07x01 - Silent Witness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x01 - Silent Witness

Post by bunniefuu »

- Maria,

what do you want?

What do you need?


Who do you need?


What do you want?


Who do you need?

What do you want?

- Maria.

I'm here for career day.

- I am so sorry.

I don't usually take naps.

Don't be.

I'm jealous you got one.

Must've been a heck of
a dream you were having.

- It was.

I dreamt that I was
raising all of these children

on a third grade teacher's salary.

I think that would qualify as a nightmare.

- Thank you for coming
over to speak to the children.

- Not a problem.

- Demystifying what the
police do has got to have

a positive impact on them. - Well.


- Miss martine, is today the
day the policeman's coming?

Class, I'd like to introduce you to

sergeant Ryan.

Good morning, sergeant Ryan.

- He works for the palm
beach police department.

Now sergeant Ryan is
currently a homicide detective,

but he's had a lot of other
exciting assignments while

being a police officer.

- Thank you.

My name is...

Tom Ryan.

As you, as you know.

And I...

I'd like to say that
to be a police officer,

to be able to...

Serve and protect is an hon...


- That's Jenny.

- Yes, Jenny?

- Does blood really go
everywhere when you blow

someone away?

- Um...



- We all have dreams.

My dream was to be a football player.

Or a musician.


I have to tell you something.

- All of my life, I have
heard that macho cry.

You shouldn't be here.

- This is very serious.

If I tell you, you can tell no one else.

- Luis, I have to get back to my class.

I told you...

- yes.

I wanna come to your house tonight.


Mari, um Maria, can I get a glass of water?

- Of course.

Everything okay here?

- Yeah.

I hope the children haven't
been too rambunctious.

- No, we got that all squared away.

I'm not the one that brought
up frisking techniques,

they did.


Is there anyone that I haven't

read their rights to yet?

No, sergeant Ryan.

- Oh egan, it's just you.

I didn't know who was behind me.

- I am.

Do you need something?

She needs to give me an answer.

I can get that water for you, miss martine.

- Leave, I'll help her.

Go, sweep.

He was only being helpful.

- But he can help by
keeping the halls clean.

- Apologize to him.

He is a nice man.

- I promise, I will.


You know, my mother says I get absolutely

if I don't

get my way.

So what time should I come by tonight?

So kids, the most
important thing about being

a policeman is getting the
care for people who need help.

- Sergeant Ryan, I need
help with my arithmetic.

- Well, you picked the perfect guy.

'Cause I am great with numbers.

Kids, I gotta go.

Where's your teacher?


- She's kissing a guy.

- Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Children, we have to let
sergeant Ryan get back to work.

- It's okay, I got caught once too.

Bye kids.

Bye, sergeant Ryan.

Whoa, whoa!



- Morning, Tom.

How'd career day go?

- Just fine, thank you.

- Well.

- Oh, this.

Um, I donated your car to charity.

You're probably asking yourself why.

Remember cw Nash?

He was my lawyer in the divorce.

Well as you might recall,
he really urged me to get

everything that I could possibly get.

Lately I've been giving it some thought and

I think that I overreacted.

Maybe just a little.

But it's never too late
to square things up.

- You're giving me back my wedding ring.

- No, that I sold.

- It's the key to the mustang.


Cassy, I'm overwhelmed.

- Well, there is a catch.

I need you to drop me off somewhere.

- Say no more.

You know, I will forever
Cherish this incredible gesture.

- That's great, Tom.

Hold that thought.

- You should be ashamed of yourself.

- I am.


- How, how...

- remember the , I won in the lottery?

- I thought you invested it.

- I did.

Put it into an ipo I'd been following.

Bada bing, bada boom,
it went up, split twice.

I make a k*lling.

St. John.

Cassy St. John.

- Up.

All right.

I want you to get me a list of everything.

Yes sir.

Don't leave out anything.

Dust off every lamp.

I wanna know whose hands were

on it.

And I want you to tell
Tony take a couple of sh*ts.


And come to this side of the bathroom.

From the east side of his death.

What do we got?

- Ah, sergeant St. John.

I expect my homicide officers to respond

a hell of a lot quicker
to a call than minutes.

- Whoa, Harry.

Well, you and frannie...

- I'm expecting to hear a
reason for your response

time, sergeant.

- I was in the shower
when the call came in and I

didn't get the beep until
I was finished dressing.

So why don't you tell me
what the hell's gotten into you?

- The victim was a male hispanic.

, .

He was found knifed to death.

We're running an ID check on him now.

- Where's Tom.

- With the prime.

Any change?

- No.

- Any signs of physical trauma?

- Uh uh.

No, the coroner looked at
her and the only anomaly

he kicked out was that...

- that her pulse rate was extremely slow.

to be exact.

