07x15 - Teacher's Pet

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x15 - Teacher's Pet

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, god.

This better not be cold.

Will you be quiet?

You want to get caught?

What are you doing?!

What if we have to get out quickly?

Then I'll be naked.

But not alone.

People would think you're a guy

with all the trouble you're having.

Since when did Campbell ever wear a bra

when she was with a guy?

Ooh, you are cold.

Anybody ?

My parents flushed mine.

I think mine smoked mine.

Don't you just hate that?

You know, I can't to get out of this place.

Bring on the real world.

We better go.

Oh, I've definitely cooled off.

And I feel clean.

This isn't a bath, Sam.


Come on.

Do you guys want to go through the gym?

I guess.

All right, cool.

Oh, my gosh.

What was that?

Don't mess around.

No, I heard it too.

Excuse me.


Aren't you miss Jackson?

I used to be

before I was married.

I knew it... I was in your th-grade class

worcester high, Massachusetts.

Well, how on earth did you remember me?

Some things you never forget.

I'm Tom Ryan.

Tom, I do remember you.

You do?

Yeah, you were the boy

that was always asking

for extra tutoring, even though

your grades were just fine.

Well, I had a hunger
for knowledge back then.

Exactly what kind of knowledge?

I was that obvious, huh?

I thought at the time

it was a pity you
weren't a few years older.

I thought the same thing.

And so, here we are, what? years later.

What's your married name?

Fox was my married name.

I'm divorced.

Me, too.

Are you teaching, still?

No... no, the divorce

left me comfortable.


I'm a cop, detective with the
palm beach police department.

A cop, that sounds dangerous.

Yeah, at times.

You know, um...

I was just heading back to my hotel.

Would you like to come and have a drink?

Uh... yes, I, I...

Just a minute.

Whoever this is

you'll have to call me back, please.

It's Harry.

Listen, I just got a call about a su1c1de

over at breckon hall, one of the faculty.

You and cassy are on call.

Harry, you've always had such...

Cassy is already

on her way.

Bad timing.


I'm sorry, I'm going to
have to take a rain check.


I'm sorry.

Well, I'll be here

in town five more days.

Call me at the hotel?

Yeah, I'd love to.

Mm, you still wear the same after-shave.

Miss Jackson.


I'm sergeant St. John.

This is my partner, sergeant Ryan.

The headmaster stated that you came here

to go swimming tonight.

It was a dare, that's all.

It was really dumb.

We're sorry.

Campbell: Please don't tell

my parents.

Mr. Richards... why would
he do something like that?

Can you tell us how you found him?

After we got out of the pool

we took a shortcut through the gym

to get back to my car.

And then we saw him...

Just hanging there.

Okay, come on.

Let's get you a ride home, okay?

Tell me what time you got here

and how long you went swimming.

It was about : or so.

We weren't in the pool that long.

Your friends seemed to indicate

that you knew Richards pretty well.

No, not really.

You don't seem too sure.

Well, it was more like
we heard things about him.

We don't know for sure, Cara.

What kind of things?

There was trash talk he'd gotten involved

with a student.

Somebody you knew?

Nicole Spencer.

The word was she was going tabloid with it.

Cassy: Nicole, we have reason

to believe

that you might have been
more involved with him

than the other students.

Involved with who?

Tom: Andy Richards.

He apparently committed su1c1de tonight.

Oh, my god!

There was a rumor that you were having

an affair with him.

I can't believe he's
dead, that's impossible...

Was your affair still going on?

Nobody has to know about this, do they?

If my parents find out, they're
never going to forgive me.

We need a reason

on our report for his su1c1de, Nicole.


It was over months ago.

I denied everything.

None of the teachers knew about it.

Nobody did.

Doesn't seem like a
girl eager to kiss and tell.

Yeah, but her parents confirmed her alibi.

Cass, you ever had a crush on a teacher?

Yeah, Mr. Buloten, seventh grade.

