07x08 - Air-Tight Alibi

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x08 - Air-Tight Alibi

Post by bunniefuu »

- What?

- You love me?

- No, I'm just into the physical thing.

- Is that right?


- Ow.

Hey, stop that.

- A world bereft of love
experiences only the pain

of mortality. - Ow.



- Who said that?

- It was either Shakespeare
or Heather Locklear on Oprah.

I get them confused.

- Okay, then I do love you.

- You've got minutes to show me,

then I gotta go get the tickets.

- Is that all?

- So this is what it's all about, huh,

the run around behind, the rebound.

Or is this just, just,

just pure undistilled garden
of Eden after the apple?

- What the hell are you doing, Chad?

- Just so you know, replacement boy,

what I'm doing, Cindy, is
I'm acting as your moral guide.

I am the, I am the stream of water

separating your two mongrels

from engaging in an afternoon delight.

- Well, what are you gonna do?

- Cindy.

- What, are you gonna sh**t us?

Is that it, Chad?

Is this a new part of
your world manifest, huh?

- Keep it.

I have more.

Love ya.

- All right, that's enough.

I am calling the cops, Cindy.

- No, no, no, no, don't, don't, don't.

After today, can we,

can we please talk
about getting out of here?

- Yeah.

- I gotta go get the tickets.

Do something with this.

- All right.

- Oh.

Hey, hey, hey.

- All right.

- Okay, I'll be back in a sec.

- Hurry.

Are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm all right.

- Cindy.


- Good morning, sun.

Good morning, earth.

What are you doing here?

- Ooh!

What are you doing here?

- Well, it's not fair.

I asked you first.

- This is a private residence.

- Gee, I hope so.

I just bought it.

- Andrea sold her house?

- Yes, she did.

Do, do you come with it?

- It's been on the market for months,

and she told me I could
use the pool when I wanted.

- Well, it's an offer I
would keep open to you

but sometimes my wife
can be a little narrow

in her thinking.

Of course you're married.

- Well, yes, and without temptation,

until now.

- Does your phone work?

Can I use it?


- And can I have my robe?

Thank you.



Yeah, St. John.



Got it.


- What is she doing here?

No way.

- Everybody do grid search over there,

shell casings, matchbooks, beer cans.

Just pack everything you find.

Dave, I need to ask you a few questions.

What happened?

- Someone shot her.

Can I go?

- Did you hear the shot?

- No.

Can I go?

You gonna do it yourself?

- Do what?

- You gonna k*ll whoever did this to Cindy?

- Look, I just wanna go, okay?

- Is that your r*fle?

- Yes.

- You think the registration

will match your driver's license?

Whose is it?

- Oh.

- Excuse me.

You don't seem to understand
what's going on here, Dave.

Your girlfriend is dead.

Somebody shot her with a
b*llet the size of halley's comet

and blew away half her back,

and you don't seem to give a rat's ass.

- He k*lled her, okay?

Chad Farrell k*lled her.

He k*lled Cindy.

- Did you see him k*ll her?

- No, but that's his r*fle.

You know, he just wouldn't,
he wouldn't leave her alone.

He just kept coming
back over and over again.

- Two events, the
successful assassination of jfk

and the bungled attempt
on Hitler in the bunker.

They share one raw connection, which is,

which is hot and real
and not abundant enough

to keep the animal in us fed, emotion.

Cry for Kennedy's death
and pray for Hitler's, symmetry.

- Who is it that you wanna k*ll, Chad?

- Who's in the news?

Assassinate right and
you're famous for centuries.

- Tell us about Cindy Logan.

Use simple sentences.

We dated.

We stopped.

Simple enough for you?

- And why did you break up?

What was the problem?

- Incompatibility.

I think the world of me and she doesn't.

- Imagine that.

- But Dave's good for her, you know.

He's a, he's a first cabin wimp

whose nose should be pierced for toning.

- Is that why you shot Cindy?

Correction, assassinated her.

- Cindy's, Cindy's dead?

- She was k*lled a few hours ago.

With a high-powered
r*fle, maybe like this one.

Chad, have you fired this recently?

- Ta-ta-targets, targets.

I was, I was, I was sh**ting at targets.

- Well, apparently live ones.

- You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Cindy Logan.

- Catchy tune, Harry.

Is that a new technique
in evidence presentation?

