07x16 - Sea of Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x16 - Sea of Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Where you going, Sandy?

Best part of this is getting dressed.

Did I miss something?

No, Kyle.

You performed perfectly.

Well, great.

Maybe you can throw me a fish.

Who are you?

I said who the hell are you?

I asked you a question!

Good night, Kyle.

You're not leaving here till you explain.

What you reading there?

Interpreting the body's message.

You mean what your
body's telling you to do?


Well, what your body's
telling me about you.

Oh, body language.

Yeah... yeah, only more sophisticated.

Oh, won't work on me.

Well, it's not for you

Mr. I'm the center of the universe.

It's for helping interrogate suspects.

Well, I think we're doing fine.

There's room for improvement.

That stuff's a bunch of mumbo-jumbo anyway.

Oh, yeah?


You had a date last night.

Yes, I did.


And it didn't go too well.

Depends on the point of view.

Got her to your place.


But nothing happened.

And what makes you think you know that?

If she said no to coming back with you

you'd have been disappointed
but that'd have been that.

Instead she said okay to coming home.

And then she said no.

Unfulfilled anticipation.

Which leads to dejection

which is exactly what your
body posture is showing me.

Am I right?

You think you can tell all this

by the way I'm sitting?

Am I right?

You'll never know.

I'm right.

Let me have a look at that book

when you're done with it.

Why would you want to do that?

It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

Ryan, St. John, come on.

I got work for you.

Cassy: Sandy Bradford, lifeguard,




Lifeguard... they're strong swimmers.

Bound to the pier with ropes

trapped when the tide crested.

Well, see, that'll do it every time.


Oh, you know what?

We shouldn't do that, huh?

Do what?

Make fun of the victims.

You do it all the time.

I know; I said "we."

Come on, it's a release mechanism.

Helps relieve tension.

Well, who's tense?

You, look at you...
Shoulders back, neck out.

That's good posture.


You haven't read the book yet.

Don't need to.

Do either of you know what
Sandy Bradford did last night?

She and I talked about going to the movies.

Then she bailed at the last minute.

She say why?

No. You were never
sure if she was showing up

until you saw her.

Unreliability's not
desirable in a lifeguard.

Man: On the job she was great.

Three weeks she was
here, never missed a day.

Never a minute late.

You liked working with her?


We all did.

There's the boss.

Tom: You Kyle Davis?


I'm sergeant Ryan

this is sergeant St. John, palm beach P.D.

Sandy Bradford, right?

Any idea where she was last night?

No... :, she's out of here,
last night and every night.

She was a pro.

She'd check in, do her job and split.

Never hassled anyone.

Kind of person made it fun to come to work.

There was a sign around her neck.

I saw.

That slut thing?

It didn't make any sense.

That's the last thing anybody'd call her.

And she's great at her job.

She won a medal

at the lifeguard Olympics.

I can't believe she's dead.

There's got to be more than four
of you handling the beach here.

Well, it's Melanie's day off.

I take it hunter hasn't checked in yet.

You got that right.

Scotty hunter.

Always late.

If he ever showed up on time

we'd figure our watches stopped.

Total flip side of Sandy.

He'll be in eventually.

If he comes in, ask him
to stop by the station.

And in the meantime,
if you think of anything

if you could just give us a call.

For sure.

Think you'll catch whoever did it?

We always do.

Is that true?

No, but it sounds better
than "maybe yes, maybe no."

So what do you think?

Those guys aren't telling us everything.

Yeah, I agree.

Neither is the woman.

Ah, she seemed open to me.

That's because you're not
up on your mumbo-jumbo.

Uh-huh. Exactly what message

was her body sending you?

Well, she's holding something back.

It's her posture, the way she looked at me.

Yeah, but she did look at you.

Most suspects look away when they're lying.

Or they give you a fixed stare

to make you think they're not.

Yeah, she had a fixed stare.


Oh, I see.

So she's guilty if she looks at you

and she's guilty if she turns away.

No, that's not what I said.


No question, cause of death was drowning.

Salt water in her lungs

ligature burns on her wrists and ankles.

Tom: Other trauma?

Some slight bruising on her arms

as if she'd been grabbed too hard.

But otherwise nothing.

Sexual as*ault?

Sex before she was k*lled

but it all looks to be consensual.

Just a young woman, perfect health.

What a waste.

Come on, Morton

we feel that way about all the victims.

Not her... her organs.

She had a donor card

but she was in the water too long.

Nothing we can really use.

Maybe the bone marrow, but...

Otherwise it's all useless.

