07x20 - Ramone P.I.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x20 - Ramone P.I.

Post by bunniefuu »

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One moment, please.

Congratulations, you have
just passed your final test.

Your investigator's license

and diploma are now in the mail.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.

- What do you think?

- Early morning, may I
have my coffee, please?

- Business or pleasure?

- Business.

Mind your own business, give me my coffee.

- Little grumpy.

- Just exhausted, would
you give me my coffee?

- You know cassy, I'm
not just your partner,

I'm also your friend.

- Which is, you know,

it's gonna change dramatically

if you don't give me my coffee.

Oh, what do we got?

Jogger, found about : this morning.

I'd say it's pretty
recent, day at the most.

- Do we know who it is?

- Just a single shot

to the head, otherwise, no ID.

- No missing persons report.

Okay, thanks doc.

- Sure.

- Think it's a homeless guy?

- I don't know.

Army fatigues, combat
boots, kinda looks like...

Yeah, kinda stuff you wear on the weekends.

Coffee's kicking in!

See you back at the asylum.

- See you.

Hey, ramone.

- Ah, senorita sergeant St. Johns

and you're sergeant Ryan.


- Ooh, I'm so sorry.

Please let me help you.


- Hey, missed me.

- I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

- You'll get it next time.

Ramone, what kind

of trouble did you get yourself into?

- No trouble, no.

It is necessario that I register

with the state.

- Register for what?

- My life is about

to experience a magnifico change.

- You're about to get
a legitimate green card.

- My career in art was inspired

by the greats of my country.

Goucha, valazquez, Picasso, men

who gave so much to the world.

But the world today,

it is a different place.

People are philistines

and no taste, no desire

for the finer things.

- Price of art crashed again, huh?

- Exatamente.

But then, it occurred to me.

My country has another proud tradition.

The tradition of belmonte,
manolete, arruza.

- You're gonna become a bullfighter?

- Went to the arena,

facing danger, mano a mano,

that's what do every day!

- Wow, he's gonna be a bullfighter.

- Bull thrower.

- No, I have become a detective.

- A detective.

- Si.

And were my inspiration!

- Oh, I feel like pandora,

right after she opened that box.

- I stand before you,

as ramone, investigador privado.

- Tom, cassy, come in here.

So, what do you think?

- Looks like something out

of "star wars", Harry.

- Right.

One for Han Solo

and Princess Leia.

- Thank you.

- Welcome to the st century.

- Single shot to the left temple.

Now the particulate matter

and discharge from the
muzzle blast indicates

a close contact wound.

It just looks self-inflicted.

We already checked that, Tom.

Your db was submerged

for a good hours, so
there's no powder residue

on the hands

and the prints are no good to us

for the same reason, just too far gone.

Trying to pull some partials.

See something?

- Would these abrasions be defense wounds?

- No, I doubt it,

probably just banging around in the surf.

- You don't think

that could have happened before he died?

- I just don't think so.

I mean, if they were a
little deeper, then sure,

but surface lividity, blood coagulation,

I think they're just scrapes.

- Hello?


It's ramone,

the private investigator.



- Who are you?

- I am ramone.

- And why are you here?

Mr. Bearing asked to see me.

- Do you have a cigarette?

- I do not smoke.

- I do.

I'm Adele Moore.

I'm Mr. Bearing's sister-in-law.

He's waiting for you in the sitting room.


- She's a beautiful woman.

It was the happiest day of my life.

The saddest day was when she disappeared.

- She's gone?

It's been nearly two weeks.

I don't know what to do.

- Well, I'm sure the police

are doing everything they can.

You can put your trust in me.

- I'm afraid my past experiences

with people in your line

of work, haven't always been very positive.

- No?

Well, I am muy diferente.

- When I called your school,
they spoke very highly of you.

- I'm pleased to hear that.

They said you had determination

and a sense of integrity.

- Mr. Bearing, I am a man of honor.

- That's very important to me.

Very important.

Can you tell anything?

- Ah, no.

This must have been a
very hard time for you.

- I still believe that she's alive.

That somehow, we're going to be reunited.

