07x13 - Slip-Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x13 - Slip-Up

Post by bunniefuu »

So, this is the boat we're
supposed to sail to paradise on?

Well, Chuck said

it was the most beautiful
rental boat he'd ever seen.

Well, Chuck should have made
sure the engine worked first.

He didn't go on it,
just happened to see it.

Next time we can get a recommendation

from a sailor, not a spectator.

Tom: Now, that's the kind of boat

I was hoping for.

Isn't there something in the scriptures

"thou shalt not covet
thy neighbor's yacht"?

Yeah, let's go covet a little closer.

Need a hand shoving off?

Thanks a lot, appreciate it.

Oh, that's really nice of you.

No problem.

Um, is that your boat over there?

Oh, that's a friend's.

I'm, uh, holding out for one of these.

Oh, I see.

If you're still around when we get back

I'll give you the grand tour.

It's a deal.

Thanks, folks.

Thanks a lot.



Rich people are different
from you and me, you know.

Yeah, they got bigger boats.

Yeah, but are they happy?

Damn right they are.

What do you say we head up the coast?

There's some nice coves up there.

We can go for a swim.

That's fine by me.

As long as I'm home by :.

You don't have to work
till : or : tomorrow.

Oh, I know, but I like to watch xena.

Oh, you watch that?

Yes, every chance I get.

Do you think she and Gabrielle are

having a fling?

Come on.

What, are you saying women
can't have close friends?

Oh, there's close and then there's Ellen.

Man: Mayday, mayday!

This is the motor yacht k-.

We need your help!

Man : K-, this is the coast guard.

What's the nature of your emergency?

It's my wife... my wife is
being att*cked by sharks!

Oh, god, please...

K-, isn't that...?

The boat that we looked at.

Coast guard: What is your position?

Man: Harper's cove.

We're in Harper's cove.

Please hurry! My god.

Coast guard: We'll be there in ten minutes.

Administer first aid.

I can't, she's...

My god, it's too late!

It's too late.


Who was that with the chief?

Good morning, Harry.

First we say "good morning."

Good morning... who was that?

No sincerity.

Absolutely none.

For the last time

who was that with the chief?

Notice a lack of etiquette
in this squad room?

Cassy: Just simple things

like "thank you" and "please."

All right, it's Ted mayhew.

He's been made captain.

Chief's taking him around for intros.

That's all?

That's all.

He didn't bring him into my office.

Tom: The chief was in a rush.

He's got a hearing downtown.

I'm sure he'll bring
him to your office later.

Here's a case.

Investigate it.


Who knows?

Hey, this is the woman
who was att*cked by sharks.



Shouldn't take too long to wrap up

unless the autopsy comes
up with something weird.

Assuming there's enough
of the body left to autopsy.

Hello, frannie.

It's Harry.


I know you know who it is.

Listen, frannie, remember how
we were talking about retirement?

Cassy: What were you talking

to the chief about?

Oh, about Harry's th anniversary.

Chief wants to have a party for him.

Oh, and he wants you to hire the naked girl

to pop out of the cake.

Nothing that fancy, just coffee and cookies

but he's having a -year
pin made up for him specially

uh, down at the lab.

He'd like me to pick it up for him.

Oh, and he wants to keep
the whole thing a surprise.

Oh, well, then I guess
he shouldn't have told you.

What, are you saying I can't keep a secret?

Dead men talk more than I do.

Uh-huh, and with a
higher degree of repartee.

You ever seen a shark death before?

Only in jaws.

They're unique.

No doubt about what k*lled her.

Um... what are those small
round bruises on her chest?

Got me, but whatever caused
them could have happened

before she went into the water.

They definitely had nothing
to do with the cause of death.

This is what's left of her bathing suit

and her life jacket.

We'll run these down to the lab for photos.

Should have this closed off by dinner.

Yeah, that's what we figure.

Hey, hey, wait, no.

You can't board without permission.

Yes, we can, we're cops.

Come on, cassy, it's a common courtesy.

It's like ringing a doorbell.

Well, there isn't any doorbell.

Figuratively, I'm speaking figuratively.

Fine, I just rang it figuratively.

Mr. Fairchild: Can I help you?

Tom: Uh, yes,

I'm sergeant Ryan

this is sergeant St. John.

Palm beach police department.

Oh, yeah, please, come on board.

I, uh...

Gave a statement to the police last night.

Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Fairchild.

It's just routine check-up.


I know you.

Tom: Yeah, you do.

We helped you with your
mooring lines yesterday.