Is something bothering you, Harry?

- Yeah.


I gotta make a call.

You stay with the suspect
til the matrons arrive.

- He tee off on you?

- Oh, big time.

- Me too.

- Tom, is the dp the same
guy you saw Maria with

at the school.

- Definitely.

- So is he a teacher there?

- Not hardly.

Principal suspected him of dealing dr*gs

to the upper school.

Tried to run a tro on
him and he was denied.

- Hmm.

So she tells him she's not interested.

Doesn't take no for an answer.

He surprises her in her
house and she knives him.

- And the realization of what she's done

causes her to lock up.

Lyrics are a little different,
but the melody's the same.

Are you getting any
strange hits off this place?

- Not really.

Little early 's maybe, with the tie-dye

and the candles and everything.

That's about it.

Why, what are you getting?

- Hmm.

Oh, you know what?

It's mirrors.

There's no mirrors in the bedroom.

Now I don't know one solitary
woman who doesn't have

at least one mirror in her bedroom.

Take her to Kelly hospital.

Post a guard and cuff her to the bed.

Go ahead. - Oh come on, Harry.

I just got off the phone
with captain tormill

of the Miami police.

Luis tiberon was a sergeant with them.

He was assigned to vice.

No cassy.

You won't find any mirrors
in any of the rooms here,

including the bathrooms.

You two finish up here.

I'm gonna go back to the station.

I called NYPD.

I had them fax this over.

It's a case I worked on
when I was a new shield.

I think it has a lot of

bearing on what we got here.

- Cause of death was
"force of spiritualism?"

Harry, you don't really believe
that voodoo exists, do you?

- Two men arrived at jfk.

Jerome halstrom and Benjamin Sykes.

They were late for a
meeting downtown, so they

shared a cab.

One of the guys, halstrom.

He'd been in New York a
few times before, so he figured

he knew some shortcuts through queens that

might enable them to
make their meeting on time.

Cab driver was a guy named thad beyani.

According to Sykes,
halstrom began to belittle,

tease beyani about his driving.

His knowledge of the city.

The next day, Jerome
halstrom was found dead in his

hotel room.

- So what's that got to
do with voodoo, Harry?

Jerome halstrom died of suffocation.

His tongue was so
swollen, it unhinged his jaw.

- Well what did Sykes say?

When we got to the scene, Sykes was there.

He appeared unscathed, but his...

His pulse rate was .

He was unable to speak.

Three days later, he came around.

He remembers answering
the door of his hotel room,

'cause he thought it was room service.

Standing out in the hall is a group of men.

Behind that, beyani.

The cab driver.

Clutched in beyani's hand
was a doll, dressed exactly

like Jerome halstrom.

He takes a blowtorch
out and he begins heating

the doll's face.

Now Sykes alleges that although
he wanted to do something

to help, all he could do
was stand there and watch.

- Watch what, Harry?

- Watch halstrom's
tongue expand to the size

of a baseball, 'til he choked to death.

During the interrogation,

beyani freely admitted
to practicing voodoo,

but denied any knowledge
of halstrom's death.

Answer to your question, yeah.

I believe that voodoo
exists and it scares the crap

out of me.

I also believe it played some part in the

k*lling of Luis tiberon.

- So is it santeria or what?

- We prefer the name la regla lucumi.

She's definitely been influenced.

Not quickly, no.

- Why not.

- Bring her out of
whichever invocation she's

under is like trying to pick a lock.

Who did this?

- Well you're the priestess, you tell us.

- Are you always this
intolerant of others beliefs?

- Well going into trances
and sacrificing animals

kinda combs my hair the wrong way.

- Then why did you ask me to come here?

And how do you explain this child?

Actually, it was my idea

for you to look at Maria.

Only we can't.

Not yet.

But we're open to answers.

- I've heard of a group of practitioners

who are very extreme.

I do not know their babalocha's
name, but he's white.

- Will you introduce us?

- No. - Look...

I know you do not believe.

But I do.

In la regla lucumi, during a,

oricha may be persuaded to join the party

by entering the body
of a priest consecrated

to that oricha.

I'm a priest.

I've felt this.

When I am touched, I
experience profound joy

and wisdom.

But as in all religion, there is evil.

And this white babalocha's
said to be very evil.

- And why don't you just give us his name

and we'll find him?

- From what I hear, he will like you.

Do not go alone

or you will never get inside.

If you believe even a
little, he can touch you.

Do you believe?

- No.

Well I'd like to think of
myself as open-minded.

- You believe.

And you?

- Not a chance.

I think everything is perfecto.






Please, ay yi yi!

Por favor!

I am wanting your attention!



- 'Scuse me.

- Hmm?


You seen ramone?


- Wedgewood.

Thank you.

- Sorry.

- Ahh!

- Hi.