- You're a man of much courage.

- Here's the picture you wanted.

- Thanks.

- Ramone, be straight with me about this.

What are the chances

of your finding her?

- I will do everything in my power.

I will not rest until I
have found your wife.

- Got a match on the demo plates.

Obannan, Eric Joseph, , Gulf w*r vet.

Here's the vitals.

- Huh.

Possession of an unregistered vehicle,

driving without a license,

failure to pay taxes the last seven years.

Hope you're up for a road trip.

- This is it?

Who would live out here?

People who wanna be left alone.

- Nice move there, Princess Leia.

- Thanks han.

Can't wait to see who their owner is.

Jabba the hutt.


- Hands in the air, now.

- That's our line, we're the police.

- Don't make no difference

to me, who you are.

You're trespassing,
this is private property.

- Palm beach police department,

please, we don't want any trouble.

- Your trouble started up

the second you went through that gate.

- We just wanna ask you a few questions

and we'll be on our way.

We don't want anybody hurt.

- What is it you want then?

- Is your husband Eric obannan?

What's he gone and done now?

- You might wanna ask your kids to go play.

- Kevin, take your sister over by the yard.

Are you sure you got the name right?

- We matched his dental records

with his military file.

We're sorry, Mrs. Obannan.

- So what'll happen now?

- Well, we'll need to keep him

until the coroner's done

with his investigation.

- You know, well, we
can't afford no funeral.

- He's a veteran,

va in Miami will take care of that.

- Where was the last time

you saw your husband, Mrs. Obannan?

- Probably yesterday morning.

What kind of work did he do?

- Carpentry.

Not half bad at it.

- Where were you yesterday morning?

- Same place I am most
mornings, up the road

at the plumber's place.

They run a homeschool, I take Katie.

- If you don't mind, I'm
gonna take a look around.

I do.

- We're just trying

to find some answers out here, that's all.

- You know, my husband had strong beliefs.

He was a good man.

I don't see no reason

to betray him, now that he's gone.

Read the sign on the gate

on your way out.

I gotta take care of my kids.

- Sit.

You know what I don't get?

Is that, here we are, we're
in the middle of nowhere,

and obannan manages

to end up a floater, a good miles away.

- And he didn't just walk there.

I'll call impound.

- Hello, ramone.

Ramone, it's very hot in here.

Don't you think it's hot?

- Yes.

Yes, it's very, very, very hot.

Very, very hot.

How did you...

- so, you gonna find my sister?

- I think so, si, si.

- This whole thing is
just k*lling him, you know?

The two of them are just so much in love.

Pardon me, do you mind if I smoke?

- But, in realidad, I'm
very much against...

No, not at all.

- I have a confession.

Max hasn't been entirely honest with you.

- No?

But he seems like the
most honorable of men.

- Well, ramone, he's frightened.

He's embarrassed.

Police told him not

to deal with the kidnappers.

- Ah, but he did?

- Yes.

They contacted him a week ago.

- Did he pay the ransom?

- I don't know.

- Was there some kind of note?

- No.

They called him on the phone.

She's my only sister

and I love her deeply.

You must find her, ramone.

- I have sworn to Mr. Bearing

that I will do my best.

- Good.

You can't imagine how grateful I will be.

How very, very grateful.

Thanks, pal.

- Think this could be it?

- Hello?


I am to looking for a vee Olsen.

- Call me Venus.

- Oh, that is a very nice name.

- It means goddess of love.

- Ah, well my name is ramone.

It means Raymond.

- What is it you want?

- Well, I am, I am here
about the phone records

of a Mr. Bearing.

I have his number.

- I'd rather have yours.

- I'm not too certain
everything you are saying.

- Nevermind.

- But, I am wanting a list

of his incoming and outcoming calls

for the past two weeks.

- That's a tall order, sugar.

- Ah yes, well, perhaps
if you could, you know...

- I need to sit down.

I've got needs too, ramone.

I mean, you're asking me

to do something forboden.

- Ah, yes, well, I, i...

- do not touch those billing reports.

It took me all morning to stack.

- Ah, yes. Well if I could just have the...