That's right, yeah.

I, uh...

That's what it was.

So, uh... what can I fill in for you?

Cassy: Well, we know you went for a

cruise yesterday afternoon.

Um, you anchored at Harper's cove

around dusk.

Mr. Fairchild: Magic hour.

When the, uh...

Sun's gone down, but the sky's still light.

Perfect for sipping wine and making love.

Which is what we did.

And afterwards, uh, Katherine
wanted to get in the water.

She loved to float alongside the boat.


So, I helped her on with her life jacket

and, uh, made sure
she was tied off the stern

and then I went down
in the galley, and, uh...

Started to make...

Started to make dinner.

And the next thing I knew,
I heard her screaming...

Is that when you made
the call on the radio?

I, uh...

I ran topside

and I saw what was going on and I, uh... uh

I called the coast guard

but, uh...

It was too late.

It was already too late.

I suppose you want to take a look around?

If it's not a problem.

Help yourself.


Fairchild: It was something

she loved to do.

The floating, she'd, uh...

Have me tie the end of
the line to her life jacket.

She'd lie in the water for hours.

Said it made her feel like an astronaut.

The weightlessness.

Morning, Mr. Fairchild.

You can't clean the boat today, Jim.

The police need to examine things.

Uh, police?

Didn't you hear?

Mrs. Fairchild was k*lled
in an accident last night.

My god.

What happened?

She was att*cked by sharks.


No way.

I'm afraid it's true, Jim.


No, it wasn't sharks.

What did he mean by that?

I have no idea.

How well did he know Mrs. Fairchild?

Same as he knew me.

He'd come down once a week

clean the boat.

Most of the time Katherine
and I weren't even here.

Cassy: A beautiful boat.

It was.

I'm not sure if I'll ever be
able to enjoy being on it again.

Fairchild: Is there anything else

I can help you with?

Not right now

but if anything comes up

we have your number.

Mr. Fairchild, did you use that boat hook

during the attack on your wife?

Not during the attack, no.

Afterwards, I, uh...

I used it to bring her up to the stern.

Why do you ask?

Well, we found some
bruises on your wife's chest

and now we know where they came from.

Thank you for your time.

And we're... we're very sorry

about your loss.

Thank you.

You're cops, aren't you?

As a matter of fact, we are.

Here about the Fairchild woman, huh?

Right again.

Do you live on this boat?

Hell, lady, the only reason
to be seen near a tug like this

is if you live on it.

Did you know the fairchilds?

Yeah, we were great friends.

I used to go over there every
day for champagne and pate.

I don't mind answering questions

long as it's not a damn fool one.

Did you notice anything unusual yesterday?

That's a damn fool question, you were here.

Why should I notice anything you missed?

Well, because you don't
miss much of anything.

You got that right.

How about the past few weeks?

Notice the k- go out of the slip much?

Hell, no, the only in and out on that boat

happens in the stateroom.

Fairchilds come here often?

Make that singular... hardly
ever saw the husband.

I bet you can tell us who
was visiting the missus.

Mm-hmm, the maintenance kid, Willis.

He spent a lot more time on Mrs. Fairchild

than he did on deck.


The bed was made up in the stateroom.

Didn't Fairchild say that they, uh

had made love before his wife

went swimming?

No detail slips past you, does it?

I take my cue from Dwight.

Yeah, that bed looked like it
hadn't been slept in in a while.

Well, maybe while she was swimming

he straightened up.

No. Does he look like the kind of guy

who would straighten up anything himself?

Point taken.

He did seem awfully anxious

to tell us of them having made love.

Maybe that was meant to impress us.

What, about how good
their relationship was?

Yeah, you know, he said
he used the boat hook

after the attack to get
her back to the boat.


Why, if she's still attached to the rope?

Do you think this is more than an accident?

Your perception never ceases to amaze me.

I say we talk to the maintenance man.

You read my mind.

Excuse me, we need to talk to you.

Hey! We just want to talk!

Police, I need your vehicle.

You're under arrest.

Get up.

Tom: What's the deal?

Look, I had nothing to do

with Katherine's death.

Why did you run?

There's a warrant for me in Montana.

What for?

as*ault. I got in a bar fight.

I figured you'd run a check on me and...

Let's get back to you and Katherine.

We were having a thing.

We know that. Did Fairchild?

I don't know.

Take a guess.

I told you, I don't know.


Katherine, she was getting real worried

a couple of weeks ago

and she told me we had to cool it

until she could figure out

if her husband was on to us or not.