- Why?

- No, why are you chanting like this?

- I'm practicing to be
my temple's new cantor.

The audition is on Sunday.

So how did I sound?

- We'll need a search
warrant for Farrell's apartment.

- Okay, but how did I sound?

- Tom and I thought that we would check out

Cindy Logan's employer,
see if she had any knowns.

- Okay, but come on, guys.

How did I sound?

- It made us wanna pray for exodus, Harry.

- Really?

Hey, thanks.

- Duncan, when I tell you

to have your sorry ass at
the reception, you haul it.

Now, the money I've given
Ian is what makes it right.


See if there's Thursday then, Duncan.


- Mr. Flynn.

- You must be here about Cindy.

- That's right.

I'm sergeant St. John.

This is sergeant Ryan.

- St. John and Ryan?

You're English and you're
Irish working together?

They oughta parade you
down the streets of Belfast

to show it can work.

- You employed Cindy.

- She was on the kitchen staff.

Hey, I was really sorry to
hear about what happened.

- And she, she got
along with her coworkers?

- I didn't know her very well.

You know, you may wanna talk
to Louise Vernon, my head chef.

- Are you having a party?

- Reception, actually.

Yeah, Flynn.

Yes, Trevor, can you hold on a minute?

Louise would be in the kitchen.

- Thank you.

It's my favorite.

- Ugh, you'd like some fries with that?

Excuse me, Louis Vernon?

- Yes.

- We need to ask you a few
questions about Cindy Logan.

- Oh.

Oh, Cindy was a nice girl.

I liked her very much.

- How long did she work here?

- A little over a year.

She answered one of our help wanted ads.

Oh, my.

I remember when she came here.

She looked so awful.

It was that boyfriend of hers.

- Is his name Chad Farrell?

- Yes.

The day she broke up with
him, she started to change.

All of her anger seemed to drain away.

- Are you the one who got
her interested in Shakespeare?

- Shakespeare?

Oh, no, no.

Cindy was more of a fan of mtv.

- But she was picking up play tickets.

- She was getting them from Mr. Stark.

- Does he work here?

- He's a magician, a friend of Mr. Flynn.

- And where is stark now?

- Oh, probably rehearsing.

He's headlining at the e street alley.

- Erick,

this is insane.

You've never tried these locks before.

And the chains are much heavier.

- Mariah, unless I'm mistaken,

it's my life that's at stake here, huh.

Start the clock and the tape.

How do we perceive our death?

Do we choose when the reaper will arrive

to pull us into the
underworld on the river styx?

Or is it the unthinkable that binds us

and sinks our hope of survival?

- This is crazy.

Come on, Erick.

All right, get the ax.

Where is the ax?

Somebody go get the ax!

- Cassy!

- What are you doing?

Erick stark, illusionist extraordinaire.

- Well, you really had my partner going.

- I was in the middle of a
rehearsal when you two came in.

How did it look?

- It was pretty amazing.

You had me convinced.


Thanks, Mariah.

I'll see you tonight.

- Okay.

- Can I get you both some water?

- Sure.

Thank you.

- Every magician is in
search of the perfect illusion.

That's what I always admired about Houdini,

his ability to frighten the
audience while astonishing them.

- Listen,

Erick, we need to talk to
you about Cindy Logan.

- Yes, what a loss.

- Did you tell anyone where she was going?

- I asked Mr. Flynn if it'd be all right

if Cindy picked up the tickets for me,

and he told me to talk to Louise.

Other than that, no.

- Were the tickets for you?

- I wanted a restorative
and for my burned out soul.

- But there were two.

- Yeah, I was hoping that
the location of center orchestra

would be the lure to capture a companion.

I was hoping I'd find someone worth asking.

- Thank you.

- Nothing for me?

- Yeah, as a matter of fact,

I do.

- I thought you might have taken my g*n.

- Yeah, I thought that
might be going a little far,

so I just took these.


That's good.

Well, you'll call us if you
think of anything else?

- I will.

- Did you break the chair, champ?

This is what it's all about, man.

- Yeah, well, when we're finished with you,

we'll get you a better seat.

- You know, you're the detonator.

You're the detonator.

I'm just, I'm just the b*mb.

You armed McVeigh and Amir
and serhan and they exploded.

And now, you're arming me.

Go ahead, explode me.