- do you like Italian food?

- Yes, of course.

- Angel pasta, well-done or al dente?

- Al dente?

- You want this?

Then eat with me.

- Dinner would be bueno.

- Just remember.

- This I will not be forgetting.

Excuse me.

- The registration's expired

but we got a lead on the last owner.

It's a guy down in cloud lake.

- You know, this is a lot

of work to put in on a su1c1de.

Don't you think so, cassy?

- Well, we're not sure
obannan's death was a su1c1de.

- I got it.

- Dodding Thomas' office, Ryan speaking.

- You're basing this on defense wounds?

Come on cassy, this could
have been postmortem.

- Yeah, but Harry, the guy had two kids.

I just, su1c1de, no,

it doesn't feel right.

- The truck was paid

for in cash, in January.

Brought it in last night,

it was found abandoned in the dockyard.

Well, let's check it out at warp speed.

Get it?

Warp speed, like in warp speed.


- What's obannan doing out here?

- I don't know, looks
like a nice, peaceful place

to blow your brains out.

- Now, you don't believe

that any more than I do.


Ryan, please come quickly.

- You gotta speak more slowly, ramone.

Where are you?

I don't see an address.

It's an old building by the docks.

- It's ramone.

- Tell him I said, hi.

- The grande warehouse

by the fijaho dockyards.

- Okay, slow down, talk me to you.

- Sergeant Ryan!

Uh-oh, I know that smell.

- We're here ramone.

- Ramone, don't do that!

- Sergeant Ryan!

Muy gracias for coming so quickly.

- How'd you find her, ramone?

- That is Janice bearing,

the wife of my client.

The woman I was hired to find.

- Don't they cover cadaver contamination

in pi school, ramone?

You put your jacket on her.

Now what were you thinking?

- I am a gentleman.

She is naked.

- Yeah, she was naked, ramone.

That's right,

but she was also something else.

She was dead, ramone!

Come on, Harry.

It's his first case.

- First case!

With any luck it'll be his last!

- He's just blowing off steam, ramone.

- No, no he is right.

All my life I have worked so hard

to be a.

It's a rich man.

But always I have fallen short.

And now finally, I think, well

this is something I can do.

Make myself proud.

Once again, my passion is greater

than my ability.

- No, it's because
your passion is so great.

- Why did they have

to k*ll her if they already had the money?

- What are you talking about?

- Mr. Bearing, he paid the ransom.

- To the kidnappers?

- Si.

Mr. Bearing?

- It's her.

You're sure?

- I know my own wife, sergeant.

- Why didn't you tell
us you paid the ransom?

- How did you know about the payment?

All they wanted was a million dollars.

I would have paid three times that

for Janice's safety.

- And now your wife's dead.

- Are you second guessing me?

Can you guarantee you would

have brought her back alive?

- There are never any guarantees.

- We know paying the money didn't work.

- Mr. Bearing.

I cannot express my sorrow at the passing

of your wife.

Perhaps if I had been more diligente,

I could have found her in time.

- Ramone, you did the best that you could.

- You know what I say to you?

I say to you this,

I will not rest until I have
found your wife's k*ller.

- That's a matter for
the police now, ramone.

- This I owe to you.

I will take the list of names

and then I will turn over
every pebble searching

for this criminal.

- A list?

What list is that?

- Oh, pardona me, I have a list

of phone calls made to ustead,

that is how I found Mrs. Bearing.

Calls, made to me?

- Si, si.

I cannot bring you back your wife

but I can bring you justice.

- You know, from where I sit,

this whole thing looks like a slam dunk.

You got obannan's truck,

you got Janice bearing's body.

Both found within yards
of each other, right?

Which would tend

to incriminate obannan as the kidnapper.

- Forensics can't link the woman's body

to the vehicle.

No hair, no blood samples, nothing.

- So who cleaned up?

Who's got the money?

- An accomplice?

- That's where the plan falls apart.

What, they both k*lled a woman

then they turn on each other?

- Well, I say we accept
Ms. Obannan's invitation.

- I'll get a warrant.

- This is ridiculous.