Did she think he might have been?

She didn't say.

Maybe it was her way of dropping you.

No chance.

She said she couldn't live without me.

Looks like she was right.

You going to book me?

You can take care of that warrant

stick around in case we need you

and you're out of here.

Cassy: When you heard Ms. Fairchild

was dead

you said it wasn't sharks.

But our coroner says
that's what k*lled her.

However she died, Fairchild made it happen.

Wait a second.

Are you saying he had a
school of trained sharks?

No, I'm telling you

he k*lled her.

And if you guys buy his story

this guy's going to get away with m*rder.

Harry, are you okay?

Never better.

Just did a three-mile run.

Feel wonderful.

You ran three miles?

Ran some, walked.

How much walking?

Last two miles.

You got a medic alert card?

Not funny.

I didn't mean to be funny.

Are you sure you're okay?

Count on it.

sh**ting the combat course

this afternoon.

You don't want to rest?

A supervisor is supposed to set an example.


Not follow.

The only place

he's leading us

is to the I.C.U.

Okay. Thank you, yes.

Well, her nearest relative is

a maiden aunt in Detroit

who she hasn't talked to in years.

Most of the people in this organizer are

"hi and bye" folks.

The hairdresser says

she doesn't talk to him.

A popular misconception.

Your guy says you tell all.

I do not.

If I told him everything about you

he wouldn't even take your call.

Wow! You know what the odds

of being att*cked by a shark are?

About as good as me winning the lottery.

million to one.

You know the odds

of being k*lled by a shark?

As good as me spending
the night with Jenny McCarthy.

No, less.

million to one.

All right, let me ask you something.

She's got no close friends.

She doesn't have meaningful conversations

with Mr. Clean.

Who does she tell

about being followed?

She and her husband share a lawyer.

No, no, because according to
this, she's got her own lawyer.

So let's go talk to him.

I'm really sorry, officers

but I'm afraid I can't help you.

Tom: Your client's deceased.

Cassy: Which technically makes her

your ex-client.

Hmm... you see, I'm afraid

that her business is still confidential

along with her personal affairs.

We want to know about her personal affairs.

As I said...

You don't handle

criminal matters, Mr. Fletcher?

It says on my door

I'm primarily a civil attorney.

So still, you're familiar with
title , section and ?

Which obligates you to
cooperate with the police

with regard to a deceased client.

Title , is that a state statute?

Come on, Mr. Fletcher,
you're playing with us now.

You know perfectly well it's federal.

This is about Mr. Willis?

It is.

Had Mr. Fairchild

found out about it?

Mrs. Fairchild believed so.

Not that it would have mattered

if he had found out and
decided to pursue a divorce.

She still retained all

of her community and personal rights.

Did she know he'd found out?

Well, not for certain.

She'd been followed by a man

for a number of weeks

but there'd been no repercussions, so she

couldn't be sure.

Did she describe the man?

Only that he was a heavyset man

with freckles.


Cassy: Yeah.

Tom: Title ?

The warning that plays

at the beginning of any rental video.

Very nice.

Thank you.


Hey! How's it going?

And my priest told me there

wasn't any hell on earth.

Nice talk considering you owe us.

An ulcer is what I owe you.

Nice glasses.

What you working on?

Nothing that concerns you.

You tell us, we'll leave.

Yeah, sure.

Cassy: Try us.

Maybe it's your lucky day.

Guy jumps bail...

Leaves the bondsman holding

a hundred gs worth of paper.

Guy's girlfriend lives over there.

I figure maybe

he comes out of hiding

for a little midday boinky-boink.

When he sees his shadow

we get eight more weeks of winter?

Hey, you asked, I told. Now do you

go away?

Cassy: In a minute.

Tell us what you found out

working for Walter Fairchild.

Aw, come on, St. John.

You know the rules.

I can't even confirm I worked for the guy.


Why don't you

hypothetically split?

Why don't we go out and
canvass the area for witnesses?

We'll tell them we're cops.

What does that do to your stake-out?

And to think I had a crush on you.


This is all hypothetical.




I'm hired to follow the wife.

Three weeks later I got a
file on her two inches thick.

The boat guy, Willis.

You know that?!

What're you squeezing me for?

Today's word is "corroboration."



I got times, dates, photos

I got the whole schmear.

So you give the file to
your hypothetical client?


And I'm feeling pretty good about it, too.

I figure I'm working the divorce

at a hundred and a quarter a day

and it ought to go on for a while.

But I don't hear from him.

What do you mean?

Just what I said.