Ramone, you remember me?

- Uh, no.

- How 'bout me?

- Ah, si, si, yes.

Of course, yes.

I would love to

but I am very busy.

- Ramone, I thought you dealt in art.

- Well is not cooking an art?

Si, bien, I am.

Ramone, we need your help.

My help.

Well I am very,

but as you can see...

- ramone, do you smell something burning?

Like pork or lamb or something?

- Well it cannot be me,
I am cooking a pollo.

- Chicken, that's it.


Ay yos mio.



What do I do?

- Uh, if Tom solves this
problem for you, will you help us?

- Okay.

- Okay, what's your cooking theme?

- Fiesta espanol.

- I guess that's a better one.


Okay, I got it.

I got it.

All right, everybody listen up.

The theme is no longer Spanish fiesta,

it's mardi gras.

Uh, scrape the black off of that chicken.

Put some garlic, some
butter, some cayenne pepper,

we're gonna call it blackened chicken.

The coffee.

It's no longer burnt.

It's chicory coffee from Antoine's.

You got it?

Break the cake up into a bowl.

Pour some rum over it.

We're gonna call that bayou trifle.

Let's go.

- This will work.

Yeah, this will work.

- Oh, gracias. - No no.

No kiss.

- Gracias.

What is it you want from me?

Enau, come to me.

Eku, come to me.

The who

haunts us must be cleansed.

- Ramone?

- Si?

- You okay?

- Si?

- Just try to relax.

Tension's only gonna tire you out.

- Okay.


- Ramone?

I am feeling, senorita.




Ay, yi.


- Why are you in my temple?

- I was interested in what
your religion was all about.

- You are?

- Yeah.

I gotta tell you.

Your reception committee
was a little off putting.

- Who told you about us?

- A friend of mine.

Maria martine.

- Tell me about Maria.

- Well, we're a lot alike.

We're both searching for a
deeper spiritual experience

and we heard that la regla
lucumi was the answer.

- In our religion, sacrifice
and obedience are keys.

Can you be


- If your religion is about tying up women

and copping a feel,
then I'm not interested.

- I see with you,
obedience will be learned.

Excuse me.

Have you seen my wife?

Blonde hair, blue eyes.

Yeah, this is her, this is her.


On the floor!

You too, gene Simmons.

- What is the charge, officer?

This woman came to us of her own accord,

did she not?

Or is she police, like
you, without a warrant,

who has just violated
the free exercise clause

of the first amendment?

- Was Maria martine
part of your congregation?

- Yes.

She was new to our ways
and I am uncertain that

la regla lucumi is for her.

- Diane eaton says what
you practice is hardly

la regla lucumi.

The is troubled because
so many of her flock

have come to my pasture.

- Who the hell are you?

- In my house of worship,

I am the babalocha.

And now if we are to
continue this, I will need to

see your warrant.

- I'll see you again.

- Yes.

You will.

- Okay, great.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

What is it?

- I knew this guy and
he worked child services.

But he was scared to death
that what he saw happen

to children would cling
to him and infect his life.

And he had a shower put into his garage.

And everyday when he
got home, before he would

go into his house, he would
shower off the filth of his job.

- Cassy.

- No, but what he realized is that...

But what he realized, it
wasn't the skin that was

carrying the infection.

It was his brain.

And so he took a service
w*apon, he put it to his head,

with an ounce and half a
pull, he solved his problem.

That man in there.

He didn't just touch my skin.

He touched my brain.

He knows it and I know it.

And I'm scared.

- Hey I thought that we
agreed that you were gonna

take the day off.

- I know, but, I don't know.

- You're still thinking about last night?


- So do you wanna see a shrink?

- Well it crossed my mind.

Did you file?

- Well, I told Harry
about Maria's confession,

but no I haven't filed yet.

I'm still bothered by
what Luis was doing there.

I called Miami, I talked to his ex-partner.

We've agreed to meet, but...

- Do you want me to go with you?


Actually I thought that you
might check out this address.

Talk to the people inside.

- You dog!

Oh you bought me a...

Oh my god! - Massage.

Facial. - This is...

- Hair cut.

The whole ball of wax.

You get it all.

You can have one of those
mud baths too if you want.

Although I don't know how
you can stand having that

stuff creep into every crevice.

As repayment, you can just
let me borrow your new car

sometime to impress the babes.

- Oh, okay.


- I'll take that as a yes, thank you.

- Ding it and die.

- I'm cassy St. John.

I had an appointment with Vince.

- Yes.

- Hi, Vince?


Be nothing short of brilliant.




- Thanks for meeting me here.

I'm uh...

Well I'm sorry about your partner.

- Yeah, me too.

It happened over there.

A year and a half ago,
we got a tip from some

piss ant dealer, there was a big time party

planned out all night long
somewhere around here.