Picture Robert redford teaching English

in tight pants and an open shirt.

Yeah. You?

Yeah, yeah.

I had a crush

on a high school chemistry teacher.

I ran into her tonight at the museum.

Yeah, let me guess.

Overweight, orthopedic shoes,

saggy nylons.

No, not quite.


Morton: Pretty much cut and dried

except for this... see here?

The fingernails indicate

he scraped something before he died.

Change of mind about committing su1c1de?

He also had sexual
intercourse before he died.

We're putting it through a DNA screening.

Well, one off performance
is no reason for a su1c1de.

I wouldn't know from
personal experience, but...

St. Bart's, '?

Oh, come on.

I was sunburned.


Something's not right with these.

Tom: Let me try something.

Well, do it again, gently.

This time like you're unsure

if you want to go through with it.

It never falls close to
the same position twice.

Cassy: So if no one

touched the chair afterwards

then we have to assume he was m*rder*d.

But why?

To make it look like a su1c1de?

It's weird.

Mr. Metcalfe said you wanted to see us?

We did.

We think one of you

may have inadvertently

moved the folding chair?

I don't think so.

It's a normal thing.

Trying to get to the body.

It could have happened.

We never touched the body.

We ran right out and called for help.

We never even touched Mr. Richards.

All night long I kept
seeing his face with his...

Eyes wide open like that.

You know what? Let's get you some water.

Your, uh...

Oh, it's my parents.

Can I call them?

There's a pay phone outside the gym.

Go ahead.

Do people really touch dead bodies

when they find them?

Yeah, sometimes.


Well, I think it's their
instinct to try to save

the person before they call for help.


That's it?



Okay, thank you.


In case you want to talk to me

any more for any reason

feel free to call my cell phone.


Whatever you want

just name it.

Just ask.


Well, given that there are
no fingerprints on the chair

I'd say you're probably right.

Except we don't have a single suspect

or motive to speak of.

Sounds to me like you
should talk to the wife.

If all the kids in the school
know about his little fling

maybe she did, too.

Do you think the wife
knew about Nicole Spencer?

Go ask.

Who knows how the affair ended?

He dumps her and she never forgives him.

Go ahead, go, go.


It just doesn't make sense
that he would take his own life.

I heard a rumor that the girls at school

were more attached to him than normal.

That couldn't be.

Andy was always very, very clear to define

his teacher-student relationships.

Well, over the years there had
to have been some of the girls

who had crushes on him.

All harmless.

All of them?

Nobody that stands out recently?

I remember a girl named Nicole Spencer

who showed signs of an infatuation.

You could just see it in the
way that she looked at him.

But it passed quickly enough.

It always does

when it's not reciprocated, right?

Mrs. Richards, when was the last time

you and your husband made love?

What kind of a question is that?

The autopsy indicates
he had sex before he died.

The morning that he died.

So sex in the morning was normal for you?

Sergeant St. John

my husband and I had an excellent marriage.

Andy was a faithful and
loving husband who enjoyed life.

I understand.

But it would help our investigation

of Mr. Richards' death

if you would provide us with a blood sample

so we could cross-check the DNA.

Why do you keep suggesting that
my husband was having an affair?

Is it because I'm a
little older than he was?

Andy was devoted to me.

He was satisfied by me.

There was only me.


There was just me.


How'd it go with Dana Richards?

As expected.

She defended her relationship with him.

She's very sensitive to the fact

she's ten years his senior.

She passed on giving a DNA sample.


Watching t.V. Till the uniforms showed.

We've got a : at breckon hall

with Neil O'Toole.

Apparently he and Richards were fighting

for the assistant headmaster post.

Want to have lunch?

I do, yes, but not with you.

Who with?

Quit being a cop.

Pick you up at :.


I was wondering if I was
going to hear from you.

You were?

Join me for lunch?

I'd love to.

Man: The debate over the sexuality

of young men playing both male

and female roles in
Shakespeare is ambiguous.