Accuse me of k*lling Cindy Logan.

- Are you genitally challenged, Chad?

Is that what this act is all about?

- You envy me.

I have insights that you'll
never even understand.

- Envy?

Now, I like that.

Is that what triggered
your rage to sh**t Cindy?

- I didn't even know she
was dead until you told me.

- I mean, here you are,
sexually inadequate.

- Oh, yeah?

You wanna find out?

- And your ex-girlfriend,

she's out there making
it with some stallion.

- Touching him, exploring
him in ways you couldn't.

- Cindy was always very happy with me.

- Oh, can you imagine

what they're gonna do to you in prison?

- I didn't do it, okay?

Why don't you check
the r*fle, do those tests?

- We did.

Why don't you tell us what a
lapua Magnum . slug costs?

- I don't know.

- Retail.

- I've never even heard of it.

- Well, then we're gonna
get a search warrant

and we're gonna tear your
place apart, every inch of it.

- You do that.

I really want you to do that.

- I don't know, Tom.

When we mentioned the
search, he didn't seem too worried.

Maybe he threw the k*lling r*fle

in the intercoastal.

- Or maybe it wasn't him.

Maybe it was a random sh**ting.

- I say we throw his place
around, see what we find.

- Okay, one more time, one more time!


Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

- There's no way!

- Cassy!

I thought about it and it came to me.

- What?

Who would wanna k*ll Cindy Logan?

- No, that I really wanna
perform for you tonight.

I mean at the club, that is.

- Well, you think you can
make them disappear?

- I do.

- How did you do that?

- Magic.

Come see me tonight.

- Well, it's not exactly police business.

- Come anyway.


- Okay.

- Cool.

Given the minimalist decor,

this search didn't take too long.

Hey, hey.

Collector's edition of skrill magazine

in less than mint condition.

- Oh, I don't even wanna know what this is.

Moby d*ck, pride and
prejudice, Scarlet letter.

What's wrong with this picture?

- Do sn*pers read the classics?

- Well, not when they're glued together.



- It's an assassin's outlet store.

- Careful, careful.

It might be hot.

Hang on.


- That would have hurt.

Labeled jacuzzi, cas.

- Okay.

- Man.

We got lapua . slugs here.

Oh, well, would you look at that.

- It's chambered to fit a sn*per r*fle.

You wanted to see me, Mr. Flynn?

- Is it true you got a date

with that hot little detective chick

who's investigating the
m*rder of Cindy Logan?

- That's right.

- Cancel it.

- Do you think we could
revisit this, Mr. Flynn?

- Hello.


Duncan, yeah, I want you to be prepared

with the splinter group
to move after we move.

Hmm, no, Ian's got that covered.

- Mr. Flynn will get right back to you.

You think we can revisit
this conversation now, Flynn?

- I can't have my name
showing up in a police report.

- You're telling me I can't do my job?

Is that what you're saying?

- Of course not, Erick.

- Excellent,

because I'm every bit as good at what I do

as you are at what you do.

Don't forget that.

- Hey, herb, you got a minute?

- Oh.

Hey, Tom, cassy.

What's going on?

- Well, herb, we were
wondering if you could tell us

everything you know
about lapua Magnum ..

- Hey, you guys caught the Logan case, huh?

- Yeah, our lucky day. - Yeah.

- Boy, the lapua, I mean,
it's an exceptional b*llet.

It's custom milled, precision
balanced and weighed,

grains, low drag, high velocity,

perfect for the savage sn*per r*fle.

Don't touch that.

Credible k*ll range, up to , meters.

- A mile?

- Damn near.

The b*llet's supersonic
for more than , meters.

It takes a few seconds just
for the sound to catch up,

and you're not gonna
recognize it when it does.

I mean, guys, we're talking about a r*fle

that makes one big kaboom
when it launches that b*llet.

- Well, any idea where
the b*llet was fired from?

- Well, deformation suggests
that it was nearly spent,

I mean, close to its maximum range.

- Okay, try this.

This is the area that
Cindy Logan was k*lled.

Can you tell me where
the g*n was fired from?

- Well, let's see.

Wind velocity was seven knots.

Humidity was high.

I know because the air
conditioners broke down

and I couldn't really get
any work done the whole day.

I mean, it was just too... - anyway.

- Yeah.

Well, that would be right there.

As you can see, it takes
up most of west palm.