Humor me, do you think

that if my husband was involved

in some kidnapping plot,

that we'd be living like this?

We're dead broke, sergeant.

I just don't know what I'm gonna do.

- We'll get you a
receipt for all this stuff.

You can have it back,

it's just personal effects.


- I suppose these are registered.

Yeah, rico's pool service?

- Please excuse, wrong number.

West palm beach country club?

Barry Schiller's office.


- Yes, what is your address, please?

- We should check the serial number, see

if we can get a match

to Max bearing.

- I could k*ll ramone

for not telling us sooner

that bearing had paid the money.

- Just a second.


- Sergeant Ryan, it's ramone.

- Ramone, we were just talking about you.

- Oh, that's nice of you to say.

But I have found something.

To continue your call,

please deposit cents.

- But I did already.

- Ramone?

To continue your call,

please deposit cents.
- Uno memento, sergeant.



- I do not have another quarter, I'm sorry.

Why don't you go home and get one?

- Well, if you think

that would be best.

- It's a joke.

It's a joke, ramone.

Ramone, ramone?



Ooh, nice.

- I think I liked ramone better

as a failing art dealer.

He's just trying to do his job.

- Well I wish he'd step aside

and let us do ours.

Save it, 'til you talk to him.

- I am honored.

Please, come in, come in.

- Nice.

- Wow, nice place.

- Yeah, very private eye-ish.

- You think? - Uh-huh.

Would this be the desk

where you crack your big cases?

- I have yet to crack my first one.

- Hey, may I sit in the seat of power?

- Please, please be my guest.

- So you said you had something

to tell us, ramone, what is it?

What is that sound?

I don't know.

Maybe you could tell us.

- Ramone?


- It is a b*mb!

- Okay, cass, call the b*mb squad.


- It says less than two minutes.

I will attempt

to disarm the device.

- Ramone?

- Sound started as soon

as Tom sat down.

- Yes. - Yeah.

- A pressure-sensitive trigger,

under the chair.

Sergeant Ryan, if you
move, it will blow up.


- Is that something

that you learned in pi school, ramone?

- Almost.

Well, I haven't finished

that section yet.

- Cass?

Watch him.


- I'm going to need your
help, sergeant St. John.

- Yeah?

- Yes.

If you could just put
your finger on this one

and keep it away from the rest.


That's okay.


- The wires were
different colors in my book.

- Oh, great.

- How's it going down there?

- Shh!

All right, we have no choice.


- Yeah, I'm ready.

- Let's do it.

- Okay,


- Wee!

Ramone, do you think

you should be doing that?

- Get it out, get it out,

get it out, I'll call the b*mb squad.

- Go.


- That was interesting.

- Maybe I should take ramone's pi course.

- It is most excellente, senorita.

- Just the way you knew how

to cut the green one

and bypass the blue one.

- Oh, no, no you are mistaken.

I cut the red wire, not the green one.

- No, I don't think so.

- Yes, I think so, too.

- No, I think you're wrong.

- No, I'm not.

It's possible I am wrong.

It had to be Max.

I was getting too close to the truth.

- No, Max bearing's in real estate,

the only bombs he's connected

to are swamp land.

Ramone, you said you had something

to tell us, what is it?

- Simplemente, that I got
the bearing's phone records.

Many word was in your Schiller,

they stopped the night
Mrs. Bearing disappeared.

- Schiller, is that the divorce attorney?

- Yeah, yeah, I tried to get him

for our, you know, nevermind, anyway,

couldn't afford him.

- I spoke to senor Schiller's secretary.

Mrs. Bearing was filing for divorce.

- Well, ramone, Max
bearing was worth millions.

He could have afforded to lose half.

- Half is more painful than you think.

- You don't understand.

It was her money.

Look at the bank records.

- Where did you get these?

- I am an investigator.

- Whatever.

- So he kills his wife

to get back money that he already has.

Still doesn't fit.

- All right, here's a withdraw from $,

from certified national.

$, from coast fidelity,

$, from sibiche international.

This is all the same day.

- It's gotta be the ransom money.