When the actor kissed, did he fantasize

a winsome lass...

Or did he realize it was another man?

When you analyze Shakespeare for me

you must include all arguments.

This stands as an "f"

until you can commit
to one side or the other.

Neil O'Toole?

Can we have a word with you, please?

Sir, we understand that
you lost to Mr. Richards

the assistant headmaster's job.

My mother was insistent
that I apply for that job.

Frankly, I had more than enough to handle

as it is.

But then, men who still live
at home with their mothers

have a certain... price to pay.

Pretty noble attitude towards a position

that would double your salary.

That's me.


Well, we heard

some rather specific
allegations about Mr. Richards.

Well, in his case, it was a flight of fact

not fancy.

The carnal confession was
met by his... flaccid denial.


I speak ill of the dead, so
you question my innocence.

Cassy: How did you find out?

I am loathe to tell.

On your feet, we're going
to do this at the station.

Perhaps you can sort out
whose remorse was genuine:

Cara Delaney's betrayal of a friend

or Nicole Spencer's confession of adultery.

Sergeant St. John.


Oh, it's nice.

Going to paint the dress on later?

I find the human body to
be infinitely beautiful to paint.


So you told O'Toole

about Nicole's affair with Richards?

I didn't mean to.

So you weren't trying
to get her in trouble?

I love Nikki.

She's great.

I think she made a mistake

getting involved with Mr. Richards.


The curve of your cheeks.

They suit the painting better than mine.

Nicole: Well?

Well, I had a chat with Mr. O'Toole.

He's such a creep.

What'd he say?

He said he knew

about your affair with Mr. Richards.

Who told him?

I sure as hell didn't

and I guarantee you Andy didn't either.

Why is that?

He and O'Toole hated each other.

You think Dana Richards

knew about your affair?

I'm positive she didn't.

I mean, the reason we ended it

is because he didn't want to hurt her.

What about your friend, Cara?

How'd she feel about your affair?

I'm not a part of her group.

And I never told her anything.

If she said anything, she's smoking crack.

What'd she think about Richards?

She liked him, I guess.

I thought everyone did.

Tom: Well, I think Nicole's

on the level.

I think it's hard to tell
who initiated the affair

whether it was her or...


It was... hello?

You're not listening.

Yes, I am.

What's the matter?

I'm not sure.

When I was talking to Cara Delaney

I think she made a pass at me.


Tell me about it.

What did she do?

It was more the way she
looked at me than what she did.

Same thing when she gave
me her cell phone number.

I don't know.

Maybe we're reading into this.

Or she's a nympho who
had an affair with Richards

and k*lled him when

she heard about Nicole.

You don't believe that.

I don't know what to believe.

I don't know what to believe.

Between Cara and Campbell and Sam.

I mean, who's the weak link?

Sam Reynolds.

Let's go.

Oh, what, now?

Yes, now.

Well, can you go without me?


Who's the mystery date?

Miss Jackson.

High school physics miss Jackson?


And it was chemistry.

You want to eat in?

My mom and dad are thinking

about taking me out of breckon hall.

They think this whole... thing

will affect my grades.

How do you feel about that?

I'd really miss my friends.

Do Cara and Campbell have boyfriends?

No, not steady ones.

Are any of you experienced, sexually?

We wish.

Cara is a big flirt, but, like me

she's still a virgin.

Campbell used to have a steady boyfriend.

It seemed pretty serious.

Campbell: Where'd you get this?

I don't know, some kid at school.

Here you go.


They definitely think it was m*rder.

Straight up.

That woman cop was so jive

asking me what was going
on between me and Nicole.

Sam: What're you smoking?

Sam, come on, it's one of
those "organic" cigarettes.

So, you and Nicole, huh?

I think that organic
cigarette's gone to your head.

You two spent a lot of time together.

Will you two cut it out?

What, so you're innocent, then?

Well, let's just say...

Not guilty.