- Can you narrow it down?

- Not without more information.

- Well, we're gonna have
to get more information.

Thanks, herb.

- Hey, if you guys can find the w*apon

that fired that puppy,
I'd love to get a look at it,

if you,

if you can get a chance to bring it.

I think this is all,

well, he ruined it.

- Your friend Chad makes no sense.

- Yeah, I know.

I heard him talking.

- No, as a suspect, I mean.

- That's what I was afraid you meant.

- He's got a g*n that can fire up to a mile

but he sh**t Cindy from a block away?

- Making sure of the k*ll maybe?

I'm just a little reluctant to
give him up as a suspect.

- Brewer said that the report in that g*n

would be like a Cannon.

I say we canvass the area.


- No, not tonight.

- Why?

- Because I have a magical evening planned.

- The magician?

- Mm-hmm.

- Watch out he doesn't
make your virtue disappear.

Not a chance.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
prepare to be amazed

as e street alley presents
the man who taunts dead,

the man who invites his own extinction,

the man who returns from
his grave, Mr. Erick stark.

- Good evening, everyone.

Welcome to the show that
takes you beyond death's door.

And how about a nice hand

for our very own grim
reaper, miss Mariah doom!

What's the matter, Mariah?

You look like death warmed over.


- Uh-oh.

It looks like I pulled a bit too hard.

And now, the moment
we wait for all our lives,

the moment we all know to
be irrevocable and inescapable,

the moment of death,

unless I can free myself from the t*nk

in less time than I can hold my breath.

Can I have a volunteer
from the audience, please?

I need someone who's fearless, courageous,

capable of performing under pressure.

How about you, miss?

Come on up.

Don't be shy.

Come on, folks.

Help convince her!

What's happening?

What's going on?

- And what's your name, miss?

- Cassandra.

- And what do you do
for a living, Cassandra?

- I'm a police officer.

- You look so lovely.

You just need to relax a little.

Learn to let your hair down,

as they say.

Okay, Cassandra, lock me up.

- Eric stark can only hold his breath

for exactly three minutes and seconds.

Ladies and gentlemen,

keep your eyes on the clock of despair.

- Hello again.

Hold that.

You lock that one up.

Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Okay.

See you on the other side.

- Be careful.

- It's a little late for that.

Erick, Erick, do you want me to get the ax?

- Break the glass.

Break the glass.

He's gonna drown.

- No, he's not.


- Hi.



- You really had me frightened.

- Frightened?

Ah, well, it's all part of the act.

The greatest danger I ever
faced is rush hour traffic.

- So you gotta tell me...

- tell?

Oh, how I do it?

You know, I can't do that.

- No, no, not how.


- I thought it would be a great way

to meet beautiful women like you.

- Would that line be
part of the illusion too?

- The creation of
illusion ends on the stage.

Down here, everything is truth.

- To you.

- Thank you for coming.

- Thank you, thank you.

- To what do I owe this honor?

I know, I know, you're feeling guilty

about leaving me to do all the work, right?

- What was the word?

- What?

- The one you used that started with a g.

What, guilt?

- Uh-huh, exactly what does that mean?

- Oh, that's something
you feel in your stomach

when you've done something wrong.

- Oh, well, being as I never have,

I guess that's why I
wouldn't know what it meant.

- Look, I ran an inquiry on the teletype

for a list of all unsolved sh**t

with lapua Magnum cartridges.

Take a look at that.

There's of them.

All but three of them,
Atlanta, Seattle and Las Vegas,

have been solved.



- Give me the name of
those three cities again.

- Atlanta, Las Vegas, Seattle.

Huh, same three places
that Erick stark has appeared.

- How'd it go?

- Inescapably perfect.

Where'd you get that?

- He hasn't changed his schedule.

It's happening tomorrow evening.

- No problem.

- Are you ready?

- Meaning you think I'm not.

I could care less what you think.

But as a point of information, I can do it

in the next five minutes
if that proved necessary.

- Your police friend?

What if she gets wind of it?

- She won't, unless you let something slip.

You're not gonna do that, are you?

- I just thought...

- no, no, no, no, don't.

That's what I get paid to do.

You just smile and write checks,
same as you've been doing.

Don't think.

Starting tomorrow evening,
Mr. Church will be dead,

and all will be right with the world.

- When am I getting outta here?