You seen this crap before?

I'll tell you after I look.

Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Found the womens' bodies in that pit.

Six of them.

All young, virgin.

They'd all been eviscerated and violated.

Beyond the back here is a
slab of granite, the coroner

confirmed the blood
matched that of the bodies.

We dredged a couple of the
sluices and turned up these

weird looking axes.

DNA matched some of the victims' blood.

- dr*gs?

- Found a lot of it around here.

It's all in my report.

- Luis wasn't convinced.

Your partner thought it was
some kind of religious ceremony.

- Yeah he did.

Look I got pictures in my car of all the

people that we interviewed
or arrested if you

wanna look.

- I keep this?

- It's no problem with me.

- Listen, just out of curiosity,
you didn't happen to see

any paint cans lying
around, did you, with uh...

Well, with nothing in
them, but dirt, water, sand?

- Matter of fact, we did.


- 'Cause I think your partner was right.

- Cassy St. John.

Who do you need?

What do you want?

Perhaps to be my bride?

What do you think?

- Well, Maria martine
admits to being involved in

some form of santeria.

Guy running it makes
Charlie manson look like

Barry manilow.

But nothing we kicked
so far would make me list

the cause of death as spiritualism.

- I know that some form of
voodoo is being played here.

I can feel it in my godarum.

My kishka?

For you two fine examples
of goyim, it means

in my gut.

Now file it any way you
want, but file it soon, okay.

- Hey, how was pamper camp?

- Only perfect.

You know, I think you should
do that for me very often.

- Yeah, if I have a rich
uncle that dies and leaves me

millions, I will.

Listen, fredes gave me that.

I thought maybe you'd
wanna take a look at it,

see if anything pops.

- Okay.

- Cassy!


Cassy, cassy, what is it?

Oh come on everybody, come on.

You know to back off.

Back away.

- Back off.

Cassy, what...

What is it?

What? - I don't know.


- You okay?

You wanna see a doctor or something, or...

- No, I wanna see Maria martine.

- Well I released her or this morning.

She should be at home.

- You just got me.

I was going to go to
the school and catch up

with the substitute.

- Maria,

have you ever seen this man before?

- Yes.

He is employed by the school.

He's a janitor.

His name is egan.

- Is that the only place you know him from?

The school?

- Yes.

He's a quiet man.

Rather nice.

- And you've never seen him anywhere else?

- Uh, he's gone to the school picnic.

- Maria, why don't you have
any mirrors in your house?

- It is part of my faith.


Because Diane eaton
says there's only one reason

a woman would wear all
white and have no mirrors.

Know what the word iyawo means?


It means bride.

- And who's bride are you, Maria?

- The babalocha's.

- You mean egan's bride, don't you?

- Egan?

Egan's the janitor.

They're one and the same, Maria.

So egan found out about
Luis, he saw you together

at the school.

You did know that Luis
was a cop, didn't you?

- Yes.

Tell us.

- Maria, you okay?


What is it?

Maria, you okay?



Cass, she can't breathe.

Call --.

This guy paid every bill
with a cashier's check.

- Well the school was
invoiced by a subcontractor for

janitorial services, and according to them,

they never even had someone
named egan on their payroll.

- So he just vanished.

- Well, the best we can
do is put him in the ncic

and bi-cap computers and hope to get a hit.

- Guy's probably hopped state by now.

- Do you believe in this crap?

- Well, it doesn't really
matter what I believe.

We've gotta get this jerk, Tom,

because I am not gonna
go home and be afraid.

- You want me to stay with you?

You were with Maria in the room

when he did this.

You know what they say?

It's all in your head.

- Drive.

- Yeah, this is sergeant
Tom Ryan, palm beach pd.


Yeah, Cassandra St.
John's car's been stolen.

I want you to track it.


Cassy St. John.

- Harry, it's Tom.

Egan's got cassy.

I called the alarm company.

They're tracking her.

I'm gonna need some help.

Come on.


- Right.

- Faster.

- Who do you need?

What do you want?

- Cassy!

Come on!

You got him, you got him.

You got him, it's okay.

It's okay.

- And who is this from?

- I think uh, think there's a note.

- Let's see.

From all of the guys on the
USS kittyhawk's ready deck,

thanks for getting us launched.

Oh, very cute.

- I think it's supposed to say
thanks for getting us lunch.

- Oh.


Oh Tom, she's beautiful.

- Well, I figured if you
were gonna play with dolls,

that you should probably
play with one that couldn't

k*ll ya.

- Oh, she's beautiful.

Thank you.

- Denada.

I gotta run.

Hey, you know what?

She kinda looks like somebody.

What do you think.

- Yeah. - Who?

- Yeah, yeah, she kinda
does look like somebody i...

- she looks like my mother!
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