The question is

what do we do to prove
that Andy's wife k*lled him?

Do the same thing the cops are doing.

Look for incriminating evidence.


It would have come out
during their investigation.

Did you tell them about us, Neil?

And what...

Have them pluck the only flower

in my life?

Oh, hardly.

I could use some tutoring.

When's your next class?



Of course I recognize it, it's mine.

Can you explain

how it ended up in the school boiler room?

No. I didn't even know it was missing.

It's usually in my jewelry box.

Well, let's go check

and see if anything else is missing.


No sign of forced entry
anywhere in the house.

The only witness the night of the m*rder

was that guy over there.

Now, he didn't see anybody come or go

between : and : pm.

Well, it's all here.

There's nothing missing.

I'll take it down

and get it dusted for prints.

Did you activate this
when you left the house?

Richards: Yes.

Every time?


Who else knows the code?

Uh, my sister

Andy's parents...

Uh... oh, and the girl
that's helping create

a web site for my jewelry business.

When were they last here?

Not for a couple of weeks.

And the computer girl is very responsible.

She was one of my husband's best students.

Which one?

You wanted to talk to me?

Right. We understand that

you were doing some work for Mrs. Richards.

Yeah, I'm designing her web page.

She wants to market
some jewelry designs. Why?

Were you over there last night?

No, I didn't want to bother
her so soon afterwards.

Tom: She's not there

in the evenings.

I didn't know that.

Can you tell us what you did last night?

Yeah, I was over at Cara's.

Doing homework together.

Okay, Cara's mother confirms

that Campbell was at their
house all night last night.

She says she even picked
them both up at school.

Doesn't mean she couldn't have slipped out

and taken the bracelet.

But what's her motive?

The only people with motives have alibis.

Now, what about the teacher?

Maybe he just didn't find the bracelet.

No, I talked to his mommy

and she said they were
at the theater last night.

Besides, he would have had to have

been in cahoots with
Dana Richards... otherwise

how would he have gotten into the house?

Think we've haven't
talked to the k*ller yet?

The only other problem besides O'Toole

is nobody else would have had the strength

to hoist Richards up.

Forced at gunpoint, distracted

or more than one person involved?

We can't get a clear
shot at a single person

let alone two of them.



No. God, I'm sorry.

I lost track of time.

I'll be right there.

I got to go.

I got a dinner date.

Night class, huh?

No, I mean dinner date.

That's, that's very funny.


I-I-It's too complicated to get into.

Hey, do you want to go
down to the promenade

and have some dinner
at the Indian restaurant?

Ordinarily, I would have said yes.

However, tonight my dear,
sweet frannie made me kishkes.


Why don't you eat with us?

What the hell is kishkees?

The best, kishkes.

Matzoh meal, blended with savory meat fat

delicately folded into
ground-up cow intestines

and lovingly stuffed into skins.

A feast for a king.

That's gross, and it sounds

like something for Hannibal Lecter.

So, I'll take a rain check on you, Harry.

You be eating those keeshkes by yourself.

Not "keeshkes," it's kishke... shikse.


Oh, I'm sorry.

That's okay.

What are you doing here?

Just going to grab some dinner.

Cool. Can we eat with you?

Cara: I've eaten.

So? Throw up and eat again.

Well, that doesn't sound too good.

Um, I got an idea.

Why not walk me to the restaurant?

All: Okay.

So what are you girls doing?

Oh, getting away from our parents.

Yeah, mine are still ballistic

about that whole school pool thing.

"Young lady, we're paying

"an outrageous amount of money

so that you can have the privilege of..."

Wearing a very ugly uniform.

I've heard that before.

This is the first night

my mom and dad have actually

lifted the grounding.

Don't you dare let me
be home late, you rats.

Man: You think

you can come back

here and steal more shoes?

I call the cops on you.

I am the police. What's wrong?

This thief stole a pair
of shoes from my store.

It's not true.