Like I said, what a waste, huh?

Excuse me.


Yeah, they're here.


Okay, I'll tell them.

Lifeguard named Scotty
hunter's here to see you.

He's waiting in the bullpen.


He won't want to talk to us.

How so?

Jean Sloane says he's always late.

People like that are
arrogant, self-centered

are only into themselves.

But he's here.

Well, it's because he's afraid not to show.

Kyle said you wanted me to drop by.

Okay, I've dropped.

Just want to get more information

on Sandy Bradford.

More than what?

More than what your coworkers told us.

I don't know.

What'd they tell you?

Nobody's accusing anybody yet, okay?

We just want as much
information as we can get.

She was years old and beautiful.

Now she's dead.

I can't add anything more to that.

So the two of you were going out?

Who told you that?

We do the questions, you do the answers.

It's best that way.

You want to talk to us

about your dating?

There's nothing to tell, all right?

She didn't date lifeguards.

She made that very clear
the first day she showed up.

She must've dated somebody.

She didn't let me in on that.

Did she mention anything to you

about being in some kind of trouble?

No, Sandy was a golden girl.

Walked between the raindrops,
you know what I mean?

For her, the glass was all full.

Till somebody emptied it.

So that's it?


You worked with this girl

for three weeks and
you don't know anything?

She minded her business

I minded mine.

I don't think there's a law against that.


Unless you have anything specific...


No, that's it for now.


Something comes up,
you know where to find me.

We sure do.

How'd you know he was dating her?

I didn't.

I just took a shot at it.


Very good.

Well, I don't need your
book to read that guy.

Oh, I know. And there's
a lot he's not saying.

Let me get this straight.

So far, everybody we've
talked to is a suspect.

I didn't say that.

It's just that they're
not telling the truth.

At least they're not
telling all of the truth.

What do you say we go check
out miss Bradford's apartment?

I'm right behind you.

Hey! Hey! Hey!


Look out!


What the hell do you think you're doing?

Wrong question.

What the hell were you doing?

I don't have to answer.

You don't.

You have the right

to an attorney.

You can call as soon as we book you.

Tom: Unless you tell us

what the hell's going on.

There are things of mine here.

What kind of things?

Personal things.

Doesn't give you

a right to break and enter.

Cassy: Or resist arrest.

We got two charges against you.

Want more?

No, I don't.

Then don't make us play

" questions" with you.

She had letters of mine.

Love letters.

You said you didn't date her.

I dated her once.

About two weeks ago.

That was enough to make you fall in love?

Look, can we talk alone?

You and me?

No. No

anything you say to me, you can say to her.

We had sex, okay.

It was really hot, very intense.

You know those letters
guys write to penthouse?

I used to always think they were b.S.

And then all of a sudden I'm with Sandy.

And we're doing all that stuff.

I'm telling you, it was incredible.

And then, the next day, it
was like I didn't even exist.

She would just nod to me and, um...

To say hello, as if

the night before didn't even happen.

That's why I wrote her the letters...

Begging her to give me one more chance.

Were you with her the night she died?

I told you she never saw me again.

There's no one that can back you up?

No, I was at home.

Bad answer.

Hunter: I'm telling you

it's the truth!

Come on.

Don't go away, we'll be right back.


Found Sandy's phone bills

for the last three months.

It's mostly calls to her mother

lifeguard station

and a number in Virginia.

How'd you check out?

I'm not sure, check that out.

Hunter's there.

Two weeks ago when he said

they went out.

Kyle Davis is there, too.

His name's not crossed out.

Check the date.

It's the same day

Sandy Bradford was k*lled.

So? We going to book hunter?

Absolutely. We already got him on b. And e.

Not to mention the guy

had a big-time Jones for her

and she acted like he was

sand on the beach.

I'd call that a motive.

I believe his story.

Body language?


I'm not buying it.

What is that, a hunch?

After ten years on the job?

I prefer to think of it as reflex.

It's a hunch.

I have no idea why I'm on that list.

Well, the date beside Scotty
hunter's name corresponds

to the only sexual encounter
between the two of them.

We spoke to some of the other lifeguards.

The dates next to their names match up

with the times they slept

with Sandy Bradford.

Tom: Where were you the night

Sandy was k*lled?

I wasn't anywhere near her.

Can you prove that?

I can.

Kyle was with me that night.

From early evening

until the following morning.

What were you doing?

We had a quiet evening at home.

Kyle made dinner and then we made love.

You want me to get more specific?

No, that's fine.

You ever dated Sandy Bradford?


Did you ever have any
sexual contact with her?