- Not for a while, Chad, old buddy.

- It's a very naughty thing you did,

trying to get us fried.

- You didn't ask.

- You didn't tell.

- Oh, yeah?

What's the sentence for not telling?

- Not telling us for free?

Attempted m*rder goes mandatory .

- You'll never make that stick.

- We can try.

Do you wanna take a chance?

- You give us information and
maybe we give you a break.

- What information?

- You ever meet a guy named Erick stark?

- Wait, is he some kind of entertainer?

- A magician.

- Yeah, right.

I did meet him.

He came to my apartment.

- He just dropped by?

- Yeah, yeah.

Cindy mentioned me to
him and how I was into g*ns

and he wanted to know
how I like my new night scope.

I thought he was a little
square for my tastes.

- You have no idea how
wrong you are about that one.

Close the damn door.

- I can't see the damn door.

- Let me guess.

You're getting the
wrinkles out of your suit.

- Very funny.

- Harry, why are you whispering?

- To save my voice.

The candor auditions, remember?

- Oh, well, actually, it slipped our minds.

- See, we thought you might wanna know

about an assassination attempt, so...

- what assassination?

- Well, because we may
have a chance to stop it.

- Of course, it may not be
as important as your audition.

- What assassination?

Sir Wellington church, British envoy.

He arrives in palm beach this afternoon.

- Hard line opponent of the ira.

- Douglas Flynn, prominent
palm beach resident.

- Prominent member of
the Irish American nationals.

- So?

- We met this guy yesterday.

He said he was giving
someone named Ian money.

- That's a common English name.

- It's also an acronym for
the Irish American nationals.

- Erick stark.

So we think stark uses
his magic act as a cover.

It lets them travel
anywhere to do the hits.

- Wait a minute.

You want me to bust the guy on a theory

that wouldn't stand
feathers being dropped on it?

- I know it's a little thin, Harry.

- Thin?

It's anorexic.

- Yeah, but it all fits together.

- Oh, really?

Well, then fit this together for me,

Cindy Logan and this,
this Wellington church guy.

- Well, we haven't figured that out yet.

- Ha-ha.

Well, until you do,

this whole thing will
only play in rosewell.

- Rosewell?

- You mean where the aliens landed?

- Oh, that rosewell.

- Yeah.

Keep me apprised!

- Yeah.

- Roswell.

Major Galloway, yes,

it's sergeant Tom Ryan,
palm beach police department.

Sir, there's a strong possibility that we

may have uncovered

an assassination plot
against sir Wellington church.

No, do you,

no, well, we,

don't you think you should at least listen

to what I have to say?

Nah, it's not a crackpot call.

Well, you can take your stiff
upper lip and bite it, okay?

- Ladies and gentlemen,
prepare to be amazed

as e street alley presents
the man who taunts death,

the man who invites his own extinction,

the man who returns from the grave,

Mr. Erick stark.

- We're on schedule here.

What's going on with you?

- Mi shined me out,

said they can take care of this themselves.

Where are you now?

- I'm the caboose at the
end of the church motorcade.

They're heading on to orange grove Avenue,

heading north.

- They're touring the
performing arts center?

It looks like it.

- Good evening, everyone.

Welcome to the show that takes you

beyond death's door.

What's the matter, Mariah?

You look like death warmed over.

- Erick stark can only hold his breath

for another two minutes.

- Cas, he went up on
the roof of the theater.

He shot Cindy Logan as a rehearsal.

The roof of the theater, cas.

- Drop it!

Erick stark, you're under arrest.

- Ryan, St. John!

My office, now!

Come on, stay close, will you?

Just to let you know,
you're big heroes, really big.

I'm talking award
ceremonies, commendations.

This sir Wellington church
guy wants to fly you to London,

and the commissioner thinks I am a genius.

- Well, then how come
you're making it sound

like we've all been fired?


Cantor audition?

Didn't go very well?

- No, the audition did not go.

- What happened, Harry?

I choked.

- Hmm.

- Too much pressure?

- No.

Right before it was my
turn, I needed an energy shot,

so I grabbed a snickers bar

and a peanut got caught in my throat.

Oh, so you, you choked.

- In the truest sense of the word, you...

Hey, it's funny.

A rabbi how to do a heimlich on me.

- Sorry.

- Hey, hey!

It's not funny!
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