes, yes.

It's in hamburg.

Brenda: is it where
we can get to it?

Yes, I can give you
the address.

Well, then
speak fast, doctor.

Because the second
people know you're gone,

We lose everything.

German authorities called.
They found the package.

Oh, that's
a relief anyhow.

Yeah, but you know
you haven't exactly

Played this
by andrew's rules.

Oh, I think
I got it covered.


Good work, everybody.

Glad to have you back,
detective sanchez.

Lieutenant provenza.

Thank you,
chief pope, sir.

Thank you, chief pope, sir.

Glad to have you back,



I heard my son playing
in the back of an auditorium.

After his mother left,
I went to meet him...

Because it was so beautiful
what he could do.

I was just trying
to help him.

Did you ever
identify yourself

To him as his father?

Did you ever
tell malik

Why you were
trying to help him?

That's enough.
Uh, thank you, gentlemen.


You went back
on our deal.

I did exactly
what you asked.

The germans have
the separated plutonium,

And the f.b.i.
Has richard.

And you have
dr. Al-thani.

And I'm told
that richard branch

Will be made available
to your debriefers

Whenever you want him.

Your job was given back
to you on the condition--

Andrew, while I appreciate
the agency's assistance,

Since I've given
the f.b.i. Full credit

On a major
espionage arrest,

They're my new
best friends.

And I have given you
a m*rder*r.

And you have no idea

How hard that is
for me to do.

Pope: look, I think I get
what's going on here.

The c.i.a.
Is embarrassed

About an intelligence

Again. They're used to it.

Brenda did her job.
You did yours.

Can't this just be over?

Yes, well, I've expressed

The company's
official irritation.

Hmm. It was nice
seeing you again, brenda.

I wish you well.
I do...wish you well.

You, too, sir.

Oh, and if anyone
asks you,

I was as mad
as a hornet.

Thank you, sir.

Did I hear the words
"good job" in there anywhere?

Yeah, but it was
in code.


I like it right there.

Your picture.

Jim provenza!

What are you doin' here?
It's late!

Why aren't you home?

'Course, ideally,
you would--

You know, you'd
hang it up right now

And put it back
where it belongs,

Or pragmatically,
you might just

Set it down
on the floor.

But you see,
your instinct is

To split the difference

So that even if it's
not perfectly placed,

You can still see it.

Aren't you tired?

Yeah. Yeah.

But I hadn't been here
in a while,

And, I don't know,
I kinda missed the place.

Plus, before
he left tonight,

Flynn piled up my desk

Old case files.

I think he even brought
a little trash

From his house.

So I just thought
that before I cleaned it up,

I might, uh...

Take you out to breakfast.

You know some place
fast and cheap?

Fast and cheap
is my specialty.

So come on.

Let's grab a bite to eat,
and then when we get back,

I'll hang your picture up
so you don't go nuts.

Well, how can I refuse
an invitation like that?

Just give me one second.
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