Of course not, I...

Jean and I have been in a relationship

for the past year.

Maybe you should ask the others

on that list where they were

the night Sandy died.

Oh, we will, miss Sloane

you can count on it.

Your second win.

How did you learn

to swim like that?

Being chased by boys

who wanted to pull me under.

They ever catch you?

Never came close.

Seriously, how does a woman

go about beating all those beefy guys?

If you're going to do something

do the best you can.

Like that old beer commercial:

"You should always go for the gusto!"

Right after that I bought her a t-shirt

with the word "gusto" across the front.

She wore that thing

until it fell apart.

She kept teasing me

that everybody thought it said "busto."

Did you find anything in her room?

Oh, nothing that would help us.

Did she take a lot of stuff
with her when she moved?

No, just a few boxes.

She figured she'd be
moving about quite a bit

before she found a place to settle.

She wanted to travel light.

Well, everyone that we spoke to

thought very highly of Sandy.

She was the kid

every mother dreams of having.

It must have been hard
for you when she left.


I mean, you know...

That someday they're
going to leave the nest.

That's what I was preparing her for.


I didn't want her to go.

Well, she was quite an athlete.

Yeah, she won the state I.M. Championship

her junior and senior years.

She was smart, too, you know?

Smart as a whip.

She went to Florida on a full scholarship.

She was... planning to go to law school.

It sounds like the two of you were close.

Yeah, close doesn't really

begin to describe it.

Her father left when she was four.

He just disappeared.

We never saw him again.

It brought me very close to Sandy.

And to Sarah.


Her sister.

Well, we'd like to talk to her.

Well, that's not going to be possible.

Why, why is that?

She's in the hospital.

Maybe when she feels better.

It's a mental hospital.

She had a breakdown

months ago.

Is that, uh, somehow related to Sandy?


Are you sure?

It's not... open to discussion, sergeants.

I hope there's nothing more.


Thank you.

Woman: What do you like best

about being a lifeguard?

Sandy: It's that

you're helping people.

Making sure they're safe.

I can't think of a better
way to make a living.

Finally, we talk to somebody
who's not a suspect.

She's holding something back.

You got to be kidding me.

No, she was fine until she started

talking about her sister.

I got a polygraph for a partner.

Woman: She's been my patient

since she was brought in

a year and a half ago.

Has there been any sign of improvement?

Well, every few months there'd be a glimmer

but then she'd relapse.

We try never to lose hope.

But as I said, it has
been a year and a half.

Any idea what caused the breakdown?

I'm not at Liberty to
discuss that, sergeant.

You understand we're investigating

her sister's m*rder?

Woman: I'm anxious to help.

But our patient's privacy is inviolate.

I hope you understand.

Cassy: Of course.

Um, if there's any change

in her condition would you let us know?

Of course.

Sandy Bradford was the essence
of compassion, duty and style.

Up and down the Florida coast

she was a symbol for selfless humanity.

Today's our chance to say thanks

for the way she brightened our lives.

Let's all take a moment, bow our heads

and say a prayer for Sandy.

Tom: So how many times

did you go out with her?

Just once.

Do you have, uh... sexual relations?

Yeah. Just once.

What, you didn't want to see her again?

Huh! Believe me, I did.

But I couldn't get her to
give me the time of day.

What happened after the first date?

Must have called her about a dozen times

but she kept blowing me off.

Well, how long did she work at fort Pierce?

Uh, must have been about three weeks.

Sandy Bradford must have had

a thing for one-night stands.

Yeah, and multiple jobs.

How many beaches did you find?

Daytona, pompano, lauderdale.

Yeah, fort Pierce, vero and Melbourne.

She never stayed more than

three or four weeks in one place.

And she always quit
without giving a reason.

What's going down here?

I wish I could tell you.

Oh, hunter made bail.

What? How?

D.A. is only charging him with b. And e.

Well, what about the letters?

It's not enough.

They want iron-clad proof.

A motive.

She dumped him.

Yeah, along with the other guys.

We got nothing but suspects.

What we got is nothing at all.

Man: No, no!

Did he talk?

Did he say anything?

No, not a word.

She's too upset to
answer questions right now.

Cassy: I understand

your concern

but this is the best time

when the details are fresh.

Jean: It's okay, Kyle.

It's okay.

Is there anything about this man

that seemed familiar to you?

Could you run the tape again?


Hold it right there.

There's something about his hand.

A... a scar.

He had a scar on the palm

of his hand... diagonal
across his left hand.

Doesn't Scotty hunter
have a scar like that?