I get a check in the mail

for services rendered

but nothing else.

Like the report never happened.

But he read it.

Leafed through the photos

while I was there.

How'd he react?

Didn't blink.

Most guys see photos like that

I'm scraping them off the ceiling.

This guy, it's like I
just delivered a pizza.

Oh, let's get back to basics.

Motive, opportunity, means.

Fine. So why did Fairchild

have his wife followed?

I don't know.

Maybe she found

somebody new to float her boat.

When he found out

he didn't fire the new captain.

Why hire sweeney in the first place?

Good questions, no answers.

You get that credit check back?

Yeah. Looks completely normal.

I thought his office was downtown.

So why is he ordering takeout

from a place in the Marina once a week?

Maybe the food's good.

Dwight says he's never by the boat.

And Dwight is always right.

So let's find out where
this food's being delivered.

Why don't we?

Tom: Your secretary said

you were having lunch.

Wow, man does not live by bread alone.

Just who the hell do you think you are?

I'm sergeant Ryan,
this is sergeant St. John.

We're homicide detectives.

We ask questions.

How long have you two

been lunching together?

We've been seeing each
other for a couple of months.

She cheated on him.

Quid pro quo.

Well, carpe diem to you.

Some people might construe an affair

as a motive for m*rder.

Fairchild: If one had

been committed.

Katherine's death was a tragic accident.

Are you intimating otherwise?

We're investigators.

We're investigating.

Like you did.

You mean sweeney?

I had my suspicions.

I needed them verified.

To achieve your quid pro quo.

Yes, it made things easier.

Not that Walt needed any
more excuses than she gave him.


No, they might as well know.

She treated you like dirt.

The man was a boat cleaner, for god's sake.

Erin, that's enough.

Funny, you didn't mention

anything about Willis and your wife

when we talked to you the first time.

My wife was dead.

I didn't see how her memory would be served

by talking about her indiscretions.

Especially if it might provide a motive?

My wife died...

In a tragic accident.

Now, I expect you to conduct

a complete and thorough investigation.

In the long run

it's in my best interests

that you do so.

But I would appreciate it...

If in the process you could
observe some semblance

of common courtesy.

If in the future, you
have any questions of me

might I suggest my home or my office?

Now, unless there's anything else...

No, that'll be it. For now.

You can get back to your lunch.

He's good.

Real good.

He's also guilty as hell.

No doubt about that.

Well, it'll be a pleasure nailing him.

It's going to be hard to do.

Tell me about it.

No, no, no.

She was definitely alive
when she was att*cked.

You think she could have been unconscious?

As in dr*gs?

The preliminary blood screen

showed no evidence of barbiturates

and only a moderate amount of alcohol.

You guys think the husband set her up.


All right, then tell me one thing.

How do you ring the dinner bell

for a shark?

Woman: Of the species of sharks

only have been involved in
documented att*cks on humans.

It's a rare occurrence.

Unfortunately, the movies make it seem

like it happens every day.

What if you wanted to attract a shark?

Like a new form of Russian roulette?

Yeah, sort of.

Uh, disturbances in the water

like, um... like a fish or
a swimmer in distress.

Sharks are very opportunistic.

Like a lot of people we know.

How else?

Well, you could use an attractant.

Like blood in the water?

Yes, although that dilutes pretty fast.

Shark fisherman and researchers

use something called "shark chum."

Can you buy that?

Yeah, a bait shop at the Marina

sells it in -pound buckets.

And this draws the sharks?

Yes, but once the shark is in
the suspended cloud of chum

you really need some sort of mechanism

to insure that the shark
zeros in on its target.

Is this about the Fairchild attack?

It sure is.

Think the husband did it?

No, we're just
investigating all possibilities.

He did... odds of
getting k*lled by a shark...

Are about million to one.

I'm impressed, sergeant.

So, how many of these
buckets would you need?

Uh, one would be ample.

Well, uh...

Thank you for your time.

Okay, I hope you nail him.

So do we.

Could we have a word with you, please?

Don't tell me.

The hamburger stand is
bitching about the smell.

He'd certainly be entitled.

Every time we get an onshore flow

he's up in arms.

He don't like the smell of fish

let him move inland is what I say.

The man's got a point.

Damn right.

Now, uh... what can I do you for?

You're the only shop that sells shark chum.


Guaranteed to bring them in.

My own formula.

You'd never guess what's in it.

Well, actually

that's more information than we need.

We were wondering if
you've ever seen this man.


That's Walter Fairchild.