It explains why we couldn't

match all the serial numbers.

- And he's a business man,

so he knew anything over grand

from a single account
would be reported to the feds.

You know what, it's the date

that's throwing me off.

Ooh, gosh.

- Sorry.

- Okay, Morton put obannan's time

of death at Sunday afternoon.

Well, this withdrawal was
made Monday morning.

So obannan couldn't
have been the kidnapper.

- No, and he couldn't

have put the money under the porch


- 'cause he's already...

- already dead.

Come on.

- That was the b*mb squad.

They said the wires used on the device

at ramone's, it matched the supplies found

at the obannan's.

- And if senora obannan's alibi checks out,

she could not have done this.

- Who else had access

to electrical wiring in
obannan's tool shed?

- Whoever planted the
money under the porch.

- Yeah, but if she didn't
do it, that leaves Max.

- He takes the life of this wife.

- But it still looks funny,

so he takes the money...

- and he stashes the
cash next to the trash.

But why at the obannan's?

I mean, how would those two
guys even know each other?

- Sergeant Ryan, what is this?

It's a military medal.

Southwest Asia service medal.

- I saw one just like it

in Max bearing's house.

- Hey, isn't that the same medal

that they give everybody

who participated in desert storm?

- Solucion esta aqui!

- What?

- That's it, cass, that's it.

- What, these were demolition guys?

- So Max bearing knew this guy

and knew his mindset.

No tax records, no marriage
license, no paper trail

that he ever existed at all.

- Meaning, no one would miss him.

- Shh.

So he kills his wife, reports her missing

and then he frames obannan

for the kidnapping posthumously.


- I have been, how you say, a besty.

- Ramone, I think you mean a patsy.

- It's the same old story!

- It doesn't matter,
ramone, why Max hired you.

You solved the case, you solved it.

- It wasn't me, it was you.

- Wait a minute, we got a problem here.

We got a big problem.

- Why?

- This is a copy

of Janice bearing's will.

Max didn't get a thing.

This will leaves everything

to her sister, Adele Moore.

- It was Adele that told me of the ransom.

- Well, he could have lied

to Adele, told her he was being squeezed.

- She also told me

that Max and Janice were very much in love.

- Cassy, who was the
first person you talked

to when you decided to divorce me?

- My sister.

- Adele, where'd you put my plane ticket?

- You're not being rational, Max.

About what?

- God, my sister had terrible taste.

- Adele, are you okay?

- Why did you k*ll my sister?

- I don't know, it was
your idea, you tell me.

- You have that in writing, Max?

That it was my idea?

- You're just as guilty as I am, Adele.

- I loved my sister

and you k*lled her.

With this.

My prints certainly
aren't all over this g*n.

But you know who's are, don't you?

- Adele, don't...

- Max, you have this house.

And as long as I have this,

you have your freedom, too.

You stay here in palm beach

and you grieve for your dead wife

and I promise this will never end up

in a police evidence locker.

That's exactly where it's going.

- Just as soon as you put it down.

- Cassy!

Freeze bearing!


- Buenos noches, senor bearing.

- It's a good idea

to stop when the light turns red.

- Thank you both much, for the ride.

- Sure.

- You're welcome, much.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, ramone.

What are you doing?

- I am no pi, I'm just a fail guy.

- Fail guy, what?

- Fall guy. - Oh.

- The life of a detective
is not the life for me.

- Oh, ramone, we couldn't
have gotten those two

if it wasn't for you're help.

You've been a lifesaver.

- You are just saying that to be kind.

- What are they talking about here

in this petn stuff?

- Petn, it is an expl*sive device you use

with a detonator, it's very popular

with arsonists.

- Really, I didn't know that.

- Really?

You did not know that?

- I didn't know that.

- Wow.

Maybe I am giving up too quickly.

- Are you expecting somebody?

Ay yi yi.

- Hey.

Hope you don't mind, I got your address

from the dmv.

- How romantic.

- You remember our deal, don't you?

- I thought it was more

of a suggestion than a deal.

- I got a reservation
at a quiet little place,

where we can be alone.

- Sergeants, will you lock up?
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