Yeah, now that I think of it.

He cut his hand

with a fishing knife a few years back.

But why would he attack me?

That'll be the first question

we ask him.

Tom: If you see him, give us

a call, will you?

Thanks. All right.

Any luck?

Nah, zilch.

Nobody's seen hunter

since shortly after he made bail.

I got a call from Mrs. Bradford.

She wants to talk to us again.

Did she say why?

She found some things
that belonged to Sandy.

She thought we should look at them.

Let's go.

I, uh... I never even knew Sandy

had a safety deposit box at the bank.

We never had anything worth very much.

. caliber.

This doesn't look like
it's ever been fired.

Why would Sandy have a g*n?

For protection?

From who?

Wouldn't she keep it

under her pillow instead of a vault?

Maybe she didn't have a permit.

No, it's registered.

Yeah, it is.

"Sandra k. Bradford."

Do you know what else is in here?

Just these x-rays.

These aren't x-rays.

These are DNA prints.

Yeah, but whose DNA?

Look at this.

Chuck Carson is on the list.

He's a lifeguard at vero beach.


Scotty hunter.

The DNA prints found in
Sandy's safe deposit box

match the names crossed off the hit list

we found in her apartment.


Including Scotty hunter?


The prints are from a DNA lab in Virginia.

The same number as the
one on Sandy's phone bills.

What are you telling me?

That Sandy Bradford was nailing

all those guys to get their DNA?

The lab confirms in each instance

Sandy sent them vaginal swabs.

Tom: By express

courier service.

With the request to test

whatever sperm they found in the sample.

What was she trying to do?

Produce a bionic kid?

Tom: But one DNA test...

The oldest one...

Doesn't have a match

or a name written in the margin.

Cassy: And it was

the only print

that wasn't produced by the Virginia lab.

Then who made it?

We answer that, we get what's ever

behind curtain number three.

Tom: Why was Sandra Bradford

bedding all these guys?

What was she trying to prove?

I think she was looking for someone.

Yeah, but why?

Uh... paternity?

Why? You think she had a kid?

It's an angle we haven't tried.

There'd be a record somewhere.

Hmm... foster home?

Long shot.

Doesn't explain the g*n.

Was she going to k*ll the
father when she found him?

Yeah... and then there's the disease angle.


Which would explain the g*n.

She didn't have h.I.V.


What about r*pe?


In fact, a very strong maybe.

St. John.


Yeah, we're on our way.

They've spotted Scotty hunter at the pier.

I don't believe this.

Let's go!

Are you nuts?

All right.

You okay?

Tom: Yeah.

But the next time

I do something like this... slug me.

Let's go.

Explain this.

That's not me.

Cassy: Jean Sloane

says it was.

She's wrong.

Let's see your hand.


Let's see it.

Cassy: Ah!

Jean's attacker

had a diagonal scar on his palm.

You mean she says he did.

Oh, she was lying?

Or mistaken.

I want you to do me a favor.

Stop treating us

like we're a couple of morons.

You've got it in your
mind that I k*lled Sandy

and the way I figure...
you'll do whatever it takes

so that it works out that way.

So you skipped town?

I didn't skip anything!

It was my day off.

I went for a drive.

Where did you go?

I drove around.

By yourself.

By myself.

You know, if I were you

I'd get myself some friends.

Somebody who could provide an alibi.

Where were you last night at :?

Scotty: :?

I was on the road.

But you can't prove your whereabouts

can you?

What's that?


It's a speeding ticket.

Florida turnpike north of
Orlando, : last night.

I may not have friends...

But that sure seems like an alibi to me.

Tom: Let's go back

to basics.

We got a girl here, model citizen

perfect student, perfect athlete

cares about the world that she lives...

But then we find out she's not so perfect

because she's been sleeping around.

So what accounts for the change?

I don't know, but it had
to be something big.

Yes, but Mrs. Bradford didn't mention

anything big in her life.

No, but in her sister's.

She had a breakdown months ago.

Think they're related?

How about we go ask the mom?

I, uh... I already told you
everything about Sandy.

Thank you.

Um, we're not here about Sandy today.

Tom: We'd like to get

some more information

on Sarah's breakdown.

What does that have to do with Sandy?

There might be a link
between your daughters.

I don't see how that can be.

We know that after Sarah's breakdown

Sandy dropped out of college

and became a lifeguard.

That's when her...
aberrant behavior started.

What? What behavior?


The x-rays you found...

They're DNA prints of sperm samples

Sandy collected from
men that she'd slept with.

in months.


Leave now!