I was trying on a pair of shoes

when this weirdo working there

started copping a feel.

I left, but

I forgot I still had the shoes on.

Ask Cara.

If anybody should be arrested

it's that freak working for you.

That was my son.

He will never touch someone like you.

Okay, okay.

Did she or did she not
give you your shoes back?

She makes up lies about my boy.

They're all thieves.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you go back in your store

and let me take care of this, okay?

I swear that's what happened

sergeant St. John.

He wouldn't listen to me.

Yeah, I could tell he's
not too big on listening.

Thanks for bailing me.

Sure. Cara:

You know what, girls?

We've got minutes till curfew.

I want to go to spin before closing.

Go, and try not to walk out with anything

unless you pay for it, okay?

She did it.

It wasn't my fault!

Oh. Um...

Campbell, Cara and I

were wondering if we, like, um

raised some money for, like, a reward

if that would help you to find the person

who k*lled Mr. Richards.

Well, I am pretty desperate for solutions

but I don't think so.

No big breakthroughs?

Even if we did

we're just not at Liberty

to talk about it.

Right, right.

We just, um...

We feel pretty useless, you know?

Well, you care, and that's important.


You're welcome. Bye.

Tom: Mmm!

Oh, if I eat one more rib

I'm going to moo.

This is my favorite kind of food.

Mmm. I think you have as
much sauce on the outside

as you do on the inside.

Cajun seasoning suits you.

Is it better than my after-shave?

No. It's just different.

I want you to come back to my hotel room

for a nightcap.

Check, please.

When you were, uh, teaching

did you ever, ever, uh

get involved with any of your students?

Do you mean

was I sleeping with any of them?


Oh, no.

Yeah, but, you know

some people did.



It even happened once in a while

at worcester high.

With who?



Do you remember Doug Brady?

The physics teacher? Uh-huh.

He was sleeping with a girl in your class.

Oh, get out of here.


Short blonde hair...

Amanda... Amanda Patrick.



She became a nun.

Now you know why.

I hear the new coach is a woman.

Really? I wonder how the students

will relate to her?

What are they waiting for?

Why don't they arrest Dana Richards?

We might need to plant more evidence.

That's one possibility.

What's the other?

Nicole, distraught over what she had done

takes her own life.


It can work.

Sam, you think you're good enough

to forge a su1c1de note from Nicole?

Hell, if you want, I'll make it look like

the president of the
United States signed it.

Hellacool... ladies

very hellacool.


What is with this neighborhood?

Everybody goes to bed before :.

Doesn't anybody stay up

to watch letterman and leno?

I like going to bed early.

Not everybody's a night owl like you.

I like staying up late.

It's the only time I get to be by myself.

And you don't get bored?


Oh, wait, I didn't mean it like that.

I watch TV and I fall asleep

read a book, I fall asleep.

I'm with a guy, and, oh, check that

I don't go to sleep then.

Whatever you got, I don't want.

Leave me alone and good-bye.

What was so unclear about...?

Good morning, Mr...

Patillo, and it's good night.

Sir, excuse me.

What... what's good night?

For me, it's good night.

Look, I drive the graveyard shift...

What time do you go to work?

Oh... between :, :.

Do you know the Richards across the street?

Yeah, what, he finally got caught?

Caught doing what?

Oh, give me a break.

He's a basketball coach?

Since when does a basketball coach

need to give late-night tutoring

to his students?

I'm sorry, but you have to
come down to the station

and identify some pictures.

Would you mind?

Let's do it now so I
can still get some sleep.

Mr. Patillo, do you want to, uh, change?


Tom: All right, is that her?

No, no, no, no, definitely not.

I mean, I seen her before,
but not last Tuesday.

Okay, what about her?


No, I seen her before, too

but not last Tuesday, either.

That's the one.

That's who it is.

You're certain about that?


Now can I get to bed?

I'm sorry, she's not here.

Cara's at school.

Do you have time to answer some questions?