You know him?

Just on the newscasts.

His wife got k*lled the other night.

Tom: Yes, that's right.

Have you seen him in here before?

Uh... don't think so.

Had a guy in about a week or so ago.

Looked kind of like him.

But he had on a big
straw hat and sunglasses.

Thing was, he didn't look like a fisherman.

He buy shark chum?


I, uh, wanted to talk to him about tackle

but all he wanted was the chum.

To tell the truth, I don't think
he knew squat about fishing.

Let me guess, he paid cash, right?

So, he bought a bucket?

Matter of fact, he bought two.

I told him one would
last him for a few days

but he wanted two.

He acted like he was
afraid to touch something

like god forbid he should get dirty.

Like god forbid he leave fingerprints.

Thank you. See you.

Hey. Hey.

Okay, what do you got

and what do you want done with it?

We got a life vest and a bathing suit.

We need you to photograph it for us.

How about I put the vest on
the mannequin and we do a ?


What happened to it?

A shark took a liking to its owner.

Oh, ouch.

Yeah, big ouch.

Cassy, take a look at this.


What do you suppose
would make a Mark like that?

Could I see that for a sec?


Um, Ron, why don't you,
uh, take this down to serology

and have them analyze the vertical stain?

Ron: Okay, you got it.


Ron: Yep.

Tom: Hey, cass, take a look at this.

Let's see.

Oh, that's great.

We're having the certificate laminated.

He's going to love it.

Give me that.

Cassy: You know, if he doesn't

get off this health kick

we're going to have to have him laminated.

Hey, you guys.

Hey. Hey.

We just got a positive on your stain:

Cow's blood.

What's a guy doing putting
a life vest on a cow for?

Well, that's... that's not
quite what happened.


That's why you guys get the big bucks.

So, he gets her in the water

uses chum to attract the sharks.

Tapes a bag of cow's
blood on the back of the vest

punctures a hole so the
shark knows where to zero in.

Cassy: Remember those

round marks on her chest?


She must have seen the sharks

and tried to get back on the boat.

He uses the pole to keep her in the water.

She was trying to get on
the boat before they arrived.

And he uses the pole

to keep her under the
water until the sharks attack.

I want this bastard.

Yeah, the problem is, how do we prove it?

Would you believe there
are over a dozen places

you can buy cow's blood?

When did that become a
sought-after commodity?

Maybe Fairchild's passing the word around

and we're going to have
a shark-k*lling spree.

Hey, you guys. Wow!

Wow, Harry.

Cassy: Wow, nice suit.

You like it?

Not bad for a guy who was refused

a subscription to gq.

Yeah, um, I just got a call
from Fairchild's attorney.

And he's complaining.


As a matter of fact

he said if you want an interview

with his client or Erin Cameron

just give him a call.

He'll set the whole thing up.

Cassy: Mmm, smooth.

Of course, he's a lawyer.

Not him, Fairchild.

Yeah, but why include the girlfriend?

When you went to her office,
did you ask her anything?

Uh, no, we zeroed in on Fairchild.

Maybe she's got something to say.

Good thinking, Harry.

Cassy: That's why he's captain.

Hey, what's with the suit?

This? Just thought it was time

to update my wardrobe, that's all.

But Harry, you've worn the same wardrobe

ever since we've known you... why now?

Well, the chief just called.

He, uh... he's on his way over to see me.

Wants to have a talk
with me, and I thought, uh

I'd like to look a little
more up to date, you know?

Don't worry about it.


Easy for you to say.

He sounds worried.

I think we should tell him.

No, no, no.

Chief will have my head.

It will ruin the surprise

and it's only a little while to wait.

So, what do you say we head over

and talk to Ms. Cameron?

Well, I think that would
be better one on one.

Hmm, like some kind of chick thing?

Well, I wasn't going to
put it that way, but, uh...

But since I did.

Yes. Yeah.

Chick thing... sort of.

Erin: And the next thing I knew

I'd honest to god fallen in love.

And you knew he was married?

Absolutely. He was very upfront about that.

Hmm. You know

you're a sensible, intelligent woman.

For a relationship like that...

I know, I know.

The problem is, you don't always plan on

who you're going to fall in love with.

Hmm. Well, and you were willing to just...

Continue with this kind of relationship?

No, not at all.

He knew that I wasn't going...

Not going to what?


Not going to wait around
on him indefinitely?

You are so wrong about him.

He couldn't have had anything
to do with Katherine's death.

Did you put a time limit on this thing?

He's kind and gentle.