Mrs. Bradford...

You are not going to destroy

the reputation of my children.

Mrs. Bradford, we're not trying

to destroy anybody's reputation

we're trying to find

your daughter's k*ller.

It's not going to bring her back.

No, but it might help Sarah if, if...

We can finish whatever
Sandy was trying to do.

Okay, this Bradford case
is starting to make sense.

Come on, I'm breathless with anticipation.

All right. Sandy Bradford's sister

was r*ped two years ago.

Allegedly by a lifeguard.

And she never I.D.'d the assailant

so no charges were ever filed.

So you think Sandy
Bradford was after the r*pist?

Yes. And the anonymous DNA print

is from the r*pe clinic
that treated Sarah Bradford.

Tom: We compared it

to the semen

found at Sandy Bradford's autopsy.

Perfect match.

Still doesn't tell us who she slept with.

No, but it sure gives us a way to find out.

We've narrowed the
suspects down to this station.

You think one of us k*lled Sandy?

Man: No way!

What proof have you got?

Tom: We'd like you

to volunteer blood

to check your DNA.

That'll tell us everything

we need to know.

What if we refuse?

It doesn't mean we k*lled her.

There's some privacy issues here.

Like sergeant Ryan said, it's voluntary.

We can't force you to produce a sample.

Well, you can count me in.

Me too.

Come on, Kyle, you didn't k*ll Sandy.

None of us did.

I guess we don't need
your permission now, do we?

Come on.

DNA says you were Mr. Lucky

the night Sandy Bradford died.

I was with her, I admit it.

And, yes, we had sex

but I didn't k*ll her.

Then what went down?

Sandy and I had a fight.

Over what?

Nothing that concerns her m*rder.

We'll be the judge of that.

Was it the picture of Sandy's sister?

How the hell do you know about that?

You r*ped her, didn't you?

I don't have to say anything.

Fine, we got you for r*pe

we got you for m*rder.

You don't got nothing.

Not once the DNA comes back.

You help us, we'll help you.

Otherwise, like I said

one count r*pe, one count m*rder.

Damn it, I didn't k*ll her.

Then finish the story.


I recognized the sister.

And I asked Sandy what
the hell she was up to.

She grabs a statue and
she clobbers me with it.

I never saw her alive again.

Why should we believe that?

Ask Jean. She found me
on the floor unconscious.

So Jean knew

about you and Sandy?

Yeah. I told her everything.

The next morning, after we heard

Sandy was dead

we came up with my alibi.

Which you needed in case anybody found out

about what you did to her sister.

I'm not admitting to anything.

You framed Scotty hunter.

Hell, Scotty practically framed himself.

Everybody knew that he was nuts

over Sandy.

Then he breaks into her house.

Then it was you on the security tape.


Just to help the frame along.

But I didn't k*ll Sandy Bradford.

But you know who did.

Which makes you an accessory

after the fact.

Are you guys willing to cut a deal?

How did you get out?

They didn't have enough to
charge me, at least for now.

The cops are getting search warrants

for the station and the homes and vehicles

of everybody that works here.

We got to get rid of anything that links us

with that Bradford bitch.

I was pretty careful.

Then why are they after me?

We got to go over it right from the start.

Right from where you ambushed her.

I got her coming out the front door,

I knocked her out

I took her to the pier
in the back of your Jeep

and I wiped your Jeep completely

and then I dragged her to the pier.

Did you drop anything?

Did anyone see you?

I couldn't have been more careful.

Nobody saw me.

And I didn't leave anything behind

that could ever lead back to us.

What's the matter?

I still don't see why you had to k*ll her.

You know why.

I thought she was trying
to take you away from me.

Don't tell me you're sorry

because that DNA match

would have put you away for r*pe.

She got what she deserved.

I'd k*ll her again if I had to.

That's it.

You bastard!


You set me up!

How could you do that?!

Hey, babe, survival of the fittest.

You're under arrest, Davis.

Hey... for what?

We had a deal.

We had a deal being an accessory.

But not for the Bradford r*pe.

Hey, I never admitted to that!

Tom: With your DNA

and Sarah

and Sandy Bradford's DNA

you're a perfect match.

And that's all the proof we need.

Come on.

Hi, sweet girl.

Woman: Sarah?

These are sergeants Ryan and St. John.

They've come to talk to you

about the man who att*cked you.

Sarah, we found the man who did it.

Cassy: We've arrested him.

He's going to prison for a long, long time.

Sarah, it was Sandy
that helped us catch him.

Your sister got us the proof we needed.


Sandy did that?
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