She hasn't been herself

since that awful thing
happened at the school.

She hasn't gotten into
any more trouble, has she?

We don't know for sure.

Tom: Mrs. Delaney,

we need to talk to Cara.

A neighbor identified her

as having entered Dana Richards' house

late on Tuesday night.

We've got a problem.

Cara: You guys wanted to see me?

Yeah. Could you have a seat, please?

We have an eyewitness who saw you

entering the Richards'
house on Tuesday night.

Yeah, I did.

Why were you there?

Campbell left one of my java

programming disks there.

She was working on a
web site for Mrs. Richards

and I needed it for computer lab.

Why didn't Campbell get it?

It gave her the creeps

to go back into the house after he died.

You got the alarm code from Campbell?

No, from Nicole.

Campbell wasn't home.

How'd you know Nicole had the code?

Because of that thing
with her and Mr. Richards.

He gave it to her, she told me.

Why didn't you mention that before?

I don't know, I didn't
think it was important.

And I didn't want to get Nikki in trouble.

Which brings us back to the question

of what William Shakespeare
intended by the line

"fair is foul, and foul is fair."

I'm sorry to interrupt, Neil

but the police would like to have a word

with one of your students.


Campbell: "Maybe what I did to him

"was worse than what he did to me.

"None of that matters anymore.


The handwriting's
perfect, but the note sucks.

Oh, like I have a lot of experience

writing su1c1de notes.

Yeah, right.

It doesn't matter, you guys.

Once again I've saved
your butts from extinction.

So who's ?

Hey, Nikki.

They said that you told them
that I gave you the alarm code

to the Richards' house.

No, I didn't say that.

Well, somebody did.

They keep saying that I'm so upset

over my relationship with Andy that I...

Hang in there, Nicole.

Look, Cara... I know you
had a relationship with Andy

before I did.

That's not true.

It's what he told me.

All I'm saying is that if it's true

you better get a hold of the diary.

What diary?

He kept a secret diary about all of us.

He told me about it one time

when we were together.



And if you know anybody else who did him

you better tell them about the diary, too.

Time's up, Nicole.

Get dressed.

If I'd have known he was
going to be documenting all this

I would have made him die slower.

Sam: What if it wasn't actually

a proper diary?

What if he wrote it on his computer?

Hey, where's his study?

This way.

Cara: Wait...

What was that?

We tried everything.

Drink, dr*gs, sex with
boys, sex with girls...

And we started getting bored.

Everybody wonders what it would be like

to have sex with a teacher

but we actually did it.

Our plan was to all seduce
Richards, one by one.

We knew he was vulnerable.

Then one day, we got to thinking

what it would be like to k*ll somebody.

Like I said, everybody wonders

but we did it.

k*lling two birds with
one stone, you might say.

I did him first.

He was easy.

Then I had him.

When I asked him

to meet me in the gym that night

he must have felt

like a little kid at Christmas.

Then, when he was having sex with Sam

Campbell and I snuck around from behind

and slipped the noose over his neck.

By the time he figured
out what was going on

he was already strung up.

We talked to him

the whole time he was dying.

It took more than minutes.

We each told him how good...

Or bad...

He was in bed.

Then he died, just like that.

You know, no more
struggle, no more breathing.

Just... still.

After making it look like a su1c1de

we went swimming in the pool to cool off.

And clean up.

And then we pretended to find him.


Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Oh, hey, I can drive you to the airport.

Hi. I tried calling you
until : this morning.

Have you even slept yet?

No, not yet.

Go home, do it.

Hey, have you got a
minute before you leave?

Actually, um, I'm the kind of person

that likes to get to the
airport an hour early.

Yeah, but you don't have
to go back right now, do you?

I do. It's been great being
with you, though, Tom.


I guess we both got to realize a fantasy.


You know...

I do know.

But I'm young, free, wealthy,
no time for commitments.

But when the time is right

I will come back and see how you're doing.

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