He could never harm another human being.

How long?

How long had you

told him you'd wait?

A year.

I told him I'd wait a year.

And how long have you been seeing him?

Our first-year anniversary is next week.

We were going away to celebrate.

So now we know the why.

And still nothing the
D.A. will take to court.

Oh, if only that bait guy

could have identified Fairchild.

Yeah, but he... he can't.

Fairchild doesn't know that.

Yes, Mr. Fairchild.

Our investigation's almost completed.

If you could get down to the station

you could pick up your wife's jewelry.

No, sir, it should only take a few minutes.

Thank you.

He'll be here at :.

Biff, be here at :.


Well, I really appreciate you coming down.

I'd just like to get
this over with, please.

It'll only take another minute.

Why don't you have a seat?

I'll get you a glass of water.

Just the jewelry, please.

Uh, well, I'll run down

and find out what's keeping
our property custodian.


Tom Ryan.

You're up to something.


Now, I promised

Mr. Fairchild we'd have his
property back to him at :.

Now, where is it?

Tell him I lost it.

I'm afraid that's not acceptable.

Um, okay... try offering him some coffee.

Oh, no, stalling won't work.

We want the jewelry
and we want it right now.

Does that browbeating ever get a response

from any of our people?

Uh, not really,

but thanks for asking.

Right away!

It's just a minute.

So, uh, tell me...

What does a boat like that of yours cost?

You in the market, sergeant?

Not me personally

but a few of the guys and I

have talked about pooling resources.

Maybe getting a good boat.

Uh-huh. Well, somebody
better be on the take.

The k- is worth in the neighborhood

of a half million dollars.

Nice neighborhood.

It keeps the riffraff out.

Now, sergeant...

My wife's things

or I'm out of here.

I apologize for the delay.

These things happen all the time.

Not to me. You can send the
property to my lawyer's office.

He'll sign for it.


Is that an order?

Of course not.

I've got an idea.

Why don't you and I

go down to the property room together?

Now, if your clerk
couldn't find the property

what makes you think
you will do any better?

I'm a detective, I'm
good at finding things.

Come on, you're already here.

Okay, thanks.

Where's the clerk?

Must have gone to the John.

I'll, I'll, uh, look.

Ah! Bingo!

Give it to me.

Hold it, there's some paperwork here.

Come on.

I said :, it's after :!

Big deal, so I'm a couple of minutes late.

Come on.

Come on!

Is that it?

That's it.

So I'm free to go?

Yes. Absolutely.

The property?

The property!

Which is...

Right here.

Thank you.


How do you do, Mr. Fairchild?

Fine, sergeant St. John, and you?

Never better.

Tom: Thank you.

It's like he never even noticed biff.

I tell you, I'd hate to play poker

with that guy.


Put the hammer down, Fairchild.

Now what?

Part we like best...

Where we take you to jail.

For what, littering?

Afraid not, Fairchild.

Close, but no cigar.

What, so I bought some chum from biff.

I went fishing here...

Before the night my wife was att*cked.

Then why destroy the buckets?

I paid for them.

I can do with them as I please.

Hmm-mm. You're destroying evidence.

Of what?

Of garlic.

What? What are you talking about?

It's biff's secret ingredient.

He puts garlic in his chum.

It helps attract sharks

to the scent.

Fine, so you will find

traces of garlic in the buckets.

I never denied I bought them from biff.

We also found garlic
on your wife's swimsuit

and her life jacket, so we figured

you soaked them in chum before

she went in the water.

Unless you were

warding off werewolves.


Check in there.


Hey. Hey, hey, what are you doing in here?

Chief wants to see you.

Yeah, well, I don't want to see him.

Harry, come on.

He's come all the way from downtown.

I don't care, he can go all the way back.

Cassy: Harry, what are you

so worried about?

He's going to tell me it's time to retire.

You think that?

You think I don't see things?

The way people stare
when I walk into a room?

The way they turn away from me?

Hey, hey. You have never looked better.

You're in great shape.

Look at you.

You're a snappy dresser.

And not only that

but your entire department is backing you.

There's no way he can retire you.

You think?


Your people won't let it happen.

You won't let it happen!

Come on, Harry.

Remember, the only thing

to fear is fear itself.

You know, you're right!


I won't stand for it!

If I have to, I'll get the backing

of the police association.

I'm not a racehorse

you could just put out to stud!

That's great, you just go in there

and tell him.

Damn right I will!

I'm not an animal, I'm a human being!

That's right.

Group: Surprise!
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